Description of nn in the story "asya". Mister H

The story of Turgenev is conducted on behalf of Mr. N.N. This is the image, the characteristics of which we cannot understand from the words of other heroes, but we can understand him himself, as a person who tells us about his unfulfilled love. His impulse to write like this is a sign of courage and, in part, remorse.

Mr. N.N. - A 25-year-old young man who travels, in his words, "without any purpose, without a plan." The first time we see him in the company of his friend, walking along the Rhine. Unlike other Turgenev's heroes, this young man is not one of the representatives of the "superfluous people". On the contrary, this person is harmonious, wealthy. This image is not at all painful and quite realistic.

Mr. N.N. wants to open his soul to nature, people, love. Although the love feelings experienced by him hitherto, basically, are simulated. What our hero admits with a share of embarrassment to his companion.

The hero meets an amazing couple in a German town - with Gagin and Asya. Gagin introduces Asya as his sister. In what at first, Mr. N.N. doubts, he shares them with his comrade. As a result, we learn that these doubts are groundless.

Characterizing our hero, it is impossible not to describe the image of Asya. This girl, half-sister Gagina, is a young, sincere and extraordinary person, capable of various antics, closed in herself. She doesn't know how to act like a girl. Her behavior can be described as teenage. But at the same time she is honest and truthful in her words and feelings. Her image strikes with subtlety and causes a gentle thrill, both in the reader and in our hero.

The feelings of our hero are in the struggle between the desire to surrender to love and the desire for balance. To the fact that everything should be harmonious and correct. We must not forget that Asya is an extraordinary girl. Feelings of Mr. N.N. intertwined with the desire for completeness, with a subtle aesthetic sense. Love with Asya is becoming more intense, more hysterical and contradictory.

The culmination of the work is the recognition of Asya. This young girl is ready for anything for the sake of love, but our hero does not accept her revelation: “To marry a seventeen-year-old girl, with her temper, how is it possible?”. We see the fear of responsibility, the unwillingness to sacrifice imaginary well-being and peace of mind for the sake of real feelings. Such an act had irreversible consequences, and that love, which had practically come true, vanished like smoke. Gagin takes Asya to another city and our hero will no longer have the opportunity to meet her and tell her everything.

Mr H according to plan

1. General characteristics. Mr. N. is the main character and at the same time the narrator in the story by I. S. Turgenev and "Asya". This is a fairly young man (25 years old), who has a certain condition. Mr. N. feels himself in the prime of life.

He aimlessly travels abroad, looking for new experiences. Most of all, a young man is interested in people whom he studies "with some kind of joyful and insatiable curiosity."

Apparently, Mr. N. has not yet experienced real troubles and disappointments. He believes that the whole world lies at his feet, you just need to take in time what belongs to him by the right of youth.

2. Meeting with the Gagins. Having accidentally met Gagin and his sister Asya, Mr. N. immediately felt an involuntary attraction to this strange couple. Without realizing it, he stopped his endless search for new faces and focused his attention on new acquaintances. At first, Mr. N. was most attracted by the simple and honest Russian soul of Gagin. Asya's enigmatic behavior caused one bewilderment in him.

3. Love. A deep feeling for the young girl imperceptibly penetrated the soul of Mr. N. As often happens, he did not want to completely admit this "weakness" to himself. Having accidentally overheard Gagin's conversation with Asya, Mr. N. feels deceived, although, in essence, what does it matter to him, even if they are not brother and sister? It's just that the narrator is in love and therefore goes for a walk in the mountains for three days. Having learned the sad story of Asya, Mr. N. gives scope to his feelings. The possibility of mutual love inspires him. For the first time in his life, a young man feels an irresistible "thirst for happiness." All the oddities in Asya's behavior in his eyes acquire a special charm and charm.

4 Tragedy. Mr. N. destroyed his possible happiness with his own hands. Most likely, he simply did not understand how fragile it could be. During a conversation with Gagin, in the scene of a meeting with Asya, it was enough for Mr. N. to show determination. With his brother, he could not decide to marry, and in a conversation with Asya he generally behaved unworthily. A young, impulsive girl herself made an appointment and went on a date with Mr.

In response, the narrator showered her with undeserved reproaches and himself declared: "Now we must part." Despite this painful scene and Asya's flight, Mr. N. was sure: "Tomorrow I will be happy!" Unfortunately, the most opportune moment has already been missed. Happiness ruined just one unspoken word. Mr. N. admits that his youth allowed him to quickly forget about his fleeting love, but the image of a young gullible girl and the bright feeling that she awakened in him was forever engraved in the memory of the narrator.

Asya is one of the best works in Russian and world literature. In this story, the theme of a strange, couple of incomprehensible, complex love appears. Turgenev tried to convey the feelings, emotions, feelings of the main characters as accurately as possible.

Mr. N.N. is the narrator in this story, it is from his face that everything is narrated. He tells the reader about a sweet, very young girl, Asya. It was from Mr. N.N. we learn about everything that happens in the story. One can even draw a parallel between Mr. N. N. and Turgenev. After all, our writer and the main character are very similar, especially in character.

Mr. N.N. a young eccentric man, with a little, a lot of 25 years of life behind him. By nature, he is a traveler who loves to learn something new and unknown, even mysterious. He is a young, rich man. His hobby is observing people's lives, their actions, the way they communicate. In general, he makes a good impression. The main character is a harmonious personality that has already taken place in life.

Mr. N.N. cannot be imagined without sister Gagin. Asya is a young, sweet girl. Her behavior as a couple is surprising, but at the same time she is very shy and secretive. Her mannerisms are more like those of a teenager. But this girl always says what she thinks and never lies. All that causes Asya in the reader, as well as in Mr. N., is awe, care and tenderness.

Our protagonist is in turmoil. She wants to plunge headlong into feelings, but at the same time she does not want to lose her balance of balance. He always lives harmoniously and faithfully.

Asya is the girl who is not used to being silent. It was very difficult for her to overcome herself and open up, confess her feelings to the Master. But the hero did not accept her revelations. He is afraid of change, afraid of losing what he has. He is not ready to lose what he has. Namely, peace and well-being.

After the Lord's refusal, Gagin takes the girl to another city, without the possibility of ever meeting her lover. At that moment, Asya was depressed and upset and, probably, this was the best way out of this situation.

Our hero, Mr. N.N. and remained alone. He was still alone with himself and nature. Of course, he had other women who loved him, but he did not love them at all. But it was Asya who was able to leave a trace of love in his big and warm heart.

Essay Characteristics of Mr. H. H.

The main character of the work is a certain Mr. N.N., on whose behalf the narration is being conducted.

The image of the protagonist is revealed by the writer through the history of his relationship with the girl Asya.

At the age of twenty-five, a young man travels around European countries, feeling the desire to meet new people, the curiosity of knowing the world around him. Being a free and young man, not burdened with financial problems, he enjoys the journey, making frivolous and optional romances with the female sex in each new city.

In one of the German towns, having visited a student party, the gentleman meets the family of the amateur artist Gagin and his half-sister named Asya, with whom the young man develops good friendships. Often visiting the Gagins' house, Mr. N.N. shares with the artist the story of his unhappy love for a young widow. In response, Gagin tells the young man about the origin of his family. It turned out that Asya is only the half-sister of the artist, who lost her father and mother early.

Mr. N.N., looking at the girl, perceives her as an eccentric and strange person, with a rapidly changing mood in her own behavior, reminding him of a chameleon lizard. However, in the future, the young man realizes the reasons for this behavior of Asya, due to the shy nature of the girl and the lack of practical advice from relatives. Since being orphaned, Asya is deprived of parental care and affection, and her half-brother, who lives nearby, due to spinelessness and excessive kindness, is not able to teach the girl the wisdom of life.

After some time, the young man begins to have tender feelings for Asya, and the girl reciprocates, ready for decisive action for the sake of her lover. However, the indecisive young man, afraid of responsibility, does not have time to make a marriage proposal to the girl, so the Gagin family hastily leaves the city and leaves without leaving a new address.

Mr. N.N. subsequently, he never finds his personal happiness, living alone and keeping a bright memory of a feeling for Asa, which left tender and beautiful memories in his soul.

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Turgenev girl

The main characters of Ivan Turgenev are wayward, original personalities, honest, intelligent, capable of great feeling. At the time when the author lived, the position of a woman obliged her to be complaisant and decent. In other words, women were required to observe the norms of decency, their role was to be an inconspicuous application of their husband. But the heroines of this author's books are "not normal" for their society, because they are sincere, they do not know how to hide their feelings, although they are not deprived of intelligence. This type of woman was later called Turgenev.

Asya is a vivid example of Turgenev's girl, the heroine of the story "Asya". Her image is full of charming contradictions that can excite or frighten. But her main quality is that she is honest with herself and the people around her.

Origin of the heroine

Asya is 17 years old at the time of the story. The protagonist, hiding his name under the initials N.N., meets her and her brother at a student event abroad. The author once emphasizes the mystery of the girl - the hat covered half of her face. Asya and her brother are outwardly too different, which aroused the suspicion of Mr. N.N. However, they were indeed related. But Anna (that was the real name of the heroine) was ashamed of her origin.

She was the daughter of a landowner and a simple peasant woman. The father did not abandon the illegitimate daughter, and even took care of her upbringing. When her parents died, custody of Asya passed to her older brother, Gagin. There were warm feelings between them. Asya studied at a prestigious boarding school, but never became a socialite. Her open soul was alien to secular hypocrisy.

Asya's appearance

The reader sees Asya through the eyes of the narrator, Mr. N.N. And this leaves a certain imprint, because he is in love with her. According to the hero, Asya is a very pretty person: a round face, a small thin nose, dark curly hair. Most likely, she could hardly be called a real beauty, but she felt inner beauty and fiery power. The low, slender figure of the heroine seemed not yet fully developed. And her round cheeks also betrayed that she was still a child. But sometimes her look and all her features were so transformed that Asya looked very mature.

An interesting detail in appearance is dark light eyes. At first, this may seem strange. But such an oddity in appearance emphasizes the general ambiguous image of the girl. The black-eyed girl had a bright look, although sometimes her appearance looked defiant because of narrowed dark eyes.

The character of the heroine

In the character of Asya, two elements seemed to be fighting: calm and wild. Being naturally timid, the girl tried to look more cheeky. Her fiery nature tried to suppress her shyness. And this struggle often manifested itself in Asya's strange behavior. She either behaved quietly, or was capricious, like a child, or completely resembled a madwoman. This was especially evident when she met Mr. N.N. and loved him. But the heroine was still very young and did not know how to attract the attention of a more mature man. And yet, it was she who decided to take the first step and confessed her feelings.

It was based on the features inherent in the biography of the writer. The characterization of Asya in the story "Asya" is impossible without a brief digression into life, or rather the love of Ivan Sergeevich.

Eternal friend of Pauline Viardot

The relationship between Pauline Viardot and Ivan Sergeevich lasted a long 40 years. It was a love story that settled only in the heart of one man, Turgenev, and the woman passionately revered by him did not reciprocate. She was married. And for all four decades, Ivan Sergeevich came to their house as an eternal and forever faithful friend of the family. Having settled "on the edge of someone else's nest", the writer tried to build his own, but until the end of his life he loved Pauline Viardot. Viardot became a woman of love, a killer of the happiness of girls who fell recklessly in love with Ivan Sergeevich.

It is worth saying that the tragic relationship with Viardot was not new to him. Still quite young Ivan at the age of eighteen fell in love with his daughter Katenka. A sweet angelic creature, which the girl seemed at first glance, in fact, was not. She had lengthy meetings with the chief village ladies' man. By an evil irony, Sergei Nikolaevich Turgenev, the writer's father, won the girl's heart.

However, not only the writer's heart was broken, he himself more than once rejected women who loved him. After all, until the end of his days, he adored Pauline Viardot.

Characteristics of Asya in the story "Asya". Type of Turgenev girl

Many people know that Turgenev's girls exist, but few remember what she is like, the heroine from the writer's stories.

The portrait characteristic of Asya, found on the pages of the story, is as follows.

As can be seen from the above lines, Asya had an atypical beauty: her boyish appearance combined short large eyes, fringed with long eyelashes, and an unusually slender figure.

A brief description of Asya, her external image will be incomplete, if not to mention that, most likely, it reflected Turgenev's disappointment in the circle (consequences to Ekaterina Shakhovskaya).

It is here, on the pages of the story "Asya", that not only Turgenev's girl, but Turgenev's feeling of love is born. Love is compared to revolution.

Love, like revolution, tests the heroes and their feelings for stamina and vitality.

Asi's origin and character

The background of the heroine's life made a significant contribution to the character of the girl. This is the illegitimate daughter of a landowner and a maid. Her mother tried to bring her up in severity. However, after the death of Tatyana, Asya was taken to his father. Because of him, feelings such as pride and distrust arose in the girl’s soul.

The characterization of Asya from Turgenev's story introduces initial inconsistencies into her image. She is controversial and playful in dealing with all people. If you take her interest in everything around, then you can understand that the girl shows it a little unnaturally. Since she looks at everything with curiosity, however, in fact, she does not carefully delve into or peer into anything.

Despite her inherent pride, she has a strange predilection: to make acquaintances with people who are class below her.

moment of spiritual awakening

The characterization of Asya from Turgenev's story will be incomplete if you do not consider the issue of the spiritual awakening of the main characters: Asya and Mr. N.N.

The hero and the author of the story, having met Asya in a small German town, feels that his soul trembled. We can say that he spiritually revived, opened to feelings. Asya removes the pink veil through which he looked at himself and at his life. N.N. understands how false his existence was before the moment he met Asya: the time spent on travel now seems to him an unaffordable luxury.

The reborn worldview of Mr. N.N. looks forward to every meeting with trepidation. However, faced with a choice: love and responsibility or loneliness, he comes to the conclusion that it is absurd to possibly marry someone whose temper he will never conquer.

Love also helps to reveal Asya's character. She begins to realize herself as a person. Now she cannot get by with the usual reading of books from which she drew knowledge about "true" love. Asya opens up to feelings, hopes. For the first time in her life, she stopped doubting and opened herself to vivid feelings.

What is she, Asya, in the eyes of Mr. N.N.?

The characterization of Asya in the story "Asya" is not made by Ivan Sergeevich himself, he assigns this task to his hero, Mr. N.N.

Thanks to this, we can notice the transformation of the hero's attitude towards his beloved: from hostility to love and misunderstanding.

Mr. N.N. noted the spiritual impulse of Asya, who wants to show her “high” origin:

All her actions at first seem to him "childish antics." But soon he saw her in the form of a frightened, but beautiful bird:

The relationship between Asya and Mr. N.N.

The verbal description of Asya in the story "Asya" predicts the tragic outcome of the emerging relationship between the heroine and Mr. N.N.

By nature, Asya is a contradictory nature from her very roots. One has only to remember the attitude of the girl to her mother and her origin:

The girl loved to be paid attention to, and at the same time was afraid of this, as she was quite timid and bashful.

Asya dreams of a hero who will become for her the embodiment of happiness, love and thought. A hero who can meekly oppose himself to "human vulgarity" in order to save love.

Asya saw her hero in Mr. N.N.

The narrator fell in love with the girl from the first moment they met. She wanted to intrigue him and at the same time show that she was a well-born young lady, and not some kind of daughter of the maid Tatyana. This behavior, unusual for her, influenced the first impression formed by Mr. N.N.

She then falls in love with N.N. and begins to expect from him not just actions, but an answer. The answer to her question: "What to do?" The heroine dreams of a feat, but she never expects it from her lover.

But why? The answer is simple: Mr. N.N. not endowed with spiritual wealth inherent in Asa. His image is rather meager and a little dull, although not without a touch of edification. This is how he appears before us according to Chernyshevsky. Turgenev himself sees him as a man with a trembling, tormented soul.

"Asya", characteristic of N.N.

Souls, heart impulses, thoughts about the meaning of life were unfamiliar to the hero of the story N.N., on behalf of whom the story is being told. He led a dissolute life in which he did what he wanted, and thought only about his own desires, neglecting the opinions of others.

He did not care about the sense of morality, duty, responsibility. He never thought about the consequences of his actions, while shifting the most important decisions onto the shoulders of others.

However, N.N. - not the full embodiment of the bad hero of the story. Despite everything, he did not lose the ability to understand and separate good from evil. He is quite curious and inquisitive. The purpose of his journey is not a desire to know the world, but a dream to know many new people and faces. N.N. proud enough, but the feeling of rejected love is not alien to him: earlier he was in love with a widow who rejected him. Despite this, he remains a kind and pleasant enough young man of 25 years.

Mr. N.N. realizes that Asya is a strange girl, therefore she is afraid to face unexpected turns of her character in the future. In addition, he sees marriage as an unbearable burden, which is based on responsibility for someone else's fate and life.

Afraid of change and changeable, but full of life, N.N. refuses possible mutual happiness, putting on Asya's shoulders the responsibility for deciding the outcome of their relationship. Having thus committed a betrayal, he predicts in advance for himself a lonely existence. By betraying Asya, he rejected life, love, and the future. However, Ivan Sergeevich is in no hurry to reproach him. Because he paid the price for his mistake...

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