Game - quiz “The Great Patriotic War. Quiz on the Great Patriotic War "roads of war" School presentation quiz about the war 1941 1945

Specify start dates
and the end of WWII

Which state is in
our Motherland?

What was the name of the head of this state?

Adolf Gitler

which has become
a symbol of unbending courage in
the first days of the Second World War.

Brest Fortress June 22 – July 22

Major P.M. Gavrilov, one of the heroic defenders of the Brest Fortress, Hero of the Soviet Union

What a feat
committed in years
WWII A. Matrosov and

Matrosov Alexander Matveevich - hero
Soviet Union, guard private,
shooter - machine gunner. February 27, 1943
years in the battle for the village of Chernushki
(Pskov region), approaching
bunker that prevented further
promotion of fighters, threw two
grenades. But as soon as the fighters
rushed to attack, the machine gun came to life.

Then Matrosov rushed to the bunker and
closed the embrasure with his body. At a price
he contributed his life
fulfillment of a combat mission
division. And he was only 19

Nikolai Frantsevich Gastello - hero
Soviet Union, captain. June 26
1941 during an attack on a tank
enemy column in the area
Molodechko – Radoshkovichi (Belarus)
hit by an anti-aircraft shell
Gastello's plane had a gas tank punctured,
there was a fire.

Gastello realized that he didn’t care about his own people.
hold out, and decided to direct my
aircraft on a mechanized column
enemy. It was the so-called
"fire ram" From the break
the enemy bomber suffered
big losses.

What do you know about the pioneers
– heroes?

Pioneer heroes - Soviet pioneers,
who performed feats during the Great
Patriotic War. They were 12, 15,
16 years. The following were shot by the Nazis:
Lara Mikheenko, Vitya Khomenko, Nadya
Bogdanov (shot twice,
burned a star on his back, poured it on
cold cold water, but it's a miracle
remained alive);

tortured: Dusya Sorokina, Tamara
Shkurin died in battles with the Nazis:
Valya Kotik, Alexander Borodulin,
Marat Kazei, Lenya Golikov.

What are the names?
Soviet soldiers,
hoisted the flag over

During the Battle of Berlin Banner
There was a victory over the Reichstag
established April 30, 1945
scouts of the 150th Infantry
division Mikhail Egorov and
Meliton Kantaria.

Who hosted the Parade
Victories in 1945
on Krasnaya

Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov
Stalin instructed to host the parade
Victories over Nazi Germany 24
June 1945 on Red Square in

What battles
Do you know WWII?

June 22 - July 20, 1941 – Heroic
defense of the Brest Fortress.
September 30, 1941 – April 20, 1942 –
Battle of Moscow.
October 30, 1941 – July 4, 1942 –
Heroic defense of Sevastopol.
July 17, 1942 – February 2, 1943 –
Battle of Stalingrad.

June 5 – August 23, 1943 – Kursk
August – December 1943 – Battle for
July 10 – August 9, 1944 – Battle for
April 30, 1945 – Capture of the Reichstag

Name the Soviet
generals and
military leaders,
participated in the Second World War.

Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov (1896-1974), Rodion Yakovlevich
Malinovsky(1898-1967), Konstantin
Konstantinovich Rokossovsky (1896-1968), Alexander Mikhailovich
Vasilevsky(1895-1977), Ivan
Stepanovich Konev (1897-1973).

What was it called
jet system in
armed forces
Soviet Army in
WWII years?

Reactive system in armed
forces of the Soviet Army during the Second World War
It was called "Katyusha". "Russian
Katyusha", which terrified
Germans - this is a new weapon -
rocket launchers, mounted
on trucks. These were the ones who shot
missile installations.

When the Katyushas were in action, the whole sky
was in the “fiery tails” - such
the impression was made by the volleys of combat
machines. They were invulnerable to
enemy: taking a position and making
salvo, the cars immediately left her,
to suddenly appear in another

Which domestic
the tank was recognized as the best in
WWII years?

Tank T-34 - Soviet medium tank
the period of the Great Patriotic War;
due to its combat qualities, the T34 was recognized by a number of experts
the best medium tank of WWII.

Which states
were allies of the USSR
during the Second World War?

During the Great Patriotic War
The allies of the USSR were: the USA,
Britain, France. Prime Minister
England Churchill and US President
Roosevelt made a statement about
support of the USSR.

Quiz with answers for younger schoolchildren “70th anniversary of the Victory”

Target: the formation of civic consciousness, a sense of pride in the historical past of one’s homeland.

1. Expand and deepen knowledge about the Great Patriotic War.
2. Contribute to the formation of research skills, searching and analyzing the necessary information.
3. To instill in students patriotic qualities, a sense of pride for the feat of their people during the Second World War.
Participants: primary school students.

Conditions: The marathon “To the 70th Anniversary of the Victory” is held on the eve of the celebration of the anniversary of Victory in the Second World War. Students are asked to answer questions within seventy days; answers must be written out on sheets of paper, indicating the name, class, question number, answer, and handed over to the competition organizer. At the end of the quiz, the winners are awarded certificates and memorable prizes.

1. Dates of the beginning and end of the Second World War? (September 1, 1939 – September 2, 1945)
2. When did the Great Patriotic War begin? (June 22, 1941 4 a.m.)
3. Whose voice sounded on the All-Union Radio, announcing the beginning of the Second World War? (Yuri Borisovich Levitan)
4. Fighting forces of the invading fascist army? (5.5 million people, 4,300 tanks and assault guns, 4,980 combat aircraft, 47,200 guns and mortars)
5. The hero fortress that defeated the first blow of fascist troops in the Second World War? (Brest Fortress)
6. How many days did the defense of the Brest Fortress last? (30 days)
7. Young nurse, fighter of the Brest Fortress, pioneer hero of the Second World War? (Valya Zenkina)
8. What is Plan Barbarossa? (Fascist Germany’s plan for an attack on the Soviet Union in three directions: “North” (Leningrad), “Center” (Moscow), “South” (Kyiv)
9. Dates of the siege of Leningrad? (September 8, 1941 – January 27, 1944)
10. What is the “road of life”? (The only road across Lake Ladoga connecting besieged Leningrad with the Motherland)
11. Date of the first air raid in Leningrad? (On the night of June 23, 1941)
12. To what extent was the ration of Leningrad residents reduced during the most difficult days of the siege? (up to 125 grams of bread, half of which consisted of inedible impurities)
13. To which city were the Hermitage treasures evacuated in 1941? (Sverdlovsk)
14. How many loudspeakers were installed in Leningrad to warn residents about enemy air raids? (1500)
15. The sound of which device became an alarm signal for enemy air raids? (Metronome)
16. In January 1943, four carriages of domestic animals were brought to Leningrad, and in 1945, 5,000 of these animals. What animals are these and why were they brought? (Cats, they were brought in to fight rodents)
17. Why during the war were windows covered with a cross, on the cross with paper or cloth? (So ​​that the glass is not knocked out by the shock wave from the exploding shell)
18. The name of the operation of the fascist offensive on Moscow? ("Typhoon")
19. Who led the defense of Moscow in 1941? (Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov)
20. Young avenger who poisoned 100 Germans. (Zina Martynova)
21. For what purpose were airships used during the Second World War? (To protect cities, industrial and military facilities, they did not allow enemy aircraft to descend for targeted bombing)
22. What event is the fundamental turning point in the Second World War? (Battle of Stalingrad)
23. How many days did the Battle of Stalingrad last? (200)
24. Strategic operation on the Belorussian Front in the summer of 1944, named after the prince, Russian general, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812? (Bagration)
25. The best tank of the Soviet army during the Second World War? (Tank "T-34")
26. An ordinary Red Army soldier who covered the grotto embrasure with his body in the battle near the village of Chernushki? (Alexander Matrosov)
27. A peasant, a hero of the Soviet Union, who repeated a feat similar to that of Ivan Susanin? (Matvey Kuzmich Kuzmin)
28. Persons who fought in Nazi-occupied territory for the freedom and independence of their homeland. (Partisans)
29. The name of the rocket launcher that was invented shortly before the war? (Katyusha)
30. The name of the Belarusian city, in the battle for which the Katyusha was first used? (Orsha)
31. Why were plywood tanks used during the war? (To mislead enemy intelligence and distract from preparing a powerful artillery offensive)
32. An unusual steel ship of the Black Sea Fleet that shot down 20 enemy aircraft? (Anti-aircraft battery No. 3 - a steel square with cannons and anti-aircraft machine guns)
33. The only female Marine platoon commander. (Evdokia Zavaliy)
34. German heavy tank from WWII? ("Tiger")
35. The largest tank battle of the Second World War? (Battle of Kursk)
36. How many tanks took part in the battle of Kursk? (1200)
37. Name a person who built a tank with his own savings and went to the front. (Maria Oktyabrskaya)
38. Where was the only plant that supplied the aviation and tank industries with aluminum during the Second World War? (Ural Aluminum Plant of the city of Kamensk-Uralsky)
39. What were the voluntary donations of Sverdlovsk residents spent on during the Second World War? (For the creation and armament of the Ural Volunteer Tank Corps)
40. Where is the monument to the soldiers of the Ural Volunteer Tank Corps? (On Station Square in Yekaterinburg)
41. Why in Yekaterinburg on the station square in the sculptural monument next to the figure of a tank driver is there a figure of a worker? (The figure of the old worker personifies the industrial Urals, the Young tankman is a tankman-warrior ready to defend his Motherland, together the figures represent the unity of the front and rear)
42. The name of the pilot who, after amputation of both legs, continued to fly and shot down 7 enemy planes? (Alexey Petrovich Maresyev)
43. Pioneer hero who participated in 27 military operations, eliminated 87 German officers and soldiers, blew up 2 railway and 12 highway bridges. (Lenya Golikov)
44. The author of the popular literary work “Wait for Me,” written during the war? (Konstantin Simonov)
45. Three times hero of the Soviet Union, a pilot who shot down 62 enemy aircraft and was never shot down by the enemy? (Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub)
46. ​​An assistant to sappers who discovered more than 7,000 mines and more than 150 shells in the last year of the war, whom Stalin ordered to be carried on his own overcoat during a procession through Red Square because he was wounded? (Dog Julbars)
47. The first Russian city from which the fascist army was expelled? (Yelnya)
48. Scout, Paul Siebert, who eliminated 11 German generals? (Nikolai Kuznetsov)
49. The youngest pioneer heroine, partisan, twice executed by the Nazis, who survived the war. (Nadezhda Bogdanova)
50. The name of the city that fascist troops tried to capture for 250 days, and the Soviet army liberated in 5 days? (Sevastopol)
51. The youngest pilot of World War II? (Arkady Nikolaevich Kamanin born in 1928)
52. Who was awarded the title “Marshal of Victory” by the people? (Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov)
53. The highest military order of the Second World War? (Order of Victory, it was awarded to senior officers of the Red Army for the successful conduct of military operations)
54. The highest degree of distinction, the title of WWII? (Title "Hero of the Soviet Union")
55. When were German troops completely eliminated on the territory of our country? (Autumn 1944)
56. When attacking which city, Soviet troops used 140 searchlights at night? (Berlin)
57. When was the Soviet banner hoisted over the Reichstag building? (April 30, 1945 goals)
58. Date of signing the act of unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany? (May 8, 1945)
59. How many cities have the title “Hero City”? List them. (13 – Moscow, Leningrad (St. Petersburg), Odessa, Minsk, Kerch, Brest, Tula, Kyiv, Novorossiysk, Stalingrad (Volgograd), Smolensk, Murmansk, Sevastopol)
60. What is Mamayev Kurgan and where is it located? (Hill on the right bank of the Volga in the center of Volgograd, where the Battle of Stalingrad took place)
61. What is the name of the main monument in the city of Volgograd? (“The Motherland is Calling”)
62. How tall is the sculpture “The Motherland Calls!”? (The total height of the monument is 87 m, the height of the female figure is 52 m)
63. Where is the Katyusha memorial located? (Near the village of Kornevo, Vsevolzhsky district, Leningrad region, where in 1941-1943 there were anti-aircraft units covering the Road of Life)
64. The words of which song are contained in the Flower of Life Memorial Complex, which is located at 3 km of the Road of Life, created in memory of the children who died during the siege of Leningrad? (“May there always be sunshine”)
65. What images are on the obelisk to the Hero City of Leningrad installed on Vosstaniya Square on May 8, 1985? (The main moments of the heroic defense of Leningrad are depicted: “Blockade”, “Rear to Front”, “Attack”, “Victory”)
66. Where is the monument “Grieving Leningrad Mother” located? (In the village of Lychkovo, Leningrad Region, here on July 18, 1941, many children died as a result of a fascist air raid on an evacuation train)
67. When and where was the first eternal flame lit in memory of those who fell in the Great Patriotic War? (Pervomaisky village, Shchekinsky district, Tula region, May 9, 1955)
68. The name of the Russian soldier whose monument stands in Bulgaria? (Alyosha)
69. In honor of what feat was the “Warrior – Liberator” monument erected in the center of Berlin? (Sergeant Nikolai Masalov saved a German girl)
70. How many human losses did our country suffer during the Great Patriotic War? (26.6 million people)

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The rapid development of new information technologies and their implementation in Russia in recent years have left a certain imprint on the development of the personality of a modern student. The computer fits into college life and is an effective technical tool. New technical means put the material being studied into a modern, exciting form and become an active stimulator of students’ cognitive process.

Multimedia is the presentation of objects and processes not with a traditional text description, but with the help of photos, videos, graphics, animation, and sound. Students are attracted by the novelty of multimedia classes. In the group, during such classes, an atmosphere of real communication is created, in which students strive to express thoughts “in their own words,” they willingly complete tasks, and show interest in the material being studied.

One of the important ways to conduct meaningful, creative and interesting work with students is extracurricular work. The strict framework of the lesson and the richness of the program do not always allow answering many questions that interest students. And then extracurricular activities come to the rescue. And if new information technologies are introduced into them, then, due to their clarity, colorfulness and simplicity, they will bring the greatest effect and will be of even greater importance in the development and education of young people.

The event is conducted using Microsoft Power Point and Notebook presentations. The presentation allows you to fully implement the principle of clarity. The computer introduces an element of novelty, makes the work process visual, and helps the teacher concentrate on the main points.

In the history of any state and people there are historical events of the greatest national significance, which, like a legend, pass in the memory of the people from generation to generation for centuries, while maintaining their greatness and national pride.

Such a world-historical event for our state and the peoples inhabiting our Motherland is the victory over Nazi Germany, the 67th anniversary of which will be celebrated on May 9, 2012. Every year there are fewer and fewer living witnesses to those events, and it is important to preserve the memory of the battle heroes and home front workers in the hearts of the younger generation.

Through the living word of a veteran, poems and songs of the war years, young people become familiar with the great historical traditions of our people.

Extracurricular work in history provides ample opportunities for developing interest in the subject, developing cognitive activity, and broadening the horizons of students.

The development can provide some assistance to teachers in conducting extracurricular work on history.


  • Educational: consolidate, improve, deepen knowledge on the history of the Great Patriotic War, encourage students to search for new knowledge and expand their horizons
  • Developmental: develop memory, reaction speed, teamwork skills
  • Educational: to promote in students respect for the historical past of their people using the example of feats accomplished during the Great Patriotic War, instilling in young people a sense of patriotism and love for the Motherland; form an active life position; positive attitude towards knowledge

Event equipment: Computer; projector; board and chalk (for the tournament table); jury application kits; signs (command); interactive board; Musical accompaniment (phonograms of songs dedicated to the Great Patriotic War).

Preparatory work:

  • Script development;
  • Preparation of presentations to accompany the game;
  • Conducting qualifying rounds in groups to determine the composition of participants.

The date of the:

Location: office No. 19

Groups of professions:

30.3 Transport document processing operator

30.4 Assistant locomotive driver

306 Mechanic for maintenance and repair of rolling stock

Epigraph on the board:

“Those who do not have love for their native country are crippled and poor at heart.”
(T.G. Shevchenko)

Progress of the event

The evening begins with the words of the presenter and the presentation on the screen.

Fragment of the song "Holy War".

Presenter 1: Good afternoon dear friends!

Presenter 2: Hello, participants of today's event. Our quiz is dedicated to the memory of the events of the Great Patriotic War.

Presenter 1: There are events that over time are erased from people's memory and become the property of archives. But there are events whose significance not only does not decrease over the years, but, on the contrary, with each new decade they acquire special significance and become immortal.

Presenter 2: Such events include the victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War, the 67th anniversary of which we are celebrating today.

Presenter 1: Time has managed to plow up the trenches on the fields of past battles, but it is powerless to weaken the memory of the unbending resilience and heroism of millions of Soviet people.


Dates will never be erased
These military feats.
Soldiers sleep in eternal rest -
Woe to those who awaken them.

Presenter 2: This brutal war radically changed the lives of people living in the Soviet Union. A huge number of the country's male working population went to the front.

Presenter 1: Over four years of mortal combat with the fascist invader, the country's defenders went through the harsh path of war through failures and retreats, from the first border battles to the walls of Moscow, the banks of the Volga and the Caucasus mountains, and then the difficult path of a powerful victorious offensive.

Presenter 2: We have gathered today to expand our horizons on the history of the war, try our hand at a knowledge competition, and rejoice for those who will become the winners of the game, and everyone present will participate in it.

Presenter 1: Let me introduce you to the rules of our educational game - quiz.

It will take place in several rounds:




IV roundGUESS-KA (Music competition)

V roundCHASING THE LEADER (Blitz tournament)

Presenter 2: But first of all, the rules of communication during the quiz


  1. We treat each other with respect
  2. Any opinion deserves attention
  3. While one speaks, everyone listens
  4. We indicate our desire to speak by raising our hand.

Presenter 1: Introducing the jury:

  • History teacher;
  • Methodist;
  • 2nd year student.

The jury receives the judge's sheets

Judges sheet

Tour number Tour name 1 team 2nd team
I Acquaintance
II Warm up for the mind
III We are scholars in the history of the Second World War
IV Guess what?
V Chasing the Leader

I ROUND – Meet the teams.

(Rating system – 5 points)

  • 1 team - (for example, “Youth”, motto: Cast in our memory in bronze, No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten...)
  • Team 2 - (for example, “Friendship”, motto: We swear to the fallen heroes: What the fathers did not finish, we will finish. What the fathers did not finish, we will finish.)

(Team name: "Comrade"


When we are united -
We are invincible!

team name: "Sagittarius"


Stand up for yourself
protect others
And keep your arrow ready.

Each team pronounces its name, the motto has an emblem.

II. TOUR – Warm-up for the mind.


The country woke up peacefully
On this June day,
Just turned around
There are lilacs in the parks.
Rejoicing in the sun and peace,
Moscow greeted the morning.
Suddenly they spread across the airwaves
Memorable words...

Presenter 1:“From the statement of the Soviet government on June 22, 1941: ...Today, at 4 o’clock in the morning, without presenting any claims to the Soviet Union, without declaring war, German troops attacked our country, attacked our borders in many places and bombed from their aircraft in our cities - Zhitomir, Sevastopol, Kyiv, Kaunas and some others.

This is not the first time our people have had to deal with an attacking, arrogant enemy. At one time, our people responded to Napoleon’s campaign against Russia with the Patriotic War, and Napoleon was defeated and came to his collapse. The same will happen to the arrogant Hitler, who announced a new campaign against our country. The Red Army and all our people will once again wage a victorious war for the Motherland, for honor, for freedom. Our cause is just. The enemy will be defeated."

Presenter 2: At the same time, the teams will be asked questions about how the war began (Appendix 1). If the team has the answer, you raise the signal card. If the answer is correct, you get 3 points. For each addition - 1 point.

Presenter 1: First question: What are the names of the plans of Nazi Germany before the attack on the USSR.

Presenter 2: Question two: To attack the USSR, the Nazi command concentrated 3 army groups. What were the names of these groups?

Presenter 1: Question three: Name the directions of advance of the fascist troops of Army Group “North”.

Presenter 2: Question four: Name the directions of advance of the fascist troops of the Army Group “Center”.

Presenter 1: Question five: Name the directions of advance of the fascist troops of Army Group “South”.

Presenter 2: The Soviet border guards were the first to bear the brunt of the fascist invasion. They offered heroic resistance to the enemy. Sixth question: Name the first border battles.


I heard a story about the Brest Fortress,
A legend more beautiful than the ancient ones...
In that fortress, surrounded by an enemy horde,
Defending the country's border,
The garrison sacrificed its life,
Blocking the invaders' path...

Presenter 1: Question seven: Name the beginning of the Battle of Smolensk.

Presenter 2: Question eight: What type of weapons did Soviet troops use for the first time in this battle?

Presenter 1: Question nine: When did the siege of Leningrad begin?

Presenter 2: At the end of August 1941, the best units of the Wehrmacht, who had not yet known defeat, approached Leningrad. The world held its breath. Leningraders, by the strength of their spirit, hatred of the invaders, and unparalleled heroism, managed to stop the enemy at the city walls.

On September 8, the Nazis managed to close the blockade ring around Leningrad. The blockade of the city began, the longest and most monstrous in world history. It lasted 900 days and nights.


There is a mortal threat over Leningrad...
Sleepless nights, every day is hard.
But we have forgotten what tears are,
What was called fear and prayer.
The shells are whistling, the cold is fierce...
- Comrades, we are in a ring of fire...

Presenter 1: Question ten: How many grams was the ration in besieged Leningrad?


The enemy could not overpower us by force -
He wants to starve us.
Take Leningrad from Russia,
It's full of Leningraders to pick up.
This won't happen forever
On the Neva holy bank,
Working Russian people
They will die and will not surrender to the enemy!

Presenter 2: Question eleven: Which city defended itself for 250 days?

Presenter 1: Question twelve: Name the date - the beginning of the battle for Moscow.


And here again the story page
Covered in the blood of battles near Moscow.
The enemy is striving for Moscow in three ways,
In one way he will be repulsed.

During the days of the defense of the capital, the “Song of the Defenders of Moscow” was written ( sl. A.A. Surkova, music. B.A. Mokrousova). Unshakable confidence in victory resounded in her.

Presenter 1: Question fourteen: What is the name of the commander of the division that defended Moscow in the Volokolamsk Highway area?


War... Brutal war
This is not the first month.
Life is tense, like a string,
The capital is in danger.
The evil howl of the winds is getting louder,
Days are like explosions
And the Sovinformburo reports
Everything is more alarming and stricter.

Presenter 2: Question fifteen: Who owns the words: “Great Russia! But there’s nowhere to retreat, Moscow is behind us?”

Presenter 1: The second round is over. The jury sums up the results.

ROUND III – We are scholars in the history of the Great Patriotic War (5 out of 25).

Presenter 1: We must know the history of our people, otherwise we cannot truly learn to love our Motherland.


Do not be a slave to the Fatherland,
And we shouldn’t be slaves!
For the happiness of a free life
Don't mind laying down your heads!
Hence our fearlessness
It's getting started.
Our hatred is sacred
Reckoning is coming!
There is no more beautiful, dear country,
Happiness is to serve you.
We go, death, despising,
Don't die, but live!

Presenter 2: There are 25 multi-colored cells in front of you on the board: gray questions are simple questions (you get 1 point for the correct answer); yellow questions – questions with four possible answers (you get 2 points for the correct answer); blue questions are matching questions (for the correct answer you get 3 points); red questions - questions about heroes - Omsk residents - for a complete story about the hero, you must name him (for the correct answer you get 4 points).

Let me also remind you that each team has the opportunity to answer 5 questions. Thinking time: 10 seconds. Focus! (Appendix 2)

Presenter 1: The third round is over. The jury sums up the results.

IV ROUND – “Guess it” (music competition).


In war - on the road, in a heated vehicle,
In the cramped space of any hut,
In a dugout or cellar, -
Where chance leads,
There is no better way than without hassle,
Without a feather bed, without a pillow,
Somehow perched next to each other,
Rest... Six hundred minutes.

Presenter 1: Teams are asked to choose 3 soundtracks out of 12. For each correctly guessed song, the team receives 3 points (Appendix 3).

Presenter 2: The fourth round is over. The jury sums up the results.

ROUND V – “Chasing the leader” (blitz tournament).

Presenter 2: In April 1945, the final blow was dealt to the Nazi Wehrmacht in the Berlin operation. Within eleven days, the enemy's million-strong Berlin group was defeated and Berlin was captured. Soviet soldiers hoisted the Victory Banner over the Reichstag.


Through blood and sweat, through fire and water,
Through the smoke of fires, through the stench of corpses.
Defending the right to freedom,
Russia, your soldier, walked towards Victory.

And she didn’t break her heart, she didn’t ruin her,
And the war did not corrupt their souls
Apparently, he has superhuman strength,
To the Russian soldier, yes!

Presenter 1: Teams take turns being asked to answer 15 questions (Appendix 4). For each correct answer the team receives 1 point.

Presenter 2: That war claimed more than 20 million lives. But these sacrifices were not in vain; the Nazis were defeated. On May 9, 1945, Berlin, the last stronghold of fascism, fell. The entire sky exploded with fireworks of the long-awaited victory.


On the ninth day of jubilant May,
When silence fell on the ground,
The news rushed from edge to edge:
The world has won! The war is over!

Presenter 2: The fifth round is now over. The jury sums up the results.

Presenter 1 (Summarizing, awarding): Word to the jury members. Each team receives a 1st or 2nd degree diploma depending on the results.

Presenter 2: The quiz and the journey into the world of history are over. We congratulate the winners. The game is over, but the learning process continues, since you still have a lot to learn, dear guys. Good luck, success to you on the path of knowledge.

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 18 village. Parkovoy municipal district Tikhoretsky district

quiz for 5-6 grades. « By page Great Patriotic War"

Developed by a history and social studies teacher

Tatyana Vladimirovna Lopatina

Question No. 1

This war was the most widespread and bloody . Our the people waged a liberation struggle, defended their Motherland, fought for their Fatherland. That's why they call her Domestic.

But the Soviet people liberated not only their homeland. The Red Army reached Berlin, liberating the countries of Europe from the fascist yoke, accomplished a great deed, and saved many people. That's why this war is named


Name the years of the Great Patriotic War


Question #2

An 18-year-old girl, a member of a sabotage detachment operating in the village of Petrishchevo in the fall of 1941. Her goal was to identify the houses of local residents where the Nazis lived and set them on fire. During one of these missions, the Germans captured her and brutally tortured her, but she did not betray anyone. She was led to execution with an “arsonist” sign hung around her neck. Standing with a noose around her neck in the last minutes of her life, she challenged her enemies: “No matter how much you hang us, you can’t hang everyone, there are 170 million of us!” But our comrades will avenge you for me!”

For her feat, she was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.


Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya

Question #3

Leningrad blockade - This is the longest and most terrible siege of the city in the entire history of mankind. Leningraders experienced a lot of pain and suffering, hunger and cold, and constant bombing. It seemed that such trials were beyond the power of an ordinary person to endure. But they showed so much courage and dedication that even the Nazis were surprised. In the besieged city, cinemas, theaters, schools operated, trams ran...

For Hitler, Leningrad was a “tidbit” - after all, here is the Baltic Fleet and the road to Murmansk and Arkhangelsk, from where help came from the allies during the war.

But the city survived


871 DAYS

Question No. 4

Four times Hero of the Soviet Union, a talented commander. People will call him “Marshal of Victory”. It was he who, on behalf of the USSR government, accepted the surrender of Germany and the Victory Parade in Moscow.

In one of the questionnaires he answered the question about what he considers the most important thing in a person’s life: “Awareness of a fulfilled duty.”



Question #5

He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously. The battalion in which he served came under heavy enemy machine-gun fire near the village of Chernushki. He rushed towards the bunker and covered the embrasure with his body.

At the cost of his own life, this soldier helped the unit complete its combat mission and saved the lives of his comrades.


Alexander Matrosov

"Our cause is just. The enemy will be defeated. Victory will be ours." He spoke with such confidence and strength that these words were remembered like a spell by millions of people who gathered at the loudspeakers on the fateful day of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

To survey No. 6

Adolf Hitler “appreciated” the skill of the announcer in his own way. He declared him his personal enemy No. 1 and promised to “hang him as soon as the Wehrmacht enters Moscow.” A reward of 250 thousand marks was promised for the head of the first announcer of the Soviet Union.


Yuri Borisovich Levitan

Question No. 7


On the ice of Lake Ladoga

Question #8

A pilot of the 580th Fighter Aviation Regiment, junior lieutenant, piloting a Yak-1 fighter, on April 4, 1942, made a combat mission to storm the enemy airfield Istoshno, located in the so-called Demyansk cauldron. During a combat mission, his plane was shot down and made an emergency landing in a forest near Lake Seliger. After an 18-day stay in the forest without food, exhausted, with frostbitten feet, the pilot was found by residents 3 km from the village of Plav. Moscow doctors managed to save his life, but as a result of gangrene developing, his feet had to be amputated.

Despite his disability, the pilot managed to return to fighter aviation and, already on prosthetics as part of the 63rd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment, participating in the battles on the Kursk Bulge, shot down seven more enemy aircraft, bringing his total number of victories to 11. For his feat received the star of Hero of the Soviet Union.

His feat formed the basis of Boris Polevoy’s work “The Tale of a Real Man.”


Alexey Petrovich Maresyev

Question No. 9

How many cities have been awarded the title of Hero City?

Name these cities.

13 cities

Brest, Leningrad, Odessa, Kerch, Tula, Volgograd, Moscow, Novorossiysk, Murmansk, Sevastopol, Kyiv, Minsk, Smolensk

Question #10

In April 1945, the forces of the Red Army actually took the Reichstag - they hoisted the Victory Banner over its dome. Fighting then took place on the streets of Berlin, the SS men desperately resisted, but step by step the Soviet troops came closer and closer to the Reichstag.

What is the date when the Victory Banner was hoisted over the Reichstag dome?

Question No. 11

What are the names of the soldiers who, risking their lives, entered the Reichstag on April 30, 1945, climbed the slippery roof strewn with glass fragments and hoisted the Victory Banner.

Kr Ainy on the left - Lieutenant Nikolai Belyaev, on the right above - scouts Mikhail Egorov

and Meliton Kantaria

Question #12

This tank bore the brunt of the brutal battles, including the Battle of Kursk! It was he who made the enemy doubt his superiority for the first time! And it was he who started the legend! This tank brought victory and glory to the Soviet army. And his fame is well deserved!

What name did it have?

Tank T-34

our legendary "thirty-four"

Olga Kozlova

Military patriotic game-quiz

« On the roads of war»

In honor of the 70th anniversary celebration Great victory.

Target: formation of the foundations of patriotism (respect for the history of the state, for the historical past, development of a sense of involvement in the destinies of the Fatherland).

Tasks: cultivate a sense of patriotism;

cultivate interest in the historical past;

expand students' knowledge about war;

expand the idea of ​​mass heroism

Expected results:

Know the main battles and dates;

Know the artists' paintings about Great Patriotic War;

Know the songs of the times Great Patriotic War;

Know the rewards Great Patriotic War;


1. Cards with station names.

2. A set of things for a soldier’s duffel bag (or cards with the names of things).

3. Cards with the names of the main battles and dates.

4. Laptop, song recordings: “Get up, huge country”, "Katyusha", "In the dugout", "Day Victory»

Hello! Today we will go on a journey through « On the roads of war»

There are dates on the calendar that are forever inscribed in the chronicle of history. This date is June 22, 1941. War placed a heavy burden on the Soviet people. Both young and old stood up to defend the Fatherland.

There's a song playing “Get up, huge country”

Student Everything breathed such silence,

It seemed that the whole earth was still sleeping

Who knew that between the world and war

Only about five minutes left?

Disciple From the endless Siberian plain

To Polesie forests and swamps

The heroic people rose up,

Our great Soviet people.

He went out: free and right,

Answering war to war,

Stand up for your native country

For our mighty country.

Station "Soldier's duffel bag"

Assignment to the teams: collect a duffel bag for a soldier going to the front.

Select the items you need from the card. Explain your choice

Station "Letter from the Front"

Student Letters... Simple soldier letters...

There is so much warmth, love, romanticism in them,

How much faith they have in the country and the people,

Faith in victory that's coming soon!

Questions in letters: about children, wife,

Is that all healthy, full, warm...

They wrote in letters: “We’ll be there soon!

As soon as we finish off the Nazis in Berlin!”

Leading. In rare moments of calm, the soldiers wrote letters to their relatives: mother, wife, children.

Assignment to the teams: write a letter that conveys in content military atmosphere. The letter is folded into a triangle.

Station "On the Front Line"

Assignment to the teams: overcome an obstacle course.

Offensive, attacks, battle to destroy the enemy (balls) blindfolded.

Station "Soldier's Kitchen"

Disciple If only she had some money

Yes, it would be in the heat, in the heat -

Better, hotter

Assignment to the teams: use cards to select a menu for a soldier on the field.

Station Chronicle of events

1 What was the name (plan) German invasion of the USSR?

Answer: (plan) "Barbarossa"

2. Where is the place that the defenders of Stalingrad called the main height of Russia? (Mamaev kurgan)

3. How many days did the siege of Leningrad last? (900)

4. Give an exact start date Great Patriotic War? (June 22, 1941)

5. How many days did the garrison of the Brest Fortress heroically fight? 30 days

Station "In a sunny meadow"

Assignment to the teams: perform the song of the times Great Patriotic War.

“Get up, huge country,

Stand up for mortal combat

With fascist dark power,

With the damned horde!

"Sacred war" (Words by V. Lebedev-Kumach, music by A. Alexandrov)

1. “I went out and started a song

About the steppe gray eagle.

About the one I loved

About the one whose letters I was saving."

"Katyusha" (words by M. Isakovsky, music by M. Blanter)

2. “You are far away now. Far away.

Between us there is snow and snow.

It's not easy for me to reach you,

And there are four steps to death.”

"In the dugout" (words by A. Surkov, music by K. Listov)

3. “Let’s sing, friends, because tomorrow we’ll go camping -

Let's go into the predawn fog.

Let's sing more cheerfully, let him sing along to us

Gray-haired battle captain."

"Evening at the roadstead" (words by A. Churkin, music by V. Solovyov-Sedoy)

5. Dark night, only bullets whistle across the steppe,

Only the wind hums in the wires, the stars flicker dimly.

On a dark night, my love, I know you don’t sleep,

And by the crib you secretly wipe away a tear...

There is resin on the logs, like a tear.

And the accordion sings to me in the dugout

About your smile and eyes...

Station « Victory milestones»

Assignment to the teams: What city heroes do you know?

Answer: Leningrad (now St. Petersburg, Moscow, Odessa, Sevastopol, Stalingrad (now Volgograd, Kyiv, Novorossiysk, Murmansk, Smolensk, Minsk, Tula, Kerch, Brest Fortress (hero fortress).

What awards do you know? Great Patriotic War?

Orders: « Victory» ;The order of Lenin; Order of the Red Star; Order of the Red Banner; Order of Suvorov; Order of Kutuzov; Order of Ushakov; Order of Nakhimov; Order of Glory 3 degrees and others.

Medals: "For courage"; "For Stalin"; "Liberation


Playing with spectators"Say the word"

1. The soldier will confirm any:

It is not cold in winter.

That's a soldier's model -

Made from cloth (overcoat).

2. They shoot from it,

Targets are hit quickly.

There's a soldier on duty

Holds tightly (machine).

3. This has been going on for a very long time.

Military headdress.

And don't make a mistake:

Not a cap, but (cap).

4. Machine gun and pistol

They don't give that effect.

Very important for a soldier

Use in battle (grenade).

5. He is always on the soldier,

He's a warrior in every way!

Wears every day

Thick with a buckle... (belt).

6. Wear them both for battle and for parade

A platoon of soldiers is marching.

You won't find a speck of dust

On polished... (boots).

Continue the proverb:

Motherland - we need it (protect).

Alone in the field... (not a warrior).

Go beyond your native land fearlessly (to battle).

A man without a homeland (nightingale without song).

The song “Day” plays Victory

Summarizing. Team awards.

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