Higher education in the field of IT. "I used to go to the IT! ..." Where to go to learn, the future IT specialist? University College Dublin, Ireland

On only articles of the magazine "Hacker" will not leave. I'm telling you exactly. If you want to become a real IT specialist, you need to learn and be sure to get fundamental knowledge about the subject. Fortunately, today for this opportunity more than ever. The network is not only available many textbooks for free, but also quite new, progressive ways of learning are developing rapidly. And this is especially true of our - IT, specialty.

The purpose of this material is to show how simple today you can study yourself. Quickly master new technologies and programming languages. At the same time do it is not in straining and receive real pleasure from learning. I do not pretend to complete the picture, and this article, of course, is not a collection of all projects that can help you in self-education. But I tried to collect some particularly interesting services that were interested in me personally. I am sure they will come to you.

Learning English

I seriously risk, starting this material from the words "English". Many people have difficulty with him, and irony in the fact that the more seriously the problem, the more people oppose his study, inventing excuses and justification. Whatever it may be, I can tell you complete confidence: a truly successful IT specialist, if it can do without English, then misses many interesting features. Most of the authoritative conferences take place in English. In the largest communities of specialists adopted English. Famous scientists are blogging and writing articles in English. In English, they speak Silicon Valley. And on it, programmers from India, which have become so much that you will not work with them with all wishes :). In short, learning the language must be added to your personal list of cases as one of the priority points. To tell the truth, the absolute majority of resources that I will speak further require at least minimal knowledge of English. The reason is simple: in Russian, nothing like this (I am sure that only for now). However, for the first project, from our review, foreign is just not needed - on the contrary, it is aimed at the fact that you quickly pump your knowledge of "Imnyaza". And it is made in Russia :).


There is a simple rule: to better and confidently pull up on the horizontal bar, you need more and more often tighten the horizontal bar. Just to engage intensively. Also with English: In order to understand the English speech well, without listening to every word in an attempt to disassemble at least something, you need to listen to this very speech. You can start with viewing some series by connecting original subtitles to confidence, but ... compared to what the Lingualeo service represents the last century. In his base, a huge number of serials, all kinds of films, records of various seminars and speeches (for example, thematic minivarps with TED am), lectures from Western universities (including foreign language) and so on. All this is divided into categories on topics, complexity and rating of users. But the main thing is how it allows this content to consume this content. Near the video, a complete speech decryption is displayed, so you can always read the fragment incomprehensible to rumor. Do you meet an unknown word? One click, - and Lingualeo immediately shows the translation and enters this word in your personal dictionary to further with the help of a wide variety of exercises you could remember it and start using in the right context. There are no more picking with subtitles and dictionaries - you just watch interesting content for yourself and quickly disassemble with incomprehensible places. For myself, I do not see the best way, first, to replenish the vocabulary, and secondly, to get used to English speech. To "work out" the words that are simply found on the Internet, I have long installed a special addon for a browser that implements integration with the service.

Online universal

There are quite a few people who want to argue about whether the IT specialist needs a higher education. The right of those who say that fundamental knowledge is sharply necessary. But you can agree with those who claim that everything can be learn from themselves, it would be desire. The latter became even easier after the leading Western universities with an excavating cost of learning began not only to lay out video of their lectures (for example, in iTunes), but also to form a culture of teaching university items online. I would like to note such initiatives from Russian universities, but there is nothing to say here.

Training courses from Stanford

Stanford University, located in California, is known worldwide. In fact, this is a forge of personnel for technological companies of Silicon Valley, many of which are located in Palo Alto - in the same city as the University himself. Get to Stanford - a dream for many young people who crave to make a career in the field of IT. The more you read about Stanford, the more you enjoy the fact that the University has launched the project of free online courses. Initially, everyone was asked to pass three courses: "Machine training" (ML-class.org), "artificial intelligence" (ai-class.com), "Introduction to database" (db-class.org). Each of the courses consists of lectures, check works and the final exam. In case of successful completion of training, the student receives a certificate in the form of a PDF file certified by a digital signature of the teacher. The experiment was successful, and at the beginning of the year Stanford announced a dozen of new courses at once, including:

  • Information Security (Security-class.org);
  • Design and analysis of algorithms (security-class.org);
  • Game theory (CS101-Class.org);
  • Informatics (CS101-Class.org);
  • Cryptography (CS101-Class.org).

In addition to directly IT items, there are a pair of business courses (in the field of high technologies). I have so much time to listen to machine learning and got great pleasure. The course is built in such a way as to be understandable to almost everyone, although, of course, knowledge in the field of discrete mathematics and mathematical analysis will be very useful here. It must be said that videos of any of the courses are accompanied by subtitles in case, if something is difficult to disassemble the rumor. As a rule, the language is very simple, so everything is understandable even with an average level of English.

Mitx from Massachusetts Institute of Technology

You probably heard about MIT - no less famous Western university. He also went to Stanford's footsteps and at the beginning of the year announced the development of MITX - a technological platform for online education. And now in February, information about the first year appeared, which will be held with this system - "6.002x: circuitry and electronics". Training will begin in the spring and will require approximately ten hours a week. The subject is not easy, so only students who have the necessary knowledge of electricity, magnetism and differential calculus are allowed. Among the three teachers, Professor Gerald Sassman, who created the language of Scheme and is the author of one of the best programming textbooks - "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs". In the near future, other items are promised. I am confident that similar to the teeth and Russian educational institutions that are simply obliged to keep up.

Try technology!

Interactive trailings that allow you to quickly feel a new technology, appear like mushrooms after the rain. Below, I have some more similar projects that have not entered today's review, but will be very useful if you want, for example, to get acquainted with the turnover of programming functional languages \u200b\u200bor new-fashioned NOSQL databases.


However, English courses are although necessary, but still a step to the side. The main thing I want to tell today is services that allow you to learn quite a specific programming language. The pattern is very noticeable: the more actively the language is developing and gaining popularity, the more instruments appear to study it. For example, I took some particularly fashionable programming languages: Python, Ruby (plus Ruby On Rails) and, of course, JavaScript (HTML5). With the last and start. No modern web application costs today without a shock dose of code on JS, on which the user interaction is fully implemented. Special guy manage to implement on JavaScript completely impossible things: to take at least a virtual machine project, which is quite successful Linux (Bellard.org/jslinux). But we will not consider this case :).


A simple question: what is the most proven way to learn a new programming language? Take a smart book and start reading it. This approach will never endure. So it was twenty years ago, so there is now. However, it is difficult to submit that by the 21st century did not come up with more progressive learning methods, especially - learning programming. Codecademy is a startup, positioning itself as a developer school. For seventy-two hours after the discovery, he collected more than two hundred thousand (thinking in the figure!) Beginner programmers, offering them to go through the JavaScript interactive course.

The secret of success in the elegance of the learning process. With the help of a special interface, students immediately begin to talk about the basic features of the language and its syntax, and, most importantly, it is proposed to immediately check the knowledge in action by typing the code in the special console. All this happens in the browser, without having to install anything on your computer. Step by step can be quickly dealt with what what, and understand all the basic JavaScript principles. In order to encourage students even more, as the course passing through the course, they are issued awards.

The project quickly received financing and very soon promises a significant replenishment of training courses. The system is already available to create your courses on the ready-made CodeCademy platform.

Learn jQuery for thirty days

An inseparable part of JavaScript gradually became a jQuery library that simplifies work with an HTML document, processing events, creating animation and implement AJAX. In fact, jQuery largely changed the approach to programming on JavaScript. Understand the library in principle is easy. But to make it even more painless, the Nettuts + portal, known for its high-quality training articles, has developed a special course. The course is divided into thirty lessons-scrinkas for fifteen minutes each, which allows the day after day gradually take a library for weapons. No matter how cool, and you can always find fifteen minutes. Yes, and learning format is very pleasant: personally there is nothing more understandable for me than the direct demonstration of coding with comments along the way. For those who are just starting to learn JS, there is a video course of the same author (bit.ly/aqk4s0).

First flight on jQuery

If you ask who removes screenshots of reference quality, then the winners will quite definitely be an online programming school C<>dE SCHOOL. This is a very professional project, offering both paid and free courses for specialists of various levels. The course "JQuery Air: First Flight" was paid for a long time, but with recently it is open to everyone. It consists of five levels, each of which includes a training screening and interactive programming exercises implemented directly in the browser. For the passage of tasks, glasses are accrued (for example, 350 per solid task). If a difficulty arose somewhere, you can ask for a prompt, but in this case it is not possible to avoid penalty points. At the first level, JavaScript is invited to pass, on the second - selectors, on the third - CSS attributes, on the fourth - manipulation with HTML elements and DOM, on the fifth - work with events. To go through the course, you need to perform fifty-five simple and not very exercises.

Ruby and Ruby on Rails

If you read the interview with Alena Vladimirskaya in the past number, which is considered to be the leading Hedhanter Runet, you already know how popular programmers are on Ruby On Rails. For competent specialists, ready to quickly raise growing web projects, everything is chased. And the more the demand is growing, the more salaries become. If you have programming experience, and you want to retrain the more sought-after direction, then Ruby in a bundle with Ruby On Rails is a completely accurately very good option. And now you can learn quite quickly. However, knowledge of the language will come in handy, even if you are not going to work by a professional developer. Ruby is popular and among information security experts: For example, the famous framework for Hacker Metasploit (and including all its modules) written on Ruby.


The project is an interactive book consisting of fifty exercises that allow you to quickly go through the basics of Ruby. You are told: "The array of elements is created like this - try." And you try. Then explains something else, "you immediately check it at once in action. As soon as knowledge becomes enough, you are offered more complex exercises. Completely fully implemented checking performed tasks (the solution code, naturally, you need to dial directly in the browser, and the editor even supports the syntax highlighting). For each exercise, the control points are given by which the correctness of the solution is checked. Thus, at any time, it is possible to understand what exactly does not like the interactive system, which result should be at the output, and where the error hid in your decision.

try Ruby.

If you had a little programming experience, then this interactive tutor literally for fifteen minutes will allow you to go through the basic concepts of the Ruby language and understand what. However, even if you never dealt with programming, try Ruby will be your teeth. True, in this case, learning is likely to take a little more time. You need to go through eight lessons and cope with more than fifty tasks. The project has become even better after it took under his wing already mentioned above School C<>dE SCHOOL. Now it is almost an ideal tutor.


As already noted, the Ruby language is clearly associated with the most popular framework for building web applications Ruby On Rails. The latter helped take off a non-one startup from Silicon Valley, including Twitter. Jeffrey Wei - the editor-in-chief of the Tutsplus.com service - recorded a slaughter screenwriter with the speaker name "Screenwood for dummies in Rails, from which I would like to start myself." In the 40-minute roller in the most intelligible form, it is described how to use Rails. After that, the words "Models", "TDD", "ActiveRecord", "Rspec", "Capybara", "Partials" will no longer scare. This is not the only screening screen for beginners: quite a few video tutorials for programmers of a different level can be found on another profile project - RailsCasts.com.

Rails for zombies.

After that (and only after!) How do you have the necessary knowledge of Rails and some experience in creating web applications, it is necessary to undergo a free course "Zombies" rails from all the same school C<>dE SCHOOL. Recorded at the consistently high level lessons, seasoned by a healthy dose of humor, are accompanied by exercises composed of situations with which every day there are programmers on the "rails". If this course is not enough to you, then the authors have a continuation of "Rails for Zombies 2", but it can be passed only for money.


Python is one of the most popular programming languages \u200b\u200bamong information security professionals. A huge number of connected libraries allows you to quickly write complex scenarios and auxiliary applications. Many people generally consider Python an ideal tool for the most quick prototyping of complex information systems. However, the prototype is often not limited to: there are quite a few projects, the code of which is written in Python, and which are withstanding huge loads. You can even explore this language for yourself: I had a dozen times the situation when I needed to optimize something, and each time knowing the language turned out to be very useful.

Moreover, Python is often embedded in many serious applications as a scripted language in order to have rich opportunities for creating scripts.

Try Python!

The best way to quick start is to try Python online training. On interactivity, the service greatly loses similar projects for JS and Ruby, but, nevertheless, allows you to undergo a basic course of study right in the browser. The computer does not even need to install the interpreter. This is very convenient: any given example can be immediately trying in action. However, in this interactivity ends: try python does not check your code, does not follow the correctness of actions and does not offer tasks to check knowledge. The whole course consists of seven parts (five by Python and two by IronPython). It's funny that the service itself is written on Silverlight.

Online Python Tutor

Funny service was developed as part of a programming course in the well-known American forge of programmers of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His idea is to visualize the execution of scenarios written in Python, allowing you to step by step to perform them (back-back) and at each step view the values \u200b\u200bof different data structures (variables, objects in a pile, stack frames). This may be an arbitrary code, scored directly in the browser, or one of several pre-harvested snippets taken from the Python curriculum in MIT. It's funny that there are several tasks that offer applicants for the position of programmers. With solutions. The service could be called an online debugger, however, to perform complex scenarios, it is already impossible to use it due to the lack of the possibility of connecting modules, performing I / O-operations and so on.

Lessons Python from Google

Google has long been famous for what actively uses Python. The company has even a special course intended for people who have so far have little experience in programming (naturally, they do not work as developers posts). Now this course is fully open and free. It includes step-by-step manuals, video lectures, as well as many exercises for training and fixing materials. The first sessions concern the basic concepts in Python (like strings and lists), then the development of full-fledged applications that work with files, processes and HTTP connections is consistently highlighted. It must be said that in Google this course passes through an intense scenario and fits two days.

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Moscow State Technical University. AD Bauman (MSTU them. N.E. Bauman) Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (MSU. Lomonosov) State University of Management (GUU) Russian Economic University named after G. V. Plekhanova (REU) Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI) Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Information Technology (IT)

In the age of global computerization of society, no organization or firm can successfully function, if there is no well-established information system based on advanced technologies. The need for specialists capable of collecting and processing information make life easier and more convenient, such as improving or automating production processes, grows every day. Now the right time to choose as a higher vocational education in the university innovative specialties in the field of information systems and technologies.

The range of professional activities of university graduates in the field of information technology is extensive: from applied mathematics in the field of programming to bringing high-tech software products to specific consumers. The object of professional activity of a specialist in information systems and technologies is their mathematical, information and software, methods and methods of design, debugging, production and operation of software in information systems in all areas of vital activity. The task of the specialist is to form such a software and hardware complex, which will allow the company-employer to achieve a competitive advantage in the market.

Specialty and specializations in information technology (IT)

The choice of training programs in this area in Moscow universities is quite large: the table presents the most common areas of training and specialty.

Room by Classify Cavator Oxo

Direction name / specialty

Life term (years)


Region professional activities

"Applied Mathematics and Informatics"

bachelor of applied mathematics and computer science

Mathematical and software of high-tech areas of science, technology and information technologies with a bias on effective programming; Construction of algorithms for solving optimization problems

master of Applied Mathematics and Informatics

mathematics, system programmer

"Business Informatics"

bachelor of Business Informatics

Information management in the field of modern business; Implementation, analysis and support of corporate information systems

master Business Informatics

"Applied Informatics" (by regions)

bachelor of applied informatics

Creation, introduction and support of professionally oriented information systems; Evaluation of the efficiency of software and databases in a specific area; Using advanced information technologies for obtaining and processing information

master of Applied Informatics

"Applied Informatics" (by regions: in economics, management, management)

informatik economist, manager, manager

"Informatics and Computing Technology"

bachelor of Technology and Technology

A combination of funds, methods and methods aimed at creating and using computer, systems and networks, automated information processing systems and management; Ensuring the functioning of all computer equipment

master of Technology and Technology

"Computing machines, complexes, systems and networks"

"Software Computing Technology and Automated Systems"

"Information Systems"

bachelor of Information Systems

Creation and support of modern information systems in all branches of production, commerce, science and education; Solving a wide range of tasks for the development of information and management processing systems using computer graphics methods, network information and multimedia technologies.

master of Information Systems

"Information Systems and Technologies"

"Information technology in design"

"Information Technologies in Media Industry"

"Information technologies in international business"

* Training in the magistracy after 4 years of undergraduate.

One of the most popular specialties in Moscow universities in the field of information technologies is "Information Systems and Technologies", since students who receive this education in high school are acquainted with programming, and with a computer device, and with data management, and also receive knowledge Specific sphere of future professional activities. In addition, this specialty has a number of interesting specializations in Moscow universities:

  • "Computer Graphics and Modern Programming Methods in Internet"
  • "Information technologies in the management of property, in international business"
  • "Telecommunication technologies, networks, complexes"
  • "Security of information networks and information protection"
  • "E-commerce Information Networks"
  • "Corporate Information Networks"
  • "Banking Information Networks"
  • "Management of Information Systems"
  • "Information networks in specific areas of the national economy: instrument making, transport"

What is studying

Future information technology specialists and systems receive fundamental mathematical training at the university, knowledge in the field of system analysis, dynamic object management, design of intelligent databases is particularly important for successful professional activities. At the same time, students acquire the knowledge and skills of modern programming methods in the Internet environment, in the field of global management systems, providing information security, etc.

Since the designed and used ITs, as a rule, are focused on a specific scope of application, the specialist will need knowledge in this particular field of national economy, for example, in mechanical engineering, railway transport, e-commerce, advertising. Separate types of professional activities of a university graduate in the field of information technologies will require knowledge in the field of economics, finance, jurisprudence, management, marketing, project management.

All computer programs are written in English, so the future IT specialist is obliged to own technical English at a fairly high level.

You can also become an IT specialist in the university one of the specialties in the table; It is important that you decide for yourself who you want to become: a brain specialist, the "gland" or "configuration" of finished products and models. Similar to the specialty-described specialty profile is provided by graduates of the university in the specialty "Applied Informatics", which are also designed to use advanced information technologies in specific areas of the national economy. In Moscow universities, you can find interesting training programs in the specialty "Applied Informatics" in the economy, management, management, tourism, medicine, etc. If you know in advance, in which area you want to specialize in the future, choose the university of a suitable profile that can provide Teaching in the proper volume of adjacent disciplines.

Where IT professionals work and how much they get

There are several options for the development of a career of university graduates in the field of information technologies: administrative, design and design and guidelines.

The administrative direction is represented by the Network Administrator, Network Administrator, Database Administrator. All these administrators are required to provide uninterrupted and safe operation of computers and their complexes on the network. Beginner administrators receive 25,000 rubles, each year of work adds 15% to the salary, additional knowledge, such as a foreign language, add another 10%. The presence of professional certificates, especially the international level, increase the salary by another 30%. Thus, the salary of $ 5,000 is not the limit for the administrator, moreover, additional earnings are possible for performing one-time orders.

The design direction is represented by the positions of the programmer, the host programmer, the developer of network applications, a Web programmer, etc. The average salary of the programmer is 1,500-2,000 dollars, it depends on the programming language, the level of knowledge of the English language (plus 20%), experience Work. Often programmers, especially in the Internet, are engaged in outsourcing, i.e. work on themselves; Their revenues are usually higher than that of full-time employees.

Steering work for IP specialists includes project manager position, project director, general director. On the formation of wages for the posts of this area, you can learn in the description of the specialty "Management of the Organization".

Graduates of universities, experts on IP can find work in all spheres of life, which uses computing techniques:

  • - in academic, scientific, educational institutions;
  • - in computing centers, development bureaus;
  • - in information centers, archives, foundations and libraries, state statistical bodies;
  • - in state and government agencies, state and municipal government agencies, taxation bodies, law and order and social protection, at customs;
  • - in the management bodies at enterprises and organizations of various shape of ownership;

Being an IT specialist today is not only honorable, but also profitable!
The quality of education obtained by experts has a direct connection with the level of development and literacy of the application of information technologies.

To obtain education, it is necessary not just the process of transferring knowledge, you need to transmit more skills and skills, and this is systematically. Those who transmit knowledge, skills and skills should be literate in all respects.

The system of higher education is not the only one, but at the moment officially dominating the basic part of the Russian system of preparation of the younger generation of high-class IT specialists. In Russia, more than 270 universities work with IT. Today IT specialist is a pretty popular profession. The main focus on the IT market is "programming, development". The directions are also quite popular - "Project Management", "Engineers", "System Integration" and "Support, HelpDesk".

What universities and institutions are preparing professional IT specialists?

Based on the analysis of the largest SuperJob database and the current ratings of the Russian universities, including the expert's annual RA, the rating was drawn up among universities, which produce more popular and highly paid IT specialists. According to the site, 33 Russian universities that produce the preparation of IT specialists can be distinguished:

  • MSU - Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov
  • MEPI - National Research Nuclear University "MIII"
  • MFTI - Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)
  • NSU - Novosibirsk State University
  • MSTU them. Bauman - Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman
  • MIEM - Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics "MIEM" (Technical University)
  • NSTU - Novosibirsk State Technical University
  • NNU - Nizhny Novgorod State University. Lobachevsky (National Research University)
  • SPbSU - St. Petersburg State University
  • Urals - Ural Federal University. First President of Russia B.N.ELtsin
  • SSTU - Saratov State Technical University
  • UGATU - Ufa State Aviation Technical University
  • KFU - Kazan (Volga) Federal University
  • MAI - National Research University Moscow Aviation Institute
  • MIET - National Research University Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology
  • NSTU - Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University. R.E. Alexseeva
  • MEI - National Research University Moscow Energy Institute
  • OGU - Orenburg State University
  • PGU - Penza State University
  • VolgGTU - Volgograd State Technical University
  • SPbGPU - St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University
  • Tulgu - Tula State University
  • IZhSTU - Izhevsk State Technical University
  • VLGU - Vladimir State University. A.G. and N.G. Tabletovaya
  • MSU MEAA - Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation
  • RGTU - Ryazan State Radio Engineering University
  • Book them. Tupolev - Kazan State Technical University. A.N.Tuolev
  • SPbGETI "LETI" - St. Pother's State Electrotechnical University "LETI" them. V.I. Ulyanova (Lenin)
  • VSTU - Voronezh State Technical University
  • MGUPI - Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics
  • MIIT - Moscow State University of Communications
  • SPBSAP - St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation
  • SPBSU ITMO - St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies

These universities are preparing specialists in the following specialties:

  • Information Systems.
  • Information Technology.
  • Modeling and researching operations in organizational and technical systems.
  • Applied math.
  • Applied Informatics.
  • Computer security.
  • Computing machines, complexes, systems and networks.
  • Automated information processing and management systems.
  • Automated Design Systems.
  • Software Computer Engineering and Automated Systems.
  • Organization and technology for the protection of information.
  • Complex protection of informatization objects.
  • Comprehensive support for information security of automated systems.
  • Information security of telecommunication systems.

The table shows the payroll data of IT specialists employed in the specialty:

A qualified IT specialist is now on gold weight.

¹ Portal Superjob

Kovalchuk Tatyana
Recruiting company Aviconn.
Recruitment consultant

This year in Russia, school finished a little more than 708 thousand guys. Of these, 55 thousand handed over the exam in computer science. That is, about 7.8% of applicants plan to associate their lives with information technology. But the trouble - choosing a specialty (and those related to new technologies, dozens) guys are not very impaired than they will do after receiving a diploma. Many are focused on the name of the specialty, on the stories of the senior guys or on the prestige of the university.

Komsomolka found out which IT specialties will be in demand and after 3-4 years and in which universities are preparing the best professionals.

Information technologies have penetrated almost all areas of our lives. Very soon, the volumes of information will be measured by zettabytes (this is 10 seconds to 21 degrees), and it will be extremely important to manage these commander, our experts are considered to be Candidate of Technical Sciences, the head of the department for work with the Department of Strategic Technologies of Microsoft Alexander Gavrilov and Director of the Department Research and education Mail.Ru Group Dmitry Voloshin.

1. "Datassentist" - Specialist in working with large amounts of data

Big Data is a popular and promising direction in computer science. What it is? This is the collection and systematization of information of huge volumes and a variety of composition. It is necessary to analyze the information array entirely and take serious management decisions based on it. At first glance, this seems clear, but for such a work, very specific competencies are needed. "Data Scientist is a person who ideally has a technical background, it can be a programmer, analytics, business architect. It also has scientific backs, skills and ability to analyze information and hypotheses, "says Dmitry Voloshin.

2. Cloud computing specialist

Cloud data warehouses are powerful virtual servers on which user data is stored. Due to the fact that the data is stored in the so-called "clouds", they are not attached to a specific PC and can be removed with less powerful than the server, devices. So google and yandex wheels, Mail.Ru files, Apple ICloud service, or even Google Chrome, who remembers bookmarks, passwords and the history of the user's brazer. Experts predict a rapid increase in the number of such systems in the coming years, and specialists for their development are very small. So it's time to learn to develop "clouds", on the release of the university problems with employment will not be.

3. Mobile Application Developer

It makes no sense to explain what it is. Smartphone \u003d mobile applications. Each new application is more interesting and more difficult than the previous one, new specializations appear in this area. For example, programmers under a specific platform, specialists in graphical interfaces, mobile application testers "As the tablets and smartphones penetrate the market, as communication channels are improved, a huge need (I do not exaggerate), it is a huge need for appropriate developers . Now this is one of the main trends, a large number of startups appear on this topic "- comments Dmitry Voloshin.

4. Specialist in robotics

This is no longer a new direction in IT, but now it is rapidly gaining momentum. The sphere is very complex, here and electronics, and mechanics, and informatics. "In fact, I would compare the programmer's robots with a surgeon that makes operations," says Dmitry Voloshin. But you can learn this, and besides very necessary. Employers are waiting.

5. Information Security Specialist

Another wide sphere with a lot of branches. Here and the development of antiviruses, and the protection of electronic payment systems - in general, everything that will help the information to be protected.

6. Complex automation of business processes

Automation is needed to quickly solve various business tasks. With IT-solutions, almost any business processes can be accessed: from attracting new customers to pay salary. But all processes in the business are related to each other, therefore comprehensive automation is more efficient and easier.

Alexander Gavrilov also distinguishes interdisciplinary directions, such as bioinformatics. Programmers on 1C, C ++, Java and others are always in demand. "Good programmers are sweeping. All the guys who can and want to program will certainly find their work in a very short time, "says students and applicants Dmitry Voloshin.

I used to go to the ITs ... And where to go?

There is a distance between higher education and real work. Neither the developer of mobile applications, nor on the business analyst, nor on a cloud computing specialist to learn. It is understandable. "Another 5 years ago, there was no one of the specialties listed above," says Alexander Gavrilov. But this is not a reason to refuse to higher education and decide that you will learn everything yourself. University preparation gives a foundation for the development of a specialist. In addition, we have such a country, without a diploma will not take anywhere. And technical universities open doors to large companies.

To the question of the employment of students at the end of universities, Dmitry Voloshin is definitely answered: "Well, only losers are not satisfied, sorry for the directness. 70% of the guys still work on 3-4 courses. "

The best universities where IT

1. MSTU them. AD Bauman

In Baumanke, it is worth trying to happiness at the Faculty of Informatics and Management Systems and Faculty of Robotics and Complex Automation. True, in the event of failure, you should not be upset. At any faculty in this university, even on management, strong technical training is given. The university holds his Olympiad "Step to Future", its winners and prize-winners come without exams.

2. Faculty of MCC MSU them. Lomonosov

Here they give fundamental theoretical training, many graduates at the end go into science. Competition in place 5-5.5 people, but a lot of low-cost places: 335. Do not forget that MSU has a privilege to carry out an additional entrance test, so the results of the USE will not be enough. Again, the university has its Lomonosov Olympics and Cororage Vorobyev Mountains. Diplomas of these Olympics come without exams, or receive 100 points according to one of the items.


Here IT specialists are prepared in three faculties: radio equipment and cybernetics, management and applied mathematics, innovation and high technology. On average, the competition for these faculties last year amounted to 2.2 people in place, which is not so much. Although points are needed quite high. With the help of the Olympics "Fiztech" you can enter the MIPT without exams, and there are still many other Olympics that give advantages upon admission. For example, "Start to Science" and away Olympics.

4. Mythi.

The competition in MIII is large, in the direction of business informatics in 2012 it was as much as 16 people in place. But it is possible to submit documents at once in 5 universities. So why not risk and not feel the spirit of competition in one of them?

5. MESI.

Here, Aytichnikov are preparing as many as 5 faculties: business informatics, computer science and computing, information security, mathematical support and administration of information systems, applied informatics. It is quite realistic to enter there, on average passing score to these faculties last year - 216 for 3 exam.

Also worth paying attention to the Faculty of Business Informatics HSE: there is a good base with the orientation of practice. You can become a worthy specialist, studying in Mirea and St. Petersburg State University at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics - Management Processes. Among the universities of St. Petersburg, ITMO is a worthy alternative to Moscow universities.

From regional universities, experts allocated Kazan (Volga) and Southern Federal Universities, Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Nizhny Novgorod State Universities.

In all universities without exams, winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Schoolchildren Olympiad for profile subjects and members of international teams of substantive Olympiads are taken.

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