What the Venus consists of. Planet Venus: Possible shelter or the nearest danger

Humanity has always been interested in a bright star, giving his bright light in the morning clock or observed in the early twilight. This brilliant celestial body is Venus - the second planet of the solar system. However, despite such an attractive appearance, in reality, the disturbing and distant world is a hellish boiling boiler in which there is no place for anything alive.

Opening of the planet Venus

The heavenly body, which appears in the sky, has the brightness of -4.6 visible star magnitude, has long been known to man. In its brightness, Venus is the third object in the sky, yielding only the sun and the moon. The most convenient time for observing this beauty is morning and evening hours. Periods of morning and evening visibility alternate for 585 days.

For this, it was also nicknamed - "Morning Star". As a rule, Venus is easy to notice the naked eye in Western or in the eastern part of the skyscle, near the horizon line. The planet appears quite often, glad to love astronomers with their glitter. The spectacle looks impressively when the morning star appeared in the company with Jupiter. Two bright dots in the night sky will not leave anyone indifferent.

For the first time watched the second planet from the Sun more ancient Chinese and Persians. In those distant years, Venus served as a natural time indicator. The time of the morning of the morning star determined the approximate time of the day. Ancient astronomers and astrologers considered to Venus the planet. Thanks to its astrophysical parameters, the heavenly body fits perfectly into the heliocentric system proposed by Aristarkha Samos. Much later in the XVI century. The efforts of Copernicus Venus firmly occupied the honorable second place in the heliocentric system.

Despite the fact that the information about Venus mankind got in ancient times, the honor of opening the heavenly body fell out Galileo Galileo. It was he who for the first time in 1610 saw the morning star in his telescope. The scientist managed to detect the Venusian phases like the lunar, which was the confirmation of the theory of the heliocentric system of the movement of celestial bodies. After 29 years, in 1639 scientists were able to observe Venus in all its glory. The planet made his way, passing through a huge sunny disk.

In the future, the scorching of the second planet from the Sun gave all the grounds to consider the Venus by the twin of our blue planet. Mikhail Lomonosov's efforts "Morning Star" acquired an atmosphere. For a long time, information on the size of the celestial body and astrophysical data gave reason to consider the planet suitable for the existence of life. However, the morning beauty stubbornly hid his true appearance. Observations for the planet with the help of powerful and perfect optics did not shed light on the natural nature of Venus. Only flights of the first automatic probes in the second half of the twentieth century opened the veil of secrets.

Generally accepted information about the planet Venus

To date, the physical and astrophysical parameters closest to the land of the planet are well known. This object is a massive solid, rotating around our star almost around a circular orbit. The maximum removal of the "Morning Star" from the Sun is 108,942 109 km. Perihelia Venus is approaching the Solar System Center at a distance of 107,476,259 km. Despite the almost ideal parameters of the Venusian orbit, the distance between the morning beauty and the Earth varies in a wide range - from 36 to 261 million km. With this location of the two adjacent planets on overcoming the distance between the Venus and the Earth will take just over 6 months. Launched on November 9, 2005, the spacecraft "Venus-Express" reached our neighbor in 153 days.

The time record - 97 days spent on the flight to Venus, belongs to the Soviet automatic interplanetary station "Venus-1". For two weeks longer, 110 days, flew to the "Morning Star" American probe "Mariner-2". The ship, launched on August 8, 1962, on December 14 of the same year reached the surroundings of another planet. Thanks to the flight "Marina-2", the first photos of the object from the space were obtained.

With the help of space probes, the earthlings were able to see Venus, the planet is very similar to our land, in all its glory. The size of the "morning star" is almost identical to the size of the Earth. The average radius of the planetary disk is 6051 km, which is 320 kilometers less than the radius of the planet Earth (6371 km.). The surface area of \u200b\u200bthe neighbor of land in space is 460 million km².

Venus has a solid surface and belongs to the planets of the earth group, where, together with our planet, Mercury includes a distant Mars. For comparison, it is enough to look at the mass and average density of Venus in comparison with other planets of the earth group:

  • Mercury has a mass of 3,33022 · 10²³ kg and an average density of 5.427 g / cm³;
  • the mass of Venus is 4.8675 · 10²⁴ kg, and the average density is 5.24 g / cm³;
  • earth mass 5,9726 · 10² К КК at an average density of 5,5153 g / cm³;
  • Mars weighs 6,4171 · 10²³ kg with an average density of 3.933 g / cm³.

From the given data it is clearly seen how similar the second and third planet of the Solar System - Venus and the Earth. This once again confirms the Venusian force of 8.87 m / c². On Earth, this parameter is 9,780327 m / s².

As for astrophysical parameters, there are differences here. The nearest neighbor of the land makes a full turn around the Sun for 224 terrestrial days. The rotation of the planet around its own axis is carried out in the opposite direction, i.e. The sun on Venus rises in the West, and sitting in the east. Despite enough frisky running in orbit - the velocity of the planet is 35 km / s - the "morning star" slowly rotates around its own axis. Venusian days are 242 Earth Days.

Description of the planet Venus, interesting facts

The geophysical characteristic of the second on the account of the planet of the solar system is quite curious. With the external similarity from the ground, the Morning Star has a similar structure and structure.

Venus is the closest to us on the structure of the planet. The similarity of two celestial bodies is due to high density, which is characteristic of all the planets of the earth group. Scientists suggest that the "Morning Star" has a heavy iron and nickel kernel. However, despite the high temperatures, the core of the planet does not have convection, which does not provide the celestial body of a strong magnetic field. The kernel diameter is presumably 3000 km.

The mantle of heavenly beauty occupies a fairly large volume. The thickness of this layer is equal to half the radius of the planet - 3000 kilometers. High temperatures are dominated here, providing constant eruption to the surface of the lava flows. The Venusian Cora has a thickness of 30-50 km and consists of silicate and silicon breeds. The essential difference in the structure of the surface layer of the second planet of the solar system is the lack of tectonics. In Venus, tectonic activity stopped billions years ago, while on Earth such processes occur constantly. The heavenly body turned into a hot stone bowl rushing in orbit. Due to the lack of tectonic processes, the Morning Star does not have a generated magnetic field.

If we can only guess about the deep structure of the earthly neighbor, the data on the surface of the planet is sufficiently eloquent. This is the hottest place in the solar system. It turned out that the temperature on the surface of the celestial beauty is very high and reaches 475⁰ Celsius. Under such conditions, there is no water on the planet. It is absent both in liquid and in a vapor state. Here is very dry and hot - the most real bake.

As for the Venusian Landscaping, here you can see a typical picture of the pristine chaos. Two thirds of the surface of the planet are covered with flat and smooth plains formed by constant large-scale lava eruptions. Extensive plains on the "morning star" on the square are comparable to earthly continents. In the process of study, Venusian continents received names in honor of the goddesses of love taken from the myths of different countries. The largest Venusian Volcano Mat has a height of more than 8 thousand meters. This is higher than any earthly volcano. Venusian plains of rugged lavva rivers, which in some places reach lengths of 3-3.5 thousand kilometers.

The geological past of the planet is represented by mountain areas, among which the Maxwell Ridge is especially allocated. The maximum height of the mountain peak is 11,000 meters.

The composition of the atmosphere of our cosmic neighbor

A distinctive feature of the surface of the planet was the small number of craters of cosmic origin. The reliable protection of this distant world is the atmosphere of the planet. The main component of the Venusian air shell is carbon dioxide. Present in an atmosphere in small amounts of nitrogen, water vapor, sulfuric acid and molecular oxygen. The lowest layer, 65 km thick, is the most dense. In fact, it is a sulfuristic fog, spread over the entire surface of the "Morning Beauty". This is confirmed by huge pressure, which is present on the surface of the planet, more than 93 bar. With a height of atmospheric pressure drops and becomes similar to earth parameters.

The high concentration of carbon dioxide in the planet's atmosphere is explained by high volcanic activity, which was observed on the planet in the past. Carbon dioxide and today in large quantities continues to enter the atmosphere of Venus. Intensive lava eruptions are facilitated by this process, not stopping in our day. The high concentration of CO₂, water vapor and sulfur gas in the surface layer of the planet generate the strongest greenhouse effect. Solar energy is delayed with a dense atmosphere, which leads to significant overheating of the surface of the planet. In view of this, the daily temperature difference on the Venus is minor. With a height, the temperature gradually decreases, decreases with the height and density of the Venerian sulfuric acid clouds.

Studies of the "Morning Star"

The first accurate data was obtained through the flight of the Soviet AMS "Venus-7", which committed on December 15, 1970 landing on the surface of the second planet of the solar system. Subsequently, the Soviet Space Program "Venus" was continued. Space apparatus "Venus-9" and "Venus-10" provided the scientific community of the Venusian Landscape. A distinctive feature of the surface of the planet was the small number of craters of cosmic origin. The reliable protection of this distant world is the atmosphere of the planet.

Following the Soviet AMS "Venus" to the "Morning Star", American probes "Piner-1" and "Pioneer-2" went to the mapping of the surface of Venus. Next, there was a turn of the Soviet devices "Vega", launched in 1984.

The most complete information about our neighbor, scientists received from the station Magellan, who worked in the orbit of the morning goddess for almost five years. Thanks to this spacecraft, we now have an accurate map of the Venerian surface. The most fresh acquaintance with the second planet of the solar system can be called the flight of the ESA ESA spacecraft "Vena Express", which went on date on November 9, 2005.

Planet Venus is our nearest neighbor. Venus fits grounds closer than any other planet, 40 million km away and closer. The distance from the Sun to Venus is 108,000,000 km, or 0.723 AE.

The dimensions of Venus and the mass are close to the earth: the diameter of the planet is only 5% less than the diameter of the Earth, the mass is 0.815 ground mass, the force of gravity is 0.91 terrestrial. At the same time, Venus rotates very slowly around its axis in the direction, the reverse rotation of the Earth (i.e., from the east to the west).

Despite the fact that in the XVII-XVIII centuries. Various astronomers have repeatedly reported the opening of the natural satellites of Venus. Currently, it is known that there are no such planets.

Venus atmosphere

Unlike other planets of the earth group, the study of Venus with the help of telescopes was impossible, since M. Vlonosov (1711 - 1765), Watching June 6, 1761. Passing the planet on the background of the Sun, found that Venus is surrounded by "Knowing air atmospheric, such (only no more), what is about our globe bowl."

The atmosphere of the planet extends to height 5500 km, and its density in 35 Once exceeds the density of the earth. Atmospheric pressure B. 100 Once higher than on Earth, and reaches 10 million pa. The building of the atmosphere of this planet is represented in Fig. one.

The last time the venera's passage on the background of the Sun disk in Russia, astronomers, scientists and lovers, were able to observe June 8, 2004 and on June 6, 2012 (i.e. with an 8-year interval) this amazing phenomenon can be observed again. The subsequent passage will take place only after 100 years.

Fig. 1. Build of the atmosphere of Venus

In 1967, the Soviet interplanetary probe Venera-4 for the first time conveyed information about the planet's atmosphere, which consists of 96% from carbon dioxide (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. The composition of the atmosphere of Venus

Due to the high concentration of carbon dioxide, which is like a film, it holds heat from the surface, a typical greenhouse effect is observed on the planet (Fig. 3). Thanks to the greenhouse effect near the surface of Venus, any existence of liquid water is excluded. The air temperature on Venus is approximately +500 ° C. In such conditions, organic life is excluded.

Fig. 3. Greenhouse effect on Venus

On October 22, 1975, the Soviet probe "Venus-9" landed on Venus and first handed over to the land a teleportation from this planet.

General features of the planet Venus

Thanks to Soviet and American interplanetary stations, it is currently known that Venus is a planet with a complex relief.

Here they found mountainous areas of the area with a height difference of 2-3 km, volcano with a base diameter of 300-400 km and you
A hundredth of about 1 km, a huge basin (length of 1500 km from north to south and 1000 km from the west to the East) and relatively smooth areas. In the peculiar region of the planet there are more than 10 ring structures similar to the craters of Mercury, with a diameter of from 35 to 150 km, but strongly smoothed and flat. In addition, in the planet's cortex there is a rift of 1500 km long, 150 km wide and a depth of about 2 km.

In 1981, the station "Venus-13" and "Venus-14" investigated samples of the soil of the planet and passed the first color photos of Venus to Earth. Due to this, we know that the surface rocks of the planet are close in composition to the earth sedimentary rocks, and the sky above the horizon of Venus orange-yellow-green.

Currently, people's flights in Venus are unlikely, but at an altitude of 50 km from the planet, the temperature and pressure are close to the conditions on Earth, so it is possible to create interplanetary stations to study Venus and to recharge spacecraft.

What are the interesting facts about the planet Venus, are known to modern science? About the neighbor of land, located closer to the sun, scientists know a lot of people. Here are 15 entertaining, but little-known wide audience of information.

  1. The distance between Venus and Earth is a non-permanent amountSince the speed of moving both planets around the sun is different. The frequency with which is maximally distinguished and get closer is 584 days. The smallest distance to Venus - 38 million km, the largest - 261 million km.
  2. Planet, along with the Sun and Moon, enters the top three brightest objects, thanks to which it is clearly seen from the ground. 263 days Venus are observed in the morning on the eve of the sunrise. She then approaches the Sun, which is why it is not visible for 50 days. The next 263 days of the planet appears first after sunset, and then disappears again from the field of view for 8 days.
  3. Unstable appearance of Venus in the sky at one time led to confusion: Ancient astronomers mistakenly thought that these were two planets. The heavenly body appearing in the morning, the Greeks were called phosphorus, and the evening object is heperu. When it became clear that this is one planet, she was given a name in honor of the Roman Goddess of Beauty and Love.
  4. The sunrise of the star on Venus and Uranus is in the West, and the sunset - in the East. This is explained by the fact that the planets move around the axis retrograde (clockwise).
  5. As Venus rotates very slowly, day there is longer than a year. Venusian days are 243 days on Earth. The year on the planet lasts 225 terrestrial days and has no seasons.
  6. On Venus much hotter than on Mercury - the nearest neighbor of the sun. It is a blade - a greenhouse effect caused by a large cloudiness and a dense atmosphere.
  7. Venusian climatic conditions are unsuitable for life. The planet constantly blow the wind and go acid rains. The average temperature and day, and at night is 462 ° C. The sky on the planet is tightened with cloud vest and has yellow-green.
  8. Venus and land scientists are called twinsSince the planets are similar in a number of parameters: in size, volume, density, main chemical composition. The force of attraction on the next planet is slightly smaller than the earth: a 70-kilogram person weighing there 62 kg.
  9. Venus has a weak magnetic field and a powerful atmospheric pressure exceeding the earthly 93 times. In addition, she has no natural satellites, but there is a quasispotnik - asteroid 2002 VE68.
  10. Billions of years ago there was a lot of water on the planet- So consider geologists. A lively moisture has evaporated 300 million years due to the increasing intensity of solar radiation. Now water, which is present there only in the atmosphere, is so small that if you collect it, it will hardly cover the surface of the planet with a thin layer.
  11. 500 million years ago the surface of the planet was updated during the strengthening of volcanic activity. Planetologists, relying on indirect signs, believe that volcanoes are there (and they are numbered about 1.5 thousand) erupt and now. On the planet about 900 crater diameter more than 1.5 km. There is no smaller deepening, because from small meteorites, Venus protects a dense atmosphere.
  12. Century scientists thought that there were oceans and tropical vegetation on Venus. The first real ideas about the planet were obtained in the 60s of the last century.
  13. Over half a century, two dozen of spacecraft investigated it.. The first among them, which reached the surface of the planet, "Venus-3". The device was launched by Soviet scientists on November 16, 65th.
  14. The first color photo from the planet appeared on March 1, 82nd. At the same time, as part of the mission of the spacecraft "Venus-13", the first recording of sound on the surface was made.
  15. In 2004, June 8 and 2012 June 5-6, earthlings witnessed the transit of Venus on the Sun disk- A rare astronomical phenomenon observed once in a century. Next time, the passage of the planet will be held in 2117.

Venus - the second from the sun and the closest planet to the ground. However, before the start of flights to space about Venus, very little knew: the entire surface of the planet is closed with dense clouds that did not allow it to study. These clouds consist of sulfuric acid, which strongly reflect the light. Therefore, in the apparent light, the surface of Venus is impossible. Venus's atmosphere is 100 times more denser and consists of carbon dioxide. Venus is illuminated by the sun no more than the earth illuminates the moon into a cloudless night. Nevertheless, the sun so heats the atmosphere of the planet that it is always very hot on it - the temperature rises to 500 degrees. The cause of such a strong heating is a greenhouse effect that creates an atmosphere of carbon dioxide.

The Great Russian scientist M. V. Lomonosov opened the atmosphere on Venus on June 6, 1761, when Venus's passage in the Sun disk could be observed in the telescope. This cosmic phenomenon was calculated in advance, and he was looking forward to astronomers of the whole world. But only Lomonosov drew attention to the fact that when the Venus with the disk of the Sun around the planet appeared "thin like hair, radiance". Lomonosov gave the right scientific explanation for this phenomenon: he found him the result of the refraction of sun rays in the atmosphere of Venus. "Planet Venus, he wrote," is surrounded by a notable air atmosphere, such (if only no more), what is about our globe bowl. "

Pressure reaches 92 terrestrial atmospheres. This means that each square centimeter presses the gas column weighing 92 kilograms. Venus's diameter is only 600 kilometers less terrestrial, and gravity is almost the same as on our planet. Kilogram Gihi on Venus will weigh 850 grams. Thus, Venus is very similar to the land in size, strength of gravity and composition, so it is called the "land-like" planet, or "sister of the Earth".

Comparison of sizes
From left to right: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars

Venus rotates around his axis in the direction opposite to the direction of other planets of the solar system - from east to west. This is still leading only one planet in our system - uranium.

One turn around the axis takes 243 terrestrial day. But the Venusian year is only 224.7 terrestrial day. It turns out that the day on Venus lasts more than a year! In Venus, there is a change of day and night, but the change of seasons does not happen.

Nowadays, the surface of Venus is investigated both using spacecraft and with radio emission. So, it was found that hilly plains occupy most of the venores. Soil and sky over her orange. The surface of the planet is existed by many crater arisen from the blows of giant meteorites. The diameter of these crater reaches 270 km! Also learned that there are tens of thousands of volcanoes on Venus. Recent studies have shown that some of them are valid.

Image of Venus surface based on radar data:
volcanic Mount Maat 8 km high

Venus has no natural satellites.

Venus - the third brightness object in our sky. Venus is called the morning star, and also an evening star, because it looks brighted from the ground shortly before sunrise and sunset (in antiquity, it was believed that the morning and evening Venus were different stars).

Venus in the morning and evening chaise
shines brighter than the brightest stars

Venus is the only planet of the solar system, which received its name in honor of the female deity - the rest of the planets are named after the Male gov.

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