Regulations on the procedure for admission to the State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education “Sibay Pedagogical College. Regulations on the procedure for admission to the State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education "Sibay Pedagogical College" List of required documents

Sibay Pedagogical College is called the “forge” of teachers for the Bashkir Trans-Urals. Since 1963, he has given a serious start in life to more than 7 thousand graduates.

Sibay Pedagogical College is a multidisciplinary educational institution that trains teaching staff in 5 specialties. The college has school, technology, music departments, as well as computer science and foreign languages ​​departments. For effective mastery of specialties, students and teachers have at their disposal more than 70 classrooms, 5 workshops, 2 gyms, 3 computer rooms, 12 rooms for individual music lessons.

The first director for 9 years was B.M. Mambetkulov, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, Honored Teacher of Russia and the Republic of Bashkortostan, winner of the Ushinsky medal. For more than 25 years, the school was headed by Kh.Kh. Khamitov, Honored Teacher of the RSFSR. Under him, the pedagogical school received the status of a college and was recognized as the best in the republic. From 1998 to 2003, the director of the pedagogical college was T.M. Vagapov, Honorary Worker of Secondary Special Education of the Russian Federation, Honored Teacher of Schools of the Russian Federation, Excellence in Education of the Republic of Belarus. Currently, the Sibay Pedagogical College is headed by a candidate of pedagogical sciences, teacher of pedagogy and psychology of the highest category, Yanbekova Zaituna Rakhmetovna.

College Principal Z.R. Yanbekova

More than 70% of teachers working in this region received the basics of the teaching profession here and remember with gratitude their first teachers: Bikbulatova F.G., Shakirova V.Z., Allaberdina R.Sh., Sultangildina V.Kh., Karpova N. I., Palagichev T.A., Yanturin S.K., Sayapova M.Kh., Shirokov E.I., Shakirova A.M., Bikkulova S.V., Bikbaev F.D., Khangildin Z.G. , Baynazarov Z.F. and etc.

2008: activities and achievements

- teacher of drawing Turaev R.R. awarded the title of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences;

- in the regional competition of students of music departments of pedagogical colleges of the Urals, Volga region and North Caucasus, representatives of the college became winners in all nominations and winners of the Grand Prix of the competition;

- college team awarded the Grand Prix of the Republican festival of artistic creativity “Student meetings - ART-PROFI FORUM RB 2008”;

- the folk ensemble "Akyondoz" delighted the audience of Ufa, Neftekamsk, Magnitogorsk and Trans-Ural regions with its creativity;

Folk dance ensemble "Akyondoz"

- over the last academic year, college students participated 26 times in republican professional and creative competitions and olympiads;

- The works of college students at the regional scientific and practical conference on information technology were recognized as the best;

- III place among pedagogical colleges of the Russian Federation, 9th place among 98 participants in the All-Russian distance heuristic Olympiad in computer science “Eidos” was taken by a group of students from the computer science department (headed by Aitbaev D.R.);

Olympiad winners

III place in the Republican History Olympiad was taken by Abdullin Nail, a student of the computer science department (supervisor L.Ya. Davletberdina);

In the city festival of amateur art “Bashkortostan - the pearl of the Urals” the team took 1st place in the competition of amateur art groups;

Shakirova Gulnara Muharramovna took second place in the republic in the competition “Teacher of Bashkir Language and Literature 2008”;

G.M. Shakirova

To ensure the competitiveness of graduates, a new specialty was licensed - preschool education;

The sports team of college students took 1st place in the city sports competition among secondary educational institutions;

An exchange of experience in organizing the teaching of the Bashkir language and literature took place with representatives of the Argayash Pedagogical College (Chelyabinsk region);

25 teachers of music disciplines were trained in courses organized at the college.

On December 8, the draft Action Plan (“Road Map”) for the development of the Sibay Institute (branch) of the FSBEI HPE “Bashkir State University” (SiBSU) for 2017-2019 reached the staff of the Sibai Pedagogical College. (in the context of the development of the branch network operating in the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan). Having read the Roadmap, we are outraged by this. that the merger of the college with SiBSU is called the liquidation of the Sibay Pedagogical College. Liquidation of a college means the loss of its legal personality. At the moment, the college staff is at a loss, since initially it was planned to merge our college with SibSU with the preservation of a legal entity at a later time. The legal basis for this decision was not communicated to the team.

Our team adequately fulfills the criteria for state accreditation, has a sufficient material and technical base and well-deserved authority among employers. The college carries out effective educational activities: annually fulfills the admission plan. The total student population is 576 people from the regions of the Bashkir Trans-Urals. Graduates of the Pedagogical College successfully find employment (68%), 25% of graduates continue their studies at universities. When a college is liquidated, the rights of 36% of minor students, provided for in Article 46 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, are violated. Students are in an uncertain position: they are not confident in the quality and accessibility of education at SiBSU in the light of recent events and inspections by the FSB of their educational and organizational activities.

Sibay Pedagogical College has a 55-year history, over the years it has graduated thousands of outstanding personalities who successfully work for the benefit of the Republic of Bashkortostan and Russia.

Considering the complexity of the socio-economic situation that has developed in the region and the city, equated to a single-profile structure, the teaching staff, 91% of whom have the highest and first categories, are alarmed about tomorrow and the uncertainty of their future life. Today, when every family has mortgages, loans, educates children in universities, has minor children, there is no confidence that we will retain our jobs at the Sibay Institute (branch) of the Bashkir State University.

Retired veterans of teaching labor (more than 100 people) are attached to the pedagogical college, who, in the event of liquidation, will be left without the care of their staff.

The college owns an academic building and dormitories for students and staff. Upon liquidation and merger with the Sibay Institute (branch) of the FSBEI HPE “Bashkir State University”, these buildings will remain unclaimed. The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus and the city have such experience.

The team takes an active part in the socio-political life of the country, PEC No. 630 operates on the basis of the college, members of this commission are conducting an active election campaign, and the current situation prevents the full functioning of the PEC.

On the eve of the New Year holidays and the upcoming presidential elections of the Russian Federation, students, teachers, staff and members of their families found themselves in a position of collective inferiority in the city, region and republic.

Vladimir Vladimirovich! We ask you to help with this problem, and we hope for a positive solution to the issue of maintaining the status of the Sibay Pedagogical College.


GBPOU Sibay Pedagogical College

Republic of Bashkortostan

GBOU SPO "Sibay Pedagogical College" dates back to 1963, from the opening of the school department by order of the Minister of Education of the RSFSR No. 696 of June 5.
GBOU SPO "Sibay Pedagogical College" is called the "Forge of teachers for the Bashkir Trans-Urals." Since 1963, he has given a serious start in life to more than seven thousand graduates.

The first director of the school was appointed MambetkulovB.M., Honored Teacher of the BASSR, RSFSR, who was awarded the K.D. Ushinsky medal for outstanding services in the field of public education. Under his leadership, with the support of his deputy Bikbulatova F.G., Karpova N.I., teachers who were distinguished by exceptional performance and high professional competence, the school declared itself as one of the leading educational institutions providing high-quality training for mid-level specialists for schools of the Trans-Urals.

Today, GBOU SPO "Sibay Pedagogical College" is a multidisciplinary educational institution that trains teaching staff in six main specialties:
050709 “Teaching in primary school”
050144 “Preschool education”
050503 "Technology"
050203 "Informatics"
050601 “Music education”
050303 “Foreign language”

The college provides additional educational services in the areas of:
. Bashkir language and literature;
. Russian language and literature;
. preschool education;
. mathematics;
. technologies of artistic processing of materials;
. arts and crafts;
. physical culture;
. visual arts;
. computer graphics;
. choral conducting;
. sewing outerwear;
. plumbing and carpentry;
. organization of leisure activities and others.

Forms of training: FULL-TIME (on a budget basis) and External (on a contract basis).

Students, in addition to studying basic specialties, undergo additional professional training in various areas: teacher of Russian and Bashkir languages, mathematics, fine arts and drawing, physical education and other subjects, thanks to which they can work in a basic secondary school, as well as be leaders of clubs in institutions of additional education. education.
The college is proud of its graduates, among whom are scientists:
R.G. Bukanova- Doctor of Historical Sciences, Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Belarus for Science, Higher and Secondary Vocational Education;
S.A. Mukhamedyanov- doctor of philosophical science;
A. Gaisin- Doctor of Mathematical Sciences, Professor of BSU.
More than twenty graduates are candidates of science.

Former college students also work in senior positions in government bodies, among them B.R. Kusyabaev, A.V. Salikhov, N.S. Samarbaev, R.R. Kusyabaeva, A.A. Salikhov, Z.N. Amineva, T.F. Gainullina, G. Varlamov, F. Ishkildin and others.

Among our graduates there are also famous cultural figures of the Republic of Belarus:
Yu.H. Muratov- amateur composer, honored teacher of the Republic of Belarus;
B. Khairetdinov- Amateur composer, Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Belarus;
A. Bakhtieva And G. Bikbulatova- popular artists, prize winners of regional republican and Russian competitions;
S. Magadeeva- amateur composer, holder of the Order of the Badge of Honor.

The college has a modern educational and material base that promotes high-quality training of specialists - these are 53 classrooms, 11 rooms for individual music lessons, 2 gyms, 3 computer rooms and 4 training and production workshops, a media center.
The educational institution has 645 students and 109 teachers. The team is headed by Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Yanbekova Zaituna Rakhmetovna.

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