Judas product. Leonid Andreev - Judas Iscariot

The appearance of Judas of Carioth has always been such that no one could fully see him from one side. He was truly two-faced. One side of his face was lined with wrinkles and seemed to be in constant motion, as was his penetrating eye.

At the same time, the second half of the face of Judas was absolutely smooth and motionless, with the same immovable, tightened thorn, eye. He was beautiful and ugly at the same time. This man invariably inspired terror and disdain in those around him. However, he was not without some amazing

Attractive force.

The other disciples were always amazed at how and why the Master brought this man closer to him. They also asked Judas himself what drives him to those bad deeds that he commits. However, he answered all the remarks only by saying that every person is a sinner. At these moments, he terrifyingly became like a perverted image of Christ.

When the apostles asked Judas about his father, whether he was a good man, he only answered that he could not know what the devil really was, but he was not very sure who his father was, a goat, a rooster, or really the devil himself. Say, his mother was confused with many,

Therefore, he is simply not versed in this matter. And to the question of whether he considers them, the apostles, worthy people, Judas only smirked and said that they were trying to tempt him.

Traveling from city to city, the disciples of Christ have to face many different difficulties, and Judas plays an important role in their creation. In one city he stole a kid. In another, when the local people attacked the Teacher and his flock with a thirst to tear them to pieces for false teachings in order to stop them, Judas said that they were mistaken, they say, Christ is the same rogue and deceiver as he himself, who simply wants to profit by using trust of the common people. The locals considered it unworthy to dirty their hands on such people.

After these speeches of their "comrade", the apostles became indignant, but they were unaware that Judas had saved their lives in such a vile way. Only Christ himself could understand this. While Thomas, only with disdain and hatred, expresses to the native of Kariot what he now really realizes - the father is the devil himself.

In another situation, having stopped to rest, the apostles decided to measure their strength and began to lift the heaviest stones, trying to determine who would be stronger and lift the heaviest boulder. As a result, Judas turned out to be the strongest. Peter prayed to God that he did not want such a person to be the strongest. However, Christ only replied to this that if God hears his prayers and helps, then who will help Judas.

Once the apostles caught a comrade they hated in stealing several coins, after he was instructed to protect them. But again Christ corrected them, explaining that no one has the right to blame anyone for anything.

Once John and Peter started a dispute about which of them is more worthy, the field of Christ is in the Kingdom of Heaven. At first, Judas assured them that each of them was equal in similar things. However, at the end of the argument, he stunned everyone with the assertion that he alone is the only one worthy to be at the right hand of Christ.

This conversation prompted the cunning and vile student to go to the high priest the next day and, having slandered his teacher, offers to execute him so that he would quickly go to the very Kingdom that he so preaches. Knowing about the reputation of the person who came to him, the high priest first tries to drive him away, but after some threats, he still agrees. As payment for the crime committed by the scoundrel, he offers him thirty pieces of silver. However, Judas, offended by the small sum, enters into an altercation. The high priest again tries to kick him out. Then he comes to the conclusion that if you do not agree to this amount, then there will definitely be someone else who will accept a less favorable offer, if only to commit this act and go down in history hand in hand with the Savior.

After Judas sees the terrible torture that Christ has to endure, he wants to save him from torment and gives the apostles two swords so that they can do something. However, those who are convinced that they cannot do anything, since it was the will of God, only mournfully observe everything that happens. Then Judas understands that in fact none of them was worthy to be even close to Christ. He is convinced that if mountains and forests could move, they would not be able to stay away and would fall on people in order to stop what is happening.

This time, Judas acts as a loud-voiced prophet, pouring out his arguments on the heads of everyone who hears him, he also tells them that he only slandered his Teacher, and evil people believed him, and did something for which they will never be forgiven. After that, he contemptuously leaves the people he hates and, climbing a rock, tightens the noose around his neck. Meanwhile, the news of Judas the traitor is spreading around the world.

Among the disciples of Christ, so open, understandable at first glance, Judas from Carioth stands out not only for his notoriety, but also for his dual appearance: his face seems to be sewn from two halves. One side of the face is constantly moving, dotted with wrinkles, with a sharp black eye, the other is deadly smooth and seems disproportionately large from a wide-open, blind, thorn-covered eye.

When he appeared, none of the apostles noticed. What made Jesus draw him closer to himself and what attracts this Judas to the Teacher are also unanswered questions. Peter, John, Thomas look - and are unable to comprehend this closeness of beauty and ugliness, meekness and vice - the closeness of Christ and Judas sitting next to the table.

Many times the apostles asked Judas about what compels him to do bad deeds, he answers with a grin: every person has sinned at least once. The words of Jude are almost similar to what Christ tells them: no one has the right to condemn anyone. And the apostles faithful to the Teacher humble their anger at Judas: “It's nothing that you are so ugly. There are not so ugly ones in our fishing nets!”

“Tell me, Judas, was your father a good man?” “And who was my father? The one who whipped me with a rod? Or the devil, goat, rooster? How can Judas know everyone with whom his mother shared a bed?

Jude's answer shakes the apostles: whoever glorifies his parents is doomed to perdition! “Tell me, are we good people?” “Ah, they are tempting poor Judas, they are offending Judas!” grimaces the red-haired man from Kariot.

In one village they are accused of stealing a kid, knowing that Judas is walking with them. In another village, after the preaching of Christ, they wanted to stone Him and the disciples; Judas rushed to the crowd, shouting that the Teacher was not possessed by a demon at all, that He was just a deceiver who loves money, just like him, Judas, and the crowd humbled himself: “These strangers are not worthy to die at the hands of an honest one!”

Jesus leaves the village in anger, moving away from it with long steps; the disciples follow him at a respectful distance, cursing Judas. “Now I believe that your father is the devil,” Thomas throws in his face. Fools! He saved their lives, but once again they did not appreciate him ...

Somehow, at a halt, the apostles decided to have fun: measuring their strength, they pick up stones from the ground - who is bigger? - and thrown into the abyss. Judas lifts the heaviest piece of rock. His face shines with triumph: now it is clear to everyone that he, Judas, is the strongest, most beautiful, best of the twelve. “Lord,” Peter prays to Christ, “I do not want Judas to be the strongest. Help me defeat him!” “And who will help Iscariot?” Jesus replies sadly.

Judas, appointed by Christ to keep all their savings, hides a few coins - this is revealed. The students are outraged. Judas is brought to Christ - and He again stands up for him: “No one should count how much money our brother embezzled. Such reproaches offend him.” In the evening at dinner, Judas is cheerful, but he is pleased not so much by reconciliation with the apostles, but by the fact that the Teacher again singled him out from the general row: “How can a man who was kissed so much today for stealing not be cheerful? If I had not stolen, would John have known what love for one's neighbor is? Isn't it fun to be a hook on which one hangs damp virtue to dry, and the other a mind wasted by moths?

The mournful last days of Christ are approaching. Peter and John are arguing over which of them is more worthy to sit at the right hand of the Teacher in the Kingdom of Heaven - the cunning Judas points out to everyone his primacy. And then, when asked how he still thinks in good conscience, he proudly answers: “Of course I do!” The next morning, he goes to the high priest Anna, offering to bring the Nazarene to justice. Anna is well aware of the reputation of Judas and drives him away for several days in a row; but, fearing a rebellion and the intervention of the Roman authorities, with contempt offers Judas thirty pieces of silver for the life of the Teacher. Judas is indignant: “You do not understand what they are selling you! He is kind, he heals the sick, he is loved by the poor! This price - it turns out that for a drop of blood you give only half an obol, for a drop of sweat - a quarter of an obol ... And His screams? And the moans? What about the heart, mouth, eyes? You want to rob me!” "Then you won't get anything." Hearing such an unexpected refusal, Judas is transformed: he must not concede to anyone the right to the life of Christ, and in fact there will surely be a villain who is ready to betray Him for an obol or two ...

Judas surrounds the One whom he betrayed with caress in the last hours. Affectionate and helpful he is with the apostles: nothing should interfere with the plan, thanks to which the name of Judas will forever be called in the memory of people along with the name of Jesus! In the Garden of Gethsemane, he kisses Christ with such painful tenderness and longing that if Jesus were a flower, not a drop of dew would fall from His petals, he would not sway on a thin stalk from the kiss of Judas. Step by step, Judas follows in the footsteps of Christ, not believing his eyes when He is beaten, condemned, led to Golgotha. The night is thickening… What is the night? The sun is rising... What is the sun? Nobody shouts "Hosanna!" No one defended Christ with weapons, although he, Judas, stole two swords from Roman soldiers and brought them to these “faithful disciples”! He is alone - to the end, to the last breath - with Jesus! His horror and dream come true. Iscariot rises from his knees at the foot of the Calvary cross. Who will wrest victory from his hands? Let all nations, all future generations flow here at this moment - they will find only a pillory and a dead body.

Judas looks at the ground. How small she suddenly became under his feet! Time no longer passes by itself, neither in front nor behind, but, obediently, it moves with all its bulk only together with Judas, with his steps on this small earth.

He goes to the Sanhedrin and throws them in the face like a sovereign: “I deceived you! He was innocent and pure! You killed the sinless! Judas did not betray him, but betrayed you to eternal disgrace!”

On this day, Judas speaks like a prophet, which the cowardly apostles do not dare: “Today I saw the sun - it looked at the earth with horror, asking:“ Where are the people here? ”Scorpions, animals, stones - everyone echoed this question. If you tell the sea and the mountains how much the people valued Jesus, they will come down from their seats and fall on your heads!..”

“Which of you,” Iscariot addresses the apostles, “will go with me to Jesus? You are scared! Are you saying it was His will? Do you explain your cowardice by the fact that He ordered you to carry His word on earth? But who will believe His word in your cowardly and unfaithful lips?”

Judas “climbs the mountain and tightens the noose around his neck in front of the whole world, completing his plan. The news of Judas the traitor is spreading all over the world. Not faster and not quieter, but along with time this message continues to fly…”

Summary of Andreev's story "Judas Iscariot"

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The story "Judas Iscariot", a summary of which is presented in this article, was created on the basis of a biblical story. Nevertheless, even before the publication of the work, Maxim Gorky said that few would understand it and would cause a lot of noise.

Leonid Andreev

This is a rather ambiguous author. Andreev's work in Soviet times was unfamiliar to readers. Before proceeding to a summary of Judas Iscariot - a story that causes both delight and indignation - let's recall the main and most interesting facts from the writer's biography.

Leonid Nikolaevich Andreev was an extraordinary and very emotional person. As a law student, he began to abuse alcohol. For some time, the only source of income for Andreev was painting portraits to order: he was not only a writer, but also an artist.

In 1894 Andreev tried to commit suicide. An unsuccessful shot led to the development of heart disease. For five years, Leonid Andreev was engaged in advocacy. Writer's fame came to him in 1901. But even then, he evoked conflicting feelings among readers and critics. Leonid Andreev welcomed the revolution of 1905 with joy, but soon became disillusioned with it. After the secession of Finland, he went into exile. The writer died abroad in 1919 from a heart defect.

The history of the creation of the story "Judas Iscariot"

The work was published in 1907. The plot ideas came to the mind of the writer during his stay in Switzerland. In May 1906, Leonid Andreev informed one of his colleagues that he was going to write a book on the psychology of betrayal. He managed to realize the plan in Capri, where he went after the death of his wife.

"Judas Iscariot", a summary of which is presented below, was written within two weeks. The author showed the first edition to his friend Maxim Gorky. He drew the author's attention to historical and factual errors. Andreev re-read the New Testament more than once and made corrections to the story. Even during the life of the writer, the story "Judas Iscariot" was translated into English, German, French and other languages.

The man of notoriety

None of the apostles noticed the appearance of Judas. How did he manage to gain Master's trust? Jesus Christ was warned many times that he was a very notorious man. He should beware. Judas was condemned not only by “right” people, but also by villains. He was the worst of the worst. When the disciples asked Judas about what motivates him to do terrible things, he answered that every person is a sinner. What he said was in tune with the words of Jesus. Nobody has the right to judge another.

This is the philosophical problem of the story Judas Iscariot. The author, of course, did not make his hero positive. But he put the traitor on a par with the disciples of Jesus Christ. Andreev's idea could not but cause a resonance in society.

The disciples of Christ asked Judas more than once about who his father was. He replied that he did not know, perhaps the devil, a rooster, a goat. How can he know everyone with whom his mother shared a bed? Such answers shocked the apostles. Judas insulted his parents, which means he was doomed to perish.

One day, a crowd attacks Christ and his disciples. They are accused of stealing a kid. But a person who will soon betray his teacher rushes to the crowd with the words that the teacher is not possessed by a demon at all, he just loves money just like everyone else. Jesus leaves the village in anger. His disciples follow him, cursing Judas. But after all, this small, disgusting man, worthy of only contempt, wanted to save them ...


Christ trusts Judas to keep his savings. But he hides a few coins, which the students, of course, will soon find out. But Jesus does not condemn the unlucky disciple. After all, the apostles should not count the coins that his brother appropriated. Their reproaches only offend him. This evening Judas Iscariot is very cheerful. On his example, the apostle John understood what love for one's neighbor is.

thirty pieces of silver

The last days of his life, Jesus surrounds with affection the one who betrays him. Judas is helpful with his disciples - nothing should interfere with his plan. An event will soon take place, thanks to which his name will forever remain in the memory of people. It will be called almost as often as the name of Jesus.

After the execution

When analyzing Andreev's story "Judas Iscariot", special attention should be paid to the finale of the work. The apostles suddenly appear before the readers as cowardly, cowardly people. After the execution, Judas addresses them with a sermon. Why didn't they save Christ? Why didn't they attack the guards in order to rescue the Teacher?

Judas will forever remain in the memory of people as a traitor. And those who were silent when Jesus was crucified will be venerated. After all, they carry the Word of Christ on earth. This is the summary of Judas Iscariot. In order to make an artistic analysis of the work, you should still read the story in full.

The meaning of the story "Judas Iscariot"

Why did the author depict a negative biblical character in such an unusual perspective? "Judas Iscariot" by Leonid Nikolaevich Andreev is, according to many critics, one of the greatest works of Russian classics. The story makes the reader think first of all about what is true love, true faith and fear of death. The author seems to be asking what is hidden behind faith, is there a lot of true love in it?

The image of Judas in the story "Judas Iscariot"

The hero of Andreev's book is a traitor. Judas sold Christ for 30 pieces of silver. He is the worst of all who has ever lived on our planet. Can you feel compassion for him? Of course not. The writer seems to tempt the reader.

But it is worth remembering that Andreev's story is by no means a theological work. The book has nothing to do with the church, faith. The author simply invited readers to look at the well-known story from a different, unusual side.

A person is mistaken, believing that he can always accurately determine the motives of the behavior of another. Judas betrays Christ, which means he is a bad person. This indicates that he does not believe in the Messiah. The apostles give the teacher to the Romans and Pharisees to be torn to pieces. And they do it because they believe in their teacher. Jesus will rise again, they will believe in the Savior. Andreev offered to look at the act of both Judas and the faithful disciples of Christ differently.

Judas is madly in love with Christ. However, it seems to him that those around him do not appreciate Jesus enough. And he provokes the Jews: he betrays the adored teacher in order to test the strength of the people's love for him. Judas is in for a severe disappointment: the disciples fled, and the people demand to kill Jesus. Even the words of Pilate that he did not find the guilt of Christ were not heard by anyone. The crowd is out for blood.

This book caused indignation among believers. Not surprising. The apostles did not snatch Christ from the clutches of the escorts, not because they believed in him, but because they were afraid - this is perhaps the main idea of ​​Andreev's story. After the execution, Judas turns to the disciples with reproaches, and at this moment he is not at all disgusting. It seems that there is truth in his words.

Judas took upon himself a heavy cross. He became a traitor, thus causing people to wake up. Jesus said that the guilty should not be killed. But wasn't his execution a violation of this postulate? In the mouth of Judas - his hero - Andreev puts words that, perhaps, he wanted to pronounce himself. Did not Christ go to death with the tacit consent of his disciples? Judas asks the apostles how they could allow his death. They have nothing to answer. They are confusedly silent.

Among the disciples of Christ, so open, understandable at first glance, Judas from Carioth stands out not only for his notoriety, but also for his dual appearance: his face seems to be sewn from two halves. One side of the face is constantly moving, dotted with wrinkles, with a black sharp eye, the other is deadly smooth and seems disproportionately large from a wide-open, blind, thorn-covered eye.

When he appeared, none of the apostles noticed. What made Jesus draw him closer to himself and what attracts this Judas to the Teacher are also unanswered questions. Peter, John, Thomas look - and are unable to comprehend this closeness of beauty and ugliness, meekness and vice - the closeness of Christ and Judas sitting next to the table.

Many times the apostles asked Judas about what compels him to do bad deeds, he answers with a grin: every person has sinned at least once. The words of Jude are almost similar to what Christ tells them: no one has the right to condemn anyone. And the apostles faithful to the Teacher humble their anger at Judas: “It's nothing that you are so ugly. Not so ugly come across in our fishing nets!

“Tell me, Judas, was your father a good man?” “And who was my father? The one who whipped me with a rod? Or the devil, goat, rooster? How can Judas know everyone with whom his mother shared a bed?

Jude's answer shakes the apostles: whoever glorifies his parents is doomed to perdition! “Tell me, are we good people?” - "Ah, they tempt poor Judas, offend Judas!" - the red-haired man from Karyota grimaces.

In one village they are accused of stealing a kid, knowing that Judas is walking with them. In another village, after the preaching of Christ, they wanted to stone Him and the disciples; Judas rushed to the crowd, shouting that the Teacher was not possessed by a demon at all, that He was just a deceiver who loves money, just like him, Judas, - and the crowd humbled himself: “These strangers are not worthy to die at the hands of an honest one!”

Jesus leaves the village in anger, moving away from it with long steps; the disciples follow him at a respectful distance, cursing Judas. “Now I believe that your father is the devil,” Foma throws in his face. Fools! He saved their lives, but once again they did not appreciate him ...

Somehow, at a halt, the apostles decided to have fun: measuring their strength, they pick up stones from the ground - who is bigger? - and thrown into the abyss. Judas lifts the heaviest piece of rock. His face shines with triumph: now it is clear to everyone that he, Judas, is the strongest, most beautiful, best of the twelve. “Lord,” Peter prays to Christ, “I do not want Judas to be the strongest. Help me defeat him!" - "And who will help Iscariot?" Jesus replies sadly.

Judas, appointed by Christ to keep all their savings, hides a few coins - this is revealed. The students are outraged. Judas is brought to Christ - and He again stands up for him: “No one should count how much money our brother embezzled. Such reproaches offend him." In the evening at dinner, Judas is cheerful, but he is pleased not so much with reconciliation with the apostles, but with the fact that the Teacher again singled him out from the general row: “How can a man who was kissed so much today for stealing not be cheerful? If I had not stolen, would John have known what love for one's neighbor is? Isn't it fun to be a hook, on which one hangs damp virtue to dry, and the other - the mind wasted by moths?

The mournful last days of Christ are approaching. Peter and John are arguing over which of them is more worthy to sit at the right hand of the Teacher in the Kingdom of Heaven - the cunning Judas points out to everyone his primacy. And then, when asked how he still thinks in good conscience, he proudly answers: “Of course I do!” The next morning, he goes to the high priest Anna, offering to bring the Nazarene to justice. Anna is well aware of the reputation of Judas and drives him away for several days in a row; but, fearing a rebellion and the intervention of the Roman authorities, with contempt offers Judas thirty pieces of silver for the life of the Teacher. Judas is indignant: “You don’t understand what they are selling you! He is kind, he heals the sick, he is loved by the poor! This price - it turns out that for a drop of blood you give only half an obol, for a drop of sweat - a quarter of an obol ... And His screams? And the moans? What about the heart, mouth, eyes? You want to rob me!" "Then you won't get anything." Hearing such an unexpected refusal, Judas is transformed: he must not cede the right to the life of Christ to anyone, and in fact there will surely be a villain who is ready to betray Him for an obol or two ...

Judas surrounds the One whom he betrayed with caress in the last hours. Affectionate and helpful he is with the apostles: nothing should interfere with the plan, thanks to which the name of Judas will forever be called in the memory of people along with the name of Jesus! In the Garden of Gethsemane, he kisses Christ with such painful tenderness and longing that if Jesus were a flower, not a drop of dew would fall from His petals, he would not sway on a thin stalk from the kiss of Judas. Step by step, Judas follows in the footsteps of Christ, not believing his eyes when He is beaten, condemned, led to Golgotha. The night is thickening... What is the night? The sun is rising... What is the sun? Nobody shouts "Hosanna!" No one defended Christ with weapons, although he, Judas, stole two swords from Roman soldiers and brought them to these "faithful disciples"! He is alone - to the end, to the last breath - with Jesus! His horror and dream come true. Iscariot rises from his knees at the foot of the Calvary cross. Who will wrest victory from his hands? Let all nations, all future generations flow here at this moment - they will find only a pillory and a dead body.

Judas looks at the ground. How small she suddenly became under his feet! Time no longer passes by itself, neither in front nor behind, but, obediently, it moves with all its bulk only together with Judas, with his steps on this small earth.

He goes to the Sanhedrin and throws them in the face like a sovereign: “I deceived you! He was innocent and pure! You killed the sinless! Judas did not betray him, but betrayed you to eternal disgrace!”

On this day, Judas speaks like a prophet, which the cowardly apostles do not dare: “I saw the sun today - it looked at the earth with horror, asking:“ Where are the people here? ”Scorpions, animals, stones - everyone echoed this question. If you tell the sea and the mountains how much the people valued Jesus, they will come down from their seats and fall on your heads! ..”

“Which of you,” Iscariot addresses the apostles, “will go with me to Jesus? You are scared! Are you saying it was His will? Do you explain your cowardice by the fact that He ordered you to carry His word on the earth? But who will believe His word in your cowardly and unfaithful lips?”

Judas “climbs the mountain and tightens the noose around his neck in front of the whole world, completing his plan. The news of Judas the traitor is spreading all over the world. Not faster and not quieter, but along with time this message continues to fly ... "


Name: Judas Iscariot

Genre: Tale

Duration: 10min 07sec


Jesus Christ wanders around Judea with his disciples - Peter, John, Thomas and others. He brings people his teachings and help. One day Judas of Carioth joined them. He began to interfere in conversations, to render small services, to curry favor in every possible way. The disciples warned Jesus that this man had a bad reputation. They told Jesus that he left his wife, that he was a deceitful, crafty and evil person. However, Jesus was always merciful to the unloved and outcast, and he accepted Judas into the circle of the elect.
Judas has an unusual appearance. It seems that this is not one, but two people. Now he seemed strong and strong, then frail and sickly. His voice was now courageous, then, like an old woman's, loud. And his face on one side was alive, mobile, with wrinkles. On the other hand, deadly smooth, frozen.
The disciples are forced to accept Judas because Jesus accepted him. Judas gradually grew bolder. Jesus entrusted him with the money box and household chores. Judas constantly lied, but they gradually got used to it, because they did not see bad deeds behind it.
Judas always spoke ill of people. However, everywhere people met them with kindness, fed, gave money.
Gradually, Jesus gets to know Judas more, and his attitude towards Judas changes. Now he no longer looks at him affectionately, but as if through him.
Judas is fighting with the disciples of Jesus for a place near Jesus, trying to prove that he loves Jesus more than anyone else. When Peter asks who will be first near Jesus, Judas replies, "Me!"
Finally, Judas decided to betray. He visited the high priest Anna and for 30 pieces of silver promised to show who exactly this Jesus of Nazareth is.
Quiet love, care and attention Judas surrounded Jesus in these last days. By betraying Jesus, he seemed to be trying to frustrate his own plans and dissuade Jesus from traveling to Jerusalem.
However, when they stopped for the night in the Garden of Gethsemane, they were surrounded by a crowd of warriors. Judas moved ahead of the soldiers. He said: "Whom I kiss, that is." He walked up to Jesus and gently kissed him on the cheek.
Jesus was put on trial, tortured and executed. And everyone started pointing fingers at Judas, saying: “Here comes Judas the Betrayer!”
Shortly after the execution, Judas goes to the place he had long planned to kill himself after the death of Jesus. A lone tree stood high on the mountain. Judas made a noose, said, “I'm coming to you, Jesus. Meet me kindly. I'm tired."

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