02/11/05 audiovisual equipment fgos standard. Audiovisual technology - secondary vocational education (11.02.05)


Future projectionists study a technological complex of disciplines that are associated with the methodology and technology of installation, maintenance and repair of modern audiovisual systems. During the internship, students get acquainted with different types of equipment, learn the skills of designing and installing equipment for audiovisual complexes, learn how to regulate their work and make repairs on time. Training in modern management technologies and the rules for the technical operation of devices without harm to others is an important stage of preparation.

Whom to work

The main work of graduates after graduation is the maintenance of all modern and traditional types of cinema installations in widescreen, panoramic and stereoscopic cinemas. Specialists in audiovisual technology carry out a comprehensive check, debugging, diagnostics and repair of found faults in equipment for cinema complexes, as well as power supply devices, devices for sound and image synchronization. Projectionists work at film studios of various sizes, from small chamber cinemas to multiplexes with dozens of cinemas of various configurations.



State educational budgetary institution

Secondary vocational education of the Voronezh region "Voronezh State Industrial and Humanitarian College"


to practical work

According to MDK 02.02

"Methodology for measuring and adjusting the parameters and characteristics of audiovisual devices and complexes"

For students of the specialty 11.02.05 (210403)

"Audiovisual Technique"

Full-time education


Practical work No. 1-1

Topic: "Visual control of the details of the film projector tape transport mechanism"

Objective: Check the details of the tape drive mechanism of film projectors 23KPK, 23KPK-2, 23KPK-3, MEO-5X, Prevost, SK-1000, Kinoton, Victoria 5.


Film projectors: 23KPK, 23KPK-2, 23KPK-3, MEO-5X, Prevost, SK-1000, Kinoton, Victoria 5;

Universal inspection kit;

Work order.

1. Get briefing on the topic.

2. Check the correct location of the gear drums and jump drum of film projectors using the devices of the universal inspection kit UIN-3.

3. Check the position of the cross guide and holding rollers of the film projector.

4. Perform a visual inspection of the parts of the LPT film projectors.

5. Check the pulling force of the film from the film channel of the film projector.

6. Check the correct installation of the brackets of the brake device and the winder using film tape.

7. Compile a report on the work done.

Basic theoretical provisions

When checking the correct location of the toothed drums, a steel perforated tape from UIN is used. The tape is being charged instead of the film. The teeth of the drums must be in the center of the perforations (Figure 1).

When checking the correct installation of the jump drum relative to the film channel (relative to the transverse guide roller), a template from UIN is used, which imitates film and has cutouts for the teeth of the drum. The cutouts of the template are applied to the teeth of the drum.

The cross-guide roller of the film channel is checked with a template. The inner end of the fixed flange should be in close contact with the edge of the template. The inner surface of the fixed flange must lie in the same plane as the base guide of the film channel. It should rotate freely and have no noticeable axial play.

The distance between the working belts of the drums and the holding rollers is checked by a film strip folded in half (d.b. 0.3 mm.). Using a mirror and a magnifying glass, observe the location of the teeth in the annular recesses of the rollers. In them, the teeth of the drum should be symmetrical.

All LPT rollers must rotate easily and have no axial movements.

Visual control of LPT parts is carried out using a magnifying glass in good light. Defective parts of the tract are identified by the following features:

Increased wear of working belts and working surfaces of teeth and gear drums, working belts of rollers;

The presence of burrs, dents and other damage on the working surfaces of the drums, rollers, clamping skids and frame frame;

Increased wear of the working end of the cross-guiding roller of the film channel.

At the same time, the reliability of fastening the drums on the axles and the ease of rotation of the rollers are checked.

The pulling force of the film from the film channel is checked using a dynamometer. A piece of film 250 mm long is loaded into the film channel. On its section of engagement with the jump drum, perforation paths must be cut. The dynamometer reading at the moment when the film starts moving, having overcome the braking force, will correspond to the force of its pulling out of the film channel. The pulling force should be 2.5 - 3.5 N. The lateral pressing force of the film in the film channel should be 0.3 - 0.5 N. It is not adjustable, but can be changed by replacing the spring.

The correct installation of the brackets of the brake device and the winder is checked using film tape. If they are installed without distortions, then both sides of the tape will have the same tension and it will not touch the cheeks of the reels.

The practical work report should contain:

1. Scheme for charging film copies into the projector;

2. Conclusion on the work done for each item of checking the details of the LPT;

3. Answer to the question: What is the purpose of monitoring the details of the film projector tape transport mechanism?


state educational budgetary institution

secondary vocational education in the Voronezh region

"Voronezh State Industrial and Humanitarian College"





Deputy Director of VGPK

for academic work

E.V. Cherednikova


Deputy Director of VGPK

for scientific and methodological work

Yu.B. Ashcheulov

Academic discipline program

considered at a meeting of the Department of Electronics

(protocol No. ___________________

from "______" ______________ 2014)

Head Department of Electronics

G.V. Basargin


lecturer at the Department of Electronics

GOBU SPO VO "VGPK" _____________ Obraztsova Elena Viktorovna Reviewer:



"Life Safety"

    1. Scope of the work program

The work program of the academic discipline is part of the main professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialties of secondary vocational education:

11.02.05 Audiovisual technology

The work program of the academic discipline can be used in the programs of additional professional education.

1.2. The place of the academic discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program:


1.1. Scope of the program

The work program of the academic discipline is part of the main professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty:

11.02.05 Audiovisual technology

1.2. The place of discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program:

At The educational discipline is included in the professional cycle and is a general professional discipline.

1.3. The goals and objectives of the discipline are the requirements for the results of mastering the discipline:

Target : the acquisition by students of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of life safety.


    continue the formation of the communicative competence of future specialists;

    develop the skills of effective communication necessary for work;

    to teach how to use knowledge in the field of safe communication in the prevention and regulation of conflict situations;

    develop ethical communication skills.

The professional activity of specialists provides for socio-psychological ties and relationships, which is inextricably linked with the formation of knowledge and skills in the field of safe behavior.

The study of the discipline is aimed at the formation of general competencies (OK 1-10) and professional competencies (OK 1-10: PC 1.1-1.3; PC 2.1-2.6; PC3.1-3.3; PC.4.1-4.3) according to the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty11.02.05 Audiovisual technology :

be able to :

    use means of individual and collective protection against weapons of mass destruction;

    use primary fire extinguishing means;

    provide first aid to the injured

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student mustknow :

    the principles of ensuring the sustainability of economic facilities, forecasting the development of events and assessing the consequences in man-made emergencies and natural phenomena, including in the context of countering terrorism as a serious threat to Russia's national security;

    fundamentals of military service and defense of the state;

    tasks and main activities of civil defense;

    ways to protect the population from weapons of mass destruction;

    fire safety measures and rules of safe behavior in case of fires;

    organization and procedure for conscription of citizens for military service and admission to it on a voluntary basis;

    the procedure and rules for providing first aid to victims.

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must master the following general competencies:

OK1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in it.

OK 2. Organize their own activities, choose standard methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK 3.Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and bear responsibility for them.

OK 4.To search for and use the information necessary for the effective implementation of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

OK 6. Work in a team and in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.

OK 7. Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), for the result of completing tasks.

OK 8. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan


OK 9. Navigate in conditions of frequent change of technologies in professional activity.

OK 10. Perform military duty, including with the application of acquired professional knowledge (for boys).

The process of studying the discipline is aimed at the formation of the following competencies:

5.4.1. Mounting, start And adjustment projection,
sound engineering and auxiliary equipment
audiovisual complexes.

PC 1.1. Perform work on the preparation of audiovisual equipment and electrical installation materials for installation.

PC 1.2. Perform work on the installation of equipment for audiovisual complexes.

PC 1.3. Perform commissioning work on the equipment of audiovisual complexes.

2.2. Operation of audiovisual devices and complexes,
measurement and adjustment of their parameters and characteristics.

PC 2.1. Select instruments for measuring the parameters of audiovisual devices and complexes.

PC 2.2. Measure the parameters and characteristics of audiovisual devices and complexes.

PC 2.3. Perform adjustment of audiovisual devices and complexes.

5.2.3. Maintenance, repair of audiovisual
devices and complexes, quality control of audiovisual

PC 3.1. Carry out maintenance of audiovisual devices and complexes.

PC 3.2. Perform minor repairs to audiovisual devices andcomplexes.

PC 3.3. Control the quality of audiovisual programs.

5.2.4. Participation in the organization of production activities
small structural unit of the organization.

PC 4.1. Participate in the planning and organization of the work of the structural unit.

PC 4.2. Participate in the management of the work of the structural unit.

PC 4.3. Participate in process and performance reviewsdivisions.

maximum student workload 117 hours, including:

obligatory classroom teaching load of the student 78 hours;

student's independent work 39 hours.


2.1. Volume of academic discipline and types of educational work


Mandatory classroom teaching load (total)



laboratory works


test papers

term paper (project)(if provided)

Independent work of the student (total)



independent work on a term paper (project)(if provided)

abstract work

work with information sources

preparation of presentation materials

extracurricular independent work

home test

Final certification in the form of a differentiated test

2.2. Thematic plan and content of the discipline Life safety


Name of sections and topics

The content of the educational material, laboratory and practical work, independent work of students, term papers (project)(if provided)










Goals and objectives of the course "Life Safety". Habitat hazards.

Basic concepts of BJD.

Human interaction with the environment. Ecological problems of the present. Human protection in the conditions of scientific and technical progress.

Practical work.

1. Risk assessment.

2. Physiological mechanisms of human interaction with the environment (Analyzers).

Independent work No. 1. "Basic terms and definitions"

Preparation of essays and presentations on the topic "Environmental problems of our time"


Section 1.

Emergencies of peacetime and wartime, organization of protection of the population and territories


Topic 1.2.

Emergency situations of natural, technogenic and social character.






General characteristics of natural and man-made emergencies. Causes of man-made emergencies. Classification of emergency situations of natural and man-made nature. Techniques for forecasting emergencies.

Natural emergencies. Classification of natural emergencies. Causes and essence of phenomena causing natural emergencies. Natural emergencies characteristic of the Voronezh region.

Technogenic emergencies. ROO, HOO, PVOO. Causes of man-made emergencies, stages of development.

Emergencies of a social nature. Wars, revolutions, terrorism, extremism, criminalization of society, social diseases, suicides, sectarianism, etc. Causes and essence of social emergencies, methods of dealing with them. Protection of a person in emergency situations of a social nature.

Practical work.

Practical lesson No. 4. Social emergencies. Terrorism and extremism, youth extremist formations.



Test. Frontier control. Test dictation.

Independent work.

Preparation for the seminar on natural disasters.

Problem solving.


Topic 1.3.

Fundamentals of state defense.

Wartime emergency

Content of educational material



Wartime emergencies. Modern weapons. The main types of weapons and military equipment. Weapons of mass destruction, types and damaging factors. Consequences after the use of weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, chemical and biological weapons) and means of protection.

Practical work.

Practical lesson number 5. Modern means of destruction.



Independent work No. 6."Weapons of mass destruction. Nuclear weapon. The history of the creation, testing and use of weapons of mass destruction in the history of mankind. Consequences of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.


Independent work No. 3."The use of AHOV in world practice."


Frontier control. Problem solving.

Topic 1.4.

Organizational bases of protection of the population from emergencies of peacetime and wartime.

Content of educational material



Main aspects of BJD. Organization of protection, basic principles and regulatory framework for the protection of the population from emergencies in peacetime and wartime. Basic federal laws and other legal acts in the field of protection of the population in emergencies. Unified State System for Prevention and Elimination of Consequences of Emergencies, Main Tasks and Functions. Civil defense is an important component of the national security and defense capability of the country.The main tasks of GO.The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia is the federal governing body in the field of civil defense and the protection of the population and territories from emergencies.

Independent work.



Frontier control. Test.

Topic 1.5.

Organization of protection of the population in emergency situations of peacetime and wartime.

Content of educational material



The main measures taken in the Russian Federation to protect the population from emergencies.The main measures to protect the population.

Organization of rescue and other urgent work in the liquidation of emergencies.orgbutbottombuttionbutinbutriynabout-fromPaceTeflaxAnddRatgihneotlowellnyhRbutbotinzonesbutXhResvychaotherfromAndTatbutcuy( BUTSDHR).ABOUTfromnaboutwaorgbutbottombutcaiASDNR.ABOUTfromaboutenofromTand provedeniaASDNRon theTearea,hbutRbutwellenoah(dirtyenNoah)RbutdAndaboutbutwhoinusmand and refbutaffectingAndmAnd( butinbutrithnabout- heemAndcheskiopaceusmAnd)ineSCHeutvbutmAnd,butTbutalsoat fromTAndXAndyinsx bedfromtviaX.

Individual and collective security equipment. Evacuation.

Practical lesson No. 7. “Determining the procedure for using protective structures. Shelter and the procedure for using shelters to protect the population.

Practical lesson number 8. “Use of personal protective equipment. The procedure for storing and accumulating PPE.

Practical lesson No. 9 "The order of the evacuation."

Practical lesson No. 10. "Si DNR"





Independent work No. 4. Evacuation of the population when using various types of weapons of mass destruction.

"Rules of conduct in the shelter and during evacuation"

Development of abstracts.


Topic 1.6.

Ensuring the sustainability of the functioning of economic facilities in emergency situations.

Content of educational material



The concept of sustainability of the objects of the economy. Factors that determine the stability of the operation of objects. Ways and means of increasing the stability of the operation of objects.

Practical lesson No. 11. "Assessment of the sustainability of the functioning of the organization." (during a hurricane, flood, explosion)



Independent work. Writing an essay on one of the proposed topics.


Section 2

Fundamentals of military service and medical knowledge


Topic 2.1.

National Security of the Russian Federation, Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation.

Content of educational material



National security and national interests of Russia. Military doctrine of the Russian Federation. Basic documents on the security of the Russian territories. Fundamentals of state defense.

Independent work No. 6. Military doctrine of the Russian Federation.


Topic 2.2.

Types and types of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, their composition and purpose.

Content of educational material



Classification of types and types of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The structure of the military organization. The composition and structure of the Russian Armed Forces, the main goals and objectives.

Practical lesson No. 8. Legal foundations of military service. Military statutes.



Topic 2.3.

Terrorism as a serious threat to Russia's national security.

Content of educational material



Terrorism in any form of its manifestation is one of the most dangerous problems with which humanity has entered the 21st century. The problem of terrorism and the fight against it sharply in the 90s.

The federal law "On the fight against terrorism" to organize work to counter terrorism and developed the concept of national security of the Russian Federation. Creation of the National Anti-Terrorist Committee in the Russian Federation (NAC). Tasks and activities of the NAC in the fight against international terrorism.

Independent work No. 7. Prepare an abstract, video material on the topic "Terrorism - a threat to world society."


Topic 2.4.

Military duty and its content.

Content of educational material



Military duty of citizens of the Russian Federation. Components of military service. Activities carried out as part of the mandatory preparation of citizens for military service.

Military account. Initial registration of citizens for military registration. Categories of citizens subject to mandatory military registration. Obligations of citizens assigned in order to ensure military registration.

Call service. Alternative service. The duties of a soldier. Military specialties

Ways of conflict-free communication and self-regulation in everyday activities and extreme conditions of military service.

Practical lesson number 9. Military service.



Practical lesson No. 10. Duties and responsibilities of military personnel.


Practical lesson No. 11. The procedure for preparing and entering military educational institutions.



Practical lesson No. 12. Combat traditions of the RF Armed Forces. Military symbols and rituals.



Practical lesson No. 13. Fire preparation. Learning AK - 74. (for boys)



Independent work No. 8. Initial registration.


Independent work No. 9. To study the tasks of the types and genera of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.


Independent work No. 10. Historical aspects of military symbols and rituals in Russia and foreign countries.


Independent work No. 11. Historical changes and modifications of AK. Watching a movie


Frontier control. Test.

Round table. National interests of the Russian Federation.

Section 3

Healthy lifestyle and first aid.

Topic 3.1.

Healthy lifestyle and its components.

Content of educational material



Healthy lifestyle, General concept of health. Maintaining health at home and at work Reproductive health is an important part of human and social health. Factors affecting health and well-being. The concept of a healthy lifestyle. Psychological balance, physical activity and hardening.

Practical lesson No. 16. Calculation of the student's diet.



Independent work No. 12. Healthy lifestyle of people (your own example).


Independent work No. 13. "HIV infections and AIDS-plague of the 20th century."


Topic 3.2.

Safety at home and at work

Content of educational material



Domestic emergencies. Negative factors of the household environment and their impact on human health.

The main organizational and technical measures to ensure fire safety in organizations and enterprises. Safe working conditions. Fire and explosion safety. Building evacuation rules. Fire safety measures and rules of safe behavior in case of fires. A brief description of the primary fire extinguishing means and the rules for their use. Electrical safety. Classification of buildings and structures for fire and electrical safety.

Practical lesson number 14. Fire safety. The study of fire extinguishing means

Practical lesson No. 15. Electrical safety






Practical lesson No. 16. The influence of harmful environmental factors on the human body and life expectancy



Topic 3.3.

Providing first aid.

Content of educational material


Basic principles and objectives of providing first aid to victims of emergencies. Help with traumatic injuries. Immobilization. Types of bandages. Syndrome of long squeezing. Help with shock. Dressing package individual.

Practical lesson No. 17. First aid for bleeding.



Practical lesson No. 18. First aid for fractures.



Practical lesson number 19. First aid for poisoning.



Practical lesson No. 20. First aid for injuries of the musculoskeletal system.



Practical lesson No. 21. Artificial respiration and closed heart massage.



Practical lesson No. 22. First aid for burns, electrical injuries and prolonged compression syndrome.



Independent work No. 14. Statistics of industrial accidents in recent years.


Independent work No. 15. Consequences of bad habits.


Independent work No. 16. "The application of a tourniquet, a pressure bandage for bleeding."


Independent work No. 17. "The imposition of splints on various types of fractures."


Independent work No. 18. "Making a cotton-gauze bandage."




Total hours:


To characterize the level of mastering the educational material, the following designations are used:

1. - introductory (recognition of previously studied objects, properties);

2. - reproductive (performance of activities according to a model, instructions or under guidance);

3. - productive (planning and independent performance of activities, solving problematic tasks).


    1. Minimum Logistics Requirements

The implementation of the academic discipline requires the presence of a study roomlife safety and labor protection .

Study room equipment:

- teacher's workplace;

- workplaces equipped with personal computers according to the number of students;

- educational and practical and educational and laboratory equipment (household dosimeter, a set of individual radiation dose meters, a military chemical reconnaissance device (VPKhR), personal protective equipment, fire extinguishing equipment);

- visual aids (organizational structure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the text of the Military Oath, orders of Russia);

- software (MS office, ConsultantPlus, slide films, local computer network, Internet);

- educational and methodological support (textbook, workbook, guidelines for students, handouts);

- blackboard.

Technical training aids:

- computers with licensed software;

- multimedia equipment (projector, screen).

Workshop equipment and workshop workstations: .

Laboratory equipment and laboratory workstations: .

    1. Information support of training

List of recommended educational publications, Internet resources, additional literature

Main sources:

    Life safety: textbook / E.A. Arustamov, N.V. Kosolapova, N.A. Prokopenko et al. - 10th ed., erased. – M.: Academy, 2010.

    Sapronov Yu.G., Sysa A.B., Shakhbazyan V.V. Life safety: textbook. allowance. - 7th ed., Sr. – M.: Academy, 2010.

    Additional sources:

    Beriev O.G. http://www.mchs.gov.ruhttp://www.rhbz.ru/main.html .



Monitoring and evaluation the results of mastering the academic discipline "Life Safety" is carried out by the teacher in the process of conducting theoretical and practical classes, testing, tests, current control of knowledge, as well as the implementation by students of individual tasks, projects.

Learning Outcomes

(learned skills, acquired knowledge)

Forms and methods of control and evaluation of learning outcomes




organize and carry out activities to protect workers and the public from the negative impacts of emergency situations;

Evaluation of extracurricular independent work, control work.

take preventive measures to reduce the level of various types of hazards and their consequences in professional activities and everyday life;

Execution of test tasks.

use means of individual and collective protection against weapons of mass destruction; use primary fire extinguishing means;

Evaluation of the practical lesson.

navigate the list of military registration specialties and independently determine among them those related to the received specialty;

apply professional knowledge in the course of performing the duties of military service in military positions in accordance with the specialty received;

Evaluation of actions at field training camps

own ways of conflict-free communication and self-regulation in everyday activities and extreme conditions of military service;

provide first aid to the injured; care for the newborn;

Current control of knowledge in the lesson.

lead a healthy lifestyle, observe the prevention of infectious diseases and personal hygiene.

Evaluation of the results of control work, testing.


the principles of ensuring the sustainability of economic facilities, forecasting the development of events and assessing the consequences of man-made emergencies and natural phenomena, including in the context of countering terrorism as a serious threat to Russia's national security;


the main types of potential hazards and their consequences in professional activities and everyday life, the principles for reducing the likelihood of their implementation;

Evaluation of extracurricular independent work.

fundamentals of military service and defense of the state; tasks and main measures of civil defense, methods of protecting the population from weapons of mass destruction;

Current control of knowledge in the lesson.

fire safety measures and rules of safe behavior in case of fires; organization and procedure for conscription of citizens for military service and admission to it on a voluntary basis;

Evaluation of the results of a written survey in the lesson.

the main types of weapons, military equipment and special equipment in service (equipment) of military units in which there are military registration specialties related to the specialties of the SPO;

Evaluation of answers during a frontal conversation in the lesson.

the scope of the acquired professional knowledge in the performance of military service duties;

Evaluation of actions at field training camps.

the procedure and rules for providing first aid to victims;

Evaluation of the results of a practical lesson.

components of a healthy lifestyle

Oral questioning in class.

Testing, current control of knowledge in the lesson.


GOBU SPO VO "Voronezh State Industrial and Humanitarian College"


E.V. Obraztsova


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