The Bermuda Triangle: Successful Fiction or Harsh Reality of the World Ocean. What is the Bermuda Triangle? Interesting facts Who lives in the Bermuda Triangle

At the sound of this phrase, some have associations with a cemetery of ships in the ocean, others have a desire to delve into ancient oceanology, and others - to calculate the coordinates of its peaks, area and other geographical indicators. As you can see, the interest is multifaceted.

Bermuda Triangle on the world map (in Russian)

The coordinates of one of the still completely unknown world wonders are as follows: 26°37′45″ north latitude and 70°53′01″ west longitude. Ostrogon spilled into several climatic zones - from the tropics to the subtropics.

Take a map of the Americas and connect with lines the end of the Florida peninsula (USA) with Puerto Rico, and then these two points with the Bahamas. You will cover a sea territory of 4 million square kilometers in an almost regular triangle. To compare with a more understandable land mass, it is enough to “connect” India with Afghanistan.

Let us add that both the Russian and English names of the part of the Atlantic Ocean with the sacraments are not recognized by geographers. It is akin to the concepts of "flying saucer" or "Bigfoot". In 1950, an American newspaper Associated Press (AP) first reported the mysterious disappearance of sea transports here, giving the first name of the cemetery on the water - the Devil's Sea.

In fact, the name of the frightening anomalous zone came out of fiction. The attention of lovers of the unknown with hundreds of pages of sentimental stories was riveted to her. Writers Charles Berlitz, Lawrence de Couchet and others had a hand in this, writing books with such titles, but with a different interpretation of events. And the animators added imagery, which is why an ordinary geometric figure received such an unusual global sound.

Bermuda Triangle on a satellite world map: a water crater?

If we abstract from the history of this area of ​​the World Ocean, then from the Cosmos it simply fascinates. Waves every minute create enchanting pictures around Bermuda on the surface.

Why such beauty- with a negative connotation? From a combination of many objective and subjective factors. The structure of the bottom is multifaceted: shallow shelves, slopes of the continents, deep straits, trenches with a deepening of up to 9-10 km. The coral reefs closest to the north in the world are also located here. And nature is the same as a hundred million years ago.

And on the surface there is a strong current with countercurrents.

Therefore, there are more losses than anywhere else. But the researchers noted a positive: in the last quarter of the 19th century, tragedies happened very rarely. Fans of sensations immediately expressed their opinion: the underwater monster was tired and lay down to rest. In the stories about Bermuda, such a creature was taken for granted.

Anomalies and interest in them

According to various estimates, almost a hundred sea and air vehicles have disappeared in the "triangle" over the century. Among them are sailboats, aircraft and even a submarine. The proven death of five Avenger bombers with crews is known. This happened seventy-two years ago.

As a child, I was very fond of all sorts of riddles and secrets. I even had a book - “Monsters. Ghosts. UFO". And most of all I was interested in the Bermuda Triangle. After all, there are strange phenomena that cannot be explained. I even wanted to get there in order to independently determine where people disappeared. I was removed from the train I was going to go there. I didn't know how far this place was.

Where is the Bermuda Triangle

Bermuda Triangle is in western atlantic ocean. This area also has its borders from Florida to Bermuda, then to and through the Bahamas back to Florida. Samo Name took root only in 50s of the last century. Although, according to statistics, unexplained phenomena often occur houtside this areas.

There is also a theory that this location mysterious Atlantiss, and mysterious phenomena occur here because of the crystals that were the source of the city's energy. What happens in this anomalous zone:

  • numerous accidents at sea and in the air;
  • navigation problems;
  • unpredictable weather and destructive hurricanes;
  • the disappearance of ships and aircraft;
  • time curvature.

And in 1992 in the center of the triangle was found pyramid, which is 3 times the pyramid of Cheops. Although there were no official reports about her. Perhaps these studies are strictly classified?

Mystery solved

Recently Australian scientists gave their explanation for mysterious disappearances. Problem in natural gas methane, which is located on the seabed. It is released from giant cracks and, having turned into a large bubble, comes to the surface. A ship that falls into this trap instantly sinks to the bottom. The same fate awaits aircraft. This theory also explains the cases with the dead crew - people were simply suffocating.

But methane evaporation do not explain all anomalies in this zone. There were cases when the ship was found, but the crew was not. Where have people gone? And often the inhabitants of the coast notice mysterious flying objects. I wonder what the Bermuda Triangle hides and will it ever reveal its secrets?

The Bermuda Triangle is an area in the Atlantic Ocean bounded by a triangle whose vertices are Florida, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. Those who are of the opinion that the mysterious disappearances of ships and aircraft in the Devil's Triangle do occur, put forward various hypotheses to explain them: from unusual weather events to abductions by aliens or residents of Atlantis.

15. Christopher Columbus was the first to talk about the anomalies of the Bermuda Triangle.

In 1492, Christopher Columbus wanted to find a new way to Asia, and discovered America. Columbus was the first known traveler to cross the area of ​​the Atlantic that we now call the Bermuda Triangle. His ship's log contains a description of the sea, completely filled with algae, a story about the unusual behavior of the compass needle, about the sudden appearance of a huge tongue of flame, about the strange glow of the sea.

14. Most of the missing ships and aircraft have never been found.

From the 1600s, ships began to disappear in the ill-fated triangle. Many associate the loss with the Gulf Stream. Due to the speed of water, reaching 2.5 meters per second, in this current, any debris, debris, and even an aircraft in just a couple of minutes will be carried to a distance of several kilometers. In 1925, the Clinchfield Navigation cargo ship SS Cotopaxi disappeared without a trace. This year, the Cuban Coast Guard discovered a ship missing 90 years ago in the Caribbean. There were no traces of the crew on board.

13. In the Bermuda Triangle zone, the compass shows the wrong direction.

Compasses in this area behave strangely and give incorrect readings. It is generally accepted that the Earth's electromagnetic field has holes. There are a large number of areas on Earth where the compass will not point due north. So the Bermuda Triangle is not the only place on the planet where similar anomalies occur.

12 More Vessels Missing In The Bermuda Triangle Than We Know

Not all stories of the disappearance of ships and aircraft are covered by the media. Moreover, some disasters are attributed to the human factor. According to skeptics, those ships that crashed and disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle just fell victim to crew errors.

11. Disappearance of carriages

In 1872, the Mary Celeste sailed from Staten Island, New York, to the port of Genoa, Italy. On the ship, in addition to the captain and a crew of 7 people, there was the captain's wife and his two-year-old daughter. The ship was discovered 4 weeks later, without a crew. At the same time, provisions, personal belongings, money and jewelry remained intact. And the arrangement of things testified that the ship did not fall into a strong storm.

10. The size of the Bermuda Triangle is much larger

The area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle within its classical boundaries is just over 1 million square kilometers. But some experts suggest that the anomalous region is much larger.

9. Not only ships disappear, but planes too

The most famous case cited in connection with the Bermuda Triangle is the disappearance of a flight of five Avenger-class torpedo bombers. These planes took off on December 5, 1945 from the US Naval Forces base in Fort Lauderdale and did not return back. Their wreckage, like the crew, was not found. After the disappearance of the Avengers, other planes were sent to search for them, and one of them also disappeared without a trace.

8. Portal of time

In 1970, Bruce Gernon, along with his father and a friend, flew from the Bahamas and headed for Miami Beach, Florida, USA. Shortly after climbing, the pilot noticed a strange semi-circular cloud directly ahead. There were bright flashes inside the cloud, Gernon and the passengers felt a feeling similar to weightlessness. All navigational instruments were out of order, the compass needle darted in all directions. When the plane took off from that tunnel, Bruce saw that he was already flying up to Miami Beach. At the same time, the flight took only 45 minutes, although it should have lasted at least 75!

7. Anomalies don't just happen in the Bermuda Triangle

The Devil's Sea - this is how Japanese fishermen dubbed the Pacific waters around the island of Miyakejima (128 km south of Tokyo), located in the northern part of the Philippine Sea. Paranormal activity researchers bring this zone closer to the Bermuda Triangle for the reason that ships and planes mysteriously disappear in it.

6. Bad reputation

Despite the bad reputation, many routes of both ships and aircraft pass through the Bermuda Triangle every day. At the same time, nothing is heard about mysterious disappearances and catastrophes.

5. Atlantis at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle

Exploration of the ocean floor off the coast of Cuba with the help of a deep-sea robot confirmed that at the very bottom of the Bermuda Triangle there is a city of gigantic proportions. Scientists suggest that this is Atlantis. “The US government received evidence of the existence of an underwater city during the Cuban Missile Crisis in the 60s of the last century. The nuclear submarine then moved along the Gulf Stream deep into the sea, where they discovered the structure of the pyramids. They immediately took control of the place so that it would not end up in the hands of the Soviet Union,” the journalists say.

4 Alien Territory

Although the existence of aliens has not yet been proven, some attribute everything that happens in the Bermuda Triangle to them. In 2009, unknown lights appeared in the night sky over this zone, which even formed something similar to a whirlpool, and disappeared an hour later.

3. Unpredictable weather

In the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle, severe tropical cyclones, storms and hurricanes are often observed. They happen most often unexpectedly.

2. Rogue waves

It has been suggested that rogue waves, which are believed to be up to 30 meters high, may be responsible for the loss of some ships in the Bermuda Triangle.

1. Coincidence and the human factor

Skeptics argue that the main reason for the disappearance of more than 100 ships in the Bermuda Triangle is the human factor. To err is human, and even an experienced captain or pilot is not immune from error.

Bermuda Triangle

Bermuda Triangle
Classic borders of the Bermuda Triangle
Group: Paranormal places
Other names: devil's triangle
Coordinates: 26.629167 , -70.883611 26°37′45″ N sh. 70°53′01″ W d. /  26.629167° N sh. 70.883611° W d.(G)(O)
A country: High Seas, Bahamas
State: urban legend

Bermuda Triangle- an area in the Atlantic Ocean, in which mysterious disappearances of ships and aircraft allegedly occur. The area is bounded by lines from Florida to Bermuda, on to Puerto Rico, and back to Florida via the Bahamas. A similar "triangle" in the Pacific is called Devil's.

The area is very difficult to navigate: there are a large number of shoals, cyclones and storms often arise.

Various hypotheses are put forward to explain the mysterious disappearances in the zone, from unusual weather events to alien or Atlantean abductions. Skeptics argue, however, that the disappearance of ships in the Bermuda Triangle does not occur more often than in other areas of the world's oceans, and is due to natural causes. The US Coast Guard and Lloyd's Insurance Market share the same opinion.


Associated Press correspondent Jones was the first to mention "mysterious disappearances" in the Bermuda Triangle, in 1950 he called the area the "Devil's Sea". The author of the phrase "Bermuda Triangle" is considered Vincent Gaddis, who published in 1964 in one of the journals devoted to spiritualism, the article "The Deadly Bermuda Triangle".

In the late 60s and early 70s of the XX century, numerous publications began to appear about the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle.

In 1974, Charles Berlitz, a proponent of the existence of anomalous phenomena in the Bermuda Triangle, published the book The Bermuda Triangle, which collected descriptions of various mysterious disappearances in the area. The book became a bestseller, and it was after its publication that the theory of the unusual properties of the Bermuda Triangle became especially popular. Later, however, it was shown that some of the facts in Berlitz's book were presented incorrectly.

In 1975, realist skeptic Lawrence David Kouchet ( English) published the book The Bermuda Triangle: Myths and Reality (Russian translation, M .: Progress, 1978), in which he argued that nothing supernatural and mysterious was happening in this area. This book is based on years of research on documents and interviews with eyewitnesses, which have revealed numerous factual errors and inaccuracies in the publications of supporters of the existence of the Bermuda Triangle mystery.

Incidents in the Bermuda Triangle

Proponents of the theory mention the disappearance of approximately 100 large ships and aircraft over the past hundred years. In addition to disappearances, serviceable ships abandoned by the crew and other unusual phenomena such as instantaneous spatial movements, anomalies with time, etc. are reported. Lawrence Kouchet and other researchers have shown that some of these cases occurred outside the Bermuda Triangle. About some incidents it was not possible to find any information in official sources.

Flight of Avengers (departure No. 19)

The most famous case mentioned in connection with the Bermuda Triangle is the disappearance of a flight of five Avenger-class torpedo bombers. These aircraft took off on December 5, 1945 from the US Naval Forces base in Fort Lauderdale and did not return back. Their wreckage has not been found.

According to Berlitz, a squadron of 14 experienced pilots mysteriously disappeared during a routine flight in clear weather over calm seas. It is also reported that in radio communications with the base, the pilots allegedly spoke of unexplained failures of navigation equipment and unusual visual effects - “we cannot determine the direction, and the ocean does not look like it usually does,” “we are sinking into white waters.” After the disappearance of the Avengers, other planes were sent to search for them, and one of them - the Martin Mariner seaplane - also disappeared without a trace.

According to Kusche, in fact, the link consisted of cadets who performed a training flight. Only their instructor, Lieutenant Taylor, was an experienced pilot, but he had only recently been transferred to Fort Lauderdale and was new to the flying area.

Recorded radio conversations say nothing about any mysterious phenomena. Lieutenant Taylor reported that he lost his bearings and both compasses failed him. Trying to determine his location, he mistakenly decided that the link was over the Florida Keys, south of Florida, so he was asked to orient himself by the sun and fly north. Subsequent analysis showed that, in fact, the planes were probably much to the east and, adhering to the course to the north, moved parallel to the coast. Poor radio conditions (interference from other radio stations) made it difficult to determine the exact position of the squadron.

After some time, Taylor decided to fly west, but failed to reach the coast, the aircraft ran out of fuel. The Avenger crews were forced to attempt a water landing. By this time it was already dark, and the sea, according to the reports of the ships that were then in that area, was very restless.

After it became known that the Taylor link was lost, other aircraft were sent to search for them, including two Martin Mariners. According to Kouchet, aircraft of this type had a certain disadvantage, which consisted in the fact that fuel vapors penetrated into the cabin and a spark was enough for an explosion to occur. The captain of the tanker Gaines Mills reported that he observed an explosion and falling debris and then found an oil slick on the surface of the sea.


The C-119 aircraft with 9 crew members disappeared on June 5, 1965 in the Bahamas. The exact time and place of the disappearance is unknown, and his search turned up nothing. Although the disappearance of a plane while flying across the Atlantic can be explained by many natural causes, this case is often associated with alien abduction.


Proponents of the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle have put forward several dozen different theories to explain the mysterious phenomena that, in their opinion, occur there. These theories include space aliens or Atlanteans hijacking ships, travel through holes in time or rifts in space, and other paranormal causes. None of them have received confirmation yet. Other authors are trying to give a scientific explanation for these phenomena.

Their opponents argue that reports of mysterious events in the Bermuda Triangle are greatly exaggerated. Ships and aircraft are also dying in other parts of the world, sometimes without leaving a trace. A radio malfunction or the suddenness of a disaster can prevent the crew from transmitting a distress signal. Searching for debris at sea is not an easy task, especially in a storm or when the exact location of the disaster is not known. Given the very busy traffic in the Bermuda Triangle, frequent cyclones and storms, a large number of shallows, then the number of disasters that have happened here that have not received an explanation is not unusually large. In addition, the notoriety of the Bermuda Triangle itself can lead to the fact that catastrophes are attributed to it, which in reality happened far beyond its borders, which introduces artificial distortions into the statistics.

Methane emissions

Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the sudden death of ships and aircraft by gas emissions - for example, as a result of the decay of methane hydrate on the seabed. According to one of these hypotheses, large bubbles saturated with methane form in the water, in which the density is reduced so much that ships cannot swim and instantly sink. Some speculate that once airborne, methane could also cause plane crashes, for example, by lowering air density, which reduces lift and distorts altimeter readings. In addition, methane in the air can cause engines to stop.

Experimentally, the possibility of a fairly quick (within tens of seconds) flooding of a vessel that was at the boundary of a gas release was indeed confirmed if the gas is released in one bubble, the size of which is greater than or equal to the length of the vessel. However, the question of such gas emissions remains open. In addition, methane hydrate is found in other places in the world's oceans.

wandering waves

There are suggestions that the cause of the death of some ships, including those in the Bermuda Triangle, may be the so-called. wandering waves, which are believed to be up to 30 m high.


It is assumed that under certain conditions, infrasound can be generated in the sea, which affects the crew members, causing panic, as a result of which they leave the ship.

Bermuda Triangle in culture and art

In cinema

  • Bermuda Triangle (film, USA, 1996)
  • Supernatural forces and phenomena. Bermuda Triangle (documentary, 1998)
  • Bermuda Triangle / Lost Voyage (film, 2001)
  • Warlords of Atlantis (film, 1978)
  • Unknown worlds. Secrets of the Bermuda Triangle (documentary, 2002)
  • BBC: Bermuda Triangle - The Secret of the Deep Ocean / BBC: Bermuda Triangle - Beneath the Waves (documentary, 2004)
  • Bermuda Triangle / The Triangle (mini-series, 2005)
  • BBC: Dive into the Bermuda Triangle (documentary, 2006)
  • Bermuda - Pacific Variant (documentary, 2006)
  • From a Science Point of View: The Bermuda Triangle (Documentary, 2007)
  • Mysteries of history. Devil's Triangle (Documentary, 2010)
  • Gulliver's Travels. (fantasy, comedy, adventure, 2010)
  • Triangle. (thriller, drama, detective, 2009)
  • An island forgotten by time. (fantastic)
  • Island of Lost Ships (art film, 1987)
  • The Addams Family (film, black comedy) / The Addams Family (1991)

In music and poetry

In animated series

  • According to the plot of the animated series "Transformers: Cybertron", it was in this triangle that Atlantis was located, which is not a sunken ancient city, but a city-sized transformer starship of the same name. As shown in the animated series, the safest way to enter the Bermuda Triangle is underwater.

In one of the episodes of "Scooby-Doo", the Mystery Corporation falls into the "Bermuda Triangle".

  • In one of the episodes of Sylvester and Tweety: Mystery Tales, the Bermuda Triangle is a musical instrument. At the request of a musician, Granny was looking for this triangle, but Sylvester is the first to find it in a vain attempt to open a can of cat food. When hitting this triangle, the triangle itself emitted quite powerful infrasound, which is safe for humans, but very dangerous for ships and aircraft. When Granny finds this triangle, she reads the warning, although she doesn't immediately believe it and decides to check it out. When Granny realizes that the triangle is dangerous for ships and, accordingly, for the orchestra, she decides to return the triangle to the sea.
  • In the 38th episode of the animated series Extreme Ghostbusters, two generations of main characters are trying to neutralize a huge ghost - the cause of all the disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle.
  • In the TV series DuckTales, the family of Scrooge McDuck, due to an accident, ends up on a huge island of algae, this island is located just in the Bermuda Triangle.
  • In one of the episodes of the 6th season of the cartoon Futurama, the characters fall into the " Bermuda tetrahedron"- a three-dimensional analogue of a triangle.
  • The cartoon "Rocca's New Life" shows how Rocca and his friend and his grandfather go on a trip on a liner and, having got into the Bermuda Triangle, all the young become old, and the old become young.
  • In the cartoon "Denny Ghost" Frost tells Denny: "It happens when the ghost zone itself opens a portal, planes and ships get there first, and then at another time. The portal quickly closes and people disappear, and these inexplicable disappearances were given the name" "Bermuda triangle"".

In video games

  • Dark Void - the main character, pilot William Augustus Gray, crashes in the Bermuda Triangle, from where he ends up in another dimension inhabited by evil aliens - Observers.
  • Hydro Thunder Hurricane - there is a location with the Bermuda Triangle.
  • Tony Hawk's Underground 2 - there is a location called "Triangle"
  • Microsoft Flight Simulator X - there is a mission in which you need to find a ship lost in the Bermuda Triangle from the air and drop a capsule with supplies and a GPS navigator.



  • The Bermuda Triangle, Charles Berlitz. ISBN 0-385-04114-4
  • The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved (1975). Lawrence David Kusche. ISBN 0-87975-971-2
    • Russian translation Story by: Lawrence D. Kusche. Bermuda Triangle: myths and reality. Moscow: Progress, 1978.


  • A brief overview of theories proposed to explain the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle
  • Departure No. 19 (English)
  • Transmission "Obvious-incredible" - Bermuda Triangle, video

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

Perhaps the most famous mystical place in the world is the Bermuda Triangle, a section of the Atlantic Ocean between Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico.

The name of the Bermuda Triangle has already become a household name and, of course, we all have repeatedly heard stories about inexplicable and traceless disappearances of ships and aircraft in it, about ghost ships found here, abandoned by the crew, about mysterious movements in time, instantaneous in space, and many other creepy things.

There are also a great many explanations for all these phenomena - someone claims that aliens are hunting here, others believe that there are temporary or black holes in the Bermuda Triangle, others suggest that faults in space are to blame, and some even think that people are being abducted inhabitants of the disappeared Atlantis!

At the same time, skeptics and scientists do not find anything mystical in the notoriety of the triangle - it has been established that this area is very difficult to navigate, since there are many shallows here, and storms and cyclones often arise.

In 1502, the Spanish navigator Bermudez, off the coast of Central America, stumbled upon islands surrounded by dangerous shoals and reefs. He called them the Devil's Islands. And only a few decades later they began to be called Bermuda in honor of himself.

For many centuries, the Bermuda region was recognized as dangerous among travelers, but the disadvantaged zone expanded so much only in the 20th century.

It all started in 1950, when a correspondent for the Associated Press, one of the world's largest news outlets, wrote about mysterious disappearances in what he called the "Devil's Sea." The famous name appeared only 14 years later in the publication of Vincent Gaddis in one of the magazines about the unknown.

However, the real popularity of the triangle was brought by Charles Berlitz's book "The Bermuda Triangle" in 1974, which collected all the mysterious cases that occurred in this zone.

At the same time, it was later established that some of the facts in the book were stated incorrectly, and other strange cases occurred generally outside the borders of that same triangle. But some argued that they want to hide the secret of these waters at any cost.

Modern history already has more than a hundred mysterious disappearances without a trace in the Bermuda Triangle. This is an area with difficult weather conditions and very busy traffic on the water and in the air. Therefore, when ships suddenly disappear from the radar in good weather conditions, it is hard not to notice.

In 1945, increased attention to this anomalous zone was attracted by the disappearance of a military squadron. Five Avenger-class torpedo bombers with an experienced crew disappeared suddenly and without a trace during a routine flight in clear weather and over calm seas.

In radio conversations, the pilots talked about the failure of navigation equipment, complete disorientation and ... panic “We don’t know where the west is. Nothing works... Strange... We can't determine the direction. Even the ocean looks different than usual!..”

After the navigation equipment completely failed, the pilots tried to find land in the west for an hour and a half, then for about an hour in the east, but they did not find it. It's like an entire American state has disappeared. And when the crew saw the ground, they did not recognize it at all, and did not dare to land.

The last words of the pilots still cause a lot of controversy: “We are entering white water, nothing seems right. We don't know where we are, the water is green, not white."

The search for five aircraft or their wreckage was in vain, moreover, during the search, another of the aircraft disappeared - the Martin Mariner seaplane.

Skeptics later put forward versions that the pilots were not experienced enough, that the pilots lost their bearings, that aircraft of this type were not reliable and could easily explode due to fuel leakage. This could happen to one aircraft, but it is difficult to assume that five aircraft spontaneously ignited every second and therefore none of the pilots reported the crash.

In 1963, the 130 m long cargo ship Marine Sulfur Queen disappeared without a trace. The ship disappeared without distress signals and its remains were not found. The exact location of the ship at the time of the disappearance is unknown, but its course gave reason to talk about the disappearance of Marine Sulfur Queen in the Bermuda Triangle.

The catastrophes that took place and are taking place in the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle have become, on the one hand, the object of close attention of the public, and on the other hand, an opportunity for speculation and cheap sensations. Many scientific theories have been created that should explain the unexpected disorientation of people and equipment failure in the area. But until scientists come to a consensus, many continue to see the presence of mysticism in mysterious disappearances.

Underwater Bermuda Triangle

What does the Bermuda Triangle hide under water? The bottom relief in this area is interesting and varied, although it is nothing ordinary and has been studied quite well, since some time ago various studies and drilling were carried out here in order to find oil and other minerals.

Scientists have determined that the Bermuda Triangle or the missing Atlantis contains mainly sedimentary rocks on the ocean floor, the layer thickness of which is from 1 to 2 km, and the ocean itself looks like this:

  • Deep-water plains of oceanic basins - 35%;
  • Shelf with shoals - 25%;
  • The slope and foot of the mainland - 18%;
  • Plateau - 15%;
  • Deep oceanic depressions - 5% (the deepest places of the Atlantic Ocean are located here, as well as its maximum depth - 8742 m, recorded in the Puerto Rican depression);
  • Deep straits - 2%;
  • Seamounts - 0.3% (there are six in total).

Theories of the origin of the anomalous zone

There is a consensus on how the Bermuda Triangle, which frightens many sailors and pilots, appeared as a result of geological activity. As you can see, there is nothing mysterious and mysterious in the appearance of this place. Researchers put forward other opinions, but they were all criticized by scientists.

If we take into account the circumstance due to which, over the past 100 years, about half a thousand aircraft and ships have disappeared in the zone of anomalous phenomena, we can say that something strange is still located in the area of ​​​​the Bermuda Triangle. It is this something that causes the death of people, sea and air transport.

Let's pay attention to some theories that are an attempt to explain what is happening in the anomalous zone:

  • the cause of disasters is giant wandering waves, the height of which is 30 meters;
  • in the ocean, infrasonic waves are generated, as a result of which the crew panics - people rush into the water;
  • in the mystical area there are so-called "blue holes", which are the remains of tunnels through which you can move in time;
  • gigantic gas bubbles filled with methane are formed in the ocean (getting into such a bubble, sea and air transport begins to go to the bottom, since the density of air or water inside the formed bubble is very low);
  • mystical water area - the place where the lost city of Atlantis was once located (according to the legend, the crystals were the sources of its energy: now they send waves from the bottom of the ocean that disable the navigation equipment of aircraft and ships);
  • a sharp change in weather conditions in the water area occurs due to the presence of a powerful warm Gulf Stream there;
  • the district of mystical incidents is the place through which aliens make their way to our Earth;
  • the impossibility of finding the remnants of air and sea transport in distress is due to the peculiarities of the relief that is characteristic of the bottom of the water area - it is confusing and mysterious;
  • air and sea transport is disappearing because it is being deliberately attacked by piracy and unofficial warfare;
  • in the water area there is a curvature of space, there is a magnetic fog.

Photo - Bermuda Triangle

Video - 10 secrets of the Bermuda Triangle

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