Shadrin planetary types. Planetary types of people

Susan Zannos, author of Body Types: Essence and the Enneagram, has been practicing the psychology of different types of people for over 20 years. Describing the main human types, S. Zannos compares them with mythological gods, planets, as well as with the glands and functions of the human body.
There are seven classical enneatypes: Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Moon and Sun. Enneatype defines as the innate psychological characteristics of a person, which determines his unconscious choice and reactions to external stimuli, i.e. behavior and physique. It is this fact that makes it possible for us to recognize representatives of different enneatypes by their appearance. Since a person's behavior is determined not only by the type of entity, but also by the characteristics of his personality, this can be misleading when determining the enneatype by psychological characteristics. The author of the book, Susan Zannos, recommends studying physical characteristics first and determining the enneatype by elimination, gradually narrowing the choice.
First of all, it is necessary to evaluate the growth, volume of the body and its shape. For example, representatives of two active negative types "Mars" and "Mercury", as a rule, are of short stature. But "Mercury" is slender, while "Mars" is stocky. People like "Venus" and "Jupiter" - passive positive - are distinguished by their rounded shapes. They gain weight easily, but it is distributed differently in their bodies. "Venus" gives out excessive fullness in the thighs, and "Jupiter" in the chest. People of the Jupiter type have a poorly defined waist. The active positive Saturn is considered the largest of all types. As a rule, these are tall people with a well-developed skeletal and muscular system. They cannot be confused with representatives of the "Moon" type, although they are also tall. If the body of "Saturn" gives the impression of strength and power, then the "Moon" is fragile in appearance. People of this only passive negative type are also short and rounded, but unlike "Jupiter" their bodies are soft, with indistinct contours. People of the "Sun" type are usually of medium height. They occupy, as it were, an intermediate position between "Jupiter" and "Saturn": not as tall and thin as "Saturns" and not as dense and rounded as "Jupiters", they stand out for their beautiful figure and athletic build. The body itself is light and flexible, with soft graceful outlines. "Sun" is an active positive type.

If you try to briefly describe each of these types, you get something like the following:

Keyword: Strangeness.
The classification begins with the Moon - the most vague and difficult to define type, which often combines the properties of other types.
If there is a "Moon" in your environment, then you may not immediately notice it: people of this type try to appear inconspicuous, not stand out from the crowd. Even if you look directly at her, "Moon" is seen as if through a haze: she has indistinct facial features and some kind of indistinct clothing. But talk to her: you will be surprised how many interesting things she knows and thinks about life, occupations and the people around her. They have a good memory: if you forgot something, ask "Luna" - she remembers. When communicating with the "Moon", you need to orientate it when choosing clothes, interior, etc. - they live according to the rules of their inner space, and their ideas are not always clear to others. They tend to be "petty" in movements and decorations, they like to understand small, but full of deep meaning details. Moons often feel better with computers than with people. "Lunam" may like needlework: beading will infuriate anyone, but not "Luna".

Keyword: Softness.
"Venus" usually have a curvy figure - they tend to be overweight, they usually have full hips and legs, feminine movements and subtle emotionality. They feel people well, they do not need lengthy explanations. "Venus" will delight you until you ask her to do something on her own or show initiative and firmness. It turns out that without you she will not be able to do anything, because it is easier for Venus to empathize with someone or something than to live her own life. She needs help to learn to listen, express and respect her own inner world... "Venuses" are as soft in spirit as in body, it is difficult for them to make their way in life, to make a career. It is believed that there are no “Venus” who have achieved any noticeable success in their careers - however, the arts are so suitable for them that they have every chance here. Venus can be a good, affectionate person, a devoted friend. It is always warm and comfortable in her company, you will not hear harsh remarks from her.

Keyword: Activity.
As a rule, "Mercury" is short, thin-boned and youthful.
Often in a conversation, "Mercury" asks a whole bunch of questions and does not listen to a single answer. Where the "Mercury" is located, a constant buzz is heard: he is familiar with everyone and, possibly, is discussing joint projects. They always have a lot of innovative ideas. The complexity of work (and indeed work) with "Mercury" - he is overactive, waiting for the same activity from others. The secret of "Mercury" is that, in fact, he perceives himself rather depressively and the world, and all the time needs confirmation of its value and encouragement. Give it to him, and you will get a cheerful friend who can "stir up" even the most depressed person.

Keyword: Reason.
Pronounced "Saturns" - tall and slender people of athletic (or model) build - may at first seem strict and laconic Puritans. The reason is in the psyche: "Saturns" need to pass everything through their heads, to say for themselves every detail of this or that case, this or that situation. At first, these people may come across as slow-witted: to figure out something, they need a little more time than everyone else. However, if "Saturn" gets into properly (the essence of the matter), after a while he will surpass others in success and will even be able to teach them. "Saturns" are born psychologists: they intuitively understand all kinds of classifications of personality types. True, very funny people in their presence can be bored - for unrestrained fun it is better to go to "Mercury" or "Jupiter".

Keyword: Strength.
"Mars" - short, stocky people with a red face (from tension). Facial features are rough, often skin problems. As a rule, it is difficult to imagine them dressed in ruffles and flowers. Energetic and serious, they can criticize you in a harsh manner. They are also active, like the "Mercury", only less contact: "Mars" are rather loners. They don't like "chatter" and get tired of lengthy explanations. They love business. If Mars has decided to pursue a career, he has good prospects. With his hard work, character and inner fire, he can achieve a lot. The "Mars" have a difficult character (they are critical, independent). But if you have a friend "Mars", then you are very lucky: he will never betray, moreover, he will protect you from the attacks of others.

Keyword: Wealth.
“Jupiter” comes to the team in bright clothes and large jewelry (they love it) and immediately starts making noise, laughing, handing out smiles, advice and compliments. Usually "Jupiters" are full, but this fullness is not sluggish and flabby, but alive, full. Fat in "Jupiter" is "deposited" mainly on the belly. "Jupiters" love to be on stage (very often they perform in amateur performances or do art professionally), in the center of attention, and this suits them - they have large shapes, facial features, bright appearance. They are vain, which, in principle, helps them to achieve success. A love of quick success can hinder your career. They vigorously begin projects and productions, but they do not like to work, and abandon business as soon as the inspiration runs out.

Keyword: Gift.
"Sun" is a very rare type. Your chances of meeting are only if you move in artistic circles (art is "his" sphere). They have expressive eyes and thin bones ... However, this does not mean anything. Their main property is that they glow. They are not necessarily beautiful, but their charm is indescribable, you probably know what this is about if you saw Audrey Hepburn and Lisa Minnelli in the films. Something childish and even helpless remains in the "Suns" all my life; they may be cruel or selfish, but naive, like children.
However, there are no representatives of the "pure" type of the Sun; the Sun manifests itself only in combinations with other planets ("Sun-Mercury", "Sun-Venus-Mercury", etc.). In this case, it is not easy to determine the type: such a combination can slightly change the appearance of the "basic" type (for example, "Sun-Jupiter" is more slender than "Jupiter") and make some change in character).

Mixed types (briefly):

The sensuality of "Venus", slightly lightened and "warmed up" by the mobility of "Mercury", gives very beautiful people.

The irrepressible "Mercury" is balanced by the sobriety of Saturn - such a person can dance, and scientific work write.

Tall and strong, bold and aggressive, smart and independent - he does whatever he wants, and try to say something across to him!

In this type, the brightness of "Jupiter" is supported by the hard work of "Mars". These people can charm anyone with their strong character.

The spiritual depth of "Jupiter" in combination with the tendency to doubt "Moon" gives the type of people who are periodically in a creative search (and search for themselves).

Shy, humble and gentle, this people combines the calmness of "Luna" and the sensuality of "Venus", which makes them damn charming.

Dear girls and women, we invite you to the training "Planetary types of people, how to read a person's character by physique".

How do we usually choose partners? Most often, our choice is completely random - pleasant appearance, a sudden outburst of interest, a fleeting exchange of words and glances. For a short romantic adventure, perhaps these experiences are enough. But how do you know if there will be harmony in the relationship.

Is it possible from the very first minutes of acquaintance to predict whether this person is suitable for us for a long, serious relationship? Of course, choosing an ideal partner is a special science, this requires knowledge and practice, and only time can give the final answer to this question.

However, from the very beginning - by the appearance of a person, the typical manifestations of his behavior, you can determine whether you will be warm, cozy, comfortable and harmonious with him, or your living together will resemble a "battlefield". This will help you to know about the basic psychological or planetary archetypes of a person.

Why are these types called planetary - where are the planets? The fact is that knowledge about archetypes is rooted in ancient priestly knowledge. And in those days, the priests were, in addition to everything else, excellent astrologers, and they knew perfectly well about the connection between what is "above", that is, in the sky, in space, and what is "below", in our world of people. It is no coincidence that the names of the planets correspond to the names of the Gods of that time. For the ancient people, the planets were those Gods who ruled everything on Earth, and, therefore, their life. So which deity is right for you?

The study of human types is an ancient science that existed long before the advent of writing. The mythology of many countries has given us knowledge about all types of people. The planetary types are best reflected in mythology. Ancient Greece, in the images of ancient gods. Through them all the features are very clearly manifested. psychological types people, they represent all the archetypes of human beings that exist today just as they existed then. The planets of the solar system are named after some Greek gods in their Roman sound, each of which determines one or another planetary type of man.

  1. Jupiter (Zeus) is the king of gods and people, a just and wise ruler of this world, a lover of women and feasts.
  2. Mercury (Hermes) - the fleet-footed messenger of the gods, patronized the craft and trade, travelers, healers, thieves, athletes.
  3. Venus (Aphrodite) is the goddess of beauty and love.
  4. Mars (Ares) is the god of war.
  5. Saturn (Chronos) is the god of all-consuming time.
  6. The moon is the goddess Psyche.
  7. The sun (Helios, Apollo) - the gods of light, embodied brightness, beauty, individuality.

What does knowledge about planetary types of people give?

According to ancient science, at birth, each soul receives the patronage of one or more planets of the solar system - the Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn.

What does the patron planet give to man and how is knowledge of the planetary type useful?

  1. The planet affects the physique and appearance of a person, the release of certain hormones in the body.

Why knowledge is useful:

  • With just one glance at a stranger, you can learn a lot about him. The first time you see a person, you will already know what to expect from him, predict his actions.
  • What a partner looks like who is more suitable for you to start a family.
  • What kind of people need to be recruited into a team to work, to achieve business results.
  • Your body is given to you exactly in order to better match your purpose and abilities. It must be loved and accepted as it is, it is your strength.
  1. The planet grants talents and abilities: sociability, quick reaction, the ability to create harmony around and adapt to any conditions, leadership skills, activity, structural mind and many others.

Why knowledge is useful:

  • Often we do not even perceive our qualities as talent and do not realize their value and significance. Knowing the planetary type, you will be able to see and reveal your abilities. Choose a job or activity that will help you realize your best qualities.
  • Knowing the planetary types of your loved ones and children, you understand what is worth expecting from them, and what is pointless to demand, how to help them open up and become harmonious.
  1. The planet forms negative qualities: pride, laziness, gluttony, despondency, conservatism, anger, greed ...

Why knowledge is useful:

  • Vices are not given to us as punishment, but for their overcoming and inner growth. Knowing what kind of weakness you are susceptible to, it will be easier to deal with it.
  • It will be clear to change which character trait you need to direct efforts to become better. Do not remake yourself to please anyone's opinion, trying to suppress true talents and develop qualities that are unusual for your being, sometimes even destructive for him.
  • Knowing the weaknesses of other people will make it easier for you to neutralize conflict situations avoid complications and frustrations.

What will you learn at the seminar:

  • How to understand a person's constitution, his character, lifestyle, temperament.
  • You will find out what type of people you belong to, that inside each of us is invariable and does not change from birth to death, that is, you will recognize your planetary type.
  • You will learn to recognize those people with whom communication will be harmonious.
  • You will learn how to neutralize negative moments in communication with other people.
  • What partner, what appearance and the physique suits you. How to create harmonious relationships.
  • How to determine your purpose and choose the right profession. What talents and abilities do you have?
  • What planetary types are right for your business, how to build a team and assign tasks wisely.
  • How to bring up a child, knowing his planetary type.

Copied from the site ""

All that is unknown is terribly interesting!
Mercury is characterized by sensitivity, speed, curiosity. All parts of his body are actively moving, sometimes by themselves.

Mercury is the smallest planet of our Solar system and people of this type are also not large in size. Mercury is located closest of all planets to the Sun and revolves around it faster than others, and people like Mercury always strive to be aware of all events, they are fast, active and mobile. The planet has a large iron core, which makes up 70 percent of the entire volume of the planet. Mercury people are hardy, despite the apparent fragility.

Hormones and glands
Mercury governs the thyroid gland, a small butterfly-shaped organ located on top of the Adam's apple. TK (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine) are the two main hormones produced by the thyroid gland. They regulate the metabolism (metabolism), which are responsible for the production and use of energy by every cell and tissue in your body.
Since Mercury controls the thyroid gland, and it, in turn, regulates the metabolic rate, it is accelerated in people of the Mercury type. All food is quickly converted into energy, and it is very difficult for this type to get better. The thyroid gland controls body weight by burning incoming calories.

Body description
Mercury is short, taut, and looks neat and sometimes dapper. The face is oval, the features tend to be correct, they have lively facial expressions. The eyebrows are not thick, but of the correct outline, tapering to a point at the ends, sometimes they are fused on the bridge of the nose. Vigilantly glances around, missing nothing. The nose is most often thin and straight, may be slightly snub-nosed, less often somewhat fleshy at the end. The lips are thin, even, and often pale or slightly bluish. His breathing is rapid and intermittent. A pointed chin, sometimes slightly upturned, completes the oval contour of his face. Mercury has a pleasant voice. His movements are graceful, quick and agile, he is also famous for will and endurance, and in rare cases - for muscular strength. Overall, Mercury gives the impression of being agile, dexterous and strong man, not always beautiful, but, as a rule, well and correctly built. Mercury is the smallest type. People of this type retain their youthful, childlike appearance until maturity, and they often look ten to fifteen years younger than they really are. Mercury gives long youth. Men and women whom he takes care of can be recognized by the fact that they are "people without age" - they look youthful and fit. Often they are even more attractive in adulthood than in youth. The hair color of Mercury is usually dark, the hair is often thick and wavy. The eyes are either clear, sparkling, enhancing the impression of charm and friendliness, or they constantly run, showing the work of the mind. Such a dash of eyes can cause distrust of Mercury.

Many men like to wear a neat mustache as well as a trimmed beard. This beard is trimmed regularly. Or they try to have a neat haircut and not have a lot of facial hair. As a rule, the growth of Mercury men is not high, the build is proportional and harmonious, the body is lean, sinewy, and good coordination of movements. They do not like thick beards and generally a lot of hair. Gesture in men is rich and active.

Women are graceful, with thin wrists and ankles for a fragile feel. Refined and attractive. At the same time, another type of Mercurian is observed: short and dense, very mobile.
Our shooter has ripened everywhere! (Figaro is here, Figaro is there!)
Mercury is always in motion, worried about something. He does not sit still. He will change from one chair to another, go to the window, walk from corner to corner, look at the clock and slam the refrigerator door. The Mercurian type is active and negative. Because of his high metabolic rate, he is the fastest of all human types, just like the mythical god whose name he bears was the fastest and most cunning of the Olympians. At the same time, he is not only quick in movements, his thinking is also fast. Despite the hustle and bustle, people of this type try to be neat. The huge number of possibilities of Mercury do not allow him to stop at one thing. He runs everywhere, negotiates with by different people, makes agreements and tries not to miss a single opportunity.
They need a constant change of environment, movement, changes, a variety of impressions, otherwise they will wither.

An overactive mind constantly requires new impressions and, without receiving them from the outside, delves into itself, always finding a reason for dissatisfaction with itself and uncertainty in the correctness of its ideas.
Life with Mercury will never be boring, but it will surely be hectic
Mercury believes that everything has a price, that nothing is done just like that and tries to look for hidden motivation in every manifestation of other people. Due to insecurity, he needs approval from the outside, support of other people.

10 thoughts in one second!
The speed of his thoughts is so high that before one idea is born, another, diametrically opposite, appears. He thinks that everyone thinks just as quickly, processing a bunch of thoughts in one second. Realizing your desire to gain the upper hand over the interlocutor, he believes that you are doing the same with him. Mercury has so many different possibilities that it is not able to surrender to something alone. Their attention flies from one subject to another, constantly changing direction and never lingering on one subject for a long time.

A person who is pleasant in every way
Mercury has a bright personality, it is easy to be friends with him. Mercury can entertain and amuse us like no one else. Such people disperse the clouds of our boredom and pull us out of the gloomy routine. The best version of Mercury has a brilliant mind and great personal charm.

Normal heroes always detour
One of the main features of Mercury is the desire to act not directly, but to come up with workarounds, which, in his opinion, will lead to the goal faster. Mercury can make a big detour where only a small step forward is needed, which significantly slows down any process. This is especially noticeable in the style of driving a car. The Mercurians constantly “cut off” the road, winding through the courtyards and gateways.

Buy Sell!
Mercury is like a forty in its tendency to acquire different things. Having quickly spotted a good purchase, recognized a good thing under a pile of unnecessary junk in the closet or in the attic, or found a good player in a thrift store for a pittance, Mercury will not resist the temptation to get it. And he will wait a year in the hope of selling as high as possible, although he could immediately make a profit by throwing off the price. Sometimes he just physically cannot resist not to buy something.

When the tongue is well suspended ...
Thanks to their negotiating skills, Mercury can become successful politicians. They are great storytellers and have a knack for improvisation.

Curiosity is not a vice
Of all the types of Mercury, the most curious. They collect the slightest information that at first glance is of no value. Mercury knows how to ask questions, as if interrogating. Nothing escapes his attention, neither your posture nor your tone.

Nobody can be trusted
Most of all, Mercury is afraid of not controlling the situation. He should always know what to do, what to prepare for and how to react. Due to its tendency to suspect everyone, Mercury can make life very difficult for itself. He is sure of the conspiracy: it is not known who and it is not clear how, but something is plotted against him. To prevent unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to take measures: hide, hide, confuse.

Party lover
It is natural for Mercury to have fun, to work for the public. He loves to dress up, to be frank, he can put on something shocking, like a carnival costume. Everything in order to effectively appear and leave, masking genuine aspirations, plans, their essence.

Little dog old age puppy
Traits adolescence are stored in Mercury all life. He often looks younger than all other types and may surprise you by telling you his true age. Despite his desire to grow up, he painfully perceives those who do not take him seriously. Tantrums, whims, various jokes and antics never leave him. Until maturity, they can look like children, be youthful and fit, seem 10-15 years younger than they really are.

How to find common ground
Mercury needs communication more than other types. For him, the most unpleasant interlocutor is the taciturn one. If he is not allowed to speak, he will feel uncomfortable, so it’s easier to let him talk. But at the same time, he himself seeks to get as much information as possible. When communicating with Mercury, it is also worth remembering that he needs support, positive attitudes. “Everything will be fine”, “No problem”, “You will succeed” and others. He will argue with you, but he will be grateful for the positive that you shared with him. Mercury must be supported and approved.

Typical behavior of Mercury women in romantic relationships NS

The Mercury girl strives for diversity in relationships. They are for her a way of knowing the world. Her sociability attracts men to her and she has a great choice for romantic relationships among her acquaintances. A Mercury woman can simultaneously conduct relationships with several men, without going especially far in these relationships. She likes to manipulate men, test her charms on them, the tricks of seduction. She constantly doubts whether she has chosen.

Just in case, the Mercurian tries to throw nets on all suitable men. She is fickle in thoughts and in relation to the chosen one. Either he suits her, then do not expect anything good from him. The main thing is that it gives her a reason to talk about it with her girlfriends and friends. Girls - Mercury do not make secrets from their relationship. On the contrary, they discuss their partners with their girlfriends, compare their relationships with those of other people. The Mercurian is often fond of men, but she is not deeply immersed in feelings, rather, she is curious: what will happen next? How will he react to her new romance ex-lover, what will your friends say? Oh, how interesting! For a Mercurian, it is important that relations develop, do not stand still. The partner must constantly surprise her and maintain interest in himself. Accused of treason or far-reaching flirting, the Mercurian will deny to the last, denying and questioning even the obvious facts. Often she sticks to her partner with stories of experiences and fears, sometimes she can bring him to white heat with petty nit-picking for any reason. The Mercurian is constantly taking her partner to parties and various gatherings. Joint communication with other people for her is an obligatory part of the relationship. However, no one can adapt to a partner better than a Mercurian. Her ability to accommodate all his desires and interests is truly amazing! Even when the relationship ends, the Mercurian always remains aware of what is happening with her ex-lover. She continues to communicate with him, as if nothing had happened.

Famous people: Frank Sinatra, Hugh Hafner, Leah Akhedzhakova.

To be continued...

Planetary types of human appearance
Progression of body types
The body types that an entity chooses "progress" over one or more lifetimes in the following order: Lunar, Venusian, Mercurian, Saturnian, Martian, Jupiterian, and Solar.

The lunar type is the most "immature", and the Jupiterian is the most "developed". Each entity gives itself the opportunity to try all body types and move in progression.
This progression occurs gradually during life and more radically between lives. Since the body is usually a combination of different types, each aspect of it develops in its own progression. For example, the lunar-Martian type develops the lunar aspect, turning it into Venusian, and the Martian - into Jupiterian. That is, this body, in this and next lives, progresses, becoming Venusian-Jupiterian. Although this general rule, sometimes the entity chooses to maintain one aspect of the body type for several lifetimes, while developing others at the same time. Major life changes are often accompanied by changes in body type.
Body types also evolve according to the cultural framework in which they live. Most of the heroines of the TV screen in the countries of Western culture now belong to the Saturnian-Martian type, and at the beginning of the 20th century, magnificent Venusian forms were in fashion.

Knowing about your body type, its strengths and weaknesses, we can try to achieve balance. To do this, you need to attract the positive qualities of the next type in the progression and use the balancing influence of the complementary type (that is, the type of body located on the same axis - see the diagram at the beginning of the chapter). For example, the Venusian type, with the dominant influence of the parathyroid gland, tends to be passive and lethargic. He can take advantage of the speed communicated by the thyroid gland (Mercury type) and the energy and passion of the adrenal gland (Martian type).

Genetic influence
In order to be born in a body of a certain type, an entity needs a certain amount of genetic material from the parents chosen in a given life. This is due to the fact that in many cultures one or two types dominate. It is difficult for a person with Venusian parents to be born with a Saturnian body. Further progress in progression in relation to the parents, however, is possible. In addition, in the same family, people are often born with bodies of the following complementary types: lunar and Saturnian, Mercurian and Martian, Jupiterian and Venusian.
The solar type can be obtained from the lunar parents, but it is still the more difficult type. Old souls gain experience in genetic and energetic manipulation, allowing them to manage changes in body types more quickly.

Often used by Artisans and Scientists and in those lives in which the task is intellectual pursuit and abstract, creative thinking.
Governing characteristics: The moon is the planetary body closest to the earth and, therefore, its influence is most noticeable. The element of water corresponds to the moon. The lunar influence makes this type especially sensitive to the change in the phases of the moon.
Lunar people are governed by the pancreas and the lymphatic system, which, along with the liver, controls the digestion of food. Such people are prone to digestive problems. Lunar Water extinguishes the Fire of the adrenal system (Mars), which makes people of this type more slow and calm in the manifestation of emotions.
physical characteristics: light, pale skin, full, fleshy forms, "moon face", poor digestion, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, constipation. Slow development.

- Positive pole:
Passivity, patience, perseverance, sensitivity, imagination, caring for offspring, sympathy, receptivity, calmness, methodology, solitude, focus on details, mathematical mindset. The opportunity to become a genius.
- Negative pole:
Capriciousness, self-digging, insensitivity, disinclination to communicate, willfulness, inability to forgive, depression, destructiveness.
Examples: Albert Einstein, Mao Zedong.

Communicates easily with people. Often becomes a good cook and passionate lover.
Governing Characteristics: Venus traditionally represents the goddess of love. Venus is warm planet surrounded by an atmosphere of gases and clouds. Venus is often the personification of femininity, qualities such as passivity and the desire to love and seek harmony and peace. Some of the Venusian appeal comes from the aura of mystery, gentleness, and warmth that surrounds the type.
The Venusian type is controlled by the parathyroid gland, which supplements the action of the thyroid gland and stabilizes the metabolism, which promotes calmness and good adaptability.
Physical Characteristics: Full body, curvy, soft and warm skin, large, often dark, eyes, wider thighs, thick hair, olive or dark skin, wide feet and palms, broad bones, generally good health.

Psychological characteristics
- Positive pole:
Mother Earth, warmth, lovingness, kindness, availability, sociability, friendliness, search for harmonious relationships, politeness, impartiality, sensuality, love of pleasure, extreme devotion, the ability to appreciate beauty.
- Negative pole:
Laziness, inertia, passivity, a tendency to plant existence, indecision, dependence on others, inattention, slovenliness, excessive emotionality, impracticality. Such people often develop emotions at the expense of intelligence.
Example: Elvis Presley (Venus-Mercury)

Ideal type for Sages.
Controlling characteristics: Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun, it orbits from the very high speed... Traditionally, Mercury is associated with communication, speed, sharp mind and agility. Due to its proximity to the Sun and Earth, Mercury has a slightly more pronounced influence than the slow-moving planets. This is especially true when the planet is poorly visible or distant, as it affects communication and mechanical means.
Mercury affects the thyroid gland, which regulates oxidative processes in the body and determines the speed of its functioning. A developed thyroid gland gives a person mobility and gives nervous energy, and a weak one, on the contrary, slows down movement and leads to fatigue.
Mercurians are renowned for their gaiety, wit, quick wit, and quick mental perception, as well as
neatness and homeliness. They make good entertainers.
Physical Characteristics: Bright, clean appearance. Usually, dark skin of the face. The eyes and hair are often dark, but body hair is less than that of the Venusians. Usually slender and agile. The skin of the body is dark, without birthmarks. The limbs are long, thin and angular. The voice of the Mercurians is usually deep and resonant. They retain their youthful appearance for a long time.

Psychological characteristics
- Positive pole
Intellectual activity and receptivity. Intelligence, versatility. Ability to express your thoughts clearly. Cleanliness, well-groomed. They can easily become enraged, but do not accumulate grievances. Gaiety. Wit.
- Negative pole
Inconsistency, nervousness, impulsivity, with tendencies to explosive crises, self-centeredness, tendency to argue, sarcasm, cynicism, and excessive criticism. Hypochondria.
Examples: Fred Astaire, Napoleon I (Mercury-Venus).

Often used by Scientists, Priests, and Kings.
Governing Characteristics: In classical astrology, Saturn, the planet with the rings, acts as the teacher of the gods. Saturn is a mentor, a father, giving lessons, imposing restrictions and punishments. Saturn is good for abstract ideas and deep thoughts. This type constructive, patient and reliable.
Saturn governs the pituitary gland, which regulates the structure of the skeleton and directs the function abstract thinking and rationality. It is one of the most important glands in the body.
Physical Characteristics: Because the pituitary gland directs bone growth, this type of person usually has long bones and a large skeleton, an elongated head with a prominent nose and jaw, prominent cheekbones, and yellow teeth. Saturnians are usually tall, with a serious but bland appearance. They are well balanced, since the pituitary gland controls the work of the other glands, supporting them in good condition.
Saturnians are good at reasoning and tend to see the situation on a large scale. This manifests itself in the form of slow speech and movements (first think, then do). Saturnians unobtrusively dominate the society in which they happen to be. They often experience deprivation and depression. They can also be heartless and cruel.
Typical example Saturnian type - Uncle Sam, the US symbol used by cartoonists. Although Saturn is a male planet, the modern ideal female model is the Saturnian-Martian type: a tall, slender, fair woman with strong bones, a slightly warlike temperament, flair, sexually attractive.
Psychological characteristics
- Positive pole:
Self-control, leadership, diplomacy, moderation, reliability, caring for offspring, great endurance, modesty, non-aggressiveness, the ability to keep his mouth shut, keep secrets. Tactfulness, ability to think strategically, good memory.
Negative pole:
Intellectual inflexibility, depression, cruelty, arrogance, arrogance, confidence in one's infallibility, excessive passion for work, inability to forgive weaknesses, self-deprecation, cynicism.
Examples: Abraham Lincoln, Henry Fonda.

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