Research project "Water, water, water all around" (middle group). Research project "Magic properties of water" project on the world around (senior group) on the topic Project on the topic of the properties of water according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The project can be used forworking with children under the program "From birth to school, edited byN. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva (2014) and complies with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.



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The project "Water and its properties" Prepared by the educator: Ilyina I.V. Moscow 2016

Project The project can be used when working with children under the program "From Birth to School" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva (2014) and complies with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. Project type: research and creative, medium-term. Project implementation period: January 2016 - March 2016 Project participants: children of a different age group (children from 3.5 to 5), group teacher, parents of pupils.

Purpose: To expand children's knowledge about the properties of water, the role in human life and other living organisms, to cultivate a careful attitude to natural resources.

Educational tasks To give children an idea about water, its properties (transparency, fluidity), its three states (liquid, steam, ice). 2. Improve children's knowledge about the importance of water in human life. 3.To teach children the skills of conducting laboratory experiments.

Developmental tasks 1. To develop phonemic hearing in children. 2. Activate and enrich the vocabulary of children with nouns, adjectives, verbs on the topic of the lesson. 3. Learn to guess riddles. 4. Develop creative imagination, logical thinking.

Educational tasks To develop social skills: the ability to work in a group, take into account the opinion of a partner, defend one's own opinion, prove one's case, instill a careful attitude to water.

Relevance The formation of knowledge in children about various phenomena of the natural environment should be combined with an understanding of the value of nature for society and man, with mastering the norms of behavior in the natural environment. This is achieved by solving the problems of educating the ecological culture of preschoolers. The implementation of the project is carried out in a block of specially organized training and in the process of organizing joint activities of an adult and children in the afternoon.

Project results Considered illustrations, cartoons, slide shows on the topic "Water and its properties" Listened to audio recordings from the cycle "Sounds of Nature", "Sound of the Sea", "Rain Music". Observed phenomena associated with water. Experiments with water. Conducted a consultation for parents on the topic: "How to organize experiments with water at home." A memo for parents "How to organize experiments at home" has been prepared.

EDUCATIONAL AREA Cognitive development of FEMP Acquaintance with the subject environment Development of cognitive and research activities Acquaintance with the social world Ecology Acquaintance with the natural world

Exploring and experimenting "Water is liquid, it can flow"

"Water has no color, but it can be dyed"

"Water has no taste"

"Water has no taste"

Water is warm, cold, hot. Hot Cold

"The water is clear"

"Water solvent" Experiments

"Sinking does not sink"

"Plants need water too"

Listening to phonograms: "Sounds of water in nature"

Speech development Rain, rain, more fun! Drip, drip don't be sorry! Just don't get us wet! Don't knock on the window. Spray in the field more densely: The grass will become thicker! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! We splash through the puddles. Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! We don't need an umbrella. We are not afraid of heavy rain! Well, we got wet! So what? Let's wash with soap!

Cognitive research and productive (constructive) activities

GCD Drawing "Lilac branch"


GCD for drawing "Fountain"

Artistic creativity - application "Aquarium"

Outdoor games

Collaboration between parent and child

In playing with water, a child, with the help of an adult, not only learns its properties, but water has a relaxing effect on the body. It is very interesting to see how the simplest actions with water bring joy to children and leave wonderful memories in the future.

Thanks for attention

MKOU "SKSHI" VIII VIEDA Research project on the topic: "Amazing properties of water"

Did the job:
3rd grade students

Leader: Akhtyamova
Emma Gumerovna


Project passport

Rationale for the choice of topic

In our class, children drink a lot of water, and parents began to buy and carry water for us.

We asked ourselves: if we drink clean water, we will be healthy

Project relevance:

Among all the blessings given to us by nature, water occupies a special place. Water is a unique wealth of living nature. There is no such person who does not know what water looks like.

Every day we wash our faces, brush our teeth, wash our hands, take a shower. But often we do not think about how water gets into our house and where does it come from? What kind of water is useful?

Target:study the properties of water, understand and understand , what kind of water is good for human .

We have identified the following tasks: 1. Find out how much water there is on Earth, what kind it is in nature and what are its properties?

2. Find out who needs water and why?

Object of study : water

Research methods : we searched for information on the Internet, read literature, made observations, conducted experiments, drew pictures on the topic: "Water around us" We participate in the defense of the project.

Project participants: class teacher, 3rd grade students.

Place of implementation: MKOU "SKSHI"VIIIkind.

Deadline for the project: September 2017– April 2017

All living beings need water.

Therefore, there are so many of them on our planet. (Guys, what do you think is more on the planet? Land or water? Water 75% and land 25%, but not all water is drinkable, 96% salt water and only 4% drinking, but 3% of them are ice cubes and only 1% are rivers, streams, lakes, springs

We drink water to quench our thirst and use it for cooking.

Water allows us to taste food.

Thanks to water, we keep our body and home clean: we wash ourselves, wash clothes, wash dishes, wash the floor

Water we water the plants in the house and in the garden

We like to swim and play in the water.

On water we can travel by boat, yacht, ship.


The water is clear and has no color. Although it seems to us that the water is in the sea,
the ocean, river, pool has a shade, in fact it depends on the depth, the color of the bottom and the particles dissolved in the water from the color of the sky, which is reflected in the water

Water is able to dissolve and mix many substances.

The water is tasteless and odorless. The taste and smell of water is given by substances that are dissolved in it.
Water is fluid, able to fill empty volumes.

Water is the only substance on the planet that can be in three states: liquid, solid and gaseous.

When freezing, water expands, turning into snow, ice, hoarfrost, and when heated, it expands, turning into steam.

So let's sum up

If water did not have these properties, then we would not be able to use and apply it:

if the water were not transparent, then we would not see anything when we swim underwater, and the fish would collide with each other

if the water was not colorless, then the laundry would turn into different colors during washing;
if all the water were odorous, then we could not use it for food;
if the water was not flowing, then there would be no streams, rivers, oceans and seas;
if water had a certain shape, then we would not be able to pour it into different vessels; if water was not a solvent, then our tea would not become sweet, and our soup would not become salty.

AND FROM THE INTERNET we learned that water has a memory:

Healers of all times and cultures knew about this amazing property of water, and scientists discovered it quite recently,
examining frozen water under a microscope

Water in lakes, rivers, springs, streams has a beautiful natural structure.

The pattern near the water from holy springs is especially harmonious.

When we drink water, its memory is transferred to us and begins to influence our thoughts, feelings, health. And if good information is imprinted in the water, then our mood and well-being improve.

That is why it is so important to watch your thoughts, feelings and words, especially during cooking and eating.

The hypothesis was confirmed

In order to feel good, a person should use only pure water with the correct structure.

May our water be good!



1. Study the properties of water.

2. To study the state of water in various climatic conditions.

Object of study : Water

Hypothesis: Does temperature really affect the state of water?

Does water have a color, smell and taste?

Water is the most common substance in the world, it plays a huge role in our life. Water is one of the most important substances for humans. More than half of his body is made up of water. And in some plants it is even more. The largest part of our planet is occupied by water (Figure 1).

Water is the only substance on Earth that exists in nature in three states:

1. Liquid,

2. Hard,

3. Gaseous.

Water is colorless, odorless and tasteless, it is a very good solvent.

Chapter 1

Many people ask themselves: what is water for and what benefits can it bring? After all, it does not contain any vitamins, nutrients or minerals. But if you just think about it, the answer suggests itself. Our globe is 70% covered with water, and the human body contains approximately 75–80% of liquid. It turns out that water is the basis of all life on planet Earth. Water is needed for drinking and cooking, water is needed for washing.

1.1. What is water?

Water is liquid. It has no form of its own, but it takes on the form of everything that holds it. If water is poured into a glass, it will fill and take the same shape that the glass has (Experiment No. 1).

If you pour water on the floor, it will simply spill over into a puddle, since nothing holds it in a certain shape.

Chapter 2. Properties of water.

2.1 Water is a good solvent.

Water is a good solvent. There are soluble and insoluble substances. Salt, sugar, citric acid dissolve well in water (Table No. 1, Experiment No. 2).

Table #1

Pure water has no color, smell or taste (Experiment No. 3).

2.2. Water condition.

Water is the only substance on Earth that exists in nature in three states: liquid, solid, gaseous.

Water is a very mobile liquid. In addition, in terrestrial conditions it
easily passes from one state to another: from liquid to solid, from solid to liquid, and also from liquid to gaseous. That is why water is an eternal traveler.

2.3. liquid water.

The liquid state of water in nature is most common to us. This

Rivers of the Sea

Oceans Rains

From a liquid state, water can pass into a solid state (Experiment No. 4) and into a gaseous state (Experiment No. 4.2).

2.4. Solid state.

Water changes from liquid to solid when the temperature drops below 0 degrees Celsius. Interestingly, when water freezes, it expands and can turn white due to the ingress of air particles into the ice. The solid state of water in nature is

Snow Icicles

2.5. gaseous state.

The gaseous state of the findings is constantly observed in the form of vapor. Water is capable of evaporating - changing from a liquid state to a gaseous state. This process begins already at a temperature of 0 degrees Celsius. But the higher the temperature, the more evaporation. It proceeds most intensively at a temperature of +100 degrees Celsius (when water boils). In nature, water evaporates from land, rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. As a result, clouds form in the air.

Experimental part.

"Water has no shape"

Equipment: Carafe with water, containers of various shapes (glass, square jar, narrow jar, tray).

Experience description: Let's take 4 containers of different shapes, we have a glass, a square jar, a narrow jar, a tray.

Pour water into 3 containers and see that the water has taken the shape of each container.

If you pour water on a tray or on the floor, the water will spill.

Output: Water has no shape.

"Water is a good solvent"

Equipment: Carafe with water, 2 cups, sugar/salt.

Experience description: Take a decanter of water and pour water into a glass, throw in 1 tablespoon of sugar and stir. After 1 minute, we will see that the sugar has dissolved in the water.

Output: Water is a good solvent.

"Water has no color"

Equipment: Carafe with water, 2 glasses, milk.

Experience description: Take a carafe of water, pour water into the first glass, and milk into the other. We will see that the glass of water is transparent, while the glass of milk is white and not transparent.

Output: Water has no color.

4.1. "The transition of water from a liquid to a solid state"

Equipment: Carafe with water, empty container.

Experience description: Let's take a decanter with water, pour water into an empty container, then put the container with water in the freezer, where the air temperature is -8 degrees Celsius. In a day we will get a container with water, and we will see that the water has turned into ice.

Output: When the air temperature drops to -8 degrees Celsius, water turns from a liquid state into a solid state, i.e. into ice.

4.2. « The transition of water to a gaseous state

Equipment: Carafe with water, saucepan, gas stove.

Experience description: Take a decanter of water, pour water into an empty pan, wait until the water heats up to 100 degrees Celsius. Then, let's take an empty glass, bring it over boiling water and see that when it boils, the water turns into steam, thereby evaporating the water. Droplets of water begin to appear on the glass.

Output: At temperatures above 0 degrees Celsius, water evaporates, the water turns into a gaseous state.

4.3. "The transition of water from solid to liquid to gaseous."

Equipment: Icicle, saucepan, empty glass, gas stove.

Experience description: Take a pan, put it on a gas stove and put an icicle in it. When the pan is heated, the icicle begins to melt, thereby changing from a solid to a liquid state. Let's wait until the icicle completely melts and the water begins to evaporate, turning from a liquid to a gaseous state.

Output: At temperatures above 0 degrees Celsius, water changes from a solid state to a liquid state, and then to a gaseous state.


Based on the experiments, my hypothesis was confirmed, and I also learned a lot of new and interesting things. Water is a unique substance, as it exists simultaneously in three states. Knowledge of the properties of water described in this paper allows us to use them more skillfully in everyday life.

Water is one of the main wealth on Earth, it plays a very important role in nature and in the life of living organisms. Life is impossible without water.


1. "ROSMEN" Children's Encyclopedia

2. "Water" Suslov B.N.

3. Children's encyclopedia "Planet Earth"

4. Internet resources



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Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL №23 named after S.V.DOBRIN of the city of LIPETSK Project on the topic: "Water - its properties and state in nature". Completed by: Zrazhevsky Vitaliy, student of class 2 B Head: Safronova S.A. Lipetsk 2017

Introduction. Purpose: To study the properties of water. To study the state of water in various climatic conditions. Object of study: Water Hypothesis: Does temperature really affect the state of water? Does water have a color, smell and taste? Water is the most common substance in the world, it plays a huge role in our lives. Water is one of the most important substances for humans. More than half of his body is made up of water. And in some plants it is even more. The largest part of our planet is water

Water is the only substance on Earth that exists in nature in three states: Liquid, Solid, Gaseous. Water is colorless, odorless and tasteless, it is a very good solvent. Fig.1

Many people ask themselves: what is water for and what benefits can it bring? After all, it does not contain any vitamins, nutrients or minerals. But if you just think about it, the answer suggests itself. Our globe is 70% covered with water, and the human body contains approximately 75-80% of the liquid. It turns out that water is the basis of all life on planet Earth. Water is needed for drinking and cooking, water is needed for washing. Chapter 1

Water is liquid. It has no form of its own, but it takes on the form of everything that holds it. If water is poured into a glass, it will fill and take the same shape that the glass has (Experiment No. 1). If you pour water on the floor, it will simply spill over into a puddle, since nothing holds it in a certain shape. 1.1. What is water?

Chapter 2. Properties of water. 2.1 Water is a good solvent. Water is a good solvent. There are soluble and insoluble substances. Salt, sugar, citric acid dissolve well in water (Table No. 1, Experiment No. 2). Table No. 1 Pure water has no color, smell or taste (Experiment No. 3). Soluble substances Insoluble substances Sugar Vegetable oil Salt Ground pepper

2.2. Water condition. Water is the only substance on Earth that exists in nature in three states: liquid, solid, gaseous. Water is a very mobile liquid. In addition, under terrestrial conditions, it easily passes from one state to another: from liquid to solid, from solid to liquid, and also from liquid to gaseous. That is why water is an eternal traveler.

2.3. liquid water. The liquid state of water in nature is most common to us. From a liquid state, water can pass into a solid state (Experiment No. 4) and into a gaseous state (Experiment No. 5). These are the rivers, these are the seas, these are the rains, these are the oceans, these are the dews.

2.4. Solid state. Water changes from liquid to solid when the temperature drops below 0 degrees Celsius. Interestingly, when water freezes, it expands and can turn white due to the ingress of air particles into the ice. The solid state of water in nature is Snow Icicles

Ice is of great importance for human economic activity and has a great influence on the maintenance of the vital activity of many organisms. For example, when a river freezes, it performs a protective function, keeping the reservoir from further freezing, thereby protecting the underwater world. But ice can also cause devastating natural disasters. For example, hail, icing of buildings and aircraft, freezing of the soil, ice landslides.

2.5. gaseous state. The gaseous state of the findings is constantly observed in the form of vapor. Water is capable of evaporating - changing from a liquid state to a gaseous state. This process begins already at a temperature of 0 degrees Celsius. But the higher the temperature, the more evaporation. It proceeds most intensively at a temperature of +100 degrees Celsius (when water boils). In nature, water evaporates from land, rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. As a result, clouds form in the air.

experimental part

Experience No. 1 “Water has no shape” Equipment: A decanter with water, containers of various shapes (a glass, a square jar, a narrow jar, a tray). Description of the experiment: Let's take 4 containers of different shapes, we have a glass, a square jar, a narrow jar, a tray. Pour water into 3 containers and see that the water has taken the shape of each container. If you pour water on a tray or on the floor, the water will spill. Conclusion: Water has no shape.

Experience No. 2 “Water is a good solvent” Equipment: Carafe with water, 2 glasses, sugar / salt. Description of the experiment: Take a carafe of water and pour water into a glass, throw in 1 spoonful of sugar and stir. After 1 minute, we will see that the sugar has dissolved in the water. Conclusion: Water is a good solvent.

Experience No. 3 “Water has no color” Equipment: Carafe with water, 2 glasses, milk. Description of the experiment: Take a decanter of water, pour water into the first glass, and milk into the other. We will see that the glass of water is transparent, while the glass of milk is white and not transparent. Conclusion: Water has no color.

Experience No. 4 4.1. "The transition of water from a liquid to a solid state" Equipment: A decanter with water, an empty container. Description of the experiment: Take a carafe of water, pour water into an empty container, then put the container with water in the freezer, where the air temperature is -8 degrees Celsius. In a day we will get a container with water, and we will see that the water has turned into ice. Conclusion: When the air temperature drops to -8 degrees Celsius, water from a liquid state turns into a solid one, i.e. into ice.

4.2. "The transition of water into a gaseous state" Equipment: A carafe of water, a saucepan, a gas stove. Description of the experiment: Take a decanter of water, pour water into an empty pan, wait until the water heats up to 100 degrees Celsius. Then, let's take an empty glass, bring it over boiling water and see that when it boils, the water turns into steam, thereby evaporating the water. Droplets of water begin to appear on the glass. Conclusion: At temperatures above 0 degrees Celsius, water evaporates, the water turns into a gaseous state.

4.3. "The transition of water from solid to liquid to gaseous." Equipment: Icicle, saucepan, empty glass, gas stove. Description of the experiment: Take a pan, put it on a gas stove and put an icicle in it. When the pan is heated, the icicle begins to melt, thereby changing from a solid to a liquid state. Let's wait until the icicle completely melts and the water begins to evaporate, turning from a liquid to a gaseous state. Conclusion: At temperatures above 0 degrees Celsius, water passes from a solid state to a liquid, and then to a gaseous state.

Conclusion. Based on the experiments, my hypothesis was confirmed, and I also learned a lot of new and interesting things. Water is a unique substance, as it exists simultaneously in three states. Knowledge of the properties of water described in this paper allows us to use them more skillfully in everyday life. Water is one of the main wealth on Earth, it plays a very important role in nature and in the life of living organisms. Life is impossible without water.



"All is well in nature,
but water is the beauty of all nature!”

Every day we come across this substance. Everyone knows this stuff.
It is the most common substance on our planet. These are oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, reservoirs. It is also in us: we are two-thirds of it.
It is the most important liquid in nature. Suffice it to say that life was born in it. Without it, the existence of animals and plants is impossible. Life exists only where it exists. This substance is water: simple and mysterious, ordinary and amazing.
Since ancient times, people have guessed that the most common substance on Earth is water, not such a simple substance as it seems at first glance. Probably, there is no people on Earth who would not have myths and fairy tales related to the important role of water in human life.

Water is a priceless gift of nature, the main wealth on Earth. We cannot live without water. Therefore, it is necessary to study it.

Hypothesis: There are substances that we use often, very often, rarely or not at all. But no one can do without water!

Object of study: water

Subject of study: properties of water, the effect of water on a living organism.

Objective: find out the role of water in human life and the environment.

Work tasks:
1. to study the literature on this topic;
2. learn about the properties of water;
3. to study the role of water in the life of plants and humans;
4. conduct a survey of students;
5. build diagrams based on the results of the survey;
6. do experiments with water;
7. analyze the results, draw conclusions.

Research methods:
- analysis of literary sources;
- sociological survey of students in grades 1-5;
- carrying out experiments and analysis of experiments;
- work with Internet resources;
-processing of the collected material and the design of the work.

The role of water in our life
We talked about the huge role of water in life more than once at the lessons of the world around us, class hours. From conversations we learned that water is more important than food. I read about the role of water in various literary sources, in the encyclopedia "I know the world", I used the information on the Internet. I was surprised by the sheer amount of material provided. This topic worries a lot of people.
About the role of water in our life, my leader and I composed a poem.

Our round planet receives a lot of light,
There is both air and water, life always goes on on it.
And although our globe is the Earth, it is more covered with water.
It has been proven everywhere: life originated in water.
That is why we all cannot live without water.
To live, a person must always drink water.
If we don't drink water,
That week does not live.
So that the trees all grow and flowers bloom in the steppe,
We need rain, we need snow, this moisture is for everyone.
Water turns turbines for us, water moves cars,
Electricity provides, the ship floats in the water.
To have bread on the table, vegetables and fruits,
People need to work hard on the earth.
And weed and water, irrigate the fields with moisture.
To be always clean, water is again needed here.
And again, without water, we can’t cook food for us.
In order not to get sick with a cold, you need to harden.
Douse yourself with water early in the morning every day.
Here is water, water all around. She gives life to everything.
We must warn everyone: we need to save water.
On earth, for life to exist, clean water is needed.
Take care of water bodies, rivers and seas.
Save water and don't waste it!

Amazing properties of water
Water is a liquid, colorless, tasteless, odorless, transparent, can pass into a gaseous and solid state. When water freezes, it forms flat hexagonal ice crystals. When water droplets in a cloud come into contact with the smallest particles - dust particles and other small substances present in the air, as well as tiny particles of plants blown away by the wind - they freeze, turning into ice crystals, and begin to fall. Snowflakes are an amazing, beautiful and mysterious phenomenon of nature, which are formed from water vapor.
And water is a unique solvent. Many substances easily dissolve in it, forming solutions. And if you get a saturated solution of any salt, then wonderful crystals can be grown from such water. It got me interested. On the Internet, I found information about crystals grown at home and a description of the experience of how to grow them.
I wanted to grow the crystals myself. For the experiment, we took table salt, blue vitriol and a chemical purchased at the Magnit store.
Prepared a saturated salt solution. At first, the salt dissolved well, but then it got worse and worse. To dissolve some more salt, I heated a glass of solution on the stove while stirring its contents. The salt dissolved, so I added more powder. Added until the salt no longer dissolves.
Then the solution was filtered. She lowered a piece of ceramic tiles, a twig wrapped in woolen thread, an asterisk into glasses with solutions. And left for a few days. These are the crystals I got.
I will dissolve the substance in water.
I'll filter.
Here are some wonderful crystals I got.

What kind of water do we drink?
A person can live without food for about a month, if at the same time he consumes liquid. Without water, he will die in a few days. To maintain his life, an adult should receive up to 3 liters per day; for 60 years of life, an average of 50 tons of water is drunk.
Water can have both positive and negative effects on human health. Each of us needs clean water. We care about what kind of water we drink and how it affects our health. The water that we consume must be clean, that is, moderately hard water without an excessive content of various salts. If a person takes contaminated hard water, then he often gets sick. Unfortunately, we cannot rely on the purity of water straight from the tap. Even if it is transparent in appearance and there is no unpleasant smell, the water contains contaminants invisible to the naked eye, which are a threat to our health. Everyone in our family drinks water from a filter. Mom says you can't drink tap water. Among pupils of grades 1-5, we conducted a sociological survey to find out what kind of water do they drink in their families?

The children were asked the following questions:

-bought in the store;
- raw from the tap;
- from the filter;
- boiled.

- Yes
3. Do you clean water at home with filters?
-clean up

-Do not know

Here's what we found out.

The survey involved 20 students from 20 families

1. What kind of water does your family drink?
-bought in a store - 2 students;
- raw from the tap - 7 students;
- from the filter - 8 students;
-boiled - 3 students.
2. In your opinion, is the raw water that flows from our taps suitable for drinking?
- yes -7 students;
-no-13 students.
3. Do you use filters to purify water at home?
- clear -8 students;
- no - 12 students.
4. What kind of filter do you use at home?
5. Are you sure that this filter cleans the water well?
- sure - 8 students;
-no -7 students;
- I don't know - 5 students.

What kind of water does your family drink?
20 students from 20 families were surveyed

2. In your opinion, is raw water suitable for drinking,
that flows from our taps?

3. Do you clean water at home with filters?

4. Are you sure that this filter cleans the water well?

Seven families believe that raw water can be drunk from our taps, two families buy water from the store for drinking, the rest drink boiled water or from a filter. Most often, people use the Barrier filter, but even after additional purification, they are not sure that they are drinking good quality water.
Together with our leader, we tried to investigate the quality of the water we drink in the simplest ways. Of course, we cannot study water in great detail; this is done in special laboratories.
(I conducted all the studies under the guidance of a chemistry teacher, Kalabanova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna)
I took different samples of water: tap, spring, well, boiled

All water samples are colorless and tasteless.

No. Water sample Taste Color
1 Tap No taste No color
2 Well No taste No color
3 Spring No taste No color
4 Boiled No taste No color

Experience No. 1 Detection of salts in water.
Put a small drop of water on a glass slide. It is necessary to evaporate the water, if the glass remains clean, then the water is most likely clean. If a white coating forms on it, then most likely there is the presence of salts.

Conclusion: most white spots formed on a glass of well water. This means that there are salts in this water. There were no white spots in the rest of the water.

Experience number 2. Detection of organic substances in water using a solution of potassium permanganate.
Prepared a solution of potassium permanganate. Added to each glass of water.

Conclusion: if the water remains pink for a while and does not brighten, then this water is clean. From experience it is clear that any water is suitable for drinking and does not contain any organic substances.

Experience number 3. Definition of rigidity.
The amount of salts is judged by the formed flakes and precipitation in glasses of water.
1. Water supply 2. Well 3. Spring 4. Boiled

Soap solution was added to each jar of water. I see from experience that the hardest water is well water, it has a lot of soap flakes and is salty.
All water samples are suitable for food, but it is desirable to further purify the water using filters.

Such different water
In my environmental class, I learned that plants need soil, sunlight, and water to grow. I knew that the role of water in the life of plants is undoubtedly very great. It is water that is the main source of plant nutrition and takes an active part in all vital metabolic processes.
But I became interested in how the plants would grow if they were watered with different types of water.
Experience: "The influence of different water on the growth and development of plants"
Objects of study: seedlings of tomatoes and cucumbers.
Purpose: to find out the effect of water on plants.
Completing of the work:
1. We grew seedlings of tomatoes and cucumbers.
The seedlings were watered with different water: boiled, ordinary from a tap, salty.
3. A week later, I noticed that in the third cup, where I watered with salt water, the plant begins to die. After another 3 days, the plant began to die from the first glass, where they poured boiled water.

I concluded: for the normal life of plants, water with the necessary minerals is necessary. But everything should be normal: an excess of salts in water for irrigation, like a lack, is harmful to plants.

I really love to read. In fairy tales, I read that “living and dead water” was used to revive a person. “Does such water exist?” - I asked my grandmother, although I understood that this happens only in fairy tales. Grandma said that at home you can get water that has different properties compared to tap water. It got me interested. We found a scheme for such a parting with dad on the Internet, made it and set up an experiment: “Obtaining water, which should differ in properties from tap water.” We received water in a bag (it is yellowish in color) and water in a jar (it has a white sediment). I cannot now explain the composition of the resulting water from the point of view of chemical processes. We started using this water for watering plants. My experience is called: "The influence of tap, spring water and water obtained experimentally on plants."
My research is not over, I will continue to study the properties of water.
I will share the results of my work with my classmates in the classes of the chemistry circle.

Why should we conserve fresh water?
Yes, water is the most common substance on Earth, but fresh water is not unlimited. We must learn to protect this most valuable gift of nature.
March 22 is declared International Water Day. And this day is celebrated not because there is a lot of water on Earth, but because it increasingly requires protection.
For the whole world, there is a problem of lack of clean water due to pollution of water bodies with industrial waste and sewage.
Plants and factories consume a lot of water and pollute it at the same time. With wastewater from enterprises, various substances enter rivers and lakes. The water becomes undrinkable. Fish and plants die in such water.
Our x. Krasny is surrounded on all sides by ponds. There were a lot of fish in the ponds, farmers and guests swam in the pond in the summer and rested.
Not far from my house is one of the former ponds. The bottom of the pond silted up, the algae stopped growing, and the fish were gone. No one has ever cleaned the bottom of the pond, the pond has become shallow. Ponds disappear and no one cares. Adults, help revive the ponds!!!

Water is the source of life. Everyone knows about it.
So why do we make landfills in the water?
Shards of broken glass lie at the bottom,
And cans from canned food, and plastic from a bucket.
All this is disastrous for the fish and for us.
And the pond, loved by all, has become dangerous now.

The properties of water never cease to amaze scientists. Water is a fairly simple substance from a chemical point of view, but at the same time it has a number of unusual properties that never cease to amaze scientists. Below are some facts that few people know about.
And did you know that…
* “A person needs up to 3 liters of water daily for the life of cells, and for 70 years of life - almost 80,000 kg of water”;
* “To obtain 1 ton of steel, 150 tons of water are consumed, paper - 250 tons, synthetic fibers - 4000 tons”;
*“To receive 1t. wheat needs about 1500 tons of water; cotton - 10,000 tons";
*“There are 200,000 rivers and lakes on the territory of Russia. 10% of all fresh water of our planet is concentrated in Lake Baikal”;
* "Blood contains 83% water, heart and brain - about 81%, bones - 15-20%";
*Hot water freezes faster than cold water;
* Water has memory.
(From INTERNET sources)

I was very interested in a simple-looking substance. It turned out that you can learn a lot of interesting and informative things about him. Working on this topic, I realized that this substance plays a huge role in the life of living organisms. The importance and necessity of water in our lives cannot be underestimated. But, at the same time, we must not forget about the harm that it can cause with illiterate use.
Currently, this problem of clean water is relevant and modern. What is the way out? The most correct is the reasonable use of clean water.
Thus, based on the purpose and objectives of the work, studying the literature on this issue,
Conducting my own research and observations, based on the results, I came to the conclusion:
1. the composition of well water, tap water, spring water is optimal for drinking and the water does not contain harmful impurities;
2 well water has medium hardness and requires boiling;
3. that salty and boiled water adversely affects living organisms;
4. That water is truly a priceless gift of nature, the main wealth on Earth. We cannot live without water. Therefore, it is necessary to study it. This is very relevant.
There are substances that we use often, very often, rarely or not at all. But no one can do without water!
The material collected as a result of the research work will be used in extracurricular work in chemistry, in the lessons of the world around.

Publication date: 06/02/17

research project

"Water and its properties" for children of the middle group.

“Water is a priceless gift of nature,

which must be carefully preserved.


Children are by nature explorers. Exploratory activity, behavior - the natural state of the child, he is tuned to the desire to know the world. This is what creates the conditions for the mental development of the child to initially unfold as a process of self-development.

There is a relationship between the level of a child's cognitive interest and his assimilation of knowledge about the world around him; on the one hand, thanks to the cognitive interest, the child's horizons expand significantly, on the other hand, knowledge is the most important "building material", which is the foundation for the development of cognitive interest.

Project type: Informative

Implementation timeline: Short term (1 week)

Project participants:




Objective of the project: formation of ideas about the properties of water; to expand children's knowledge about the properties of water, the role of water in human life and other living organisms, to cultivate a careful attitude to the natural resources of our planet.


1. Tell children about the importance of water in human life and other living organisms.

2. Introduce children to the basic properties of water by organizing experimental activities.

3. To instill the initial skills of research activities, cognitive activity, independence.

4. Increase the level of speech activity, mastery of experimental activities.

5. To enrich the stock of knowledge of parents about the role of experimentation in the development of thought processes, creative abilities, and in the formation of labor skills of preschoolers.

Project stages:


Topic selection;

Formulation of the problem;

Definition of the purpose and objectives of the research work;

The study of methodological literature;

Surveys of the level of development of cognitive interest in children;

Development of a project action plan.



Observations on walks;

Experimental games;

Reading fiction;

Working with parents.

The final stage:

Re-examination of children;

Final lesson on the topic "Witch - water";

Creation of a file cabinet "Experiments and experiments with water";

Creation of practical material for parents: memos, recommendations, booklets, consultations.

Forms of work:

Equipment in the experimentation and environmental research corner group;

Making a card index of entertaining experiments and experiments;

Conducting classes: The child and the world around him, Speech development, Modeling, Drawing, Application on the topic of the project;

Didactic games that contribute to the implementation of the project goal (“who needs water?” “Where is the water hidden?”, “Little men”, “good - bad”, “what would happen if ...”, “sinks-does not sink”);

Observations on walks of animate and inanimate nature; observations in a group of indoor plants;

Reading fiction: "The Journey of a Droplet",

“Little Men”, “The Story of the Water Cycle for Children” by S. Dobritskaya

Conversations: “What is water?”, “Where does water “live”?”, “What can water do?”; “The water cycle in nature”, “If there were no water”, “Why should water be saved?”

Experiments and experiments with water (“Disappearance of water”, “Appearance of water from air”, “Hide a toy in water”, “Filtration of water”, “Do all substances dissolve in water?”)

Experimental activities

within the framework of the project "Water and its properties"


Target: Show that water has no form, spills, flows.

take 2 glasses filled with water, as well as 2-3 objects made of solid material (cube, ruler, wooden spoon, etc.) determine the shape of these objects. Ask the question: “Does water have a form?”. Invite the child to find the answer on their own, pouring water from one vessel to another (cup, saucer, vial, etc.). Remember where and how puddles spill.


Water has no form, it takes the form of the vessel in which it is poured, that is, it can easily change shape.


Target : Lead the children to the generalization "clean water is transparent" and "dirty water is opaque."

Move: Prepare two jars or glasses of water and a set of small sinking objects (pebbles, buttons, beads, coins). Find out how the concept of "transparent" is learned: invite the child to find transparent objects in the room (glass, glass in the window, aquarium).

Give a task: prove that the water in the jar is also transparent (let the child put small objects into the glass and they will be visible).

Ask the question: “If you lower a piece of earth into the aquarium, will the water be as clear?”

Listen to the answers, then demonstrate by experience: put a piece of earth into a glass of water and stir. The water became dirty and cloudy. Objects lowered into such water are not visible. Discuss. Is the water always clear in an aquarium for fish, why does it become cloudy. Is the water clear in a river, lake, sea, puddle.

Output: Clear water is clear, objects can be seen through it; cloudy water is opaque.


Target: Reveal the properties of water.

Take two glasses of water. In the first glass, add 1 tablespoon of salt, and stir well. Salt will dissolve in water.

In another glass, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and also stir.

Sugar will also dissolve in water.

Output: salt and sugar dissolve in water.

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