GBOU vpo Ryazan State Medical University. Intermediate certifications in the form of credits

"APPROVED by the order of the rector of the Ryazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated" 30 "10.2015 No. 347-d REGULATIONS ON THE PROCEDURE OF INTERMEDIATE CERTIFICATIONS IN THE FORM OF EXAMINATIONS AND EXAMINATIONS ..."

State budgetary educational institution

higher professional education

Ryazan State Medical University

named after academician I.P. Pavlova "

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

(GBOU VPO RyazGMU of the Ministry of Health)


by order of the rector


Ministry of Health of Russia

dated "30" 10.2015 No. 347-d




1. General Provisions This Regulation has been developed on the basis of legislative acts of the Russian Federation in the field of education:

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation";

Federal state educational standards of higher professional education in areas of training (specialties) (hereinafter - FSES HPE),

Federal state educational standards of higher education in areas of training (specialties) (hereinafter - FSES HE),

State educational standards of higher professional education in areas of training (specialties) (hereinafter - SES VPO),

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 19, 2013 No. 1367 "On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialist programs, master's programs", Letters of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 15 2015 N AK-2655/05 "On the issue of expulsion of students",

Of the Charter of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Ryazan State Medical University named after Academician I.P.

Pavlova "of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the University or higher educational institution),

Other local regulatory documents of the university and regulates uniform requirements for the organization and conduct of intermediate attestations in the form of tests and exams in the disciplines of the curriculum.

This Regulation is mandatory for all structural divisions associated with the organization and conduct of intermediate attestations in the form of tests and exams.

The procedure for the state final certification of graduates is determined by the Regulations on the state final certification.

The procedure for conducting intermediate attestations 2.

in the form of tests and exams

2.1. Grounds and terms for conducting intermediate attestations in the form of tests and exams.

2.1.1. Mastering the educational program, including a separate part or the entire volume of a subject, course, discipline (module) of the educational program, is accompanied by intermediate attestation of students, carried out in the forms determined by the curriculum, and in the manner prescribed by the university.

2.1.2. The basis for establishing intermediate attestations in the form of a test or exam is the University's working curriculum in the direction of training (specialty), approved for the current academic year.

2.1.3. The test is carried out after the completion of the working curriculum for this discipline in terms of the established volume of training sessions and subject to successful current and midterm certification of the discipline, but no later than in the last week of the semester.

2.1.4 Examinations are held during the examination sessions established by the working curriculum. The duration and timing of examination sessions are determined by the schedule of the educational process for the current academic year.

2.1.5. A student's failure to show up for an exam without a valid reason is tantamount to receiving an unsatisfactory grade. If a student received an unsatisfactory mark (failure) based on the results of the exam, and then presented a certificate of temporary disability, then such a certificate is not subject to registration.

2.1.6. In the schedule of the session for preparation for the exam in the discipline, a period must be set not less than that established by the working curriculum of the current academic year.

2.2. Organizational and material and technical preparation for taking exams and tests.

2.2.1. Responsible for the organizational and logistical support of examinations and tests are departments, dean's offices, educational and methodological management (UMU), educational and methodological commissions (UMK), library, administrative and economic part.

2.2.2. Responsibilities of the departments:

Provide the necessary conditions for the successful mastering by students of the educational material provided for by the work programs of academic disciplines, including the performance of laboratory work, practical and seminars;

to provide the educational and methodological component of the intermediate attestations in the form of tests or exams: to prepare the assessment tools in a timely manner.

Responsible for the preparation of assessment tools is, as a rule, the lecturer who reads the given academic discipline. On the basis of the work program of the discipline, a list of questions (test tasks, situational tasks, etc.) is drawn up to be submitted for intermediate certification (hereinafter - the "List"). The list is discussed at the methodological meeting of the department, which is recorded in the minutes of the department meeting, and submitted to the meeting of the Educational and Methodological Council (UMC).

For approval on the UMC, it is necessary to submit to the UMU a List, two reviews, a sample of one ticket and a petition from the head of the department.

Ensure the timely delivery from the dean's offices of transcripts, as well as their delivery to the dean's offices upon completion of intermediate attestations;

timely delivery from UMU

Provide examination (credit) score-rating sheets, as well as their delivery to the UMU upon completion of intermediate attestations;

Organize consultations, and, if necessary, conduct additional classes.

2.2.3. Responsibilities of the dean's office staff:

Clarify the lists of study groups, prepare transcripts according to the form given in Appendix 1;

To carry out the admission of students to the session;

No later than a month before the start of the session, agree with the educational and methodological department of the schedule of exams;

Prepare an order for conditionally admitted to the session;

Prepare individual statements as needed;

Prepare session reports.

2.2.4. Responsibilities of the educational and methodological management:

Prepare and submit for approval to the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs the schedule of examinations;

Bring the approved schedule of exams to the attention of students and departments through posting on the information boards of the dean's offices and on the University website on the Internet;

Draw up a consolidated report on the results of the session;

Prepare examination (credit) score-rating sheets for transfer to the departments and conduct subsequent analysis.

2.2.5. The library provides students with the opportunity to access the literature available in the funds, including educational methodological and reference manuals for the academic disciplines provided by the curriculum. For the period of the session, the library can change the work schedule for an extended one, including weekends and holidays.

2.2.6. The administrative and economic part ensures the proper condition of classrooms intended for tests and examinations.

2.3. General rules for taking exams and tests:

2.3.1. the teacher taking the exam (test) must create a calm business atmosphere during the exam (test), ensure objectivity and thoroughness in assessing the level of knowledge of students, taking into account their individual characteristics;

2.3.2. when presenting for the exam (test), the student must have a record book with him, with which he presents to the teacher taking the exam (test). The exam is taken if there is a mark on admission to exams in the record book. In exceptional cases, in the absence of a record book, an exam or test can be taken on individual admission from the dean's office upon presentation of an identity document;

2.3.3. in the process of passing the exam (credit), students can use the curriculum and, with the permission of the teacher, reference and other necessary aids.

The use of unauthorized sources of information is not allowed. If members of the examination committee discover that unauthorized sources of information (cribs, textbooks, mobile phones, pagers, etc.) are used in the exam (test), the examination committee draws up an act on the student's use of unauthorized sources of information, and the student is removed from the exam (test ) with the rating "unsatisfactory" ("not credited");

2.3.4. the presence of unauthorized persons in the auditorium where the exam (test) is taken without a written order from the university rector (vice-rector for academic affairs, dean of the faculty) is not allowed. Anyone who is not included in the examination committee by the order of the rector is considered to be outsiders on the exam and passing the test. The rector, the vice-rector for academic affairs, the dean of the faculty may be present at the exam without a written order;

2.3.5. at the end of the exam (test), the teacher draws up and signs the examination (test) sheet and transfers it to the dean's office with the laboratory assistant of the department no later than the day after the exam (test);

2.3.6. after passing the exam (test) orally, preparation sheets for the examiner's answer are collected, signed and stored at the department for at least 5 years. The shelf life of the student's answer sheets in the written form of the exam (test) is 5 years. Also, for 5 years, printouts of students' answers are stored in the computer form of passing the exam (test).

2.3.7. It is not allowed to charge students for passing intermediate certification (including repeated intermediate certification in order to eliminate academic debt).

2.4. Individual schedule for passing intermediate certifications.

2.4.1. For students who could not pass tests and exams within the generally established timeframe due to illness or for other valid reasons (family circumstances, natural disasters, etc.), documented by the relevant institution, the dean of the faculty, in agreement with the departments, by order of the university establishes individual schedules for passing exams and credits.

The timing of the extension of the sessions depends on the number of days of disability of the student:

Three days of a new semester - if one exam is missed;

Until the end of the first week of the new semester - if two exams are missed;

Until the end of the first week of the new semester - if two exams are missed.

2.4.2. An individual schedule for passing intermediate attestations means that a student takes exams (credits) at a time different from the deadlines set in the schedule for intermediate attestation.

2.4.3. An individual schedule for passing intermediate attestations is provided to students studying both at the expense of the federal budget and on a paid basis.

2.4.4. A student can be provided with an individual schedule for passing intermediate certifications for passing exams (tests) outside the deadlines set in the schedule, in the following cases:

The student missed the exam (test) for a valid reason, documented, in accordance with clause 2.4.1;

The student knows in advance that he cannot attend the exam (test) for a valid reason, documented;

The student took part in academic mobility programs during the midterm certification.

2.4.5. A student applying for an individual schedule for passing intermediate attestations is obliged to submit to the appropriate dean's office a personal application addressed to the rector along with a document that is the basis for providing an individual schedule for passing the intermediate attestations. A document confirming the validity of the reasons for the admission (for example, a certificate of temporary disability) must be submitted no later than the next working day after the date of its issue (ie "closing").

2.4.6. The dean is obliged to consider the application submitted by the student and the documents attached to it within three working days from the date of their submission. Certificates of temporary disability are registered in the Journal of registration of certificates of temporary disability of students (Appendix 2). If there is a reason for providing an individual schedule for the delivery of intermediate attestations, the dean prepares a draft order on providing the student with an individual schedule for the delivery of intermediate attestations, indicating the period for liquidating the debt.

2.4.7. If the document is submitted by a student later than the deadline specified in clause 2.4.5. of this Procedure, the student is obliged to additionally explain in the application the reasons for the late submission of the relevant document. If the dean recognizes the reasons for missing the deadline for submission of documents, he applies to the rector to issue an order to provide the student with an individual schedule for passing intermediate attestations. If the dean recognizes the reasons for missing the deadline for submitting documents as disrespectful, the student is not provided with an individual schedule for the delivery of intermediate attestations.

2.4.8. After the rector issues an order to provide the student with an individual schedule for passing intermediate attestations, the dean's office prepares individual sheets for passing intermediate attestations (Appendix 3), which indicate the specific dates previously agreed with the departments for the student to pass exams (tests) (excluding the possibility of passing more than one intermediate attestation on one day in the form of an exam) and their retakes, including commission retakes. The student must be familiar with the order on the establishment of an individual schedule for the delivery of intermediate attestations.

2.4.9. After passing the exams (credits), the dean's office transfers to the student office in the student's personal file, the application submitted by him, the documents attached to it, an extract from the order on the provision of an individual schedule of exams (credits).

2.5. Early passing of exams (credits).

Students enrolled in the basic 2.5.1 professional educational programs of higher education can apply for early passing of exams (credits) in the following cases:

Departure of the student during exams (tests) for international, Russian, interregional sports competitions, training camps, contests, Olympiads;

Referral of a university student to study at another university, if the timing of exams (credits) coincides with the study period at the host university;

Referral of the student during the examinations (tests) to the spa treatment, including as an accompanying person;

Planned inpatient treatment (or surgery) of a student during exams (tests), as well as the upcoming birth of a child during exams (tests) by female students;

The student's conscription into the armed forces of the Russian Federation.

2.5.2. Early passing of exams (tests) is allowed if there is one of the grounds specified in clause 2.5.1. the present

Order, and at the same time the following conditions:

Exams (credits) in the relevant disciplines will be taken by the student for the first time;

The student must complete the entire scope of the program of disciplines provided by the curriculum;

There is an organizational opportunity to conduct an exam (test) ahead of schedule (in particular, the possibility of using classrooms, attracting teaching staff, as well as the ability to comply with the prescribed form of examinations or tests).

2.5.3. The decision on early passing of the exam (credit) is made by the dean on the basis of the student's personal application and supporting documents. In case of a positive decision, the dean prepares a draft order for the university on setting the date for early passing of the exam (test) (excluding the possibility of passing more than one intermediate certification in the form of an exam in one day) and draws up in the prescribed manner. The order must be communicated to the student and the relevant department.

2.5.4. For early passing of the exam (test), the dean's office employee issues an individual sheet to the department with the note "early delivery" (Appendix 4).

At the same time, in the credit-examination sheet, which will be issued to the teacher for conducting the exam (credit) according to the schedule, the dean's office employee puts in the line opposite the last name, first name, patronymic of the student a mark on the early passing of the exam (credit).

3.1. General Provisions:

3.1.1. the material of practical, seminar and lecture classes, the results of laboratory work provided for by the working programs of academic disciplines, in volumes that allow objectively assessing the degree of mastering by the student of educational material;

3.1.2. the test can be carried out in the form of an oral or written survey or in the form of tests, including with the use of computer technology;

3.2. Revision and updating of the content of the assessment tools (the list of questions to be tested, as well as tickets with tasks) is carried out annually. The approved List is brought to the attention of students no later than one month before the date of the credit. Tickets for the test are made in the form given in Appendix 5, on paper of the same color and quality in A4 or A5 format, font 14. Tickets are signed by the head of the department and approved by the seal of the student office upon presentation of an extract from the minutes of the UMC meeting.

3.3. Test procedure:

3.3.1. responsible for the test is the teacher who supervised practical, laboratory or seminar classes or lectured on this academic discipline;

3.3.2. when taking a test in the form of an oral survey in the classroom where the test is held, no more than 6 - 8 students should be at the same time per one teacher taking the test. The results of the test are announced immediately after the test is passed;

3.3.3. when using the written survey form, the test can be carried out simultaneously for the entire academic group.

The results of the test are announced on the day of the test;

3.3.4. when carrying out a test in the form of test tests using computer technology, there should be no more than one student at each workplace;

3.3.5. the student is given at least 20 minutes to prepare for the answer to the oral questioning. The time limit for acceptance of the test is 15 minutes per student.

3.4. Criteria for passing the test:

3.4.1. The test is considered passed if the student has shown knowledge of the basic provisions of the academic discipline, the ability to solve a specific practical problem from among those provided by the work program, and use the recommended normative and reference literature.

3.4.2. The results of passing the test in writing or in the form of computer testing must be issued on the day the test is passed. The name of the discipline, the total hours / number of credits, the full name of the teacher who took the credit, and the date of delivery are entered in the record book. A positive mark on the test is recorded in the student's record book and certified by the signature of the teacher (“passed”) who checked the test work. If the test result is unsatisfactory, the record "not passed" and the teacher's signature are not entered in the grade book.

Both positive and negative results of passing the test are entered in the test sheet.

3.4.3. At the end of the test, the teacher draws up a transcript: against the surname of the students who did not appear, he puts down the entry “did not appear”, against the surname of the students who were not admitted he writes down the record “not admitted”, puts down the date of the test, counts the number of positive and negative results, the number of students who did not appear and not admitted to offset, and signs the statement.

3.4.4. The completed test-examination sheets with the results of passing the group test are submitted by the department staff to the appropriate dean's office before the start of the session.

4. Differentiated credit

4.1. General Provisions:

4.1.1. material of practical, seminar and lecture classes, the results of laboratory work provided by the work programs, in volumes that allow an objective assessment of the degree of mastering by the student of educational material;

4.1.2. differential credit can be carried out in the form of an oral or written survey, or in the form of tests, including using computer technology;

4.2. Revision and updating of the content of the assessment tools (the list of issues submitted for differential credit, as well as tickets with tasks) is carried out annually.

The approved List is brought to the attention of students no later than one month before the date of the credit. Tickets for tests are carried out in the form given in Appendix 5, on paper of the same color and quality in A4 or A5 format, font 14. Tickets are signed by the head of the department and approved by the seal in the student office upon presentation of an extract from the minutes of the UMC meeting.

4.3. Differential offset procedure:

4.3.1. responsible for carrying out differential credit is the teacher who supervised practical, laboratory or seminar classes or lectured on this academic discipline;

4.3.2. when carrying out a differentiated test in the form of an oral survey, no more than 6 - 8 students should be simultaneously present in the classroom where the differential test is held per one teacher taking the test. The announcement of the results of the delivery of the differentiated test is made immediately after the delivery of the test;

4.3.3. when using the form of a written survey, differential credit can be carried out simultaneously for the entire academic group. The announcement of the results of passing the differential test is made on the day the differential test is passed;

4.3.4. when conducting a differentiated test in the form of test tests using computer technology, there should be no more than one student at each workplace;

4.3.5. the student is given at least 20 minutes to prepare for the answer to the oral questioning. The time limit for receiving differential credit is 15 minutes per student.

4.4. Summing up the differential offset:

4.4.1. The result of the differential test of the exam is expressed by the grade "excellent", "good", "satisfactory", "unsatisfactory".

The grade "satisfactory" is deserved by a student who, in answering, showed knowledge of the main provisions of the academic discipline, made some errors and managed to eliminate them with the help of a teacher, who was familiar with the main literature recommended by the work program.

The mark "unsatisfactory" is given if the answer reveals significant gaps in the student's knowledge of the main provisions of the academic discipline, the inability, even with the help of the teacher, to formulate the correct answers to the questions of the ticket.

4.4.2. Unsatisfactory results of intermediate certification or failure to pass the intermediate certification in the absence of valid reasons are recognized as academic debt.

Upon completion of the differentiated offset 4.4.3.

the teacher draws up a transcript and examination sheet:

against the surname of the students who did not appear, put down the entry "did not appear", put down the entry "not admitted" against the surname of the not admitted students, put down the date of the test, count the number of excellent, good, satisfactory and unsatisfactory grades, the number of students who did not appear and were not admitted to the test , and signs the statement.

4.4.4. The results of passing the differential test in writing or in the form of computer testing must be issued on the day of the exam. The name of the discipline, total hours / number of credit points, the full name of the teacher who took the differential credit, and the date of delivery are entered in the record book.

A positive mark on the differential test is entered in the student's record book and certified by the teacher's signature. If the result of passing the differential test is unsatisfactory, the record "unsatisfactory" and the teacher's signature are not entered in the grade book. Both positive and unsatisfactory marks are entered in the transcript.

4.4.6. The completed transcripts and examination sheets with the results of passing the differential credit of the group are submitted by the department staff to the appropriate dean's office before the start of the session.

5. Exam

5.1. General Provisions:

5.1.1. For the exam, material is taken out in the amount provided for by the work program of the academic discipline for the semester, academic year or the entire period of studying the discipline. If the curriculum provides for several exams in one academic discipline, separate questions related to the entire volume of the academic discipline may be submitted to the final exam;

5.1.2. The exam is conducted on tickets in the form of an oral interview or in the form of a written survey;

5.1.3. The exam can be conducted in three stages, which include the delivery of practical skills (stage 1), testing (including computer testing - stage 2) and interview (oral examination - stage 3). The decision to conduct a 3-stage exam is taken by the department, followed by the approval of the assessment tools for each stage at the educational and methodological Council of the university;

5.1.4. In case of disagreement with the examination score, the student has the right to apply to the dean of the faculty with a written appeal (see clause 6.4.).

5.2. Exam tickets:

5.2.1. If the course exam is held in 3 stages, the departments prepare and submit a list of practical skills, an approximate list of test tasks, a list of oral interview questions for approval by the UMC.

5.2.2. The number of tickets must be such as to provide the last student taking the exam with a choice of at least five tickets.

5.2.3. Examination tickets are made in the form given in Appendix 6, on paper of the same color and quality in A4 or A5 format, font 14. Decreasing the font of the ticket text is not allowed. Tickets are signed by the head of the department and approved by the seal of the student office upon presentation of an extract from the minutes of the UMC meeting.

5.2.4. The exam ticket includes, as a rule, 3-4 questions (but no more than 5), one of them may be a task.

The wording of the questions must match the wording of the List of questions to be submitted for the exam.

The tasks included in the examination card should enable the examiner to objectively assess the level of the student's assimilation of theoretical material and practical skills, but, if possible, not provide for complex and cumbersome calculations.

5.2.6. Revision and re-approval on the UMC of assessment tools is carried out annually. The list is brought to the attention of students no later than one month before the start of the session.

5.2.7. Examination tickets must be kept in conditions that prevent access to them by persons not related to the examination.

The use of computer technology for the execution of examination tickets is allowed provided that unauthorized access to files containing information on the contents of tickets is excluded.

5.3. The procedure for preparing for taking exams:

5.3.1. In the process of preparing for the exam, pre-examination consultations are organized 1 - 2 days before the exam.

The schedule of consultations is communicated to the students no later than one week before the start of the examination session.

5.4. Exam procedure:

5.4.1. The course exam is taken by the teachers specified in the order on the composition of the examination commissions and, as a rule, who have an academic degree.

5.4.2. If several teachers participate in the oral course exam in a discipline, the exam is held in one classroom with the organization of several examination tables.

5.4.3. In the classroom where the oral exam is held, there must be no more than 5 students at the same time per teacher taking the exam. It is preferable to place one student at one desk. If the number of seats in the classroom is limited, it is allowed to prepare two students at the same table.

5.4.4. The student is given at least 45 minutes to prepare for the answer orally. The ticket number, problem number, fixation of the start time of preparation for the answer is carried out by the secretary of the examination committee by writing on the form of the preparation sheet for the examiner's answer, this record is signed by the secretary.

The time limit for taking a course exam orally

–20 minutes per student.

5.4.5. If several groups (subgroups) participate in the oral exam, students are launched into the examination room sequentially (starting with the lowest group number). To prevent students from congregating in the premises of the department, waiting for their turn for the exam, it is advisable to set a schedule for each group (subgroup) to arrive at the examination room, for example, in an hour.

5.4.6. During the oral exam, the head of the department directs students to the examiners; he also controls the order of the examinations and its implementation by examiners and examinees.

5.4.7. In order to clarify the assessment, the examiner can ask no more than 2 - 3 additional questions that do not go beyond the requirements of the work program.

5.4.8. When writing a course exam, the norm for completing the examination task by students is 2 academic hours (one and a half astronomical hours). After this time, the members of the examination committee collect and check the answer sheets. The norm for checking one job is 15 minutes.

To complete the written exam, it is preferable to seat all examiners in the classroom at the same time, one student at the table. Alternatively, it is possible to conduct a written examination in several classrooms, where one student is seated at a table.

5.5. Summing up the results of exams:

5.5.1. The exam result is expressed as "excellent"

"Good", "satisfactory", "unsatisfactory".

The mark "excellent" is given if the student has shown a deep complete knowledge and assimilation of the program material of the academic discipline in its relationship with other disciplines and with the upcoming professional activity, mastering the basic literature recommended by the work program of the academic discipline, knowledge of additional literature, the ability to independently replenish and update knowledge.

A student who has shown complete knowledge of the basic material of the academic discipline, knowledge of the basic literature and familiarity with additional literature, the recommended work program, the ability to replenish and update knowledge deserves a "good" grade.

The grade "satisfactory" is deserved by a student who showed knowledge of the main provisions of the academic discipline when answering the exam, made some errors and managed to eliminate them with the help of a teacher who was familiar with the main literature recommended by the work program.

The mark "unsatisfactory" is given if the answer reveals significant gaps in the student's knowledge of the main provisions of the academic discipline, the inability, even with the help of the teacher, to formulate the correct answers to the questions of the examination card.

5.5.2. Unsatisfactory results of intermediate certification or failure to pass the intermediate certification in the absence of valid reasons are recognized as academic debt.

The name of the discipline, total hours / number of credits, the name of the teacher who took the exam, and the date of delivery are entered in the record book. A positive mark on the exam is entered in the student's record book and certified by the examiner's signature. In case of an unsatisfactory result of passing the exam, the name of the discipline, total hours / number of credits, the name of the teacher who took the exam, and the date of delivery are entered in the record book. Record "unsatisfactory", the teacher's signature is not entered in the grade book.

5.5.3. At the end of the exam, the members of the commission draw up a test sheet: against the surname of students who did not appear, they put down the entry "did not appear", against the surname of not admitted students they put down the entry "not admitted", put down the date of the test, count the number of excellent, good, satisfactory and unsatisfactory grades , the number of students who did not appear and were not admitted to the test, and sign the statement.

5.5.4. The results of passing the exam in writing or in the form of computer testing must be issued on the day of the exam. Both positive and unsatisfactory marks are entered in the transcript and examination sheet.

5.5.5. The staff of the department shall submit the completed transcripts and examination sheets with the results of the exam to the corresponding dean's office no later than the next working day after the exam is taken.

6. Procedure for retaking exams and tests

6.1. Students are required to eliminate academic debt in a timely manner.

Organization of retake exams and tests:

6.1.1. Students with academic debt have the right to undergo intermediate certification in the relevant academic subject, course, discipline (module) no more than twice within the time frame determined by the university, within one year from the date of formation of academic debt. This period does not include the time of illness of the student, his stay on academic leave, maternity leave, parental leave.

When retaking the exam / credit, the student presents to the teacher taking the exam / credit, in addition to the grade book, a completed individual statement of the results of retaking the exam / credit, signed by the dean (deputy dean) of the faculty (Appendix 7). The list can contain one or several names of students.

6.1.2. When passing the exam / test on an individual schedule, the student presents to the teacher taking the exam or test, in addition to the test book, an individual statement of the results of passing the exam or test (Appendix 3), signed by the dean (deputy dean) of the faculty.

When passing the exam / test ahead of schedule, the student presents to the teacher taking the exam or test, in addition to the test book, a completed individual statement of the results of the exam or test (Appendix 4), signed by the dean (deputy dean) of the faculty.

6.1.3. Individual statements (Attachments 3,4,7) are registered in the Journal for issuing individual statements (Attachment 9). The completed statements of the department are transferred to the corresponding dean's office no later than the next working day after the examination (test). Completed sheets are attached to the corresponding test and examination sheet.

6.2. Retaking the exam / test is carried out no more than two times in accordance with clause 6.1.1. To carry out intermediate certification for the second time, the university creates a commission.

Passing the exam / commission credit:

6.2.1. In order to ensure objectivity during the second retake (third passing of the exam / test), the head of the department forms a commission (from the number of examiners in accordance with the order - for taking exams; from among the teachers of the department - for taking tests)).

6.2.2. The composition of the commission, as a rule, includes:

a teacher taking an exam in a given discipline, head of a corresponding department, teachers who do not teach in this discipline in a specific academic group. It is allowed to include, by agreement, the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Head of the UMU, Dean / Deputy Dean, examiners of related departments.

Only the surnames (with a negative result of attestation) or the surnames and signatures of the members of the examination committee in the corresponding column of the record book (with a positive result of attestation) and the signatures of three members of the examination committee in the individual sheet, regardless of the results of attestation, are documentary evidence of the commission for the retake.

6.3. The procedure for retaking the exam in order to increase the positive mark to obtain a diploma with honors.

6.3.1. The possibility of re-passing the exam in order to increase a positive mark to obtain a diploma with honors can be provided to a student upon his written application addressed to the rector with a positive resolution of the dean of the faculty, in the last year of study, but no later than the deadline for the state final certification in the specialty. No more than two course exams are subject to retaking. Students who have had at least one unsatisfactory mark during their studies are not allowed to take the exam again in order to increase their positive mark in order to receive a diploma with honors.

A copy of the grade book is attached to the application, the dean's office analyzes the student's progress and makes a note on the application about the possibility of retaking exams within the permissible established share of good and excellent marks.

6.3.2. To receive a repeated exam in order to increase a positive assessment, the head of the department appoints an examiner from among the lecturers in this discipline. The exam is taken in the order corresponding to paragraphs. 5.4.4, 5.4.7, 5.4.8.

The answer on the exam is assessed according to the criteria given in clause 4.4.1. The result of the exam is drawn up by an individual statement of the results of the retake of the exam / test, (Appendix 7). When a student receives a lower or the same grade, the original grade is taken into account. The higher mark is entered in the student's record book in a free line in accordance with clause 5.5.2. With a lower and equivalent grade, only a statement is drawn up, the grade is not entered in the record book. The statement is transferred to the student's personal file.

6.4. The procedure for considering an appeal:

6.4.1. In case of disagreement with the received examination mark, the student has the right to apply to the dean of the faculty with a written statement within one working day after the exam, not counting the date of the exam.

The dean of the faculty, by his order, in agreement with the head of the department, creates a commission to consider the appeal on the merits of the application. The composition of the commission includes teachers who did not take the exam from the student who submitted the appeal.

6.4.2. The chairman of the commission sets the date for consideration of the appeal no later than three days from the date of the creation of the commission, as well as the time and place of the meeting of the commission, about which the student who filed the appeal is notified. When present at the meeting of the appeal commission, the student must have a record book and an individual statement on the results of the appeal, signed by the dean (deputy dean) of the faculty (Appendix 8).

6.4.3. Consideration of the appeal is carried out in the form of an oral interview of the commission with the student on examination tickets with the preparation of a detailed written summary of the answer.

To record a summary of the answer, the answer sheet issued by the department is used. The record of the answer is subsequently stored in the student's personal file. An interview with a student is carried out in the presence of the examiner who took the exam, in the manner corresponding to paragraphs. 5.4.4, 5.4.7, 5.4.8. If necessary, members of the commission can ask the student no more than two or three additional questions that do not go beyond the requirements of the work program of this academic discipline. At the request of the student, the appeal can be made in writing.

Written works are transferred to the student's personal file.

6.4.4. Each of the members of the appeal committee puts his mark in the statement and signs, the chairman of the committee displays the average final mark.

The new grade is entered in the student's record book marked "based on the consideration of the appeal", certified by the signature of the chairman of the commission. The dean crosses out the old entry, makes the entry "to believe corrected" and is certified by the signature of the dean and the seal of the student office. The statement is attached to the corresponding group's record-and-examination statement.

6.4.5. The result of the consideration of the appeal is communicated to the student immediately after the meeting of the commission.

7. Control and analysis of work on the admission of exams and tests

7.1. The procedure for organizing control and analysis of work on the admission of exams and tests:

7.1.1. The objectives of the control and analysis of the work on taking exams and tests are:

Increasing the level of preparation of students for the forthcoming professional activity;

Improvement of the educational process;

Improving the methodology for conducting tests and exams, improving the quality of the development of examination materials;

Improving the organization of examination sessions, creating favorable conditions for preparing students for tests and exams.

7.1.2. Responsible for the organization and effectiveness of control are the rectorate, the educational department of the UMU, deans of faculties, heads of departments, chairmen of cyclic educational and methodological commissions, the quality and audit department.

7.1.3. Direct control of the quality and correctness of tests and examinations is carried out by the heads of departments, deans and chairmen of the cyclic educational and methodological commission.

7.2. Reporting documentation:

7.2.1. Deans within the first week after the end of the examination session at the faculty draw up and submit to the educational department "Information on the results of the examination session"

(Appendix 10).

7.2.2. Deans within the first week after the end of the examination session at the faculty draw up and submit to the educational department "Report on the results of the examination session"

(Appendix 11 in Excel format).

7.3. Analysis of the results of passing tests and exams:

7.3.1. During the first month of the new semester, the deans hold meetings of the teaching and educational commission (UVK) or meetings of the heads of study groups, streams and (or) courses (headmen), where they discuss the results of passing exams and tests, paying special attention to the issues of the early elimination of academic arrears and also carry out individual work with students with academic arrears.

7.3.2. Heads of departments and chairmen of the educational and methodological commission hold methodological meetings dedicated to the results of the examination session, which summarize information about typical mistakes and gaps in the knowledge of students that emerged during tests and exams, which make it possible to determine difficult to learn questions, topics and sections of the curriculum of the academic discipline, outline measures to improve the methods of teaching them.

7.3.3. The summarized results of the session are presented by the educational department of the UMU to the rector of the university.

7.3.4. The results of the examination session are reported to the Academic Council of the University and Academic Councils of the faculties.

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

The number of students for certification __3______ It is prohibited:

Of these, who received: 1. Conduct certification for students who are not "Excellent" _______-__________________ entered in this "Good" _________ 3________________ examination sheet.

“Satisfactory” ____-____________ 2. Accept certification within the timeframe, not “Unsatisfactory” ___-___________ established by the approved Average schedule, except for cases, score ___ 4.0 ____________________ specially authorized by the dean.

"Passed" ________________________

"Not credited" ________________________

The number of students who did not show up for certification _______-__________________ Dean of the Faculty __________ / Full name / Number of students who were not admitted to certification _______-_________________ Signature

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

STATEMENT individual schedule Semester academic __________ Control form - credit, exam / underline / Faculty group course ______________________________________

Discipline Surname, name, patronymic of teachers: __________________________


date of the test, exam: "___"

- & nbsp– & nbsp–











- & nbsp– & nbsp–


State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Ryazan State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlova "

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (GBOU VPO RyazGMU Ministry of Health)


by specialty ____________________________________________________

(name and code of specialty, form of study) by discipline ______________________________________________________

(discipline name) 1 ._________________________________________________________________________












Head of Department _______________________ ____________ ________________

(department name) (signature) (name, surname)

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

Dean of the Faculty ________________________________________

* - each of the members of the appeal commission gives his mark and signs; as a result, the average mark is entered into the record book, signed by the chairman of the commission.

State medical level -1 specialty) university "Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation ..." Health and social development of the Russian Federation PHYSICAL AND PSYCHOMOTORAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN EDUCATIONAL AID IRKUTSK IGMU UDC-053.2 BBK 57.3 Recommended by CCMS GBOU HPE ... "" Medical psychology " competition for the degree of candidate of psychological sciences Scientific adviser: doctor of psychological sciences, professor Mamaichuk Irina Ivanovna St. Petersburg Contents Introduction. GLA ... "of higher professional education IRKUTSK STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY (GBOU VPO ..." Association for medical technology MOMT, general director of PKF "IzoMed" "

2017 - "Free electronic library - various materials"

The materials on this site are posted for review, all rights belong to their authors.
If you do not agree that your material is posted on this site, please write to us, we will delete it within 1-2 business days.


I am attaching a certificate from the social security authorities.

1-2 cm

Date Signature


1. To receive a social scholarship

2. To get a place in the hostel

3. To obtain conditional admission to the session

4. For admission to the delivery of academic debt

5. To be included in the list for retaking the exam

6. Industrial practice

7. To reschedule classes

8. For reinstatement in the number of students after expulsion

9. For academic leave

10. For deduction of your own free will

11. To change the surname in the documents

12. To obtain an academic transcript

university accreditation certificates

for all types of urban transport

15. To obtain a duplicate grade book

16. To obtain a duplicate student card

17. For registration of parental leave

18. To receive maternity benefits

19. To certify an application for a passport

20. To obtain a certificate for the embassy

21. To obtain a certificate to the pension fund

22. To transfer to the budget

23. To complete the final qualifying work (thesis)

24. To recount disciplines during recovery

25. For transfer of disciplines when transferring from another university or admission to the second or subsequent courses

26. To change the customer of the contract

27. To receive financial assistance

28. Explanatory note for academic arrears

29. To extend the due date

30. To obtain an individual schedule for passing tests, exams, academic debt

31. To submit an application to the Commission for admission to carry out pharmaceutical activities in the positions of middle pharmaceutical personnel



Ministry of Health of Russia

prof. R.E. Kalinin

Faculty of Pharmacy


I ask you to assign me a social scholarship, as ...
the wording of the reason is written exactly in accordance with the certificate ).

I am attaching a certificate from the social security authorities.

I study on a budgetary basis, I have no academic debt.

Date Signature

Possible formulations:

- I am an orphan;

- I am a disabled (veteran) of military operations;

- I am disabled of the I (II) group.

1.2. The following documents are submitted to the social protection body at the place of permanent registration:

1.Certificate of study at the university, issued by the secretary of the dean's office
a) 1st year students from August 26 to September 7
b) students of all courses from January 11 to February 7

2. certificate of scholarship received (for low-income people)
for the previous 3 months, issued by the accounting department (room 214)
within 3-5 days from the date of request

3.Certificate of family composition (for low-income families), the certificate is valid for 10 days, issued by the housing department at the place of permanent registration

4. certificates of income (for low-income people) of each family member in accordance with the certificate of their housing department for the previous 3 months, for parents - a certificate of wages from the place of work, for schoolchildren a certificate from school, etc.

5. other documents confirming the status of a beneficiary (copy of a certificate of disability, etc.)

Note: the exact list of documents to be provided must be clarified with the social protection authority at the place of permanent registration.


Ministry of Health of Russia

Prof. R.E. Kalinin

student ___ course, ____ group

Faculty of Pharmacy

(Full name in genitive case)


Please provide me with a place in the hostel, since I am a student from a different city and ____________________ (justification)

I am attaching help.

I study on a budget (contractual) basis.

Timely payment is guaranteed.

Date Signature


(The list reflects the order in which the hostel is provided!)

1. ... I am an orphan

2. ... I am disabled

3. ... income per family member is below the subsistence level (confirmed by a certificate from the social security authorities)

4. ... I am the child of a serviceman who died in local warriors

5. ... I was (remained) without parental care

6.… I am a member of a large (single-parent) family.

7. ... I am a forced migrant

8. ... I live in a zone of ecological disadvantage

nine …. I live in a low-income family (a certificate of family composition and income certificate of family members are attached)

ten . ... scored the highest passing score when passing to the university (for 1st year students), I have high academic performance, actively participate in the social, sports and cultural life of the faculty (for students of 2-5 courses),

2.2. To receive a hostel by persons who previously lived

in the hostel upon arrival in the new academic year

Apply to name Vice-rector for educational work which is endorsed:

1.the commandant with confirmation of residence indicating the room number


Please provide me with a place in a hostel for the 20 __ / 20__ academic year, since I am a student from another city and previously lived in a hostel at ______________.

Date Signature


I ask to be admitted to retake the exam in the discipline "_________"
on ... August (February) 20__. in connection with ____________________________

1.… with an unsatisfactory grade

2.… failure to appear for the exam, as he did not have the required credits
in 4 disciplines "____", "_____", "______", "_______".

3.… failure to appear for the exam, because he did not fulfill the curriculum for the examination discipline "_________________".
A mark of completion received "__" _____ 20 __

4.… failure to appear for the exam, because

5. ... due to the fact that during the session received (a) unsatisfactory marks in the disciplines "______" and "_______". On retake ... August (February) 20__ I received (a) a satisfactory mark in the discipline "______". On retake ... August (February) 20__ received (a) an unsatisfactory mark in the discipline "______"

6.… from the link with the receipt of two unsatisfactory marks in this discipline.

Date Signature

5.2. When passing the exam within the time of retaking due to missing the exam in the session due to illness in the presence of a document (certificate, sick leave)

GBOU VPO RyazGMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Grigorieva I.V.

student ___ course, ____ group

Faculty of Pharmacy

(Full name in genitive case)


I ask to be admitted to the exam in the discipline "_________"(the name of the discipline is indicated in accordance with the curriculum)
on ... August (February) 20__. due to missing the exam during the session due to illness.

Help is attached.

5.3. At retake the exam at the end of the retake terms approved by the order of the rector.

If there are two unsatisfactory grades in the session and only one of the disciplines retakes within the time limits established by the rector's order, on the day of the second day of retaking, the student after the exam comes to the dean's office to file an application for retaking the second discipline.

Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy

GBOU VPO RyazGMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Grigorieva I.V.

student ___ course, ____ group

Faculty of Pharmacy

(Full name in genitive case)


Option 1.

« _______________________»

During the session, I received two unsatisfactory marks in the disciplines "__________________" and "______________________".

For two retakes I passed the discipline "____________________".

Option 2.

Please admit me to retake the discipline exam
« ________________________»
(the name of the discipline is indicated in accordance with the curriculum).
During the session, I received two unsatisfactory grades in the disciplines "__________________" and "________________________". ____ August (February) 20___ passed the discipline "__________________",
____ August (February) 20___ received (a) an unsatisfactory mark in the discipline "____________________________".

Date Signature


6.1. For living in a hostel during summer practice


Ministry of Health of Russia

prof. R.E. Kalinin

student ___ course, ____ group

Faculty of Pharmacy

(Full name in genitive case)


Please allow me to live in a hostel during my summer internship in botany (pharmacognosy)

from ____ to ____ 20 ___.

I live in a hostel at _________________ room. ____.



University dormitories:
st. Gagarina, 32

st. High-voltage, 11, building 1 (hostel of the medical prof. f-that, distant)

st. High-voltage, house 11, bldg. 2 (dormitory farm f-that, near)

st. Shevchenko d. 34 "A" ( dormitory of the medical faculty)

The application is endorsed:

1.the commandant of the hostel

3.An employee of the practice department (ULC, 1st floor, room 15)

4.transferred to the employee of the department for educational work Vasiliev Vladimir Ivanovich (ULC, 3rd floor, room 305)

6.2. For internship at the place of residence (see details on the university website in the "Practice" section)

A statement of the established form is being written
(application form - ULK, 1st floor, room 15, Olesya Sergeevna).

The application is signed by the head of the department (teacher responsible for practice), after providing a photocopy of the signed application to the dean's office, signed by the dean of the faculty and transferred to the practice department (ULK, 1st floor, room 15).

An agreement is drawn up with a pharmacy organization on the consent to practice (ULC, 1st floor, room 15)

A medical book is being drawn up

An employee of the practice department, in the presence of the above documents, issues a referral to practice, which is drawn up at the end of the practice in a pharmacy organization, at the department and returns to the practice department.

The application must correctly indicate the type of practice.

7. To reschedule classes
7.1. - to make changes to the schedule, a period of 2 weeks is allotted from the beginning of the semester, - in exceptional cases, it is possible to change the schedule in connection with the end of the passage of certain disciplines. There is no change in timetable for the purpose of freeing up a full day (eg Saturday).

The head of the group writes a statement of the established form addressed to the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs in 3 copies

The head of the department,

Dean of the Faculty

The schedule department

Vice-rector for academic affairs

A statement signed by the vice-rector is transmitted to:

1 copy to the schedule department

1 copy to the dean's office

1 copy per department.


day of the week, time of class )
on "__" ________ 20__ (
day of the week, time of class ).


Signature of the head of the group


Schedule Department __________________

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs ________

7.2. - to transfer classes on pre-holiday days with the official permission of the university administration.

The head of the group writes a statement of the established form addressed to the vice-rector for academic affairs or the dean (specify!) In 2 copies

The application is endorsed in the following sequence:

The teacher leading the lesson,

The head of the department,

Dean of the Faculty

1 copy of the application remains in the dean's office

1 copy of the application is sent to the department.

Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy

elders of the ___ course, ____ groups

Faculty of Pharmacy

(Full name in genitive case)


Please postpone the lesson in the discipline "____________________" from "__" ________ 20__. ( day of the week, time of class )
on "__" ________ 20__ (
day of the week, time of class ).


Signature of the head of the group


Teacher ____________________ (Surname, I.O.)

Head department _____________________ (Surname I.O.)

Dean ____________________________ (Surname, I.O.)
8. For reinstatement in the number of students after expulsion

8.1 ... After expulsion from the university, the right to reinstatement in the number of students remains for 5 years.

Recovery is carried out 2 times during the academic year.

Applications from students are accepted at the dean's office in December for the restoration for the spring semester and in April for the restoration for the fall semester. The date and time of the meeting of the recovery commission can be found by calling 46-08-11 or on the notice board. Attendance at the meeting of the commission is required. The decision of the commission is approved at a meeting of the administration, an order for restoration is issued, which is transmitted to the dean's offices.

When reinstating again, an interview is conducted in one of the disciplines for which there was academic debt.

Ministry of Health of Russia

prof. R.E. Kalinin

(Full name in genitive case)

(indicate subjects of academic debt)


residing at:



I ask you to accept the documents to resolve the issue of reinstating me as a student of the ____ course of the Faculty of Pharmacy for the ________ semester of the ______ / _______ academic year.

__________ _______________ ________________________

(date) (signature) (transcript of signature)

8.2. At the end of the academic leave due to illness, it is necessary:


- provide a medical certificate signed by a doctor
commission, about the possibility of further training.


Ministry of Health of Russia

prof. R.E. Kalinin


Faculty of Pharmacy

(Full name in genitive case)


I would like to ask you to reinstate me as a student of the ___ course of the Faculty of Pharmacy in connection with the end of my academic leave.

Date Signature


I would like to ask you to reinstate me as a student of the ___ course of the Faculty of Pharmacy in connection with the end of parental leave.

Date Signature

9. For academic leave

To obtain an academic leave, you must:

Write a statement according to the sample

Provide a medical certificate signed by the medical commission on the need for an academic leave for health reasons.


Ministry of Health of Russia

prof. R.E. Kalinin

student ___ course, ____ group

Faculty of Pharmacy

(Full name in genitive case)


I would like to ask you to grant me sick leave. I am attaching a medical certificate

Date Signature


Ministry of Health of Russia

prof. R.E. Kalinin

student ___ course, ____ group

Faculty of Pharmacy

(Full name in genitive case)


Please expel me from the university of my own free will from (day month year).

Date Signature


Ministry of Health of Russia

prof. R.E. Kalinin

student ___ course, ____ group

Faculty of Pharmacy

(Full name in genitive case)


I ask you to change the surname from Ivanova to Sidorova in the registration documents in connection with marriage (divorce).

I am attaching a copy of the marriage registration (dissolution) certificate.

Date Signature

12. To obtain a cademic certificate

12.1 ... For students receiving a second higher education

Write a statement according to the sample

upon presentation of a passport


Ministry of Health of Russia

prof. R.E. Kalinin

student ___ course, ____ group

Faculty of Pharmacy

(Full name in genitive case)


I am asking for your permission to issue an academic transcript for obtaining a second higher education at the _______________ faculty ____________________________________________________________ ().

Date Signature

12.2. For students dropping out of the university

Write a statement according to the sample

to the office (ULK, 1st floor, room 12), library card when returning books

Take a transcript in the educational unit (ULK, 3rd floor, room 318)
upon presentation of a passport, an academic transcript is prepared within 2 weeks after the issuance of the expulsion order.


Ministry of Health of Russia

prof. R.E. Kalinin

student ___ course, ____ group

Faculty of Pharmacy

(Full name in genitive case)


Please give me an academic certificate in connection with expulsion.

Date Signature

12.3. For students transferring to another university

Write a statement according to the sample

Issue a detour sheet (issued by the secretary of the dean's office)

Hand over a completed detour sheet, student ID, grade book,
library card for the office (ULK, 1st floor, room 12)

The transcript is prepared within 2 weeks after the issuance of the expulsion order.


Ministry of Health of Russia

prof. R.E. Kalinin

student ___ course, ____ group

Faculty of Pharmacy

(Full name in genitive case)


Please give me an academic transcript in connection with the transfer to ____________________________________________ ( indicate the full name of the educational institution ).

Date Signature

12.4 ... For admission to training for additional qualifications "Translator in the field of professional qualifications"

Write a statement according to the sample

Bring the grade book to the dean's office

The transcript is prepared within 2 weeks.

Take a transcript in the educational unit (ULK, 3rd floor, room 318)
upon presentation of a passport


Ministry of Health of Russia

prof. R.E. Kalinin

student ___ course, ____ group

Faculty of Pharmacy

(Full name in genitive case)


I ask you to give me an academic certificate for admission to training for additional qualifications "Translator in the field of professional qualifications"

Date Signature

12.5 ... To apply for a commission for admission to carry out pharmaceutical activities in the positions of paramedical personnel - a pharmacist.

· For students who have mastered the basic educational program in the specialty "Pharmacy" in the amount of 4 courses and continue their studies.

Write an application according to the sample (the dean endorses the application)

Bring to the dean's office a record book for registration of an academic
certificates, academic transcript is prepared within 2 weeks

Take a transcript in the educational unit (ULK, 3rd floor, room 318)
upon presentation of a passport


Ministry of Health of Russia

prof. R.E. Kalinin

student ___ course, ____ group

Faculty of Pharmacy

(Full name in genitive case)


I ask for your permission for the dean's office to issue an academic transcript. la submitting an application to the Commission for admission to carry out pharmaceutical activities in the positions of middle pharmaceutical personnel.

Date Signature

12.6 ... To apply for a commission for admission to carry out pharmaceutical activities in the positions of paramedical personnel - pharmacist

· - for persons¸ who have mastered the basic educational program in the specialty "Pharmacy" in the amount of 4 courses, but have not completed the mastering of the basic educational program (expelled after the 4th year, in the absence of a diploma of incomplete higher education)

You can write an application according to the sample and send it to the administration, you can by mail, including by e-mail (the dean does not endorse the application), the academic transcript is prepared within 2 weeks,

Get a transcript from the educational department (ULK, 3rd floor, room 318)
upon presentation of a passport.

Ministry of Health of Russia

prof. R.E. Kalinin

(Full name in genitive case)

expelled from the ___ course

Faculty of Pharmacy in ____


(form of study: full-time, part-time)

residing at:


contact (mobile) phone



I ask for your permission to issue an academic transcript. To apply for a commission for admission to carry out pharmaceutical activities in the positions of the middle pharmaceutical personnel.

Date Signature

13. To obtain a copy of the license, or
university accreditation certificates

Write a statement according to the sample.

If documents are drawn up for obtaining tax deductions for several years with the registration of separate sets of documents for each year (requirement of the tax inspection), a separate application is written for each year and it is indicated for which year the tax deductions are drawn up (for registration of tax deductions for ____ year)


Ministry of Health of Russia

prof. R.E. Kalinin

student ___ course, ____ group

Faculty of Pharmacy

(Full name in genitive case)


I ask for your permission for the dean's office to issue a certified copy of the university license for submission to the tax office _____________________ ( specify city, region ).

Date Signature


Ministry of Health of Russia

prof. R.E. Kalinin

student ___ course, ____ group

Faculty of Pharmacy

(Full name in genitive case)


I ask for your permission for the dean's office to issue me a certified copy of the university accreditation certificate for submission to the tax office _____________________ ( specify city, region )

Date Signature

14. To obtain a reduced travel ticket
for all types of urban transport

- the student writes a statement in the established form addressed to the dean

The socially unprotected segments of the population have the right to receive a reduced fare ticket:


Disabled people,

· Students with low income per family member, etc.

As a rule, these are students receiving a social scholarship.

Students who do not receive a social scholarship, but have an income for 1 family member close to the subsistence level, attach a certificate of family composition and income statement of each family member to the application

If the decision is positive, the student on the 18-20th of the month pays in the trade union committee (ULK, 2nd floor, room 206) the cost of a reduced ticket (payment of 50% of the cost of the student ticket) and on the 25-29th, he receives a travel ticket there upon presentation of a student card.

The dean's office accepts applications twice a year:

in September and February.

Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy

GBOU VPO RyazGMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia I.V. Grigorieva

student ___ course, ____ group

Faculty of Pharmacy

(Full name in genitive case)


Please be included in the list for a reduced travel ticket with ________________________(March or October)
_______ school year.



16. To obtain a duplicate grade book

In case of loss of the grade book, the student writes an application with a request to issue a duplicate of the document

Makes notes at the police stations (Zheleznodorozhny, Moskovsky, Sovetsky, Oktyabrsky ROVD of Ryazan) that his document was not found

Submits the application with marks to the dean's office


Ministry of Health of Russia

prof. R.E. Kalinin

student ___ course, ____ group

Faculty of Pharmacy

(Full name in genitive case)


I ask for your permission for the dean's office to issue a duplicate of the grade book) in connection with the loss.

Date Signature


Ministry of Health of Russia

prof. R.E. Kalinin

student ___ course, ____ group

Faculty of Pharmacy

(Full name in genitive case)


I ask for your permission for the dean's office to issue a duplicate student card to me in connection with the loss.

Date Signature


I ask for your permission to issue me documents from the student office without surrendering a student card in connection
with his loss.

Date Signature

17. For registration of parental leave

Write a statement according to the sample;

Submit a copy of the child's birth certificate

At the same time, it is proposed to issue a maternity allowance.


Ministry of Health of Russia

prof. R.E. Kalinin

student ___ course, ____ group

Faculty of Pharmacy

(Full name in genitive case)


I would like to ask you to grant me parental leave.

A copy of the birth certificate is attached.

Date Signature


Ministry of Health of Russia

prof. R.E. Kalinin

student ___ course, ____ group

Faculty of Pharmacy

(Full name in genitive case)


I ask you to assign me a maternity allowance from "___" 20__. with receipt of _______
specify the method of receipt : at the box office, by postal order at ____________________ (postal code, city, street, house, building, apartments),
by transferring to the personal account of a person entitled to receive benefits, opened with a credit institution. Information about the details of the account: name of the organization, BIK, TIN, KPP, account number.

I am attaching a medical certificate of the established form to the application.

Date Signature


Ministry of Health of Russia

prof. R.E. Kalinin

student ___ course, ____ group

Faculty of Pharmacy

(Full name in genitive case)


I ask you to certify the application for obtaining a passport.

Date Signature


Ministry of Health of Russia

prof. R.E. Kalinin

student ___ course, ____ group

Faculty of Pharmacy

(Full name in genitive case)


I ask you to issue a certificate for submission to the embassy __________ ( indicate country ) and for visa processing.

Date Signature


Ministry of Health of Russia

prof. R.E. Kalinin

student ___ course, ____ group

Faculty of Pharmacy

(Full name in genitive case)


I ask for your permission to issue a certificate to me by the dean's office
with official stamp for submission to the Pension Fund __________ (
specify areas ) indicating the number of the order for admission to the university, ...(list required information) .

Date Signature

To transfer to the budget

To transfer from a paid form of education to a budgetary one, you must:

Submit a sample application addressed to the rector

Submit a photocopy of the grade book (last two sessions and practice assessments). If in previous sessions all grades were "good" and "excellent", it is recommended to attach a photocopy of the entire grade book.

Submit a certificate of family composition and income certificates of the persons indicated in the certificate for the previous 6 months.

If one of the parents is absent from the certificate, a copy of the divorce (or death) certificate, or a certificate of income, is provided.

Translation is made if there are budget places on the course. The Commission considers the applications received 2 times a year, usually in September and February.

The students with the best academic performance have the priority right when transferring to the budget.


Ministry of Health of Russia

prof. R.E. Kalinin

student ___ course, ____ group

Faculty of Pharmacy

(Full name in genitive case)


I am asking for your permission to transfer from a paid to a budgetary form of education.


Date Signature


Ministry of Health of Russia

prof. R.E. Kalinin

student ___ course, ____ group

Faculty of Pharmacy

(Full name in genitive case)


Please allow me to carry out the final qualifying work at the department _____________________________
(department name ) on the topic "____________________________________"(topic name)

Supervisor - _________________________________

(position, full name of the head of the WRC)

Date Signature

24. To recount disciplines during recovery

To transfer disciplines when reinstating to the number of students after academic leave or expulsion, you must:

According to the record book, compare the previously studied disciplines with those studied in the current semester;

Submit an application (2 copies) according to the model addressed to the head of the relevant department with a request to recalculate the implementation of the curriculum, the results of the test or exam, course work, educational or industrial practice;

The dean's office applies for the examination of the student's request;

Good and excellent grades are generally recalculated;

The head of the department decides on the possibility of transferring grades;

On the application, the head of the department makes a note about the decision of the department;

In case of a positive decision, the head of the department or the teacher of the department makes an entry in the student's record book on the same line where the test (exam, completion) was previously affixed - date, credited, full name, signature or on a free line;

1 copy of the application with the resolution of the head of the department is handed over to the dean's office for transfer to the student's personal file,
1 copy of the application remains at the department;

On the day of the test (exam), an entry is made in the test and examination sheet.

To the head of the department


(department name)


The options are:

I ask you to re-read the test result for the discipline "______________"(discipline name according to the curriculum) received by me... (date of test according to the record book) with the entry in the record book of the assessment according to the control form

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