Living organisms spring withdrawal. Spring health crisis

Spring is a time of awakening and renewal of all nature, When a new life cycle begins and everything blooms with bright colors. On the other hand, it is at this time that weakness, fatigue and bad mood manifest themselves with greater force. Our whole life is built on contrasts, and seasonal restructuring is a very vivid confirmation of this.

Spring imbalance has a far from favorable effect on our body, it often causes a depressed mood, a condition that doctors call “spring depression”. You sit and admire the bare trees, puddles and dirty paths, and the cloudy sky and the urban landscape outside the window do not cause long-awaited positive emotions.

During the winter, the body is depleted by severe weather conditions, lack of sun and an abundance of stress. First, nerves give out, and then it materializes in a disease of the body. In the spring, all chronic diseases are exacerbated. In winter and summer, we feel quite even, but spring and autumn are the time of seasonal restructuring, during which all processes go astray. Just like all nature, our body strives for renewal, and by renewing it shows where it has problems. You can't call it a disease, it's just a common spring condition that has well-defined symptoms.

Stay in the sun more often - it promotes the absorption of vitamins. Under the influence of sunlight, the body produces more serotonin - the hormone of happiness and good mood, which means that you do not have to stress to seize sweets. It is very important to get enough sleep, this is a serious support for a weakened nervous system. Of course, you can run to the pharmacy for vitamins and antidepressants, or you can create yourself comfortable conditions for rest and relaxation after working days. Modern life does not allow us not to experience stress, but it depends on us whether we can cope with them.

Lesson plan - excursions on the topic: “ live organisms spring » Purpose: To develop in students concepts of the relationship of vegetable organism with environmental conditions, to form the ability to identify early flowering plants. Based on observations, find out the biological characteristics of early flowering plants and the influence of inanimate factors on life alive organisms . Build respect for nature. Develop skills to monitor changes...

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    • To develop in students the concept of the relationship of the plant organism with environmental conditions, to form the ability to identify early flowering plants .

    • On the basis of observations, find out the biological characteristics of early flowering plants and the influence of inanimate nature factors on the life of living organisms.

    • Build respect for nature.

    • To develop the skills of observing changes in nature, to arouse a desire for independent research.

    • Develop dialectical-materialist views on nature.

    • Equipment and decoration: a notebook (notebook) for notes and sketches, a pencil (pen), instruction cards, binoculars, a camera, boxes, jars, small bags, sightseeing magnifiers.

    • Location of the tour: school neighborhood (forest plantation, pond, river)

    Rules of conduct in nature

    • It is impossible to kindle a fire in the forest during a fire hazardous time, it is necessary to carefully check before leaving the place where the fire was burning, whether it was well extinguished.

    • Being in nature, you can not pick plants for bouquets. Bouquets can only be made from those plants that are grown by man.

    • You can collect medicinal plants only in those places where there are a lot of them. Some plants must be left in nature.

    • You can not break the branches of trees and shrubs. Let beautiful plants, trees remain in nature.

    • In nature, especially in the forest, you should try to walk along the paths so that the plants do not die from trampling.

    school pond

    The death of fish

    We study rocks

    forest plantation

    Spring is a rather difficult time for the body of any person. It is often assumed that the main reason for the decrease in immunity during this period and the exacerbation of chronic diseases is beriberi, that is, the lack of intake of various vitamins and minerals with food. To some extent, this statement is true. But vitamin deficiency is not the main factor contributing to a decrease in the body's resistance. It only accompanies a decrease in immunity, and aggravates the situation with the spring restructuring of the body.

    The main reason for the decrease in body resistance in the spring

    All nature lives according to the same laws of development. So evolution ordered that after a long winter period, with the onset of spring, the stage of renewal of the environment around us begins. Man is also an integral part of wildlife, and is subject to the same laws of development as any tree or animal. Surely you know that with the onset of spring, all pets begin the process of molting, which indicates the renewal of the hairline. This process is due to the biological rhythms of any living organism.

    In the spring, metabolic processes are accelerated. This requires additional energy and various nutrients needed to build new cells. That is why the body begins to experience a lack of vitamins and minerals in the spring. A huge amount of these useful substances in the spring goes to the renewal of the cellular composition of the human body. Therefore, all the flaws in nutrition at this time of the year become a real scourge for the body.

    This also explains the presence of a large number of centenarians in the Caucasian region. The fact is that there the food culture has evolved over the centuries on the basis of those products that were available to the population. Basically it was: meat, greens, vegetables and fruits. This culture has survived to this day. Any inhabitant of the Caucasian region receives enough proteins, essential amino acids, minerals and vitamins at any time of the year. There is no such seasonality in nutrition, which is present in central Russia.

    The lack of all the necessary nutrients is the root cause of all seasonal health problems. The manifestations of cellular nutrition deficiency look different. This most often depends on the constitutional characteristics of each person and the presence of chronic diseases.

    How does the body signal that it is bad?

    Cellular hunger begins to appear in the fall. If at this time of the year you feel weakness and a decrease in vitality, then you can be sure that in early spring you will feel unwell and exacerbate chronic diseases. The vast majority of Russian residents have a lack of cellular nutrition throughout the calendar year. Just in the summer, it is partially offset by the intake of a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals when eating raw fruits and vegetables. But even in the summer, the body does not receive all the necessary elements. It's just that nutritional deficiencies deviate towards amino acids and proteins.

    Therefore, in the fall, when the diet changes again, the body does not have time to rebuild and signals a lack of nutrition with the help of seasonal depression. However, a myth was invented that melanin begins to be produced in the fall, which provokes a decrease in body tone. Melanin really provokes the body to reduce activity. But this is a protective reaction to the deficiency of cellular nutrition. Thus, the body tries to protect itself from destruction. He tries to force a person, if not to give him everything necessary for normal functioning, then at least to reduce physical activity and reduce energy costs.

    Closer to winter, the body adjusts to a new diet. A person, as a rule, sharply limits physical activity by this time. This makes it possible for some time to coexist in harmony with your body. The next alarm signal should be the beginning of a whole series of colds, which are interspersed with bouts of chronic fatigue and fatigue. Moreover, each case of acute respiratory disease during the winter only exacerbates the situation. The production of lymphocytes and leukocytes, which carry out the fight against pathogenic viruses and bacteria, requires sufficient cellular nutrition. He is not. But on the other hand, eating handfuls of a whole bunch of chemicals called antibiotics joins an unhealthy diet. These drugs kill microflora. But they don't know how to tell the good bacteria from the bad ones. So they destroy everything. From that moment on, nutrients that come in insufficient quantities are no longer processed in the digestive tract due to the massive death of the intestinal microflora.

    Who is most likely to suffer from a spring health crisis?

    No one is safe from the danger of falling into the risk sector of a spring decrease in immunity and exacerbation of chronic diseases. However, most often this disease affects those categories of citizens who have chronic diseases and systematic deviations in diet. Even in ancient times, doctors said that a person is what he eats. That is, not only health, but also longevity of a person depends on proper nutrition. A special line in the list of people subject to spring deterioration in health is occupied by people who suffer from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels, musculoskeletal system and disorders of the immune and endocrine systems.

    These individuals need to take special care of their health during this period. To do this, you must follow some rules and adhere to certain standards of behavior that will prevent the negative manifestations of spring deterioration in health.

    What about those who suffer from abnormal blood pressure?

    First of all, malaise in the spring can be felt by those people who have problems with blood vessels and the heart. The most common manifestation of this is hypertension and vascular atherosclerosis. However, hypotension is no less common. These diseases are closely associated with a decrease in the tone of the vascular wall. Later stages of vascular disease are accompanied by angina pectoris and coronary heart disease.

    In the spring, cell renewal begins, which form the walls of blood vessels. It is very important to follow the diet. Such people should pay special attention to the water-salt balance. Limit fluid and salt intake. This will help to avoid an increase in blood volume and save the vascular wall from excessive stress during this difficult period. Thus, it will be possible to avoid its transformation.

    In addition, you should balance your diet so that your body gets enough vitamin E, which is necessary for the restoration of the vascular wall, and vitamin A, which promotes cell regeneration. These vitamins are found in large quantities in foods such as carrots, sunflower seeds, various cereals and unrefined sunflower oil. During this period, daily use of tincture or decoction of ginseng root will be appropriate. Baths with decoctions of chamomile, sea salt are also useful. The water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. The time spent in such a bath is no more than 30 minutes. Breathing exercises also have a beneficial effect. A small set of physical exercises, if performed regularly, will help maintain in good shape not only blood vessels, but also the heart muscle. This will make it possible to overcome the spring period without any problems from the cardiovascular system.

    Digestive tract under attack

    The digestive tract system in the spring is significantly weakened after a winter diet and periodic treatment of various colds. Most often, the main cause of an unbalanced work of the digestive system is a disease such as dysbacteriosis. This disease affects a large number of the population of Russia. This is due to a completely wrong diet. Almost every second inhabitant of the Russian Federation does not eat enough fiber and processed foods that contribute to the normal functioning of the intestines. At the same time, we all believe that by consuming various yogurt products, we replenish our supply of beneficial bacteria. This is a very dangerous delusion. Most plastic cups do not contain any live lactobacilli. These are dead products that do not bring any benefit. Live yoghurts cannot be pasteurized and cannot be stored for more than 10 days.

    Nevertheless, it is dysbacteriosis that is the main cause of reduced immunity, increased fatigue, irritability, headaches and joint pain. The main clinical picture of this disease is periodic bloating, heaviness after eating, impaired stools, and both loose stools and constipation can be observed.

    In order not to jeopardize the gastrointestinal tract in the spring, try to get an appointment with a gastroenterologist as soon as possible. This specialist will give you a referral for a stool test for dysbacteriosis. Thanks to the results of this simple and quick examination, you will know for sure - the absence or deficiency of which bacteria is the cause of your dysbacteriosis. After that, a course of taking bacterial preparations will be prescribed. Do not try to be treated without the participation of a doctor and test results.

    The gradual restoration of the intestinal microflora in a natural way is also possible. But it will take a long period of time. To do this, you need to eat enough fresh vegetables and fruits to increase intestinal motility and lactic acid products, but only with labels on the package that indicate that they contain live lactobacilli.

    Don't give offense to the airways

    Breathing is of great importance for the normal functioning of the human body. The respiratory tract carries oxygen to the heart, lungs, brain and cellular structures of all other organs. Without a sufficient amount of oxygen, full-fledged metabolic processes are impossible. The metabolism in the body is necessary so that the cellular structures can be updated and restored in time in a natural way. In the spring, when the biological rhythms of a person give the order to start renewal, this takes on special significance and a huge load falls on the lungs. The oxygen consumption increases.

    The second function of the surface of the lung tissue is the adsorption and removal from the body of the decay product - carbon dioxide. During the period of regeneration and renewal of the cellular structure, the percentage of this product in the blood increases significantly, and the functional load on the respiratory tract increases. Therefore, it is important not to offend the respiratory system at this time.

    First of all, you should pay attention to what kind of air you breathe. If you live in a metropolis and constantly breathe polluted air, you can be sure that your body is experiencing a constant lack of oxygen. The lungs are forced to work harder. Help them.

    Try to spend at least four hours on weekends in places where plantings have been preserved. A great way to help your respiratory system can be a Saturday walk in a pine forest. In spring, nature begins its awakening. A simple walk through the forest once a week can bring much more benefits to the whole body than a month spent at the resort. At this time, your lungs will breathe freely and be cleansed of all gas contamination with harmful substances that are present in large quantities in the city air. Walking through the forest, collect a small amount of pine or spruce needles. It is necessary to take those parts of the shoots that are fresh, grown this season. They are lighter in color.

    Arriving home, these coniferous branches should be brewed. For a half-liter jar of chopped pine needles, you need to take about three liters of boiling water. This decoction will help you maintain your lungs throughout the next week, until the next trip. Half a glass of coniferous broth that you drink in the morning will help not only partially restore the cellular structure of the lung tissue due to the chitosan contained in it, but also fill the diet with all the necessary vitamins. Adding coniferous decoction to a warm bath will increase the overall tone of the body, give a boost of energy and renew skin cells.

    In this material, we examined the possibilities of protecting various organs and systems of the body in the spring. However, there are general ways to protect the body from a decrease in tone during this difficult time.

    The basis for ensuring normal life is a healthy diet and an active lifestyle. These two concepts are closely related. Without physical activity, the human body is not capable of normal metabolism. So evolution ordered that only when moving is normal lymph flow and blood flow possible. During physical exertion, fluid stagnation is removed from various cavities and intercellular space. At the same time, a large amount of toxins and toxins are excreted with sweat secretions. This partially relieves the kidneys. Movement speeds up metabolic processes. Therefore, physical activity is necessary.

    You should not immediately take on obligations to fulfill the standards of sports categories. For starters, it’s enough just to go out to the nearest park every evening and take a measured walk there for a couple of hours.

    The second point is a healthy diet. Here, too, not everything is as complicated as it seems. It is only necessary to gradually replace “harmful” food with “healthy” food in your diet. The list of things that harm the human body includes, first of all, refined products that have undergone deep processing, contain genetically modified elements and refractory fats. The basis of nutrition should be those elements that are subjected to minimal processing during the production process. It is a natural food that consists of various cereals, seasonal fruits and vegetables. From the meat assortment, it is necessary to give preference to domestic-produced chicken and lean meats. Sunflower oil must be unrefined. These varieties are rich in vitamin E and antioxidants. Refined sunflower oil contains nothing but fats. Cookies, sweets, waffles and cakes are best replaced with dried fruits and nuts. You should try to exclude various psychostimulants from your diet, such as coffee, wine, energy drinks. Try to replace them with vitamin complexes, decoctions and infusions of herbs and a healthy, full sleep.

    Observing even these simple principles, you will not feel the usual spring deterioration in well-being. On the contrary, you will experience a surge of energy, a great mood and a pleasant lightness.

    Purpose: to observe the influence of inanimate nature factors on the life of the natural community; get to know the diversity of living organisms.

    Tour progress

    1. Name and draw a few early flowering plants:

    a) pollinated by the wind

    Silver birch, gray alder, aspen.

    The absence of leaves facilitates pollination.

    b) having underground organs with a supply of nutrients. Explain the importance of early flowering for early flowering plants.

    Lily of the valley bell flowers appear simultaneously with large lanceolate leaves. An underground rhizome with a supply of nutrients grows and branches, forming small above-ground shoots. Blooms in April - May.

    Among the very first spring flowers, the blue-blue flowers enchant with the touching tenderness of the blue-blue flowers. The fragile plant magically breaks through the freshly thawed soil at the same time as snowdrops, for which it is often confused and called "blue snowdrops". Scylla or scilla is a herbaceous plant with long leaves. Its modified underground stem, the bulb, serves to store nutrients.

    The tiered arrangement of plants in the forest primarily provides such a factor as light.

    3. Note the light color of flowers in herbaceous plants of a dark spruce forest. Explain the reason.

    White flowers are better than any other, visible in the twilight, they are most easily found by pollinating insects.

    4. Write down in your diary what animals you saw.

    In the spring in the forest you can meet a squirrel, a hedgehog. You most likely will not be able to see other animals (wolf, fox, elk, bear), because they try to avoid meeting the person.

    In spring, there are many birds in the forest (woodpecker, titmouse, forest pipit, jay, chaffinch, goldfinch, etc.) and insects (butterflies, bumblebees, bees, etc.)

    5. Draw a blossoming bud. What spring environmental conditions helped her to wake up?

    The rise in temperature allowed the kidney to wake up.

    6. What changes in nature under the influence of human activities have you noticed?

    Under the influence of human activity as a result of forest fires, many living organisms die and their habitat changes. As a result of pollution from household waste and industrial emissions, many plants begin to dry out and are susceptible to various diseases.

    7. Make a conclusion by answering two questions.

    Is it a coincidence that different plants live in the same community?

    It is no coincidence that different plants live in the same community. All of them are adapted to exist together without harming each other, while rationally using the solar energy that enters the community.

    What role do the animals that live nearby play in their lives?

    Animals in a plant community do both harm and good. So herbivores eat green inhabitants for food. But other animals decompose the corpses of dead organisms, thereby returning minerals to the soil.

    8. Fill out a report on the excursion.

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