Social and professional assessment of the quality of higher education programs in foreign and domestic theory and practice. Modern problems of science and education Social and professional assessment of the quality of education

The HSE quality assessment system is based on a combination of various assessment mechanisms:

  • external evaluation of the quality of educational programs,
  • internal procedures for evaluating the educational process and its results,
  • procedures for obtaining feedback from various participants in educational relations on the quality of educational services.

External evaluation procedures for the quality of educational programs:

  • different types of accreditation and certification;
  • independent examination of educational programs, including with the involvement of international experts.

Accreditation is the process of recognizing the quality of education in accordance with the norms and quality standards of the accrediting organization. If these norms are set by the state (through federal state educational standards), then accreditation is called state accreditation. Most HSE educational programs were received for 6 years in 2014.

You can find out if a specific educational program has state, international, public or professional public accreditation for this program:


P Public accreditation is understood as the recognition of the level of activity of an organization carrying out educational activities that meets the criteria and requirements of Russian, foreign and international organizations. The procedure for conducting public accreditation, the forms and methods of assessment during its conduct, as well as the rights granted to an accredited organization carrying out educational activities, are established by the public organization that conducts public accreditation.(Item 4, Article 96 of Federal Law No. 273)

Professional public accreditation

Professional and public accreditation of basic professional educational programs, basic professional training programs and (or) additional professional programs is a recognition of the quality and level of training of graduates who have mastered such educational programs in a particular organization engaged in educational activities that meet the requirements of professional standards, labor market requirements for professionals, workers and employees of the relevant profile. (Item 4, Article 96 of Federal Law No. 273)

International accreditation

International accreditation is the recognition by an authoritative international organization of the compliance of a higher education institution, a set of its programs or a separate educational program with certain international standards of education quality.

List of HSE educational programs with international public accreditation

Code of direction of training Accreditation agency Year of accreditation Accreditation period Branch of the National Research University Higher School of Economics
1 Finance 38.04.08 EFMD/EPAS 2019 3 Saint Petersburg
2 Software engineering 09.03.04 ABET 2018 Moscow
3 Political science 41.03.04 ZEVA 2018 5 Moscow
4 Applied political science 41.04.04 ZEVA 2018 5 Moscow
5 Politics. Economy. Philosophy. 41.04.04 ZEVA 2018 5 Moscow
6 38.03.04 EAPAA 2017 7 Moscow
7 State and municipal administration 38.04.04 EAPAA 2017 7 Moscow
8 Economy 38.04.01 ACCA 2017 5 Nizhny Novgorod
9 Finance 38.04.03 ACCA 2017 6 Nizhny Novgorod
10 Economy 38.03.01 ACCA 2017 5 Permian
11 international Business 38.04.02 AKKORK 2016 6 Moscow
12 Economy 38.03.01 ACCA 2016 4 Moscow
13 Economics and statistics 38.04.01 ACCA 2016 4 Moscow
14 Corporate Finance 38.04.01 ACCA 2016 5 Moscow
15 Applied Mathematics 01.03.04 ENAEE EUR-ACE 2016 5 Moscow
16 Informatics and Computer Engineering 09.03.01 ENAEE EUR-ACE 2016 5 Moscow
17 Control and information processing systems in engineering 01.04.04 ENAEE EUR-ACE 2016 5 Moscow
18 Computer systems and computer networks 09.04.01 ENAEE EUR-ACE 2016 5 Moscow
19 Economy 38.03.02 ACCA 2015 5 Saint Petersburg
20 Finance 38.04.01 ACCA 2015 5 Saint Petersburg
21 Engineering in electronics 11.04.04 ENAEE EUR-ACE 2015 5 Moscow

List of HSE educational programs with Russian public and professional public accreditation

International certification

A special type of accreditation is certification - in this case, the educational program is recognized as meeting the quality standards and leading the training of such a level that is necessary for its graduates to obtain professional certificates (either with the subsequent passing of certification exams without additional training, or with exemption from them).

List of HSE educational programs with international certification

Name of the educational program Code of direction of training Accreditation agency Year of accreditation Branch of the National Research University Higher School of Economics
1 Business Informatics 38.04.05 IIBA 2013 Moscow
2 Electronic business 38.04.05 AAPM 2013 Moscow
3 Electronic business 38.04.05 ICECC 2013 Moscow
4 Business Informatics 38.03.05 AAPM 2013 Moscow
5 Business Informatics 38.03.05 ICECC 2013 Moscow
6 Finance and credit 38.04.08 CFA 2012 Moscow

Independent expertise

An independent review is a variant of an external assessment of the quality of educational programs, a kind of “audit”, which is carried out by an expert commission consisting of professionals recognized in a given scientific and / or subject area. Often, the selection of experts and the organization of the expertise is undertaken by an operator organization external to the university (for the Higher School of Economics, such operators were the Russian School of Economics and the World Bank). To conduct an independent examination with the help of international experts, a methodology for evaluating and self-examination of the educational program was developed.

List of HSE-Moscow educational programs that have passed an independent review

Name of the educational program Code of direction of training Accreditation agency Year of accreditation Branch of the National Research University Higher School of Economics
1 State and municipal administration 38.03.04 NES-World Bank 2013 Moscow
2 State and municipal administration 38.04.04 NES-World Bank 2013 Moscow
3 Management and economics in healthcare 38.04.04 NES-World Bank 2013 Moscow
4 Sociology 39.03.01 NES-World Bank 2013 Moscow
5 Comprehensive social analysis 39.04.01 NES-World Bank 2013 Moscow
6 Political science 41.03.04 NES-World Bank 2013 Moscow
7 Applied political science 41.04.04 NES-World Bank 2013 Moscow
8 Logistics and supply chain management 38.03.02 NES-World Bank 2013 Moscow
9 Strategic Logistics Management 38.04.02 NES-World Bank 2013 Moscow
10 Management in higher education 38.04.02 NES-World Bank 2013 Moscow
11 Education management 38.04.04 NES-World Bank 2013 Moscow

Useful links and materials

Internal assessment of the quality of education

State accreditation

Federal legislation provides for a number of tools that ensure effective state-public interaction in the field of education. They appeared relatively recently, and it is impossible to talk about any significant experience in their use, accumulated practice. However, the fact that the legal norms governing these issues are regularly amended indicates the rapid development of these tools.

First of all, Art. 95 of the Law on Education establishes the norms regulating such an institution as independent assessment of the quality of education. Based on the provisions of the article, an independent assessment of the quality of education is aimed at obtaining information about educational activities, the quality of training students and the implementation of educational programs.

An independent assessment of the quality of education includes:

  • 1) an independent assessment of the quality of training of students;
  • 2) an independent assessment of the quality of educational activities of organizations engaged in educational activities.

In general, such an assessment was not prohibited (and carried out) even before the adoption of this Law. However, with the formalization of the requirements for an independent assessment, separate norms were introduced that are of significant importance.

In particular, part 4 of this article provides for the obligation of organizations that carry out an independent assessment of the quality of education to post information on the Internet on the procedure for conducting and the results of an independent assessment of the quality of education. Thus, the principles of openness and information transparency apply to this activity in full.

In addition, for the first time, the provision is fixed that the information on the results of an independent assessment of the quality of education received by the federal authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising state administration in the field of education, local governments is subject to mandatory consideration by these authorities within a month and taken into account by them when developing measures to improve educational activities.

Until recently, state and municipal authorities were in no way bound in their decisions by the position of third parties. At the moment, they also make decisions at their own discretion, however, if information about the results of an independent assessment was sent to them, it must be considered and taken into account when developing measures to improve educational activities. This is a very important norm, and independent evaluation takes on a new significance.

At the same time, the results of an independent assessment of the quality of education do not entail the suspension or cancellation of a license to carry out educational activities, the suspension of state accreditation or the deprivation of state accreditation in relation to organizations engaged in educational activities.

Based on the results of an independent assessment of the quality of education, ratings of organizations engaged in educational activities and (or) educational programs implemented by them can be formed. A place in such a rating is often important as a result of an assessment of the activities of an educational organization - such results are proposed to be used by the founders based on existing political decisions.

At the same time, when it comes to an independent assessment of the quality of training of students, such an assessment should be carried out only at the initiative of the participants in relations in the field of education in order to prepare information on the level of mastering by students of the educational program or its parts, to provide participants in relations in the field of education with information on the quality of training of students. Such an assessment cannot be carried out by a third party on its own initiative (which looks logical, since without the consent of the participants in educational relations it is extremely difficult or impossible to carry out such an assessment).

For the first time, the legislation includes a mention that the assessment of the quality of training of students is carried out, among other things, in the framework of international comparative studies.

An independent assessment of the quality of educational activities is carried out in order to provide participants in relations in the field of education with information about the level of organization of work on the implementation of educational programs based on publicly available information. Coordination of activities and general methodological support for an independent assessment of the quality of services provided by organizations in the field of education is carried out by the federal executive body, which carries out the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of social protection of the population, in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 95.2 of the Law on Education provides for a specific mechanism in order to create conditions for an independent assessment of the quality of educational activities of organizations. In particular, it is envisaged that the federal executive body, which carries out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, with the participation of public organizations, public associations of consumers (their associations, unions) forms public council for an independent assessment of the quality of educational activities of organizations and approves the position on it. Similar public councils are formed at the level of regions and can be formed at the level of municipalities. If public councils already exist under the educational authorities, the functions of the council for conducting an independent assessment of the quality of educational activities of organizations can be assigned to them.

As criteria for an independent assessment of the quality of educational activities of organizations, the following are named:

  • openness and availability of information about organizations engaged in educational activities;
  • the comfort of the conditions in which educational activities are carried out;
  • friendliness, courtesy, competence of employees;
  • satisfaction with the quality of educational activities of organizations.

At the same time, the indicators that characterize these criteria are established by the federal executive body responsible for

functions for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, with a preliminary discussion at the public council. This decision makes the role of state bodies very significant in such an assessment.

An independent assessment of the quality of educational activities of organizations is carried out no more than once a year and no less than once every three years. In fact, it is supposed to be a regular procedure with very significant results for the educational organization.

At the same time, the publication of the results of the assessment on the Internet is envisaged, which makes it publicly available information. The composition of information and the procedure for its placement on the official website for posting information about state and municipal institutions on the Internet are determined by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation. State and municipal bodies are obliged to provide on their official websites on the Internet the technical possibility for citizens to express their opinions on the quality of educational activities of organizations.

The fixed norms, therefore, create the prerequisites for an independent quality assessment to acquire a key role in assessing the activities of educational organizations.

Article 96 of the Law on Education regulates such institutions as public accreditation of organizations engaged in educational activities, and professional public accreditation of educational programs.

Under public accreditation is understood as the recognition of the level of activity of an organization carrying out educational activities that meets the criteria and requirements of Russian, foreign and international organizations.

Public accreditation can be obtained from various organizations. The procedure for conducting public accreditation, the forms and methods of assessment during its conduct, as well as the rights granted to an accredited organization carrying out educational activities, are established by the public organization that conducts public accreditation.

Professional public accreditation of professional educational programs is a recognition of the quality and level of training of graduates who have mastered such an educational program in a particular organization that carries out educational activities that meet the requirements of professional standards, the requirements of the labor market for specialists, workers and employees of the relevant profile.

when carrying out the said accreditation, as well as the rights granted to the organization implementing accredited professional educational programs, carrying out educational activities, and (or) graduates who have mastered such educational programs, are established by the employer, the association of employers or an organization authorized by them that conducts the said accreditation.

Organizations that conduct public accreditation and professional public accreditation are required to ensure openness and accessibility of information on the procedure for conducting the relevant accreditation.

Public accreditation and professional public accreditation are carried out on a voluntary basis and do not entail additional financial obligations of the state. However, information about such accreditation is submitted to the accreditation body and considered during the state accreditation.

Thus, the possibility of conducting public accreditation and professional public accreditation is legally fixed, and it also contains an indication of how its results can be used - in particular, within the framework of the state accreditation procedure.

An important institution provided for by the Law on Education is pedagogical expertise. Article is dedicated to her. 94 of the Law.

Pedagogical expertise is carried out in relation to draft normative legal acts and normative legal acts relating to the issues of education and upbringing. The purpose of its implementation is to identify and prevent the establishment of provisions that contribute to a negative impact on the quality of education in educational programs of a certain level and (or) orientation and the conditions for their development by students. An examination is organized by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia). The procedure for conducting a pedagogical examination is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

At the moment, the rules for conducting pedagogical examination are approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 17, 2014 No. 120. It is in this document that an understanding of the negative impact on the quality of education is given. In particular, these are:

  • the introduction of forms, means and methods of training and education that do not correspond to the age, psychophysical characteristics and needs of students;
  • the establishment of pedagogically unreasonable requirements that affect the volume and content of education, as well as the planned results in the organization and implementation of educational activities.

Individuals and legal entities with the necessary qualifications are involved in the conduct of pedagogical expertise on a voluntary basis. To ensure this qualification, the specified rules provide for the formation of a list of experts (formed on the proposals of state and municipal bodies, public organizations operating in the field of education, leading educational and scientific organizations, scientific and pedagogical communities, educational and methodological associations, associations of employers and institutions of public participation in education management).

Those with the necessary qualifications include individuals with higher education and at least five years of experience in pedagogical or scientific-pedagogical work, and legal entities with at least three employees in their staff who meet the requirements for individuals involved in conducting pedagogical expertise.

According to part 3 of Art. 94 of the Law on Education, an opinion drawn up based on the results of a pedagogical examination is subject to mandatory consideration by the federal executive body that developed a draft regulatory legal act or adopted a regulatory legal act that was the object of pedagogical examination, within 30 days from the date of receipt of this conclusion. The results of consideration of this conclusion are posted on the official website of the said federal executive body on the Internet. This norm ensures the significance of the results of pedagogical expertise.

Summarizing the above, at present, new instruments of state-public interaction have appeared in the legislation on education. However, the practice of their work at the moment is small, therefore, it seems that the development of effective mechanisms for the implementation of legal regulation in this area is an urgent task for the education system as a whole.

Today, various methods of assessing the quality of education are actively developing in Russia and other countries. In the context of clarifying the content of federal state educational standards in Russia, the task of forming a system for assessing the quality of work of organizations providing educational services becomes especially relevant. The importance of this topic in Russia is enhanced by the fact that the fundamental legal documents regulating the mechanisms and criteria for assessing the quality of education were adopted this year. The key topic of this chapter will be the approaches and requirements for assessing the quality of education at the level of higher education.

The problem of assessing the quality of education is central in the educational process of higher education organizations. Recently, many publications have appeared on improving the quality of education and the need to introduce objective assessments of this quality. At the same time, the mechanisms for assessing the quality of education are considered in a very simplified way: assessment of the individual achievements of students, licensing and accreditation procedures for educational organizations. The formation of a system for assessing the quality of education has become one of the key priorities for the development of education in many countries of the world, including the Russian Federation.

Federal Law No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" defines the quality of education as a comprehensive characteristic of educational activities and training of a student, expressing the degree of their compliance with federal state educational standards, educational standards, federal state requirements and (or) the needs of an individual or legal entity, in whose interests educational activities are carried out, including the degree of achievement of the planned results of the educational program. At the same time, the quality of education is the degree of compliance of the result of education with the expectations (degree of satisfaction of requests) of various interested groups of subjects of education (students, teachers, parents, employers, education authorities, society as a whole), one way or another influencing the policy and processes in the field of education .

The task of forming and developing a system for assessing the quality of education is reflected in the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of education for 2013-2020". The purpose of the subprogram "Development of the system for assessing the quality of education and information transparency of the education system" was "providing reliable and up-to-date information on the decision-making processes of managers and employees of the education system, as well as consumers of educational services to achieve high quality education through the formation of an all-Russian system for assessing the quality of education." In the future, it is planned to form a modern and balanced all-Russian system for assessing the quality of education.

There is a confident formation of an all-Russian system for assessing the quality of education as the most important institutional component of the Russian education system. This education quality assessment system includes:

  • procedures for state regulation of educational activities (licensing, accreditation, state control (supervision) in the field of education);
  • current and tested state attestation procedures;
  • procedures for independent assessment of the quality of education, including internal assessment of the quality of education, as well as external - international, all-Russian, regional, municipal monitoring studies;
  • education quality assessment procedures covering all levels of education, including self-assessment procedures.

The development of procedures for public (independent) evaluation is reflected in the strategic and regulatory documents that determine the construction of state policy in the field of education:

This subprogram defines priority tasks in the field education quality assessment:

  • formation and development of a unified educational space on the basis of a holistic and balanced system of procedures and mechanisms for assessing the quality of education, implemented at the federal and regional levels;
  • ensuring compliance with international quality standards test materials and technologies for ensuring the safety of high-value exams;
  • creation of a system for monitoring the quality of educational results and factors that influence them, including long-term studies of the educational, labor, and life trajectories of children and youth;
  • ensuring the greatest possible transparency and accessibility of information about the education system , on the quality of work of individual organizations;
  • involvement in the quality assessment of external stakeholders and organizations (public experts and public professional organizations);
  • integration of Russia into the international space for assessing the quality of education through participation in international education quality surveys, in-depth analysis of their results and joint research;
  • creation with the participation of the public of an independent system for assessing the quality of the work of educational organizations and the introduction of public ratings of their activities;
  • introduction of mechanisms for public and professional accreditation educational programs of higher professional education;
  • development of systems for assessing the quality of education at the level of an educational institution those focused on formative assessment and taking into account the individual progress of students (academic and extracurricular achievements);
  • creation of quality assurance systems in regions, municipalities and schools based on obtaining timely and meaningful information for making managerial decisions, on the involvement of public authorities.

The policy in the field of education is defined by the strategic document "State policy in the field of education development until 2020". One of the important tasks was the creation of a modern system for assessing the quality of education based on the principles of openness, objectivity, transparency, and social and professional participation. The implementation of this task provides for the development and implementation of a national system for assessing the quality of education, monitoring studies in education and expanding the participation of employers and the public in assessing the quality of education.

It is possible to assess the quality of education with the help of internal and external assessment of the quality of education, while the assessment is carried out according to the main components of the educational process.

The internal system for assessing the quality of education by subjects of education seems to be more important. The focus should be on the quality of the content of education, which is ensured by the quality of the educational process. And in this direction, the leading role is given to the main subjects of the educational process - students.

The quality of education depends on the degree of correspondence between the ideas of the subjects of the educational process (teachers and students) and the realities of the educational process. At the same time, the factors influencing the assessment of the quality of education are the perceptions and knowledge of the purpose of education, content, methodology and organization of the educational process.

A proven form of assessing the quality of education has become systemic monitoring or periodic surveys of students regarding satisfaction with the educational process and the quality of teachers' work. Assessment of the quality of teachers' activities is an important part of the system of internal assessment of the quality of the educational process. It allows you to get objective information about the teaching activities of employees; establish the degree of compliance of its content and quality with the requirements fixed in the charter and educational standards.

Assessment of the quality of education is the process of interaction between the administration of the university and students to improve the conditions and quality of the educational services received, based on systemic monitoring of the educational process. In this case, the quality assessment is based on certain criteria, reflected in the following table.

One of the key tasks of the education quality assessment system is to identify and study the real goals of the educational process (requests, expectations, needs). The needs are presented in the following table.

The characteristics confirm the fact that the subjects of the educational process have different interests and different criteria in quality management tasks. Therefore, the system for assessing the quality of education becomes multifactorial and multifunctional. Thus, the quality of education is an integral characteristic related to the entire activity cycle, including the design, implementation and control of the educational process, infrastructure support and self-examination of an educational organization.

Let's take a closer look at the procedures and mechanisms for public assessment of the quality of education, their legal regulation, goals, objectives and objects of assessment. The new federal law "On Education in the Russian Federation" defined 3 forms (procedures) of participation

the public in assessing the quality of education. In addition, in connection with the adoption of Federal Law No. 212-FZ of July 21, 2014 "On the Fundamentals of Public Control in the Russian Federation", public participation in the procedure for state accreditation of educational institutions with the status of "public inspector" is enshrined in law.

We will give definitions and characteristics of the procedures for assessing the quality of education, based on regulatory documents (No. 273-FZ and No. 212-FZ).

Independent assessment of the quality of education – determination of the compliance of the education provided with the needs of an individual and a legal entity, assistance in choosing an educational organization, increasing the competitiveness of organizations and ongoing educational programs.

Public accreditation of organizations - recognition of the level of activity of an organization carrying out educational activities that meets the criteria and requirements of Russian, foreign and international organizations.

Professional public accreditation of programs - recognition of the quality and level of training of graduates who have mastered the educational program in an organization whose educational activities meet the requirements of standards, the labor market for specialists, workers and employees of the profile.

Public control v procedures state accreditation - compliance with the legislation in the field of education, as well as assistance to the educational organization in the implementation of recommendations to eliminate the identified shortcomings.

The general criteria for assessing the quality of educational activities are defined by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 5, 2014 No. 1547 "On approval of indicators characterizing the general criteria for assessing the quality of educational activities of organizations engaged in educational activities." The objects of an independent assessment of the quality of education are presented in the following diagram.

The development of the institution of independent quality assessment is mainly accompanied by ensuring the openness and accessibility of the education system. In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 116n dated July 22, 2015 "On the composition of information on the results of an independent assessment of the quality of educational activities of organizations engaged in educational activities, the provision of services by cultural organizations, social services, medical organizations, posted on the official website for posting information about state and municipal institutions in the information and telecommunications network "Internet, and the procedure for its placement" from September 1, 2015, information on the results of an independent assessment of the quality of services provided by social organizations, relevant state authorities and local governments is posted on the official website www.bus. At the same time, the official information resource in the field of assessing the quality of education at the moment remains a special section "Independent Quality Assessment System" of the official website of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, which presents regulatory legal acts, the results of the implementation of an independent assessment system (reviews of practice and results).

The second procedure for assessing the quality of education was public accreditation of organizations engaged in educational activities. Public accreditation, in contrast to the state, which performs the function of control, aims to improve the education system and its further development. It is carried out on a voluntary basis.

The third procedure for assessing the quality of education is professional and public accreditation of educational programs.

Professional and public accreditation of educational programs has a significant impact. It means that the quality and level of training of graduates who have mastered such an educational program in a particular organization meet the requirements of professional standards, the requirements of the labor market for specialists, workers and employees of the relevant profile.

Another, no less important, mechanism for involving the public in accreditation procedures was the creation of the institution of public inspectors under the bodies for control and supervision in the field of education. This became possible due to the adoption of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2014 No. 212-FZ “On the Fundamentals of Public Control in the Russian Federation”. First of all, the public chambers and public councils received the right to exercise such control. .

The subject (criterion) of public control at the level of higher education became:

  • quality control of training;
  • checking the quality of educational activities of organizations;
  • verification of compliance by organizations with legislation in the field of licensing of educational activities;
  • checking the requirements of the legislation in the field of protecting children from information that is harmful to their health and (or) development;
  • implementation of recommendations by objects to improve the work of organizations.

The characteristics of the subject and method of evaluating the criterion are given in the following table.

Thus, the goals, objectives, forms, mechanisms and directions of public control should:

  • influence the quality of higher education and its accessibility for all segments of the population, the efficiency of the higher education system, its openness;
  • contribute to the identification of deviations and improvement of the activities of organizations, the elimination of offenses, corruption;
  • combine the interests and needs of all subjects and objects of public control in the procedures of state control (supervision) of educational organizations into a single system;
  • guarantee the fulfillment by the educational organization of social, legal norms and obligations to the state and society;
  • to develop dialogue, social partnership in the field of higher education.

In this procedure, the following groups of subjects of public control are distinguished, presented in the diagram.

It should be noted that in accordance with the current legislation, public inspectors have the right to conduct public control of an educational organization only within the framework of state control (supervision) procedures, i.e. in the state commission.

Below are the forms of public control in the procedures of state control (supervision) over educational institutions of higher education:

public observation - collection of information about the state of affairs in an educational organization of higher education, in which there is a directed, systematic, direct, visual, auditory perception (tracking) and registration of significant situations, facts that are subject to control and verification - carried out by the inspector.

public control - assessment of compliance with public needs, rights, interests of the activity of an educational organization of higher education - carried out by the inspector.

Public verification a set of measures to establish facts and circumstances relating to the activities of an educational organization of higher education, in order to determine its compliance with the law and public interests carried out by the inspector.

Public information - conveying to society the necessary knowledge, facts, information about the state of affairs in the educational organization of higher education - carried out by the subjects-organizers of public control.

Public agitation - dissemination of ideas, facts, information about the state of affairs in the educational organization of higher education to influence the consciousness, mood, stimulate the public activity of the masses through oral speeches, appeals, the media - carried out by citizens and institutions of civil society.

Public expertise - establishing the conformity of documents and (or) documentation substantiating the planned and (or) implemented educational and other activities of an educational institution of higher education, the general educational requirements of higher education, established regulations and legislation - carries out public expert.

Public monitoring - collection, registration, storage and analysis of information about the key (obvious or indirect) features of the work of an educational organization of higher education in order to make a judgment about the state and dynamics of development of this organization - carried out by an expert and an inspector.

public inquiry - a set of measures to collect, analyze, document information about violations (corruption) in the work of an educational institution of higher education that are contrary to public interests - carried out by an expert and an inspector.

public hearing - identifying public preferences in the planned (implemented) educational and other activities of an educational institution of higher education in order to take them into account in the planned (implemented) work - carried out by citizens and civil society institutions with the participation inspector and expert.

Public discussion - organization of public conferences, seminars, public discussions on the problems of higher education, identification of public opinion on the organization and quality of higher education in the region (region, district) for making socially oriented decisions - carried out by citizens and institutions of civil society with the participation of an inspector and an expert.

Public control in an educational organization of higher education can be carried out in two forms and by the following public structures.

Public control is based on the principles contained in the following scheme, and also contributes to the achievement of certain results.

The participation of students in assessing the quality of education in the higher education system makes it possible to:

  • search for the causes of shortcomings and ways to eliminate them in the work of the organization, the possibility of participating in resolving a dispute between participants in the educational process;
  • contribute to improving the quality of training of students and the conditions of the educational process;
  • make proposals for reforming and improving the education system in the country or a particular region;
  • become a participant in public control in other areas (social protection, health care).

Having considered the main procedures for the public assessment of the quality of education, we can draw the following conclusions.


The object of assessing the quality of education can be an educational organization as a whole, individual programs, groups of programs, a system of education quality assurance.


There are a number of problems and contradictions in the public accreditation procedure:

  • lack of understanding of the goals, objectives and methodology of the content of public and public-professional accreditation;
  • lack of a reasonable methodology and tools for conducting public accreditation;
  • replacing public accreditation procedures with consulting in the process of preparing educational organizations for state accreditation.


Prospects for the development of public and public-professional accreditation:

  • formation of public accreditation agencies of associations of educational organizations;
  • determination of activities of educational organizations subject to survey: satisfaction of consumers of services, public assessment of activities, international relations and programs; assessment of employers and connection with the labor market;
  • formation and training of a community of experts;
  • formation of an information and analytical center for the collection and analysis of the studied data;
  • a comprehensive assessment of activities based on the integral characteristics of state, public and public-professional accreditation.


There are a number of problems and difficulties that do not allow students (associations of students) to fully participate in the procedures for public control and improving the quality of higher education:

  • lack of uniform criteria and mechanisms for assessing the quality of education to improve the educational environment of the university;
  • the uncertainty of the concepts and criteria for assessing the "quality of education" and "the quality of educational results";
  • incomplete awareness of students on issues related to the provision of the educational process.


The mechanisms for the participation of students (associations of students) of universities in assessing the quality of education can be:

  • creation of councils (commissions) for the quality of education (students and university administration) to work together to improve the educational process and create conditions for effective learning;
  • involvement of heads of councils for the quality of education in interregional and all-Russian associations to ensure continuity and overall coordination of activities.
  • implementation of educational programs or courses that allow for an expert assessment of the quality of education and educational results at the university;
  • creation of a university rating system by students, the public, employers according to uniform criteria and evaluation parameters;
  • involvement of students in public control in the field of higher education as accredited public experts or inspectors.


It is necessary to take measures to include students (associations of students) in the assessment of the quality of education:

  • to develop a single criteria-based assessment apparatus that allows you to choose the criteria or assessment methods for universities of various directions;
  • give definitions of the concepts "quality of education" and "quality of educational results" and criteria for assessing quality;
  • create expert groups in the regions, consisting of students, representatives of educational organizations, employers and experts in this field to assess the quality of education in two directions: public and public-professional accreditation.


The results of the participation of students (associations of students) of universities in assessing the quality of education will allow:

  • determine the needs of university students and improve educational conditions;
  • make the university competitive in accordance with the needs of future employers;
  • to form an objective system for assessing the quality of education and educational results.



1. Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation”

2. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 597 dated May 7, 2012 “On Measures for the Implementation of State Social Policy”

3. Federal Law No. 256 of July 21, 2014 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Issues of Independent Assessment of the Quality of Services Provided by Organizations in the Sphere of Culture, Social Services, Health and Education”.

4. Federal Law No. 212-FZ dated July 2, 2014 “On the Fundamentals of Public Control”.

5. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 597 "On measures to implement state social policy"

6. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 286 dated March 30, 2013 "Rules for the formation of an independent system for assessing the quality of work of organizations providing social services."

7. Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation December 12, 2013.

8. Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation December 4, 2014.

9. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 29, 2014 No. 2403-r “Fundamentals of the state youth policy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2025”.

10. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 No. 2765-r "Concept of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2016-2020".

11. The State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013-2020, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 295 of 15.04. 2014.

12. Subprogram 3 "Development of the system for assessing the quality of education and information transparency of the education system" of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013-2020, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 295 dated 15.04. 2014.

13. Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 14, 2013 "Methodological recommendations for conducting an independent system for assessing the quality of the work of educational organizations."

Teaching materials:

1. Public administration in educational institutions: information and reference materials. - M: MGPI, 2010. - 56 p.

Analytical materials

1. Avraamov Yu. S. Problems of assessing the quality of higher professional education // Accreditation in education, 2008. - No. 20. - P. 51-53.

2. Bolotov V. A. The system for assessing the quality of Russian education / V. A. Bolotov, N. F. Efremova // Pedagogy. - 2006. - No. 1. - S. 22-31.

3. Gorbashko E. A. Ensuring the quality of higher education: development prospects // Standards and quality. - 2008. - No. 11. - S. 68-72.

4. Kharchenko LN Scientific and methodological support of the quality of educational services. – M.: Direct-Media, 2014. – 211 p.

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Public and professional expertise of higher education programs


education public accreditation

The relevance of research. Public and professional assessment of the activities of organizations for the implementation of higher education programs is currently seen as one of the most effective mechanisms for managing the quality of professional training of specialists. The issue of the quality of education in Russia is still among the most controversial and topical. In this regard, the fact that the domestic education system needs a public and professional assessment is recognized by the majority of organizations and participants in educational legal relations and by the state authorities themselves.

In the context of a new multi-channel system of financing the education sector, the level of investment attractiveness and budgeting largely depends, firstly, on the ability of the organization itself to ensure the quality of educational services provided, and, secondly, on the scale of public demonstration of key competitive advantages associated with the possibility of obtaining "liquid" qualifications and diplomas that meet the current requirements of the employer and the labor market as a whole. In this context, the issue of guaranteeing the quality of education confirms its relevance both at the national and international levels.

The level and quality of education in universities directly reflects the level of education of students studying in it. To date, Russian universities, which are able to guarantee the quality of the educational services provided, successfully undergo the procedures of public and professional expert evaluation of the programs being implemented within the framework of professional and public accreditation. For the domestic education system, this procedure was a new stage in the development of the higher education system, on the one hand, putting the quality of training of young specialists at the forefront, on the other hand, their compliance with modern labor market requirements.

In world practice, educational programs are created on the basis of qualification requirements formulated by employers.

International accreditation of higher education programs by foreign experts (or with their involvement in the expert commission) is a relatively new phenomenon, but it is actively developing on the Russian educational platform of higher education. The growing number of higher education programs accredited by foreign organizations suggests that higher education institutions are striving to enter the international market of educational services with a desire to meet international standards. The introduction of the best practices of the world's leading universities in the domestic system of higher education, its study and systematization is not easy due to the conditions of globalization and integration of educational systems. For the procedures of professional public accreditation, expert commissions are created, which, as a rule, involve foreign agencies or Russian ones, but with the participation of foreign colleagues specializing in the expert field. This mutual cooperation is not only a fact of ascertaining for compliance with international standards, but also the services of a consulting expert community, as well as immersion in world practice, according to a qualitative assessment, of higher education programs.

Recently, more and more often, society hears and witnesses close interaction with employers, new professional and educational standards are jointly developed, procedures for public and professional examination of programs are being implemented. The problem of the quality of higher education in Russia is among the most discussed. In various universities of individual Russian regions, specialties are often duplicated, while the quality of education is completely different, depending on the capabilities of specific institutions and universities.

At the moment, there is some practical experience in the institutionalization of public and professional expertise of higher education programs in the framework of the activities of non-profit accreditation organizations and associations / agencies. Despite this, professional and public organizations involved in the examination of programs, without waiting for the normative regulation developed by the state, independently or jointly with educational organizations of higher education, develop their own lists of professional competencies, professional standards and apply, taking into account all the above innovations, to the educational community with a proposal to update educational programs.

The main goal of public and professional expertise is to determine the quality indicators for the implementation of programs in this case of higher education. In this case, special attention is paid not only to the educational process itself, but also to its result - the knowledge gained, their compliance with the real requirements of the modern labor market. The main task of the expert community is to determine whether the graduates trained under this program are really prepared for work in their specialty.

At the same time, such scientists as O.E. Lebedev, A.A. Sedelnikov, A.N. Pozdnyakov et al. consider expertise as an element of state and public administration that characterizes the processes of modernization of Russian education and the development of innovative practices. For the development of theoretical, methodological and applied aspects of quality control of higher education programs, some potential has already been accumulated in science and the work of Yu.S. Avraamova, JI.H. Glebovoy, N.P. Kalashnikova, Yu.P. Pokholkova, V.M. Prikhodko, Yu.G., Fokina A.I. Chuchalina, Yu.V. Shlenova and others are confirmation of this.

The problem of scientific substantiation of the system of professional and public evaluation of higher education programs, the study of the role of this procedure in improving the efficiency of the quality of educational activities in the field of pedagogical theory and practice has not been sufficiently studied. Thus, there is a need to study and apply foreign experience of independent assessment of the quality of education, in the development and application of universal criteria indicators for the examination of the quality of the organization of the educational process, as well as the development of a basic model of social and professional examination of the quality of higher education programs.

The basis for the development of a system of social and professional participation in the evaluation of higher education programs at the state level in Russia are:

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation";

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 07.05.2012 No. 596 "On the long-term state economic policy" in terms of a set of measures aimed at developing the Roadmap "National system of competencies and qualifications";

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 599 “On measures to implement state policy in the field of education and science”;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 22, 2012 No. 2148-r “On Approval of the State Program of the Russian Federation “Development of Education” for 2013-2020”;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of February 15, 2005 No. 40 "On the implementation of the provisions of the Bologna Declaration in the system of higher professional education of the Russian Federation" .

Based on the foregoing, the relevance of this dissertation research is due to the following contradictions between:

The need, dictated by the modern regulatory and legal framework in domestic education, for a social and professional expert assessment of higher education programs and the insufficient formation of methodological and technological approaches to its implementation;

The needs of the professional community in the public and professional expertise of educational programs of higher education and the insufficient development of the procedures for the system of indicators for their expert evaluation.

These contradictions determined research topic"Social and professional expertise of higher education programs", problem which is formulated as follows: what is the unified model of public and professional examination of higher education programs.

Purpose of the study is to develop and theoretically substantiate the basic model of social and professional expertise of higher education programs.

Object of study is the process of public - professional examination of higher education programs.

As subject of research is technology of social and professional expert evaluation of higher education programs.

Research hypothesis lies in the idea that the objectivity of the results of public and professional examination of the quality of higher education programs will increase if:

Theoretical and practical foundations of the social and professional evaluation of higher education programs in the countries of the European Union and the USA are summarized;

A comparative analysis of the practice of social and professional examination of the evaluation of higher education programs in domestic and foreign theory and practice was carried out;

The practice of assessing the quality of higher education programs by non-state accreditation organizations in Russia is described;

A basic model of social and professional expertise of higher education programs has been developed and theoretically substantiated.

In accordance with the goal and hypothesis, the following research objectives:

1. To analyze the theoretical and methodological foundations and experience in the implementation of public and professional expertise of higher education programs in the countries of the European Union and the USA.

2. Conduct a comparative analysis of the content of the social and professional evaluation of higher education programs in domestic and foreign theory and practice.

3. Describe the practice of assessing the quality of higher education programs by non-state accreditation organizations in Russia.

4. Develop and theoretically substantiate the basic model of social and professional expertise of higher education programs.

Methodological basis of the study based on: a systematic approach (in the works of V.G. Afanasyev, V.A. Slastenin, T.A. Ilyina, V.A. Cherkasova, D.F. Ilyasov, G.L. Ilyin, etc.); qualimetric approach (G.G. Azgoldova, F.R. Miftahutdinova, N.S. Sagitova, V.P. Sergeeva, etc.); information approach (H. Borko, V.I. Zhuravlev, G.A. Kruchinina, V.A. Yakunin, etc.).

The complex of the named methodological approaches allows to conduct research based on the principles of consistency, differentiation, information content, variability, innovation, objectivity and expediency of using the resource potential of the university and measuring a set of non-specified performance indicators and their influence on each other.

The solution of the tasks set and the verification of the hypothesis put forward were carried out using the following research methods:

- theoretical: analysis of legal, methodological and pedagogical literature and practice of non-governmental organizations conducting accreditation examination of the quality of education; comparison, analysis and synthesis of essential characteristics of concepts; abstraction, modeling, etc.;

- empirical: questioning; observation; generalization of practical experience; documentation analysis; methods of qualitative and quantitative processing of experimental data;

- statistical methods: registration of the results of the study in the form of a questionnaire, an expert opinion on the evaluation of a higher education program, tables, an expert sheet.

Research stages:

At the first stage, the initial parameters of the study, its problem, goals, objectives, current state, methodology and research methods were determined. At this stage, a theoretical analysis of the scientific literature on the research topic, the study and systematization of regulations, education quality standards, the study of the practical experience of public and professional expertise and the generalization of information on the research problem were used.

At the second stage, the ascertaining and formative stages of the practice of conducting an independent assessment of the quality of higher education programs were carried out in order to develop and theoretically substantiate the basic model of social and professional examination of higher education programs. At this stage, the following methods were used: modeling, observation, questioning.

At the third stage, the development and theoretical substantiation of the basic model of social and professional examination of higher education programs was carried out, a comparative analysis was carried out based on the results of the questionnaire and the interpretation of the results of experimental work on the evaluation of the program was given (on the example of the professional program of the academic discipline 11.04.02 "Infocommunication technologies and communication systems » profile “Multichannel telecommunication systems” of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Pacific State University”), an expert list was developed for analyzing the official website of an educational institution of higher education for the availability of complete information on ongoing programs (submitted for public and professional expertise), an Information and Educational Portal of public - professional expertise of higher education programs on the My MSGU page.

Scientific novelty of the research consists in: summarizing the methodological and technological foundations of the public and professional expertise of higher education programs (based on the analysis of domestic and foreign experience); clarification of the concept of "social and professional expertise of higher education programs"; generalization of operational criteria indicators of social and professional expert evaluation of higher education programs, in the development and theoretical justification of the basic model of social and professional expertise of higher education programs, as well as in the development of an expert list for analyzing the official website of an educational organization of higher education for the availability of complete information on ongoing programs presented for public and professional examination.

Theoretical significance of the study consists in clarifying the concept of "social and professional expertise of higher education programs", in compiling a glossary, on social and professional evaluation of higher education programs and theoretical interpretation of the methodology of social and professional expertise of higher education programs.

Practical significance of the study consists in the possibility of practical application of the developed basic model of public and professional examination of higher education programs, the developed expert sheet for analyzing the official website of an educational organization of higher education for the availability of complete information on ongoing programs submitted for public and professional examination and the developed Information and Educational Portal of public professional expertise of higher education programs.

Provisions for defense:

1. Professional and public examination of higher education programs is a tool for recognizing the high quality of the implementation of educational programs of higher education and training specialists in various sectors of the social sphere for compliance with the standards of professional and public accreditation, harmonized with European standards for quality assurance of higher education ESG-ENQA.

2. The basic model of social and professional expertise is a social and professional order, which boils down, on the one hand, to the need to obtain a guaranteed quality of education, and on the other hand, it provides for the objectivity of an external independent assessment of the quality of training and educational activities to increase the level of competitiveness of an educational organization of higher education. education and creating long-term value in the market of educational services. The symbiosis of the interests of the named target groups - the society and the professional community - is transformed into a social and professional initiative that can be implemented within the framework of various procedures for non-state, independent and state and other assessment of the quality of education.

Reliability of the obtained results is provided with a scientific substantiation of the research concept based on the existing theory and practice of social and professional expert assessment of the quality of higher education; using a set of methods adequate to the object, subject, goals and objectives of the study; comprehensive qualitative and quantitative analysis of experimental data; representativeness of experimental data.

1. Scientific and methodological journal "Pedagogical education and science", Moscow, December 2015.

2. Eighth All-Russian Shamov Pedagogical Readings of the Scientific School of Management of Educational Systems, Moscow, January 2016.

3. International scientific and practical conference "Modern education: vectors of development", Moscow, Moscow State Pedagogical University, April 2016.

4. Seventh International Scientific and Practical Conference "Development of Modern Education: Theory, Methods and Practice", Cheboksary, May 2016.

In addition, the basic model of social and professional examination of higher education programs was reflected in the educational and methodological manual for university students studying in the master's program in the pedagogical direction of training (44.04.01), which was prepared in collaboration with the Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Management educational systems and supervisor of this dissertation research O.P. Osipova.

Structure The dissertation is defined by the objectives of the study, the logic of the disclosure of the topic and consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

In the introduction the relevance of the research problem is substantiated, scientific prerequisites are determined, the goal, hypothesis, tasks, object and subject of research are formulated, its scientific, theoretical and practical significance is substantiated, a description of the stages of the research and its experimental base is given, information is provided on approbation, implementation of its results, methodological basis dissertation, the provisions submitted for defense are stated.

The first chapter "Public and professional expertise of higher education programs in foreign and domestic theory and practice" summarized the theoretical and practical foundations of social and professional expertise in the countries of the European Union and the conceptual foundations of social and professional expertise of higher education programs in the domestic education system and the United States , as well as the definition of public and professional expertise of higher education programs has been clarified.

In the second chapter "The practice of assessing the quality of higher education programs by non-state accreditation organizations in Russia" the practice of assessing the quality of higher education programs carried out by non-state accrediting organizations in Russia was described. Based on the analysis of the existing experience in assessing the quality of higher education programs in Russia, a basic model of social and professional examination of higher education programs was developed and theoretically substantiated, an expert list was developed to evaluate the website of an educational institution of higher education for the availability of complete information about the programs being implemented, a questionnaire survey was conducted among participants Information and educational portal for public and professional examination of higher education programs developed by us on the My MSGU page.

In custody the main results of research work on this topic are presented, conclusions are presented that confirm the solution of the tasks set, hypotheses and provisions submitted for defense. Prospects for further work are outlined.

Bibliography includes about 80 titles of scientific and pedagogical literature, electronic resources, author's abstracts, articles from leading scientific pedagogical journals, dissertation research and regulatory documents.

1. Social and professional assessment of the quality of higher education programs in foreign and domestic theory and practice

1.1 Theoretical and practical foundations of social and professional assessment of the quality of higher education programs in European countries Union and USA

The quality management system of education and increasing the efficiency of its development is an integral part of the national policy in all developing countries. For image competitiveness and prestige, modern educational institutions of higher education need to be innovative, proactive, constantly keep abreast of modern labor market requirements, respectively, and meet the needs of various interested social groups. This suggests that, in addition to teaching, universities should directly participate in the social and economic development of the region and the country, as well as take into account the international demand for modern education and follow the trend in the development of existing standards for the quality of higher education. Thanks to the analysis of international practice, we have the opportunity to list the main directions in the development of the system of peer review of programs abroad. These include directly: the possibility of making decisions, thanks to the powers transferred from the central level to the local; formation of a continuous national education system; increasing the efficiency of the functioning of all its links through the coordination and cooperation of their efforts; introduction of multi-level education and modernization of the content of education; introduction of modern IR technologies in the educational process; formation of quality control mechanisms for the provided educational services.

Observing the recent increased international activity in higher education, we can say that this range of educational areas is economically attractive and rapidly gaining momentum. It can be said that the main idea of ​​the concept of the quality of education is becoming more and more involved in inter-institutional competition. However, the national character and procedural regulations for ensuring the quality of education lead to a confusing set of standards and criteria for them. To a large extent, higher education quality assessment systems, including the mechanism for formalizing the ongoing quality assessment procedure and the content of the national quality assessment structure, differ significantly in their opacity and readability in other countries. At a time when the internationalization of higher education requires greater transparency in the labor market, there is a serious lack of peer review procedures for programs implemented by higher education institutions that are universal for setting standards internationally.

In this regard, it became necessary to generalize some existing experience in the public and professional expert assessment of the quality of higher education programs in the countries of the European Union, in which the understanding of the “public and professional institution of quality assessment” has existed for about fifty years, and, accordingly, significant experience has already been accumulated here, which is a priority in building confidence in the European higher education area .

In the development of national and international quality assurance systems in the European space and at the international level, the European Standards for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (hereinafter - ESG) have played and continue to play an important role.

The European quality assurance system and its improvement is based on certain standards, which in turn are related to the context, scope, objectives and principles of their application.

The European community is actively consolidating its focus on creating a solid foundation of knowledge in order to increase socio-economic, cultural development and global competition in the educational services market, respectively, in this case, higher education is its main component.

In conditions of optimization of requirements, the need for special skills and professional competencies for higher education increases. In order to increase efficiency in response to rising expectations, higher education must make fundamental changes in teaching and introduce student-centered learning processes into its educational programs.

The main goal of the European standards for quality assurance in higher education is to contribute to a common understanding of the quality assurance of teaching and learning in higher education, including the educational environment and the necessary connection with research and innovation (management) in all countries and among all interested subjects of educational relations.

To describe all activities included within the continuous improvement cycle, the Standards use the term

"Quality assurance". In its activities, the quality assurance of higher education is based on two fundamental goals - these are "accountability" and "improvement". It is the achievement of these two goals that contributes to the formation of a trusting relationship to the activities of an educational institution of higher education. Quality assurance and quality improvement are interrelated and complementary.

The European quality standard refers to the entire field of higher education, which is implemented in the European space, regardless of the type, place or mode of study, including cross-border and transnational higher education programs. These standards are advisory in nature and affect vital aspects of quality assurance and the educational environment of higher education. Of course, standards have their own goals and principles, which form a framework within which standards can be used and applied by stakeholders in a variety of ways and ways.

The aims of the ESG define the overall structure, contribute to the assurance and improvement of the quality of higher education, maintain mutual trust, thereby facilitating recognition and mobility across national borders, as well as information support on quality assurance of higher education within the European Union. The European Educational Area is based on four principles of quality assurance:

1. Establishing the responsibility of an educational organization of higher education for the quality and guarantee of the education provided.

2. Provide quality assurance that meets the needs of diverse higher education systems, institutions and students.

4. Taking into account the needs and expectations of all interested subjects of educational relations as a guarantee of quality.

In the current European quality assurance standards, attention is particularly focused on the “transparency tools”: the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), the European credit system for periods of study (ECTS), learning outcomes (LO), which were previously considered as independent areas of activity of educational organizations within the Bologna process and were not taken into account in the first version of the European quality standards (ESG).

It should be noted that in world practice there are different approaches to assessing the quality of universities. The main ones are reputational, performance and general approaches. To assess the quality of professional educational programs and educational institutions in general, the expert mechanism of the reputational approach is used. Quantitative indicators of the activity of the university are based on the measurement of the effective approach. The principles of "total quality management" (Total Quality Management, TQM) and the requirements for quality management systems of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) are based on a common approach.

An independent assessment of the quality of educational programs of higher education in its history identifies several types of models: the “English model”, in which the central place is given to the internal self-assessment of the academic community of the university; the "French model", which is based on the assessment of the university from the outside in terms of its responsibility to society and the state; "American model" for assessing the quality of the activities of educational organizations and the quality of educational programs, which reflects in its methodology the symbiosis of two models "English" and "French" .

As a result of the process of formation of national quality assurance systems for higher education, about 75% of universities are subject to an external expert assessment of the quality of their programs. It is necessary to emphasize the fact that this procedure is mainly practiced by universities implementing programs in the field of business, economics, innovation and engineering technologies. Emphasis is placed on conformity in the external evaluation of newly introduced qualifications, new types of higher education institutions and private institutions implementing educational programs. The transition from “conformity assessment” to improvement strategies is observed as quality assessment develops. The immediate goals of external evaluation are, respectively: accountability of universities; ensuring information transparency; improving the quality of higher education; achieving national and international comparability; ranking of educational institutions of higher education. Quality control and evaluation of higher education programs can be divided into the following types: institutional accreditation; institutional audit; program accreditation; evaluation of programs (programs) implemented by the university; assessment of the taught discipline (subject); reference comparison of the subject; benchmark comparison program.

The European Quality Assurance Standards for Higher Education includes 10 standards and recommendations for each standard, describing the importance of the standard and the way it is implemented, the results of which may vary depending on different contexts. Below is a description of all ten ESG standards.

1.2 Quality Assurance Policy

Educational organizations should have a published quality assurance policy that reflects the institutional vision and strategy and is thus linked to the strategic management of the institution. Internal stakeholders should develop and implement this policy through appropriate structures and processes with the involvement of external stakeholders.

Policies and procedures are the basis of a logically structured and consistent quality assurance system of the university. The system is a cycle of continuous improvement and contributes to the accountability of the university. It supports the development of a culture of quality in which all stakeholders take responsibility for quality at all levels of the functioning of the university. To strengthen it, policies and procedures are formalized and available to the general public.

A quality assurance policy is more effective if it reflects the relationship between research, teaching and learning and takes into account both the national context in which the institution operates and the intra-institutional context. Such a policy supports the organization of a quality assurance system; departments, schools, faculties and other departments, as well as the management of the university, employees and students fulfilling their duties of quality assurance; processes that ensure academic reputation and freedom; processes to prevent intolerance of any kind and discrimination against students and teachers; involvement of external stakeholders in quality assurance.

The policy is embodied in practice through a variety of processes and procedures for internal quality assurance, which involve the participation of all departments of the university. How this policy is implemented, monitored and reviewed is decided at the level of the institution itself. The quality assurance policy also applies to any activity carried out by subcontractors or partners.

1.3 Radevelopment and approval of programs

Educational institutions should have procedures for developing and approving their programs. Programs should be developed with subsequent compliance with the established goals. The qualifications resulting from the completion of the program must be clearly defined, explained and must correspond to a certain level of the national framework for qualifications in higher education and, therefore, the Framework for Qualifications in the European Higher Education Area.

Educational programs are the basis for the formation of the educational mission of a higher educational institution. They provide students with both academic knowledge and the necessary skills, including transferable ones, that can affect their personal development and can be used in their future careers.

When developing their programs, universities should ensure that the goals of the programs correspond to the institutional strategy and the existence of clearly defined expected learning outcomes; participation of students in the development of the program; carrying out external examinations and availability of reference and information resources; achieving the four goals of higher education defined by the Council of Europe; continuous promotion, personal growth and development of the student in the process of mastering the program; a well-defined workload of students (for example, in ECTS); providing a place for practical training (where necessary); official approval of the program by persons or bodies not involved in the development or teaching of the program.

1.4 student centeredlearning and assessment

Universities should introduce student-centered learning processes into their programs. The methods by which programs are implemented should encourage students to take an active role in the joint construction of the educational process.

Student-centered learning plays an important role in increasing students' motivation, self-reflection and involvement in the learning process. For universities, the implementation of student-centered learning requires a balanced approach to the development and teaching of the educational program and the evaluation of learning outcomes. Implementing the principle of student-centered learning, universities should ensure: respect and attention to different groups of students and their needs, providing flexible learning paths; the use of various forms of teaching (where appropriate); flexible use of a variety of pedagogical methods; regular feedback on the techniques and methods used to evaluate and adjust pedagogical methods; support for learner autonomy with proper guidance and assistance from the teacher; strengthening mutual respect between teacher and student; the existence of appropriate procedures for responding to student complaints.

Given the importance of assessing students' performance in their future careers, quality assurance procedures for assessment should take into account the following: evaluators should be proficient in testing and testing students' knowledge and improve their skills in this area; evaluation criteria and methods should be published in advance; assessment should demonstrate the level of achievement by the student of the planned learning outcome. The student should receive feedback and, if necessary, advice on the learning process; where possible, the examination should be conducted by more than one examiner; evaluation rules should include consideration of extenuating circumstances; assessment must be consistent, objective in relation to all students and carried out in accordance with established rules; there should be a formal appeal procedure.

1.5 welcome, good luckbridge, recognition and certification

Ensuring the smooth development of the academic career of students in the interests of students, programs, universities and systems. Admission, assessment, recognition and graduation procedures, along with the academic program itself and student support, play an important role in this process, especially when there is student mobility within higher education systems. It is important that policies, processes and criteria for student admissions be implemented consistently and transparently. After admission to the university, the process of initiating students should include familiarization with the institution and the program.

The HEI should have procedures and tools in place to collect, monitor and follow up on information about student academic achievement.

Objective recognition of higher education qualifications, periods of study and prior education, including recognition of non-formal education, is an integral component of student achievement in the learning process and promotes mobility. In order to guarantee proper recognition procedures, HEIs must: ensure that the actions of the educational institution are appropriate; the Lisbon Recognition Convention; cooperate with other educational institutions and national ENIC/NARIC centers in order to ensure comparable recognition of qualifications in the country.

Graduation represents the culmination of a student's period of study. HEIs should provide students with documentation of qualifications obtained, including learning outcomes achieved, as well as the context, content and status of the education received, and evidence of completion.

1.6 teachingTelsky composition

Institutions must have objective (impartial) and transparent recruitment and staff development processes that enable them to guarantee the competence of their faculty.

In high-quality education and the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities, the main role is played by the teacher. The diversification of the student population and a strict focus on learning outcomes require a student-centered approach and, consequently, a change in the role of the teacher. The main responsibility for the quality of employees and the provision of favorable conditions for the effective work of the teaching staff, the responsibility accordingly lies with the university. Therefore, it is they who, realizing the importance of the responsibility that lies with them, should develop clear, transparent and objective criteria for hiring employees, appointing them to a position, promotion, dismissal and follow them in their activities. Taking into account the results of the evaluation of the work of employees, including the results of a survey of colleagues and students, provide opportunities for career growth and professional development of the teaching staff; encourage scientific activity to strengthen the link between the educational process and scientific research; encourage innovative teaching methods and the use of new advanced technologies in their teaching activities.

1.7 Educational resources and student support system

Educational organizations must ensure that sufficient, accessible and appropriate learning resources and student support services are available.

During the training, students need educational resources, a library fund, computers and laptops, mentors, moderators, curators, consultants, etc. The role of support services is especially important in stimulating student mobility both within the educational system and between different higher education systems. When allocating, planning and providing educational resources, these support services should take into account the needs of different groups of students (adults, working, part-time students, international students, as well as students with disabilities) and take into account trends in student-centered learning. Educational institutions should organize their activities and support services taking into account the situation of a particular institution. When providing additional services, the key role belongs to the administration and specialized services, so universities must ensure the professionalism of employees and opportunities to improve their skills.

1.8 Information management

Educational institutions must ensure that the analysis, systematization and application of relevant information for the effective management of their programs and other areas of their activities.

Reliable information is a necessary condition for making a decision. Educational institutions should use this information to know what is working well and what needs to be improved. Confidence is needed that the institution has procedures in place to collect and analyze information about its programs and activities, and uses the information obtained in the operation of its internal quality assurance system. Exactly what information is collected depends to some extent on the type and mission of educational institutions, but universities should take into account the following: information about the student body; academic performance, student achievement and dropout; satisfaction of students with the implementation of programs; availability of educational resources and student support services; employability of graduates; key performance indicators of the university itself or their equivalents; different methods of collecting information can be used. It is important that students and staff are involved in collecting and analyzing information and planning the aftermath.

1.9 Public information

Educational institutions should publish information about their activities (including programs), which should be clear, accurate, objective, up-to-date and accessible.

Information about the activities of universities is useful both for applicants and students, as well as for graduates, other stakeholders and the general public. Therefore, universities should provide information about their activities, including the programs they are implementing, the expected learning outcomes for these programs, the qualifications awarded, teaching, learning, assessment procedures, passing scores and learning opportunities provided to students, as well as information about employment opportunities for graduates.

1.10 Constant monitoringand periodic program evaluation

Institutions should monitor and periodically evaluate programs to ensure that they achieve their purpose and meet the needs of students and society. The results of these processes should lead to continuous program improvement. All stakeholders should be informed of any planned or undertaken actions in relation to these programs.

Constant monitoring, periodic evaluation and revision of educational programs are aimed at ensuring their effective implementation and creating a favorable learning environment for students.

This includes evaluating: the content of the programs in the light of the latest developments in science in a particular discipline to ensure the relevance of the discipline taught; the changing needs of society; workload, performance and graduation of students; effectiveness of student assessment procedures; expectations, needs and satisfaction of students with the program; educational environment and support services and their relevance to program objectives.

Programs are regularly evaluated and reviewed with the involvement of students and other stakeholders. The collected information is analyzed and the program is brought into line with modern requirements. The changes made are published.

1.11 Periodic percentExternal Quality Assurance Services

Educational organizations must regularly undergo external quality assurance procedures in accordance with the ESG.

External quality assurance procedures, in various forms, measure the effectiveness of in-house quality assurance processes. They are catalysts for the development and realization of new opportunities. They also provide information to the public about the quality of the educational institution's performance. HEIs should regularly participate in external quality assurance procedures that, where appropriate, take into account the requirements of the legislation under which they operate. Therefore, depending on the context, external quality assurance can take many forms and be carried out at different levels (such as program, faculty or university). Quality Assurance is an ongoing process that does not end with external feedback, report writing, or institutional follow-up processes. Therefore, institutions should strive to ensure that the progress made since the last external quality assurance procedure is taken into account when preparing for the next procedure.

It should be noted that the hallmark of the European Higher Education Area is, of course, joint programs, the purpose of which is to increase the mobility of students and teachers, the exchange of experience and the expansion of opportunities for cooperation and the creation of an educational program of high quality. Such programs enable students to gain a truly European learning experience. HEIs should regularly participate in external quality assurance procedures that, where appropriate, take into account the requirements of the legislation under which they operate. Therefore, depending on the context, external quality assurance can take many forms and be carried out at different levels (such as program, faculty or university).

When considering this issue, we agree with the opinion of Sazonov B.A., who, in his work on topical issues of modernization of Russian higher education, notes “quality assurance” as a continuous process that does not end with receiving external feedback, writing a report or after-effect processes at the university . Accordingly, HEIs should strive to ensure that the progress made since the last external quality assurance review is taken into account when preparing for the next review.

Speaking about the methods of assessing the quality of higher education in the world, we can single out and note the main factors of this process from the European side: the European Association of Universities, the European Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, the National Union of European Students, the European Commission, national agencies can also be included here, and associations, universities and ministries. In the USA, special attention is directed to universities, and many of them have their own assessment centers, and independent assessment organizations.

There are international projects for an independent assessment of the quality of education with the participation of Russia. One such priority and innovative project is the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Educational Development (OECD). The ultimate goal of the project is to develop a comprehensive, objective and evidence-based approach to assessing learning outcomes in the higher education system, obtaining international comparable information on learning outcomes at the level of universities, faculties, educational programs.

The targets for accreditation organizations that evaluate the quality of higher education programs are, firstly, the different contexts of quality assurance in higher education: economic, social and cultural; secondly, maintaining and providing support to educational institutions of higher education in the application of measures to improve the quality of teaching and student learning; thirdly, the exchange of information on issues of quality assurance in higher education.

The main assessment methods are accreditation, assessment, audit and ranking. We decided to briefly present each assessment method in order to clearly understand how they differ from each other. As already noted, accreditation is one of the most used methods of assessment and quality control. In Europe, since the late 1990s of the 20th century, interest in accreditation has increased dramatically as a tool for assessing the quality of universities and their educational programs. The main contributing factors were the development of a knowledge-based society; the influence of globalization and internationalization, market factors actively penetrating the higher education system - and, of course, the processes aimed at mutual compatibility set by the Bologna Declaration in the higher education system.

Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Norway and Spain are countries where the accreditation system has been based on existing program quality assessment schemes or as an updated system for independent quality assessment of higher education programs. In many other Western European countries, partial accreditation mechanisms are emerging. One of the ENQA studies conducted in 1998 out of 20 countries in Western and Eastern Europe showed that only 6 (almost all of them in Central and Eastern Europe) had any kind of accreditation scheme for educational organizations implementing higher education programs. However, 5 years later, among all countries, except Denmark and Greece, by 2003 one form or another of the accreditation procedure was already practiced. This gives us reason to say that the procedure for accreditation of higher education programs in Europe has developed as a separate form of education quality assessment, but in practice it is included in existing quality assurance measures. At the moment, the idea of ​​creating a European Consortium for Accreditation (ECA), including accreditation agencies from 8 Western European countries, in order to promote the development of the interoperability process is being considered. Currently, such organizations as the International Network of Agencies for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (INQAAAHE) and a number of regional associations are functioning.

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The procedure for state accreditation of educational activities is reflected in sufficient detail in the current legislation. Nevertheless, the current accreditation system today does not seem to be entirely effective in terms of ensuring and controlling the quality of education. Under the existing accreditation system, the quality of student training is assessed by the academic community, and the professional community is not involved in any way. In this sense, the Russian model of state accreditation is close to the continental model based on vesting the state power with the function of controlling the quality of education. As the rector of Tver State University A.V. Belotserkovsky, "... if the purpose of training is to prepare for professional activity, then who, except for respected and recognized representatives of the profession, can better assess the quality of training ...". It should be noted that the state, and not the public-state nature of accreditation is one of the main shortcomings of the Russian model of accreditation. Currently, many universities are seeking public accreditation.

The lack of interaction between vocational education and employers is a serious problem at all stages of the organization of vocational training. Many people are puzzled by this problem. Thus, the first deputy chairman of the Committee on Education of the State Duma of the previous convocation, Yu Karabasov, noted that “the lack of sectoral management in the country undermines the system of vocational education. Industry-specific universities are not enrolling students, scientific and pedagogical schools are being reduced ..., and the industry for which personnel are trained in educational institutions does not follow this. The community of manufacturers is not interested, for example, in how many “branch” professors are left in the areas of training in Russia….” - Yu. Karabasov notes exactly. This problem manifests itself in the development of educational standards for vocational education, in the establishment of admission targets, in the direct organization of the educational process, and, finally, in assessing the quality of training of a graduate of an educational institution.

Undoubtedly, the Russian legislator has done a lot of work to introduce and improve the system of state accreditation of education. A little more than 20 years have passed since the adoption of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, and we have already begun to understand the need for a wide involvement of the public in such an important social sphere as education (for comparison, in the USA, the system of public accreditation has been operating for 150 years). The existing system of state accreditation has received recognition both in Russia and abroad. Thus, the system of state accreditation was recognized by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education. However, as G.N. Motov, “state accreditation has become a mass and obligatory phenomenon from the mechanism of selection of worthy universities. And it has ceased to be a motivation mechanism for the country's universities....». Despite the wide recognition of the Russian accreditation system, the country's leadership seriously thought about the need to "widely involve public organizations, professional associations, employers in accreditation ....". In the context of reforming the entire education system, the main goal of which is to provide quality education, the mechanisms for ensuring the quality of education should undergo the most serious changes.

The federal law on education offers several tools to involve the public in the quality of education. These are tools such as conducting pedagogical expertise, independent assessment of the quality of education, public accreditation of organizations engaged in educational activities and professional public accreditation of educational programs.

1. Pedagogical expertise is carried out in relation to draft regulatory legal acts and regulatory legal acts relating to the issues of education and upbringing in order to identify and prevent the establishment of provisions that contribute to a negative impact on the quality of education in educational programs of a certain level and (or) orientation and the conditions for their development by students. Conducting a pedagogical examination of draft normative legal acts and normative legal acts relating to the issues of education and upbringing is organized by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation. Individuals and legal entities with the necessary qualifications are involved in the conduct of pedagogical expertise on a voluntary basis. The conclusion drawn up based on the results of the pedagogical examination is subject to mandatory consideration by the federal executive body that developed the draft regulatory legal act or adopted the regulatory legal act that was the object of the pedagogical examination, within thirty days from the date of receipt of this conclusion. The results of consideration of this conclusion are posted on the official website of the said federal executive body on the Internet. The procedure for conducting a pedagogical examination is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

2. Independent assessment of the quality of education is carried out in relation to organizations engaged in educational activities and educational programs implemented by them in order to determine the compliance of the education provided with the needs of an individual and legal entity in whose interests educational activities are carried out, assisting them in choosing an organization engaged in educational activities and an educational program, increasing the competitiveness of organizations that carry out educational activities and the educational programs they implement in the Russian and international markets.

An independent assessment of the quality of education is carried out by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur (hereinafter referred to as the organization that carries out the assessment of quality). The organization carrying out the quality assessment establishes the types of education, the groups of organizations engaged in educational activities and the educational programs they implement, in respect of which an independent assessment of the quality of education is carried out, as well as the conditions, forms and methods for conducting an independent assessment of the quality of education and the procedure for its payment.

An independent assessment of the quality of education is carried out at the initiative of legal entities or individuals. When carrying out an independent assessment of the quality of education, publicly available information about organizations engaged in educational activities and about the educational programs they implement is used. An independent assessment of the quality of education is also carried out within the framework of international comparative studies in the field of education.

The results of an independent assessment of the quality of education do not entail the suspension or cancellation of a license to carry out educational activities, the suspension of state accreditation or the deprivation of state accreditation in relation to organizations engaged in educational activities.

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