The Tower of Babel is a myth for children. The tower of Babel really existed

32.536389 , 44.420833

In European painting, the most famous painting on this subject is the painting by Pieter Bruegel the Elder "The Babylonian Pandemonium" (1563). A more stylized geometrically structure was depicted by M. Escher on an engraving in 1928.


The plot of the Tower of Babel has received wide interpretation in European literature:

  • Franz Kafka wrote on this topic the parable "Coat of arms of the city" (the emblem of the city)
  • Clive Lewis, The Lost Power
  • Victor Pelevin, "Generation P" novel
  • Neil Stevenson in Avalanche provides an interesting account of the construction and significance of the Tower of Babel.


It should be noted that many of the above songs contain the word Babylon in the title, but they do not mention the Tower of Babel.



  • Ancient babylon
  • Non-embodied super-tall buildings
  • Old Testament plots
  • Concepts and Terms in the Bible
  • Ziggurat
  • Tower of babel
  • Genesis
  • Judaistic mythology

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See what the "Tower of Babel" is in other dictionaries:

    And a mixture of languages, two legends about Ancient Babylon (united in canonical text Bible in a single story): 1) about building a city and mixing languages ​​and 2) about building a tower and scattering people. These legends are timed to the "beginning of history" ... ... Encyclopedia of mythology

    TOWER OF BABYLON. Painting by Pieter Bruegel the Elder. the building, which, according to biblical tradition (Gen. 11: 1 9), the descendants of Noah erected in the land of Shinar (Babylonia) in order to reach heaven. God, angry with the design and actions of the builders, ... ... Collier's Encyclopedia

    In the Bible, there is a legend dated to the beginning of human history (after the flood), when they built a city and a tower to heaven (the first great construction of people). If the city was built by sedentary residents who knew how to burn bricks, then the tower was nomads from the East; ... ... Historical Dictionary

    THE TOWER OF BABYLON- the most important episode from the story of ancient humanity in the book. Genesis (11. 1 9). According to the biblical story, the descendants of Noah spoke the same language and settled in the Shinar Valley. Here they began the construction of the city and the tower, “as high as the heavens ... Orthodox encyclopedia

    Tower of babel- Babylonian pandemonium. Tower of Babel. Painting by P. Bruegel the Elder. 1563. Museum of Art History. Vein. Babel. Tower of Babel. Painting by P. Bruegel the Elder. 1563. Museum of Art History. Vein. Tower of Babel in ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary "World History"

    Tower of babel- the most important episode from the story of ancient mankind in the book of Genesis (see Genesis 11, 1 9). According to the biblical story, the descendants of Noah spoke the same language and settled in the Shinar Valley. Here they began the construction of the city and the tower, ... ... Orthodoxy. Reference dictionary

Tower of babel- a legendary building of antiquity, which was supposed to glorify its builders for centuries and challenge God. However, the audacious plan ended in disgrace: having ceased to understand each other, people could not complete what they had begun. The tower was not completed and collapsed over time.

Construction of the Tower of Babel. Story

The history of the tower is based on spiritual roots and reflects the state of society at a certain historical stage. Some time has passed after the Flood and the descendants of Noah have already become very numerous. They represented one people and spoke the same language. From the texts of Scripture, we can conclude that not all of Noah's sons were like their father. The Bible briefly speaks of Ham's disrespect to his father and indirectly points to the grave sin committed by Canaan (the son of Ham). Already these circumstances show that some of the people did not learn from the global catastrophe that took place, but continued the path of opposing God. So the idea of ​​a tower to heaven was born. The authoritative historian of antiquity, Josephus Flavius, reports that the idea of ​​construction belongs to Nimrod, a strong and cruel ruler of that time. According to Nimrod, the construction of the Tower of Babel was to show the power of a united humanity and at the same time become a challenge to God.

Here's what the Bible says about it. People came from the east and settled in the Shinar Valley (Messopotamia: basin of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers). Once they said to each other: “… let's make bricks and burn them with fire. … Let us build ourselves a city and a tower, its height reaching to heaven, and let us make a name for ourselves, before we are scattered over the face of the whole earth ”(Gen. 11: 3,4). Many bricks were made from fired clay and construction began on the infamous tower, later called the Babylonian tower. One of the traditions claims that at the beginning the construction of the city was started, while the other tells about the construction of the tower.

Construction began, and, according to some legends, the tower was built to a considerable height. However, these plans were not destined to come true. When the Lord came down to earth to “see the city and the tower,” He regretfully saw that the real meaning of this undertaking was arrogance and a daring challenge to Heaven. In order to save people and prevent the spread of evil on such a scale as it happened in the time of Noah, the Lord violated the unity of people: the builders stopped understanding each other, speaking in different languages... The city and the tower turned out to be unfinished, and the descendants of the sons of Noah dispersed to different lands, forming the peoples of the Earth. The descendants of Japheth went north and settled Europe, the descendants of Shem settled in Southwest Asia, the descendants of Ham went south and settled in southern Asia, as well as in Africa. The descendants of Canaan (the Son of Ham) settled Palestine, which is why it was later called the land of Canaan. The unfinished city received the name Babylon, which means "confusion": "for there the Lord confused the language of the whole earth, and from there the Lord scattered them over the whole earth."

The Bible notes that the Tower of Babel was supposed to fulfill the insane task of the builders who decided to “make a name for themselves,” that is, to perpetuate themselves, to rally around a certain center. The idea to build a tower of unprecedented size "to heaven" spoke of a daring challenge to God, unwillingness to live in harmony with His will. Finally, its creators hoped to hide in the tower in the event of a recurrence of the Flood. Josephus Flavius ​​described the motives for the creation of the tower in this way: “Nimrod called the people to disobey the Creator. He advised to build a tower higher than the water can rise if the Creator sends a flood again - and thus avenge the Creator for the death of the ancestors. The crowd agreed, and they began to consider obedience to the Creator as shameful slavery. With a great desire, they began to build the tower. "

The tower being erected was not an ordinary building. At its core, it carried a hidden mystical meaning, behind which the personality of Satan was discerned - a gloomy powerful creature who once decided to claim the throne of God and who raised a rebellion among the angels in Heaven. However, being defeated by God, he and his overthrown supporters continued their activities on earth, tempting every person and wanting to destroy him. The same fallen cherub was invisibly behind King Nimrod, the tower was for him another means of enslavement and destruction of mankind. That is why the Creator's answer was so categorical and immediate. Construction of the Tower of Babel was stopped, and then she herself was destroyed to the ground.Since that time, this structure has been considered a symbol of pride, and its construction (pandemonium) - a symbol of populations, destruction and chaos.

Where is the Tower of Babel located. Ziggurats

The historical accuracy of the Biblical story of a tower to heaven is now beyond doubt. It has been established that in many cities of that time on the coasts of the Tigris and Euphrates, majestic ziggurat towers were built, intended for the worship of deities. Such ziggurats consisted of several stepped tiers, tapering upward. On the flat top was a sanctuary dedicated to one of the deities. A stone staircase led upstairs, along which a procession of priests ascended during the divine services to music and chants. The grandest ziggurat ever discovered was found in Babylon. Archaeologists dug up the foundation of the building and the lower part of its walls. Many scholars believe that this ziggurat is the Tower of Babel described in the Bible. In addition, descriptions of this tower on cuneiform tablets (including the name - Etemenanki), as well as its drawing, have been preserved. It was found that she was recovering from destruction. The found tower, according to available data, included seven to eight tiers, and the height assumed by archaeologists was ninety meters. However, it is believed that this tower is a later version, and the original had incomparably larger dimensions. Talmudic traditions say that height of the tower of Babel reached such a level that a brick falling from above flew down whole year... Of course, this should hardly be taken literally, but we can talk about quantities an order of magnitude more than scientists suggest. Indeed, the tower found was obviously a fully completed structure, while the structure described in the Bible, according to legend, was never completed.

The Babylonian Myth of the Tower of Babel

The tradition that the Bible tells us is not the only one. A similar theme is present in the legends of peoples living in different parts of the Earth. And although the legends about the Tower of Babel are not as numerous as, for example, about the Flood, there are still a lot of them and they are one in meaning.

So, the legend about the pyramid in the city of Cholue (Mexico) tells about the ancient giants who decided to erect a tower to the heavens, but destroyed by the inhabitants of heaven. The legend of the Mikirs, one of the Tibetan-Burmese tribes, also tells about the giants-heroes, who conceived to build a tower up to heaven, but whose plan was stopped by the gods.

Finally, in Babylon itself, there was a myth about the "great tower", which was "the likeness of heaven." According to the myth, its builders were the underground gods of the Anunnaki, who erected it with the aim of glorifying Marduk, the Babylonian deity.

The construction of the Tower of Babel is described in the Qur'an. Interesting details are contained in the "Book of Jubilees" and "Talmud", according to which the unfinished tower was destroyed by a hurricane, and the part of the tower left after the hurricane fell into the ground as a result of an earthquake.

It is indicative that all attempts of the Babylonian rulers to recreate even smaller versions of the tower failed. Due to various circumstances, these buildings were destroyed.

Sinaar country

Very interesting is the story of the Tower of Babel, set forth in the Book of Jubilees - an apocryphal book that mainly sets out the events of the book of Genesis in the countdown of "jubilees". The jubilee means 49 years - seven weeks. A feature of this book is the exact chronology of events in relation to the date of the creation of the world. In particular, here we learn that the tower was built for 43 years and was located between Assur and Babylon. This land was called the country of Sinaar ... read

The mystery of Babylon

The moment the builders of the Tower of Babel set to work, the spirit of self-destruction of mankind invisibly entered into action. Further, the Bible speaks of the mystery of Babylon, with which the highest measure of wickedness is connected. When the tower builders were stopped by the separation of tongues, the mystery of Babylon was suspended, but only until a time that only God knows ... read

European Union - a rebuilt empire

Despite the past millennia, the spirit of Babylon in humanity has not died out. At the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, Europe united under the flag of a single parliament and government. In essence, this meant the restoration of the ancient Roman Empire with all the ensuing consequences. After all, this event was the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy related to the end times. Amazingly, the building of the European Parliament turned out to be built according to a special project - in the form of an unfinished "tower to heaven". It's not hard to guess what this symbol means ... read


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Who has not heard the myth about the legendary Tower of Babel? They learn about this unfinished building from deep childhood. This name has become a household name. But not everyone knows that Tower of babel really exists. This is evidenced by the records of ancient and modern archaeological research.

The Tower of Babel: A True Story

Babylon is famous for its many structures. One of the main personalities in the exaltation of this glorious ancient city- Nebuchadnezzar II. It was during his time that the walls of Babylon and the Processional Road were built.

But this is just the edge of the iceberg - during all forty years of his reign, Nebuchadnezzar was engaged in the construction, restoration and decoration of Babylon. He left behind a large text about his work done. We will not dwell on all the points, but it is here that there is a mention of the Ziggurat of Etemenanki in the city.

This Tower of babel, which, according to legend, could not be completed due to the fact that the builders began to speak different languages, has another name - Etemenanki, which means the House of the Cornerstone of Heaven and Earth. During excavations, archaeologists were able to discover the huge foundation of this building. It turned out to be a ziggurat typical of Mesopotamia (we can also read about the ziggurat in Ur), located at the main temple of Babylon, Esagil.

Tower of Babel: architectural features

During the whole time, the tower was demolished and restored several times. For the first time, a ziggurat was built on this site even before Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC), before it was already dismantled. The Tower of Babel itself appeared during the reign of King Nabupalassar, and the final construction of the summit was taken over by his successor, Nebuchadnezzar.

The huge ziggurat of Etemenanki was erected under the direction of the Assyrian architect Aradahdeshu. It consisted of seven tiers with a total height of about 100 meters. The diameter of the structure was about 90 meters.

At the top of the ziggurat was a sanctuary covered with traditional Babylonian glazed bricks. The sanctuary was dedicated to the main deity of Babylon - Marduk, and it was for him that a gilded bed and table were installed, and gilded horns were fixed at the top of the sanctuary.

At the base of the Tower of Babel in the Lower Temple was a statue of Marduk himself made of pure gold with a total weight of 2.5 tons. The Tower of Babel was built with 85 million bricks. Tower of babel stood out among all the buildings of the city and created the impression of power and grandeur. The inhabitants of this city sincerely believed in the descent of Marduk to their place of residence on earth and even talked about this to the famous Herodotus, who visited here in 458 BC (a century and a half after construction).

From the top of the Tower of Babel, another tower was visible from the neighboring city - Euriminanki in Barsippa. It is the ruins of this tower that have long been attributed to the biblical. When Alexander the Great lived in the city, he proposed to rebuild the magnificent building anew, but his death in 323 BC left the building forever dismantled. In 275, Esagila was rebuilt, but Tower of babel was not rebuilt. Only its foundation and immortal mention in the texts remained a reminder of the former great building.

The Tower of Babel: legend and real history

The Tower of Babel is an ancient wonder of the world that adorned with itself. According to legend Tower of babel reached the sky. However, the Gods were angry at their intention to reach heaven and punished people by endowing them with different languages. As a result, the construction of the tower was not completed.

The legend is best read in the biblical original:

1. There was one language and one dialect throughout the whole earth.

2 Moving from the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there.

Together with his family, Noah settled not far from the Ararat mountains, where his ark moored. His family increased over time, and everyone spoke the same language, everyone understood each other. "There was one language and one dialect throughout the whole earth." But then they decided to build a city, and in it a tower, like a pillar, high up to heaven, which could be seen from all over the earth.

And people began to collect stones, prepare bricks, burn them, and lay them in the foundation. They have already learned a lot. And the tower rose higher and higher.

She grew by leaps and bounds. Many people participated in its construction, everyone was happy that they were getting an extraordinary great pillar.

The Lord God found out that people are building a great tower, and went to see how they did it. He was very surprised when he saw a huge structure that stretched towards the sky. God did not like this idea at all. People again showed pride and vanity, longing to ascend to heaven. For what purpose? Why don't they live peacefully on earth?

And the Lord said: “Here is one people, and they all have one language, they understand each other, but what did they start to do? So stubborn and proud, they will never stop until they complete their plans. " God did not want to punish people with death, he decided to influence them in a different way - he mixed their languages.

And one fine day, when people went to the tower and took up construction tools to build the walls even higher, they
suddenly stopped understanding each other. Nobody could do anything. All work has stopped. They descended from the unfinished tower to the ground to figure out what had happened, but they began to quarrel, trying to understand each other.

The Lord God decided to help people, he made them leave the unfinished city. People did just that, they abandoned their idea of ​​building a tower and dispersed to different ends of the earth. People who settled on the earth began to gradually forget their kinship, they had their own customs, rituals, and their own language was formed.

The unfinished tower-city was named Babylon, which meant "confusion". In this city, the Lord mixed the languages ​​of all people and forced many to leave for other lands. And the Tower of Babel remained unfinished.

The Myth of the Tower of Babel

But let's return from heaven to earth ...

The civilizing gods - solving, of course, primarily their own problems - transferred people from hunting and gathering to agriculture and cattle breeding, introducing them to a sedentary way of life and transferring to them a whole layer of knowledge necessary for living in these new conditions. Since the source of knowledge was the same - a limited group of representatives alien civilization, insofar as a by-product of their progressive activity, as indicated earlier, was a certain similarity of languages.

The fact of the similarity of languages ​​was drawn not only by modern linguists, who are trying to explain it by the presence in the past of a single "pranarod" with a single "proto-language", but also by our distant ancestors, who also mentioned "one language" in legends and traditions. And perhaps the most famous mention of this is the myth of the Tower of Babel.

“There was one language and one dialect throughout the whole earth. Moving from the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. And they said to one another: Let us make bricks and burn them with fire. And they had bricks instead of stones, and earthen pitch instead of lime. And they said: Let us build ourselves a city and a tower, its height reaching to heaven, and let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered over the face of the whole earth. And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the sons of men were building. And God said, Behold, there is one people, and they all have one language; and this is what they began to do ... let us go down and confuse their language there, so that one does not understand the speech of the other. And the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth; and they stopped building the city and the tower. Therefore, a name was given to him: Babylon ... "(Genesis, Ch. 11).

There is a similar plot in other sources.

“George Smith in the“ Chaldean Book of Genesis ”quotes the Greek historian Gestes: the people who escaped the flood and came to the Babylonian Shinar were scattered from there by the difference of languages. Another historian, Alexander Polyhistor (1st century BC), also wrote that all people in the past spoke the same language, but then began to build a majestic tower in order to “get to heaven”. And then the main god destroyed their plans, sending a "whirlwind" to them. After that, each tribe received a different language "(V.Yu. Koneles," Descended from Heaven and Created People ").

And even at a very significant distance from the place of the events described, there are similar legends.

“The story of [the god] Wotan is described in the Quiche Maya, which in 1691 was burned by Nunez de la Vega, bishop of Chiapas. Fortunately, the bishop copied part of this book, and it was from this copy that Ordonez learned the story of Wotan. Wotan allegedly came to America with a group of followers dressed in long robes. The natives greeted him friendly and recognized him as the ruler, and the aliens married their daughters ... Ordonez read in his copy that Wotan crossed the Atlantic four times to visit his hometown called Valum Chivim ... According to the same legend, during one of his trips Wotan visited a large city, where a temple was built up to the sky, although this construction was supposed to cause a confusion of languages ​​"(E. Gilbert, M. Cotterell," The Secrets of the Maya ").

However, when we deal with mythology and even admit the historicity of the events described in them, we need to be very careful. It is far from always possible to take legends and traditions literally, because time inevitably leaves its mark, often letting in only very distorted echoes of distant events.

And in this case, we are faced with the fact that the legends and traditions of other peoples and continents also mention that people suddenly began to “speak different languages”, but at the same time there is no mention of the construction of a tower. It is curious that even the same Maya offer us a slightly different version than the one given above (which was clearly affected by the distortion of local traditions by the Catholic ideas of the Spanish invaders).

“As it is said in“ Popol-Vukha ”, four men and four women who were in the Seven Caves suddenly realized that they had ceased to understand each other's words, for they all spoke in different languages. Finding themselves in such a predicament, they left Tulan Tsuyua and went in search of more suitable place where they could worship the sun god Tohil "(E. Collins," The Gates of Atlantis ").

There is a similarity in the main motive, but the details are completely different. Most likely, the tower as such has absolutely nothing to do with it and is only an introduced entourage element that does not belong to the essence of the myth and to real events behind it. Moreover, it turns out that Babylon - as a specific place of events - also has absolutely nothing to do with it, because in the Mayan tradition we are clearly talking about a completely different place. However, this is also shown by more detailed studies of the myth of the Tower of Babel itself.

“Note that the action takes place in the country of Shinar. This name of Mesopotamia is used in the Bible most often when it comes to very ancient times. So, if the episode with the Tower of Babel contains a historical grain, then it refers to the deepest antiquity. Shinear (Hebrew Shinear) is, apparently, the designation of Sumer. Note that the Jews were the only people who preserved the memory of this country (even the ancient authors do not know about it) ”(E. Mendelevich,“ Legends and Myths of the Old Testament ”).

If we develop the thought expressed in the above quotation, then we can come to the conclusion that in the biblical version is absolutely popular in modern physics"Connecting together space and time." The geographic localization of events here turns out to be just a kind of symbolic reflection of the time factor! ..

A strange move? .. Not at all! .. Remember, for example, the names often used in archeology, geology and history such as "Permian period", "Roman era", etc., etc. So in the Old Testament, judging in all, the terms "Babylon" and "Shinar" do not mean at all a specific place, but only a certain very distant period of time.

After such a "correction", the biblical myth no longer contradicts the legends and traditions of other regions of the planet, while maintaining a common motive.

However, the agreement of the biblical version with other sources in terms of the spatio-temporal parameter does not resolve other contradictions, among which a seemingly insoluble contradiction of the Old Testament is revealed ... to oneself!

“… I will remind (as it was already done by Umberto Eco) that even before the story of the Babylonian pandemonium, the Bible mentions the existence of not one, but many languages, and it is said about this as something self-evident:“ Here is the genealogy the sons of Noah: Shem, Ham and Japheth. After the flood, children were born to them [...]. From these the islands of peoples in their lands were inhabited, each according to his language, according to his tribes, in his peoples "(Genesis: 10,1,5)" (P. Ricoeur, "The Paradigm of Translation").

How is that? .. Now "one language, one dialect", then "each in his own language" ... This is not just "inconsistency". One provision completely excludes the other! .. What to do? .. Is there a possibility at all when both such contradictory fragments of a single source would reflect the real reality of the past? .. Oddly enough, it turns out that there is such a possibility! ..

If we take into account the inevitable distortions of information about such long-standing events - both because of their long transmission from generation to generation, and because of various kinds of "ideological corrections" - and "squeeze out all the water" from the myth of the Tower of Babel and other similar myths, then "in the bottom line" you can get the following: once in the distant past, an event occurred, after which people ceased to understand each other.

But what exactly happened? .. And how can we get out of the contradiction in the testimony of the number of languages? ".

It would seem, what is there to "understand"? .. After all, myths seem to clearly indicate a single colloquial... However, it is worth remembering that the concept of "language" can be interpreted in a more extended version - there is a language of signs, a language of facial expressions, a language of visual creativity, etc., etc.

“The language of culture in the broad sense of this concept refers to those means, signs, symbols, texts that allow people to enter into communication with each other, to navigate in the space of culture ... The main structural unit of the language of culture, from the point of view of semiotics, are sign systems. A sign is a material object (phenomenon, event) that acts as an objective substitute for some other object, property or relationship and is used to acquire, store, process and transmit messages (information, knowledge). This is a reified carrier of the image of an object, limited by its functional purpose. The presence of a sign makes it possible to transfer information through technical communication channels and its various - mathematical, statistical, logical - processing ... Language is formed where the sign is deliberately separated from the representation and begins to function as a representative (representative) of this representation, its exponent "(I. Parkhomenko , A. Radugin "Culturology in questions and answers").

But the "sign" can be different! .. It can be a spoken word, or maybe a written text! ..

"On relatively high stage development of human culture, sign systems of recording are formed: writing (recording system natural language), musical notation, methods of recording dance, etc. ... sign systems records are one of the greatest achievements of human culture. The emergence and development of writing played a particularly important role in the history of culture. Without writing, the development of science, technology, law, etc. would have been impossible. The appearance of writing marked the beginning of civilization ”(ibid.).

Of all the many possible forms language (in the extended interpretation of this term) we will be interested primarily in two - spoken spoken language (and we will call it “language” in what follows) and writing (in a somewhat narrowed content of this concept).

It would seem, why carry out a separation and even somehow oppose these concepts? .. After all, our writing system is closely connected with oral speech. And this closest connection is familiar to us; she "entered our flesh and blood" ...

However, firstly, there was not always that strict correspondence of the letter and oral speech, which seems to us natural and often even "the only possible". And secondly, even now there are forms of writing that are not so closely related to oral speech as, for example, these lines ...

Now let's pay attention to one quote:

“The fact that originally there was only one language is confirmed not only by the Bible and ancient authors. Mesopotamian texts now and then refer to tablets from antediluvian times. The Assyrian king Ashurbanipal (VII century BC), who was able to read the tablets "written in antediluvian times"... "(V.Yu.Koneles" Descended from Heaven and Created People ").

Koneles mixed the two concepts and, as a result, received an erroneous conclusion about the existence of a "single language", meaning by it the spoken language, but meanwhile we are talking about "the ability to read tablets", that is, about writing! .. Apparently, it had the same place and in the course of various translations and rewriting of ancient legends and traditions, during which there was a substitution of one concept for another due to the misperception of the extended term "language" (in its most general sense, including writing) as only a spoken language.

And it turns out that in the myth of the Tower of Babel, as well as in other consonant legends and traditions, the words "spoke the same language" does not really mean the presence of a single spoken language, but the presence of a single written language!..

Then the "insoluble" contradiction of the Old Testament to itself is easily resolved. People spoke different languages, but at the same time they could still understand each other, since they had a single written language!

Could this be the case in principle? ..

Not just can, but even is and has visible confirmation now in the country, the population of which makes up the lion's share of all mankind - in China. The difference in languages ​​across China is enormous. Some researchers have counted as many as 730 different dialects in this country. This is not even Europe with its "polyphony". Nevertheless, although residents of different regions of China sometimes do not even understand each other's spoken language, they are quite capable of communicating with each other using a single script. And after all, for us, people of "outsiders", all this is a single "Chinese language"! ..

We will return to the topic of China later, but now we will give a couple of considerations that additionally tip the scales towards the advanced position.

First, a significant part of the conclusions of historians and linguists about the similarity of ancient "languages" is based on the facts of the similarity of the written language of cultures - these languages ​​themselves (in their oral, "sound" representation) are often long and irrevocably lost.

And secondly, there is a very revealing result in one of the studies of the texts of the Old Testament:

“One curious detail. The beginning of the story about the Tower of Babel in Russian translation is as follows: "There was one language and one dialect throughout the whole earth." This translation is incorrect. The Hebrew original says: "And there was one tongue in all the earth, with few words" [Gen. 11: 1] ”(E. Mendelevich,“ Legends and myths of the Old Testament ”).

Interesting phrase - "one language with few words" - isn't it? ..

On the one hand, one can see in it an indirect confirmation of the version expressed earlier when explaining the similarity of the languages ​​of different peoples. Since the new words introduced by the gods along with the elements of civilization into the language of people are obviously less than the total number of words used in everyday life, so a "single language with few words" is obtained, the commonality of which among different peoples is limited to a list of just introduced words.

On the other hand, there may be a different interpretation of this phrase. Modern alphabetic writing has only a few dozen symbols - letters, with the help of which the whole variety of words in oral speech can be displayed. The number of characters in hieroglyphic or pictographic writing is obviously much greater than the letters in the alphabet. But pictograms and hieroglyphs (on their early stage) are signs that represent a whole concept, that is, a word. And such signs in these types of writing are usually no more than several tens of thousands, which is obviously less than the number of words in oral spoken language. And so it turns out "one language with few words"! .. Only in the role of "language" is written language already! ..

But so far all this is only theoretical reasoning and logical constructions. Is there real facts that would confirm the existence of a single writing system among different peoples (or at least so similar that peoples speaking different languages ​​could understand it)? ..

It turns out that in recent decades, so many archaeological facts and research results have accumulated that the proposed assumption ceases to seem strange to us - those to whom the connection between the spoken and written word seems inevitable and indissoluble. However, these findings and studies provide so much unexpected information that they make one think about doubtfulness and other well-established stereotypes.

Several years ago, the media flashed messages about the discovery in Central Asia of some "new, previously unknown civilization." In fact, all its "novelty" is generated only by the habit of academic science to hush up facts "inconvenient" for it, just because they do not fit into the accepted picture of the past.

“… When journalists claim that this civilization has been discovered only now, it is not true. For the first time its traces were discovered by an amateur archaeologist General Komarov in 1885. In 1904, his excavations were continued by the American Pompelli and the German Schmidt ... Further, the excavations were continued by Soviet archaeologists, but not where General Komarov was digging, but in other places - he, and then Pompelli and Schmidt did not act very competently and pretty much spoiled the place excavation. Five years ago, an expedition of American archaeologists headed by the very famous scientist Lambert-Karlovsky, with whom we are very familiar, began to work at this place. From the very beginning it included Gibert, whose name is associated with the discovery of a stone with inscriptions - a young, very talented scientist "(from an Internet publication signed" Doctor of Historical Sciences, a leading Russian expert on Central Asia, Boris Litvinsky ").

That's it! .. For a whole hundred years, not a single school textbook, not a single publication available to the general public has published a word about an entire civilization! with smooth side faces like the pyramids of Giza - only smaller ...

“The lost civilization, judging by its remains, was very powerful. It occupied an area 500-600 km long and 100 km wide, which begins in Turkmenistan, crosses the Kara-Kum desert, stretches to Uzbekistan and, possibly, captures part of northern Afghanistan. After it, the foundations of monumental brick buildings with many rooms, huge arches remained. Since the real name of this country has not survived, archaeologists gave it their own - now it is called the Bactrian-Margian archaeological complex, after the later ancient Greek territories located in this area. Its inhabitants built cities, were engaged in breeding goats, grew cereals, knew how to burn clay and smelt various tools from bronze. The only thing they lacked for a complete gentleman's set was writing. "

Why did such a civilization turn out to be "unknown" if it was discovered a hundred years ago? ..

The fact is that it was not possible to squeeze this civilization into the picture of the past invented by historians. Too much needs to be revised. Moreover, Pompelli and Schmidt dated their finds as early as the 7th millennium BC - that is, 3-4 millennia earlier than the official dating Ancient egypt and civilizations of Mesopotamia !!! What to do? .. The "answer" on the part of historians was trivial - the curtain of silence was lowered in front of the general public, and for experts, the dating was "slightly corrected", announcing the conclusions of Pompelli and Schmidt as erroneous. Now this civilization "dates back" to the 23rd century BC. So - "easy, simple and tasteful" ...

Actually, the breaking of the blockade of silence around the Central Asian culture was facilitated by only one find, which brought that "gentleman's set of civilization" to a complete set.

"In the 90s years dr Gibert began to dig a little, gradually getting to deeper, and therefore earlier, layers ... In June, he was rewarded for his labors during excavations under the premises of what turned out to be the ancient administrative building of Anau. It was there that he found the symbols carved into a piece of shiny black stone, such as coal, less than one inch (1 inch = 2.54 cm) across. Archaeologists believe that it was a seal that was commonly used in commerce in ancient times to mark a cargo by its contents and owner. "

“Difficulties with comprehending a new element of this disappeared culture - its possible writing - arose when experts in ancient Chinese writing joined the research of the pebble found not far from Ashgabat, in the town of Anau. From the very beginning, the red signs on it were attributed to the similarity with the prototypes of the hieroglyphs. But in this case, it turns out that this writing arose at least a thousand years before any kind of Chinese writing! And yet, independent research by two experts - Dr. Kui Xigu from Peking University and Victor Mayr from Pennsylvania - indicate that ancient signs are very similar to the Western Han dynasty, and this period is relatively recent - from 206 before the new era until the 9th year after the birth of Christ. "

And then it began! .. Then they put forward a version that the find was "alien" and it was simply dropped much later by traders from the so-called Silk Road. Then they announced that it was impossible to draw conclusions about the presence of a developed writing system based on a single find ...

However, at first, archaeologists refuted the first objection, confirming the local origin of the artifact, and then it turned out that there are still finds that speak in favor of the presence of writing in this civilization.

“The only other example of possible writing of the BMAK people was reported two years ago by Dr. I.S. Klochkov from the Institute of Archeology in St. Petersburg. In the ruins of Gonurvit, he found a crock containing four letters of an unknown script and language. Other Russian researchers have found signs that people of the BMAK culture used symbols on pottery and clay products. "

In general, while some are working in the field of downplaying the significance of the find, others are making efforts in the opposite direction. A common thing in science ...

The same discord occurs in the analysis of the icons themselves on the artifact. While some researchers categorically reject the similarity of the discovered inscription with the signs of Mesopotamia and India (Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa), others, on the contrary, find parallels, in particular, with the ancient Sumerian writing. True, no one undertakes to dispute the "strange" similarity of the discovered signs with Chinese hieroglyphs, although there are thousands of kilometers and thousands of years between the two civilizations (according to the dating accepted by historians). And in this light, the following quote is curious:

“Research has definitely shown that the earliest forms of Chinese writing since 2000 BC were borrowed from Sumerian writing. The pictographic signs not only looked similar, but were pronounced the same, and words that had several meanings in the Sumerian language were also ambiguous in Chinese "(Alford," Gods of the New Millennium ").

Let's leave aside the question of who borrowed what exactly from whom. Another thing is important for us here: if we take into account the "cross" similarity of the elements of written artifacts (including the similarity of early Sumerian writing with ancient Indian), we get the fact of similarity of writing in four very distant regions - Mesopotamia, India, Central Asia and China.

This similarity allowed the researchers to put forward the following hypothesis:

“In the Fusi era (2852–2752 BC), the Aryan nomads invaded China from the northwest and brought with them a well-established writing system. But ancient Chinese pictography was preceded by the writing of the Namazga culture (Central Asia). Separate groups of signs in it have both Sumerian and Chinese counterparts. What is the reason for the similarity of the writing system among such different peoples? The fact is that they had one source, the disintegration of which occurred in the VII millennium BC. e. " (A. Kifishin, "Branches of one tree").

Let's also leave aside the assumption of a certain "invasion" of some "Aryans". We only note that the author of the quote comes out on the same date as Pompelli and Schmidt, namely: VII millennium BC. However, we will meet this date more than once in the future ...

But let's move on to the "less dubious" (from the point of view of academic science) finds ...

“In 1961, the scientific world spread the news of an archaeological sensation ... An unexpected find was found in Transylvania, in the small Romanian village of Terteria ... Three tiny clay tables caused general excitement. For they were dotted with mysterious drawing signs, strikingly reminiscent (as the author of the outstanding discovery himself, the Romanian archaeologist N. Vlass himself noted) the Sumerian pictographic writing of the end of the 4th millennium BC. e. But the archaeologists were in for another surprise. The found tablets turned out to be 1000 years older than the Sumerian ones! " (B. Perlov, "Living Words of Terteria").

“Twenty kilometers from Terteria is the Turdash hill. An ancient settlement of farmers of the Neolithic period is buried in its depths. The hill has been excavated since the end of the last century, but has not been completely excavated. Even then, the attention of archaeologists was attracted by pictographic signs drawn on the fragments of vessels. The same marks on the shards were found in the neolithic settlement of Vinca in Yugoslavia, which is related to Turdash. Then the scientists considered the marks as simple hallmarks of the owners of the vessels. Then the Turdash hill was unlucky: the stream, having changed its course, almost washed it away. In 1961, archaeologists appeared on the Terteria hill ...

When the excitement subsided, the scientists carefully examined the small tablets. Two had rectangular shape, the third was round. The round and large rectangular tablets had a round through hole in the center. Careful research has shown that the tablets were made from local clay. The signs were applied only on one side. The writing technique of the ancient Terterians turned out to be very simple: drawing signs were scratched with a sharp object on wet clay, then the tablet was burned. Come across such tablets in the distant Mesopotamia, no one would be surprised. But the Sumerian tablets in Transylvania! It was amazing. It was then that they remembered the forgotten signs on the potsherds of Turdash-Vinci. They compared them with the Terterian ones: the similarity was obvious. And that says a lot. The writing of Terteria did not arise from scratch, but was part of common in the middle of the 6th - beginning of the 5th millennium BC. e. the pictographic writing of the Balkan culture of Vinci ”(ibid.).

“... the expert-Sumerologist A. Kifishin, having analyzed the accumulated material, came to the following conclusions:

1. The Terteria tablets are a fragment of a widespread local writing system.

2. The text of one tablet lists six ancient totems, which coincide with the "list" from the Sumerian city of Jemdet-Nasr, as well as with a seal from a burial site belonging to the Hungarian culture of Keresh.

5. The name of the local god Shaue is identical to the Sumerian god Usm. This tablet was translated as follows: “In the fortieth reign, for the lips of the god Shaue, the elder was burnt according to the ritual. This is the tenth "..." (ibid.).

Thus, it turned out that the inscriptions are not only read "in the language" of a culture that is thousands of kilometers away, but also reveal the similarity of cultures in a number of parameters.

Rice. 195. One of the Terterian inscriptions

Subsequent finds not only removed all doubts about the local origin of the Terteria artifacts, but also provided the basis for a completely different view of the history of writing.

“In 1980, Professor Gimbutas reported that“ at present, more than sixty excavations are known where objects with inscriptions were found ... Most are located on the territory of Vinci and Tisza, as well as in Karanov (central Bulgaria). Objects with engraved or painted signs were also found in Cucuteni, Petreshti, Lendel, Butmir, Bukka, etc. ”. These findings mean that “we no longer have to talk about the“ Vinci letter ”or the Tartary tablets, since“ it turns out that writing was a universal feature of the ancient European civilization ”...” (R. Eisler, “Bowl and Blade”).

“Between approximately 7000 and 3500. BC e. the ancient Europeans developed a complex social structure that included craft specialization. Institutions of religion and government have taken shape. Copper and gold were used for the production of tools and jewelry. There were even rudiments of writing. According to Gimbutas, “if we define civilization as the ability of these people to adapt to environment and to develop the corresponding arts, technique, writing and social relations, it is obvious that Ancient Europe has achieved significant success "..." (ibid.).

So, Europe also joined Mesopotamia, India, China and Central Asia - almost all of Eurasia, it turns out, had a similar script! ..

In parallel with the accumulation of European artifacts, a more thorough linguistic analysis of the famous Sumerian texts was carried out, which revealed their important feature.

“B. Perlov, of course, is right, asserting that the Sumerian writing appeared in the Southern Mesopotamia at the end of the 4th millennium BC. e. somehow unexpectedly, in a completely finished form. It was on it that the most ancient encyclopedia of mankind "Harrahubulu" was written, which fully reflected the worldview of people of the X-IV millennium BC. e.

Study of laws internal development Sumerian pictography shows that by the end of the 4th millennium BC. e. pictographic writing as a system was in a state of decay rather than becoming. Of the entire Sumerian writing system (numbering about 38 thousand signs and variations), a little more than 5 thousand were used, and all of them came from 72 ancient symbol nests. The process of polyphonization (that is, the difference in sound of the same sign) of the nests of the Sumerian system began long before that.

Polyphonization was gradually eating away at the outer shell compound sign in whole nests, then destroyed the internal design of the sign in the nests of half-decaying ones, and, finally, completely destroyed the nest itself. The symbol nests broke up into polyphonic beams long before the arrival of the Sumerians in Mesopotamia.

It is curious that a similar phenomenon is observed in the proto-Elamite writing, which existed simultaneously with the Sumerian one on the shores of the Persian Gulf. Proto-Elamite writing is also reduced to 70 symbol nests, which split into 70 polyphonic beams. Both the proto-Elamite sign and the Sumerian have an internal and external design. But the proto-Elamite also has pendants. Therefore, according to its system, it is closer to the Chinese hieroglyphics "(A. Kifishin," Branches of one tree ").

Kifishin's train of thought is clear: if there is a similarity in the writing of two cultures, but at the same time the Terterian artifacts date back 1000 years older than the Sumerian ones (and even the Sumerian writing itself must suggest some kind of long-term prehistory, since it has characteristics of decay), so why not declare that the ancestors of the Sumerians came from the Balkans? .. It seems to be logical ... However, you can, after all, look at this problem from the other side.

Before the discovery of Terterian written artifacts, there was no need for any "resettlement" of the ancient Sumerians. With the discovery, a downright "urgent need" arose ... And if after some time on the territory of Mesopotamia there are written artifacts of a much earlier time? .. What then? .. Shall we "resettle" the ancestors of the Sumerians back - from the Balkans to Mesopotamia? ..

Being within the framework of established stereotypes, the overwhelming majority of researchers in their attempts to explain the similarity of writing (and cultures in general) resorts to the now fashionable "magic wand" - the hypothesis of mass migrations. But here's what is revealed: depending on the author (and on the data analyzed by this author), ancient peoples run across the whole of Eurasia now from east to west, now from west to east; then they "expand their influence" from south to north; then they are "invaded" from north to south ...

Moreover, as mentioned earlier, in search of the "ancestral home", the researchers sifted through almost the entire continent, and some even go to Africa, since the early forms of ancient Egyptian writing also show similarities with writing Ancient Sumer

But let us suppose that these researchers eventually stop arguing with each other and together, having piled up, find their “ancestral home” somewhere in Eurasia or Africa. And then what about other continents? ..

“The Mayan hieroglyphic signs in writing are organized into blocks, which, in accordance with the reading order, are arranged in columns of two ... The blocks in the Maya writing resemble the ruling on the early Sumerian tablets, delimiting word combinations, as well as“ red dots ”in the Egyptian manuscripts of the New Kingdom, which , as N.S. Petrovsky showed, denote the end and the beginning of the syntagma "(A. Davletshin, report at the IX International Conference" Lomonosov - 2002 ").

The situation becomes even more curious when taking into account the results of the analysis of the culture of the predecessors of the Maya - the Olmecs.

“American Sinologist (Sinologist) Mike Xu, a fellow of the Texas Christian University ... compared the written signs of the Olmecs with the hieroglyphs of the ancient Chinese Han dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD). An amazing thing was revealed to him: many of the hieroglyphs that existed in the countries that lay on both sides of the great ocean were very similar. In a number of cases, these complex graphical icons overlapped! Many hieroglyphs of the Olmecs, who inhabited modern Mexico three thousand years ago, and the Chinese who lived in the Han dynasty, look almost the same (Fig. 196): "temple" (1), "burial mound" (2), "vessel" (3 ), “A place for sacrifices” (4). Such a coincidence can hardly be accidental! " (Lost World 2/2001)

Rice. 196. Similarity between Olmec (left) and Chinese (right) writing.

And it would be okay that the matter was limited to only one Central American region.

We have already mentioned the cuneiform text on a bowl found in Bolivia and now stored in the La Paz Museum (see Fig. 190). This bowl can be considered evidence of the ancient contacts of the inhabitants of two regions, located almost opposite sides of the globe. But after all, it may also have a local origin, in no way connected with Ancient Sumer. And then this is an artifact confirming the similarity of writing in two peoples so distant from each other! ..

There are other indications of the similarity of written signs from a wide variety of cultures.

"V South America a huge egg-shaped lump was found about 100 m long, 80 m wide and 30 m high. Its features, as described by A. Seidler, are as follows. “A piece of stone with an area of ​​about 600 m? covered with mysterious inscriptions and drawings that resemble Egyptian ... There are signs of the swastika and the sun. These writings remind Phoenician, Ancient Greek, Cretan and Ancient Egyptian "..." (V.Yu. Koneles "Descended from Heaven and Made People").

“Strikingly similar, for example, are the individual characters of the mysterious writing of the proto-Indian civilization of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa with the characters of the kohau-rongo-rongo writing of the distant Easter Island ...” (B. Perlov, "Living Words of Terteria").

Theoretically, it is possible, of course, for a whole people to rush about Eurasia in a crowd and bring their culture and writing to new regions, although this is already beyond the scope of reasonable logic. But how else can one manage to “simultaneously cover” other territories practically all over the planet, overcoming thousands of kilometers of ocean expanses ?!

If we follow the same path as with the myth of the Tower of Babel, and “squeeze out all the water” from numerous studies, stopping the parade of absurdity in search of a never-existed “ancestral home”, then only the fact of the presence of traces of a once truly unified writing, which is quite consistent with the proposed version of "deciphering" the myth of the Tower of Babel. A fact that can already be considered practically proven. Proved not by the author of this book, but by archaeologists and linguists, who themselves simply do not know about it ...

A curious picture also emerges when archaeologists and historians analyze the dating of artifacts with written signs... The findings of recent decades are taking researchers further and further into the depths of time.

Terterian artifacts point to the 6th – 5th millennium BC (the Vinci culture, with which these findings are associated, dates back to the period 5300–4000 BC).

The find in Central Asia is now dated to the 23rd century BC, which fits well with the established point of view about the emergence of writing at the turn of the IV-III millennia BC. But do not forget about the initial version, which referred the Central Asian civilization as far back as the 7th millennium BC.

As they say, we write three, seven - in the mind ...

The roots of the Sumerian writing also go back, according to researchers, to the 7th millennium BC ...

But even more ancient dates are given in the following message:

"When did mankind invented writing? Until now, it was believed that this event, which had a fateful significance for human civilization, took place about 6 thousand years ago. An archaeological find made by French scientists in Syria suggests that writing is" older "at least 5 thousand years. This is evidenced by rock paintings dating back to the 9th millennium BC, which were recently discovered in the Bir-Akhmed region on the banks of the Euphrates River. namely, abstract symbols and simplified drawings that are in some kind of connection with each other. written language, - undoubtedly. Already now we can say that a hitherto unknown principle of writing was used in the Syrian find. As you know, earlier scientists came across geometric and hieroglyphic writing. The ancient inhabitants of Bir-Akhmed wrote in a different way: they carved stylized images of animals and symbols that are difficult to decipher, grouping them into texts in a special way "(R. Bikbaev, corr. ITAR-TASS. Cairo. Magazine" Anomaly. Ecology of the Unknown ", no. 1-2 (35), 1997).

Unfortunately, I have not been able to find any more detailed information on the fact mentioned in the above quote. Therefore, there is no way to specify exactly how the “unknown principle of writing” differs from the known ones; nor at least roughly assess the reliability of the given dating (it is known that the dating of stone artifacts currently does not have a reliable proven method) ...

Could such an ancient date correspond to reality? ..

On the one hand, the European finds seem to shift the "epicenter" of writing to the region of Europe, where researchers already state the formation of a single community as early as the 6th millennium BC. At the same time, if we “summarize” the conclusions of different researchers, then this community covered vast expanses - from modern Kiev to central France and from the Baltic to the Mediterranean! ..

On the other hand, the area of ​​Mesopotamia, now deprived of the priority in the origin of writing, is also not very willing to give up its positions. And here new findings are gradually shifting the ideas of historians about the emergence of civilization further and further into the depths of time. At the very least, what is considered the most ancient of the now known agricultural settlements is located in this region - in Jarmo in northern Iraq. According to the grains of cereals found there, it dates back to 9290 BC! Therefore, it is absolutely possible that even in the near future new written artifacts (in addition to the Syrian one mentioned just above) may be found here too, which will "overshadow" the Terterian find in antiquity.

So even the already available archaeological data literally force under their onslaught historical science slowly give up outdated positions and push back both the time of the emergence of ancient civilizations and the time of the emergence of writing further and further back - closer and closer to the period when, according to legends and traditions, the gods ruled on Earth, who gave people and civilization, and writing…

Our ancestors are absolutely unanimous in their "testimony" on the question of the origin of writing. Ancient legends and traditions unanimously state that writing was given to people by the gods who "invented" it.

According to the legends of the ancient Egyptians, their writing was invented by the god Thoth, who was generally a "jack of all trades" and "invented" almost everything connected with intellectual activity. However, Osiris transferred the art of writing directly to the Egyptians as part of the entire "gentleman's set" of civilization. Further, the writing was already "in charge" of the goddess Seshat ...

The ancient Sumerians were given writing by the god Enki, who invented it. According to some versions (later mythology), Enki only invented writing, and the god Oannes gave it to people. As in Egypt, the goddess Nidaba was in charge of writing.

The great civilizing god brought writing to Central America, who appears under different names among different peoples. Either he is Quetzalcoatl, now Itzamna, now Kukulkan, now Kukumaku ... At the same time, many researchers tend to see a single character behind these multiple names.

Even the Incas, who have lost the art of writing, in their legends mentioned the "main" god Viracocha as the one who taught them this art ...

Perhaps, only China is somewhat out of this series, where there are several different options plots dedicated to the origin of writing. Most often, the invention of hieroglyphs is attributed to the legendary personality Fu Xi, who, although he is not called a god, is actually one in his deeds (here we must also take into account the "Chinese specifics": according to their mythology, everything was regulated and controlled by Heaven; "Wise men" are legendary personalities). According to other versions of legends, writing was introduced by the official Cang Jie under Emperor Huang Di ...

Be that as it may, whoever acts as a person "transmitting" writing to the Chinese, all their legends and traditions agree on one thing - the hieroglyphs are given by Heaven itself ...

From this, by the way, follows the ubiquitous attitude to writing as something sacred. Could there be a different attitude to the gifts of Heaven and the gods? ..

However, ancient legends and traditions not only quite specifically name the source of the art of writing, but also make it possible to quite accurately determine the time of this event.

The Old Testament, however, gives only a vague wording. In the biblical presentation, the builders of the Tower of Babel were “the sons of Shem according to their generation,” and Shem, as you know, was the son of Noah, who survived the Flood.

Actually, few of the researchers of the myth of the Tower of Babel doubt that it is about the events that took place at the dawn of post-Flood civilization, but this gives little. First, the term “post-Flood” is rather vague. And secondly, the term “sons of Shem according to their families” is also vague and (as is often the case in the Bible) can have a collective character, implying by no means the only generation of Noah's grandchildren.

The myths of Ancient Sumer are somewhat more specific in this respect. So in the epic legend about the hero and king of Uruk, Gilgamesh, the role of writing is mentioned in a conversation between Gilgamesh and his father, who is in the kingdom of the dead:

“- But you told me about some secret tables. In my time, there was no such word.

Tables on which signs can be used to write down all human knowledge.

Why are they? Or do you blackheads have a weakened memory, and you are now unable to memorize knowledge by heart?

We also memorize by heart. But how to convey a word over a long distance, if not using a table? How to convey instructions to grandchildren if a person dies without waiting for their appearance? How to convey love message- not to force the servant to memorize the secret word? How to keep a trade agreement and court verdicts in memory for a long time? " (based on the story-retelling of Valery Voskoboinikov "Brilliant Gilgamesh". Moscow, 1996)

This very short passage of text turns out to be extremely informative. Apart from pretty detailed description spheres of application of writing, it has quite definite reference points for dating. And above all: Gilgamesh's father, Utnapishti, who found the Flood and survived it, had no idea about the art of writing. But his son Gilgamesh already possesses this knowledge. Thus, we, firstly, get the “lower limit” of the introduction of writing (ignorance of it by Utnapishti, that is, during the Flood and immediately after that); and secondly, we get a certain clarification of the Old Testament by dating the "upper limit" of the possible time range of this epoch-making event.

Moreover, there is no contradiction between two generations in the Old Testament and only one post-Flood generation in Sumerian mythology. First, from the text of the Bible it does not at all follow that Shem himself, whose “sons” appear in the myth of the Tower of Babel, by the time of the events described had already died or was not at all familiar with writing. And secondly, in both versions of the legends, the life expectancy of the "main characters" significantly exceeds the life expectancy we are accustomed to (unfortunately, I am not yet ready to explain the reason for the appearance of such "outrageous" numbers).

The legends and traditions of South and North America also indirectly confirm the post-Flood dating of events. The ancient ancestors of the Indians, who, according to local mythology, “speak the same language” are in “caves”, that is, in a place that may well be associated with shelter from the Flood ...

The testimony of the Egyptians and the data of Manetho are much more specific in this matter. Writing to people, according to ancient Egyptian legends, was given by Osiris, whose reign falls (see earlier) approximately in the middle of the 10th millennium BC. As you can see, with the discovery of a Syrian settlement, archaeologists have almost come close to this date ...

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