Factors in choosing a role-playing game scenario. Features of the plot-compositional construction of game programs

* on a territorial basis:

1. Tabletop role playing games

This class includes such fashionable games in the West as "Dungeons & Dragons" ("Dungeons and Dragons", English) and their simplified variations. These are the simplest games in terms of technical requirements. The player needs only paper and a pen, as well as a developed system of rules and information cards. Most games require a trained host, but there are games that can be played without one. Preliminary training of players is not required.

2. Pavilion role-playing games

Pavilion games include games that are held indoors and in which it is possible to simulate large areas and processes. It is desirable to have an entourage and appropriate equipment. These games require the presence of leaders who regulate the course of the game. Preparation of participants depends on the level of complexity of the game. It is possible to include elements of board games.

3. Role play on the ground

This game is the most complex in terms of typical requirements, especially when it takes place over several days and requires solving transport and domestic problems. As a rule, elements of the entourage, costumes for participants, game and tourist equipment are needed to conduct a role-playing game on the ground. To conduct large-scale role-playing games, it is necessary to have trained game technicians and an administrative group who prepare in advance for the event and supervise the preparation of participants.

* by difficulty levels:

Based on the experience of the development of role-playing games in Russia, it can be determined that the division of games by difficulty levels often coincides with the thematic division of games, which gave impetus to the formation of the appropriate terminology in the circles of role-playing game lovers.

1. War games

These are games like "Zarnitsa". Elaboration of biographical and team legends and modeling of the economy, politics and cultural sphere, as a rule, are reduced to a minimum. The responsibility of the organizers is to create an image of the game world, the conditions and laws of its existence, as well as control over the observance of the rules during the game, when all game issues are resolved, mainly, by force of arms.

2. fairytale games

These are war games in which there are fairy-tale characters and magic. As a rule, the development of legends, a picture of the world and the rules of the game becomes more complicated. It is necessary to increase the level of players and the responsibility of the organizers.

3. Historical and ethnographic games

They can be held based on both historical events and literary works, or according to the organizers' own developments. Conducting historical and, especially, historical and ethnographic games requires a detailed development of legends, modeling politics, economics, the spiritual sphere, elements of material culture and other areas of life of the period chosen for the game. This contributes to a detailed acquaintance of the participants with the living conditions of the simulated historical period or region.

4. Information games

This is the most calm class of games, because their participants are very limited in their choice of active game actions. The second name of such games is intellectual, because game issues are resolved with the help of political, economic and magical levers of influence. Military operations in such games are minimized or absent. When preparing intellectual games, versatile training of participants (theoretical, theatrical, psychological) and game technicians is necessary. Elements of an information game can be present in games of any class, but for a certain circle of players, an intellectual game is of greater interest in its pure form.

* by creation method:

1. Base games

These games are based on the idea of ​​a historical or literary source. The basic facts, laws and conditions for the existence of the selected world are taken. Situations that may arise when these conditions change are checked.

2. Conditional games

All conditions and laws of existence of the game world are developed by the creators of the game independently. Up to physical, biological and historical.

* by target feature or by length:

1. Target games

In the script of games of this class, it was initially laid down that when a group of players (or an individual player) reaches a certain goal, they (or he) are declared winners, and the game ends there,

2. Open ended games

The game scenario of this class has a time limit for the game. A careful study of the scenario is necessary, suggesting possible directions for the course of the game. Each player has at least one goal. Its implementation is not the end of the game for him. Perhaps the emergence of new, more global goals. The main criterion for preparing a game participant is his ability to get used to the game image and carry it through to the end, supporting the concepts of this world.

3. Non-stop (Games without stopping)

The scenario of the game of this class will be created in such a way that the players have the opportunity to continue the game from the place where it ended yesterday - and so on ad infinitum. The simulated world improves and develops, and the players improve with it.

The first stage of organizing a role-playing game is a theoretical development, which includes the following points:

1. Picture of the simulated world;

2. Rules of the game;

3. Team and (or) individual introductory.

The whole course of the game depends on how thoughtful this data package is.

1. Picture of the simulated world

Here it is necessary to present the conditions and laws of existence of the simulated world. The fuller and brighter it is described, the more diverse and thoughtful the actions of the players will be. The description scheme is as follows:

a) place of action:

b) duration of action;

c) actors and their position;

d) important events that preceded the simulated period of time;

e) the situation at the beginning of the game.

2. Rules of the game

The rules are the basic Law of the game, therefore their development must be carried out with legal scrupulousness, in order to avoid various interpretations. The main sections of the rules that apply in most games are:

a) military sphere:

Standards for types of weapons and fortifications;


Safety precautions;

b) political sphere:

The political structure of the simulated world;

Modeling of social relations;

Modeling of political and legal activities;

c) economic sphere:

Orientation of the economy;

Modeling branches of economic activity.

Modeling of financial and economic activity;

d) physical and metaphysical laws of the simulated world:

Time structuring,

Moving around the playing area

magical ability,

Magic characters and objects.

e) spiritual sphere;

Culture (traditions, customs, art);

Religious cults of the simulated world.

3. Team and individual introductory

Team and individual introductions are developed by the organizers of the game, or by the players themselves, in agreement with the organizers. Introductory help participants better understand their role, determine their place in the simulated world and outline the line of conduct. Team and individual entries must contain the following information:

Command intro:

a) the name of the team (group, people, country);

b) team legend:


Important historical events;

Legends, traditions;

rituals, religions;

Team Secrets.

c) command structure:


social composition;

Relationships between layers and team members;

d) the relationship of the team with others:

neutral forces.

e) the goals of the team in the game.

Individual inputs:

a) game name;

b) age;

c) official biographical data;

d) the current situation in society;

e) attitude towards others;

f) objects and personal secrets;

g) game information;

h) goals in the game.

Role Play Algorithm

The algorithm is responsible for the knowledge of new feelings and awareness of thoughts.

Algorithm "Intrigue"

From the name of the algorithm, it can be understood that the dynamics of the game is built on the achievement by each player of some of his interests or goals, as in an ordinary "book" intrigue, and according to the laws of the genre, several players try to achieve the same goal. The dynamics of the algorithm is based on the rivalry of the players. But unlike a military clash, where the decisive factor is the ability of the fighters to cover themselves and their comrade with a shield and hit the gaps in the enemy’s shields with a sword, the one who has collected the most complete information about the players wins here. And again, according to the laws of the book genre, each player, in addition to the goal and information that helps him achieve this goal, also has personal compromising evidence that is known to someone and can also be used


Each algorithm is divided into factors that provide the dynamics of this algorithm.

Factors of the Intrigue Algorithm

1. The factor of preparation of participants.

For intrigue, it is very important that the player realizes his goal. Awareness of the goal by the player occurs as a result of the personal work of the master with the player, when the master tells the player everything he needs to know. It is very important that the player's potential matches the goal. In addition, the goal should not cause a clear rejection in the player.

2. The factor of working out goals.

This is perhaps the determining factor for the algorithm. As mentioned above, the goal must match the potential of the participant. This means that the master must represent the capabilities of the player and what he will undertake in order to achieve the task. In addition, each player must imagine what moves he will take to achieve his goal, it is possible that what he represents is not entirely true, but it does not matter, since the main thing is that he does not sit and painfully think about what he would do taken the main action. In addition to the player's understanding of his moves, the master must provide a constant reminder to the player of the tasks that are set for him. With a noticeable difference in the potentials of the players, it is recommended to introduce restrictions for the stronger ones. Type: low social status, inability to kill rivals.

3.Factor features goals.

The following features of intriguing goals can be noted: The goals must be associated with some objects or persons.

Players can use items or services of persons only once and strictly by one person.

We can consider two options for tying the goals of different players to each other:

a) Option (Beads). The goals of the players are, as it were, one behind the other, that is, the tasks of one are connected with the tasks of the other. For example: One of the players owes a large amount of money, then to whom he owes money, he is also obliged to pay it on an IOU, etc. Goals are like beads strung on one string, each bead must "do" something else, and this other must for
perform a task, do something with the follow-up.

b) Circular option. In this version, the goals are tied to each other in a circle, with the first tied to the last. But it is possible that with a simple circular interest, the players will quickly find a common language, so you need to establish relationships, as it were, inside the circle. So that the goal of the first and other players is connected not only with subsequent ones, but also
in a chaotic manner so that it would be impossible to find the ends of the intrigues.

4. The goal maintenance factor.

The goal should shine on the participant throughout the game, as it is a spring that pushes a person to action. During the game, under the influence of surrounding events, a person can forget his goal for a while, and then in the rapidly changing game world it will be very difficult to find the ends by which it will be possible to find out the necessary information. For example, the player was attacked by bandits, he ran away from them, then he was accused of something, the player begins to unravel this accusation, etc. This situation is very common in R.I.

5. The decorum factor.

The concept of "properties" refers to factors that do not bark the player to achieve his goal in one fell swoop. In general, algorithms can be said to build dynamics by creating various difficulties and forcing the player to overcome them, role modeling ensures that the difficulties are varied, as are the ways to overcome them. And so, propriety means a certain code that must be observed by the players, and difficulties arise precisely because the code must be observed. In particular, it is much easier for a player who is told in the introduction that he must repay a debt to someone than to shoot his creditor long and hard to save money. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to either ban killings, or make it technically very difficult.

There are the following ways that can force the player to keep up appearances:

The existence of a law. And not just its existence as a book, but law as an institution. For a beginner, this is difficult.

Impossibility of physical contact of the parties. For example, both parties are flying in spaceships and can only talk over the videophone.

The dependence of the player on the moral person, which determines for the player what norms he must follow. It can be a good wizard and the Pope, etc.

The most important thing in this factor is the maximum aggravation of murders.

6. The factor of walking in the game of dirty stories and the presence of compromising evidence on each player.

Dirty stories and compromising information refers to the information that players collect about their rivals in order to achieve their goals. An example of such a "dirty" story is the plot of Dumas O pendants, if Richelieu had not learned the story about the pendants, Anna would hardly have spent so much time trying to eliminate the danger of being exposed by the cardinal. If this situation were repeated in a role-playing game, then Anna, while solving her problem with pendants, would remove herself from the path of other players, thereby making it easier for them to solve the problem. It is useful to apply the algorithm to another situational or game, for example, the action of the main game takes place in the royal castle, and the king wages war on the northern borders, where courtiers who are especially guilty of the crown can be sent. Naturally, the person who is referred to this war is out of the game. Thus, the factor of respect for decorum is observed, the dynamics of intrigue is also observed; the person was compromised, and he lost, that is, he was removed from the game. All of the above constitutes the dynamics of the algorithm, that is, the fact that a person is forced to perform actions in a certain logic, and in this case, such logic is the collection of information about all players and its timely use.

Participation in role-playing games can be classified by "depth of immersion". The level of participation increases depending on the preparedness of the player and his experience.

1. Passive participation ("Tourist")

At this stage, the participants do not take active actions, but only observe the development of the plot played out by a group of game technicians or more experienced players. In the intervals between game events, they can freely move around the game area and ask questions. It is desirable to have play clothes.

2. Limited Participation (“Guided”)

Participants are directly included in the game. They are dressed in game clothes, divided into teams or have individual roles, but their initiative is limited to the leaders. A group of game technicians, according to a flexible scenario, in which key moments are pre-scheduled, plays out theatrical fragments, with the help of which the current situation is explained and an impetus is given to the further course of the game.

3. Free participation ("Player")

To conduct such games, the experience of the participants and the clear work of the presenters are necessary. Players independently determine their actions in the game. They themselves develop personal and team legends based on masterful installations. Game costumes, weapons and other attributes are made by players or provided by hosts. Theatrical moments can also take place in the game, but basically the course of the game depends on the participants themselves. In such games, the hosts monitor compliance with the rules and regulate the course of the game.

The block diagram is a conditional algorithm for developing, conducting and analyzing a role-playing game. Not all points of the above scheme must necessarily be taken into account when creating games of various classes, but the authors of this publication have tried, based on their experience, to provide the most complete scheme for a multifaceted role-playing game.

Paradoxical as it may seem, but a serious obstacle to the use of the game in teaching and education is professional pedagogical training and pedagogical experience.

Firstly. Very many functions in the work of a teacher can be called "inspectorial": maintain discipline, monitor the correct timely completion of tasks, etc. In the game, inspector functions are practically forbidden: they destroy the game itself. Of course, the organizer of the game solves pedagogical problems, but unlike the "classical" teacher, he is deprived of the opportunity to directly influence the players, he cannot directly order the players, punish violators, explain how to act correctly. The task of the organizer of the game is to make sure that the players are “ordered, punished and explained” by the game.

Secondly. The organizer of the game can only influence the course of the game, but cannot determine it. In this sense, the results of the game, unlike other forms of pedagogical work, are unpredictable (in the sense of a rigidly specified result). The game is a product of collective creativity and the contribution of the players in it is comparable to the contribution of the organizer of the game. This is due to the difference in the types of pedagogical goals of the game and the lesson. In the game, it is important not to master certain knowledge, skills and abilities (although this happens), but to build a personal relationship and personal understanding of the events lived in the game. A personal attitude cannot be right or wrong, it either arises or it doesn't. And the attitude of the players to the past game may not be the same as the organizers of the game assumed. In this regard, the actions of the master in the game run counter to the principles of classical didactics.

On the other hand, on the part of the players, the incorrect or irresponsible work of the organizers of the game gives rise to a very negative phenomenon - "gambling". That is, such a state of affairs when the game turns for a person into the only space of action. A person uses the game as compensation for his own failure in life. Most often, this is due to the construction of games according to a template: in several games in a row, those situations are repeated from which the team of players has already learned how to successfully exit. After a series of similar games, the players develop the illusion of their own “coolness” - “we all know, we can do everything”, and, as a result, the desire to act only in the already mastered area - in the game.

Control questions and tasks:

1. Compare the definition and essence of the "business game".

2. Name the main classifications of "role-playing games" and their features.

3. What are the "role-play" algorithms?


“With the development of scientific and technological progress, the volume of information that is mandatory for assimilation is increasing. It is established that the information quickly becomes outdated and needs to be updated. It follows from this that teaching, which is mainly focused on memorizing and retaining material in memory, will only partially be able to meet modern requirements. This means that the problem of the formation of such qualities of thinking that would allow the student to independently assimilate constantly renewed information, the development of such abilities that, having been preserved even after the completion of education, provides a person with the opportunity to keep up with the accelerating scientific and technological progress, is emerging. From this we can say that we need new methods and approaches in teaching that could teach students to learn, i.e. to find and assimilate the necessary information on their own. After all, what is learned on one's own is learned better by trial and error.


The game gives you freedom. The game is not a task, not a duty, not a law. You cannot play by order, only voluntarily.

The game gives a break from everyday life, with its utilitarianism, with its monotony, with its rigid determination of the way of life. The game is extraordinary.

The game gives access to a different state of mind. Obeying only the rules of the game, a person is free from all sorts of estate, mercantile and other conventions. The game removes the hard tension in which the teenager lives in his real life, and replaces it with a voluntary and joyful mobilization of spiritual and physical forces.

The game gives order. The system of rules in the game is absolute and undeniable. You can't break a rule and be in the game. This quality of order is very valuable now in our unstable, disorderly world.

The game creates harmony. Creates a desire for excellence. The game tends to get fine. Although there is an element of uncertainty in the game, the contradictions in the game tend to be resolved.

The game gives passion. There is no partial gain in the game. It intensively involves the whole person, activates his abilities.

The game provides an opportunity to create and rally the team. The attractiveness of the game is so great and the game contact of people with each other is so complete and deep that the game communities show the ability to persist even after the end of the game, outside of its framework.

The game gives an element of uncertainty, which excites, activates the mind, adjusts to the search for optimal solutions.

The game gives the concept of honor. It opposes selfish and narrow group interests. For her, it is not important who exactly wins, but it is important that the victory be won in accordance with all the rules, and that courage, intelligence, honesty and nobility be shown to the maximum extent in the struggle. The game gives the concept of self-restraint and self-sacrifice in favor of the team, since only a “played” team will achieve success and perfection in the game.

The game compensates neutralize the shortcomings of reality. Contrasts the hard world of reality with an illusory harmonious world - the antipode. The game gives romanticism.

The game gives physical improvement, since in its active forms it involves learning and using game fencing in business, the ability to navigate and move over rough terrain, moreover, in armor and with game weapons.

The game will provide an opportunity to show and improve the and creative skills in creating the necessary game paraphernalia. These are weapons, armor, clothes, various amulets, amulets and more.

The game develops the imagination, because it is necessary to create new worlds, myths, situations, rules of the game.

The game gives a lasting interest in good literature, since the role-playing game is created by the method of literary modeling. To create your own world, you need to read about others first.

The game gives you the opportunity to develop your mind, because it is necessary to build an intrigue and implement it.

The game develops wit, since the process and space of the game necessarily presuppose the occurrence of comical situations, jokes and anecdotes.

The game gives the development of psychological plasticity. The game is far from being only a competition, but also theatrical art, the ability to get used to the image and bring it to the end.

The game will give the joy of communication with like-minded people.

The game gives the ability to navigate in real life situations, playing them repeatedly and as if for fun in his fictional world. Gives psychological stability. It removes the level of anxiety that is so high now in parents and is transmitted to children. Develops an active attitude to life and purposefulness in achieving the goal.

Business games, despite their practical significance, are acceptable only as an additional teaching method in organic connection with theoretical studies. They generally do not involve the development of a single correct solution. Their value lies in stimulating a large number of ideas and ways to implement them, in the ambiguity of the decisions made, the nature of which is determined by a specific educational situation.

At the same time, it should be noted that modern business games, despite their shortcomings, still provide a learning effect due to the presence in almost all games of the moment of discussion, discussion and analysis by the participants of their actions among themselves and with the game coordinator.

In business games, based on the game concept, life situations are modeled: the game provides the participant with the opportunity to play the role of a guide, teacher, judge, director, etc. The use of business games significantly strengthens the relationship (student - teacher), reveals the creative potential of each student. The experience of conducting a business game has shown that in its process there is a more intensive exchange of ideas, information, it encourages participants to the creative process.

In recent years, business games have been used, as a rule, in three different aspects:


■training game

■game - study

However, it should be noted that these games are not used in their pure form; each specific business game carries an interweaving of these aspects, or, in accordance with certain goals of the game, an acceptance can be made on any one aspect.

GLOSSARY. "Business games"

business game - a method of imitation (imitation, image) of decision-making in various artificially created situations by playing the appropriate roles, individual and group, according to the rules set and developed by the participants in the game.

If the game is played by economists, then it is called a business game (business game), less often - management (management game) or operational. In the field of politics, urban planning, as a rule, the term "simulation game" is used. The most common and common, perhaps, in the West is the term "imitation game" or "game imitation".

simulation model - the orienting structure of the reproducible activity, given in a specific material form, reflects the selected fragment of reality, which can be called a model prototype or an object of imitation, setting the subject context of the professional activity of a specialist in the educational process.

game model is actually a way of describing the work of participants with a simulation model, which sets the social context for the professional activities of specialists.

The subject of the game - this is the subject of activity of the participants in the game, in a specific form replacing the subject of real professional activity.

Scenario - this is a basic element of the game procedure, it reflects the principles of problematicness, duality, joint activity. The scenario of a business game is a description in verbal or graphic form of the subject content, expressed in the nature and sequence of actions of the players, as well as the teachers who play the game. The scenario shows the overall sequence of the game, broken down into main stages, operations and steps, and presented in the form of a flowchart.

Rules of the game - reflect the characteristics of real processes and phenomena that take place in the prototypes of the simulated reality. At the same time, the rules of the game should reflect the fact that both the models created in the game and the game itself are a simplification of reality.

Grading system should ensure, on the one hand, quality control of decisions made from the standpoint of the norms and requirements of professional activity, and on the other hand, promote the deployment of a game plan for educational activities.

Role-playing game - a model in which a person is faced with an uncertain situation, when in the absence of a natural elemental "organism" in which real activity exists, this activity must be reproduced. In order to solve such a problem, the player-performer of one role or another must bring the content of real activity into the "empty" situation.

Organizational game:

form of organization of collective mental activity;

· means and method of programming, designing and planning complex complex developments;

means, method and form of transferring problem situations into bundles and packages of professional and subject tasks, i.e. problem solving method.

Reflection - thinking about your inner state, introspection.

game program- a set of game tasks united either by some formal link (theme, festive or leisure situation, or by a scenario move).

Feature of the game program - other laws in contrast to artistic and entertainment events. Passes in another zone of activity. Organization is methodically fine, errors are less noticeable. The moment of warming up the audience is important - the psychological readiness of the audience is obligatory, if there is no readiness - there is no program!

climax- this is the moment of the last chance to win.

After passing the climax (winning), the game activity is meaningless, therefore, immediately after the climax, the moment of rewarding passes (you need to do this quickly)

The game program has a certain compositional structure (divided into blocks) Introductory block. Consists of the following elements:

The introductory monologue of the host (from the exposition, which contains the following information: about the main conventions, time and space, about the role of the values ​​of this convention in the implementation of leisure, the main provisions of the game situation in time and space. The introductory monologue should contain information about the main game task.

Information about the status of the winner performs the function of stimulating participants - performers A convincing monologue will solve the following tasks:

ü Establish emotional contact with the audience

ü Sets the style of communication, the most difficult task is reaching the first game task.

The first game block begins with an organizer game (a simple game exercise designed for attention and familiarity with the topic (2-3 tasks of the same type - not difficult games for attention, for physical activity)

II block. Consists of playful tasks that are fun and easy, but with a moderate degree of physical activity, which often serve as team building.

III block Games by commands, readiness for physical actions (sedentary)

Block IV Mobile games, team games, related to strength and dexterity.

V block Summing-up ceremony and rewarding.

Blocks 1 and 5 can be rehearsed (mise-en-scene), but the rest are improvisation.

A planned floating climax is a climax that is fixed in time, used on its own or with another program.

Artificial extension of the climax: increase in game tasks, soundtrack

You can’t abuse it, but it works when the situation has leveled off. But you can not devote much time to this in order to fit into the framework of the general implementation of the program.

Block 5 should take place in a solemn, unhurried atmosphere. In the age of commerce, we often forget that self-affirmation is the main thing. What is important is not the material, but the moral status of the hero. Mise-en-scene should be wide, spacious, visible. It is important that the participants show themselves (self-affirmation)

The ceremony should include a consolation prize. The prospect of revenge.

Scenario move- this is some kind of convention that we offer the audience and which gives us the opportunity to present the entire program, all the material of the program, i.e. way of presenting the material to the audience.

The most common method of constructing a scenario move is the method of imitation of some kind of life process. For example, Traveling, hosting… The script move should work from start to finish. The scenario move should set a task for the performers, participants. The scenario move determines the compositional structure. Composition is a presentation of the plot through the prism of the scenario. The most difficult and important, emotionally attractive is the search for a scenario move.

Organization and scenario-director's features of preparation and holding
various game programs.

Game programs have differences in the features of the development of the ideological and thematic basis, (is as follows)

1 . The program begins with inventing a target setting. Why do I need this program. What I want to achieve. Or is it a screensaver in a disco, theme night, etc. 2. Formulation of the topic. Depending on the creative idea, scenario move. In the game program, the theme is those conditional circumstances in which certain tasks are performed. The formulation of the theme follows directly from the definition of the scenario move.

The scenario move performs functions; - Plot (has the main task: to build, disenchant) - conflict (main)

Identifies the main artistic images or characters. Game programs have clearly defined pedagogical tasks. A feature of game programs is the active participation of the audience in the action, hence the pronounced didactic nature.

The whole program can be divided into blocks (steps)

1 block Game tasks for attention and acquaintances. Calm and not requiring physical activity (to transfer something) Not difficult. You can interrupt the music. It is important to be able to improvise.

2 block Games - organizers plus calm with elements of physical activity. It is in the second block that commands or other structures that we need may appear.

3 block Game tasks are mobile, fast, associated with speed of reaction, strength.

4 block. Mind games that are funny and create comic situations.

5 block Usually intellectual games: quizzes, auctions, competition of captains, etc.

6 block Ceremony (ritual) of rewarding. Summarizing.

7 block Concert number (spectacle) for everyone.

Compositionally, the game is built as follows.

1 option

It is necessary to foresee 2 points: this is the maximum climax.

Scheduled climax keeps pushing back, we scheduled it on time

but by changing the status of game tasks, we delay its 2nd option Method randomness. Used in every game. Or at the final games

in tasks that give you the opportunity to recoup

The culmination must be clearly seen and immediately go to the final.

The final is a function of audience deactivation.

The winner must enjoy the victory, the loser must not feel

1. The final should be solemnly majestic, calm, with sweeping mise-en-scenes, awarding prizes. If we hand something to someone, then through the whole hall, the whole stage.

3. Losers - kind words, applause, etc.

1. When building a game program, the basis is a scenario move or an element that replaces it.

2. When developing a game program, the awards ceremony and opening monologue should be well thought out and rehearsed.

3. The award ceremony is developed taking into account the deactivation of the audience.

Methodology for preparing and conducting game programs:

Starting to work on creating a program, decide on:

aim(what is it for, for whom, why exactly the game program, etc.);

Participants(age, gender, their interests, where they study, etc.)

Direction(sports, environmental, aesthetic, career guidance, etc.);

view(cognitive, entertaining, intellectual, role-playing, etc.);

title(it must be original, understandable, it may even partially describe the content of the program);

Note: The title may appear before the target, in which case it will help you choose participants, target, direction, and view.

clearance(artistic, musical, pyrotechnic, lighting, etc.);


It can be a teacher, parent, student, but the main thing is to remember
about the playing position; The host may or may not be the author of the program; The host can take on a role, according to the plot of the program, an option when he remains in his image; The leader must have good diction, a sense of humor, be smart, be impromptu, and be erudite.

You understand that this is an approximate scheme and it is not necessary to follow the logic at all.

Facilitate drawing up a game program dividing it into parts (they are conditional, you can add):

Introductory part.(Gives the mood, introduces the participants to the conditions, plot, etc.)

Main part. (Reveals the content, provides an opportunity for the implementation of the tasks set, living in this situation, etc.)

Final part. (Gives an opportunity to take stock, award the winners and participants, if necessary, analyze the program)

aftereffect. (This part can be considered in two aspects: will the participants want to play with the leader again., Will they expect the next game program, etc. and is the leader satisfied with the program, does he have a desire to continue his activities in the same capacity and etc.).

"game program" and "competitive program".

There are a number of differences between these programs:

Game programs are easier to prepare, since preparation is required only on the part of the organizer, and the participant only guesses that there will be games during the rest, and the competition program for participants provides for homework or “preparations”;

In the game program, the participants change every time.

Game programs can be built: on the basis of only team games, on the basis of only individual championship games, or using certain types of games. But when choosing game material, you should follow the methodology for preparing and conducting game programs that have been tested by practice:

- take into account the age category of the audience; site dimensions; - submission of all games to one theme of the program; logical construction of the game program; - building games from easy to complex; the number of games so as not to act on the participants tiringly; - the conditions of the game are very clearly announced; the use of activation techniques: luring, provoking, co-creation, "planting"; do not put the players in an awkward position - the game is always brought to the end; if the games are new, original, then you should try them out; - presenter with professional qualities (sense of humor, competent speech, sociability, resourcefulness); - provide assistants, musical and artistic design; elaboration of props (strength, stipulated quantity, convenience, etc.); - provide when, how and how to encourage the winners.

Competition program- this is a phased competition in any kind of activity of two or more participants. In terms of content, competitions are a complex fusion of traditional quizzes, variety performances, everyday, sports and artistic competitions, which often require preparation not only from the organizer, but also from the participant himself. Synonyms for the word "competition" can be the words "tournament", "battle", "duel".

To conduct gaming and competitive programs, you need to know game technology . Game technology includes : selection of participants, formation of teams; statement of the rules (tie) of the teams of the game; motivation, incentive to play (the main action); game action control; involvement of playing participants in the game; organization of the game final, achievement of the game goal (culmination). And also here is the final - honoring the winners of the game. The choice of the game depends on the goal, the age characteristics of the participants in the game, the number of participants, the conditions for the game, the place of the game, the availability of game equipment.

Text explaining the rules should be concise and logical: the name of the game, the purpose of the game, the roles and location of the players, the course of the game, the rules. You can use the technique of showing individual moments of the game. Game characters can act as game demonstrators. Some games require the selection of a driver from the playing environment. For this you can use accepting an invitation or lot, but the most interesting technique, from a pedagogical point of view, is the nomination of a leader by a team of players.

The main stages of the organization of the program on folklore and gaming traditions:

ü - creation of the organizing committee of the competition, the organizing committee develops the main provisions of the program, requirements for the participating teams; the composition of the jury, the system of evaluation of the stages of the competition; the procedure for awarding winners; - distribution of regulations on the program; -preliminary stage: draw of teams participating in the competition; scheduling preliminary competitions and competitions; -preparation of the program: venue of the competition; fairs, gaming attractions; medical care; protection of public order; formation of the director's and production team; scheduling rehearsals. Conducting the program: meeting of teams of participants; opening; greeting members of the organizing committee, guests, participants of the competition; artistic (theatrical) performance or concert performance.

Concerning methodological guidelines regarding the preparation and conduct of game competitive programs, then you need to remember the following components that will create success:

-Ideological and thematic orientation. There should be a clear goal in conducting these programs. - Any form of entertainment needs a script, or at least scenario plan, if the leader himself is the organizer and has the professional qualities of the leader. The most difficult thing is to come up with interesting tasks, which, as practice has shown, must comply with the following rules: - must be original; -should be real in execution for these participants; -should be relevant to the theme of the competition; - tasks and questions should be equal for all participants; -accounting for the age and social category of the audience and participants.

-Colorful and themed design.

-Material support, which determines the "span" of your program.

- Musical accompaniment corresponding to the intention.

-Leading with professional qualities. He is a kind of manager in the competitive game program, as well as a link between the jury, participants and the public. Quite often, the nature and tempo-rhythm of the competition depends on the presenter. It is important to think well, to react subtly, to accurately assess what is happening, but not to influence the jury's assessments, if any. The leader can be: - one; - collective (more than two); - personified (in the image).

-Jury: competent, odd number of jury members, briefing about the tasks of the competition through information sheets, regulations on the competition or in a conversation with the organizers.

emotional spectators. The spectators watch the competition, they inspire the contenders for victory and at the same time they themselves enjoy watching the struggle.

-performing assistants.

preparatory participants. You should familiarize yourself with the situation of the competition, recommend assistants, appoint individual and combined rehearsals, and review the quality of their programs.

-Prizes for the winners. For winning the competition, a reward of a moral or material nature is due. Rewarding and presenting gifts should be planned from the last place, thereby heating up the moment of rivalry.

Depending on the content of the competitive programs, the conditions may include (or not include) the following items: - time for preparing the competitive task; - the term of the preliminary demonstration of the prepared result; - the place of the preliminary demonstration of the prepared result: the size of the final product (in minutes, in pages, etc.); - the possibility of obtaining help from adults or peers; - the possibility of using blanks, stencils, other people's ideas, etc. .; - a list of permitted and prohibited materials, fixtures, tools, etc. Safety conditions must also be specified. The result of all preliminary work should be the “Regulations on the competition”, which indicates the name of the competition, the purpose of its holding, the age of the participants, clearly formulates the competition tasks, explains the conditions and, possibly, announces the award to the winner.

Shmakov S.A. Student games are a cultural phenomenon. -M .: Publishing house "New School", 1994.-S.96.

Shmakov S.A. Student games are a cultural phenomenon. -M .: Publishing house "New School", 1994.-S.97.

Pedagogical Encyclopedia.- M., 1965. S.158-159.

Gazman. O.S. Vacation: game, education.-M.: Publishing house "Enlightenment", 1988.- P.9.

Sorokin. A.I. Didactic games. - M., 1982.

Shmakov. S.A. Game and children. -M.: Publishing House "New School", 1970.-S.23.

Voroshilov. B. The phenomenon of the game. M .: Publishing house "Soviet Russia", 1982.-S.57-64.

Business training: how it's done Grigoriev Dmitry A.

4.2.7. The main stages of the development of a role-playing game

There are five main stages in the development of a role-playing game:

1. Determining the tasks to be solved using this teaching method.

2. Providing conditions for a role-playing game.

3. Development of roles and the situation being played out.

4. Choice of the type and format of the role-playing game.

5. Development of a detailed scenario for its implementation.

Let's consider each of the stages in more detail.

Stage 1. Setting goals. Means that the coach:

Formulates the changes for which the role-playing game is being held, that is, what attitudes will be formed among the participants with its help, what skills, techniques and technologies have been worked out;

Builds a logical relationship between the game and the overall training program so that the tasks of the role-playing game follow from the previous logic of the training.

Stage 2. Analysis and provision of conditions for the role-playing game. One of the key conditions for the success of a role play is the time that can be used to conduct it. It should be enough for a preliminary discussion, coordination of tasks, briefing, conduct of the game and its analysis, generalization and summary of the coach based on its results. If there is not enough time, it is necessary to consider the possibility of replacing the role-playing game with another method, or choose a format for conducting it that will take a minimum of time.

Another important point is the analysis of the extent to which students are ready to participate in a role-playing game. In my practice, there were cases when the whole group refused role-playing games. As a rule, this happens either in the case when the training audience is old enough, has not previously taken part in trainings and role-playing is new to them; or when trainees are not motivated to participate in the training and do not want the role play to reveal that their competencies need to be developed.

This does not mean that in this case this method cannot be used in training. But such a situation definitely requires preliminary work with the participants before the training or at its beginning. Accordingly, in this case, it is important to determine whether the coach has the opportunity to carry out such work.

In addition, it is important to pay attention to the training room: whether there are necessary conditions for conducting a role-playing game. For example, in my practice, although rarely, there are still situations when training has to be carried out in rooms with a large non-movable table in the middle.

Stage 3. Definition of roles and situations of role-playing game. They are designed based on the objectives of the role-playing game. For example, if the game is aimed at developing the skills of setting tasks by a manager to subordinates, then there will be two roles in it: a manager and an employee.

The situation should be formed in such a way that it has the opportunity to develop the necessary skills, that is, so that the participant can act correctly or choose an ineffective strategy of behavior.

Suppose a customer is concerned that his managers do not set clear, specific goals for their subordinates. In this regard, the trainer wants to develop in the participants the skills of setting goals using knowledge of the SMART criteria. Then the participants may be asked to act out a situation where initially the task is formulated very broadly (for example, “as part of a personal meeting with a subordinate, the manager should set him the task of increasing sales of related products”). This will allow participants to role-play either to try to give a specific task in accordance with SMART criteria, or to set it in a general way and thereby demonstrate inefficient ways of setting tasks.

Thus, the definition of the specific content of the game includes:

Definition of the composition of roles;

Definition of the situation (content, on the basis of which the interaction of roles will unfold);

The choice of the main methods of communication (in what form the roles will interact - negotiations, meetings, rallies, etc.).

Stage 4. Choosing the type and format of the role-playing game. The formats and types of role-playing games have been discussed above. It is advisable for the coach to be guided by a set of criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of his choice:

Does the chosen type of role-play match the objectives of this training unit?

Are there resources needed for this type of RPG?

Are the roles clearly defined, will they be understood by the players?

Can the script be simplified?

Can participants meet the requirements?

Will the game affect the emotional sphere of the participants too deeply? Is the chosen format appropriate for the degree of personal risk participants are willing to accept?

Would role play as a learning method be the best way to achieve the goal?

Stage 5. Script development. Developing a detailed scenario includes determining how the role play will be set up and played step by step. At a minimum, it is important for the coach to clearly define the following:

How participants will be introduced to the topic of the role play;

How the objectives and process of the role play will be presented;

How role play participants will be identified and how role instructions will be given;

How the process of the game will be built;

How the sequence of questions will be built when discussing the results;

What key points will it be important for the coach to voice as part of the generalization of the results.

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4.2.8. Technology of the role-playing game The technology of the role-playing game includes two components: firstly, the method of organizing and conducting the game itself; secondly, the technology of organizing and conducting the subsequent discussion, analysis and generalization

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4.3.7 Main Versions of the Game Let's list the most common versions of the ORGANIZER business game. "Single production". When using this version of the Game, all gaming organizations, having received raw materials (or components) before the “start”, produce only one product.

From the author's book

4.12.4 Main stages There are three stages of the Game: 1) introductory stage (0.5–1.0 h); 2) life support stage (1.5–2.5 h); 3) summing up stage (0.5 -1.0 h). At the introductory stage, participants get acquainted with the rules of the Game, receive official positions by lot and

The first stage of organizing a role-playing game is a theoretical development, which includes the following points:

1. Picture of the simulated world;

2. Rules of the game;

3. Team and (or) individual introductory.

The whole course of the game depends on how thoughtful this data package is.

1. Picture of the simulated world

Here it is necessary to present the conditions and laws of existence of the simulated world. The fuller and brighter it is described, the more diverse and thoughtful the actions of the players will be. The description scheme is as follows:

A) the place of action;

B) time of action;

C) actors and their position;

D) important events that preceded the modeled period


D) the situation at the beginning of the game.

2. Rules of the game

The rules are the basic Law of the game, therefore their development must be carried out with legal scrupulousness, in order to avoid various interpretations. The main sections of the rules that apply in most games are:

A) military sphere:

Norms for types of weapons and fortifications,


Safety precautions;

B) political sphere:

The political structure of the simulated world,

Modeling of social relations,

Modeling of political and legal activities;

C) economic sphere:

Orientation of the economy,

Modeling of branches of economic activity,

Modeling of financial and economic activity;

D) physical and metaphysical laws of the simulated world:

Time structuring,

Moving around the playing area

magical ability,

Magic characters and objects;

D) spiritual sphere:

Culture (traditions, customs, art),

Religious cults of the simulated world.

3. Team and individual introductory

Team and individual introductions are developed by the organizers of the game, or by the players themselves, in agreement with the organizers. Introductory help participants better understand their role, determine their place in the simulated world and outline the line of conduct. Team and individual entries must contain the following information:

Command intro:

A) the name of the team (group, people, country);

B) team legend:


Important historical events,

Legends, legends,

rituals, religion,

Command secrets;

C) command structure:


social composition,

Relationships between layers and team members;

D) the relationship of the team with others:


Neutral forces;

D) the goals of the team in the game.

Individual inputs:

A) game name;

B) age;

C) official biographical data;

D) the current situation in society;

D) attitude towards others;

E) objects and personal secrets;

G) game information;

H) goals in the game.

"Role-play method in training"

Role play method in training is one of the basic ones, it is used in most trainings of any orientation and for any audience.

Conducting a role play

This stage is the most interesting for the participants and the most difficult for the facilitators. No matter how complete and comprehensive the picture of the simulated world is, no matter how good the rules and training of the players are, the game requires great physical and intellectual stress from the hosts.

During the game, the host must regulate its course, monitor compliance with the rules and act as an arbiter in case of disputes. Most often, it is necessary to service the game by several presenters, especially when holding large-scale games. In this case, the unanimity and competence of the leaders in the interpretation of the rules and the picture of the world are important. The authority of the leader must be indisputable.

To conduct large-scale games, it is necessary to have a main host or coordinator who has a permanent place of residence and controls the entire course of the game; regional hosts in charge of certain areas of the gaming territory; and groups of game technicians who influence the course of events according to the instructions of the presenters.

Depending on the requirements of the game, presenters may have individual roles or be outside the game. Their main task is to keep events dynamic. On the other hand, one team or player should not be allowed to apply strong pressure when the bulk of the players cannot withstand the hard pace of the game. In these cases, it is necessary to establish the cause of the overlap and restore the normal course of events by introducing new game factors or organizing a forceful intervention.

It is necessary to constantly monitor compliance with the rules. Any violation of them must be immediately and effectively punished. For particularly gross or systematic violations, the player may be removed from the game. Naturally, it is necessary to proportion the committed violation and the punishment imposed.

When conducting a game, it is important to organize a well-functioning information support for the leaders throughout the game. Full awareness of the ongoing events will help to correctly regulate the course of the game and prevent the occurrence of emergency situations.

Emergency situations arise during even a well-organized game. Players may find inconsistencies in the rules, come up with an unusual move, or break the rules. In any case, the first step is to regain control of the situation. Often, players try to put pressure on the leaders and seize the initiative. This must not be allowed. The facilitators must understand the current situation in detail and check it for compliance with the rules and the picture of the world. If the question is beyond the competence of the regional leader, it is necessary to urgently contact the coordinator in order to avoid misunderstandings.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that it is necessary to strive to minimize the use of force regulation of the game, which causes a painful reaction in the players, and in the case of the systematic use of force methods, can lead to hostility towards the leaders. We need to strive to lay regulatory elements in the development of the game. The main task of the presenters is to make the game interesting for the players.

"Corporate business games. Development and implementation methodology"

The book presents exclusive material based on 16 years of practical experience of the author. All the necessary tools and complete scenarios of two corporate business games, the practical implementation of which began in 2001, are given.

The book is recommended to business coaches, organizational change consultants, personnel managers, heads of enterprises of all forms of ownership and types of activity as a tool for solving problems of team building, comprehensive assessment of personnel, its training and development.

The book provides all the necessary tools for conducting and analyzing a corporate business game. Game scenarios are as close as possible to business reality and involve all participants in the gameplay, from the beginning to the end of the game. Recommended!

Description: The embodiment of selected work situations that allow the group to see the variety of approaches to solving the problem. Depending on the objectives of the training, this form of training may take the form of a game or exercise. It usually includes an element of competition or role reversal. In many cases, the roles of employees of some organization (salespeople, managers, leaders, etc.) are distributed among the training participants. Participants receive data “entering the game” - a condition, a description of role behavior. Mandatory instructions for each participant.

Impact on group dynamics:

Increases: tight time frames, video camera, feedback only from the coach, illiterate feedback, if not long and clear, if there are time limits. When the game - as a result of the lesson.

Reduces: deroling (out of role), soft format, positive feedback (Feedback) from participants, humor, reaction, involvement of other participants. Stretching in time. Lack of clarity about who does what. You can not turn the game into rural amateur performance. The members start to get bored.

Number of participants: up to 5 people in one game.

Role-playing algorithm:

1) Choose an active participant. You give instructions.

2) Choose a supporting participant. Give instructions.

3) Read the tasks to the group.

4) Give time for preparation (2-3 minutes).

5) Indicate how long the game will last. (no more than 5 minutes)

6) After - deroling (denoting the exit from the role of players, "You are now not a manager, but a participant in the training - Vasya")

7) Ask active players if they did everything they wanted. You give the opportunity to “name the mistakes themselves”, to remove the negative.

8) Discussion in the group. Analysis of actions according to specified criteria (whether they followed the technology of making contact, non-verbal behavior, etc.

9) Give eco-friendly feedback.

In short, here is a summary table for the conscious use of role play during training. And not in order to "take time."

Role playing is a systemic action. It is wrong to give a role-playing game immediately after the information is given!

Remember the order of actions during the classic skill development module:

elemental exercise
complex action ROLE-PLAYING GAME
1 element: for example the phrase greeting and contact. 2 elements:
contact + question to clarify the need
3 elements:
Contact + Need + Presentation

An example of a role-playing game for the training of sales representatives: “Making contact during a visit to a sales outlet

  1. Instructions to the active participant:You are a sales representative.

You arrive at a retail outlet and find out that the owner of the outlet has suddenly left on urgent business for a month.

In his place is his son (28 years old), he is endowed with all powers. But you don't know him. The owner's son is unaware that you almost agreed to supply 100 sets.

2. Instruction to the accompanying participant: You are the son of the store owner.

You are 28 years old. You finally got the opportunity to manage your father's affairs. Today is your second working day. In the morning there was an unpleasant conversation with the tenants of the shopping complex. Now you are talking with a sales representative, you see him for the first time, and you know nothing about him, the product, or past agreements.

3.Group instruction:

Now you will see the beginning of the conversation between the sales representative and the new owner of the outlet. This is their first meeting, they must establish contact. Carefully follow the course of the conversation, note the actions of each interlocutor that contributed to establishing contact.

Example role play for retail sales training: “Fitting and closing the sale”

You need to complete the sale by offering to try on the shoes for a middle-aged man. The man liked the specific shoes, but he behaves a little strange.

2. You are a man who liked the shoes of the Sport asset line.

Would you like to try on, while there are doubts about the appropriateness of the acquisition. There is a discount card. There is a hole in the left toe. In a particular store for the first time. If your feet in boots are praised, buy. You will pay by card.

3. Group instruction:

Now you will see the communication between the client and the seller - consultant at the stage of fitting and completion of the sale. Carefully follow the course of the conversation, note the actions of the seller - consultant, which contributed to the completion of the sale.

Example role play for training retail sales: “Clarification of the need”. (Sale of air conditioners)

  1. Instructions to the active participant. You are a sales consultant.

Your task is to find out the needs of the client and offer him an equipment option that meets his needs.

2.Instruction to the accompanying participant. You are a married man. Your wife recently became ill with a heart. Since the whole week, it's hot, and the apartment is on the south side. Doctors said that this attack was weather-conditioned, that it was the elevated temperature in the room that led her to such a state. You have surrounded her with fans on all sides, but she is unhappy with her blowing hot air strongly, while, as she says, everything around rumbles and makes noise, and it is impossible for her to sleep. You need an air conditioner that suits your needs. Since the purchase is unplanned, you plan to buy a simple air conditioner. You make a decision about the purchase, depending on the actions of the seller!

3.Group instruction:

Now you will see the communication between the client and the seller - consultant at the stage of clarifying the needs and presenting the proposal. Carefully follow the course of the conversation, note the actions of the seller - consultant, which contributed to the clarification of the need and the formation of the offer.

Example role-playing game for the training of managerial skills:"Management Conversation"

  1. Instructions to the active participant. You are a retail store manager.

You need to have a motivational conversation with the salesperson A.P. Petrova. She is regularly late for work. You are interested in this employee. She proved to be an active and competent employee. You know that she has a small child, and you assume that this is the reason for being late. However, you need to ensure that all employees, without exception, adhere to the working hours.

2. Instruction to the accompanying participant. You are the seller Petrov A.P.

You are satisfied with your work. You have a small child 3.5 years old. He does not like to go to kindergarten, often delays the fees in connection with which you are late for work. You hope that the store manager will enter into your position, because know that he is interested in you.

3.Group instruction:

Now you will see a conversation between a retail store manager and a salesperson. Carefully follow the course of the conversation, note the methods of conducting a managerial conversation.

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