Strawberry. `Inspector`

The remarkable comedy by N. V. Gogol "The Inspector General" was created by the author at the beginning of the 19th century, but still remains relevant. The perspicacious classic managed to draw portraits of officials - the children of his time, but meanwhile their features can be found in people - our contemporaries. Let's get acquainted with the characterization of Strawberry from The Inspector General, highlight the main features of the image of this official and find out why Gogol included him in the plot fabric of his play.

Brief introduction

For the first time, the reader meets with Strawberry when he gets acquainted with the list of characters. Then Gogol briefly describes his hero as a fat and extremely clumsy person, distinguished by helpfulness and fussiness.

Already after reading these introductory fragments, one can make a brief description of Strawberries from The Inspector General: this trustee of charitable institutions is dishonest, a swindler and a rogue is hiding behind his good-natured appearance. He achieves his goals not by honest work, but by fawning and currying favor with those who are higher than him in rank.

Further acquaintance with the play will show that Gogol, with amazing talent, created the image of an unscrupulous official, describing him in just two lines.


Artemy Filippovich Strawberry from The Inspector General, whose characteristics are presented below, appears in the first phenomenon of the first act, by which the author emphasizes that this official is one of the key characters in the play. There were many charitable institutions at the time when the writer lived and worked. These are hospitals, and shelters, and nursing homes. Strawberry was supposed to help the weakest and most vulnerable people, from whom there is nothing to take away, but he cynically uses his position for personal gain.

Consider what character traits must be indicated when characterizing Strawberries from the "Inspector":

  • Lie. The official lies that he conscientiously approaches his duties and takes care of the people entrusted to him.
  • Cynicism. This person does not want to do anything, however, preparing for the arrival of the auditor, he is ready to give out clean caps to the sick, to hide the lawlessness that is happening in hospitals behind a mask of decency.
  • Ignorance. The trustee of charitable institutions knows nothing about medicine, he does not acquire expensive medicines. He believes that a person is simple - "if he dies, then he will die anyway, if he recovers, then he will recover anyway." The patients in his institutions are more like blacksmiths than people in need of medical attention.

This official fawns over the imaginary auditor, but instead of trying to restore order in the institutions, he prefers an easier way - to give bribes.

Relations with other officials

Giving a characterization of Strawberries from The Inspector General, it should be mentioned that this hero is an informer and a traitor. Wanting to curry favor, he betrays all the secrets of his friends without a shadow of a doubt. In a conversation with Khlestakov, Strawberry begins to expose his colleagues to the false auditor, confidentially reporting that the postmaster is a loafer, delays all parcels and does nothing, the judge has a fairly close relationship with the wife of the landowner Dobchinsky. He is even ready to state all this information in writing, that is, to write a denunciation.

Speech Features

Consider the main speech features that help in characterizing Strawberries from The Inspector General. In conversations with other officials, he keeps on an equal footing, offers methods on how to appease the auditor. So, it was he who started talking about the need to give Khlestakov a bribe.

When talking with a guest, Strawberry is very polite, we note such turns of his: “I have the honor to introduce myself”, “I am glad to try”, “would you please ask”. They help him to be respectful, to show his respect to the imaginary auditor.

His remarks aside are interesting, in which the true attitude of the hero towards other officials is displayed.


The characterization of Strawberries from The Inspector General should be continued in the text by an analysis of the last scenes, when officials, to their horror, find out that Khlestakov was mistaken for an inspector. How does Artemy Filippovich appear to readers in these actions?

  • He is very pleased when, when reading a letter aloud, facts discrediting other officials are uttered, but he begins to lie and play up when he has to read aloud about himself.
  • Khlestakov called him "a pig in a yarmulke", which sincerely offended the full hero. Here we are talking about a comparison both in terms of appearance and behavior.
  • Not getting out of the crowd of angry officials, Strawberry begins to actively accuse Dobchinsky and Bobchinsky that it was they who initially mistook the visiting gentleman for the inspector.

The characterization of Strawberries from The Inspector General becomes complete, the reader understands that this person is always trying to find the guilty, cannot take responsibility for his own actions, is envious and deceitful. If quite recently he was indignant at the mayor, who had the good fortune to marry off his daughter to an important official, now he is ready to unite with him and unleash anger on Dobchinsky and Bobchinsky.

Role and significance

Gogol deliberately does not indicate the place of action, saying only that all events unfold in the county town N. By this, the writer emphasizes that such unscrupulous officials can exist throughout Russia.

It was funny for viewers and readers to observe the behavior of the trustee of charitable institutions, who, however, for all his amusingness, appears to be a terrible person. He was given great power, the opportunity to do good deeds and help people, but Artemy Filippovich prefers only to profit by saving on the sick.

In a brief description of Strawberry from The Inspector General, it should be indicated that this character, although Gogol is endowed with a speech individuality (which is worth one phrase that the sick recover like flies), is typical of his time. An unscrupulous official who carelessly performs his duties; an envious person, a liar, a scammer and a licker - this is what the trustee of charitable institutions and many officials of his time are like. Gogol boldly laughs at them, exposing them in an absurd form, but in fact the writer is sad and painful to see that there are a lot of such unworthy people in life.

We examined the characterization of Strawberries in Gogol's The Government Inspector. It should be noted that this character is a combination of negative traits that were inherent in unscrupulous careerist officials of the 19th century.

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Presentation on the topic: Artemy Filippovich Strawberry

slide number 1

Description of the slide:

The trustee of charitable institutions, a very fat, clumsy and clumsy man, but for all that he is a sly and a rogue. Very helpful and fussy. Strawberries are a rogue, embezzler and informer. He knows how, when and what to say. The trustee of charitable institutions, a very fat, clumsy and clumsy man, but for all that he is a sly and a rogue. Very helpful and fussy. Strawberries are a rogue, embezzler and informer. He knows how, when and what to say.

slide number 2

Description of the slide:

Artemy Filippovich Zemlyanika serves in a small county town and leads a life “according to his rank and position”, does not care about the state interest at all, while his own well-being is above all for him, mercy is in the hands of a swindler. Charitable institutions for Strawberries are a feeding trough, In the treatment of the sick, his credo: “The closer to nature, the better,” Artemy Filippovich Strawberry serves in a small county town and leads a life “according to his rank and position”, does not care at all about the state interest , while his own well-being is above all for him, mercy is in the hands of a swindler. Charitable institutions for Strawberries - a feeder, In the treatment of patients, his credo: "The closer to nature, the better,"

slide number 3

Description of the slide:

Artemy Filippovich does not bother to diagnose the patient's disease and treat it. He says in this regard: “A simple man: if he dies, then he will die anyway; If he recovers, then he will recover.” Artemy Filippovich does not bother to diagnose the patient's disease and treat it. He says in this regard: “A simple man: if he dies, then he will die anyway; If he recovers, then he will recover.”

slide number 4

Description of the slide:

Before the arrival of the Inspector General, in the charitable establishments of Strawberry, dirt and disorder reign. The cooks have dirty hats, and the sick have clothes that look like they worked in a forge. In addition, patients constantly smoke. Before the arrival of the Inspector General, in the charitable establishments of Strawberry, dirt and disorder reign. The cooks have dirty hats, and the sick have clothes that look like they worked in a forge. In addition, patients constantly smoke.

slide number 5

Description of the slide:

Strawberries are afraid of the inspector, and therefore, when he learns about the inspector's arrival, he is ready to "take cosmetic measures": put clean caps on the sick, inscribe the name of the disease on a sign over the beds, and reduce the number of sick people so that their excess is not attributed to bad looking or to the incompetence of the doctor. Strawberries are afraid of the inspector, and therefore, when he learns about the inspector's arrival, he is ready to "take cosmetic measures": put clean caps on the sick, inscribe the name of the disease on a sign over the beds, and reduce the number of sick people so that their excess is not attributed to bad looking or to the incompetence of the doctor.

slide number 6

Description of the slide:

When he found out that Dmukhanovsky's daughter is marrying a fictional Inspector, he hurries to congratulate the mayor on his upcoming wedding and future career. Artemy Filippovich sees the reason for the “rise” of the mayor in his merits. In his heart he curses his boss, who intends to receive the rank of general. True, he says this aside, as if to himself. At the same time, out of habit, he hurries to remind himself: “And don’t forget us ... When he found out that Dmukhanovsky’s daughter was marrying a fictional Inspector, he hurries to congratulate the mayor on his upcoming wedding and future career. Artemy Filippovich sees the reason for the “rise” of the mayor in his merits. In his heart he curses his boss, who intends to receive the rank of general. True, he says this aside, as if to himself. At the same time, out of habit, he hurries to remind himself: “And don’t forget us ...

slide number 7

Description of the slide:

After he finds out that the Inspector is not Khlestakov, he hostilely perceives reviews about himself from Khlestakov's letter, in anger tries to find out who "spread the rumor" that the auditor had arrived. After he finds out that the Inspector is not Khlestakov, he hostilely perceives reviews about himself from Khlestakov's letter, in anger tries to find out who "spread the rumor" that the auditor had arrived.

Strawberry characterization of the hero of the comedy Auditor according to the plan


1. Introduction

2. General characteristics

3. Attitude to the position

4.Cunning Strawberry

5. Conclusion

One of the main characters in Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General" is the trustee of charitable institutions Artemy Filippovich Zemlyanika. On duty, this person is obliged to take care of the sick and the poor, but in reality, Strawberry only takes care of himself.

Gogol himself describes Artemy Filippovich as follows: "a very fat, clumsy and clumsy person." He became so as a result of unpunished theft and neglect of his direct duties. The helpfulness and fussiness of Strawberry testify that it was not by chance that he became a trustee of charitable institutions. Artemy Filippovich understands perfectly well before which people he can and even needs to humiliate himself in order to benefit.

About how Strawberry carries out his service, a vivid idea is given at the very beginning of the comedy. Patients do not receive any medical care. Firstly, the doctor does not speak Russian. Secondly, Artemy Filippovich believes that everything is in the hands of God: the patient "if he dies, then he will die anyway; he recovers, then he will recover anyway." This monstrous phrase is based not on the ignorance of the trustee, but on his desire to hide the theft of money intended for the purchase of medicines.

The mayor is well aware of the true state of affairs in charitable institutions. He advises Artemy Filippovich to create at least the appearance of useful activity before visiting the imaginary auditor. Strawberries himself knows what needs to be done first. The only thing that Khlestakov remembered was that there were very few patients. Artemy Filippovich explains this by the fact that it is with his assumption of office that "everyone, like flies, is recovering." The success of the treatment, according to the trustee, is based solely on "honesty and order."

Artemy Filippovich was the first to receive the "honor" to receive an important person in subordinate institutions. It is he who is the author of the idea of ​​giving a bribe to Khlestakov. Strawberry advises doing it alone, but now he is no longer eager to be ahead of everyone. Having missed three out of caution, Artemy Filippovich officially introduced himself to Khlestakov. The readiness for humiliation takes a symbolic form: the caregiver agrees that yesterday he may have been shorter.

Strawberry wanted to talk to the Khlestakovs in private, not to pay a bribe. His goal is to denigrate his colleagues in embezzlement as much as possible and, thereby, look better in the eyes of the auditor. Artemy Filippovich's denunciation looks very vile, because in addition to actual violations, he considers it necessary to mention the judge's love affairs. Strawberry is not enough verbal denunciation. He wants to document his zeal. Having achieved the favor of Khlestakov, the trustee would have left, but at the mention of money, he immediately lays out the required amount.

Artemy Filippovich Strawberries are a vivid example of how any good undertaking can be perverted. The network of charitable institutions in pre-revolutionary Russia did not serve to really help people, but was another "trough" for officials. In the image of Strawberry, a huge army of trustees is embodied, shamelessly robbing already destitute people.

Arts and Entertainment

Characteristics of Strawberries from "The Government Inspector" (N.V. Gogol)

March 31, 2015

In 1835, Gogol wrote the comedy The Inspector General. It was created within two months. The plot of this work was suggested to the author by Pushkin. The comedy was staged in 1836 at the Alexandrinsky Theatre. Characteristics of Strawberries from the "Inspector" will be presented in this article.

Comedy time and place

In the dark period of the reign of Nicholas I, the action of the work takes place. The characteristic of Strawberries from "The Government Inspector" reflects the features of the era. At that time there was a system of denunciation and investigation. Various social vices are revealed in the comedy: embezzlement, bribery, etc. Gogol wrote that he decided in The Government Inspector to collect everything bad in our country and laugh at everyone at once. The action takes place in 1831, in one of the county towns of the Saratov province. In it, as in any state, there is its own education, health care, justice. Their officials are at the head of institutions. The most important of them is Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky Anton Antonovich, the mayor. This is the head of this county town.

Strawberries: a brief description

Strawberry Artemy Filippovich is in the work a trustee of charitable institutions. In the comedy "The Inspector General" by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, this is a minor character. Strawberry is a slanderer and a gossip, giving out all the ins and outs of officials, his colleagues, and an imaginary auditor out of self-interest. This is a brief description of Strawberries from The Inspector General.

Features of the character of Strawberries

Let's take a closer look at this image. About one of his colleagues, superintendent of schools, Strawberry says that he does not understand how the authorities could entrust such a position to him. After all, in his opinion, this man is "worse than a Jacobin." He indoctrinates the youth with ill-intentioned rules. These words reveal in more detail the characteristics of Strawberries from The Inspector General. One can see a man accustomed to take the place of his colleagues, to sit them up.

A hypocrite and a careerist, very fussy and helpful Artemy Filippovich Strawberry. The characteristic ("Inspector") of his appearance is as follows. The body of the official has an impressive size. He is a rogue and a rogue by nature, which enhances the comic effect in the work. Clumsy and clumsy, he manages to slip to a good ending in any vicissitudes of fate.

The situation in hospitals

The characterization of Strawberries from the comedy "The Inspector General" is also revealed to the reader when Gogol describes the method of managing this person. It consists in the following: good intentions to justify their actions. For example, speaking about the fact that he does not buy expensive medicines for charitable institutions, he justifies himself in time: "the closer to nature, the better." But we understand from the context that in this way he simply saves on people.

Disorder and filth reign in hospitals. The cooks wear dirty hats, and the patients themselves are dressed as if they worked in the smithy. Patients, moreover, constantly smoke. Artemy Filippovich does not bother himself with the diagnosis and treatment of patients.

Nikolai Vasilievich speaks of the incredible indifference to his duty of people in the service through the characteristics of the trustee of charitable institutions. This is a "fat" person, but a "thin rogue". Patients in the hospital entrusted to his management are dying like flies. The doctor (the German Gibner Christian Ivanovich) does not speak Russian, while Strawberry argues calmly that a simple Russian person will die, die like that, but recover, and so recover.

Strawberry's ability to curry favor

Strawberry knows how to curry favor. That is why the mayor, first of all, takes Khlestakov to the charitable institutions under his jurisdiction. When asked why there are almost no patients in one of them, he finds in response a fatal excuse that “like flies” everyone is recovering here. Khlestakov, who is not particularly attentive and quick-witted, does not notice a dirty trick in Strawberry's speech. The caretaker of charitable institutions, knowing his main dignity - to curry favor, sincerely envies Khlestakov. Parodying a middle-class official who receives more from his position than he gives to people as an unlimited ruler, Gogol created an image that has survived the centuries. And centuries later, it has not morally become obsolete, it is quite relevant today.

Strawberry - careerist

Strawberry, this hardened careerist, believes that any means are good to move up the career ladder. He, like the mayor, is ready to appear, if not a man of high virtues, then at least an extremely conscientious and executive official. In an effort to earn a reputation on denunciations and intrigues, he "sells" his "friends" without hesitation. Strawberry at the same time assures Khlestakov that he is doing such acts "for the good of the fatherland." This official will never miss an opportunity to make amends, knowing that flattery and sycophancy will fully pay for themselves. An acute feeling of envy causes him the elevation of the mayor, which is noted in the work of Gogol ("The Government Inspector"). The characteristic of Strawberry in the main features was presented by us. We also note the features of the characters in the comedy that interests us.

Features of the characters in the work

All the characters in the work are purely comic characters. Nikolai Vasilievich does not portray them as extraordinary people. The writer is interested in what is found everywhere and what everyday, ordinary life consists of. Many of the minor characters described by the author only reinforce the impression that Nikolai Vasilyevich portrays ordinary, ordinary people. Such is the characterization of the heroes in the work "The Inspector General". Strawberries are just one of them.

Strawberry. "Inspector". Quote characteristicAuthor's characteristic
"... Strawberry, trustee of charitable establishments, a very fat, clumsy and clumsy person, but for all that he is a sneak and a rogue. Very helpful and fussy ..."
Quote characteristic
Name - Artemy Filippovich Strawberry.
Position - trustee of charitable institutions in the city of N.
Powers: responsible for hospitals, shelters, etc.: "... Artemy Filippovich Zemlyanika, trustee of charitable institutions ..."
Appearance: similar to a "pig in a yarmulke": "... Strawberry is a perfect pig in a yarmulke ..." (yarmulke - cap)
Chin - court adviser: "... I have the honor to introduce myself: trustee of charitable institutions, court adviser Strawberry..."
Attitude to the case: unscrupulous official.
He lies that he performs his duties well: "... I can say that I do not regret anything and zealously perform my service ..."
Doesn't keep order in establishments: "... do everything in a decent way: the caps would be clean, and the sick would not look like blacksmiths, as they usually go at home..." "... It's not good that you patients smoke such strong tobacco that you always sneeze when you enter ... "
Does not buy medicines for patients. He explains this by saying that a person "will recover anyway." if this is destined: "... Oh! about healing, Christian Ivanovich and I took our measures: the closer to nature, the better - we do not use expensive medicines. A simple man: if he dies, then he will die; if he recovers, then and get well..."
In hospitals, patients eat cabbage. Of course, Strawberry is to blame for this: "... The patients are ordered to give habersup, but I have such cabbage in all the corridors that you only take care of your nose ..."
Not sincere. Despite all the unrest in the hospitals, Strawberry lies to the "auditor" Khlestakov that in fact everything is in order: "... There are ten people left, no more; and the rest have all recovered. It's so arranged, such an order. how I took over the authorities - perhaps it will even seem incredible to you - everyone recovers like flies. The sick person will not have time to enter the infirmary, when he is already healthy; and not so much with medicines, but with honesty and order ... "
A traitor, a vile person. He betrays the "auditor" Khlestakov the truth about his fellow officials. In this way, Strawberry hopes to please the "auditor": "... (Moves closer with his chair and speaks in an undertone.) Here the local postmaster does absolutely nothing: all the affairs are in great neglect, the parcels are delayed ... if you please, on purpose to find it yourself. The judge too .. Would you like me to put all this on paper better?.."
A father with many children, he has five children: "... As a zhes, five; two are already adults ... Nikolai, Ivan, Elizaveta, Marya and Perepetuya ..." "... the daughter of Strawberry is also in blue. No, I'd rather I'll wear color...

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