Alexander Sviyash Seminars. Psychologist Alexander Sviyash: "Wives, learn to handle husbands on commercials! Connect to the Information Channel

Alexander Sviyash - modern, popular writer, psychologist, candidate of science, author of nine books, the total circulation used to 6,000,000 copies, including such well-known and popular books as: " Smile not too late », "How to be when everything is not the way you want", "What prevents you from being rich", "Health in the head, not in a pharmacy", "Reasonable world: how to live without unnecessary experiences". The author is the creator of the center of positive psychology. "Reasonable way", as well as his numerous trainings and courses.

All books by Alexander Sviyasha Steel Bestsellers, repeatedly reprinted in Russian and numerous translations. The life of many readers has been changed for the better. Alexander Sviyash is the author of an effective technique called name "Reasonable way". Thousands of people have learned to realize the causes of the events taking place with them, work with their attitude towards themselves and to the environment, eliminate existing problems and be effective in achieving their goals.

Can a person live without unnecessary feelings? It would seem how to achieve this? We live in a world in which there are many accidents, troubles, disasters, wars and other events and, in the end, we all are immersed in the world of experiences. Is it possible to get out of this state and live joyfully, harmoniously, successfully so that the life of you pleased and you would not want to hide from her where far? Can. To do this, it is necessary to make certain efforts - you need to work on yourself.

What prevents you from being rich!? The first step on this path is to admit that the life you have depends exclusively from you. Many people choose the position of the victim. If you are satisfied with such a position, then video lessons, books and trainings Alexander SviyashaMost likely not for you. If you are ready to admit that at least part of those events that occur in your life depend on you and you yourself gave your health, the level of your material well-being, the relationship that you have and they depend on you, then the appliances who are Offers Alexander Sviyash, can help you take steps to change your life for the better.

Each person is a kind of wizard. Unfortunately, he uses his magic wand in order to create a trouble in its mass, but nothing bothers a person to realize his own mistakes and immediately start using his magic wand in order to change himself and together with the change of change itself the world.

For today positive psychology of Alexander Sviyasha It suggests that there are four barriers on the way between a person and his goals. First barrier - The struggle for their ideals, for the desire to be right. Second barrier - This is not aware of the processing of those negative programs and installations that the society laid into us and which we are guided by the wrong and then we get problems on the way to our goals. Third barrier - those aware of the benefits that we get from the fact that our goal is not implemented, it seems that I want to have health, I want to have money, a personal life, but in fact, I do not want this - in the end I do not get anything. Fourth barrier - Incorrect setting of goals, Ie, we are insensitive telling what we want, in the end we get what we are unnecessary.

The reasonable world, how to live without unnecessary experiences, effective forgiveness, as well as many answers to the most relevant psychological important chips, you can find using very interesting books, trainings and video tutorials of the author. Smile is not too late and successful for you to study Alexander Sviyasha!


A person is trying to strive for something. Love, Family, Children, Education, Successful Career, Welfare, Rest, Creativity, Health - This is not a complete list of our everyday needs. However, most of us live in the world of problems and experiences. Why is this happening? And is it possible to make problems solved easily and quickly, the necessary goals achieved and life delivered only pleasure? How to learn to live calmly and joyfully, without superfluous experiences? If these and similar questions have visited your head, then our book is for you.

Maybe she will become something like the rules road - Only movements in life. In it, you will find those segless laws and rules that our whole life is subject to. These are the most traffic lights, signs and pointers that people often do not notice or do not want to notice. Our task is to make them visible and understandable to you.

The book will give you a chance to get out of the world of problems and experiences and take a step in a reasonable world. The world in which you can take conscious decisions, because you know the causes and consequences of certain events. If you can't do something, you will know why. If you want something, you will know how to achieve it.

You will become the real owner of your life.

Alexander Grigorievich Sviyash - Russian psychologist, author of books.


Was born on February 12, 1953 in Northern Kazakhstan. His father worked in the military sphere, so the family often changed the place of residence, but in the end he entrenched in the Dagestan city of Kizlyar. Already since childhood, Alexander was fascinated by radio engineering, which influenced the choice of the highest educational institution. After graduating from school, Alexander began to study at the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers at the Faculty of Automatics and Computer Engineering. Simultaneously with study worked on Moscow railway. After graduating from training at the university in 1983, Alexander defends the dissertation and receives the post of Candidate of Technical Sciences. As suddenly, unexpectedly, the direction of employment changes for everyone and is accepted for theoretical solutions Inventive tasks. Throwing the technique, Alexander begins to work as a senior employee in the Scientific Laboratory of Technical Creativity at the Institute of Academy pedagogical Sciences, and also works above the doctoral dissertation on pedagogy. The restructuring creates and opens the center of creativity for children, where he is engaged in young talented inventors. At the same time, he begins to be interested in the psychology and the development of the personality of man.


Sviyash is the author of many books on psychology, well-known in Russia, and beyond. Now Alexander Sviyash has a third wife, and with his second wife, Julia wrote several books in collaboration. The author of more than 14 books, the total circulation of which is over 10 million copies. His books are psychological and loved by many admirers of the author, but not everyone can interpret them. To this end, the author created his projects that help people understand the correctness of their theoretically thoughts, push them to the right path when deciding. He is the author of the book on how easy it is to become a rich man and attract cash flows, just correctly manipulating fate and skillfully push it to the exercise of desires, both material and not material.


He founded the Center for Positive Psychology a reasonable way and created an Internet project Self-development space. Created a unique way to his effect a reasonable way, which, according to him, allows people to deal with the causes of problems arising on their ways, and could be free from them. In his center, he conducts trainings and seminars on psychology and solutions to problems. Also, Sviyash holds away seminars and teaches psychology on webinarians through its Internet project. Several times took part as a guest guest in popular television transmissions. It could be seen both on central channels, for example, a good morning program on the first channel and cable television channels, where Svyatius is a frequent guest.


In 2012, he received a reward from the European Business Assembly - the Order of the United Europe in the nomination for professional achievements. Twice received a reward from the book publishing course Peter - the statue of the goddess Niki in the nomination for a series of books, which causes the inexhaustible interest of readers for many years and in the nomination a record number of circulations for 2001-2002.

He is interested in photography, fishing. Alexander Sviyash calls himself an active member of the research workshop of practical psychology. President and co-founder of the Association of Personal Development Professionals. It is a valid member of the professional psychotherapeutic league has its own website. Master of Positive Thinking, is among the members editorial Board Socratic Almanac of the European Business Assembly. Included in the 10th Guru of the Planet according to the Russian magazine Marie-Claire. Participated in the TV shows called dinner on the Ren-TV channel. His fan is Dmitry Kharatyan. Writes in the genre of popular psychology. His name journalists are constantly associated with sects, and the ROC criticizes the teachings of the Svilla, calling it a neo-language. Sviyash himself calls his teaching based on the texts of the Bible. Leads his blog on the site and on the LiveJournal Platform.

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