Improving the professional training of personnel for the railway industry. Improving the professional training of personnel for the railway industry LLC "Left Bank"

A round table on the topic “Improving the professional training of personnel for the railway industry” was held on April 27, 2018 at the press center of the Gudok Publishing House.

The event was attended by representatives of the central office and specialized branches of Russian Railways, industry universities and colleges, managers and specialists in education and personnel management of railway and industrial enterprises, employees of training centers, experts from regulatory bodies and departments. Among them are representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, VNIIZhT JSC, RUT (MIIT), NIIAS JSC, Roszheldor, ROSPROFZHEL, LocoTech LLC, STM-Service, Evraz, Uralchem-trans LLC, JSC " North-West Suburban Passenger Company" and others.

The participants of the discussion considered the formation and development of the personnel potential of Russian Railways and large railway companies, solving the problem of a shortage of specialists through the implementation of high-quality educational programs and building an effective system for training and advanced training of personnel.

“Among the tasks of improving the skills of specialists and managers, firstly, is the development of professional competencies, and secondly, the development of managerial skills of managers. The plans for 2018 include the implementation of an electronic training planning system project and the organization of centralized training for company employees on labor protection, fire safety and others. It is also planned to select and train the second group of the strategic reserve, the introduction of an individual format for the development of managers. It is important to evaluate learning outcomes. Having spent more than 4 billion rubles on training and advanced training, the company must know how efficiently the funds are invested,” the expert emphasized.

Irina Fayzulina, Head of the Department of State Policy in the Field of Training of Workers and AVE of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, raised the issue of updating the list of professions and specialties of secondary vocational education.

“Out of 600 professions and specialties of secondary vocational education, almost 100 have not been admitted for more than three years. This suggests that they are no longer in demand. At the same time, new professions are expected to emerge related to additive technologies, drone control, and digital competencies. An active discussion of the new list of professions is planned, and it is very important that all interested parties take part in it. The draft list will be formed by the end of the year, after which there will be a procedure for its approval and drawing up an implementation schedule,” she said.

Sergey Khlybov, Deputy Director for Human Resources and Social Affairs of the Main Computing Center of JSC Russian Railways, also noted that, given the implementation of the digital railway project, there is a need for a number of new specialties: an analyst, an organizational structure designer, specialists in big data, blockchain, and information security .

“This year, 78 graduates of educational institutions should come to work with us, and about 350 more people are on targeted training. In most cases, we need master's graduates. However, for some positions, such as analysts, information security specialists, we are ready to accept bachelors, since we need them now,” the expert expressed his opinion.

The first vice-rector of RUT (MIIT) Valentin Vinogradov drew attention to the advantages of targeted admission and training of applicants in specialized universities. According to him, in RTH up to 70% of students are trained according to the target set.

“However, next year we may lose these opportunities. The fact is that changes are being prepared to the law on education. In particular, targeted admission is no longer expected - the applicant will enter on a general basis, then he can conclude an agreement on targeted training. Quotas will be determined not by the founder, but by the government. At the same time, the proposals of the territories will be considered. Since Russian Railways is an extraterritorial company, now it is necessary to take into account all the subtleties in order not to lose these quotas and maintain the targeted training system,” the expert expressed concern.

Director of the Institute of Applied Technology, President of the Association of Colleges and Technical Schools, Vice-Rector for Secondary Vocational Education of the RUT (MIIT) Nikolai Razinkin drew attention to the high demand for blue-collar jobs at railway transport enterprises. In his opinion, one of the most effective measures to increase the prestige of working professions is to improve the quality of training of specialists and guarantee subsequent employment.

“The participation of RTH in such a movement as World skills is one of the directions for developing professional competencies, improving the quality of personnel and the personal success of a graduate. However, I would like to note that the training of specialists in the management of railway transport requires significant costs. It is very difficult for an educational organization to create a demonstration site where students will train and compete in professional skills. The active help of employers is needed here,” he said.

Aleksey Zykin, HR and Administrative Director of STM-Service, told how the tasks of personnel training are solved at the enterprise.

“The training system in the company is divided into internal and external. The basis of the first is distance learning. The company has its own training center, today we have 64 educational programs, a team of 193 teachers has been formed. Managers and specialists are also trained in specialized universities and colleges, targeted training is conducted at manufacturing enterprises, as well as training abroad with Siemens, Voith Turbo, Motorpal, General Electric manufacturing companies,” he noted.

At the same time, an investment project is being implemented to create modern classrooms equipped with computers, projectors, interactive whiteboards, simulator dummies, training simulators and other necessary equipment. By 2019, it is planned to create such classes in all depots of the company. In addition, according to the expert, the company is actively working with students. Contracts have been signed for students to practice in service locomotive depots with 4 universities and 31 colleges, 3 UCC RZD. From 2014 to 2017, 12,276 students completed work experience.

Olga Kanalina, Head of the Personnel Development Department of LocoTech LLC, in turn, spoke about the relevant tools used in training the company's personnel.

“Since 2015, we have been implementing a unified training program for managers for the formation of managerial competencies, which allows us to form a unified managerial thinking in the company. More than 500 employees have already been trained under this program. This year we are involving deputy heads of service locomotive depots into the program,” said Olga Kanalina.

According to her, in 2015, the School of Masters project was launched to develop the professional competencies and managerial skills of line managers. The key topics of the training program were the locomotive service contract, the quality management system, the traffic safety management system, the development of the production system, personnel management, and so on. In addition, in order to increase the level of development of technical competencies of repair personnel and improve the quality indicators of repair and maintenance of locomotives, LocoTech LLC is working to create its own Training Center.

EVRAZ Personnel Recruitment and Development Director Galina Tikhonova shared her experience of reviving the mentoring system at the enterprise.

“For a long time, for us it was only a system of professional training and transfer of professional competencies under the slogan “do as I do”. However, it stopped working as we would like. Therefore, we switched to a fundamentally new mentoring system "Training Within Industry". It's not just "do like me", but "do like me - why?". The system involves less authoritarian ways of mentoring, when young people are explained why they need to do it this way,” she said.

Alexey Parkhaev, Deputy General Director for Human Resources and Social Affairs of JSC VNIIZhT, touched upon the topic of using the scientific potential of industry research institutes in the educational process of the railway industry.

“We are actively working to attract university students to the sites of our institute. For example, a large group of MIIT bachelors is scheduled to visit in May and get them acquainted with the laboratory and other capabilities of our test site. Another direction is the organization of internships and internships on the basis of VNIIZhT JSC: we attract students from the third year, we conclude separate contractual relations with them on test and research work, ”he said.

At the end of the discussion, the round table participants noted that in order to improve the quality of professional training for the railway industry, it is necessary to combine the potential of specialized higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, research institutes with the opportunities for practical work at existing production sites.

"Exemplary children's team of Altai"

The head of the song theater "Belfry" - a teacher of the highest qualification category, was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of General Education and Science of the Russian Federation. In 2015, she was listed on the city board of honor "Teacher's Glory of Barnaul", in 2016 she became the Laureate of the XIV regional competition of professional skills of teachers of additional skill "I give my heart to children" in the nomination "Artistic"

teacher Levchenko Alexey Nikolaevich, concertmaster of the highest qualification category.

Recruitment to the ensemble is conducted from 5 years.

There are 37 students in the song theater.

Theater of Song "Belfry" in May 2016 celebrated the 20th anniversary of creative activity. The main result of the work is the creation of a stable operating team, which was awarded the title of "Exemplary Children's Team of Altai". The safety of the contingent annually is more than 95%. The Belfry team is strong in continuity, has its own history and traditions, high-level interpersonal communication, warm friendly relations between students, they spend a lot of time together not only during classes, concert performances, but also during vacations during excursions, festive events .

Teachers implement a non-standard approach to solving pedagogical problems, using improvisation techniques, introducing game forms into practice, using effective and diverse forms of organizing classes: group, individual, training, rehearsals, performances.

Classes according to the program play a big role in personal development and in the formation of sustainable interests and inclinations of pupils, contribute to professional self-determination - 4 graduates became students of the universities of the department "People's Choir". On the basis of the "Belfry" there is an internship site of the Barnaul Pedagogical College, where students undergo state practice, pass state exams.

The team not only develops the personality of the child, but also solves the problems of educating love for the motherland, patriotism, involvement in the native people, its history and culture.

The attention and interest of children in the lessons are kept by sincere, genuine feelings, a special, very strong, burning energy of a live folk song.

Belfry is a developing team, every academic year is very busy: classes, rehearsals, trainings, concerts.

The classroom where classes are held is a real creative laboratory, where there are musical equipment, folk instruments, costumes, props, audio and video recordings, guidelines, literature, an exhibition of achievements and a photo gallery of students.

A bright creative team, thanks to talented pupils, a creative teacher, an extensive song repertoire, theatrical performance and a high level of performances, is known and in demand in the city and the region, is a repeated Diploma Winner and Laureate of regional, city, regional, All-Russian and International competitions and festivals.


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119. DEREVNINA Svetlana Evgenievna Department of Education of the Administration of the Vladimir Region

120. DZHEGUNTSOV Artyom Nikolaevich Donskoy Banking College

121. DOBROLYUBOVA Maria Konstantinovna Crimean Center for the Development of Vocational Education

122. DOLMATOVA Tatyana Maksimovna College of Architecture and Construction No. 7, Saratov

123. DOMOZHIR Vladimir Viktorovich Ministry of Education and Science of the Kaluga Region

124. DORJIEVA Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Kalmyk State University

125. DORONINA Elena Nikolaevna Ministry of Education and Science of the Murmansk Region

126. DUGUSHKINA Tatyana Gennadievna Pavlovo-Posad Industrial and Economic College

127. DUDYREV Fedor Feliksovich Institute of Education NRU Higher School of Economics

128. DUSHIN Andrey Vladimirovich Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin

129. DYDZINSKAYA Daria Vladimirovna National Training Fund

130. DYUKOVA Svetlana Vyacheslavovna Vocational School No. 17

131. EGOROVA Tatyana Konstantinovna Ivanovo Energy College

132. EZHKOVA Natalya Alexandrovna Murom College of Radioelectronic Instrumentation

133. ELENEV Konstantin Sergeevich MSTU im. "Stankin"

134. ELENEVA Yulia Yakovlevna MSTU named after "STANKIN"

135. EMELYANOVA Maria Konstantinovna City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow

136. ERMAKOV Lev Vladimirovich Tula College of Construction and Industry Technologies

137. ERMAKOV Sergei Sergeevich Gatchina Pedagogical College named after. K.D. Ushinsky

138. ERMACHKOV Ivan Anatolyevich Sochi State University

139. ESENINA Ekaterina Yurievna Center for Professional Education of the Federal Institute for the Development of Education

140. ESIN Sergey Vladislavovich IBS Education Department

List of congress participants

141. ESIPOVA Alexandra Alexandrovna St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution "Center for Evaluation of Education"

142. EFREMOV Vladislav Vitalievich NRNU MEPhI

143. ZHARKIKH Evgeny Vladimirovich Mtsensk Branch of Prioksky State University

144. ZHIRKOV Nurgustan Mikhailovich Namsky technical school

145. ZHUKOVA Svetlana Ivanovna Training Center NPO Saturn

146. ZHUKOVA Tatyana Vladimirovna Tula Pedagogical College

147. ZHURINSKAYA Elena Evgenievna Leningrad State University. A.S. Pushkin

148. ZAIKO Elena Mikhailovna Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region

149. ZAYTSEV Vitaly Petrovich Bataysk Vocational School No. 108

150. ZAYTSEV Denis Yurievich Krasnoyarsk College of Radio Electronics and Information Technologies

151. ZAKHAROVA Svetlana Evgenievna FCC OPK

152. ZAKHARCHENKO Mikhail Yurievich Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu.A.

153. ZENKINA Anzhelika Vladimirovna Department of Education, Science and Youth Affairs of the Smolensk Region

154. ZIMINA Irina Vladimirovna Kazan National Research University

155. ZINCHENKO Yulia Leonidovna Perm Chamber of Commerce and Industry

156. ZOLOTAREVA Natalya Mikhailovna Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

157. ZUBKOVA Lyudmila Gennadievna Moscow College of Management, Hotel Business and Information Technologies "Tsaritsyno"

158. IVANOVA Elena Anatolyevna Vladimir Construction College

159. IVANOVA Lidia Vasilievna Center for Modern Technologies of Vocational Education

160. IVANOVA Olga Nikolaevna Torzhok Pedagogical College. F.V. Badyulina

161. IVONINA Elena Vladimirovna Department of Vocational Education of the Tomsk Region

162. IDIATULLINA Enze Dakuanovna Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Mari El

163. ILYASOVA Yulia Veniaminovna Tomsk Polytechnic College

164. ILYUKHINA Galina Ivanovna Russian State University of Tourism and Service

165. ILYASOV Evgeniy Pavlovich

166. ISLAMGALIEV Felix Galiaskarovich Regional Center for the Coordination of Vocational Education of the Sverdlovsk Region

167. ISTOMINA Maria Viktorovna Ministry of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory

168. YIAN KAMING European Education Foundation (Italy)

169. KAZAK Elena Vladimirovna Ministry of Education of the Murmansk Region

170. CASANOVA Lyudmila Viktorovna Ministry of Education of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

171. KAZANTSEVA Elena Vladimirovna Sakhalin State University

172. KAZINSKY Nikita Alekseevich Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu.A.

173. KAINOV Sergey Alekseevich Tula State Technological College

174. KAKORINA Natalya Vladimirovna Nizhny Novgorod Provincial College No. pp Surname, name, patronymic Organization

175. KALIQINA Lyubov Sergeevna Yaroslavl College of Food Industry

176. KAPUSTINA Svetlana Alekseevna Rybinsk Vocational Pedagogical College

177. KAPSHINA Angelina Gennadievna Nizhny Novgorod Automotive College

178. KARA-SAL Nadezhda Borisovna USF "Ulug-Khemsky kozhuun of the Republic of Tyva"

179. KAREV Nikolai Mikhailovich Kovrov College of Industry and Humanities

180. KARTASHOV Anton Gennadievich Ufa College of Radio Electronics, Telecommunications and Security

181. KARTOSHKIN Sergey Aleksandrovich Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

182. KARTUSHIN Yuri Valentinovich Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region

183. KATYSHEVA Natalya Mikhailovna Nizhny Novgorod Provincial College

184. KVASNYUK Anton Alexandrovich Group of Companies IEK

185. KIM Georgy Leonidovich Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

186. KIRILLOV Sergey Vladimirovich Vladimir Construction College

187. KIRSANOVA Oksana Nikolaevna Kurgan Industrial College

188. KIRUTSA Elena Ivanovna Rybinsk Forestry College

189. KISILEVA Irina Vasilievna Department of Education of the Ivanovo Region

190. KLIMOV Alexander Alekseevich Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

191. KLINK Olga Fridrikhovna Center for Vocational Education of the Federal Institute for the Development of Education

192. KLOPOV Dmitry Anatolievich Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov

193. KLUBNICHKINA Olga Alexandrovna Lyuberetsky College

194. KLYUKINA Ekaterina Vasilievna Yaroslavl College of Management and Professional Technologies

195. KLYUCHNIKOVA Anna Vladimirovna Department of Education of the Administration of the Vladimir Region

196. Andrey Ivanovich KOVALEV Zapodnodvinsk Technological College named after I.A. Kovaleva

197. KOVALEVA Yuliya Valerievna Committee on Education of St. Petersburg

198. KOVARSKY Oleg Feliksovich Olenegorsk Mining and Industrial College

199. KOVATEVA Yulia Georgievna Federal Institute for Educational Quality Assessment

200. KOVNIR Evgeny Vladimirovich Agency for Strategic Initiatives

201. KOZIN Vladimir LUKAS -NUELE

202. KOKOSH Olga Alexandrovna Yakutsk Technological College of Service

203. KOLESNIKOV Eduard Nikolaevich St. Petersburg Education Committee

204. KOLESNIKOVA Larisa Anatolyevna Educational complex "South-West"

205. KOLESNIKOVA Natalya Sergeevna MORK Karelia

206. KOLMYKOVA Elena Alekseevna Financial University

207. KOLODYAZHNAYA Natalia Vasilievna Obninsk College of Technology and Services

208. KOMAROVA Elena Aleksandrovna Vologda Institute for the Development of Education

209. KOMAROVA Lyubov Ivanovna Uren industrial and energy technical school

210. KOMISSAROV Andrey Pavlovich State institution of the Yaroslavl region Center for vocational guidance and psychological support "Resource"

List of congress participants

No. Surname, name, patronymic Organization

211. KONONOV Timofey Vasilievich Yakut road technical school

212. KONONOVA Yuliya Stanislavovna Crimean Center for the Development of Vocational Education

213. KORESHKOV Mikhail Viktorovich Vladimir Institute for the Development of Education named after L.I.


214. KOROVINA Lyubov Nikolaevna Yoshkar-Ola Construction College

215. KOSTYUSHINA Natalya Pavlovna Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I.


216. KOTLYAROV Stanislav Nikolaevich Ryazan State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlov of the Ministry of Health of Russia

217. GOKHBERG Leonid Markovich Institute of Education NRU Higher School of Economics

218. KRAICHINSKAYA Svetlana Bronislavovna United Aircraft Corporation (UAC)

219. KRAPIVIN Alexander Yurievich Kirov Polytechnic College

220. KRASNORUTSKAYA Yuliya Gennadievna College of hospitality industry and management №23

221. KRASHAKOVA Tatyana Yudovna South Ural State Technical College

222. CRESS Hannelore German Federal Institute for Vocational Education

223. CRESTANI Franca European Training Foundation

224. KRUGLOVA Tatyana Alexandrovna Moscow Regional Professional College of Innovative Technologies

225. KUZHAROVA Elena Ivanovna Leningrad Socio-Pedagogical College

226. KUZNETSOVA Natalia Viktorovna Tomsk College of Economics and Industry

227. KUZNETSOVA Yulia Alexandrovna Ministry of Education of the Tula Region

228. KUZMINA Tatyana Aleksandrovna Perevozsky Construction College

229. KUZMINOVA Tatyana Nikolaevna First Moscow Educational Complex

230. KUKUSHKIN Mikhail Vladimirovich Pavlovo-Posad Industrial and Economic College

231. KULIKOV Alexey Vitalievich Petrovsky College

232. KUPRIYANOVA Tatyana Adislavovna GAPOU "Technical school of petrochemistry and oil refining"

233. KURIKOVA Galina Vladimirovna Perevozsky Construction College

234. KUSTOTA Elena Alexandrovna Siberian State Aerospace University named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev

235. KUTORGO Natalya Anatolyevna Polytechnic College No. 8 named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union I.F. Pavlova

236. LABADINA Svetlana Alexandrovna Committee of General and Vocational Education of the Leningrad Region

237. LAPUKHIN Vladimir Ivanovich Tambov Polytechnic College named after. M. S. Solntseva

238. LEVIN Valery Nikolaevich Agrarian and Industrial College of the Tambov Region

239. LEVCHENKO Alexey Nikolaevich Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

240. LEDOVSKAYA Elena Valentinovna Institute for Advanced Studies of Educators

241. LIVSHITs Alexander Grigorievich Federal Directory

242. LOBASTOV Vitaly Gennadievich Verkhnepyshminsky Mechanics and Technology College "Youth"

243. LOZHKINA Tatyana Yurievna Tomsk Basic Medical College

244. LUKASEVICH Elena Vitalievna Provincial professional college No. pp Surname, name, patronymic Organization

245. LUKINA Lyubov Georgievna Murom College of Radioelectronic Instrumentation

246. LUKMANOVA Elena Vladimirovna City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow

247. LUSHNIKOV Sergey Alexandrovich National Training Fund

248. LYZHIN Anton Igorevich RSPPU, Yekaterinburg

249. LYKOV Mikhail Mikhailovich National Training Fund

250. LYUBAKH Tatyana Valerievna City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow

251. LYAMINA Galina Vileninovna Volga State Technological University

252. LYAKH Artem Albertovich National Training Fund

254. MAKSIMOVA Anna Vladimirovna Ryazan State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlov of the Ministry of Health of Russia

255. MALYUGINA Lyudmila Nikolaevna City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow

256. MANZUK Vitaly Ivanovich Kirov Polytechnic College

257. MARENKOVA Victoria Igorevna State Institute of Economics, Finance, Law and Technology, Leningrad Region

258. MAROGULOVA Galina Borisovna Ministry of Education of the Tver Region

260. MARCHENKO Daria Viktorovna S7 Airlines Group

261. MATAK Natalya Nikolaevna Akhtyrsky technical school "Profi-Alliance"

262. MATVEEV Vasily Pavlovich Perm Engineering College

263. MATVEEVA Svetlana Vladislavovna Central Council of the Russian Federation "OUPC"

264. MATEYKO Alexander Yuryevich GBPOU of the Republic of Khakassia "Technical School of Public Utilities and Service

265. MATIN Boris Vladimirovich Vladimir Regional Coordinating Center

266. MAKHANOVA Irina Alexandrovna Kurgan Technological College named after the Hero of the Soviet Union N.Ya. Anfinogenov"

267. MAKHINENKO Elena Nikolaevna Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov

268. MAKHNOVSKY Sergey Alexandrovich Magnitogorsk State Technical University

G.I. Nosova


270. MELNICHENKO Lesya Nikolaevna State Institute of New Forms of Education

271. METELSKY Vyacheslav Alexandrovich State institution of the Yaroslavl region Center for vocational guidance and psychological support "Resource"

272. MINAYLOV Viktor Viktorovich Kursk State Polytechnic College

273. MIROSHNIKOV Alexander Nikolaevich Rakityan Agrotechnological College

274. MITROFANOVA Galina Nikolaevna Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I.


275. MITROFANOVA Lyubov Aleksandrovna MES of the Republic of Tatarstan

276. MITROKHINA Elena Viktorovna Perevozsky Construction College

277. MIKHAILOV Vladimir Anatolyevich Bezhetsk Industrial and Economic College

List of congress participants

No. Surname, name, patronymic Organization

278. MIKHAILUK Nikolai Nikolaevich Tambov Agrarian and Industrial College

279. MODONOV Evgeny Nikolaevich Committee for Science and Higher Education of the Government of St. Petersburg

280. MOLOKANOVA Nina Albertovna Federal Directory

281. MOROZOV Nikolai Ivanovich Mari Polytechnic College of the Republic of Mari El

282. MOROZOVA Olga Ivanovna Kursk State Polytechnic College

283. MOROZOVA Olga Mikhailovna Vyksa Metallurgical College

284. MOROZOVA Rita Anatolyevna SAOC SPO "TPTT named after Lebedev"

285. MOSINA Olga Nikolaevna Tula College of Economics

286. MOSTIEVA Arina Mikhailovna Strikitsa Consulting

287. MOKHOVA Elena Vladimirovna Vyborg Polytechnic College "Alexandrovsky"

288. MURASHKO Tatyana Nikolaevna Dmitrievsky Agricultural College

289. MUSAEVA Elena Alexandrovna Krasnodar College of Trade and Economics

290. MUSINSKAYA Natalya Viktorovna ACADEMY

291. MUKHINA Natalya Gennadievna National Training Fund

292. NABATOV Viktor Igorevich Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan

293. NAGIMOVA Natalya Ivanovna Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University.

I.N. Ulyanov"

294. NADROVA Irina Vladimirovna College of Road Transport No. 9

295. NAZMUTDINOV Ilsur Rinatovich Kanash transport and energy technical school

296. NASEDKIN Nikolai Nikolaevich Simferopol Professional Construction College

297. NASONOV Sergey Nikolaevich Tula College of Construction and Industry Technologies

298. NASONOVA Marina Alexandrovna Educational and Methodological Center of Lipetsk

299. NEVMYVAKA Andrey Nikolaevich Amur Multifunctional Center for Professional Qualifications

300. NEKRASOV Petr Feliksovich Group of Companies IEK

301. NERUBENKO Sergei Mikhailovich Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region

302. NEUMYVAKIN Viktor Sergeevich Department of Education of the City of Moscow

303. NIKITIN Dmitry Valerianovich Mari Radio Mechanical College

304. NOVIKOV Sergey Georgievich PJSC MOESK

305. NOVIKOV Yuri Olegovich FESTO

306. NOSKOVA Lidia Pavlovna Nizhny Novgorod Industrial College

307. NOSOVA Lyubov Vladimirovna Vichug Multidisciplinary College

308. NOSOVA Svetlana Valerievna Luberetsky College

309. NOCHEVNAYA Irina Anatolyevna Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu.A.

310. OVCHINNIKOV Alexey Yurievich Higher Mining School

311. OVCHINNIKOVA Olga Yurievna Nizhny Novgorod Provincial College

312. ODNOBOKOV Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Pskov State University

313. OKONESHNIKOV Innokenty Institute of Management under the President of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Afanasyevich

314. OLEYNIKOVA Olga Nikolaevna Center for the Study of Problems of Vocational Education No. pp Surname, name, patronymic Organization

315. ONDAR Ayana Olegovna Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tuva

316. ORLOVA Natalya Pavlovna Kazan Pedagogical College

317. OSIPOV Sergey Vladimirovich Novooskol College

318. OSIPOVA Lyubov Gennadievna Kostroma Regional Institute for the Development of Education

319. OSTROVSKAYA Yulia Aleksandrovna Ministry of Education of the Ryazan Region

320. OSTROUKHOVA Kristina Viktorovna "Kislovodsk Medical College" of the Ministry of Health of Russia

321. OCHKOV Konstantin Yurievich NRNU MEPhI

322. PAVLOVA Maria Vasilievna Volga State Technological University

323. PAVLOVA Oksana Anatolyevna Moscow State University for the Humanities named after M. A. Sholokhov

324. PAIL Elena Petrovna Multidisciplinary Education Center of the City of Moscow

325. PANEVIN Alexander Sergeevich National Training Fund

326. PANFILOVA Anzhelika Ivanovna Tambov Industrial and Technological College

327. PANCHENKO Nikolai Vasilyevich Moscow Regional Professional College

328. PARIKOVA Elena Vladimirovna Knauf GIPS LLC

329. PARSHIKOV Viktor Mikhailovich Public Chamber of the Leningrad Region

330. PENYASHKIN Denis Anatolyevich Tula State Technological College

331. Aleksey Stanislavovich PEREVERTAILO National Fund for Personnel Training

332. PETROV Viktorov Valentinovich St. Petersburg Technical College of Management and Commerce

333. PETROVA Alexandra Nikolaevna Portal "Professional Education" of the Republic of Belarus

334. PETROVA Alla Mikhailovna FGBOU DPO "GINFO"

335. PETROVA Svetlana Aleksandrovna Federal State Budgetary Institution "NII TSS" of the Ministry of Labor of Russia

336. PETUKHOVA Leyla Riyadovna Tsaritsyno Moscow College of Management, Hotel Business and Information Technologies

337. PEKH Zinaida Nikolaevna City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow

338. PIVNENKO Yuri Alexandrovich St. Petersburg Fire and Rescue College

339. PIDZHAKOVA Anna Vladimirovna Tyumen College of Construction Industry and Municipal Economy

340. PODVOCHATNAYA Elena Nikolaevna Tambov Industrial and Technological College

341. PODOLSKY Vladimir Eduardovich IBS Education Department

342. PODOLSKY Oleg Andreevich Institute of Education NRU Higher School of Economics

343. POZHARSKY Igor Viktorovich Rodnikovsky Polytechnic College

344. POZOVA Larisa Petrovna Krasnodar Engineering College

345. PONOMARENKO Alexey Dmitrievich Rosatom Corporate Academy

346. PONOMARENKO Sergei Nikolaevich Federal Institute for Educational Quality Assessment

347. POPOV Alexey Mikhailovich National Training Fund

348. POPOV Anatoly Viktorovich NAKS Media LLC

349. POPOVA Natalya Vladimirovna Training and Methodological Center of the Bank of Russia (Tver)

350. POSTULGINA Elena Ivanovna Federal Institute for Educational Quality Assessment

351. Ekaterina POTAPEYKO Republican Institute of Vocational Education, Belarus

List of congress participants

No. Surname, name, patronymic Organization

352. POTAPOVA Oksana Anatolyevna Ministry of Education of the Tver Region

353. LOOK LIKE Svetlana Anatolyevna Lipetsk Engineering College

354. PREDBANNIKOVA Olga Ivanovna Moscow Banking School (College) of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

355. PRONKO Sergey Valentinovich Krasnodar Technical College

356. PROKHOROVA Anzhelika Alexandrovna College of Hospitality Industry and Management No. 23

357. PROKHOROVA Svetlana Vladimirovna Tambov OGAPOU "Agro-Industrial College"

358. PRYAKHIN Igor Vladimirovich "Rostov College of Engineering Technologies" (GAPOU RO "RKTM")

359. PRYAKHIN Igor Vladimirovich Rostov College of Engineering Technologies

360. PUGACHEV Dmitry Aleksandrovich NRNU MEPhI

361. PYATAEVA Irina Gennadievna Lipetsk Metallurgical College

362. RAZIN Kirill Yurievich FESTO

363. RAZINKIN Nikolai Egorovich Institute of Applied Technologies (MIIT)

364. RAYUSHKINA Irina Vladimirovna Kuban State University

365. REBRINA Emilia Mikhailovna Novorossiysk College of Construction and Economics

366. RENSh Marina Aleksandrovna RSPPU, Yekaterinburg

367. ROMSKAYA Galina Vladimirovna OGBPOU "Ryazan Medical College"

368. ROGOV Maxim Leonidovich Ministry of Education of the Murmansk Region

369. ROGONOV Evgeny Vladislavovich FESTO

370. ROZHKOV Artemy Igorevich MGPU

371. ROMANENKOVA Daria Feliksovna Regional Educational and Scientific Center for Inclusive Education of Chelyabinsk State University

372. ROMANOVA Irina Valterovna Kirishi Polytechnic College of the Leningrad Region

373. RUGAL Irina Nikolaevna Borisov Agromechanical College

374. RUDNEVA Olga Olegovna IBS company

375. RUDNIK Elena Evgenievna Murmansk Technological College of Service

376. RUZMANOVA Svetlana Vasilievna College of Road Transport No. 9

377. RUSINOVA Elena Gennadievna Nizhny Novgorod Radio Engineering College

378. RYZHKO Larisa Anatolyevna Monchegorsk Polytechnic College

379. Ryabko Tatiana Vasilyevna

380. SAVINA Natalya Mikhailovna Regional Agency for the Development of Qualifications of the Belgorod Region

381. SAVINOV Anatoly Nikolaevich Armavir Law College

382. SADOVENKO Alexander Sergeevich State budgetary educational institution Lyceum No. 1586

383. SAZHNEVA Valentina Mikhailovna Tambov Polytechnic College. M. S. Solntseva

384. SALTAN Elvira Mikhailovna

385. SAMSONOVA Lyubov Vitalievna Ural Radio Engineering College. A.S. Popova

386. SADDYKOV Airat Iluarovich FGAU "FIRO"

387. SVIRIN Stanislav Yuryevich FGBOU DPO "GINFO"

No. Surname, name, patronymic Organization

388. SEDLETSKY Tamara Valerievna Leningrad State University. A.S. Pushkin

389. SEDOVA Irina Vladimirovna Ministry of Education of the Saratov Region

390. SEKACHEV Leonid Igorevich Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

391. SEMENOV Alexey Klimentievich National Polytechnic School No. 2 of Yakutsk

392. SEMYONOVA Elena Nikolaevna Kanash transport and energy technical school

393. SEMECHEVA Munavar Kayumovna College of hospitality industry and management №23

394. SEMINA Olga Vladimirovna Moscow Domodedovo Airport

395. SERGEEV Valery Vasilievich Buryat College of Technology and Service

396. SERGUSHINA Olga Vasilievna Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute. M. E.


397. SIDOROVA Elena Borisovna Vologda State University

398. SIKOVAYA Yulia Alexandrovna Polytechnic College No. 8 named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union I.F. Pavlova

399. SIROTINA Irina Firsovna Rostov Polytechnic College

400. SIRYACHENKO Rimma Yurievna Sosnovoborsk Polytechnic College

401. SICHINSKY Evgeny Pavlovich Chelyabinsk Institute for the Development of Vocational Education

402. SKVORTSOV Vyacheslav Nikolaevich Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin

403. SKORIN Ivan Vladislavovich Leningrad State University. Pushkin

404. SKRYABIN Vitaly Nikolaevich S.I. Mosin TulSU

405. SMIRNOV Igor Aleksandrovich Kineshma Technological College

406. SMIRNOVA Angelina Nikolaevna Vladimir College of Technology

407. SMIRNOVA Natalia Evgenievna Palace of the student youth of St. Petersburg

408. SMIRNOVA Tatyana Stanislavovna Serpukhov Technical College

409. SMOLINA Irina Alexandrovna Vologda College of Communications and Information Technologies

410. SMYSLOV Anatoly Fedorovich Ryazan Polytechnic College

411. SOBOLEVA Tatyana Andreevna Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

412. SOKOVIKOVA Tatyana Alexandrovna Noginsk Polytechnic College

413. SOKOLOV Elena Viktorovna Technical College. S.I. Mosin TulGU

414. SOKOLOV Elena Evgenevna Republican Institute of Vocational Education, Belarus

415. SOKOLOVA Nina Vladimirovna Ivanovo College of Industry and Economics

416. SOKOLOVA Nyurguna Afanasievna Ministry of Vocational Education, Training and Placement of Personnel of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

417. SOKOLOV Oksana Valerievna Moscow State Law University

418. SPIRENKOVA Elena Berikovna Ministry of Education of the Saratov region

419. STANULEVICH Olga Evgenievna Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities

420. STATIROVA Olga Ivanovna Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region

421. STEPANOVA Varvara Vladimirovna Saratov College of Architecture and Civil Engineering

422. STRUCKOVA Elena Sergeevna Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov

423. STRUCKOVA Lena Lukinichna Ministry of Vocational Education, Training of Personnel Deployment of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

List of congress participants

No. Surname, name, patronymic Organization

424. SUDDENKOVA Natalya Vladimirovna Smolensk Academy of Vocational Education

425. SURINA Svetlana Viktorovna Ministry of Education of the Komi Republic

426. SUSLOV Alexander Vladimirovich Ryazan Construction College

427. SUKHENKO Andrei Dmitrievich Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Rostov Region

428. SYNKOVA Elena Nikolaevna Serdobsk multidisciplinary technical school

429. SYSOLYATIN Nikita Sergeevich Ekaterinburg College of Transport Construction

430. SYASINA Elena Alexandrovna Department of Education of the Yaroslavl Region

431. TAAEV Ilyas Dutsaevich Ministry of Education and Science of the Chechen Republic

432. TARABUKINA Natalya Stepanovna Yakutsk road technical school

433. TARASOV Sergey Valentinovich Committee of General and Vocational Education of the Leningrad Region

434. TARSHIS Tatyana Alexandrovna Ural College of Technology and Entrepreneurship

435. TATARINOVA Irina Petrovna Smolensk Academy of Vocational Education

436. TESLENKO Irina Vladimirovna Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin

437. TETENEVA Elena Vladimirovna Kurgan College of Service and Technology

438. TETERIN Evgeny Borisovich State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

439. TIVYAKOV Gennady Nikolaevich Kursk State Polytechnic College

440. TIKHOMIROVA Tatyana Ermekovna Ivanovo Motor Transport College

441. TIKHONOVA Irina Nikolaevna South Ural Multidisciplinary College

442. TOLMACHEVA Inna Nikolaevna Kursk State Polytechnic College

443. TOLPYGO Alexander Mikhailovich Kirov Polytechnic College

444. TRETYAKOVA Elena Lvovna National Training Fund

445. TROFIMENKO Vladimir Ilyich Volgograd Energy College

446. TROFIMOV Nikita Sergeevich Orenburg Professional Training Agency

447. TROFIMOVA Tatyana Mikhailovna National Training Fund

448. TUMANOVA Svetlana Anatolievna OGBPOU "Ryazan Medical College"

449. TUMINSKAYA Oksana Nikolaevna Vologda College of Service

450. URAZOV Robert Nailevich Worldskills Russia

451. USTYAK Valery Viktorovich CHETK

452. UKHVACHEV Anatoly Vasilyevich Ryazan College of Electronics

453. FEDORENKO Konstantin Albertovich Ministry of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory

454. FEDOROV Lidia Vasilievna Vologda Construction College

455. FEDOSOVA Lyudmila Olegovna Ministry of Education of the Nizhny Novgorod Region

456. FEDOTOV Vladimir Alekseevich DISIS

457. FEDOTOV Lyudmila Alexandrovna Department of Education of Moscow

458. FELDMAN Nina Ivanovna Prioksky State University

459. FOMINA Olga Viktorovna Tsaritsyno Moscow College of Management, Hotel Business and Information Technologies

460. FOMICHEV Aleksey Nikolaevich Volgograd Energy College No. pp Surname, name, patronymic Organization

461. FROLOV Lidia Viktorovna Autonomous non-profit organization "Abilimpics"

462. Isak Davidovich FRUMIN National Research University Higher School of Economics

463. KHALDEEVA Tatyana Dmitrievna Yakutsk Technological College of Service

464. KHALIKOVA Leyla Ravilovna FGBOU DPO "GINFO"

465. KHILSKY Viktor Grigorievich Simferopol Polytechnic College

466. HINKIS Gennady Lvovich College of Geodesy and Cartography MIIGAiK

467. KhIONINA Marina Borisovna Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov

468. KHMALADZE Yulia Vyacheslavovna Basic Employment Assistance Center, St. Petersburg

469. KHMELEVSKAYA Ekaterina Mikhailovna Kursk State University

470. KHOVRICH Tatyana Nikolaevna Education Committee of the Jewish Autonomous Region

471. KHODIMCHUK Marina Aleksandrovna Department for work with education of the company IBS

472. KHOKHLENKOVA Irina Leonidovna Moscow Banking School (College) of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

473. KHOKHLOVA Elena Alexandrovna Ministry of Education of the Ulyanovsk Region

474. CHRISTICH Tatyana Yurievna Technical College. S.I. Mosin TulSU

475. KHUDOLEY Elena Sergeevna Chelyabinsk College of Industry and Municipal Economy named after Ya. P. Osadchy

476. TSARKOVA Elena Anatolyevna Moscow State University for the Humanities named after M.A. Sholokhov

477. TSVETKOV Vladimir Ivanovich Kirishi Polytechnic College of the Leningrad Region

478. TSVETKOVA Larisa Valentinovna College of Arts and Crafts named after Carl Faberge

479. CHEPURNYKH Elena Mikhailovna Dmitrievsky Agricultural College

480. CHERNOIVANOV Vladimir Borisovich Samara Social and Pedagogical College

481. CHERNOSKUTOVA Inna Anatolyevna Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

482. CHECHELNITSKAYA Olga Anatolyevna Podporozhye Polytechnic College

483. CHIRKOVA Oksana Anatolyevna Vologda College of Service

484. CHISTOVA Irina Vladimirovna Scientific and Methodological Center for Vocational Education of the Republic of Mari El

485. CHUEV Sergey Vladimirovich Federal Agency for Youth Affairs of the Russian Federation

486. CHUMAKOV Vyacheslav Petrovich Coordination and Analytical Center for Assistance in Employment of Graduates of Vocational Education

487. CHUPROV Vyacheslav Borisovich OAO Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works

488. CHURILOV Andrey Viktorovich Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov

489. SHALIMOV Natalya Alexandrovna Kostroma Regional Institute for the Development of Education

490. SHAPOVALOVA Lyudmila Timofeevna Department of Internal and Personnel Policy of the Belgorod Region

491. SHARKOVA Lyudmila Mikhailovna Montenegrin College of Trade and Service

492. SHARONIN Yuri Viktorovich Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K.G. Razumovsky

493. SHATALOVA Nadezhda Vladimirovna ACADEMY

494. SHAULSKAYA Lyubov Olgertovna Lisinsky Forest College

List of congress participants

No. Surname, name, patronymic Organization

495. SHAKHNAZAROV Vladimir Georgievich Ministry of Education of the Nizhny Novgorod Region

496. SHAKHNAZAROVA Lidia Fedorovna Vyksa Metallurgical College

497. SHVAIBOVICH Elena Alexandrovna Department of Education and Science of the Tambov Region

498. SHVETSOVA Galina Nikolaevna Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Mari El

499. SHEBALIN Alexander Valentinovich Kaslinsky Industrial and Humanitarian College

500. Alexey SHEBANOV Zheleznogorsk College of Mining and Metallurgy

501. SHEVCHENKO Valery Yakovlevich Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University

502. SHELUKHANOVA Natalia Vasilievna Technological College No. 34

503. SHEPELEVA Elena Aleksandrovna Moscow Banking School (College) of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

504. SHERSHNEV Alexey Trifonovich Perevozsky Construction College

505. SHITOV Alexander Mikhailovich Balakovo Industrial and Transport College N.V.


506. SHISHIGINA Fevronya Vasilievna Ministry of Vocational Education, Training and Placement of Personnel of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

507. SHKLYAR Arkady Khanonovich Republican Institute of Vocational Education

508. SHKODKINA Natalya Nikolaevna Zheleznogorsk Mining and Metallurgical College

509. SHMATKO Natalya Anatolyevna Institute of Education NRU Higher School of Economics

510. SHOLIN Vyacheslav Viktorovich Vyborg Polytechnic College "Alexandrovsky"

511. SHOSTYR Maria Nikolaevna College of Hospitality Industry and Management №23

512. SHPAKOVSKAYA Elena Mikhailovna "1st IOC" of the city of Moscow "

513. SHPITOV Andrey Borisovich FESTO DIDAKTIK Russia

514. SHUGAL Nikolai Borisovich Institute of Education NRU Higher School of Economics

515. SHEKINA Yuliya Valentinovna Kurgan State College

516. SCHERBININ Alexander Nikolaevich College of Road Transport No. 9

517. YUDINA Antonina Viktorovna Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region

518. YURGALOVA Alexandra Sergeevna Murmansk Technological College of Service

519. YAKOVLEVA Valentina Ivanovna Publishing Center "Academy"

520. YAKOVLEVA Daria Ivanovna Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

521. YAREMENKO Irina Yurievna Nizhny Novgorod Provincial College

522. YARUTKINA Faina Sergeevna Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Mari El

–  –  –

32 Rakityansky agrotechnological college, OSAPOU, Belgorod region A2 33 Regional center for personnel support of investment projects of the Nizhny Novgorod region A8

–  –  –

38 Simferopol Vocational Construction College, GBPOU, Republic of Crimea А26 39 Sokolsky Timber Polytechnic College, BPOU, Vologda Region А9 40 Sosnovoborsk Polytechnic College, SAEI SPO, Leningrad Region А23

–  –  –

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