Fortune telling without cards. "He who did not seek the way is unlikely to be shown the way

First, remember what was discussed in the description of the previous hexagrams "Sheng - Ascent"... If we want to be consistent, we need to imagine the real upsurge that has recently occurred in your life. You have been very successful in carrying out your plans and intentions. And your hard work, along with the support of fate, has borne truly wonderful results.
But, as the text of the classical Chinese Book of Changes suggests, and as you undoubtedly know very well yourself, no upsurge can last forever. Even the greatest supply of strength and energy will sooner or later be exhausted, and then a period of decline and exhaustion will begin in your life. It is about such exhaustion that the forty-seventh hexagram of the "Book of Changes" testifies.
But this is not the main idea of ​​this fortune-telling. In fact, the idea of ​​decline and exhaustion is the stage from which you need to push off so that your life does not go downhill. The main attention should be focused on the moment of getting out of an unfavorable situation, and with the least losses. Whether you can cope with this task is a question for the near future.
To a large extent, your further behavior will depend on the previously accumulated knowledge and skills. Also try to trust your intuition more. We hope you can easily "get on the right track", which will make it easier for you to move through a number of difficult situations.

Be extremely careful about relationships with others... This advice is not given to you by chance, because soon you will have to act at your own peril and risk, practically without receiving the support of others. Whispering behind your back is also not excluded: too much you will be knocked out "beyond the bounds of decency".
Don't expect to find widespread acceptance and approval. However, you probably won't need them. It is much more important to stick to a decision once made. If you are consistent and firm in your actions, you have nothing to worry about your future!

The effectiveness of your work now largely depends on you. Of course, there are often times in life when practically nothing depends on you. No matter how hard you try, the result is still either insignificantly ridiculous, or simply unpredictable. Now, however, the situation is different.
Of course, you are limited in the choice of paths of progress, but within the framework of the chosen one you can act without fear of loss. The only unpleasant moment for you will be the fact that all the results will be a little further in time than you expected.

In the context of the above, the question of fulfillment of your desire... Everything will certainly come true exactly as you expected. It is also possible that the result will be much more significant than what you planned! However, this does not save you from having to wait for the final “fate’s decision”. Show the due patience and condescension - after all, fate has so many problems besides yours!

The symbol is one of the four worst, during the period of its validity, you should not start anything new. Now is the time to lie low and wait quietly.

Your thoughts are confused and not clear enough. Faith in your own strengths is now very weak. Be more attentive to your actions and do not do anything without analyzing the situation.

Listen to the advice of a senior person who will lend you a helping hand. He is from your environment and only he has the ability to help you.

But don't be too tragic. The black stripe will give way to a light one, a negative period of life will pass, your circumstances will improve.

For the interpretation of the next hexagram, go to the page.

Explanation of the interpretation of hexagram 47. Exhaustion

If the answer of the ancient Chinese oracle is not fully understood and seems vague to you, read the explanation to the hexagram, which contains the main idea of ​​the message, this will help you to better understand the oracle of ancient China.

The answer to the question posed is Kun - Exhaustion.

The hieroglyph depicts a tree growing behind a hedge on all sides.

Surrounded, fenced, closed; limit, fence. Punishment, prison, criminal code. Exhaustion, fatigue, depleted resources; discouraged, afflicted with [disease]. Anxiety, fear, worry. Poverty, poverty.

Semantic connections of hexagram 47. Kun

Read the associative interpretation, and your intuition and imaginative thinking will help you understand the situation in more detail.

Figuratively, this hexagram can be represented as symbolizing the time of isolation and exhaustion. You are depressed and cannot trust others. It is necessary to master the situation by an effort of will from within. Gather your strength, look for a source of energy and inner inspiration. The only way out now is to discover a noble person in yourself and patiently wait for the decisive moment for a breakthrough. This will open the way for you.

Trust no one nice words and do not rely on the help of others. Do not give in to fatigue and surrender to the power of negative emotions. The meaning of your solitude is not in suffering, but in finding a link with the Tao. The promise of future positive changes is in a difficult situation. You will see your goal and the direction of the path if you rely only on your thoughts and your own judgments. Attaching great importance to the words of others will only harm and drain your strength.

Interpretation of the hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

Read the translation canonical text perhaps you will have your own associations in the interpretation of the forty-seventh hexagram.

[Accomplishment. Persistence. Happiness to a great man. There will be no abuse.

- There will be speeches, but they are not true. There will be no abuse.]

I. At the beginning of the six.

Rendezvous is difficult on a tree stump.

You will enter a random valley. You won't see anything for three years!

II. Nine is the second.

Difficulty with wine and food.

Suddenly there will be a [man] wearing scarlet knee pads.

- Favors the need to make sacrifices.

The hike is unfortunately. There will be no abuse.

III. Six third.

You will stumble against a stone and you will hold on to thorns and thorns.

You will enter your tower and you will not see your wife.

- Misfortune!

IV. The nine is the fourth.

The arrival is slow-slow. You will find it difficult because of the metal carriage.

- Regret! But you will bring [the matter] to the end!

V. Nine fifth.

(Execution), cut off the nose and legs.

There will be difficulty from [the man] in red knee pads.

But little by little joy will come.

- Favors the need to offer sacrifice and prayer.

Vi. There is a six at the top.

(If) There will be an obstruction in the tangled thickets; in instability you will exclaim:

"Movement towards repentance!" And there will be repentance.

- But the hike - fortunately!

One of the four worst hexagrams. This is not the period when it would be worth taking on anything. Stay quiet and wait. Your thoughts are not clear enough. Someone from your environment, occupying a high position, will lend you a helping hand. Take this person's advice. But do not take events too tragically, because this negative period will pass, and the circumstances will improve.

No matter how much the forces were manifested in the previous situation, they are still some limited amount, because these forces are not endless, sooner or later they will be exhausted in the ascent. This is why the need to climb leads to exhaustion. But in this exhaustion it is necessary not so much to state the very fact of exhaustion of forces as it is necessary to indicate a possible way out of a given situation, for, like any other, it cannot be eternal.

This alone indicates the possibility of development, which on technical language The Books of Changes are called accomplishment. Of course, to overcome this situation, a person must be sufficiently developed, as the “Book of Changes” calls it, a great person; only for him a favorable outcome is possible. Let his activity in this state give rise to rumors, because not everyone in his environment will understand his activities, - nevertheless, one should not attach importance to these rumors, because here a person must rely only on himself. So the text here says:

Exhaustion. Accomplishment. Persistence. Happiness to a great man. There will be speeches, but they are incorrect. There will be no abuse.

In this situation, the entire environment predisposes to obstacles to the resistance indicated in the general aphorism. In the first position, it already starts to make itself felt. To indicate that this position is not conducive to persistent activity emanating from the person himself, it talks about how uncomfortable it is to sit on a tree stump.

Moreover, it also indicates the path passing through the gloomy valley, and, in addition, indicates the loneliness to which a person is doomed in this situation. If here the text speaks of three years of such loneliness, then figuratively it indicates the first three positions that are occupied by the trigram - the abyss or danger. Apparently, on this basis, the image of a gloomy valley, understood as an abyss, appears here. In this sense, the text can be understood:

In the beginning, a weak point. Sitting is difficult on a tree stump. You will enter a gloomy valley. You won't see anything for three years.

The poise characteristic of the second position is represented here in a certain steadfastness of being in it. In addition, its connection with the fifth position is found in the image of the gift coming from the fifth position, i.e. essentially from the person occupying the fifth position, the gift brought by his messenger. In such a position, when a person in his equanimity can not leave his place, in a position when he was sent down from a superior, he, of course, should not undertake any major deeds and wait until the whole situation has changed.

Here he can only serve something that he considers superior to himself. This service is conceived by the authors of the "Book of Changes" as a kind of cult action - sacrifice. Therefore, the text of this aphorism sounds like this:

Strong trait comes second. Difficulty with wine and food. Suddenly a man in scarlet knee pads will come. The need to make sacrifices is favorable. The hike is unfortunately. There will be no abuse.

The third position is affected by the influence of the forthcoming fourth, which is occupied by a strong line. This strong feature, like a kind of fortress, is expressed in the image of a stone blocking the way. Therefore movement further development in this position it is difficult. If a person in this position were to turn back, then he would come across the persistent, unyielding forces of the first position, which, of course, does not contribute to such a return.

Thus, a person is placed here in extremely difficult circumstances, he cannot move forward or backward. In addition, there is no correspondence with the sixth position. This is expressed in the image of the loneliness of a person who, after returning home, does not find his wife. In the text here we read:

Weakness in third place. You will bump into a stone. You will hold on to thorns and thorns. You will enter your house, but you will not see your wife. Misfortune.

Persistence that has been marked as feature of the first position of this hexagram, leads to the fact that if the person occupying the first position moves to help the one who occupies the fourth position, then his arrival, carrying help with him, is slow. Further, the third feature, which is characterized rather gloomily, can serve as that metal carriage, which the text speaks of and which causes difficulty.

However, the gravitation of the fourth line to the fifth, i.e. the striving forward, here is so strong that, despite the regret of the lost time, the matter can still be brought to its completion. That is why in the text we read:

Strong trait in fourth place. The arrival is slow-slow. The metal carriage will make it difficult. Regret. But you will see it through to the end.

Moving forward on the fifth position in this case is hampered by the depletion of forces, which characterizes the sixth. You cannot move forward here. A person who wanted to move forward would be executed here, his nose would be cut off as the part of the body that is in front. It is also impossible to stand still here, because the final foundation - the first position - would be characterized as a position inconvenient for staying on it. If a person still wanted to stop on this foundation, then it would be the same as if he was subjected to the execution of the amputation of his legs.

There is no need to count on the help of the second position here either, because it is such that it itself must be helped. We saw that a messenger wearing red knee pads was sent to the person in the second position. Thus, the situation looks hopeless.

The only thing that can be counted on is that the fifth position is already close to the end of the whole process, and, thus, the joy of its end can gradually come. This joy is already indicated in the uppermost trigram, which denotes precisely joy. But here one can only count on outside help, as the commentators of the “Book of Changes” believed, and therefore it speaks of the need for sacrifices. In general, the text here says:

Strong feature in fifth place. Execution, cut off the nose and legs. There will be difficulty from the man in red knee pads. But little by little joy will come. Favors the need to offer sacrifices and prayers.

The sixth position is occupied by a weak line here. It is expressed in the form of thickets. If the thickets can be perceived as something weak, soft, nevertheless, when there are enough of them, they can be a strong obstacle to moving forward, and can lead a person into the most difficult situation. Seeing that it is not strength, but weakness that prevents him from moving forward, a person can get into complete bewilderment. He may decide that any movement will lead him to a bad outcome of the situation.

However, such an opinion would be only a delusion, because here, finally, one needs to find the strength in oneself in order to finally free oneself from this situation of exhaustion. Therefore, the text here says:

Upstairs is a weak point. There will be difficulty in the tangled thickets. In instability you will exclaim: "Movement towards repentance." And there will be repentance. But the hike is fortunate.


One of the four worst hexagrams. This is not the period when it would be worth taking on anything. Stay quiet and wait. Your thoughts are not clear enough. Someone from your environment, occupying a high position, will lend you a helping hand. Take this person's advice. belief own strength you are now very weak. But do not take events too tragically, because this negative period will pass and your circumstances will improve.


for more information, move the mouse over the name of the hexagram

No. 47 - Kun. Depletion

[Accomplishment. Persistence. Happiness to a great man. There will be no abuse. - There will be speeches, but they are not true. There will be no abuse.]

I. At the beginning of the six.
Rendezvous is difficult on a tree stump.
You will enter a random valley. You won't see anything for three years!

II. Nine is the second.
Difficulty with wine and food.
Suddenly there will be a [man] wearing scarlet knee pads.
- Favors the need to make sacrifices.
The hike is unfortunately. There will be no abuse.

III. Six third.
You will bump into a stone and you will hold on to thorns and thorns.
You will enter your tower and you will not see your wife.
- Misfortune!

IV. The nine is the fourth.
The arrival is slow-slow. You will find it difficult because of the metal carriage.
- Regret! But you will bring [the matter] to the end!

V. Nine fifth.
(Execution), cut off the nose and legs.
There will be difficulty from [the man] in red knee pads.
But little by little joy will come.
- Favors the need to offer sacrifices and prayers.

Vi. There is a six at the top.
(If) there is an obstruction in the tangled thickets;
in instability you will exclaim: "Movement towards repentance!" And there will be repentance.
- But the hike - fortunately!


Kun (Exhaustion): closed, surrounded, fenced; to enclose, restrict; punishment, criminal code, prison; anxiety, anxiety, fear; fatigue, exhaustion, depleted resources; afflicted [disease], discouraged; poverty, misery. The hieroglyph depicts a growing tree, fenced off on all sides.


You are isolated, exhausted, or depressed. You cannot trust those around you. It is necessary to master the situation from the inside, by an effort of will. Gather your strength and wait for the moment for a decisive breakthrough. The only way out is to look for a noble person in yourself, to find an internal source of energy and inspiration. This will open the way. Don't count on the help of other people and don't trust nice words. Don't give in to negative emotions. The purpose of your retreat is not to make you suffer, but to force you to find a personal link with the Tao. The situation contains the promise of future changes. You can see your purpose if you rely on your own judgment. If you attach great importance According to others, this will only drain your strength.

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