There are no desperate situations. Desperate situations and the problem of choice

Hopeless we call a situation, the way out of which we do not like.

There are no desperate situations, unnecessary people, chance encounters and wasted time.

There are no people with whom it would always be easy to live. But there are those with whom you want to overcome difficulties.

I have had many troubles in my life, most of which never happened.

There are also such messages, after which the heart beats faster, and hands tremble on the keyboard.

Clever man will find a way out of any difficult situation. The wise will not be in this position.

It is not only tea, gloves, and a blanket that are warm. Everything is warm - conversations, looks, letters, people. This is that special feeling that gives us strength: to live, believe, dream, love.

There are such dreams, after which, waking up, you lie for a long time with your eyes closed, hoping to hold on to these moments.

No matter how many friends you have, it is important whether they will help you in a difficult situation!

There are people with the Soul as deep as the ocean - in which you want to plunge. And there are people, like puddles, who must be avoided so as not to get dirty.

Due to the lack Money students living in a dorm or renting an apartment have to be smart and resourceful to save money. After all, DIY things can save you a lot of money, and this list of economical solutions to everyday problems is the perfect proof of these words! Whether you're a student or just someone trying to cut costs, these ideas will inspire you to become more resourceful and go beyond standard solutions.

If your door is covered with snow, do not be sad, but use the formed snowdrift as a refrigerator.

If your shower is broken and you can't buy a shower hose, use this idea

Seeing a drinking fountain on the street, you can not only drink plenty of water, but also collect a little on the road, in this way

You can make impromptu speakers with two plastic bottles

Don't have a trash can, but have an extra stool? You know what to do!

If your side rear-view mirror is broken, and you have a comb with a mirror at hand, then you can correct the situation.

Don't have anything to reheat the pizza on? Use an iron and hairdryer. Strange but effective!

If you have a coffee maker but don't have a saucepan, then you can boil spaghetti in it.

Life hack for the most desperate! To avoid buying new socks, just paint over your nail in black to match the color of the sock.

No skewers or barbecue, but a shopping cart? Now you know how you can fry meat over a fire

If the pillow on your favorite sofa is torn or damaged, then a chair with a soft seat will come to your aid.

A miracle of engineering technology

Glasses from plastic bottles

Life hack for the lazy

If your shower curtain for some reason does not have rings, then it can be fixed with hangers.

If you do not have a mixer, you can use a drill instead by inserting a whisk into it.

If for some reason you are missing part of the clock, then you can use this idea.

If, being at the dacha, you wanted to fry sausages over a fire, and there were no skewers at hand, then you can use a garden rake

If you are away from home, but you need to iron your clothes, you can use this method.

No candles for your birthday cake? Use matches

There is always a way out, this is 100%. It's just that it doesn't have to be the way you see it. It makes sense for you to look at the situation from the side or rise higher above the clouds and look at all this from above. No emotion - just options. Take this situation away from yourself and imagine that this situation is someone else's. Here's another man and woman, and they have this situation.

Imagine that you are watching a movie. We love, when the series is on, to say: “No need, where are you going ... Why are you with him again? Yes, he's like that again, but go over there. " We try to solve everything for the heroes, advise them the best option. So you advise this woman (yourself) what to do.

Imagine this is a TV show. Tell me what you think would be the right thing to do, what options are there at all. Is there an option to go to another country, to your parents? Why is this an obstacle for you? Changing your place of residence is interesting. There, perhaps, another man will be found. You can shake yourself up, change, change your life in general.

An example from personal life

I am generally from Ulyanovsk. She studied there. She got divorced there. And in my head it does not fit to divorce my husband and live with him in the same apartment. This is not for me. I didn't even have this in my thoughts, I just got divorced and immediately left. Moved, exchanged. That's all ... Well, let's say, already in the process, I decided that I was moving to live in Moscow.

I'm going there to earn money, look for a job. Because I just defended my dissertation, and I needed a job. Parents then resisted very strongly, and the daughter was only one and a half years old. They told me: "You and I won't go, you can't go there."

But I decided that I would go there anyway, life is changing - it means that it must be changed. This is easier to do now. When there are some changes in life, it is easier to change everything else to a heap. Here I am in Moscow, 2003. Since that time I have been in Moscow. In the first year, I managed to sell what was in Ulyanovsk. We bought an apartment here.

That is, the parents came, the granddaughter and all that. And already for me there were no other options, I did not think: "How will I live in Moscow?" Everyone lives, so I will live. There are problems that I solve that I try to look at positively. If I constantly think in the negative, then, in general, life will turn out like this. This is also a definite scenario.

Situations can be very different. Someone has this: “I have a daughter, but I can’t change the apartment: the former does not give consent. I can only move to a new man. " But even here there are exits. You can separate housing through the courts. After you separate your property through the court, a certain amount is assigned to you. square meters and you can do whatever you want with them. You can sell them. Officially, the court will assign a certain footage of rooms to you, and you can either sell them or change them. There are always options.

And even the phrase “This is not profitable. I will not buy anything for this money, ”one can object. What do you mean "don't buy"? Buy yourself, after all, a house outside the city. You need to find out, take something, look and figure out. Not in this city, in another. And here you can clearly see the unwillingness to do anything. If you do not see the options of others, then you will have exactly the option that you ordered for yourself. So you can suffer all your life. It's sad, but true. Until you yourself want to change something in your life, you will always have different excuses: it’s not profitable, I won’t buy anything, I won’t succeed, or some other nonsense. If you wanted something, and something did not happen, then it means that you did not want it very much.

How do you deal with difficult situations?

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