Network quiz "When Russia is young man with a genius of Peter. How Peter I forbade the nobles to marry without knowing "Typhyry that forbade to do the uneducated nobles Peter 1

On January 31, 1714, Peter I signed a decree, which forbidden to the noble young people to marry, without having received the Azov of mathematical literacy. The priests were forbidden to wenst young people without the permission of the school teacher.

On the basis of the school of mathematical and naval sciences

January 1701.

The Great Sovereign, the king and the Grand Duke, All Gorya and the Malya and the White Russia of Russia ... pointed to the nominative of his great sovereign by the commandment ... to be mathematical and naval, that is, nautical carefully teaching sciences. In the teachers of the same sciences to be an Angling land of the land: Mathematical - Andrei Danilov Son Fahvar - Sonu, Navitakova - Stepana Hood, yes, the knight of the rrybe; And to conduct those science in supplying the management in the Armory Chamber of the boyar Fedor Alekseevich Golovna from comrades, and those sciences to the teaching seeking to choose voluntarily, otherwise and with coercion; And to teach the replenishness of the submarine to the poor to feed the truck or geometry: if anyone will be partly silent, five Altyn per day; And otherwise in hryvnia and less, considering the body of the art of the exercise; and for those sciences to determine the courtyard in Cadashev's workshop, called big happier, and about cleaning that yard to send to the workshop by the chair to bed Gavrile Ivanovich Golovna his great sovereign decree, and, taking that the yard and seeing, everyone needs needs to build from income from Weapon Chamber.

January 20, 1714 - Senate

Send in all provisions to several people from schools of mathematical to teach noble children, except for one-man, ordinar rank of cyphy and geometry, and put a fine such that will unwittingly marry until this will learn. And in order to the bishings about this, in order not allowed the wedding memories without a perpetuation of those whom the schools are ordered.

February 28, 1714

The Great Sovereign indicated: in all the provinces of noble and ordinary china, Dyachih and Adyachenian children from 10 to 15 years, Oprich Odnodvortsov, to teach tiphiri and some part of the geometry and to extend mathematical schools of students to several people in the province to the bishops and noble monasteries , and in the bishops and in the monasteries to hide the schools, and during the teaching of those teachers to give feed 3 Altyna for 2 money on the day, from the provincial revenues that were named. and. in. (Title Tsar: His imperial majesty) Decree passed; And since those students, they do not hesitate anything; And as that science, those of their students will learn at all: and at that time to give them testimoned letters for their own hand, and during the holiday from those students for the teachings to heal themselves on the ruble per person; And without such testimonied letters to marry them to not allow and beanle memories not to give.

About the establishment of the Academy of Sciences. January 28, 1724

For the location of the arts and sciences are usually two images of the building: the first image is called the University; The second is the Academy or Societies Arts and Sciences.
§ 1. The university is a meeting of scientists who scientists high, Yako theology and jurisprudence (rights to art), medicine and philosophy, siren to what state of these, now they reached, young people teach; The Academy has a collection of scientists and skillful people who are not Tokmo Sia Sciences in their own kind of degree in which these are acquired, they know, but also through new inventories (publication) to make and multiply carefully, but there are no care for learning .

§ 14. At the university, four faculties are available, namely: 1) Theology, 2) jurisprudence, 3) medicine and 4) philosophy. The faculty of theology here retreated here, and the care of the Tokmo Synod is indulging.

§ 16. Remembered and in some classes, separated academicians will be obliged to be in their science every day one hour of public lectures to have, as in other universities.
§ 17. If an academician buses for money particular colleges to have, then it is allowed.
§ 18. So that you have the benefit from the following teaching, you need pleasing people who are partly known and some small arts of philosophy and mathematics have some small arts. For the sake of the sake of very need, in order to each academic, one or two people from young students were given and satisfied with the salary, which, with all the arrival, learning and academicians have to absorb; And soased the young people under the Directorate of Academicians without their losses to the sciences to study and, when they behave well and some samples of art will be announced), the teachers will have hope for hope. And Tako applies to themselves for such virtue; For the sake of these for those who begin to begin to be the first foundations of sciences, teach, in order to use academic use, and thus it can be used without great losses of the lower school's intention to fulfill ...

The reign period of Tsar Peter Alekseevich was marked by global changes in the life of Russian society. It began in 1696 and ended in about 1725.
Peter first wanted indigenous changes in Russia. She by that time was a backward country. Therefore, Petrov's reforms briefly read about which you can read in the encyclopedias, as well as a lot you can learn to look into the Internet, were aimed at achieving progress.
Industry in Russia has not been well developed. Meanwhile, the country led War with Sweden, with the goal to reach the Baltic Sea, so weapon needed. Therefore, Petrovsky reforms were sent to search for minerals and the construction of factories and factories to create weapons and the necessary inventory. Manufactory was created, a new area of \u200b\u200bindustrial institutions was founded - the Urals. People who were engaged in the industry received benefits and privileges from the king.
At the same time, the owner of the enterprise that ruled them, and helped Petrov's reforms, really rich. Simple workers often worked in difficult conditions, and received a meager salary.
However, the industry under Peter the first made a sharp jump in development. Russians became much less dependent on foreign goods. And other countries began to receive iron from Russia, the canvas, wheat.
Peter the first constantly participated in wars, and was a supporter of military exercises. During his reign, the main task of the Russians was to conquer the passage to the Baltic Sea. War with Sweden, which at that time headed Karl twelve, demanded the creation of a regular army.

And Peter created such. Petrovsky reforms are briefly reduced to the transformation of peasants into soldiers who become defenders of the state. Heading the army foreigners. The new army receives new outfit, and she gets victory. Swedish king runs away away. Petrovsky reforms are briefly reduced to the attempt to Peter the first to change Russian society, to make it European. The decree of the Boyars shave beard, because Western people walk shave. Changes the system of summer. New year begin to celebrate January 1, and not on September 1, as before.
The boyars in the era of Peter begin to join European values. Peter obliges them to learn to a diploma, opens schools. Begins to publish the newspaper "Vedomosti". Many books are translated from foreign languages \u200b\u200binto Russian. Arabic numbers are introduced into use. The alphabet is simplified, many church Slavonic letters are canceled.
Boyarskaya Duma is canceled, the Senate is becoming at the head of the country - the Supreme Body. He decides to manage the country. Begins to change the order of handling peasants. Many Petrov's reforms briefly reduce what to clearly divide the people on the estate. And to Peter there was a separation of peasants on the coarse and owned. At the same time, the slaves did not pay the filings.
The number of serfs during Peter is only enhanced.

Network quiz

« When synsayymolodiamuhalagiationPetra»

Part 1. Oh, powerful Lord of fate !!

1. Why did Peter I have received education not in an educational institution, but at Dyka Nikita Zotov?

B) NOT PETER was supposed to manage subsequently by the state.

2. What quality of Peter I as a ruler and man often prevented him in the affairs of important, state-owned?

A) impassable.

3. What event Peter I called the Mother of Poltava Batlia?

D) Victory under the village of Forest.

4. What forbade Peter I to do uneducated nobles?

B) marry.

5. What was the first newspaper in Russia, which became printed in Peter I?

D) "Vedomosti ...".

6. Under Peter I, instead of orders were established ...

A) college.

7. How many crafts owned Peter I?

8. What exotic animals Peter I successfully put up under Pskov against the Swedish cavalry?

B) camels.

9. How were the selected parts of the Russian army became known as Peter I?

D) Guard.

10. For what purpose under Peter I was erected in a short time (only 4 months) Petropavlovsk fortress?

A) Protect the territories conquered from the Swedes.

11. Which of the crafts never managed to master Peter I?

C) craft weaving lapes.

12. Why Peter I, expecting a visit to his chef, always paid him Chervonets for lunch?

C) helped his chef to live in prosperity.

13. What was struck by Peter I when visiting Holland, and he, returning to Russia, established a "garden office"?

B) abundance of colors in palace gardens and parks.

14. What ordance began the reforms of a young monarch?

A) nobles hit beard.

15. In 1722 Peter I issued a decree on systematic ...

D) weather observation.

Part 2. The most closest friends and comrades

1) Merchant and a walk in a peaceful life, a dashing shirt and a brave in war, he became the closest companion of Peter, despite a significant difference in age. His elevation occurred rapidly and unexpectedly for everyone. Only 9 years he was near Peter, he trusted a young monarch, he listened to his advice ...

Franz Lefort.

2) It is said that he is in infancy pigs. This is a meeting with Peter. But the meeting with the young king changed him. Always assembled, in the severity is free, gifted by a high mind, prudence and liveliness. He owned several foreign languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Polish, Lithuanian. Personal trusted king. He was considered the second person of the state.

Yaguzhinsky Pavel Ivanovich

3) Merchant Pies, taken to service to Lefut. Smart, heter, helpful. After the death of his Mr. Petra becomes a twenty. And then all his talents appear: managed to win the location and love of the young king, to become a friend to him. He possessed an excellent memory and great energy, knew how to keep secrets, could soften the hellley of the monarch. I achieved high take-off in your career. Had many titles, in the title of which the first word is the first ...

Menshikov Alexander Danilovich

4) graduated from the Kiev Academy, he also studied and still ... Always supported Peter, glorifying the monarch. Created a book "History of Emperor Peter Great". Created a school for orphans, where he taught them in addition to mathematics and reading needlework, music, drawing. He was a member of Synod, was a brilliant speaker and a publicist.

Faofan Prokopovich

5) Peter's associate, he had a reputation as an incorruptible person, was engaged in political son. He commanded the fun shelves, always suspected anyone in unseen-mindedness, was cruel. However, Verne was Peter, like no other, supported him in everything. Peter himself respected him for courage and loyalty.

Romodanovsky Fedor Yuryevich

Part 3. Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality

1. Scepter - n BUT Ryshkin

2. Wand - Gun N.

3. Power - Alex E. J.

4. Barma - "Copper in FROM Adnik "

5. ... Jeepo T. Ov - Trone

Barma - FROM

Power - E.

Wand - N.

Skiptere - BUT

Throne - T.

KEYWORD: Senate.

Accumulative Internet Series - Quiz

3 "Peter I and the formation of Russian statehood"

5-8 classes
Start Day 01/16/2013 - Furnish Day 02/14/2013

Start time 12.00 - FINIST TIME 12.00

  1. Name the author of the book "Peter first":

1) Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy
2) Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy
3) Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy
4) Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

2. The author of the first Russian textbook on the exact sciences, which was called "arithmetic," was:

1) Peter I himself
2) Alexander Danilovich Menshikov
3) Leontius Filippovich Magnitsky
4) Franz Lefort

3. In which year, Russian troops captured the Turkish garrison of azov?

1)1695 2)1696
3)1697 4) 1694

4. Who commanded the ground troops when taking Azov?

1) Fedor Golovin
2) Patrick Gordon
3) Franz Lefort
4) Alexey Shein

5. What was the name of the first newspaper that appeared in Russia?

1) "News" and printed first in England;

2) "Kurats", printed in Russia and distributed by subscription;

3) "Vedomosti", printed in Russia and sold to everyone;

4) "True will of the monarch" and printed only the order of the king.

6. In what year was the "Decree on the Fleet Construction"?

1) 1695
2) 1696
3) 1697
4) 1698

7. When conducting monetary reform in 1696, at all tiny silver penny began to place ___________.

Name what are placed on silver kopecks?

8. Who owns the words of appeal to the warriors before the Poltava battle "Warriors! Here is the day that decides the fate of the Fatherland! So you should not think that they fight for Peter, but for the state, Peter was handed. For fatherland and faith. You should also confuse the fame of the enemy, as if invincible. The lies that you have previously proved by victories. And about Peter, I see that his life is not the road! If only Russia lived in glory and well-being for your well-being! "

9. Name who is installed a monument, specify the place and date of installation of the monument, the author of this sculpture and by whose order was installed.

10. What did Peter I do to do uneducated nobles?

A) ride abroad;

B) marry;

C) engage in entrepreneurship;

D) serve at the court.

11. How were the selected parts of the Russian army became called under Petrian?

A) Grenadiers;

B) Sagittarius;

C) squad;

D) Guard

12. Under Peter I, instead of orders were established ...

A) college;

B) tips;

C) ministries;

D) departments.

13. How many crafts owned Peter I?

AT 11;
14. What exotic animals Peter I successfully put up under Pskov against the Swedish cavalry?

A) elephants;

B) camels;

C) bears;

D) giraffes.

15. What struck Peter I when visiting Holland, and he, returning to Russia, established a "garden office"?

A) the abundance of fruit trees;

B) abundance of flowers in palace gardens and parks;

C) extraordinary beauty bushes;

D) the presence and variety of flower.

16. From what order began the reforms of a young monarch?

A) nobles to shave beard;

B) approval of the recruitment service;

C) with the creation of the Governing Senate;

D) Decree on the basis of St. Petersburg.

17. In 1722, Peter I issued a decree on systematic ...

A) observation of the state of the soil around St. Petersburg;

B) nature observation;

C) observation of the state of the Neva;

D) weather observation.

The most closest friends and comrades

It is necessary to write a response in the form of a surname of the name of what compelled about the question. Each correct response is estimated by 1 point. For incorrect responses, points are not deducted!

18. Merchant and a walk in a peaceful life, a dashing shirt and a brave in war, he became the closest companion of Peter, despite the significant difference in age. His elevation occurred rapidly and unexpectedly for everyone. Only 9 years he was near Peter, he trusted a young monarch, he listened to his advice ...

19. They say that he is in infancy pigs. This is a meeting with Peter. But the meeting with the young king changed him. Always assembled, in the severity is free, gifted by a high mind, prudence and liveliness. He owned several foreign languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Polish, Lithuanian. Personal trusted king. He was considered the second person of the state.

20. The flooring to threaten we will be the Swede

Here will be the city laid

I called a surrender neighbor.

Nature here we are destined

To cut the window to Europe

It is hard to become a sea.
What kind of geographical location are we talking about?

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