Essays can only be written by graduates of the special school. Memo to a graduate on writing a graduation essay

Composition "I am a graduate".

So my last day of school has come, which for so many years has managed to become impossibly native. We have been diligently approaching this day year after year. Ahead we have to pass exams and what intrigues most of all, awaits us prom.

Thinking about all this, pleasant memories came over me. A little more and school years will be left behind What a pity that they happen in our life only once. Now it's hard to imagine that in the beginning school year, in the mornings we will no longer rush to school. Nor does it seem that our teachers will teach lessons outside of us. And we will meet much less often. A little more and we will become quite adults!

I really want our graduation party to remain in everyone's memory for a long time. In general, I am sure that it will be so. I can imagine how we will accept congratulations from teachers and relatives, they will give us useful parting words, and we will be a little sad and already a little bored. On this day, everyone will have a slight tremor, and, of course, excitement. It seems to me that parents will worry even more than us. After all, we - their children - have already grown up completely and are taking another step towards meeting adulthood.

I do not argue that for many this day is the same as all the previous and subsequent days. Many people do not appreciate the contribution of teachers to our lives, but they enrich our inner world expanding its boundaries. They teach us to walk with dignity in life. Through teachers we became teachers, we became who we are. Undoubtedly, the parents have done a lot for this, but one should not forget about the teachers either.

Many students hardly think about what will happen when they graduate from school. They dream of graduating as soon as possible. But then they will remember their school years with regret.

It is likely that in the future your children will be guided by a teacher who once taught you. And then you will already be the parent who will lead the child to school for the first time, as your parents once did. And after years, you, at the prom, you will worry more than themselves. Then you will give the children parting words, but that will be a completely different story ... And now we will enjoy the last school days that will forever remain in our hearts!

Today is my last day of study at my home school. I went to this for a very long time. Ahead are waiting for me final exams... And then the prom itself.

Remembering the school years, one cannot but shed a tear of joy. After all, behind our school years, which are not repeated twice. Our beloved teachers will not teach us. And we will only be guests at our native school. We will also part with our friends, we will only see each other occasionally.

But most of all, I want us to remember our prom. Teachers will congratulate us and see us off to long way called "Life". Parents will be excited: after all, their children have already grown up, and are about to fly out of their parent's nest. We will spend this evening with family and friends (teachers).

Most people do not attach much importance to the role that teachers have played in their lives. After all, they accompany us from childhood. First in primary school... Further, after graduating to middle classes, other teachers come. They broaden our horizons, try to make us mindful, smarter and more receptive to environment... From year to year they accompany us, right up to the very graduation. And only thanks to them we can be called: "Graduate".

Some students, without thinking about what will be ahead after graduation, want to wait for graduation as soon as possible. And in the future, there is a high probability that they will regret that they did not enjoy these priceless years of life. And they will only remember their desire to finish school faster and go out into adulthood. And how they celebrated their prom. And then how they had a choice in life. And how would they like to receive useful advice from his beloved teacher. But he is no longer near.

And perhaps your teacher will teach and educate your children in the future. Maybe he will raise your child better than you. And then you will observe your children, as your parents once did. And you will take the place of your parents. You will be just as excited on their prom night, you will give a touching speech, from which a light, easy tear will roll down. And then you will send your child to meet the dawn. And then your child has an adult life.

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  • What is the difference between an essay in the exam in the Russian language and the final essay?
  • The December graduation essay differs from the essay that is written within the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, in a number of features, starting with the number of paragraphs, as the graduates themselves say (only 5!). In addition, the final essay is checked by school teachers and graded according to the "pass" - "fail" system.

    Working with the final essay makes it possible to summarize certain results in the school speech training, being a kind of diagnostic indicator of the success of the spiritual and moral development and education of schoolchildren.

    The final essay should show the readiness of its author - a graduate, the ability to get away from templates and "test" thinking, refer to literary material, choosing the work (or work) that best matches the problematic of the essay to reveal the topic. An essay in the USE format is an analysis of the topic, the problem of the proposed text, the determination of the author's position and the subsequent reasoning of the graduate about agreement or disagreement with the author, giving two arguments from various sources, including journalism and scientific literature.

    Graduate task, essay writer in December it is determined as follows: within the framework of the chosen topic, formulate your thesis, your position and give convincing arguments.

    The examination set includes 5 essay topics from a closed list (one topic from each general thematic area).

    Two essays (final and on the exam) also differ in the criteria by which the work is evaluated:

    Evaluation criteria for the final essay

    The essay is evaluated according to five criteria. Criteria # 1 and # 2 are the main.

    To receive a "credit" for the final essay, you must to receive a "credit" according to criteria No. 1 and No. 2 (setting a "failure" according to one of these criteria automatically leads to a "failure" for the work as a whole), as well as additionally "credit" according to at least one of the other criteria (No. 3 - No. 5).

    When giving an assessment, the volume of the essay is taken into account. The recommended word count is 350. If the essay contains less than 250 words (all words are included in the count, including official ones), then such work is considered uncompleted and is estimated at 0 points.

    The maximum number of words in an essay is not established: in determining the volume of his essay, a graduate must proceed from the fact that 3 hours and 55 minutes are allotted for the entire work.

    Criterion # 1. "Relevance to the theme"

    This criterion aims at checking the content of the essay. The graduate discusses the proposed topic, choosing the path of its disclosure (for example, answers the question posed in the topic, or reflects on the proposed problem, or builds a statement on the basis of theses related to the topic, etc.).

    "Failure" is put only if the essay does not correspond to the topic or is not traced in it specific purpose statements, i.e. communicative intention (in all other cases, "credit" is set).

    Criterion # 2. “Argumentation. Attracting literary material "

    This criterion aims to test the ability to use literary material to build reasoning on the proposed topic and to argue your position.

    The graduate builds reasoning, involving at least one work of national or world literature for argumentation, choosing his own way of using literary material; shows different level comprehension of literary material: from elements of semantic analysis (for example, topics, problems, plot, characters, etc.) to integrated analysis artistic text in the unity of form and content and its interpretation in terms of the chosen theme.

    "Fail" is put on the condition that the essay is written without involving literary material, or it is significantly distorted content of the work, or literary works are only mentioned in the work, without becoming a support for reasoning (in all other cases "credit" is given).

    Criterion # 3. "Composition"

    This criterion aims to test the ability to logically build reasoning on the proposed topic.

    The graduate argues for the thoughts expressed, trying to maintain the relationship between the thesis and evidence.

    "Failure" is put on the condition that gross logical violations interfere with understanding the meaning of what has been said or there is no thesis-proof part (in all other cases, "credit" is given).

    Criterion No. 4. "Speech quality"

    This criterion aims at checking the speech design of the text of the essay. The graduate accurately expresses thoughts, using a variety of vocabulary and various grammatical constructions, if necessary, uses terms appropriately, avoids speech cliches.

    "Fail" is put on the condition that the low speech quality is significant
    makes it difficult to understand the meaning of the essay (in all other cases, "credit" is set).

    Criterion No. 5. "Literacy"

    This criterion allows you to assess the literacy of a graduate.

    “Failure” is given if speech, grammatical, as well as spelling and punctuation mistakes made in the essay make it difficult to read and understand the text (in total, more than 5 mistakes per 100 words).

  • What difficulties do schoolchildren face when writing a final essay?

    For an essay that can get extra points when a graduate enters a university, first of all, knowledge of the definitions of those concepts that will be named in the topic, their deep understanding is necessary.

  • Is it worth writing an essay according to a template or can a graduate afford to show his individuality in the final essay? To what extent is the student allowed to express personal opinion in the essay?

    It is hardly worth talking about any patterns if the purpose of the work is to get away from patterned thinking. But independence, evidence of judgments, consistency of arguments are not only welcomed, but also required!

  • Self-test list for the composition: what elements of the composition must be present in the composition?

    5 paragraphs of the essay are 5 elements of the composition: interpretation of concepts, own position, two arguments and a conclusion. Prerequisite: between the first paragraphs and the conclusion, you can put the word "means".

  • What is meant by the concept of “communicative design of the composition,” and what are the ways of expressing it?

    This is the position of the graduate that needs to be proven.

  • How not to "step aside" from the topic of the essay and build a convincing reasoning?

    You should always remember about the signs of the text: each sentence is combined with the topic in meaning and grammatically. If the topic contains, for example, the concept of "fidelity to the word", then everything that a graduate writes should be about fidelity to the word, and not fidelity in general!

  • How to prepare arguments on topics for an unread student? What kind short works you can advise reading for argumentation on the topics "Loyalty and betrayal", "Indifference and responsiveness", "Goals and means", "Courage and cowardice", "Man and society".

    I think two ways are very reasonable: either it is excellent to know the text of two works, to be able to consider prepared arguments in all directions, or to prepare two "basic" compositions in two similar directions (for example, such as "Purpose and Means" - "Responsiveness and Indifference", "Courage and cowardice").

Pyankova Tatiana:“She stands, very young, if we compare it with eternity; very small if you imagine skyscrapers; but having seen a lot and so wise, always light and hospitable, my school. How many graduates came out of these walls, and for each of them the fate somehow depended on what he learned at school. Scattered, the school, your graduates: someone conquers the northern lands, someone is basking in the southern sun, but in the heart of every person there is a corner for their native school, where they are drawn so much and where sooner or later everyone returns. Someone annually comes to the evenings of the meeting, someone brings their children here, and someone will return here to work. Or you can just walk in to talk to your teachers, say thanks to them for their patience and understanding.

And you need a lot of patience. What is a Rural School? These are not just walls, these are people, and, moreover, very courageous. And how could it be otherwise - after all, you need to be at your best every day, as an actor on the stage, enter the class and - correspond. The rural school is transparent, and marriage is unacceptable here.

I am proud of my school and teachers, for me they are more than teachers. I do not condemn those who transfer their children to city schools, but I also don’t understand them. Anyone who wants to will receive knowledge in a rural school. But will these children always be noticed and understood in a new large team? I remember how Kapitolina Nikolaevna and Anna Georgievna were babysitting us: to eat, to keep up with the "schoolboy", to dress warmly. It is difficult to express in words all my gratitude to my teachers, who are always so delicate and understanding. Every time I hear a call, my heart skips a beat, as if this call is ringing for me. But now this call is calling my children to lessons.

I am grateful to you, school, for life lessons, for believing in your students, for opening your doors again and again for new pets.

Happy birthday to you, dear school! "

StEpanova Ksenia:

“In our time, the school was not only a source of new knowledge, but also a place for the embodiment of our creative ideas: dance, song, musical, poetry evening and much more. We managed to combine productive study and participation in all kinds of school and district activities, and we did it well. Now we so miss this bright, kind, cheerful time! "

Stepanova Oksana: “Strict, demanding, attentive. This is how I see my teacher of Russian language and literature Kuznetsova Nadezhda Anatolyevna. In her lessons, I learned a lot of interesting things about Russian writers, about the peculiarities of their works. We discovered the world of folklore, folk customs... Nadezhda Anatolyevna could patiently explain everything that was incomprehensible to us. She always made sure that the lesson material was learned by all students, and, what we most appreciated in this teacher, was unusually fair! "

Konovalova Anastasia:“The Verkhnekalinsk school is a second home for me. It was there that I felt like behind a stone wall. I was incredibly lucky with the class and the class teacher, Galina Valerievna. The teachers at the school were all very caring. If something didn't work out for us, the teachers always helped us and supported us in difficult moment... I would very much like to return to the time when I studied there. "

Ralnikova Alexandra: “Remember, we graduated, and you wrote me a poem as a keepsake:

The world has turned yellow and frowned!

The trees have an autumn fall.

I have worn out my youth to the holes,

But I got used to it, and it's a pity to shoot.

I'll tie my scarf tighter,

I will look back and think that

I look a little more like

In this old tight coat.

And so the memories are the best, brightest, kind! I will soon be 40 years old, but at heart 18! "

Hello! My name is Trefilova (Nekrasova) Elena Vladimirovna. I studied in In-Kalinskoy high school until grade 10, from 1984 to 1992, then moved, moved to another school and missed her first very, very much. Studying in it, I learned to believe in myself.

We had a very stormy extracurricular life: contests, competitions, concerts, etc. I just loved being involved in all this! It didn’t matter whether I reached victory or not, the very process of participation was a pleasure! The very preparation, rehearsals, exuberant fireworks of fantasy! Then a flurry of adrenaline during the presentation to the audience of what we got and - blissful devastation after that ... And the victories were just like bonuses for the work done.

I still miss all of this. It’s just, apparently, the stage is my adrenaline, my high, and I am very grateful to the teachers who came up with all these contests, giving our imagination the opportunity to develop. Not all schools pay so much attention to students, believe me, I have something to compare with. I would very much like such "Galina Pavlovna" and "Irina Nikolaevna" to meet on the way of my daughter!

Goodbye. With love and nostalgia in my heart Trefilova Lena.

> Essays by topic

I am a graduate

My graduation from school is approaching, which means that the time will soon come to say goodbye to childhood and enter adulthood. Now I seem to be on the verge of something new and unknown. I do not know what lies ahead of me, but I feel that life will soon change beyond recognition.

Parents and teachers scare us, graduates, with the responsibility and exams ahead. They say it's time to make a choice life path and profession. But how can you choose when the future is still so vague ...

I really do not want to part with my school friends and I still can’t believe that very soon I will no longer need to go to the gymnasium for classes. It seems that just yesterday the guys and I played football in the yard after school, jumped around the garages and launched boats through the spring puddles, and now, in a few months, we will become students.

I am planning to enter the Faculty of Mathematics of St. Petersburg State University and move to study in St. Petersburg. This means that soon I will say goodbye to my parents and go to live in a hostel.

My older brother Kolya, who has also been studying in St. Petersburg for three years, says that being a student is very cool. You quickly get used to getting up in the morning yourself, not counting on your mom to wake you up, to get to the university for public transport going to the store and preparing food. And then, when the first feeling of discomfort goes away, you can already start enjoying all the delights of student life.

And, according to Kolya, there are a lot of them. This is communication with fellow students, new interesting subjects, walks around the city, visiting cultural places of the Northern capital and, of course, evening gatherings in the halls of the hostel and singing with a guitar.

I hope that everything will be exactly as my older brother describes. And even if not, I'm not afraid of change at all. I believe that in life it is always worth moving only forward, accepting everything that fate prepares for you.

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