Wealthy peasants using hired labor. Who are fists, and why Stalin did not love them

in Russia - Rustic Bourgeoisie. Fists are large (compared to middle peasants and a cross. Poor) Owners, tenants, exploited bathers and poor villagers. However, in their mass, they differed little in terms of culture and life from the peasants, participated in the cross. physical. Labor. By drawing up a small minority of the peasantry, K. However, the most numerous. layer capitalist. entrepreneurs in agriculture. K. Start appearing back in pasture. The village, in connection with the development of the commercial production, and has developed in the flag era. "Taking to the hands" and peasant, and landlords, and government lands, K. concentrated in their hands an increasing and more land. In Russia in con. 19th century The fraction of K. accounted for no more than 1/5 cross. yard. But, pointed out V. I. Lenin, "... in his meaning in the entire totality of the peasant economy, - in the total amount of production facilities belonging to the peasantry, in the total number of agricultural products produced by the peasantry, the peasant bourgeoisie is unconditionally prevailing. She is a master. .. Villages "(cit., vol. 3, p. 145). In the pre-revoluz Russian fists produced 50% of commodity bread, concentrated in their X-WAH most of the S.-H. Machines and guns, half of the horse livestock, owned bargaining. establishments and bargaining.-Prom. Enterprises, contained restaurants, engaged in usury. In the desire to accumulate K. Potted on the slingshot of serfdom. Hence, his hostility to noble landowners, "... But even more of his hostility towards the rural proletariat" (ibid, t. 8, p. 207). After the revolution, 1905-07, tsarism, leaving the untouched landfill landlord, at the same time standing on the path of the forced destruction of the cross. communities, strengthening K., seeking to create his faithful support in his face (see Stolypinskaya agricultural reform). The proletarian revolution K. met hostile. However, at the 1st stage of owls. Agr. Transformations (until the summer of 1918), while the elimination of landlord land tenure, K. played together with the whole peasantry. At the same time, it captured the best lands, a preventive inventory and cattle. The fists penetrated the village. Tips and in MN. The places subordinate them to their interests. Owing large stocks of bread, they tried to disrupt the bread monopoly hunger, restore free trade, to force owls. Power to abandon socialist. transformations. In the summer - in the fall of 1918, it opened openly against owls. authorities. A wave of Kulatsky uprisings was held around the country. K. was the OSN. social support for counterrevolution (see Foreign military intervention and civil war in the USSR 1918-20). Kulatsky gangs brutally spread with the workers and the cross. The poor, helped White Guards and Interventory. In the fight against K., the committees of the poor and prospecting workers played a big role. The producer introduced in 1919 was aimed at the seizure of bread surplus in the village, first of all the fists. K. The strongest blow was applied, part of the Kulatsky X-B was expropriated. K. lost 50 million hectares of 80 million hectares of land, K-Ryu owned to the revolution. Parts of other means of production. With the transition to the NEPA on the basis of social bundle of the village, the growth of Kulatsky X-B resumed. However, to restore its pre-breather. Positions K. could not. The nationalization of the Earth destroyed the OSN. Capitalist source. accumulations in the village. Owls. The authorities conducted a policy of limitance and displacement by K., having its increased taxes, limiting the size of the earth. Rental and hiring workforce, depriving politics. Rights, etc., with others. Parties, exploitative capabilities of K. Restricted economies. The help of the state of the poor and middle peasants, which strengthened the labor cross. x-in. GL Role in capitalist. The accumulation now played the concentration of working livestock, S.-H. Machines and guns, not land, as it was before the revolution. According to a survey of 614 thousand Cross. X-B in 1927, there were 3.2% of Kulatsky among them, which had 7.5% of the lead. cattle, 21.7% of cars and guns. The poor man (26.1% of the surveyed X-B) had 6.5% of working livestock, 1.6% of cars and guns. The poor, and the parties and middings were forced on the bible conditions to hire working cattle and inventory from fists and prosperous middle peasants. Relations based on the surrender of the beneficiaries were the most common capitalist. Relations in the Prechame Village. K. Rental means. Earth. The area of \u200b\u200bthe poor and low-power middle peasants. In X-Wah with sowing from 16 to 25 dec. Half of the land was rented, and in X-Wah with sowing sv. 25 dec. - Up to three quarters. OK. 1.4 million kulak and prosperous middle offshild x-in held dead workers (Batrakov). Actually, Kulatsky X-B in 1927 there were approx. 1 million (approximately 4-5%). Together with the wealthy tip of the middle peasants, they produced up to 30% of commodity bread. Owning means. The means of production, renting the land, exploiting the work of the battresses and the poor, rolling them with the help of a usual loan, Kulatsky X-Wa to Ser. 20 years. Significantly strengthened, strengthened resistance to the policy of owls. Power in the village. K. played demanding the organization "Cross. Union", which was supposed to withstand communist. Party. The fists penetrated the tips, tried to capture the cross in their hands. Organizing and cooperation to disrupt the policy of limitance and displacement K. They led the anti. and anticolatile agitation. The Kulatsky Terror began to grow again. In 1926, 400 terrorist were registered. Acts from K., in 1927 - 700, in 1928 - 1027. In 1927, K. organized a "bread strike", refusing to sell the GOS-Wu bread for solid prices. To break the sabotage of bilbo groups, the state was forced to apply emergency measures (the application of Art. 107 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR on bringing to the judicial liability and confiscation of property of those perpetrators in speculation). Part of the Kulatsky X-B was expropriated, the Kulakov was withdrawn from tractors and other complex machines, credit funds, strengthened restrictions for fists in land rental, in the creation of bran and farmskih-c. The taxation of Kulatsky X-B has increased, in particular, the individual under the applied. In the spring and summer of 1929 in Kulatsky X-Wah, a wave of Batratsk strikes swept. Deployment of continuous collectivization served as the basis for the transition from the policy of restriction and displacement to the liquidation policy K. as a class. K. had a fierce resistance to collective farm movement (from anticolatile agitation before killing activists, arsons of collective farm property, the organization of rebellions). Claus. The struggle accepted extremely acute forms. This means. The extent was due to the elimination of K. in the form of "delaping" - violence. Expropriation of all means of production and widespread use of repressive measures. Specific forms of implementation of the liquidation policy K. were developed in the decisions and instructions of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) (from January 30, 1930), CEC and SNK of the USSR (from 1 and 4 Feb. 1930). In the district of solid collectivization, the law on the permission for the rental of land and the use of hired labor was canceled. Edge and region Executive Competitions and Ave. Autonomous. The republics provided the right to solve the issue of confiscation of the property of fists and their eviction. Property confiscated for fists should have been transferred to indivisible collective farm funds as a contribution of poor X-B and Batrakov. The separation of Kulatsky Xs into 3 categories was envisaged, and only in relation to the first of them (the most powerful X-WA, the owners of the tore participated in counterrevolution confiscate. In relation to economically powerful x-in Kulakov, who exploited the poor, but not participating in counterrevolution. Speeches, used expropriation of means of production and eviction to remote rters. Owners of less powerful X-B, actively not opposing owls. The authorities, but exploited by employees, were detained within the same adm. R-new. OSN. Mass K. was attributed to the 3rd category, it means. Part of them was subsequently adopted in collective farms. The degradation was carried out as societies. Campaign with the participation of representatives of owls. Power, groups of poor, collective farmers. The question of the degradation of certain persons was discussed at the collections of the peasants. Fists with families evaporates in specially designated places and there they received the opportunity to do produce. labor. Part of the fists eliminated the X-Wa and moved to the city and others. R-us. However, errors and perversions were made in the practice of delegation. The fight against the fist was often postponed to middle peasants. In some r-nah, the share of "smoked" reached a 15% cross. X-B, whereas actually cats were no more than 5% x-in. These et al. Errors, which caused displeasure peasants, were fixed in the future. In the 30s. In a fierce fighting with K. Sov. The peasantry was delivered from the Kulack exploitation, the colk won in the USSR. The system has disappeared the conditions that generate to K. (see collectivization of agriculture of the USSR). In 1930-32, 240,757 families were evicted from the r-new solid collectivization - approx. 1/4 of all Kulatsky X-B, or about 1% of the peasant x-in. Part of them were aimed at work in the mining industry, on logging, part - organized in S.-H. Artel special type And continued to engage in agriculture. With former fists who looked loyal to owls. The authorities and honestly worked, the limitations were gradually filmed. In accordance with the USSR Constitution 1936, all of them were provided with the election. rights. In St. 1938 Arteel former. Kulakov were converted to S.-H. Artel with the usual order of management (before this rule they were not elected, but were appointed). T about., Osn. Part of the former Kulakov was involved in socialist. Construction, re-educated, turned into honest equal citizens of owls. about During led. Fatherland Wars 1941-45 In the Okkouped by the enemy, the fascists came up from among the most embittered former. Fists of their servants (police officers, Starost, etc.). But most of the former Kulakov and their children honestly fulfilled civil debt at the front and in the rear. In this regard, after the war, the last restrictions were withdrawn from them (deprivation of the right to depart from the place of settlement). Lit. (In addition to the one specified in Art. Peasantry, collectivization of agriculture of the USSR): Lenin V.I., Op., 4 ed. (see Background Tom, Part 1, p. 289-93); Kalmykova A. I., about some issues of bundling owls. Villages in the years will restore. period (1921-1925), "VSU", Series 9, East. science, 1960, no 3; Gaister A. I., the bundle of owls. Villages, M., 1928; Kavishi V. A., Nosinov I. S., Classes and Clas. Fighting in Sovr. village, Novosib., 1929; Sulkovsky M. V., Clas. Groupings and industries. Types cross. X-B, M., 1930; Danilov V. P., Social and Economy. Relationships in Sov. Village on the eve of collectivization, "from", vol. 55, M., 1956; Sevennin P.V., on the elimination of fouls as a class, "VI CPSU", 1958, NO 4; Pinarov A. P., to the issue of the elimination of fouls as a class and fate of the former. Kulakov in the USSR, in the book: The history of owls. peasantry and cox. construction in the USSR, M., 1963; Sidorov V. A., work activities. Revilization of the former Kulakov, "V", 1964, NO 1; Pogudin V. I., the problem of liquidation of fouls as a class in owls. Historiography, "V", 1965, NO 4. V. P. Danilov. Moscow.

The article is extremely useful in terms of understanding why fists on the ground began to designate not the one who needs, and why everything turned out in this way.

P. Dobronozhenko

The denial of the existence of eats in the village of 1920s was widespread among the local leaders, which was often associated with the interpretation of the term "fist". Local executives, considering the fist only the usurist and merchant, "searched in the village of Kulak Miriana, the Roshovshchik and in this form did not find", "the old, obvious fist, how he knew the peasantry did not detect" 66 ..
There was a direct opposite interpretation: "A merchant who does not have agriculture (not exploiting hired work on agricultural operations, etc.) is not a fist, but just a merchant, or just a speculator, marauder, a dertemer or anything else" 67.
The term "fist" as a synonym for "rural bourgeoisie" was used in the middle of 20s. Mainly Agrarian-Marxists left directions. You can make an idea of \u200b\u200bthe interpretation of the concept of "fist" by Y. Larina: "The Kulatskoe farm is an integral, complex in the composition of the sources of income, but one for the exploitative essence of its parts" 68. Y. Larin highlights four types of fists. The first type is "a fist-manufacturing, which, with the help of hired workers, leads a production economy in size, exceeding the full use of the labor forces of the peasant families themselves," with the entrepreneurial purpose, i.e. For sale on the market of goods created by foreign labor. The second typical view of Y. Larin believes "Kulakov-buying" - the most hated for a ordinary peasant a variety of fouls. "Third view - a fist-trader" manufactures trade in city goods and purchased or handicraft. And the fourth type - a fist-uprover who gives a neighbor for rent a plow, horse, etc. "69

Agrarians-Marxists, interpreting the concept of "fist" in a broad sense as a rural bourgeoisie, preferred not to use the term "fist" in their studies due to the fact that he is not quite scientific. To designate the class of rural exploiters in the 1920s, the terms "fine-capitalist farms" were used, "capitalist entrepreneurs", "private-capitalist economy", "Entrepreneurship", "Kulatsko-Entrepreneurship".
Since the 1930s, in the scientific literature, an exceptionally term "fist" is used for the designation of rural bourgeoisie.
[*] Grant of the Moscow Public Science Foundation (Project No. 99-1996); Grant RGNF, № 99-01-003516.
* See Read more: G.F. Dobryozhenko. Class opponent of the dictatorship of the proletariat: peasant bourgeoisie or petty-bourgeois peasantry (ideology and practice of Bolshevism 1917-1921) // Rubezh. Almanac Social Research. 1997. N 10-11. Pp. 144-152.
* Peasant Committees of public mutual assistance.
1 Great October Socialist Revolution. Encyclopedia. 3rd ed., Add. M., 1987. P. 262; Brief political dictionary. 2nd ed., Add. M., 1980. P. 207; Trapeznikov S.P. Leninism and agrarian-peasant question: in 2 tons. M., 1967. T.2. "The historical experience of the CPSU in the implementation of the Lenin Cooperative Plan. P. 174.
2 Smirnov A.P. Our main tasks for raising and organizing the peasant economy. M., 1925. P. 22; Pershin A. Two main sources of stratification of the peasantry // Life of Siberia. 1925. № 3 (31). P. 3.
3 Village at NEPA. Who was considered a fist, whom the worker. What they say about this peasant. M., 1924. P. 21, 29, 30.
4. Dal V.I. Dictionary Live Great Russian: in 4 tons. M., 1989. T. 2. P. 215.
5 encyclopedic Dictionary Br. A. and I. Granat and K0. 7th ed. M., 1991. T. 26. P. 165.
6 Sazonov G.P. Rostovism - foul. Observations and research. St. Petersburg., 1894. P. 86.
7 Engelgard A.N. Letters from the village. 1872-1887 M., 1987. P. 521 - 522.
8 Garin-Mikhailovsky N.G. Works. M., 1986. S. 17; N. Uspensky. From afar and near. Election Stories and stories. M., 1986. P. 14, 18; Zlotovratsky N.N. Rustic weekdays. Essays of the peasant community // Letters from the village. Essays about the peasantry in Russia the second floor. Hih in. M., 1987. P. 279, 355.
9 Sazonov G.P. Decree. op. Pp. 149.
10 Engelgard A.N. Decree. op. P. 521,522.
11 Postnikov V.E. South Russian peasantry. M., 1891. S. XVII.
12 is there. P. 114, 117, 144.
13 Postnikov V.E. Decree. op. S. XVII.
14 Gvozdev R. Kulachhood - usury and its socio-economic importance. St. Petersburg., 1899. P. 148, 160.
15 there. P. 147, 154, 157, 158.
16 Lenin V.I. Full Cathedral Op .. T. 3. P. 383.
17 is there. T. P. 178 - 179.
18 there. T. 1. P. 507.
19 there. T. 3. P. 179.
20 there. T. 1. P. 110.
21 ibid. T. 3. P. 178.
22 ibid. T. 3. P. 169, 178; T. 17. P. 88 - 89, 93.
23 ibid. T. 3. P. 69, 177; T. 4. P. 55.
24 there. T. 3. P. 69 - 70.
25 ibid. T. 3. P. 169.
26 there. T. 16. P. 405, 424; T. 17. P. 124, 128, 130, etc.
27 ibid. T. 34. P. 285.
28 Ibid. T. 35. P. 324, 326, 331.
29 there. T. 36. P. 361 - 363; T. 37. P. 144.
30 there. T. 36. P. 447, 501, 59.
32 ibid. T. 36, p. 510; T. 37. P. 16, 416.
33 decrees of Soviet power. T. II. Pp. 262 - 265.
34 there. T. II. P. 352 - 354.
35 Lenin V.I. Full Cathedral op. T. 38. P. 146, 196, 200.
36 there. T. 38. P. 236.
37 ibid. T. 38. P. 256.
38 there. T. 38. P. 14.
39 CPSU directives for economic issues. T. 1. 1917-1928. M. 1957. P. 130-131.
40 Lenin V.I. Full Cathedral op. T. 41. P. 58.
41 ibid. T. 37. P. 46.
42 ibid. T. 31. P. 189-220.
43 ibid. T. 37. P. 94.
44 there. T. 39. P. 312, 315.
45 CPSUs in resolutions and decisions of congresses, conferences and plenums of the Central Committee. 8th ed. M., 1970. T. 2. P. 472.
46 Thirteenth CVP Congress (b): Stenatogr. report. M., 1963. P. 442-443.

47 CPSUs in resolutions and decisions of congresses, conferences and plenums of the Central Committee. T. 3. P. 341.

48 Trotsky L. About our tasks. Report at the city-wide partnership meeting in Zaporizhia. September 1, 1925 m.; L., 1926. P. 4.

49 Anelovich N. Workers' and Peasant Union and Batracy (to the formulation of the issue) // on the agricultural front. 1925. № 5-6. P. 84.

50 SU RSFSR. 1926. No. 75. Art. 889.

51 CPSU directives and the Soviet state on economic issues ... T. 1. P. 458; Lurie G.I. Cooperative legislation. 2nd ed. M., 1930. P. 22-23.

52 Land Code of the RSFSR. M., 1923. S. 118; SU RSFSR. 1922. No. 45. Article 426.

53 SS of the USSR. 1925. No. 26. Art. 183; SU RSFSR. 1925. No. 54. Art. 414.

54 SS of the USSR. 1927. No. 60. Art. 609.

55 Collection of documents on the Land Legislation of the USSR and the RSFSR 1917-1954. M., 1954. P. 300-302.

56 SS of the USSR. 1929. No. 14. Art. 117.
57 Documents testify: from the country's history on the eve and during collectivization. 1927-1932 / Ed. V.P. Danilova, N.A. Ivnitsky. M., 1989. P. 211-212.
58 Chayans A.V. Peasant farm. M., 1989.
59 Khryashcheva A.I. Groups and classes in the peasantry. 2nd ed. M., 1926. P. 109-112; Socialist economy. 1924. KN. II. P. 59.; Conditions for lifting the village and the differentiation of the peasantry // Bolshevik. 1925. № 5-6 (21-22). P. 24-25.
60 Gorokhov V. To the question of the stratification of the peasantry (from the experience of one survey) // Economic construction. Body of the Moscow Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan and CD. 1925. № 9-10. P.54.
61 Smirnov A.P. Our main tasks ... pp. 5.6.
62 Smirnov A.P. The policy of Soviet power in the village and the stratification of the peasantry (fist, poor man and middle peasant). M.; L., 1926. P. 33.; He is On the question of the differentiation of the peasantry. Truth. 1925. 7 Apr.; He is About strong labor peasantry. Truth. 1925. Feb 31; He is Once again about strong labor peasantry. Truth. 1925. Apr 5; 1925. 7 Apr.
64 Bogushevsky V. On the rustic fist or on the role of tradition in terminology // Bolshevik. 1925. № 9-10. P. 59-64.
65 ibid. P. 62, 63, 64.
66 Skina A.N. The history of social surveys of the Siberian village in the 20s. Novosibirsk, 1976. P. 184-185.
67 How the village lives: materials on the selective examination of the Emets parish. Arkhangelsk. 1925. P. 98.
68 Larin Yu. Agricultural proletariat of the USSR. M., 1927. P. 7.
69 Larin Yu. Soviet village. M., 1925. P. 56.

A real conversation will go about fists and about such a phenomenon as a fist.
Where did the word "fist" come from. Versions There are many. One of the most common versions - a fist is a strong businesspianist who keeps all his farm in the fist. But at the beginning of the twentieth century, another version was more common.
One of the main ways to enrich the fist is a cottage of money or grain in growth. That is: a fist gives money to his fellow villagers, or gives grain, sowing the foundation to the poor fellow villagers. Gives with percent, quite decent. Due to this, he ruins these fellow villagers, due to this, he becomes richer.
How did this fist get my money or a grain back? So he gave, let's say, grain in growth is, for example, in the Soviet Union in the 20s, that is, before the delegation. There is no right to engage in such activities under the law of the fist, that is, no rovuration for individuals, no credit practice was envisaged. It turns out that he was engaged in activities, which, in fact, was illegal. Of course, it is possible to assume that he applied to the Soviet court, with a request to recover his debt from the debtor. But most likely, it happened otherwise, that is, a banal knocking out that the debtor should. It is extremely tough policy with knocking debts and gave fists their name.
So who are such fists?
The widespread opinion is that these are the most hardworking peasants who have become more rich in to live at the expense of their heroic work, due to more skill and hardworking. However, the fists were not called those who are more rich, who lives more core. The fists called those who used the work of Batrakov, that is, hired work, and those who engaged in rovacity in the village. That is, a fist is a man who gives money to growth, buy the lands of his fellow villagers, and gradually attaching them, use them as a hired labor.
The fists appeared long before the revolution, and in principle it was a fairly objective process. That is, with the improvement of the earth processing system, the most normal objective phenomenon is to increase land plots. A larger field is easier to handle, it turns out cheaper in the processing. Large fields can be treated with technician - the treatment of each individual decade is cheaper, and such farms are more competitive, respectively.
Through the increase in the magnitude of land, all countries passed from the agrane in the industrial phase. This is clearly visible on the example of American farmers, which is a bit in the United States today, but the fields that extend far beyond the horizons. This refers to the fields of each individual farmer. Therefore, the enlarging of land facts is not only natural, but even necessary. In Europe, this process was called Puperization: small-earth peasants were rushed from the ground, the Earth was bought and passed to the ownership of Landlords or rich peasants.
And what happened to the poor peasants? Usually they were supplied to the cities where they were or walked into the army, in the fleet, in the same England, or were arranged to work on enterprises; Or bent, robbed, died with hunger. To combat this phenomenon in England, laws against the poor were introduced in their time.
And the process began in the Soviet Union. He began after the civil war, when the land was produced in the number of consumers, but at the same time the Earth was in full use of the peasants, that is, the peasant could sell the land, lay, give. This fists took advantage. For Soviet Union The situation itself with the transition of the Earth to the cams was little acceptable, as it was connected exclusively with the exploitation of some peasants with other peasants.
It is believed that Kulakov was declared on the principle - there is a horse, which means that the fist is convicted. This is not true. The fact is that the presence of the means of production implies that someone should work on them. Suppose if the farm is 1-2 horses that are used as a traction force - it is clear that the peasant can work himself. If there are 5-10 horses in the farm, as a traction force, it is clear that the peasant himself cannot work on it, that he must have to hire someone who will use these horses.
Criteria for definition of the fist was only two. As I said, this is an exercise of usury activities and the use of hired labor. Another thing is that by indirect features - for example, the presence of a large number of horses or a large number of equipment - it was possible to determine that this fist is really used by hired work.
And it was necessary to determine which will be the further path of development of the village. The fact that it is necessary to consolidate the farms - it was completely obvious. However, the path going through paucidation (through the ruin of poor peasants and displacing them from the village, or the transformation of them to the hired labor), he was actually very painful very long and was really great victims; Example with England.
The second way, which was considered is to get rid of fists and collectivizate agriculture. Although the leadership of the Soviet Union had supporters of both options, they defeated those who played for collectivization. Accordingly, the foul, which was precisely the competition by collective farms, should have been eliminated. It was decided to delegate fists as socially alien elements, and their property to convey to the created collective farms.

What was the scale of this derainking? Of course, there were a lot of peasants. In total, more than 2 million people were degraded - it is almost half a million families. At the same time, the degradation went on three categories: the first category is those who have resisted the Soviet power with weapons in their hands, that is, organizers and participants in uprisings, terrorist acts. The second category is the other Kulatsky asset, that is, people who opposed Soviet power, fought against her, but passively, that is, without using weapons. And finally, the third category is just fists.
What was the difference between categories? The fists belonging to the first category were engaged in the Troika OGPU, that is, some of these fists were shot, some of these fists was sent to the camps. The second category is the family of fists of the first category, fists and their families by the second category. They were exposed to remote places of the Soviet Union. The third category was also expelled, but expulsion within the region where they lived. This is how to admit to the Moscow region, evict the area from the vicinity of Moscow. All these three categories gained more than 2 million people with family members.
Is there a lot or a little? In fact, statistically, it turns out somewhere one kulatskaya family on one village, that is, one village is one fist. In some villages, of course, they were evaluated by several families of the fists, but it only means that in other villages the fists did not turn out at all, they were not.
And they evicted more than 2 million fists. Where did they evicted them? There is an opinion that he was evicted to Siberia, threw out almost in the snow, without property, without food, without anything, to the faithful destruction. In fact, this is also not true. Most fists are really evaporated into other regions of the country, they evaporates to Siberia. But they were used as so-called workmens - they built new cities. For example, when it comes to the heroic builder of Magnitis and we are talking about the extended sent to Siberia, it is often about the same people. And the best example is the first president's family Russian Federation. The fact is that his father was just degraded, and his further career was formed in Sverdlovsk, Brigadier.
What terrible repressions were applied against fists? But here it is quite obvious, since he became a brigadier among the workers, then probably the repression was not very cruel. Defection in rights, too, how to say, if we consider that the son of the fist was subsequently the first secretary of the Sverdlovsk Committee of the Party.
Of course, with delapion, there were quite numerous distortions, that is, sometimes there was a really situation when the middling tried to declare their fists. There were moments when someone was managed to slander envious neighbors, but such cases were single. Actually, the inhabitants of the village themselves determined who they had a fist in the village and from whom to get rid of. It is clear that justice did not always triumphant here, but the decision on who such fists was taken from top, not to the Soviet authorities, it was taken by fellow villagers themselves. Determined by the lists presented by Combs, that is, the inhabitants of this very village, and it was decided who specifically a fist and what to do with him. The villagers were determined and the category to which the fist will be attributed: a malicious fist or say so just Mirohed.
Moreover, the problem of fists existed in the Russian Empire, where the rich peasants managed to dive to themselves. Although the rural community in itself, in itself, in itself, hesitate to protect themselves, and fists began to be mainly harvested after the Stolypin reform, when some became rich, actually bought all the lands of their fellow villagers, forced themselves to work for themselves, became large sellers of bread, essentially became already bourgeoisie.
There was another picture when the same fellow villagers, declaring the fist with a peaceful, safely treated him in the nearest pond, because in fact, all the richness of the fist is built on the fact that he managed to take away from his fellow villagers. The fact is that, no matter how nor people work on the village ... Why do not let the hardworking middle jack be a fist? His wealth is limited to the size of its land. While he enjoys the land that his family received on the principle of the partition in the number of consumers, a lot of wealth will not be able to receive this peasant, because the yield on the fields is quite limited. It works well, it works badly, a relatively small field leads to the fact that the peasant remains quite poor. In order for the peasant to become rich, he must pick up something from other peasants, that is, it goes precisely to the displacement and monitoring of his fellow villagers.
If we talk about terrible repressions against fists and their children, that is, a very good Council Resolution People's Commissar The USSR, where it is said: "Children of special advantages and exiles when they achieve the sixteen-year-old age, if they are not dedicated, passports to issue on the general grounds and not to repair the obstacles to the exit to study or to work." Date of this Regulation October 22, 1938.
Actually, collectivization was alternative to the gradual consolidation of farms by paucitorization. The peasants in those villages where no fists were left, gradually boiled down in the collective farms (by the way, most often, quite voluntarily) and it turned out that one village had a common field, a rather extensive, on which the technique was highlighted, with which this The field and processed. In fact, only fists were victims of collectivization. And fists, no matter how numerous victims, accounted for less than 2% of the entire rural population of the Soviet Union. As I said earlier - this is somewhere one family for one pretty big village.

Russian story knew a lot historical eventsassociated with various classrooms. One of these has become a foul - this is a village bourgeoisie. Class division in the Soviet Union was a sharp issue. Attitude towards fists changed in accordance with the course of history and a course of ruling power. But in the end, everything came to such a process as the degradation and elimination of fouls as a class. Let's take a look at the story page.

Kulamistry is what? And who is such a fist?

Fists before the revolution 1917 were considered successful merchant merchants. A different meaning color is attached to this term after the revolution of 1917. At a certain point, when the All-Union Communist Party of the Bolsheviks changed the focus of its political course, the value of fouls was changed. Sometimes it approached the middle class, occupying the position of the farm class - the transition phenomenon of postcalism, or to the elite of agriculture, which plays the role of the exploiters who used the labor of hired workers.

Legislation regarding fouls also did not give an unequivocal assessment. The terms adopted at the Plenums of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of the Bolsheviks were distinguished from the terms used by the individual historical leaders of the RSFSR. Soviet power changed its policy several times - initially a decoupling rate was elected, then the thawed decelerate elected the "Course on a fist" and the most severe course on the elimination of fist. Next, we will look at the prerequisites, the causes and other features of these historical events. The final attitude in the end: foolhood is a class enemy and an opponent.

Terminology to the 1917 Revolution

In the very first sense, the word "fist" had only a negative meaning. In the future, this was used in Soviet propaganda against representatives of this class. In consciousness peasant people The idea has strengthened that the only honest source of income is physical and hard work. And those people who received profits by another person were considered dishonest (here referred to the Roshovists, buyers and merchants). Partly, we can say that the interpretation is as: fouls are not economic status, but more psychological features or professional occupation.

Russian Marxism and the concept of foul

The theory and practice of Russian Marxism shared all peasants into three large main categories:

  1. Kulaki.. These were wealthy peasants who use the work of hired, bourgeoisie of the countryside. On the one hand, there was a negative attitude towards such peasants, and on the other hand, it was fair to argue that there is no official concept of "foolhood". Even during the elimination of his representatives, clear signs were not formulated, according to which a citizen was treated or did not relate to this class.
  2. Rustic poor. This group included first of all the employees of the fists, they are bars.
  3. Middle peasants. After conducting an analogy with our time, we can say that this is a modern middle class in the peasantry. By economic Regulations They were between the two first specified groups.

However, in the existence of such a classification, there still remained a lot of contradictions in the definition of the terms "middle pea" and "fist". These concepts often met in the works of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, who for many years determined the ideologies of power. But he himself did not completely delimit the indicated terms, indicating only one distinctive feature - The use of wage labor.


Although not everyone agrees with the statement that the delegation is political repression, but it is. It was applied according to administrative order, measures to eliminate fouls as a class were performed by local executive authorities, guided by political and social characteristics listed in the decision of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of the Bolsheviks, published on January 30, 1930.

Beginning of delapiece: 1917-1923

The first fighting events began in 1917, after the revolution. June 1918 was marked by the creation of the Poor Committees. They played not a latter role in determining the Soviet policy of cudience. Committees performed redistributing field functions. They decided what to do with what the fists were withdrawn. Those, in turn, every day make up more and more, that simply the Soviet power would not leave them alone.

In the same year, on November 8, at the meeting of delegates of the Poker Committees, V. I. Lenin made a statement that it was necessary to develop a decisive course on the elimination of fouls as a class. He must be defeated. Otherwise, thanks to him, capitalism will appear. In other words, fouls -

Preparation for administrative decoupling

On February 15, 1928, the publication of materials that flawed fists are published in the Pravda newspaper. It has been reported on a severe and depressing rural setting, about the dangerous growth of the number of rich peasants. It was also said that fists create a threat not only in the village, but also in the most communist party, driving a certain number of cells.

There are reports that the fists did not allow representatives of the poor and battags to the branches of the parties in the field, regularly shot on the pages of the newspaper. The rich peasants have forcibly seized bread and a variety of available stocks. And it led to the fact that they cut the crops and reduced the personal farm. This, in turn, influenced the employment of the poor. They lured jobs. This all was positioned as temporary measures due to the emergency in the village.

But in the end, the transition to the liquidation policy was performed. Due to the fact that more poor peasants began to suffer from the delamination, attempts to maintain certain layers of the population were carried out. But they did not led anything good. In villages and villages, hunger and growth of poverty is gradually beginning. People began to doubt: whether it was a good solution to eliminate fouls as a class.

Implementation of mass repressions

1928-1932 Steel collectivization and delamination time. How did it happen? For the dealer of the fists were divided into 3 main groups:

  1. "Terrorists". Here were the fists who constituted the counter-revolutionary asset and organized uprisings and terrorist acts, the most active participants.
  2. There were less active participants in counter-revolutionary processes.
  3. All other representatives of fouls.

The arrest of representatives of the first category was the most serious. Such cases were transmitted to the prosecutor's office, the regional committee and the city of the party. The fists belonging to the second group were evicted in the distant places of the USSR or remote areas. The third category was posted in specially allocated areas outside collective farms.

The first group of fists received the most stringent measures. They were sent to concentration camps due to the fact that they were a threat to the security of society and Soviet power. In addition, they could arrange terrorist acts and uprisings. In general terms, the decoupling measures assumed the immediate elimination of fists in the form of references and mass relocations, property confiscation.

For the second category, mass shoots from the resettlement areas were characterized, since it was often a harsh climate in which it was not easy to live. The Komsomol members who spent the sprawling were often cruel and could easily arrange unauthorized shootings of fists.

Number of victims

The decision to eliminate fouls as a class led to great social shocks. According to the available data, almost 4 million people were subject to repression for the entire period. From this amount of 60% (2.5 million people) were sent to a cam link. Almost 600 thousand people died from this number, and the largest mortality rate was in 1930-1933. These indicators exceeded fertility rates almost 40 times.

According to one investigation of the journalist A. Kechchenikov, in 1934 there was a secret certificate of the OGPU department, according to which 90 thousand fists died in the way of following the reference point and another 300 thousand died from malnutrition and diseases that reign in places of reference.

Politics soften

In 1932, the process of mass degradation was officially suspended. But almost completely stopped the running machine turned out to be more difficult due to the resulting resistance from the bottom.

In July 1931, a decision was published on the transition from mass degradation to individual, as well as instructions on what is the inflection in the process and how to deal with the incontinence of deragusion. At the same time, the idea was promoted that the mitigation of policies in relation to representatives of this class does not mean the weakening of the class struggle on the village. On the contrary, it will only gain strength. In the post-war period began liberation from the "Kulack link". People massively started returning home. In 1954, according to the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the last fists of immigrants received freedom and rights.

Bread - not from fists

Separately, it is worth considering such a moment associated with the limitation of fisting as a class - production of bread. In 1927, with the help of this population, 9.78 million tons were produced, while the collective farms were given only 1.3 million tons, of which only half (0.57 million tons) were received to the market. In 1929, thanks to such processes, as collectivization and decking, the collective farms produced 6.52 million tons.

The government encouraged the transition of poor peasants to collective farms and thus planned to destroy the fisting faster, which was previously the only bread maker. But it was forbidden to take into collective farms of persons recognized by representatives of this class. The ban on the rental of land plots, on hiring a private workforce as a result, caused a sharp decline in agriculture, which was more or less suspended only in 1937.

Rehabilitation and afterword

The victims of the repressions are rehabilitated in the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law "On the Rehabilitation of Political Repression Surveys" of October 18, 1991. According to this law, the rehabilitation of persons undergoing the refraction process, and their family members. The judicial practice of the Russian Federation considers such a persecution as an action within political repression. The peculiarity of Russian legislation is that it is necessary to establish the fact of applying the extinguishing. When rehabilitation, the family returned all the property or its value expression, of course, if this property was not nationalized during the Great Patriotic War, as well as if there are no other obstacles.

Kulak - Miroyed

The conversation will go about fists and about such a phenomenon as a fist. Where did the word "fist" come from. Versions There are many. One of the most common versions - a fist is a strong businesspianist who keeps all his farm in the fist. But at the beginning of the twentieth century, another version was more common.

One of the main ways to enrich the fist is a cottage of money or grain in growth. That is: a fist gives money to his fellow villagers, or gives grain, sowing the foundation to the poor fellow villagers. Gives with percent, quite decent. Due to this, he ruins these fellow villagers, due to this, he becomes richer.

How did this fist get my money or a grain back? So he gave, let's say, grain in growth is, for example, in the Soviet Union in the 20s, that is, before the delegation. There is no right to engage in such activities under the law of the fist, that is, no rovuration for individuals, no credit practice was envisaged. It turns out that he was engaged in activities, which, in fact, was illegal. Of course, it is possible to assume that he applied to the Soviet court, with a request to recover his debt from the debtor. But most likely, it happened otherwise, that is, a banal knocking out that the debtor should. It is extremely tough policy with knocking debts and gave fists their name.

So who are such fists?

The widespread opinion is that these are the most hardworking peasants who have become more rich in to live at the expense of their heroic work, due to more skill and hardworking. However, the fists were not called those who are more rich, who lives more core. The fists called those who used the work of Batrakov, that is, hired work, and those who engaged in rovacity in the village. That is, a fist is a man who gives money to growth, buy the lands of his fellow villagers, and gradually attaching them, use them as a hired labor.

The fists appeared long before the revolution, and in principle it was a fairly objective process. That is, with the improvement of the earth processing system, the most normal objective phenomenon is to increase land plots. A larger field is easier to handle, it turns out cheaper in the processing. Large fields can be treated with technician - the treatment of each individual decade is cheaper, and such farms are more competitive, respectively.

Through the increase in the magnitude of land, all countries passed from the agrane in the industrial phase. This is clearly visible on the example of American farmers, which is a bit in the United States today, but the fields that extend far beyond the horizons. This refers to the fields of each individual farmer. Therefore, the enlarging of land facts is not only natural, but even necessary. In Europe, this process was called Puperization: small-earth peasants were rushed from the ground, the Earth was bought and passed to the ownership of Landlords or rich peasants.

And what happened to the poor peasants? Usually they were supplied to the cities where they were or walked into the army, in the fleet, in the same England, or were arranged to work on enterprises; Or bent, robbed, died with hunger. To combat this phenomenon in England, laws against the poor were introduced in their time.

And the process began in the Soviet Union. He began after the civil war, when the land was produced in the number of consumers, but at the same time the Earth was in full use of the peasants, that is, the peasant could sell the land, lay, give. This fists took advantage. For the Soviet Union itself, the situation with the transition of the earth to the cams was little acceptable, as it was connected exclusively with the exploitation of some peasants with other peasants.

It is believed that Kulakov was declared on the principle - there is a horse, which means that the fist is convicted. This is not true. The fact is that the presence of the means of production implies that someone should work on them. Suppose if the farm is 1-2 horses that are used as a traction force - it is clear that the peasant can work himself. If there are 5-10 horses in the farm, as a traction force, it is clear that the peasant himself cannot work on it, that he must have to hire someone who will use these horses.

Criteria for definition of the fist was only two. As I said, this is an exercise of usury activities and the use of hired labor. Another thing is that by indirect features - for example, the presence of a large number of horses or a large number of equipment - it was possible to determine that this fist is really used by hired work.

And it was necessary to determine which will be the further path of development of the village. The fact that it is necessary to consolidate the farms - it was completely obvious. However, the path going through paucidation (through the ruin of poor peasants and displacing them from the village, or the transformation of them to the hired labor), he was actually very painful very long and was really great victims; Example with England.

The second way, which was considered is to get rid of fists and collectivizate agriculture. Although the leadership of the Soviet Union had supporters of both options, they defeated those who played for collectivization. Accordingly, the foul, which was precisely the competition by collective farms, should have been eliminated. It was decided to delegate fists as socially alien elements, and their property to convey to the created collective farms.

What was the scale of this derainking? Of course, there were a lot of peasants. In total, more than 2 million people were degraded - it is almost half a million families. At the same time, the degradation went on three categories: the first category is those who have resisted the Soviet power with weapons in their hands, that is, organizers and participants in uprisings, terrorist acts. The second category is the other Kulatsky asset, that is, people who opposed Soviet power, fought against her, but passively, that is, without using weapons. And finally, the third category is just fists.

What was the difference between categories? The fists belonging to the first category were engaged in the Troika OGPU, that is, some of these fists were shot, some of these fists was sent to the camps. The second category is the family of fists of the first category, fists and their families by the second category. They were exposed to remote places of the Soviet Union. The third category was also expelled, but expulsion within the region where they lived. This is how to admit to the Moscow region, evict the area from the vicinity of Moscow. All these three categories gained more than 2 million people with family members.

Is there a lot or a little? In fact, statistically, it turns out somewhere one kulatskaya family on one village, that is, one village is one fist. In some villages, of course, they were evaluated by several families of the fists, but it only means that in other villages the fists did not turn out at all, they were not.

And they evicted more than 2 million fists. Where did they evicted them? There is an opinion that he was evicted to Siberia, threw out almost in the snow, without property, without food, without anything, to the faithful destruction. In fact, this is also not true. Most fists are really evaporated into other regions of the country, they evaporates to Siberia. But they were used as so-called workmens - they built new cities. For example, when it comes to the heroic builder of Magnitis and we are talking about the extended sent to Siberia, it is often about the same people. And the best example of this is the family of the first president of the Russian Federation. The fact is that his father was just degraded, and his further career was formed in Sverdlovsk, Brigadier.

What terrible repressions were applied against fists? But here it is quite obvious, since he became a brigadier among the workers, then probably the repression was not very cruel. Defection in rights, too, how to say, if we consider that the son of the fist was subsequently the first secretary of the Sverdlovsk Committee of the Party.

Of course, with delapion, there were quite numerous distortions, that is, sometimes there was a really situation when the middling tried to declare their fists. There were moments when someone was managed to slander envious neighbors, but such cases were single. Actually, the inhabitants of the village themselves determined who they had a fist in the village and from whom to get rid of.

It is clear that justice did not always triumphant here, but the decision on who such fists was taken from top, not to the Soviet authorities, it was taken by fellow villagers themselves. Determined by the lists presented by Combs, that is, the inhabitants of this very village, and it was decided who specifically a fist and what to do with him. The villagers were determined and the category to which the fist will be attributed: a malicious fist or say so just Mirohed.

Moreover, the problem of fists existed in the Russian Empire, where the rich peasants managed to dive to themselves. Although the rural community in itself, in itself, in itself, hesitate to protect themselves, and fists began to be mainly harvested after the Stolypin reform, when some became rich, actually bought all the lands of their fellow villagers, forced themselves to work for themselves, became large sellers of bread, essentially became already bourgeoisie.

There was another picture when the same fellow villagers, declaring the fist with a peaceful, safely treated him in the nearest pond, because in fact, all the richness of the fist is built on the fact that he managed to take away from his fellow villagers. The fact is that, no matter how nor people work on the village ... Why do not let the hardworking middle jack be a fist? His wealth is limited to the size of its land. While he enjoys the land that his family received on the principle of the partition in the number of consumers, a lot of wealth will not be able to receive this peasant, because the yield on the fields is quite limited. It works well, it works badly, a relatively small field leads to the fact that the peasant remains quite poor. In order for the peasant to become rich, he must pick up something from other peasants, that is, it goes precisely to the displacement and monitoring of his fellow villagers.

If we talk about terrible repressions against the fists and their children, that is, a very good decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, where it is said:

"Children of special advantages and exiles when they reach the age of sixteen, if they are not dedicated, passports to issue in general reasons and do not blame the obstacles to the departure to study or to work."

Actually, collectivization was alternative to the gradual consolidation of farms by paucitorization. The peasants in those villages where no fists were left, gradually boiled down in the collective farms (by the way, most often, quite voluntarily) and it turned out that one village had a common field, a rather extensive, on which the technique was highlighted, with which this The field and processed. In fact, the victims of collectivization were only fists. And fists, no matter how numerous victims, accounted for less than 2% of the entire rural population of the Soviet Union. As I said earlier - this is somewhere one family for one pretty big village.

The struggle of the Bolsheviks from the fists and the formation of Soviet power is shown in h / f goal. THE USSR.

About the terrible ulcer of the Russian peasantry. Tsarist Minister about fists and fistboat -"The destructive influence of the development of usury and fouls in rural life."

Tsarski Minister about Kulacia

The text below was published in 1892. His author, Alexey Sergeevich Yermolov, is by no means a revolutionary, two years later, he will become a minister of agriculture and state property.

Full influence of the development of rovigation and fouls in rural life

In close connection with the question of recovering those who fall on the peasant population of government, Zemsky and public fees and, it is possible to say, mainly on the soil of these penalties, the terrible ulcer of our rural life has developed, in the end of its discharge and affecting folk welfare, is the so-called foolhood. And usury. With the urgent need for money, which is in the peasants, - for the payment of duties, to get after the fire, to buy a horse after its painting, or cattle after the case, these ulcers find the widest field for their development. With existing, established with the best goals and, perhaps, the necessary restrictions on the sale for the treated and private recovery of the first needs of the peasant economy, as well as the right land, the correct, available to the leasured loan does not exist at all.

Only a rural degree, providing himself with enormous interest, rewarding him for frequent loss of capital himself comes to help in cases of such extreme needs, but this help, of course, is expensive to contact her. One day, owing such a rovist, the peasant almost never can get out of that loop, which he excretes him and which he brings him to complete ruin. Often, the peasant is already plowing, and sows, and the bread collects only for a fist.

It is known that the landowner upon recovery from the peasants, according to the executive list, for self-combined care from work, for failure to fulfill obligations assumed, etc., in the vast majority of cases it turns out to be absolutely impossible to get anything with them - many consider even unnecessary Contact such cases to court. But a rural dertender and without trial will always return their own, not the same way, so in other ways, not money, so in kind, grain, cattle, earth, work, etc.

However, rural usselves are able to furnish their operations in such a way that the court, at least the former world civil court, which was at the soil of formal evidence, was usually to help the rural dendor in his predatory activities of the ruin of the peasantry. It is very natural that the peasant, unfamiliar with the ritual side of the proceedings, confused by a different kind, the most incomprehensible to them by himself, obligations, in court turned out to be powerless to prove his, if not formal, then actual rightness, and the court often awarded the recovery from him in 5- 10 times larger than the amount really due to them.

Acting bills, carelessly issued to him and equipped with executive sheets, which are very often the court is not entitled not to issueA rural degree at the same time corrupts, saves weak members of wealthy families, entangle them with fictitious debt obligations issued in the amount of 10-20 times large against the actual debt, and ruins the masses of peasants in the full sense of the word. It is difficult to believe to which dimensions they reach the percentages that are charged with the peasants for the money visited by them and which are mainly depending on the degree of folk need. So, in the summer, especially in view of a favorable harvest, the loan is not more than one of 45-50% per annum, the same creditors require no less than 120%, and sometimes up to 240%, and very often the security of the peasant The showers who owe the owners themselves later from their own lenders. Sometimes the land selected by the lender for the debt on the calculation of 3-4 rubles. Over the tenth, it is rented for rent to the owner for 10-12 rubles.

However, such percentages in most cases are still insufficient, as over the same way, various works, services, payments, Naturo, are negotiated, - in addition to monetary, etc. With loans bread - in winter or spring, two are returned in the fall. Evaluate all this for money - it is very difficult, especially since the debtor's accounts with their creditor are usually so confused, - (the larger part is intentionally confused), - which is almost impossible to understand them.

IN last years The loan is especially applied on the security of property, and the Roshovist will not be forgotten by nothing, there are both agricultural tools, and a wearing dress, and bread on the root, and even a working horse and cattle. When the time of the pile and the peasant will pay a debt to pay a debt, then all this turns on sale, and more often the creditor is inferior, and he also appoints the price on which the thing has been taken to pay the debt, so often, giving a deposit, peasant It remains still in debt, sometimes in the amount of not less, against the initial dolt figure. In some places, the obligatory works of the peasants of the debtors on the lender fist take the character of the perfect bargains, even much more severe than the former Lord, because at the same time the landowners were interested in maintaining the welfare of their peasants, there is no reason to the lender before them.

Usually, these rural denders begin their activities with a wine-going job, which represents as many convenient ways to disperse the peasants. Here, of course, from the law, there are very appropriate, on thought, restrictions - it is forbidden to sell wine in debt, secured by bread or things, for future work, it is forbidden to pay wine for executed works, etc. But hardly it is necessary to say that all these benefactor restrictions remain dead in a deadly, as they are very difficult to keep track of their execution, and there is no one. Moreover, the court is very often charged with the money, which the peasants remain properly kabatka, - in reality for wine, and on paper, for different, as if, the goods bought from him or products.

It is known that the most part of the Zabatchik is at the same time and the benchmark, and the landselker of the Earth, and the scriber of bread, and Prasol, i.e. The buyer of livestock and different other peasant goods - since one trade in wine, especially the correct, without all of these, so to speak its sectors, is far insufficient to meet his aspirations for profit. It is also known that many of the major states are now obliged to their origin by such a Kabatsy trade, and some of the employees later merchants began with the fact that there were sidelles or so-called stakes in the Kabaska or a restaurant. In the county cities and in large villages, almost all the best houses are now owned by winegogovtsies, or persons who marked the beginning of their state with a winegirl in connection with the fist. For a person who does not stop any means, not much money is needed to start their activities, but, of course, you need a well-known kind of dreams, dexterity, quirkness, especially at first, until the situation is still shatter and fist, did not take the power , did not enlist the necessary connections. These bonds are easier than and these forces are all more strengthened when such a fist finds it possible to pick up power in their hands. From this, many of them, especially from the number of beginners, in every way they seek to get into such a place that would give them strength and influence - for example, to make a choice in the parish elders, which is sometimes, especially in the same time, before the introduction of the Zemsky bosses, - They managed. And once I got into the hands of the power, the wings were unleashed and it was possible to go far, the copier was revealed wide.

It is hardly necessary to stop on how the existing influence on rural life made the appearance of such a leader in the post of chief and what results could work out. In the inability to get into the elders, you can make it possible to make another position, even not conjugate with the actual authority, such as the post of church headlight, or the so-called ktitor, just to get out of the overall level and become a more prominent place, from which it is easier to clean Any things. And we must give justice to some of these Deltsov, - sometimes the old buildings came out very good, caring, who were gone about the church and contributed to the exhaustion, without stopping, even before quite large donations from their own funds. Perhaps, here it partly influenced the desire, although it was a little to squeeze in front of the Lord, those sins who were involuntarily felt in the soul, and, however, these donations and these donations sometimes did not stop the further world activities of such a guardian in the same direction, but this was explained by them usually What is a strong enemy of human race ...

The same rural fists consist, as stated, most of the part and local merchants, they buy or take the peasants for the debt of their bread, tobacco, wool, flax, hemp and other products. The nature of their activities in this regard is also quite known. Not to mention those low prices for which they are taken from the peasants of their work, here all the usual techniques for such bursors are stripped - measuring, inspiring, luring to the courtyards, with the wrong then calculations, buying on the road, at the entrance to the city, At the roadside restaurant, with a corresponding treat, etc.

Often, peasants who come to the bazaar with their products are given the price, significantly lower, against the existing - with ordinary strikes in such cases between the biders; - Then when receiving, - in addition to the incorrect establishment of a completely arbitrary unit of measure, like a quarter to nine measures, Berkovtsa at 14 pounds or pounds in fifty pounds - the dimension is made by incorrect measures, fake weights, etc. It is known that even the brained measures are often incorrect. In cities where measures are being checked, you can order yourself and submit to the city council for overlaying the adhesive measures for purchase and special for sale. And once, or a hiring, there is an installed mark, it is almost impossible to prove its infidelity and, of course, no peasant will think about it, only a perplexed, which is why such a big difference happened when the bread link was published, and often, and often, In the simplicity of the soul, attributes this difference with its own mistake. These techniques of deceiving peasants when buying their bread is largely supported by existing in many places of Russia, the custom of buying bread is not on the weight, but to the measure. Probably, this custom and is preserved by the scraps of bread, especially when purchases from the peasants, because when buying on the measure is much easier to measure the seller so that he will not notice.

It is known that here great importance have different fake techniques, - in the same measure can be placed more, and less bread, depending on how to pour, besides, they are sometimes poured not under rowing, but with the top, the mountain, how much can be resist, and Sgrading can be rowing to measure a known amount of bread. Measure, the bigger part, for the convenience of the link, is suspended on the rope and here, the famous type of tapping techniques, you can make bread get tightly. Many blessing workers have special clerks for the breadsticks of bread - real virtuosos for this part. It is wonderful that the activities of rustic buyers of bread are extremely diverse and very often vary, so as to confuse even more and lure the peasant.

So, there are cases when buyers buy peasant bread more expensive Existing prices are more expensive than they buy it from landlords - more expensive than it is selling it. At the same time, it turns out to be different - sometimes it is done in order to attract a lot of sellers and then, when a variety of peasants with bread eats, by half a price twice; Sometimes the goal is to get into the course of the measurement even more wider, counting on the fact that the peasant, delighted with high price, will be less closely followed by accepting. In a word, there are a lot of different ways, but all of course, the peasant's clearly unmarried peasant and the landlocker's worst arrived, which, scales of peasant bread, is already bypassing the landlords, which is sometimes staring, which is better, but his not expert buy it.

The same techniques of measuring and deception of peasants are practiced in broad sizes on mills, with a grinding of peasant bread. In addition to the appointment for the grinding of a completely arbitrary remuneration, which is usually natroyu - grain or fluff, bread coming into grinding is very often not measured at all, but straight from the war it is started under the rods, and then the peasant gives the flour as much as the Mill's Host, yes And of this, the amount is held for a grinding fee.

To eliminate such artificial and almost elusive ways to deceive the peasants, it would be very desirable to introduce everywhere mandatory sale and buying bread, as well as receiving it to mills, not otherwise, as a weight, and, at the same time, to remember any other arbitrary weight units, In addition to the law established by law. It would be useful and in that way to eliminate existing currently different on this account in different places of customs, which only darken the case in the eyes of not only peasants, but even landowners for whom, thanks to this, the terminology of different markets is incomprehensible . It is known that even in St. Petersburg on the stock exchange, the bread is still sold and quoted on a measure, then by weight, which seems extremely uncomfortable.

At the same time, it is imperative to streamline the case of the verification of measures and weights, taking this case from the hands of urban administration, which with this purely technical task, demanding attention and accuracy, cannot decisively cope. In the stops, as it is known, it is necessary to test and the brand of measures and weights, it is commonly unlimited, which is often illiterate, which will be tamed anything.

It is known that since the liberation of the peasants and as weaken, the cloaking of the old-noble element, the mass of landlords and the lands passed into the hands of merchants, blessings and in general all the differences. By no means by setting the question of the estate soil and not rejecting that there are persons among these new landowners, who seriously enacted the farm with solid capital and therefore, they can put things on the right soil, - but it is impossible to hide from themselves Such faces are, unfortunately, a relatively rare exception.

In most cases, the inquiryers or tenants of landlords, or lessons of state lands are the same, already more or less divergent, cams - meaning nothing but the same goals of speculation or further profit on the expense, first of the natural wealth of the purchased or rented estates, and then at the expense of the surrounding rural population, which at the same time is even more and more or rather comes to them in Kabalu. Such a landworker or tenant begins, - if only he is not connected too strict contract and does not follow persistently, - from the ruin of the manor, which is sold to demolition, - cutting down the garden and the column of forests, and this way is often covered by the entire amount paid for the estate and The land goes to the new owner - for nothing.

At the same time, cattle and economic guns are sold to, because the new owner is usually or at all the farms do not intend, or does it mean to produce a scarce and harvesting, at a cheapest price, counting on the front of his own former debtors of the peasants. If there is a virgin steppe or a century-old deposit, it opens; The same is done with the earth from under the cutting forest or garden; If there are ponds - they descend to sow hemp or millet on the spot. But it is only, so to speak, an attack, the beginning of work is to remove the foam from the acquired estate that is sometimes so profitable, especially if it comes to a leased estate that then it can be thrown, or return the owner, allegedly for rental rental At least even with the dismountain of the contractual contract, if the owner was so careful that he introduced it in the condition at the conclusion of the contract. But if the land remains behind the new owner, if the rental price itself is not high, the second part of the land begins to the peasants, and the prices are, of course, the higher the more the peasants need the Earth.

Thus, the most profitable are considered to be the estates that are in such a locality, where most of the peasants are sitting in the gifter, and where they have no place to be able to drive a cow or release a chicken, without hitting someone else's land. Under such conditions, the ability to "host" is in the ability to exploit the need and poverty of the surrounding population. The cynical saying between such owners-fists has developed a cynical saying, well characterizing their view of the case and their image of action. Praising each other field of its activities and drawing the benefits of the possessions acquired by them - "Our side is rich," they say, "because there is a circle of people" ...

Along with the Federation's primestream, the peasants are, of course, with the payment of money "to the snop", i.e. before the bread from the fields, and if without deposit, sometimes, with a deposit from the peasants-shifters, - at least in the form of winter seats, which in the autumn add up in the barn from the serve, - sometimes the literal struggle with the neighbors begins, from -Realous cattle, the struggle, which sometimes takes the character of real etching. Hired under work, if not all the earth is dealt with peasants, it is produced, of course, from the winter, and the issuance of the deposits, - and sometimes, to say the truth - and all the money is forward, it is commonly driven by the time when Podati is selected and when, Therefore, you can hire cheaper.

When the peasants leave in the summer on work, which are paid to the most part of the part, from decade, - inventy special, arbitrary decishes, which are sometimes deliberately cut into such bizarre forms, such "Babylons", that the peasants do not resolutely cut out, how many land they are allotted By work. When hiring peasants to work with a plate from a decade, tithing usually considered a forty, economic; When surrendering the same peasants of the same land in the chamber - the decrease of the treason measure, thirty.

In many places, this is already such a custom who is known to everyone and in which, at least, there is no deception, because the case is pursuit. But this is not good, and how many do not break: commonly or dimensional chains are used for measuring the Earth, or more often. One chain, or soil, economic, is ordered, - to capture more land, is when the earth is measured by peasants under work. Another chain, or soil, - shorter, is used when the Earth is allocated to the peasants who took it in the messenger and sowing. In both cases, the benefits of the "owner" are thus observed, and the peasant, of course, is not good, but if he guess that something is wrong, it will not argue to the greater part, because "you can't hurt for any little, It is known about the business. "

But it happens and worse. Happens and so for example that in hot working time, especially when the god will send a crop, and there are few people and the prices for cleaning grow, some one such owner announces suddenly when hiring in the bazaar, where there is a lot of all the supplied people, the price is such an unknown, high and tempting for the peasants that the people to him The shaft pways. Following this and all others are forced to raise the price of work so as not to stay completely without workers, despite the fact that the price is sometimes completely impossible at its height. When the time comes to the calculation, the first, raised the price, the owner who, of course, before all the bread is removed and is reversed, asks to wait, divorce with a letter, because he has no money now. The workers will first send a little, and then you agree to agree. Week passes, the other, - come for money, but there is no money, they are asked to wait until the bread is sold.

Finally, bread is sold, but there is no time, it's time - and so time goes until the workers offer - sin in half, take half of money, and the rest to knock, - and the owner would give everything, yes there is no money, the times are hard , Bread Döshev, in the trafficking of the hitch. Workers and here will be sent again, and God will reminde, but in the end and agree on it, unless the host sometimes have some kind of increment, so you leave, until next year, when again falls on the same fishing rod. The neighbors of such a host, leading the work of God, hired workers at a price raised due to the described trick to the impossible size, and paying with them as agreed, reduced a business year with a deficit, because low-selling bread prices really do not pay elevated Prices for work.

These are the techniques and the results of the economic activities of the Kulakov-landowners or tenants who replaced the former landowners who are often accused of finding out, because they failed to apply to the "new conditions of land tenure." On the other hand, where the noble element has been preserved more, where less than the estates that switched to the hands of merchants and fists, there the peasant lives easier, there is less than the predatoryness of Rostovists, there are correct, humane and normal relations between landowners and peasants, between employers and workers, There is still firmly the conviction that the wealth and power of the country are in the wealth and strength of the people, and nothing on the contrary. With the degeneration and disappearance of the indigenous noble element, weakens, the peasant population is being depleted, which is not supporting nor the protection in the replacing it with its own elements. This is a fact confirmed by many researchers of our rural life, even from among those that could be and wanted to see the case in a different light.

Such is one more dark side Our modern rural life, in which, along with the increasing poverty of the peasants, receive increasingly larger aspirations of the predators described above, most of which, - to say the truth - came out of the environment of the same peasants, but which, as their former one-sieves say, " Forgot God. " The above-mentioned facts are enough to show how important it would be to resolve this side of the case, put an end to the malicious activities of rural growth, fists and buyers, although this task is extremely difficult, especially with the ignorance of rural population and the full economic insecurity, with such success These are now the most dangerous elements, as leeches, sucking the last juices of national well-being and finding themselves all the greatest and outdoor than the poorest and deprived of the peasants.

Yermolov A.S. Farm and folk disaster. St. Petersburg., 1892. p.179-190

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