Hercules and action brief content. Hercules marriage on action

Duel for his wife. Many more feats made Hercules, being in service from Eurisfie. He freed Prometheus chained in the mountains of the Caucasus, took part in the campaign of Argonauts for the golden rune. He did not forget the promises given to Meleagra in Aida, to marry his sister. He went to the king Ohinyu, her father, ask for the hands of the works. But he met a formidable opponent there: she sought her consent and river God Ageloy. I decided the Other that he would receive his daughter who the winner will come out in the struggle, and herakli fell asleep in a fight with a mighty God. For a long time they fought, but defeated Hercules Aheloy - he gave her daughter to him in his wife.

Affairs and Centaur Ness. He Hercules went with a young wife home. The wide river met to him on the way: Centaur named Ness for the fee transported the travelers through it. The village of Ukrai to him on his back, and Hercules went out. Suddenly he heard the loud cries of his wife who called for the rescue, and saw that the Centaur, captured by the beauty of the act, wants to kidnap her. Hercules quickly got toast, pulled onions and let the deadly arrow. She whistled in the air, shelted Centaurus, stuck in his back, and her tip it took through her chest. Fell on his knees the deadly wounded Ness, the blood flowed from his wound, mixed with the poison of the Lerneysian hydra. But he did not want to die indiscreigned. Having collected the last forces, I turned Ness to action: "Oh, the beautiful daughter of Osinai! I am guilty before you, but I want to reap for the blame. Take my blood and keep it! If you ever spare for you to Hercules, sodium this blood is his clothes and again you will become more expensive to all women in the world! "

Furnished the action everything as he told her dying centaur. She gathered his blood in a small vessel and hid, heraklo said nothing.

Hike against King Eurita. Years have passed. Hercules and Oques lived happily. They were born with the son of Gill, and he grown strong and beautiful. One day he was hungry against the Tsar Eurita. Long ago, even before marriage to the action, I wanted Hercules to take the daughter of Eurita Iola's daughter. Won in the competition of all the grooms, but did not give him Eurrit Iola. Hercules angry and swore revenge. And now he conquered the city in which Eurit rules killed himself and his sons, captured many prisoners. There was among them and beautiful Iola. He sent Hercules of the prisoners to his home, and he decided to celebrate the victory at first and bring victims to the immortal gods.

Jealous plan of action. I saw Jolu's act, and jealousy crept in her heart. "Oh, it's not by chance my husband sent here a beautiful princess! She thought. - He wants to leave me and marry her! " She did not give a kind of peace of mind, and then she remembered about the suicide gift of Ness. I got a joint vessel from the secret place: she kept him away from the rays of the sun and the fire of the hearth. She grazed her blood and put a luxurious cloak in a small box, which crawled for her husband, called the servant and said: "Hurry to Hercules and hand my gift. Let him put on when he was sacrificed to the Great Zeus, and before that, no ray of light Helios should not fall on the raincoat. "

The servant went to Hercules. But gloomy premonitions embraced the official. She looked at the place where she threw a woolen cloth moocked by Kentaur, and saw that she turned into ashes, and a bloody foam spoke on the floor. I understood the action that her messenger was lucky to Hercules, but nothing could do anything. She sent to her husband of another messenger - but it was too late!

The suffering of Hercules and the death of the officials. I received a herakle parcel from my wife at the very moment when I began to sacrifice. He was delighted: he remembers and loves his wife, since he sends him such a beautiful raincoat! He put on the gift of the officials and approached the altar. He grabbed the ground very much on this day, and the festival came from the sacrificial fire. The body of the hero was covered later, and suddenly he felt, as the poisoned raincoat sticks to the body! He Hercules screamed from the unbearable pain, fell to the ground, began to tear off his cursed clothes, but only stronger and stronger sticking a cloak to the body, heraels his slices together with his own skin.

On the stretchers brought Hercules to the native house, he learned there all the truth about the gift and exclaimed: "So, it means that the prediction of my father Zeus turned out! After all, it was predicted to me so that I would not be afraid of the living enemies that I go to the gloomy kingdom of Aida in the gloomy kingdom of Aida! " The hero's sufferings were serious, the terror came to the horror, having learned about them. Unable to transfer the deed, she pierced her heart with a sharp sword.

Grand Bonfire Herakla. Hercules commanded his son to attribute him to the high mountain of this. There, on top, they folded a huge burial fire and put the greatest heroes on him. The sufferings of Hercules became more and more became more deeply penetrated into his blood poison of the Lerneyskaya Hydra, mixed with the kentaur blood. Death in the flame is lighter than such torment! But no one decided to set fire to the funeral fire. Finally, he came to the mountain hero named Philoktt, and herakli appealed to him: "Raid me from suffering, friend! Walking fire, and my tight onions and deadly arrows take yourself! "

I agreed Philoktt. The flame of the fire broke out brightly, but also brighter the lightning of the Great Zeus. On the golden chariot, they brought to the fire of Athena Pallada with Hermes, picked up the greatest of the heroes and raised him to Olympus. They met him gods there. I forgot Gera former hatred for Hercules and gave him his daughter to his wife, the eternally young goddess Gebu. He Heracle lives since then, on the bright Olympus, together with the immortal gods - so awarded his Zeus for terrestrial feats and suffering.

Judas Iskariot betrayed Jesus and entered into a conspiracy with the Jewishpressure and Pharisees. Moreover, he himself was guided and helped to arrest Christ, pointing to him soldiers through his insidious kiss (the famous Kiss Judah). In the version of Russian chronicles, the same plot was ordered as a betrayal committed by the wife of Andrei Bogolyubsky. She hated her husband, entered into a conspiracy with his enemies, held the murderers right into the bedroom to her husband and bestingly present at his death. Even kept the chopped hand of the Grand Duke. Thus, the wife of Prince Andrei (Andronika-Christ) is a duplicate Judah Iskariot.

Asks if this episode appears in Hercules's history? Yes, it is mentioned, and in fairly bright form. Now we will describe it.

After completing the next conquest, Hercules went to Kalidon, where he decided to settle. "Without legitimate heirs and wives, he began to care for the action, alleged daughter Ohinai ... A lot of grooms came to the Palace of Osinai in Pleurone, to ask the hands of an excellent actor who was able to rule the chariot and mastered military art. But immediately refused their intentions, as soon as they found out that among their rivals Hercules and the river God Ageloy ... The immortal Ahel was in one of the three prettiness: a bull, a spotted snake and a person with a bullside ...

When Olena called Hercules ... He began to brag that if the act of marry him would marry him, but Zeus himself will become her swarrome, but she herself will swim in the rays of His Glory for the twelve feats performed.

Ahelo ... only grunted and noticed that he was not to take fame, because he was the father of all Greek waters, and not a disturbed tramp like Hercules ... Much, I noticed Hercules: "Or you are not Zeus Son, or your mother was a libertine!"

Fig. 1.32. Hercules struggling with Aheley. Oltos Staminos. London. British museum. Taken from, with. 197.

Hercules frowned ... "He will suffer so that my mother insulted!"

Ahelya ... began to fight Hercules until he threw him back to the ground, rice. 1.20, 1.21, 1.32. Then he did not bag turned the snake and crawled away.

"I still choke a snake in the cradle!" - Hercules laughed, trying to grab him behind the neck. Then Ahel turned into a bull and rushed to the enemy. Hercules ... With such force, he hit him semes, that the right horns did not become. Related Ahel was retraced, "p. 411 - 412.

As a result, Hercules married the action.

Probably, in a quoted story, individual fragments of the history of Judas Iskariot are already beginning to come. First, the skeptical Jewish-Rabbian view of the birth of Herakla Christ soundly sounded clearly. Ahelya doubts the legality of the birth of Hercules. Say, or Zeus was not a father, or your mother was a libertine. We discussed in detail these medieval disputes around the birth of Jesus in our book "Tsarsky Rome in the Okey and Volga interference."

Next again pops up the plot about the struggle of Hercules-Christ with the snakes (snakes). As we have already noted, the poisonous snake is one of the images of Judah Icyariot. The chronicles were sometimes confused and "glued" the birth of Christ with his death. As a result, the "snake plot" arose both when describing the infancy of Herakla Christ and in the last days His life in the form of a cunning "snake" kiss Judah Iskariot. (Recall other reflections: snake bite in the chest Cleopatra, attack the snake on Prince Oleg ...). Therefore, the fight against Hercules with Aheley-snake before marriage in action personifies, apparently, the confrontation of Christ and Judas Iskariot.

In general, Aheloy is described as a cunning God, changing his bleits. With his boards, the beard constantly flowed water. In general, a "bad image" appears before us. No wonder "the official seemed that she would have a better died than His (Aheloy - Avt.) Wife", p. 412.

Then the Aheloy disappears from the pages of the Greek myth and his "bad place", as we will see now, is occupied by Ore Manira. We quote.

"When Hercules and Affairs were transferred through the Even River during a flood, Centaur Ness, arguing that the gods put it in the place of the feromider for his piety, suggested Hercules for a small fee to transport to OCHA, so that the legs do not soak, and herak himself It comes to the woven Hercules agreed, paid, which was supposed to, threw a double and onions on the other side, and he jumped into the water. But Ness, contrary to the persuasion, swam in the opposite direction, holding a trini on his back. Then he threw her ground and tried to master her. That shouted by calling for help; Hercules quickly took out his bow, thoroughly aimed and struck Ness right in the breast from the distance to polvili.

Dying, Ness said to the official: "If you mix the seed, which I shed to the ground, with my blood, add olive oil and secretly samp this mixture of Hercules' clothes, then you will never have to complain about his marital infidelity." The action quickly gathered everything that he pointed out, in a pitcher, sealed him and hid it, without saying that herakla's words happened.

Also they also say that Ness suggested the Wool, impregnated with his blood, and said the threads of this wool she fell into Hercules's clothes. The third option states that he gave her his own spooky clothes as a love amulet, and he himself ran away to the neighboring tribe of the lockers, where he died from the wound. His body remained uncompaired at the foot of the Tafiass Hill, filling the entire district with a terrible stench ... The source close to Ness died, still carries silent water with blood clots, "p. 413.

Soon, the Justice will take advantage of Ness's advice, hencens Herakla's Herakla's Herakla, and he will die.

In the scene of the crossing, the topic of the betrayal of Judas Iskariot is clearly. Indeed.

Mention of a certain board, which was followed by "crossing the river". Moreover, this episode of the myth considers as important. It is said that Hercules paid what was laid by the insidious Centaur Ness. Most likely, before us - the reflection of the famous thirty Srebrennikov Judah. This fee was presented by Judas for his betrayal. The "damned money" was then the symbol of cunning.

By the way, in this "antique" plot of Judas Icyariot, probably acts as a couple of characters: Centaur Ness + Opera. Maybe the phrase "Centaur Nessa" is a strongly distorted reflection of the name "Iskariot" (we, of course, do not insist).

True, the Greek myth believes that the money was issued by Hercules-Christ himself, and not Jewish high priests. However, we already faced the fact that some chronicles were confused, for example, Judas with Christ. See and our book "Tsarsky Rome in the Oki and Volga interfluid." Therefore, the famous thirty Srebrennikov Judas could move on the pages of different texts from the hands of the Jewish Pharisees in the hands of Christ. Nevertheless, the essence of the case in myth is generally preserved, because the money has risen the "bad Centaur" Ness, analogue of Judas.

Fig. 1.33. Ness and Ukhanira. Picture of Rubens. Taken from, with. 557, Ill. 614.

Fig. 1.34. The abduction of acts. Etruscan mirror. Taken from, with. 558, Ill. 615.

Further, the cash fee of Covar Nesu leads to a secret conspiracy between him and the official. Otherwise, their behavior will not name. After all, they actually join the secret union, conspiracy. Taucher from Hercules Ness reports to the official, what needs to be done, and she, again, secretly from her husband, accurately performs instructions of the wounded Kentaur (collects his seed, blood, etc.). Here, the history of the cunning wife Andrei Bogolyubsky, who secretly comes into a conspiracy against his own husband, reappears. The official also actually comes into a conspiracy against his husband Hercules. Greek myth, however, trying to whitelinate it. Say, the wife did so "according to the ease of spiritual," without suspecting the consequences. But all this, most likely, already the later editorial tricks, which are intended to shift the guilt on others.

In general, in the scene analyzed, the topic of deception sounds loudly. Centaur Nesse promised Hercules to fulfill a paid perspective, but immediately deceived. This case did not end. The official actually deceived her husband, saying nothing about the recommendations of Nessa, and slander the herakla jug with a fatal poison. We learn here all the same deception committed by Juda Israariot and Jewish High Priests. Both the gospel and the Greek myth, pay the most serious attention to this episode.

In the Christian world, the attitude towards Judas Israariot is negative. As we have shown in previous publications, numerous phantom reflections of Judas (under other names) on the pages of the "antique" chronicle are also assessed. We see the same thing now and in the plot of Nesse-act. Greek myth draws Ness by black paints. In particular, it is said about the terrible soulfony, spreading around the district after his death. So far, they say, the source carries stinky water.

In fig. 1.33 shows the picture of Rubens "Ness and Operator". In fig. 1.34 - Etruscan Mirror, which shows the abduction of the officials of Ness.

The drawing on the ancient vase represents the official, calling the herakla to the rescue, rice. 1.35. In fig. 1.36 We see the picture of the guide "Abduction of Joints by Centaur Nessess." See the vintage images of this plot also in Fig. 1.37 - 1.39.

Fig. 1.35. Owner's name is Hercules for help. Figure on an old vase. Taken from, with. 558, Ill. 616.

Fig. 1.36. The abduction of acts. Picture of a guide (Louvre). Taken from, with. 559, Ill. 617.

Fig. 1.37. Ness and Ukhanira. The painting of the ancient vase. London, British Museum. Taken from, with. 198.

Fig. 1.38. Hercules, action and Ness. The painting of the ancient vase. Boston. Taken from, with. 198.

Fig. 1.39. Hercules and action. Pompeii. Fresco. Taken from, inboard between p. 352 - 353.

9. Affairs, wife Hercules, this is the reflection of Juda Iskariot. Secret conspiracy of Jobs and Kentaur Ness against Hercules Christ

Judas Iskariot betrayed Jesus and entered into a conspiracy with the Jewishpressure and Pharisees. Moreover, he himself brought the guardian and helped to arrest Christ, pointing to him the warriors through his insidious kiss (the famous Kiss Judah). In the version of Russian chronicles, the same plot was ordered as a betrayal committed by the wife of Andrei Bogolyubsky. She hated her husband, entered into a conspiracy with his enemies, held the murderers right into the bedroom to her husband and bestingly present at his death. Even kept the chopped hand of the Grand Duke. Thus, the wife of Prince Andrei (Andronika-Christ) is a duplicate Juda Iskariot.

Asks if this episode appears in Hercules's history? Yes, it is mentioned, and in fairly bright form. Now we will describe it.

After completing the next conquest, Hercules went to Kalidon, where he decided to settle. "Without legitimate heirs and wives, he began to care for the action, alleged daughter Ohinai ... A lot of grooms came to the Palace of Osinai in Pleurone, to ask the hands of an excellent actor who was able to rule the chariot and mastered military art. But immediately refused their intentions, as soon as they found out that among their rivals, Hercules and the river God Ageloy ... The immortal Aheloh was in one of three things: a bull, spotted snake and a person with a bullside ...

When Olena urged Hercules ... He began to brag that if the official would marry him, it was not enough that Her bemark would be Zeus himself, but she herself would swim in the rays of His Glory for the twelve feats committed.

Ahelo ... only grunted and noticed that he was not to take fame, because he was a father of all Greek waters, and not a disturbed tramp like Hercules ... Mocking, I noticed Hercules: "Or you are not Zeus Son, or your mother was a libertine!"

Fig. 1.32. Hercules struggling with Aheley. Oltos Staminos. London, British Museum. Taken from, with. 197.

Hercules frowned ... "Will not tolerate that my mother insulted!" Ahelya ... began to fight Hercules until he threw him back to the ground, rice. 1.20, 1.21, 1.32. Then he did not bag turned the snake and crawled away.

"I still choking snakes in the cradle!" - Hercules laughed, trying to grab him behind the neck. Then Ahel turned into a bull and rushed to the enemy. Hercules ... With such force, he hit him semes, that the right horns did not become. Related Ahel was retraced, "p. 411-412.

As a result, Hercules married the action.

Probably, in a quoted story, individual fragments of the history of Judas Iskariot are already beginning to come. First, the skeptical Jewish-Rabbian view of the birth of Hercules Christ was clearly sounded. Ahelya doubts the legality of the birth of Hercules. Say, or Zeus was not a father, or your mother was a libertine. We discussed in detail these medieval disputes around the birth of Jesus in our book "Tsarsky Rome in the Okey and Volga interference."

Next again pops up the plot about the struggle of Hercules Christ with the snake (snakes). As we have already noted, the poisonous snake is one of the images of Judah Icyariot. The chronicles were sometimes confused and "glued" the birth of Christ with his death. As a result, the "snake story" arose both when describing the infancy of Herakla Christ, and in the last days of his life in the form of a cunning "serpentine" kiss Judah Icyariot. (Recall other reflections: snake bite in the chest Cleopatra, attack the snake on Prince Oleg ...). Therefore, the struggle of Hercules with Aheley-Snake in front of marriage in action personifies, apparently, the confrontation of Christ and Judas Iskariot.

In general, Aheloy is described as a cunning God, changing his bleits. With his boards, the beard constantly flowed water. In general, we appear the "bad image." No wonder "the official seemed that she would be better died than him became (Aheloy - Avt..) Wife, with. 412.

Then the Aheloy disappears from the pages of the Greek myth and his "bad place", as we will see now, is occupied by Ore Manira. We quote.

"When Hercules and Affairs were transferred through the Even River during a flood, Centaur Ness, arguing that the gods put it in the place of the feromider for his piety, suggested Hercules for a small fee to transport to OCHA, so that the legs do not soak, and herak himself Fucks gets. Hercules agreed, paid, which was supposed to, transformed the club and onions to the other side, and he jumped into the water. But Ness, contrary to the persuasion, swam in the opposite direction, holding a trini on his back. Then he threw her ground and tried to master her. That shouted by calling for help; Hercules quickly took out his bow, thoroughly aimed and struck Ness right in the breast from the distance to polvili.

Dying, Ness said to action: "If you mix the seed, which I shed to the ground, with my blood, add olive oil and secretly put it with this mixture of Hercules' clothes, then you will never have to complain about his marital infidelity." The official quickly collected everything that he pointed out, in a jug, sealed him and hid it, without saying the herakla's word happened.

Also they also say that Ness suggested the Wool, impregnated with his blood, and said the threads of this wool she fell into Hercules's clothes. The third option states that he gave her his own spooky clothes as a love amulet, and he himself ran away to the neighboring tribe of the lockers, where he died from the wound. His body remained uncomfortable at the foot of the Tafiass Hill, filling the entire district of a terrible stench ... The source close to Ness died, still carries silent water with blood clots, "p. 413.

Soon, the official will use the Council of Nesa, she will run the Herakla's Herakla to the hellish mixture, and he will die.

In the scene of the crossing, the topic of the betrayal of Judas Iskariot is clearly. Indeed.

Mention of a certain board, which was followed by "crossing the river". Moreover, this episode of the myth considers as important. It is said that Hercules paid, which is supposed to be a cunning centaur Ness. Most likely, before us - the reflection of the famous thirty Srebrennikov Judah. This fee was presented by Judas for his betrayal. The "damned money" was then the symbol of cunning.

By the way, in this "antique" plot of Judas Icyariot, probably acts as a couple of characters: Centaur Ness + Opera. Maybe the phrase "Centaur Nessa" is a strongly distorted reflection of the name "Israariot" (we, of course, do not insist).

True, the Greek myth believes that the money was issued by Hercules-Christ himself, and not Jewish high priests. However, we already faced the fact that some chronicles were confused, for example, Judas with Christ. See and our book "Tsarsky Rome in the Oki and Volga interfluid." Therefore, the famous thirty Srebrennikov Judas could switch on the pages of different texts from the hands of the Jewish Pharisees in the hands of Christ. Nevertheless, the essence of the case in myth is generally preserved, as the money received the "bad Centaur" Ness, analogue of Judas.

Fig. 1.33. Ness and Ukhanira. Picture of Rubens. Taken from, with. 557, Ill. 614.

Fig. 1.34. The abduction of acts. Etruscan mirror. Taken from, with. 558, Ill. 615.

Further, the cash fee of Covar Nesu leads to a secret conspiracy between him and the official. Otherwise, their behavior will not call. After all, they actually join the secret union, conspiracy. Taucher from Hercules Ness reports to the official, what needs to be done, and she, again, secretly from her husband, accurately performs instructions of the wounded Kentaur (collects his seed, blood, etc.). Here, the history of the cunning wife Andrei Bogolyubsky, who secretly comes into a conspiracy against his own husband, reappears. The official also actually comes into a conspiracy against his husband Hercules. Greek myth, however, trying to whitelin. Say, the wife did so "according to the ease of spiritual," without suspecting the consequences. But all this, most likely, already later editorial tricks, which are intended to shift the guilt on others.

In general, in the scene analyzed, the topic of deception sounds loudly. Centaur Nesse promised Hercules to fulfill a paid perspective, but immediately deceived. This case did not end. The official actually deceived her husband, saying nothing about the recommendations of Nessa, and slander the herakla jug with a fatal poison. We will learn here all the same deception, perfect by Juda Idariot and Jews with the High Priests. Both the gospel and the Greek myth, pay the most serious attention to this episode.

Fig. 1.35. Owner's calls Hercules to help. Figure on an old vase. Taken from, with. 558, Ill. 616.

In the Christian world, the attitude towards Judas Israariot is negative. As we have shown in previous publications, numerous phantom reflections of Judas (under other names) on the pages of the "antique" chronicle are also assessed. We see the same thing now and in the plot of Nesse-act. Greek myth draws Ness with black paints. In particular, it is said about the terrible soulfony, spreading around the district after his death. So far, they say, the source carries stinky water.

Fig. 1.36. The abduction of acts. Picture of a guide (Louvre). Taken from, with. 559, Ill. 617.

In fig. 1.33 shows the picture of Rubens "Ness and Operator". In fig. 1.34 - Etruscan Mirror, which shows the abduction of the officials of Ness. The drawing on the ancient vase represents the official, calling the herakla to the rescue, rice. 1.35. In fig. 1.36 We see the picture of the guide "Abduction of Joints by Centaur Nessess." See the vintage images of this plot also in Fig. 1.37-1.39.

Fig. 1.37. Ness and Ukhanira. The painting of the ancient vase. London, British Museum. Taken from, with. 198.

Fig. 1.38. Hercules, action and Ness. The painting of the ancient vase. Boston. Taken from, with. 198.

Fig. 1.39. Hercules and action. Pompeii. Fresco. Taken from, inboard between p. 352-353.

10. The death of Hercules-Christ at the fire-cross

The death and ascension of Hercules on the sky are usually referred to in Greek mythology "Hercules apotheosis", p. 418. That's how it was.

"Having dedicated all the marble altars and a sacred grove on Kenene Cape to his father Zeus, Hercules were preparing for a thank you for taking Ekhalia. He has already sent Lihas Ambassador to Primera, so that she handed himself elegant Chiton and Cloak ...

Joint ... He was already bored with the fact that Hercules had new mistresses from time to time, and when she recognized the last of them in Iol (Fig. 1.40 - Avt..), I didn't feel any offense, but only pity for beautiful girl... But the thought itself was the idea that Hercules decided to settle them under one roof. Since the same man was already a unfortunate, she decided to use what, according to Kentaur Nessa, was a love talisman to be perhaps her husband. Shiving him to return a new hiton for sacrifice, she secretly revealed the vessel kept with her, moaed a piece of cloth and grazed Herclal's clothes. When Lihas arrived, she gave him a casket with the words: "Let even a ray of the Sun will not touch Hiton before Hercules will not put it when he is sacrificing Zeus." Lihas has already rushed to the whole spirit on his chariot, when the action, looking at a piece of fabric, thrown on her yard, was horrified: the tissue was burning like a chips, and a red foam was raised by bubbles from the stones. Using that Ness deceived her, she sent the race to Lihasa and, sickling his stupidity, swore that he was not surviving Hercules for a day.

The messenger arrived at Kenei Cape too late. Hercules had already managed to put on Hiton sent and sacrifice twelve selection bulls ... In all, he brought the god sacrificed a hundred goals of various livestock. He watered the wine from the bowl and threw in the fire of incense, as a surrender cry suddenly published, as if he was bitten by the snake. The heat melted the poison of Hydra in the blood of Nessa, and Hiton sticks to the hero's body, causing terrible cramps. Nothing realizing anything from unbearable pain, Hercules tipped altar. He drove clothes on himself, but she took to him so hard that the flesh stretched with her, exposing white bones. The blood of his sieves and bubbled, like spring water, in which the hot metal is tempered. Hercules rushed to the nearest stream, but poison began to burn even more ...

Rushing from the mountain and pulling the trees along the way with the root, Hercules came across a frightened Lihas, who, hiding her face and closing his head with his hands, sat in some cleft. In vain, Lihas was justified: Hercules grabbed him, three times scrolled over his head over his head and stuck in the Evieskaya Sea (Fig. 1.40a - Avt..). In the sea, Lihas turned into a low cliff, resembling the outlines of man. Sailors are still called her Lihas and do not step on her with the foot, fearing that she is alive.

Fig. 1.40. Hercules and Iola. "Antique" stone carving. Taken from, with. 559, Ill. 618.

Fig. 1.40A. Hercules and Lihas. Antonio Kanov. 1795-1815. Possano, Gliptotek A. Kanov. Taken from, with. 107.

Watching the warriors who watched all the origin were made a loud cry. No one dared to get closer to Hercules until he called Gilla and asked him to take him somewhere away, where he could die alone. Gill Hold the Father to the Mountain Mountain in Fear ...

Having heard about everything, Jobs hanged himself or, as they say, killed a sword on a married bed. Hercules only thought about how to take revenge to her death, but when Gill convinced him that the act of innocent, as she showed her suicide, he forgave her and expressed her desire to his mother alkman and all the sons came to him to him hear it last will. But alkman with some of the children was in Tirinf, and the rest of the children are in the philas. Therefore, he was able to open the sighted prophecy of Zeus alone only Gillu: "No living person can kill Hercules, only the dead enemy will be the cause of his death."

Gill asked what to do, and heard: "Swear a head of Zeus, which will take me to the very top of this mountain and there without tears will burn me on the fire from the oak branches and the stems of wild olive" ...

When everything was ready, Iolai and his satellites moved to some distance. Hercules climbed to a huge flight (Fig. 1.41 - Avt..). But none of the friends decided to set fire to her, and only a shepherd from Eolia named Penoant, who passed by, commanded his son from Demonass Philoktutu to fulfill what he orders the hero. In gratitude, Hercules bequeathed Philoktutu Kolchan, onions and arrows, and when the flame began to lick the log, he spread the lion's skin and lay down on the top of the lunite, laying under the head of Bubin. From the side he seemed a happy guest, decorated with flowers, surrounded by wine bowls. A few Perunov fell from heaven, and the fire instantly turned into a bunch of ashes ", with. 418-420.

Fig. 1.41. Herakla's death. Picture of a guide. Louvre. Taken from, with. 561, Ill. 620.

This narration is very interesting and rich in gospel motifs. Indeed.

Hercules is going to bring sacrifice Zeus. He suits a grand sacrifice, which eventually turns into a sacrifice of Hercules himself. And in the Christian tradition it is believed that Christ voluntarily brought himself sacrificing in the name of the salvation of mankind. Recall that God Zeus is also a reflection of Andronika-Christ.

Again, actions appear on the stage, that is, the evangelsk Judah \u003d the cunning wife Andrei Bogolyubsky. Greek myth here perfectly unambiguously reports that the action is experiencing a hidden insult and even hatred towards her husband Hercules, who often changed her. Consequently, before us is the topic of the offended wife of Prince Andrew. Judas Iskariot also experiences secret hatred for Jesus. So strong that he betrays his enemies. In the "antique" tragedy of the Seneki "Hercules on Ate", the direct text says that Orthali Lyuto hated her husband Hercules and deliberately sent him to death. Here is a fragment from a frank conversation to the priest with the cormal.

Nurse: You kill your husband?

Affairs: He is now Iola husband ...

Nurse: Sword?

Affairs: Sword.

Nurse: And you can't?

Affairs: Cunning.

Nurse: Where does this rage come from?

Affairs: Husband taught me ...

Nurse: Stepping it, although used fear.

Affairs: Everyone despised a despicable death. What do i swords? " , from. 163.

The consequence of the resentment of the hatred of the works is her cunning act, which led to the death of Hercules. Judas Israariot is also actually the culprit of the death of Christ, because he helps enemies to grab it.

So, Juda-Judas secretly pulls the vessel with her the terrible poison of Nessa and rubs her Hercules' clothes. Here there is a topic of a terrible poison that destroyed the hero. As we have already noted, the Slavic word poison could be confused with the name of Judas, and therefore, with the late editing of the original sources, the commentators were replaced by Judas, because of whom Christ died, the poison, from whom Hercules died. As soon as the "poison" appeared on the pages of recycled chronicles, the image of a snake, which bit herakla Christ was born immediately. So it is not necessary to further, the Greek myth reports that when the poison penetrates the blood of the unfortunate Hercules, he published a writhing cry, as if he was bitten by the snake. In a little different interpretation, namely, in the Gospels, it is said about the cunning kiss of Judas (the same as the snake bite in Cleopatra's chest \u003d bite of snake in the foot of Prince Oleg, see our book "Beginning of Ordan Rus").

So, Judas Israariot - the culprit of the death of Christ, and the actor is the guilt of the death of Hercules.

The deadly poison of Nessa-acts overtakes Hercules during the sacrifice to God Zeus (that is, Jesus). Similarly, the Kiss of Judah Iskariota marks the beginning of Jesus's suffering, that is, his voluntary sacrificing sacrificing for the salvation of mankind.

Then the Greek legend speaks in detail about the incredible suffering of Hercules. Poisonous Hiton grows to the body, when trying to disrupt it, pieces of meat are separated from the flesh, Hercules blood boils, etc. The hero scratch scratch and not aware of anything. Most likely, before us - the reflection of the sufferings of the emperor Andronika-Christ during his torture. Christ was terribly tortured and beat, see the book "Tsar of Slavyan". In this regard, pay attention to the comment by Robert Graves about the suffering of Hercules. Although "In this case, there is no reason to believe that it has been scared or torture, but the images that could serve as the basis for creating a similar story, suggest the presence of bleeding and agonizing character, which is trying to shove into white linen clothing to sacrifice the goddess of death. , from. 421. We are talking about some vintage images that give grounds for such conclusions.

Andronicus-Christ before crucification cut off her right hand. As we have shown in the book "King of Slavyan" and further publications, this plot has been repeatedly discussed (sometimes in a refracted form) on the pages of old chronicle. Is there a trace in Hercules's history? Yes, there is, and in two kinds. First, it was said that during the sufferings of Hercules "and pieces of the body, sideways,", p. 44. Probably, it was enough for information that Andronicus-Christ was cut off (tear off) with hand or brush. Recall that in the legends about the Egyptian God, Osiris - one of the reflections of Christ - it is said that his body was cut into pieces. A similar picture pops up at the death of Hercules.

Secondly, in the life of Hercules there is a plot that has already been familiar to other studies. It is believed that when Hercules accomplished his first feat, the Nemoye Leo bit him his finger, with. 3 5 0.

This episode was actively discussed by ancient. For example, "Fothy denies that Hercules lost his finger, fighting with Lv. However, it is more likely that Hercules bit his finger (!? - Avt..) To deliver the spirits of your children, just as the Orest, pursued by the Erinias of his mother, "p. 351.

The referee referred to herein here is perfectly consistent with our results, according to which this episode in the life of Orest (Christ) is also a memory of Andronician-Christ's hand, see the book "Christ was born in Crimea ...", ch. 6.

The literary conversion of the chopped hand of Christ into a chopped bleeding finger we saw in the German-Scandinavian legends about God Odin (another phantom reflection of Andronika-Christ). Recall that there was some wonderful ring on the finger of one, each ninth night separating from himself, like drops, eight of the same rings. In other words, with the hands of Odin, as it were, "Golden Rings" drip. Probably, in such a distorted form, the northern version reported to us information about the chopped hand of Andronika Christ. Blood drilled out of it. The myth turned blood drops to "dripping gold rings." By the way, the rings-drops are separated from the hands of each ninth night. It is possible that the Christian custom of commemoration of the deceased on the ninth day was reflected in this form. See our book "Beginning of the Orda Rus", ch. 5: 1.2.

Greek myth reports that Hercules sacrificed Zeus very a large number of "Cattle" - about a hundred goals. Question: What matches this mention in the history of Andronika-Christ? Probably, in such a refracted form, it is said here about the bloody mate in Tsar-Grad against the emperor Andronika. Mass had died. Blood shed a lot. All this then could well be called a mass bloody sacrifice. Say, during the uprising, "many heads of livestock" died, that is, a simple people.

One of the key characters in the history of the death of Hercules is Centaur Ness. He turns out to be the enemy of Hercules. Finding it, Hercules metly shoots Ness from his famous Luke and strikes the enemy. Soon the Centaur dies. Apparently, this plot is a reflection of the next episode that occurred during the insurgency in the town of Grad against the emperor Andronika-Christ. "Byzantine" Chronist Nikita Choniat probably tells about a similar event, although he does not write directly that Andronik shot it in Isaac - his worst enemy and organizer of the uprising. Nevertheless, he emphasizes that Andronicus was really personally shot from Luke at the moment of inside the inside. We quote: "As for Andronicus - he, upon arrival in the Grand Palace ... I decided to enter into battle with the people and began to collect and prepare for the battle of the former people with him ... He himself took part in the battle, picked up onions and through the gap A huge tower called Kentinarium, threw in the upcoming arrows, "p. 354.

So the title of Kentinarium pops up in the Byzantine version, which is clearly close to the "antique" Word of the Centaur. Late writers turned (on paper) the defensive tower of Kentinarium in Kentaur, and the defense against the enemy Isaac Angel was named defense against the enemy Ness. In both cases, it is said about Luke, from which Andronik-Hercules shot. For which he got the nickname "Sagittarius" and awarded a special zodiacal constellation under the same name. Moreover, this constellation is often depicted in the form of a centaur shooting from the bow. See the book "Tsar Slavyan", ch. 2:28.

After the incredible sufferings of Hercules, finally death comes. It is believed to the top of a high mountain, where a large bonfire is folded from oak branches and trunks of wild olives. Hercules rises to the field, it is ignited and the hero burns on fire, rice. 1.42. Bunch of Zeusov Perunus turns a fire in a handful of ash.

We have repeatedly come across the fact that the crucifixion of Christ was represented as a burning in the fire-cross. For example, this was described by the execution of the king king - one of the reflections of Christ. In addition, Mount Half, sometimes they could call the fire. See our books "Christ and Russia ...", ch. 3: 3, and "The Start of the Ordane Rus", ch. 1: 5.2.

Consequently, the same picture emerges in front of us and when describing the death of Hercules. "Bonfire Cross" on the top of the mountain is an indication of Gospel Calvary.

Moreover, in the tragedy of the Seneki "Hercules on Ate", it is said about the porridge fire of Hercules so: "From the logs of crossed bonfire ascended," p. 193. But after all, "crossed logs" - this is the cross, which Andronika Christ was ascended! Thus, the "antique" Seneca was almost direct text called the wooden cross, on which Hercules-Jesus crucified.

Also note that when the device of the Cross Olive was used during the device of this "huge fire" from crossed logs. But we already understood a little earlier that in myths about Hercules, such a barrel symbolized the cross-crucifixion pillar. Oliva's barrel was made by the Gerkla, that is, his cross. Now it becomes clear why Hercules, going to the "bonfire" -polenitsa, put his mouth from Oliv under his head. In other words, he, as it were, lay on Oliva's barrel. Thus, the fact that Andronika-Christ was tied to a wooden cross-cross (or knit nails).

Hercules suffering (Christ) occur in the presence of warriors and other people. It is reported, for example, that the "antique" warriors issued a loud cry when Lihas was turned into a rock. That's right. The execution of Andronika-Christ was public, there was a lot of people behind her. The crucifixion on Calvary Baikos surrounded Roman soldiers.

According to the Gospels, the death of Christ on the cross was accompanied by the formidable phenomena of nature (an earthquake, a curtain in the temple was irritating in two ways, etc.). Approximately the same thing reports to the Greek myth of the death of Hercules. At the time of his death, Peununs of Zeus fell from the sky, accompanied by thunder-roll risks and the shudders of the Earth. On the raskats of thunder at this point said in, p. 420.

Fig. 1.42. The death of Hercules on the fire. Ancient engraving from the "Florentine Illustrated Chronicle" supposedly of the XV century. However, as we have shown earlier, in fact this chronicle was created no earlier than the XVII century. pay attention to interesting writing Hercules named. It can be seen that even in the XVII century, writing some letters and "classic" names has not yet been established. Taken from, sheet 41.

The gospel reports that Judas Iskariot repented and hanged himself. The same is said about the insidious action, Hercules wife. Above, we have already found her overlap on Judas. So, having received the news of the death of Hercules, she repented in his (allegedly rampant) act and hanged himself. This is the main "antique" version of her death. Moreover, both Judas and Affairs, they ended the life of suicide almost immediately after the death of Christ-Hercules. It is curious that some were added about the official, as if she could be killed by a sword. The death of Judah Iskariot also told several opinions. This is especially seen by its phantom reflections on the pages of various chronicle. We have already noted that according to one of these additional versions of the Avengers for Andrei Bogolyubsky \u003d Andronika-Christ eventually overtook the culprits and severely dealt with them (maybe with swords).

The death of Hercules was predicted by the prophecy of Zeus. Similarly, Jesus (Zeus) possessed the gift of foresight and knew about his upcoming suffering and execution. In the Gospels, this is mentioned in the famous scene in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus appeals to God-Father, wanting a bowl of suffering to have passed him. Although then agrees to take flour.

The prophecy of Zeus about the death of Hercules said that he would perish from the deceased enemy. But previously we have already shown that the death of Christ was reflected, for example, on the pages of Russian chronicles as the death of Prince Oleg from the bite of snakes (Juda). And the Magi predicted in advance with Oleg, that he would die of his horse. Here are the retelling of the Russian chronicle, made by Karamzin: "This hero ... Made his business on Earth and his death seemed to the offspring wonderful ... I remembered Oleg about the prediction, and I heard that the horse had long died, laughed at the wax; Became on the skull and said: Did I be afraid of him? But in the skull there was a snake: she stung the prince and the hero died ", t. 1, ch. 5, column 86-87.

So, in both versions - the Russian and Greek - the hero (Oleg Hercules-Christ) dies from the deceased character. At the same time, Oleg dies from the horse, and Hercules - from a centaur, that is, creatures, half a horse. We see a good parallelism: the deceased horse-centaur is striking the hero, as was predicted.

It is worth paying attention to that, according to the Diodorus Sicilian, after the death of Hercules, he was honored to honors and embarrassed by Earth Kurgan, with. 121. Probably, the Mount Halp was called "Earth Kurgan".

    Having rejoicing that he will soon be born with his son, the egid-containing zeus said to the gods: listen, gods and goddesses that I will tell you: Tell me to tell this my heart! Today the great hero will be born; He will rule over all his relatives who behave from my son, great Persea ...

    Mattening, Hercules defeated the king Orçene Ergin, who was paid annually to the greater tribute. He killed during the battle of Ergin, and the Mini-Nechoma imposed a tribute, which was twice as much as the one that was paid. For this feat, King Phiv Creontium gave Hercules to his daughter Megara, and the gods sent him three beautiful sons ...

    For a long time he was looking for Hercules on the woody slopes of the mountains and in the gorges of the Lion's lair, finally, when the sun began to be inclined to the West, I found Hercules in the gloomy gorge the lair; It was in a huge cave that had two exits. Hercules pounded one Will exits huge stones and began to wait for a lion, hiding behind the stones ...

    After the first feat, Eurysfey sent Hercules to kill the Lerneal hydra. It was a monster with the bodies of the snake and the nine dragon heads. Like the Nemoye Lion, the hydra was generated by a titon and the echidial. Hydra lived in a swamp near the city of Lerny and, crawling their lair, destroyed whole herds and devastated all the surroundings ...

    Eurysfea instructed Hercules to kill Steamfali birds. Almost in the desert turned these birds all the surroundings of the Arcade city of Sleyfal. They attacked both animals and people and tearned them with their copper claws and beaks. But the worst thing was that the feathers of these birds were of solid bronze, and birds, taking off, could drop them, like arrows, on who would like to attack them ...

    Eurysfea knew that the wonderful Kerineskaya Lan was living in Arkadia, sent by the goddess Artemida to the punishment of people. Lan this empty fields. Eurisfey sent Hercules to catch her and told him alive to deliver Lan in Mycenae. This lan was extremely beautiful, her horns were gold, and the legs were copper ...

    Eurisfey again gave him a commission: Hercules had to kill Erimianfish boar. This boar, who has a monstrous force, lived on Mount Ehriman and devastated the neighborhood of the city of Psopofis. He did not give people mercy and killed them with their huge fangs. Hercules went to Mount Eriman. On the road he visited the wise centaurus foul ...

    Soon, Eurisfey gave a new instruction to Hercules. He had to clear from the manure all the livest farm Avgiya, King Elida, the son of radiant helios. The God of the Sun gave his son innumerable wealth. Especially numerous were the herds of autground. Among his herd was three hundred bulls with white, like snow, legs ...

    To fulfill the seventh order, Eurysfi, Hercules had to leave Greece and go to Crete Island. Eurysfea instructed him to lead to the Cretan Bull Myna. This bull king Crete Minosu, the Son of Europe, sent the oscillator of the land of Poseidon; Minos had to bring a bull sacrificing Poseidon ...

    After the taming of the Cretan Bull, Hercules, on behalf of Eurisfie, had to go to Thrace to the King of Biston Domedon. This king was the wonderful beauty and strength of the horses. They were chained with iron chains in stalls, as no junction could hold them. King Diomed fed these horses with human meat. He threw them for the emergence of all alien ...

    Hercules chose Hercules for admem. Grand Mount reigned in the house of King Fer. His alcohis wife should have died. The once of the goddess of destiny, the great Moyra, at the request of Apollon, determined that Admet could get rid of death, if at the last hour of his life, anyone would agree to voluntarily go to the gloomy kingdom of Aida ...

    Glory about the exploits of the son of Zeus has long reached the country of Amazons. Therefore, when Hercules's ship stuck to Femkira, Amazon came out with the queen to meet the hero. They were surprised to look at the great son of Zeus, who stood out, like the immortal God, among his hero satellites. Tsarina Ippolitus asked the Great Hero Hercules ...

    On the back path In Tirinf from Amazon, Hercules arrived on ships with his army to three. The heroev appeared heavy spectacle when they were moored to the shore near Troy. They saw the beautiful daughter of King Troy Laomedont, Hesion, chained to the rock near the shores of the sea. She was doomed, like Andromeda, on the confusion of the monster, who outdrawal from the sea ...

    Shortly after returning from the campaign to the country of Amazon, Hercules went to a new feat. Eurisfey instructed him to drive him into the Micheen cows of the Great Gerion, the son of Chrysor and Oceanids of Calliroi. Dalted was the path to Gerion. Hercules needed to reach the western edge of the Earth, those places where the radiant god of the Sun helios came from the sky ...

    As soon as Hercules returned to Tirinf, as he was again sent him to the feat of Eurysfe. It was an eleventh feat that had to make Hercules in the service of Eurisfie. Incredible difficulties had to overcome Hercules during this feat. He had to descend into the dark, full of horrors underground kingdom of Aida and lead to Euryfia of the guardian of the underworld kingdom, the terrible hellish ps Kerber ...

    The most difficult feat of Hercules in the service of Evrisfi was his last, twelfth feat. He had to go to the Great Titan atlas, who keeps the heavenly arch on his shoulders, and get from his gardens, followed by the daughter of Atlas Greperda, three gold apples ...

    On the island of Evbee, in the city of Ohkhalia, the rules of the king of Eurit. Far was going throughout Greece, the glory of Eurita, as the most skilled arrow from Luke. The arriftrs of Apollo himself was his teacher, even gave him onions and arrows. Once, in his youth, he studied from Eurita to shoot from Luka and Hercules ...

  • After Hercules drove herakla from Okhalia, the Great Hero came to Kalidon, the city of Etolia. There ruled the Other. Hercules appeared to Ohnaju asking his daughter's hands of Oques, as he promised to marry her in the kingdom of Shadows ...

  • On the island of Kos sent to Hercules Father Zeus his beloved daughter Athena-Pallada to call on the great hero to help in their fight against the giants. Giants gave rise to the goddess Gai from the blood droplets overthrown by the crown of uranium. These were monstrous giants with snakes instead of legs, with cosmatic long hair on the head and beard ...

    They folded the huge bonfire and laid the greatest heroes on him. The suffering of Hercules is becoming more stronger, everything deeper penetrates his body of the Lerneysian Hydra. I tear off the heraclone poisoned raincoat, it's tightly adhesive to the body; Together with a raincoat, Hercules tear off slices of the skin, and there are still terrible flour. Only salvation from these superhuman flour is death ...

    After the death of Hercules, his children and his mother alkman lived in Tirinfu from the senior son Hercules, Gilla. For a short time they lived there. From hatred to Hercules, Eurysfea was driven by the children of the greatest hero from the possessions of their father and pursued them everywhere, where they just did not try to hide. Hercules's children wandered for a long time in all of Greece: finally she sheltered them with elderly Iolai, nephew and friend Hercules ...

He lived in Etolia, in the city of Kalidon, the king of the Olena, he had a daughter of Obanira. About her extraordinary beauty of Mol Polva went through all Ellad and reached the most remote countries. And here began to converge in Kalidon the groom and wrap for the police. And she was brought up in the Egoliy city of Pleurone, and there he saw her once the god of the Agelo River and loved. He was three times wrapped in her father Ohinyu. He came to the image of a young man, then in the form of a strong curthed bull or snake, or in the form of monsters with a human body and with a bullish head, with a rude beard, from which the stream flowed. With horror I watched the action on the groom Ahe-Loy, when he was in her father's house, and for a long time she denied her terrible fiance. Finally, she had to agree, since her father was afraid to angry the powerful river god.

Just at that time, herakli was wrapped in a wrapper for her, who asked in the underground kingdom. Brother Orentira Meleagr take his sister to his wife.

And so before the glorious Zeus son Hercules and the powerful God of the River Aheley retreated all other grooms, and there was only one unknown: which of the two grooms will be the winner. And then the rivals decided to solve the case of martial arts.

On a large smooth field, outside the city, in the presence of Tsar Ohinai and the works became a friend against a friend Hercules and Ahel, who took the human image this time, and they came out on the battle without any weapon. With fear, expected the action of the decision of his fate; She wished heavily so that the winner would be a glorious hero Hercules, captured her heart.

And the battle began between them. Hercules, skillful in battles, began to attack the clumsy river god of Aheloy, but, despite his strength and agility, he could not overcome the giant. They fought, like bulls enraged, and Hercules tried three times to be aspired by the river God attacked him. He walked his mighty body with the severity, as a mountain, while finally a river god, choking, fell on his knees and touched the face of the earth. Only this happened, as Aheel immediately addressed the snake. Justing, he slipped out of the hands of Hercules. "Fight with snakes I learned from early childhood, -Promal Hercules. -Leleneskaya Hydra also threatened me not one of his mouth. " And so he grabbed the snake with both hands and firmly lit it. But suddenly, the magic snake turned into a curthed bull; He stands in front of Hercules and threatens him his horns. But Hercules rushed to the bull, grabbed the horns and threw to Earth with such a force that Horn snatched him. Then the river God admitted himself to whistled and refused to act. And the escaped horn Hercules revenge the amalfias in the nymphs on full of colors and fruits of the horn of abundance.

The wedding of Hercules and Opera celebrated magnificently, and herakl was held for a long time in the house of his hospitable test. But heraklagas began to strive for the empires again, and when the son of Gillan gave birth to him, they went to Kalidon to the old friend Hercules King Keik.

They had to go through a deserted deserted country, and they reached the Even River, where he met Centrawa Nessa, who for the fee put on his back of the wanders on the other side.

Hercules instructed him to postpone his wife, and himself switched to the River Vbod.

When Hercules was already on the other side, he heard the cry of the works and noticed that the wild Centaur was going to kidnap the beautiful act and floats down the river.

My arrows faster than you, robber! - shouted Hercules and stuck him with a label with his hand in the chest his full-range arrow. Fell fallen to death Centaur and said, dying, Dei-Nira: "Osina's daughter, you're so beautiful that I would like to be useful to you." And he took the blood baked blood mixed with the poison of the arrows, gave her action and asked her to keep her, guarding from sunlight. "If the husband is spare away you, you will align this blood with his clothes, and his love will return to you again, and forever." Ore Mana believed the tricky Centaur and took the blood clouded blood from him, forgetting that this is an enemy gift. She hid him secretly from her husband in a vessel, thinking to take advantage of them someday. This gift of the Centaur was subsequently the cause of the death of Hercules.

Finally, after a long and difficult path through the deserted mountains of Parnass and Eti, Hercules and Affairs safely arrived at the king of Keik and stayed with him for a long time.

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