Project on the topic of electric current. Research topics in physics (electricity)

Municipal educational institution

secondary school No. 1

named after the Hero of the Russian Nedviga

Research work on the topic:

Why does the lightbulb turn on

Completed by: Filin Kirill,

Head: biology teacher

Barish, 2012

Introduction C.3

1. The history of the development of electricity. C.3

2. Experiments with electricity. C.5

2.1. Electrification experiments C.5

2.2. Bubbling installation. C.6

2.3. Broken compass. C.6

2.4. Flickering light bulb. C.7

3. The value of electricity in the modern world. C.7

4. Safety precautions. C.8

Conclusion C.8

References C.9


What do you do when you enter a dark room? Well, of course, turn on the LIGHT! It's easy to do this: just flip the switch and the ELECTRIC BULB lights up. But it was not always so. Who invented the electric light bulb? Why is she on fire? These questions interested me, and I decided to do research work on the topic : "Why does the light bulb light up" .

To conduct a study, it is necessary to determine the object and subject of the study.

object my research are electrical phenomena.

Hence follows goal research: observe electrical phenomena find out what role electricity plays in human life.

For my research work, I set myself the following tasks:

To get acquainted with the materials in the scientific literature on the history of the development of electricity and electrical phenomena.

To study and master the technique of conducting experiments on electricity.

To achieve the goals set, the following tricks and methods:

I got acquainted with the history of discoveries in the field of electricity.

Investigated the material on the sources of electric current.

I found out how important electricity is in the modern world.

Never touch bare wires

don't touch them.

Beware of electricity is not only necessary at home, but also on street, on the nature.

Do not touch wires hanging from power line poles.

During a thunderstorm:

Do not touch metal objects (fences, barriers, etc.)

You can not run in an open place (in a field, in a meadow).

You can not hide from the rain under a tall tree, etc.


So, having finished my work, I can conclude that electricity is an integral part of NATURE, the surrounding WORLD. It is present in everything: in every particle of our PLANET, in space, in man himself.

With the combined efforts of all mankind, the process of knowing electricity is happening rapidly.

Using the properties of electricity, a person creates devices, fixtures and equipment to improve living and working conditions, to understand the world around him.

A MAN strives for comfort, new opportunities, a bright future in this ELECTRIC WORLD.


1. Great Children's Illustrated Encyclopedia. - M.: Egmont Russia Ltd., 2003.

2. Big book "Why?" (questions and answers, curious and useful information). - M .: Publishing house "ROSMEN", 2006 - p.

3. . Who draws on the screen. - M .: Malysh, 1991.

4. Interesting about physics and mathematics. – M.: Science. Main edition of physical and mathematical literature, 1987.

5. Companion of the inquisitive “What is it? Who it?". - M.: Enlightenment, 1968

Unit of measurement of current strength The unit of current strength is taken as the strength of the current at which segments of parallel conductors 1 m long interact with the force H (0, N). This unit is called AMP (A). -7

Ampère André Marie was born on January 22, 1775 in Polemiers near Lyon into an aristocratic family. He was educated at home. He studied the connection between electricity and magnetism (Ampère called this circle of phenomena electrodynamics). Subsequently, he developed the theory of magnetism. Ampère died in Marseille on June 10, 1836.

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Alessandro Volta is an Italian physicist, chemist and physiologist, one of the founders of the theory of electricity. Alessandro Volta was born in 1745, was the fourth child in the family. In 1801 he received the title of count and senator from Napoleon. Volta died in Como on March 5, 1827.

Electrical resistance Resistance is directly proportional to the length of the conductor, inversely proportional to its cross-sectional area and depends on the substance of the conductor. R = R = ρ S R-resistance ρ-resistivity - conductor length S-cross-sectional area

Ohm Georg OM (Ohm) Georg Simon (March 16, 1787, Erlangen - July 6, 1854, Munich), a German physicist, author of one of the fundamental laws, Ohm took up the study of electricity. In 1852 Om received the post of ordinary professor. Ohm died on July 6, 1854. In 1881, at the electrical congress in Paris, scientists unanimously approved the name of the unit of resistance - 1 Ohm.

2.1 Electric current and its use

2.2 Wiring diagrams

2.3 Electrical appliances


    List of literature and sites.


One of the first whose attention was attracted by electricity was the Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus, who in the 7th century BC. e. discovered that amber rubbed on wool acquires the properties of attracting light objects. However, for a long time knowledge of electricity did not go beyond this idea.

In 1600, the term electricity (“amber”) itself appeared, and in 1663, Magdeburg burgomaster Otto von Guericke created an electrostatic machine in the form of a sulfur ball mounted on a metal rod, which made it possible to observe not only the effect of attraction, but also the effect of repulsion.

In 1729, the Englishman Stephen Gray conducted experiments on the transmission of electricity over a distance, discovering that not all materials transmit electricity in the same way.

In 1733, the Frenchman Charles Dufay established the existence of two types of electricity, glass and resin, which were revealed by rubbing glass against silk and resin against wool.

In 1745, the Dutchman Pieter van Muschenbroek created the first electric capacitor - the Leyden jar. Around the same years, work on the study of atmospheric electricity was also carried out by Russian scientists - G. V. Rikhman and M. V. Lomonosov.

The first theory of electricity is created by the American Benjamin Franklin, who considers electricity as an “immaterial liquid”, a fluid (“Experiments and Observations with Electricity”, 1747). He also introduces the concept of positive and negative charge, invents a lightning rod and with its help proves the electrical nature of lightning. The study of electricity passes into the category of exact science after the discovery in 1785 of Coulomb's law.

Michael Faraday is the founder of the theory of the electromagnetic field.

Further, in 1791, the Italian Galvani published a Treatise on the Forces of Electricity in Muscular Movement, in which he described the presence of an electric current in the muscles of animals. Another Italian Volta in 1800 invents the first direct current source - a galvanic cell, which is a column of zinc and silver circles separated by paper soaked in salted water.

In 1802, Vasily Petrov discovered the voltaic arc.

In 1820, the Danish physicist Oersted experimentally discovered the electromagnetic interaction. Closing and opening the circuit with current, he saw the fluctuations of the compass needle located near the conductor.

The French physicist Ampère established in 1821 that the connection between electricity and magnetism is observed only in the case of electric current and is absent in the case of static electricity. The works of Joule, Lenz, Ohm expand the understanding of electricity. Gauss formulates the fundamental theorem of the theory of the electrostatic field (1830).

Based on the research of Oersted and Ampère, Faraday discovers the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction in 1831 and creates on its basis the world's first electric power generator by sliding a magnetized core into the coil and fixing the occurrence of current in the turns of the coil. Faraday discovers electromagnetic induction (1831) and the laws of electrolysis (1834), introduces the concept of electric and magnetic fields. An analysis of the phenomenon of electrolysis led Faraday to the idea that the carrier of electrical forces is not any electrical liquids, but atoms - particles of matter. "Atoms of matter are somehow endowed with electrical forces," he argues. Faraday's studies of electrolysis played a fundamental role in the development of the electronic theory. Faraday also created the world's first electric motor - a current-carrying wire revolving around a magnet. The crowning achievement of research on electromagnetism was the development by the English physicist D. K. Maxwell of the theory of electromagnetic phenomena. He derived equations linking together the electrical and magnetic characteristics of a field in 1873.

Pierre Curie discovers piezoelectricity in 1880. In the same year, D. A. Lachinov showed the conditions for the transmission of electricity over long distances. Hertz experimentally registers electromagnetic waves (1888).

In 1897, Joseph Thomson discovered the material carrier of electricity - the electron, whose place in the structure of the atom was later pointed out by Ernest Rutherford.

In the 20th century, the theory of quantum electrodynamics was created. In 1967, another step was taken towards the study of electricity. S. Weinberg, A. Salam and S. Glashow created a unified theory of electroweak interactions.


Electric current and its use.

Electric current - directed (ordered) movement of particles or quasi-particles.

These particles can be:

in metals - electrons,

in electrolytes - ions (cations and anions)

In gases, ions and electrons

in vacuum under certain conditions - electrons,

in semiconductors - electrons and holes (electron-hole conductivity).

Sometimes electric current is also called the displacement current resulting from a change in the electric field over time.

Electric current has the following manifestations:

heating of conductors (does not occur in superconductors);

change in the chemical composition of conductors (observed mainly in electrolytes);

the creation of a magnetic field (manifested in all conductors without exception).

In the theory of electrical circuits, current is considered to be the directed movement of charge carriers in a conducting medium under the action of an electric field.

The conduction current (simply current) in the theory of electrical circuits is the amount of electricity flowing per unit time through the cross section of the conductor: i \u003d q / t, where i is the current. BUT; q = 1.6 109 - electron charge, C; t - time, s.

This expression is valid for DC circuits. For alternating current circuits, the so-called instantaneous current value is used, equal to the rate of change of charge over time: i (t) \u003d dq / dt.

Electric current occurs when an electric field, or potential difference between two points of a conductor, appears in a section of an electrical circuit. The potential difference between two points in an electrical circuit is called the voltage or voltage drop across that section of the circuit.

Electrical circuits

The simplest electrical circuit can contain only three elements:


Wire connection.

However, real working circuits are much more complex. In addition to the main elements, they contain various switches, starters, protection devices, relays, electrical measuring instruments, sockets, plugs, etc.

When assembling electrical circuits, the electrician is guided by the circuit diagram and the wiring diagram

Circuit diagram

This is a scheme in which each detail is indicated graphically, and after studying which, it becomes clear to us how they are all interconnected.

Schematic diagrams are the most important of the diagrams, as they allow you to understand how the device as a whole functions.

You will not find images of the device itself on the circuit diagrams, with terminals or leads to which wires are soldered or clamped under a screw connection; wiring diagrams serve for this.

Mounting wiring diagram

The wiring diagram (connection diagram) determines the placement of radio components and devices, harnesses and wires on the chassis, paneling panels, as well as places and points for creating electrical contact.

The wiring diagram is drawn up in accordance with the circuit diagram of the product and is the main document for the electrical installation of equipment.

When compiling the wiring diagram, they provide for such an arrangement of cascades and nodes so that the connecting wires between them are of the shortest length, and their laying excludes electrical pickups and gives convenient access to all elements of the circuit. Control of the completed installation is carried out according to the installation and circuit diagrams

All elements included in the product have a graphic image similar to the general view of the part, and the same number as in the circuit diagram.

Wires in wiring diagrams are numbered with double numbers: the first number indicates the serial number of the electric line having the same potential, the second - the serial number of the conductor belonging to the same line.

All wires connected to the same terminal have the same number.

Multi-core cables are also numbered and the number is written on the shown end of the cable.

The brand of the cable, the number of cores and their cross section, the number of occupied cores - are indicated on the diagram along the cable line. Each core has its own number within the cable.

Electrical devices.

An electrical appliance or appliance is a technical device powered by electricity and performing some useful work, which can be expressed in the form of mechanical work, heat release, etc., or designed to ensure the operation of other electrical appliances.

Electrical appliances are various kettles, coffee makers, meat grinders, steamers, multicookers, microwave ovens, hair dryers, irons, floor fans, air humidifiers, etc. All electrical appliances are certified by the technical control laboratory, as well as instructions or technical descriptions for its use.

Currently, electric heating devices are widely used. They allow you to maintain the desired temperature in any industrial or domestic premises. Usually they have a simple design, small dimensions, save energy. These include: electric fireplaces, electric heaters, radiators, reflecting stoves, floor heaters, convectors, etc.

In the electric power industry, an electrical appliance is considered as a "consumer", "load" or "resistance".

A household appliance is an electrical or electromechanical device that performs some work in the household, such as cooking, cleaning, etc. Household appliances are a type of home appliance.

Household electrical appliances are traditionally divided into large and small.

Large household electrical appliances are large enough and heavy enough to be difficult to carry. They are installed in a certain place and connected to the power supply network.

Examples of large household electrical appliances:

    air conditioner;


    washing machine.

Small household electrical appliances are portable. When used, they are placed on tables and other surfaces or held in hands. Often they are equipped with handles for easy portability. Small household electrical appliances can be operated both from the mains and from batteries.

Examples of small household electrical appliances:





The use of electricity provides a rather convenient [source not specified 510 days] way of transmitting energy, and as such it has been adapted to a significant and still growing range of practical applications.

One of the first public uses of electricity was lighting; the conditions for this were created after the invention of the incandescent lamp in the 1870s. The creator of the incandescent lamp is the Russian electrical engineer A.N. Lodygin.

The first incandescent lamp was an airless closed vessel with a carbon rod. Although electrification had its own risks, the replacement of open flames with electric lighting greatly reduced the number of fires in the home and at work.

In general, starting from the 19th century, electricity has been tightly integrated into the life of modern civilization.

Electricity is used not only for lighting, but also for transmitting information (telegraph, telephone, radio, television), as well as for setting mechanisms in motion (electric motor), which is actively used in transport (tram, metro, trolleybus, electric train) and in household appliances (iron, food processor, washing machine, dishwasher).

My personal opinion on electricity

Many people have long wondered where, how and why we need electricity. Some people turn to their gadgets with this question, but they also have electricity. Wherever you look, there is electricity everywhere. For example, let's take a watch, well, think of a watch as a thing that can work without energy supply, it also works on electricity.

We have a lot of appliances in our house that cannot work without electricity. Even books are already electronic.

Everywhere there is electricity, even today they have invented a car that does not run on gasoline, but on electricity.

And the car still depends on electricity.

Summarize. Without electricity, people, in principle, cannot do anything, work, read, travel somewhere, and so on.

So electricity itself is a necessary thing on earth.

List of literature and sites.

Sites I got stuff from:

Radio amateur


Electro Guru

Electrician - house

Radio is cattle


Technology Grade 8 N.V. Matyash

Marina Valerievna Kayushnikova

Research project for preschool children

Topic: "His Majesty Electricity".

Project long-term - 3 months.

North Ossetia-Alania, Mozdok, 2014


Project will help in an interesting and exciting way to form in preschoolers the simplest ideas about the origin electricity introduces history electrical lamp and its device. Who really wants to understand all the greatness of our time, he must get acquainted with the history of the science of electricity. And then he learns a fairy tale, which is not even among fairy tales "A Thousand and One Nights". First time electricity noticed quite recently, when they rubbed an amber stick on the animal's fur. The ancient Greeks called amber electron. Hence the name electricity.

One of the types electricity is lightning. It is caused by atmospheric electricity. And even his people learned to use with the help of a lightning rod. The first light bulb was invented in the 19th century. This was the beginning of a great era ELECTRICITY.

Nowadays electricity received at special stations. It can arise from solar energy, falling water, special devices - generators, or it can be obtained when any chemical reaction occurs. For example, if you add two electrode - zinc and copper, can be obtained electricity enough to power a small watch. A similar scheme for obtaining electricity used in batteries and accumulators. Also electricity can be obtained by rubbing a plastic stick on a woolen surface. That is how it was discovered, however, the first scientists used amber instead of plastic. Electricity a person uses it everywhere, absolutely all modern devices work on it. Therefore the profession electrician always remains honorable and unusually demanded.

More damaged from electricity children will meet at school, in physics lessons, where they will be told almost all the secrets of this unique, but at the same time dangerous phenomenon.

Target project:

1. Introduce children with electricity, the history of its discovery. Tell what electricity is generated by a power plant, it goes by wire to every house.

2. Introduce electrical light bulb and its device.

3. Introduce the cause of the appearance of static electricity.


Expand View children about, where "lives" electricity and how it helps a person;

Consolidate knowledge about electrical appliances;

To consolidate the rules of safe behavior in the handling of household electrical appliances;

To teach to understand the connection between the past and the present, to analyze, compare, learn;

To develop the desire for search and cognitive activity, to promote the mastery of methods of practical interaction with surrounding objects.

Develop mental activity, observation;

Cultivate the desire to save electricity, to develop an interest in the knowledge of the world around.

Implementation timeline project - 3 months

Implementation stages project

Preparatory stage: study and analysis of the level of development in children cognitive abilities, skills and abilities research activities and creative design. Identification of the level and effectiveness of planning educational and educational work on this issue, analysis of the organization of the subject-developing environment, analysis of the effectiveness of working with parents on this issue.

Modeling stage: selection of methods, forms of work with children, teachers of preschool educational institutions, parents of pupils, school, city children's library, city museum of local lore, and other organizations, creation of an effective subject-developing environment in groups, creation of an information space for parents, selection of diagnostic methods.

Basic: the implementation of the tasks set, the development of diagnostic, methodological, practical material, the determination of the most effective methods and techniques for working with children, parents, teachers of preschool educational institutions in organizing natural science observations and experiments with children.

Control: analysis of the work done, diagnostics of the level of development children's research skills, determining the level of competence of parents in organizing natural science observations and experiments with children at home, the desire to cooperate with teachers of preschool educational institutions.

Estimated result

1. Information about the results of implementation project posted on the information website of the DOW.

2. Presentation of work experience on the pedagogical council of the preschool educational institution.

3. Organization of a photo exhibition "

4. Create a photo album»

5. Organization group exhibition«

6. Holding a holiday together with the parents of the pupils "

As a result of the implementation project children will know:

concept electricity;

What, electricity is generated by a power plant;

What, the current goes to every house through the wires;

Where "lives" electricity;

Titles electrical household appliances;

The switch regulates the flow electricity to appliances;

Rules for safe handling electrical appliances;

History of appearance electric lamp, its device;

What electricity must be conserved save, turn off unnecessary appliances, take precautions;

The reason for the appearance of static electricity;

The simplest experiments with electricity.

As a result of the implementation project children will be able to:

Carry out activities for the organization of experiments with electricity;

Ask questions, look for answers;

See a problem on a specific topic;

Formulate a goal, plan tasks;

Make hypotheses and test them;

Select funds and materials for independent activities;

Conduct feasible experiments and draw appropriate conclusions;

Record action steps and results graphically;

Collect information from different sources: directories, encyclopedias, Internet, search for like-minded people;

Apply theoretical knowledge in practical activities when dealing with living organisms;

To draw up the results of observations in the form of the simplest schemes, signs, drawings, descriptions, conclusions;

Protect your research with peers.

Main directions in work:

work with children

work with parents

work with employees

work to improve the subject-developing environment

Implementation mechanism project:

Work with children:

Special classes on cognitive development

Experimental activities

Integrated lessons

Organization of role-playing games

Didactic games

Labor activity

Artistic and speech, visual activity

Reading works of art, conversations.

Creation of the museum « Electricity»

With employees:

Workshop "How to introduce children with electricity»

Consultation How to create a "Museum of Light".

Development of methodological materials within the framework of the topic (forward planning, questionnaires).

With parents:


Organization of joint activities for the production of attributes, games, homework

Making travel folders

Individual conversations

Exhibition of illustrations, photo

Exhibition of children's drawings

First, we had conversations with the children on Topics: "What do we know about electricity» , « Electricity lives everywhere» .

Draw a diagram with the children "How electricity enters our house» .

Familiarize yourself with the history of discovery electricity. For this we have created "Museum of Light", where they collected illustrations, photographs, portraits and objects on the topic.

Tell the kids how they work electrical appliances, about the safety rules when using them. For fixing made desktop-printed games: "Collect a picture", "Find a Pair".

To conduct experiments and experiments, our experimental corner was supplemented with new devices, attributes for working on the topic. Printed a cycle of experiments on the topic « Electricity» .

But the most interesting for children it turned out - this is an acquaintance with static electricity.

Experiments interested children. They participated with great pleasure. It was nice to hear from parents about how children tried to repeat them at home.

Research project on the topic:

"Natural Electricity"

MOU "SOSH "Patriot" with cadet classes

Project manager: Chaplygina Olga Vladimirovna,

primary school teacher of the MOU "Secondary School "Patriot" with

cadet classes"

Information sheet

(Introduction, relevance, objectives and goals of the project, etc.)

Stage 1 - organizational

Collection of information

Questioning students 4 "A", 4 "B", 4 "C" classes. Survey analysis

Conclusions of stage I

Stage 2 - theoretical

What is electricity?

History of the discovery of electricity.

electricity in nature.

Conclusions of stage II

Safety rules for children related to the use of electricity

Stage 3 - practical

Conclusions of stage III




Project theme:"Natural electricity".

The problem (idea) of the project.

Not all of my classmates know about the existence of natural electricity. The idea of ​​the project was to find out what natural electricity is, to reveal the possibilities of natural electricity.

Objective of the project:

learn what natural electricity is, discover the possibilities of natural electricity.


study the literature on the topic

find from scientific sources the history of the discovery of electricity

learn what natural electricity is

learn safety rules related to the use of electricity

to conduct an experiment on obtaining electricity from fruits and vegetables at home.

prove the existence of natural electricity.

publish a brochure.

Project type:

by completeness: interdisciplinary

by the number of participants: individual

by duration: short-term.


Since there is a lot of juice in vegetables and fruits, and it is an acid (the same as in ordinary batteries and accumulators), you can get electricity by sticking metal plates into them.

Implementation deadlines. The research project is being implemented from 01/25/2018 to 02/03/2018.

Expected result within the framework of the research project.

I learn more about natural electricity.

I will acquaint my classmates with the stories of the emergence of electricity, reveal the possibilities of natural electricity,

I will draw conclusions on this topic.

I will try to perform all the experiments myself, observing safety precautions.


Study of scientific literature

The study of this topic will allow you to learn more about the world around us.

Stages of research work.

Stage 1 - organizational

Object of study: electricity

Subject of study:

natural electricity

alternating current

Research methods:

Study of literary sources




Physical experiments generalization

Student survey 4 "A", 4 "B", 4 "C" classes, teachers, parents.

Survey results showed:

students 4 "A", 4 "B". "B" classes - 70%

teachers of the MOU "Secondary School "Patriot" with cadet classes" - 100%

parents of students in grade 4 "B" - 100%


After analyzing the survey, I came to the conclusion that some of the students in our class have some idea of ​​natural electricity.

most of the respondents know about natural electricity and almost everyone would like to know the results of my experiments and confirmation of my hypothesis.

parents and teachers of our school know about natural electricity.

Stage 2 - theoretical

What is electricity?

It is almost impossible to imagine our modern life without electricity. Electricity has penetrated deeply into our daily life, we can’t even think how to live without electricity.

Electric current is the directed movement of charged particles, similar to something like a river. Water flows in the river, small particles of the atom - electrons - flow through the wires. Electric current moves along a conductor in a closed circuit from a current source to a consumer. A conductor is a substance that can easily conduct an electric current. If we are dealing with a metal, then charged particles are electrons. Almost all metals are conductors of electricity. Those substances that do not conduct current are called insulators. Insulators include plastic, rubber. Copper conducts electricity very well. In wires, electrons move under the influence of a magnetic field.

Conclusion: electricity is an effect caused by the movement and interaction of charged particles.

History of the discovery of electricity.

People observed the first electrical phenomena as early as the fifth century BC. The founder of Greek science, Thales of Miletus, noticed that a piece of amber worn with fur or wool attracts light bodies, such as dust particles, to itself.

In 1662, the English physicist William Gilbert continued to study these phenomena. It was he who called them "electric".

In 1729, Stephen Gray discovered that certain metals could conduct electricity.

I decided to find out if adults and my peers know about natural electricity.

In 1733, Du Fay discovered positive and negative electric charges.

In 1800, Volta invented the first direct current source.

Our compatriot Vasily Perov also worked in the field of electricity. At the beginning of the 19th century, he discovered the voltaic arc.

electricity in nature.

For a while it was believed that electricity did not exist in nature. However, after B. Franklin established that lightning is of an electrical nature, this opinion ceased to exist.

The importance of electricity in nature, as well as in human life, is enormous.

For example: a natural phenomenon.

A lightning flash is a huge spark, an instantaneous discharge of electricity accumulated in thunderclouds. Drops of water in a thundercloud collide and electrolyze into positive charges accumulate at the top of the cloud, negative charges at the bottom. An electric field is created between the cloud and the earth, which is positively charged. Its voltage rises and is discharged by lightning.

For example: fish.

Electric stingrays use electricity, or rather electric discharges, to protect themselves from enemies, search for food under water and get it. The fish has a special electric organ. It accumulates a sufficiently large electrical charge, and then discharges it onto the victim by touching such a fish. The current strength of the electric organ of fish changes with age: the older the fish, the greater the current strength.

For example: insects.

Bees - during the flight accumulate a positive charge of electricity, and in flowers it is negative. Therefore, the pollen from the flowers itself flies to the body of the bees.

I wondered if natural electricity could be generated in plants. I began to collect information on this topic: I talked with my parents, visited the school library, read scientific articles on this topic.

Here's what I found out:

The more juice in a vegetable or fruit, the more electricity you can get from them.

To generate electricity, it is best to use copper and zinc.

In order to begin my experiments, I must remember the safety rules with electrical appliances. The teacher of the MOU "Secondary School "Patriot" with cadet classes" helped me with this: Lyudmila Alexandrovna Semina (see appendix p. _____).

Stage 3 - practical

First you need to get zinc and copper. Zinc can be obtained by dismantling an old non-working battery or by taking a galvanized nail or bolt. Copper can be found in copper wire by stripping it of insulating material.

Next, using sandpaper, you need to slightly clean the copper wire or zinc from the battery. This procedure will help to remove the smallest layer of oxidized material, which will favorably affect the chemical reaction.

After that, copper must be inserted into one side of the lemon, and zinc into the other so that the two electrodes in the lemon do not touch each other. The copper and zinc electrode on the free side should be connected to the wires and to provide a higher voltage and current, the same operation should be done with another lemon.

Then the wire coming from the copper in the first lemon is connected to the wire coming from the zinc of the second lemon, thus forming an electrical circuit. The other ends of the wires coming out of the lemons can be connected to appliances or to an LED, with the copper wire carrying a positive current charge, and the zinc wire carrying a negative DC charge.

Experiment #1

2 lemons, wires, 2 copper electrodes, 2 zinc electrodes, LED.

Description of the experiment.

First, I laid out everything we need:

zinc and copper electrodes, wires, lemons, potatoes, tools, a light bulb.

After that, I stuck copper and zinc electrodes into the lemons, and the bulb lit up. From the experience we have done, we see that the lemon works like a battery: the copper electrode is positive (+), and the zinc electrode is negative (-). Unfortunately, this is a very weak source of energy. (see appendix page ______).

Hypothesis: if you increase the number of lemons, increase the source of energy.


citric acid contains particles of electricity, in order to obtain natural electricity, only citric acid and copper zinc electrodes are required.

Lemons produce a voltage or electrical force, like a pair of batteries in a flashlight.

Experiment #2

For the experience you will need: 2 potatoes, wires, copper electrodes 2 pcs, zinc electrodes 2 pcs, LED.

I connected zinc and copper electrodes with wires. I inserted copper and zinc electrodes into the potatoes, and the bulb lit up.

Conclusion: Potatoes contain acid, due to which natural electricity appears. By connecting the zinc electrodes, the bulb lights up with the acid emitted by the potato.


Natural electricity exists and it can be very useful. I confirmed my hypothesis: if you discover the secrets of electricity, then the electric current will become a good friend and helper, and not a danger in life. With the help of a fruit or vegetable battery, he proved that natural electricity exists.


The practical significance of natural electricity.

Based on the information I have received and the experiments I have done, I can say that natural electricity is a very useful thing. If you take copper and zinc plates, wires and a light bulb on a hike, you can make a lamp and a charger for your phone, since you can always find vegetables and fruits in nature.

List of sources used.

T.Yu. Pokidayeva. New children's encyclopedia. OOO Publishing Group Azbuka.

E.P. Levitan, T.A. Nikiforova Entertaining physics. Children's encyclopedia

C. Rogers, F. Clark. We study physics. Light. Sound. Electricity. LLC Publishing house "Rosmen - Press", Moscow, 2002

Application No. 1

Safety rules for children related to the use of electricity.

The most important thing to know about electricity is the electrical safety technique that not only an adult, but also a child should know in order to protect their lives. The current is invisible, and therefore especially insidious.

What not to do for adults and children?

Do not touch with your hands, do not come close to wires and electrical


Near power lines, substations, do not stop for rest, do not make fires, do not launch flying toys.

A wire lying on the ground can be fraught with mortal danger.

Electrical outlets, if there is a small child in the house, are an object of special control.

Do not play with sockets and switches.

Do not stick metal wire into sockets.

Rules for the use of electrical appliances:

Do not leave switched on electrical appliances unattended.

It is very dangerous to assemble, disassemble anything in electrical appliances while the appliance is in operation.

Turn off all electrical appliances when leaving home. Use of electrical appliances is allowed only with the permission of adults.

Water is a good conductor, just like the human body, so you can’t touch sockets and electrical appliances with wet hands, because it can “shock” with current.

Batteries are not dangerous. But you can not disassemble the batteries and you can not swallow them, as they contain chemicals that are harmful to health. Batteries must not be thrown into fire as they may explode.

Application №2

Application No. 3

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