Who drowned Mumu and why. Why did Gerasim drown Mumu and not take her with him to the village? Why did Gerasim do this

The question sounds like this: Why did Gerasim drown Mumu, because he still immediately after that went to the village. Why not just take Mumu with you?

Taking a fresh look at a classic is always helpful. Who is not too lazy, can check it out.

For example, I was curious, although I do not agree with the Russophobe critic on almost all points.

In fact, Gerasim's act explodes one of the key mythologies underlying the Soviet, I'm not afraid of this word, worldview: about rebellion as a source of justice. After all, what were the Soviet pioneers taught from the October age? It is necessary, they say, that the oppressed rise up against the exploiters - and then all contradictions will be resolved, HAPPINESS will come. And Turgenev suddenly says - no, nothing. Personal rebellion does not erase obedience programs. You can throw off the yoke of the exploiters - and at the same time continue to carry out their own orders.

Lord, what kind of rebellion? Where? Show:

Two days later he was already at home, in his hut, to the great amazement of the soldier who was settled there. After praying before the icons, he immediately went to the elder. The headman was surprised at first; but the haymaking had just begun; Gerasim, as an excellent worker, was immediately given a scythe in his hands - and he went to mow in the old way, mow in such a way that the peasants only made their way, looking at his scope and rakes ...

Or maybe here:

Finally, news came from the village about the arrival of Gerasim there. The lady calmed down somewhat; at first she gave the order to immediately demand him back to Moscow, then, however, she announced that she did not need such an ungrateful person at all.

Finally, the most important detail, indicating that there was no riot at all:

... since his return from Moscow, he has completely stopped hanging out with women, does not even look at them, and does not keep a single dog with him.

So let's forget about this nonsense at once. Gerasim's behavior is humbly. His departure to the village is more escapism than active defiance.

Second. "An enlightened European vs a bully".

Stop stop! Here the European will be surprised. What are these strange orders? What does the hostess care about the janitor's dog? If the janitor loves a dog, why, one wonders, does he not send the mistress to hell and look for himself, with his dog, a more adequate owner ??

The European will be wrong, because he did not understand the main thing: the relationship between the worker and the hostess in this Russian story is not built on a contract. Gerasim is not a worker, but a slave; he belongs to the mistress as a thing. Accordingly, there are no violations in the lady's demand to drown the dog; it does not violate anything, because there is nothing to violate - there is no original contract. Gerasim, even if he could speak, has nothing to appeal to - he has no rights. Including the right to love, and the right to protect the one he loves.

Just for a European in this situation there should be nothing surprising. In the same Victorian England of the same (and even later) years, the servants were not supposed to have a personal life. The maids in the vast majority of cases could not have a child. They widely practiced infanticide. It was not enough fools to change the house of the lord to a work - or even a brothel - house. Such are the rights, such an agreement. The habit of thinking that in Europe a century and a half ago everything was exactly the same as it is today - organic brain damage, nothing else.

By the way, there was no order from the hostess to destroy Mumu. Unbelievable, but true: the order was given not by the hostess, but by the butler. Here you have bad boyars, or rather, exactly the same serfs as Gerasim himself.

"Lyubov Lyubimovna," she began in a low and weak voice; she sometimes liked to pretend to be a downtrodden and orphan sufferer; Needless to say, all the people in the house then became very uncomfortable - Lyubov Lyubimovna, you see what my position is; Go, my soul, to Gavrila Andreevich, talk to him: is any little dog really dearer to him than peace, the very life of his mistress? I would not want to believe it,” she added with an expression of deep feeling, “come, my soul, be so kind as to go to Gavrila Andreevich.

The hostess manipulates, not orders. In fact, it doesn't even manipulate. Just drawing. Unfortunately, small movements of big people turn into tragedies for small people, and this is not at all a distinctive feature of the Russian government. Here is the tragedy of the little man.

By the way, sapojnik did not give an answer to the key question (or rather, to the paradox that lies in it). Having slipped into the swamp of reflections on Russian power, which is not based on a treaty, he completely forgot about the paradox and came to the conclusion that the whole point was Gerasim's lack of rights. By the way, he didn’t have the right to dump himself in the village at his own request, but nevertheless he dumped.

But I will not spread my thoughts along the tree, especially since the answer to the key question is very simple.

Why did Gerasim drown Mumu?

Well, yes, because he was ordered to. Being a serf, he could not disobey.

He still went to the village anyway. Why not just take Mumu with you? Paradox!

Its behavior seems paradoxical only if we consider the mute servant as a static object whose internal state does not change. But it has changed. Before Mumu's drowning, Gerasim could not even think of leaving without permission, and therefore the option "leave with the dog" did not exist at all in nature. Only after losing everything that he had, Gerasim became free enough to commit such an act. Small - for us. For him - big, perhaps the biggest in life.

But after all, Gerasim had nothing before Mumu, should the state just return to its original state?

There is one important detail here. Not the one who has nothing is free - any slave satisfies this condition. The one who has lost everything is free.

Turgenev's most difficult story "Mumu" is given in the 5th grade. But none of the children can answer the question "Why did Gerasim drown Mumu?" That he couldn’t take something with him to the village, did he run away? Guys, it’s very simple actually. What does Mumu mean for Turgenev, what does Mumu mean for Gerasim? - This is the only word that he can say, this is all the best that is in his soul, all the goodness, all the happiness that he puts into it. So, if you do not kill your "Mumu", you cannot become a free person. The first act of liberation is to kill everything human in yourself, it is to kill everything that you love, and if you have killed it, then you are free. As long as Gerasim has Mumu, he cannot leave the mistress, there is something that draws him to life . The most complicated Turgenev's idea, which you can't explain to any child at school, and high school students hardly understand, and in general I'm not completely ready for this idea. But to kill Mumu means to become free, this is the only way to become free, there is no other option !!!

To answer the question: “Why did Gerasim drown Mumu, and did not take her with him to the village,” you must first understand the mentality of the people of that time, and consider the life of the hero himself. It is difficult for a modern person to understand what unquestioning obedience is. Most often, modern society, dissatisfied with something, violently protests. No one has obedience: neither children to their parents, nor students to teachers.

Why is serfdom better than slavery?

Events unfolded during the time of serfdom. At that time, the serfs not only did not have their own opinion, they were deprived of any rights, but they were perceived as a thing. These things could be sold. Of course, on paper, the serfs had more rights, but what could the illiterate people who worked in the corvee from dawn to night know? What was required of the landlords was, when acquiring a serf, to allocate him a small plot of land and tools for his cultivation. Although the legislation of that time prohibited violence against peasants by landowners, this was practically not taken into account anywhere. And serfs were treated no better than livestock. There are many such examples in history. Very striking is the lady Saltychikha, who tortured more than 100 souls of her serfs.
Also in the story "Mumu" a vivid example of a despotic and inhuman woman is presented. She took pleasure in the suffering of others. What could amuse her, life was boring? But the feeling of superiority over the "pathetic little people", the opportunity to decide their fate, that's what brought real pleasure.

What was life like for Gerasim

Reading the story, we understand that Gerasim was lonely all his life. This huge kid, although he was unloved, never felt hatred for other people. Taking Gerasim to the city, he was deprived of the usual joys of rural life:

  • enjoy the awakening of nature in spring;
  • hear the sonorous singing of birds in the early morning;
  • smell the scent of freshly cut grass in late summer.

But even in the city, disappointment awaited him. First, his beloved was married. Maybe he understood that he was not destined to be with Tatyana, everyone was afraid of him, and it was noticeable. But there was still hope for family happiness, until the wedding with the drunkard Kapiton destroyed it.
With the death of his only friend, who had to drown himself, Gerasim lost all hope for happiness. And after that, he became indifferent to what would happen in the future: whether the mistress would leave him alone or punish him for disobedience. His pain from the loss was so strong that it drove him away from places that reminded Gerasim of his beloved and only friend. And just as every person in difficult times seeks solace in his own home, so Gerasim went to where he was at least a little happy.

Why did Gerasim drown Mumu? Surely this question is of interest to many people, especially those who are just starting to read this work, and want to understand what was the true reason for such a decision. In this article, we will try to give all the necessary arguments, considering the issue from all sides, in order to understand what led Gerasim to do just that, committing such an act.
Before considering this issue in detail, I would like to note that despite the fact that this story appeared in 1852, we can safely say that it does not lose its relevance, is very popular and is still interesting. Based on history, I would like to recall that, on the orders of the owner, the deaf-mute Gerasim decides to drown not just a dog, but a dog that he loved very much.

From the point of view of psychology

Of course, I would like to start considering this issue from a psychological point of view, after which you can understand that if you delve into history, then the deaf-mute Gerasim was deprived of everything, this can include the village, and peasant work, even they were deprived, but this was not enough, because, in the end, he loses his beloved dog, which he really loved with all his heart.
The murder of his beloved dog happened for the reason that he understood that his affection and love for an animal, as a rule, becomes an addiction, moreover, Gerasim was constantly losing something in his life, and when he decided to kill the dog, he believed that this would be the last loss, since he had nothing left. In addition, one cannot exclude such a factor as the psychology of the serf, because from early childhood he knew that it was impossible to disobey the landowners, as this could lead to serious punishments.

On a note! I would like to add that in the old days, as a rule, the Orthodox Church completely denied the existence of a soul in animals, which led to the fact that they could get rid of them with particular ease, since animals were treated indifferently.

If you remember the end of the story, you can understand that the main character in his life never again could approach the dogs, could not find a wife, although he so dreamed about it. Considering the psychological side of the issue, one can understand that he understood that love and affection make him not only vulnerable, but also dependent.
Moreover, he did not leave the thought that he could leave his beloved dog alive, but he was only frightened by the fact that the lady came up with a more serious punishment for this, which served as the reason for such a decision. All this led to the fact that the main character still decides to kill the dog not with strangers, but with his own hands.

Reader and Gerasim

Often readers do not understand why Gerasim drowned Mumu, for him it remains a mystery and no arguments that are given as examples can serve as the true reason for such an act. After all, as you know, after Gerasim killed the dog, he never returned to his mistress, so it was possible not to do this.
But if you delve into the meaning of the story, then it is this act that can be explained, since the main character experienced deep feelings that were based solely on the unfortunate fate that touched him. All this led to the fact that he made such a decision, deciding to get rid of the dog.

Unrequited love, broken heart

Before the appearance of a dog in the life of the protagonist, he had to face many difficulties, for example, now he had to get used to hard physical labor, city life. Moreover, he independently looked for work, because he could not imagine himself without difficulty. Some time later, Gerasim falls in love with a modest and calm girl named Tatiana, starting to court her.
But once again, fate prepared a serious test for the protagonist, and he was not destined to be with the one that he liked for the first time, since she was a shoemaker, and he was also a drunkard. When this happened, Gerasim completely loses the meaning of life, withdrawing into himself even more, not seeing the meaning of his life at all.

It was the dog that he rescued late at night and completely inspired him, thanks to her he found the meaning of life, at the moment when the owner ordered to get rid of the animal, the protagonist of the story immediately decides to do it on his own, thereby taking full responsibility. He could not allow a stranger to hurt his beloved dog, which, in fact, changed his outlook on life.
Moreover, Gerasim experienced restless jealousy when someone wanted to stroke Mumu, what can we say about the murder. No one denies that, of course, it was impossible to disobey the mistress at that time, but readers still cannot understand what prevented him from leaving with the dog?
At the moment when he realizes that in any case, he will have to get rid of the dog, he drowned the creature that changed his life. The story tells about what kind of life the protagonist began in the future, because he never met a girl whom he could love, and he was completely wary of dogs, fearing that their fate would be just as sad.

Therefore, answering the question why Gerasim drowned Mumu, I would like to say that the true reason for this act is that he gets rid of what is dear to him, getting rid of, killing the source of misfortune that haunts him. that All this leads to the fact that if you read the story carefully, delving into its deep meaning, you will be able to understand what was the true reason for such an act.
The protagonist was disappointed in love, in people, and could not find the meaning of life, after which he runs away to his homeland, doing his usual thing, namely, working in the field.


Based on all that has been said, each reader should clearly understand that by actually reading the story, and getting into its meaning, Gerasim's actions become obvious, understandable. After all, he simply could not do otherwise, and killing his beloved dog was a necessary act, there was no other way out of this situation, no matter how painful and sad it sounded.

The tragic story of Ivan Turgenev "Mumu" is one of the examples of classical literature, describing in colors all the tragedy and lawlessness of the existence of serfs in Russia. Cruelty and touching affection are closely intertwined in the plot of this story, which describes the realities of being serfs and the unlimited power of the landowners over them. On the topic "Why Gerasim drowned Mumu", schoolchildren write entire essays, trying to find an answer and justification for the cruel act of the protagonist.

Turgenev's story "Mumu". What the author wrote about

Heroes of the story:

  • The central character of the story is a deaf-mute serf janitor Gerasim having nothing in life: no home, no loved ones. The only thing that brightened up his monotonous hard life was love for the washerwoman Tatyana.
  • Laundress Tatiana- a quiet and downtrodden creature, aware and accepting its lack of rights.
  • Mistress of Gerasim and Tatyana - domineering and capricious lady whose cruel whims were to be fulfilled immediately. She does not consider serfs to be people, and her cruel attitude towards Tatyana, whom she forcibly orders to marry the alcoholic Kapiton, is an example of this.
  • Mu Mu - little mongrel, saved by the main character of the story from inevitable death and being his only close and devoted creature.

One day, Gerasim accidentally saves a drowning puppy. He gives the dog the nickname Mumu and keeps it for himself. Why is he doing this? Touching care and tenderness, which the main character showed to Mumu, can only be compared with the care of a mother about her own child. Having no relatives and friends, Gerasim finds his own understanding soul in this little devoted dog.

This is a very unusual behavior of the protagonist - in the days of serfdom, the attitude towards animals was exclusively consumer. Dogs did not enjoy special love from the owners and were intended only to guard the yard.

For a selfish, self-conscious lady, only her own peace was important. Therefore, having heard Mumu barking at night, she orders to get rid of the dog. The animal is kidnapped and taken away, but the faithful dog gnaws through the bonds and returns to its beloved owner. And when the lady finds Mumu in the yard for the second time, she orders the unfortunate animal to be drowned.

Of course, the order of the lady could be carried out by any of the servants, but Gerasim himself is called to deal with Mumu.

So why did Gerasim drown Mumu instead of taking some action to save his dear dog? Why didn't he let her go free, thereby saving her life? The answer to this question lies in the very essence of cruel serfdom.

Why Gerasim drowned Mumu

Gerasim was a serf from birth. The disenfranchised position seemed natural to him. The thought that he can make decisions about his own destiny doesn't even cross his mind. At first, at the whim of the lady, he was taken from the village to the estate. The next loss of the protagonist of the story was the washerwoman Tatyana, whose unrequited deep love was the meaning of his life.

When Gerasim decided to drown Mumu, he already understood that affection for this little dog made him addicted to feelings. Each loss in the life of the protagonist caused him unbearable suffering, and he did not want to experience this pain anymore. So why did he personally decide to take the life of a dog to which he was so touchingly attached? Why did he submit to the will of the eccentric old woman, without even making an attempt to somehow save the creature dear to him?

Birth and life in the status of a serf also played a role. Having received the upbringing of a serf, our hero psychologically realized and accepted the unlimited power of the lady over himself and his life. He understood that disobeying the order could lead to more severe punishment for both Mumu and Gerasim himself. And, fearing the suffering of his own and the only close being, he decided to fulfill the cruel order himself, choosing for this the easiest way, in Gerasim's opinion, to kill the dog.

Eventually Gerasim lost everything that was dear to him in life. And the only independent act that the main character performs in despair is to go to the village.

The author at the end of the story writes that Gerasim never got dogs again and lived his life as a bean. He understood that feelings of love and affection make him vulnerable, and no longer wanted to get close to anyone, let someone into his soul and heart. And he saw the only salvation from seemingly inevitable losses in solitude.

Perhaps in this way the main character tried to protect himself from mental pain and suffering in the event of the loss of creatures dear to him.

The funniest

Early morning in the village, an ordinary family mother, son and father without legs,

Early morning in the village, an ordinary family mother, son and father without legs, who lost in the war. The son is going hunting, takes a gun, a cartridge, then dad creeps up to him and says:
- Son, take me hunting, I really want to!
- Dad, how can I take you, you don’t have legs, what’s the use of you?
- And you, son, put me in a backpack behind my back, and if you suddenly see a bear, you shoot at him - you won’t hit him, turn your back, and I’ll kill him with one shot, you know - I shoot a squirrel in the eye from 100 meters! So we will bring home the booty, there will be something to eat in the winter.
The son thought and thought and said - Okay, dad, let's go.
They are walking through the forest, their father is sitting in a backpack, and then a bear meets them. The son shoots, misses, shoots again - again a miss, turns his back, dad shoots - also waves, again - another miss. The bear is already rushing at them, well, the son will give a tear, and in the meantime the father is shouting - they say faster, they will catch up! They've been running for an hour, they don't have the strength, the son understands that they won't run so far with dad - both will disappear, he decided to drop his backpack and run on.
He runs all out of breath home and says to his mother:
- Mother, we no longer have a father ... - with tears in his eyes.
The mother calmly puts down the frying pan, turns to him and says:
- How did I get fucked with my hunting, then dad ran in his arms 10 minutes ago, said that we no longer have a son!

They called a man at work for a corporate party, they allowed him to come

They called a man at work to a corporate party, they allowed him to come with his wives, the corporate party was themed - a masquerade, you had to come in costumes, with masks. No sooner said than done, they got together before leaving, and his wife had a headache, she said, "Go without me, and I'll lie down at home for now" - and she herself came up with a cunning plan - to follow the peasant, how he will behave at the masquerade, pester Zinka from the accounting department or even get drunk. Before leaving, she changed her costume, comes and sees how her hubby is dancing with one, then circling the other, guard! She decided to check how far he would go, invited him to dance, they dance and whisper in his ear: - Maybe we’ll retire ...
They retired, did their business, the wife quickly left home. The husband arrived a little later, she decided to ask him:
J - So what? How do you corporate?!
M - Yes, gray boredom, the guys and I decided to go play poker, and before that, Petrovich, our boss asked him to change suits, as he got his dirty, so he was lucky, can you imagine, some kind of woman in f@pu gave!

The girl invited the guy to visit, romantic, that's all. And at

The girl invited the guy to visit, romantic, that's all. And at that moment his stomach twirled, he simply no longer had the strength to endure. They come to her apartment and the girl says:
- You come in, do not be shy, go into the room, and now I'm going to the bathroom - I'll powder my nose ...
It was somehow inconvenient for the guy to ask her forward, he decided to be patient, although he already had no strength to endure. Passes into the room, looks - a big dog is sitting. He took it and piled it in the room, and thinks that he will blame everything later on the dog, while he himself, contented at the time, goes to the kitchen to drink tea.
The girl with the bath comes out and asks him:
D: Why don't you go to the room?
P: Yes, there is a big dog, I'm afraid of it.
D: I found someone to be scared, she's plush ...
P: Wow, but shit like a real one!

Perestroika, collective farms are slowly dying out, everyone has gathered

Perestroika, collective farms are slowly dying down, all the animals have gathered in the barnyard and are discussing their future fate.
The bulls were the first to come out, they say: We must leave here while the hooves are intact. The roof has already leaked in the hangar, that it’s not rain, so we swim like ducks. Next come the pigs: they haven’t eaten normal food for 100 years, the straw is all rotten, they give water every three days. You can't live like this, you have to leave. All other animals supported: Yes, yes, enough to endure it and let's go. One Sharik sits still, everyone asks him:
- Sharik, why are you sitting?! Come with us!
Sharik answers:
- Yes, no, I will not go with you, I have a prospect!
- What is the prospect? You will die of hunger here!
- No, guys, I have a prospect here!
- Well, what is your prospect here, you will get sick, pick up fleas and die alone here!
- Not guys, I have a prospect ...
- What is the prospect?!?!?!
- I heard that the hostess said to the owner "... if things go on like this, then we will suck at Sharik's all winter ..."

The son approaches his father and asks: - Dad, what is

The son approaches his father and asks:
- Dad, what is virtual reality?
Dad thought a little and said to his son:
- Son, to give you an answer to this question, go to your mother, grandparents, and ask them if they could sleep with an African for 1 million dollars. He approaches his mother and asks:
- Mom, would you be able to sleep with an African for 1 million dollars?
- Well, son, it's not tricky, and we need money, of course I could!
Then he approaches the grandmother with the same question, the grandmother answers him:
- Of course, granddaughter! If I had a million dollars, I would have lived for the same number of years!!!
It's the grandfather's turn, the grandfather answers:
- Well, actually, once it doesn’t count, so of course - yes, for this million we would build a house by the sea, but we would finally leave my grandmother!
The son returns to his father with the results, and the father says to him:
- You see, son, in virtual reality we have three million dollars, and in real reality - 2 simple # tutki and one pid @ r # s!

New jokes

One woman turned 50 years old, after all, the anniversary, I decided

One woman turned 50 years old, an anniversary, after all, she decided to spend all the donated and accumulated money on plastic surgery, spent insane 300 thousand rubles, as a result she looks in the mirror and wonders - she feels 20 years younger. I looked at myself in the mirror and went for a walk down the street, to check the reaction of passers-by.
She stops at a newspaper stand, buys what she needs and asks the seller:

- Well, probably around 33.
- But they didn’t guess, I’m exactly 50!
Satisfied, she goes on, goes to the pharmacy, then a similar conversation takes place:
- Girl, how old do you think I am?
- Nuu, I think around 28 years old!
- But no, I'm 50!
She walks down the street happy, goes to McDonald's, pays, asks the cashier the same question:
- Young man, how old do you think I am?
- Well, you must be 30!
- But no, I'm 50, but thanks!
The woman realized that the operation was a success, she decided to go home, she was waiting for her minibus at the bus stop, and an elderly man was sitting next to her. Well, such beauty should not be wasted, I decided to ask him.
- Grandpa, how old am I?
- Madam, I’m already 82 years old, my eyesight is leaving, but in my youth I developed a unique method for determining age, it’s certainly not so scientific, but it gives a 100% guarantee, can I ask you to let me put my hands under my bra, then I can definitely say your age.
The woman was embarrassed, but still looked around - there was no one, she decided, why not - let her check! Grandfather with both hands, let's grope for her breasts and then slowly and lingeringly gives out:
- Madam, you are exactly 50 years old!
The woman was stunned and upset at the same time, she asks him:
- This is impossible! How did you guess? Maybe you are a psychic?!
- No, I stood behind you in line at McDonald's 5 minutes ago.

A meeting is taking place in the most secret bunker, unexpectedly

A meeting is taking place in the most secret bunker, the door suddenly opens and Stirlitz comes in with a whole tray of oranges, slowly approaches the safe, opens it, takes the documents, puts them on the tray and leaves.
- What is it? Who is this? shouts Hitler.
- And this is the Russian intelligence officer Isaev - all those present shout out loud.
Why don't you arrest him and shoot him?!
- It's useless, my Fuhrer, he will still get out and say that he brought oranges.

The policeman is bored in the car and is playing - he took an elastic band from

The policeman is bored in the car and is playing - he took an elastic band from his underpants and beats flies on the glass, he killed one, the second, already experienced. Then one fly says to him:
- Don't kill me, please, I'll grant you three wishes!
The policeman was at first taken aback, confused, then he says to her:
- I want a dacha in Italy and a big jeep!
Our hero immediately found himself in a beautiful and huge cottage on the coast of Italy, looking in the courtyard is an expensive Mercedes. The fly looks at him and asks - what is the third wish?
- I have a house and a car, I want to never work and have money!
At the same moment, the policeman returned back in the old car and, as before, with an elastic band from his underpants in his hands.

One fine, unremarkable day arrives

One fine, unremarkable day, a commission arrives at a madhouse, a boy suddenly runs up to him, the commission decided to immediately start checking and asks the boy:
- Boy, what's your name?
- I care...
- How do you not know, maybe you know what you want to be when you become an adult?
- I care...
Gee, thought the commission, not in order. They go on, a girl runs up to them. They ask her:
- Girl, what's your name?
- I don't care..
- Do you know who you want to become?
- I care...
The commission is shocked, they come to the head physician, scold him for three hours, set the task - so that in a month everyone knows everything. They come in a month, they ask the boy:
- What is your name?
- Vasya!
- And who do you want to become?
- Astronaut!
Satisfied, they go further to meet the girl:
- Girl, what's your name?
- Anya!
- And who do you want to become?
- Astronaut!
They come to the head physician - well done, how did you manage to achieve such success?
- I care...

Early in the morning, the son complains to his mother, says that he does not

Early in the morning, the son complains to his mother, says that he does not want to go to school:
- Mom, I don't want to go to school today, it's bad there!
- Well, son, why not?
- Come on, this school, there Petrov will again shoot from a slingshot, Senichkin will beat him on the head with a textbook, put Petrov on the steps and interfere with me all day. I don't want to go!
- Son, Vovochka, you have to go to school! In addition, you are already forty years old, and most importantly - you are the director of the school!

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