Mysterious number Pi: \u200b\u200bWhat is it and how to remember it. Mysterious Pi: What is it and how to remember him as people remember the number Pi

Each year on March 14, mathematicians enthusiasts celebrate the "day of the number Pi", because this date coincides with the three first digits of the PI number (3.14 - a mathematical constant, which is the ratio of the circumference length to its diameter). This year, this event is even more significant, since for the first time in the century the date will represent the first five numbers of the number Pi (3.14.15).

Pi - irrational number, That is, it cannot be expressed in the form of a fraction, and its decimal representation is never repeated and never ends.

There are many ways to celebrate the day of the number of Pi, however, his most ardent fans express their admiration, reading tens of thousands of PI numbers.

In 1981, the Hindu named Ryan Mahadevan read the number of PI numbers 31811. In 1989, Tomoiri's Japanese beat his record, he read 40000 digits. And in 2005, a new record in the book of Records was entered into the book of Records, which went to the Chinese Lou Chao, he read 67890 digits of the number Pi.

It turns out that despite the impressive successes, most of these people do not have extraordinary memory. They simply mastered the methods for binding a row of numbers with imaginary places or scenes.

Palace of memory

Experts in memorizing the combinations of PI number often use a method called "Memory Palace". This method is used since the times of the ancient Greeks and Romans. It consists in using spatial visualization to memorize information, such as numbers or lists of words.

This is how it works: being in the usual environment, for example, at home, you place the pieces of information you want to remember in different places of the room. For example, the number "717" is in the corner at the entrance door, the number "919" in the sink, and so on.

In order to remember the combinations of numbers in order, everything you need to do is just pass along the same paths you walked when they chose "repositories" for information. This effective method allows you to recall huge amounts of information!

Anders Ericsson, Professor of Psychology, studied people who have established records in repetition of numbers of PI numbers to find out how they reached such amazing results.

Like most other record holders, Chinese Lu used visualization methods. He designated imaginary images with double-digit combinations of numbers in the range from "00" to "99", and then invented a story with the participation of these images.

Several years ago, Eriksson decided to conduct an experiment with the participation of LU, as well as groups of people of the same age and level of education. The scientist spent the test that measured the "digital series" of the members of the experiment. In other words, the test showed how well they can remember the sequence of random numbers presented in the size of one digit per second.

According to the study, the result of LU was slightly higher than the average compared to the rest of the group members. The results suggest that, in contrast to some other memory experts, which were studied, the skill of Lou in memorizing the long lists of the numbers was not the result of the innate gift in the coding of information. Rather, it was the result of many years of practice.

On round fools, the number "PI" does not apply.
V. Shenderovich, Honorary Member of the Pi Club.

One physicist from San Francisco named Larry Show drew attention to that on the American calendar date March 14th Coincides with writing S. mathematical number PI (3.14 - month, number, pi \u003d 3.14). It happened in 1987 and since then on March 14, mathematics consider Happy Number P..

It is customary to celebrate this unusual holiday in particular, food and drink are chosen with the title to "Pi ..", Baked various cakes and pies with decoration in the form of the letter PI or a lumbage similar shape. Do not forget about mental entertainment, various quizzes are held with names on "Pi ..".

Pi is a mathematical constant, and is nothing but an attitude the length of the circle to its own diameter. The number pi \u003d 3,1415926 ... .. It has an infinite meaning.

When people began to interest the ratio of the circumference of the circle to the diameter (and it was very long ago), they decided to consider it equal to three. However, later, with the development of the architecture, the need to more accurately occurred, and then the number of the beginning began to acquire the value that there is to this day.

It is noteworthy that at different times there was a refinement. p. number values, namely, the Egyptians it was 3.1604, the Hindus brought the value of 3.162, the Greeks - 3.1428, the Chinese - 3.1459. With the advent of the computer, the value was constantly specified, and already in 1994 surrounded by 4mld. 44MLN Signs.

Mathematics annually try to solve all new secrets associated with this mathematical constant. It was even organized Pi Clubwhich share information and receive new information. For joining the club, you must pass the exam on oral memorization highly large number Signs of numbers pi.

There are small secrets as easier memorizing the signs of the number pi up to five, nine or more decimal signs.

For example, to remember the phrase in which each word consists of the number of letters equal to the signs of the number of pi after the comma, namely, I know and remember perfectly "(this is 3, I am 1, etc., - 3.14159). Not difficult, right?

Or serve verse, in which the signs of the number 3.1415926 sound:

You only need to try
And remember everything as it is:

Ninety two and six.

To memorize thirteen characters After the comma number It is necessary to memorize the verse is authentic:

So that we are wrong
Need to read correctly:
Three, fourteen, fifteen
Ninety two and six.
Well, then you need to know
If we ask you -
It will be five, three, five,
And eight.

Some mnemonists put records by the number of memorized signs. Today, the record is put by Japanese Akira Haragichi, who knows near more than 83 thousand signs of the number Pi. Russian record set by a resident of Chelyabinsk A. Belhev, who managed to remember 2.5 thousand characters for a month and a half.

Some hypothesis regarding the number Pi:

- There is an opinion that among P. All information is hidden, understood or not yet compressed by mankind;

- It is believed that Babylonian magicians used pi Under construction Babylonian towerHowever, due to the inaccurate value of the number, the tower collapsed over time;

- Scientists argue that during the construction of the Solomon Temple also used the number Pi.

The greatest supporters of the Pi Club their attachment show the writing of poems and stories, such as Mike Kate in 1996 made up a story from words whose length is equal to the first 3834 signs of Pi.

I wonder what holiday number P. Notes on the birthday of outstanding physics A. EinsteinThat allows for the celebration of mathematicians to join both physicists.

In March 2014, Arthur has established a new record for reproducing the number of PI, calling 11,106 characters without a stick. In the "Book of Records of Russia" he was still a student. In addition, Arthur as an expert on memory development is advised by a well-known service for memorization issues, and during the preparation for the record he wrote a whole book called "to remember everything".

With us, Arthur shared a story about how with the help of useful habits and an independent training, you can achieve stunning results, and also dispelled several popular misconceptions about mnemonic and memory.

How to remember tens of thousands of digits?

I am often asked what it is like - have a phenomenal memory: Can I study languages \u200b\u200bin a matter of days, whether I remember the memories of every day, remember whether the read books are literally. First, such questions were pleased to hear, but now I immediately try to understand a new acquaintance that I have the most ordinary memory. The main thing is to understand how it works.

I am sincerely surprised, reading about people who are able to memorize the decks of cards, numbers, long lists foreign words. Once I read about a person who could learn the language in two or three days, and decided to figure out himself seriously how it works. At first it seemed that training would allow me to ever learn to memorize languages \u200b\u200bin the blink of an eye. Now I can say that no one can learn in two or three days. The fact is that in the inspiration of me the book under the words "learn the language" understood the memorization of 1.5 thousand words.

Then actively remembered the numbers with a stopwatch, wanting to learn to study foreign languages With amazing speed.

"Why spend a year to study language if you can develop a memory for six months and learn a language in a few days?" I thought, continuing the workout.

Having learned to memorize hundreds of numbers for three minutes, I learned that the real record at the same time at the memorization of the number of Pi is only 8,332 characters. Why not put a new record? An excellent opportunity to save motivation and better to figure out how memory works.

I decided to remember 22,528 characters of the number of pi. It is a little more than a record of Europe. To remember so many numbers, I walked around Moscow and laid out its pre-composed images of numbers on the streets. For example, an image for the number 01 I have a Schumacher, because it comes to races first, for 92 - the image of my brother, because he was born in 1992. All 22 thousand signs of the number Pi for me is a big story that happened on the streets of Moscow.

Here - 3998 digits of the number of Pi, located on the three-dimensional spiral. Source:

You can beat my record absolutely each. The most difficult thing is not to remember the numbers, but to reproduce them, because the rules of the books of records do not allow you to correct yourself in error. If you say "twenty-five ... oh, no, thirty-five!", It is counted for an error, even if you immediately corrected. I was mistaken for 11,106 signs, and this is now a new record of Russia. If someone wants to beat him, I suggest opening almost any book about mnemotechnics. Memorization is not the most difficult part.

Where to take time on training?

During the preparation for the championship, I also wrote a book, studied English and was preparing for exams at the university. At the same time there was no less less: I still read fiction, I met friends and even played computer games. However, I tried to use the time more rationally: I listened to the English podcasts in the subway, repeated the number Pi for breakfast (and to other free minutes), and new locations and places in Moscow tried to memorize during walks with friends. I read books, watched movies and played games I only in the original language.

The main question is not in time, but in motivation - it should be enough to pay at least a few minutes every day. Several minutes are very easy: in the morning for breakfast, in the subway, in line, waiting for a meeting, even in the toilet. Per day can gain more than an hour. Hour a day for a month - already 30 hours! Add to this the ability to more use the time (like viewing movies in English, if your goal is to study the language), as well as the clock that you fully dedicate the goal.

How to memorize information quickly and for a long time?

To quickly memorize incoherent and illogical information, such as names, numbers, foreign words, it is best to apply mnemotechnics. Mnemotechnics (or mnemonics) is the use of any associations that allow chain information for what is already in your memory. For example, to remember that the English "SHRIEK" is translated as "squeal", you can come up with some image of the consonance: for example, a screaming shreek. Miracles does not happen, but this method will allow you to remember 60 words per hour.

And here is the word "shriek". Source:

When memorizing logical and structured information, such as concepts, laws, theorems, stories of books, the main thing is to understand, identify causal relationships and any other patterns. As a rule, we have to memorize both logical and structured and incoherent and abstract information within the same disciplines, so for effective learning It is necessary both understanding and the use of mnemonics. But no matter how you remember the information, it will still be forgotten.

According to the Ebbigauz curve, most will come true in the first hours after memorization, while the rate of forgetting will be reduced exponentially. Although its curve was built at the memorization of abstract information, these principles are correct and for information structured, which, although not so fast, will still be forgotten. The most rational way to solve the problem of forgetting is to use the method of interval repetition. The essence of the method is to repeat the information not every day / week / month, but after increasing intervals. You can organize such a repetition through special programs. For example, via ANKI you can repeat any information by moving it into cards, and on Lingualeo, the interval repetition is used to memorize foreign words.

What time does the memory work better?

According to the laws of retroactive and proactive braking, one remembered information overlaps another. That is, the brain needs some time after memorization to process the data obtained. This requires change in schools and universities. Based on these laws, best time For memorization - immediately after awakening and immediately before bedtime. In favor of the latter also says the fact that the consolidation of short-term memory in long-term occurs during sleep.

Also, memory will work well after sports: here and the absence of proactive braking, and the consequence of physical activity. As for specific time periods, it is impossible to reliably assert that, for example, from 8 to 12, the memory works better. In my opinion, it all depends on a particular person, his regime and habits.

The most famous poem to memorize the number of Pi sounds like this:

So that we are wrong
Need to read correctly:
Three, fourteen, fifteen
Ninety two and six.

(S. Bobrov "Magic Dvurog")

To learn the value of Pi, the poems will help, in which the number of letters of each word consistently coincides with the number of pi.

Here are some examples of such poems:

"Once at Koly and Arina
The spacers we are perins.
White fluff flew, spinning,
Rushed, silent,
Be sure to
I gave us
Headache Starh.
Wow, dangerous Pooh spirit! "

"I know it and remember well,
But many signs of me are superfluous, in vain.
I trust the famous knowledge
Those who pi who counted the numbers of Armada. "

Another interesting option to remember the number Pi is the Jordano system, built on figurative playback. Initially, each digit is to assign an image consisting of a pair of consonant letters.

0 - Nm, 1 - Gzh, 2 - Dt, 3 - Kh, 4 - CHH, 5 - PB, 6 - SHL, 7 - SZ, 8 - VF, 9 - RC.

Let's try to remember the number of pi to the twentieth decimal sign. Here it is - 3,14159265358979323846 ...

To do this, first share our numbers on double digits and write them in the form of letters. Then I will pick up the words in which it will be one of the letters of each pair.

Schools when we start learning the circle and circle. The number π is a mathematical constant expressing the ratio of the circumference length to the length of its diameter. The number does not depend on the diameter of the circle and is constant. In digital expression π begins as 3,141592 ... and has an infinite mathematical duration. In everyday calculations, a simplified writing of the number is 3.14.

For the first time, π was celebrated in 1988 at the San Francisco Exploraratorium, the San Francisco Exploratorium (San Francisco EXPLORATORIUM), and invented this unofficial holiday A year earlier, a physicist from San Francisco Larry Show, which noted that in the American dates recording system (month / number) Day March 14 - 3/14 - coincides with the first discharges of the number π.

Experts believe this number was opened by Babylonian magicians. It was used in the construction of the famous Babylonian tower. However, there is not enough accurate calculus of the value of "PI" led to the collapse of the entire project. Perhaps this mathematical constant was at the heart of the construction of the legendary temple of King Solomon.

One of the first references to the number of Pi can be found in the texts of the Egyptian scribe Akhmes (about 1650 BC. Er). Ancient Greeks, many borrowed from the Egyptians, contributed to the development of this mysterious value. According to the legend, Archimedes was so passionate about the calculations that he did not notice how Roman soldiers took His native city of Syracuse. When the Roman soldier approached him, Archimedes shouted in Greek: "Do not touch my circles!". In response, the soldier is broken with his sword.

A fairly accurate value of the number Pi for its time - 3,146 - received Plato. Ludolf Vanh Zeilen spent most of his life above the calculations of the first 36 digits after the semicolons of the number Pi, and they were engraved on his tombstone after death.

And yet, the date when the International Day of the "PI" number is celebrated, coincides with the birthday of Albert Einstein (Albert Einstein).

Scientists and lovers of mathematics love this holiday very much, noting with a variety of physico-mathematical and culinary events. Cooking here comes just a very way - usually large round cakes are baked, and the whole team is disposed of around the "magical" circle (as a rule, with the painted "PI" in the center), treating and arguing about the relativity of this unusual number.

So why remember this "pi"? For schoolchildren, it is part educational process. For adults - an excellent opportunity to take memory and surprise friends. There are several ways to remember the number "PI".

First - rhyme.

In order to remember the number Pi, there is such a poem.

So that we are wrong
Need to read correctly:
Three, fourteen, fifteen
Ninety two and six.
Well, then you need to know
If we ask you -
It will be five, three, five,
Eight, nine, eight.

(S. Bobrov "Magic Dvurog")

The second is convenient structuring.

We divide what is written after the comma to the following groups: 3, (14 and 15) (926 - MegaFon code) (535) (89 and 79) (32 and 38 in the amount of seventy) (46 and 26) and so on. Other groups can also be allocated, the main condition that you should be easier to remember them. Better when structuring immediately stop in one embodiment, otherwise confusion may occur, which will prevent the number to remember.

Third way - the length of words in the phrase.

This method is not the most convenient number of PI numbers. But it is very effective if you need to remember any means. The essence of the approach is that each number of PI numbers corresponds to the number of letters in each word included in these phrases:

What do I know about circles? (3.1415). So I know the number, referred to as Pi - Well done! (3.1415926 - rounded). Thieves and know among the digit known in the figure as good luck to notice! (3.14159265359). (Ya. I. Perelman)

And what ways do you know?

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