Nikolay Stepanovich Gumilyov. "Captains

In the polar seas and in the south,
On the curves of green swells,
Between basalt rocks and pearl
The sails of the ships rustle.

The swift-winged captains lead
Discoverers of new lands
For whom hurricanes are not afraid,
Who tasted the Malstroms and the stranded.

Whose is not the dust of lost charters -
The chest is soaked with the salt of the sea,
Who's a needle on a torn card
Celebrates her daring path

And, ascending to the fluttering bridge,
Remembers the abandoned port
Shaking off with the blows of the cane
Pieces of foam from high jackboots,

Or, finding a riot on board
Tears a pistol from his belt
So that gold is pouring from the lace,
With pinkish Brabant cuffs.

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You are now reading the verse of the Captain, the poet Nikolay Stepanovich Gumilev

N. Gumilyov from childhood dreamed of distant lands. Growing up, he realized his dream, the motives of travel appeared in his work long before the poet visited exotic countries. This article is devoted to a poem about sailors. They study it in the 5th grade. We invite you to familiarize yourself with brief analysis"Captains" according to plan.

Brief analysis

History of creation- the work was written in 1909 when the poet was visiting Maximilian Voloshin in Koktebel.

Poem theme- the life and adventures of seafarers.

Composition- "Captains" - a cycle of four poems, each of which is dedicated to a specific aspect of the life of sailors. Accordingly, the meaning of the poem is divided into four parts.

genre- elegy.

Poetic size- the first poem was written with a tricycle anapest, the second - with a four-legged amphibrachium, the third - with a three-legged chorea, the fourth - with a five-legged iambic; cross rhyme ABAB.

Metaphors"The chest is soaked with the salt of the sea", "the sea is mad", "what anesthesia the depth once gave birth to for you."

Epithets"Polar seas", "daring way", "fluttering bridge", "sharp, confident look", "multi-star".

Comparisons"Like death, his comrades are pale."

History of creation

The analyzed poem refers to early period creativity N. Gumilyov. The poet created it when he was visiting his friend Maximian Voloshinav in 1909. Eyewitnesses recalled that the cycle was written in several evenings. Apparently, the sea nature of Koktebel inspired Nikolai Stepanovich so much.

There is an opinion that "Captains" is a collective creation of several poets who visited Voloshin. This version was refuted by A. Tolstoy. He recalled how Gumilyov worked on poetry for several evenings in a row. He even locked himself in the room so that he would not be disturbed. After an intense creative process, Nikolai Stepanovich read poems to his friends.


In the poem, the author reveals the theme of sea travel, typical of the literature of the era of romanticism. In the center of the work is the image of a sailor. It is multi-faceted and multi-faceted, each piece of the cycle reveals its certain facet.

In the first part, a generalized image of the captain is created. It is brave, the strong man, who is always ready to challenge the sea elements and mark the "daring path" on the map.

The lyrical hero admires an experienced navigator who is not afraid of shoals and hurricanes. The captain is a true leader who quickly handles a riot on board. As soon as he pulls out the pistol, his team stops rebelling and begins to work harmoniously, storming the mad sea.

N. Gumilev devoted the second part to all travelers and discoverers. In it, he lists the names of the most famous sailors. He does not forget about a single generation of daredevils, even mentioning people "on the first raft." The poet is sure that these people are disgusted with their native lands, so they went in search of adventure.

The author tells about the stay of sailors on land in the third work of the cycle. It was created in the spirit of pirate novels. Having moored to the shore, the sailors hurry to taverns, where over a bottle of cider they talk about what they saw in distant lands. The festivities continue "from sunset to morning." Sailors, accustomed to freedom, are not averse to frolic outside the taverns. They start fights, sell monkeys to noble foreign women and play cards. The fun stops as soon as the conquerors of the seas hear the captain's shout.

The fourth part is based on the legend of the Flying Dutchman's Ship. According to legend, he has been surfing the sea for hundreds of years. At the helm of the ghost ship, the captain with a bloody hand, and the members of his crew are pale, "like death." The author is sure that the mysterious one indicates the path leading to the edge of the sea.


"Captains" is a cycle of four poems, each of which is dedicated to a specific aspect of the life of sailors. According to the meaning, the cycle is divided into four parts. Each part consists of quatrains.


The genre of the poem is an elegy, because the lyrical hero is drowning in dreams of captains. The products of the cycle differ in terms of poetic size: the first is written with tricycle anapest, the second - with four-legged amphibrachia, the third - with three-legged chorea, the fourth - with five-legged iambic. The text uses the ABAB cross rhyme.

Expression tools

To interpret the theme of travels and adventures of seafarers in an original way, N. Gumilev used means of expression. They also helped to create a composite image of a brave sailor. The text contains metaphors- “the chest is soaked with the salt of the sea”, “the sea is mad”, “what anesthesia the depth once gave birth to for you”; epithets- "polar seas", "daring way", "fluttering bridge", "sharp, confident look", "multi-star" and comparison- "like death, his comrades are pale."

Poem test

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In the polar seas and in the south,
On the curves of green swells,
Between basalt rocks and pearl
The sails of the ships rustle.

The swift-winged captains lead
Discoverers of new lands
For whom hurricanes are not afraid,
Who has tasted the Malstroms and the stranded,

Whose is not the dust of lost charters, -
The chest is soaked with the salt of the sea,
Who's a needle on a torn card
Celebrates her daring path

And, ascending to the fluttering bridge,
Remembers the abandoned port
Shaking off with the blows of the cane
Pieces of foam from high jackboots,

Or, finding a riot on board
Tears a pistol from his belt
So gold is pouring from the lace,
With pinkish Brabant cuffs.

Let the sea go mad and whip
The crests of the waves rose to the skies
Not a single one trembles before a thunderstorm,
Neither will fold the sails.

Are cowards given these hands,
This sharp, confident look
What can the enemy felucca know
Suddenly abandon the frigate

Marked by a bullet, sharp iron
Overtake giant whales
And take note of the multi-star in the night
Lighthouse safety lights?

All of you paladins of the Green Temple,
Over the cloudy sea, watching the rumb,
Gonzalvo and Cook, La Perouse and de Gama,
Dreamer and king, Genoese Columbus!

Gannon the Carthaginian, prince of Senegambia,
Sinbad the Sailor and the mighty Ulysses,
Your victories are thundered in praise
Gray shafts, running up the cape!

And you, royal dogs, filibusters,
Who kept gold in a dark port
Arab wanderers, faith seekers
And the first people on the first raft!

And everyone who dares, who wants, who seeks,
Who is disgusted with the country of the fathers,
Who boldly laughs, mockingly whistles,
Listening to the precepts of the gray-haired sages!

How strange, how sweet it is to enter your dreams
Your cherished whispering names,
And suddenly guess what kind of anesthesia
Once upon a time the depth gave birth to you!

And it seems - in the world, as before, there are countries,
Where no human foot has stepped,
Where giants live in sunny groves
And pearls shine in the transparent water.

Fragrant resins flow from the trees,
Patterned leaves babble: "Hurry,
Here bees are hovering in red gold,
Here roses are redder than the purple of kings! "

And dwarfs with birds argue for nests,
And the profile of the face of the girls is gentle ...
As if not all the stars are counted,
As if our world is not open to the end!

Only peers through the cliffs
Royal old fort,
Like funny sailors
Hurry to the familiar port.

There, grabbing cider in the tavern,
The talk is given by a chatty grandfather,
What to slay the sea hydra
Maybe a black crossbow.

Black ebony
And they guess, and they sing,
And the sweet smell rushes
From the dishes being prepared.

And in spattered taverns
From sunset to morning
Throwing a number of infidel decks
Curled sharper.

Well on the docks of the port
And loiter and lie
And with the soldiers from the fort
Start fights at night.

Or from noble foreign women
Boldly beg for two sous,
Sell ​​them monkeys
With a copper hoop in the nose.

And then turn pale with anger
Clamp the amulet in the floor
You are losing the dice
On the trampled floor.

But the call of the dope falls silent,
Drunken words incoherent years,
Only the captain's mouthpiece
Will call them to sail.

But there are other areas in the world
By the moon of agonizing languor.
For higher power, higher valor
They are forever unattainable.

There are waves with glitters and splashes
Incessant dance
And there it flies in sharp jumps
The Flying Dutchman's ship.

Neither reef nor stranded he will meet,
But, a sign of sadness and misfortune,
The lights of Saint Elmo are glowing
Dotting his side and tackle.

The captain himself, gliding over the abyss,
He holds the hat with his hand,
Bloody but iron
It clings to the steering wheel - in a different way.

As death, his comrades are pale,
Everyone has the same thought.
This is how corpses look at a conflagration,
Inexpressible and sullen.

And if the hour is transparent, morning
Swimmers in the seas met him,
They were always tormented by an inner voice
Blind foreshadowing of sorrow

A band of violent and warlike
There are so many stories
But the worst and the most mysterious of all
For the brave sea lovers -

That somewhere there is a suburb -
There, beyond the Tropic of Capricorn! -
Where is the captain with the face of Cain
It was a terrible road.

Analysis of the poem "Captains" by Gumilyov

Nikolai Gumilyov from his youth dreamed of distant countries and sea travel. Later, having already matured, he made several scientific expeditions. However, the cycle of poems "Captains" appeared much earlier.

History of creation

The cycle consists of four poems, which were written by the author in 1909, when he was visiting in Koktebel. There is a version that the works were created by a group of poets. However, according to the memoirs of Alexei Tolstoy, Gumilyov closed in his room for several evenings in a row and worked on the cycle. And only then he read poetry to the guests.


The poems reveal the theme of travel by sea, which is typical for the era of romanticism. In the center is the multifaceted image of a sailor. And in each work it is revealed from different sides.

The first part describes the ideal captain in the eyes of the author. This is a fearless and strong man who challenges the sea elements and marks "his daring path" on the map. Such a navigator arouses admiration in the lyrical hero. After all, he is the undisputed leader, he is not afraid of storms and hurricanes and can easily cope with the riot of sailors.

The second poem is dedicated to travelers and sailors. Gumilev mentions some names: these are the discoverers of the 14-18 centuries, ancient colonizers and even mythical and fairy-tale characters. But in the center of the poet's attention are unknown heroes: pirates, people who were looking for faith, as well as those who first sailed not on a ship, but on a raft. But all these persons belonging to different eras are united by common features: rejection of traditions and gray everyday life. At the same time, the lyrical hero talks about the fact that there are lands in the world that have not been discovered until now. And this thought plunges the author into romantic dreams.

But no matter how long the journey lasts, the sailors return to their home port. And this is the subject of the third part of the cycle. Once on land, sailors rush to taverns to tell their stories about distant lands over a bottle of cider. They are accustomed to freedom and therefore take everything from this respite: they participate in fights, play cards and sell monkeys to noble women. But as soon as the captain's mouthpiece is heard, they abandon their entertainment and go aboard again.

The fourth part is based on the legend of the ghost ship, the Flying Dutchman. According to legend, this is a harbinger of death for every sailor who sees him at sea. But Gumilyov has his own interpretation of this myth. The author believes that the ship points the way to the edge of the world. And the one who dares to follow it will learn all the secrets of the universe. Even if you have to pay for it with your own life.

Thus, Nikolai Gumilyov's cycle "Captains" is four poems that open for readers different aspects of the life of sailors. And their main idea is to admire the images of captains and sailors, the author's desire to repeat their fate and survive amazing Adventures that can only happen in distant countries.

Nikolay Stepanovich Gumilyov


In the polar seas and in the south,
On the curves of green swells,
Between basalt rocks and pearl
The sails of the ships rustle.

The swift-winged captains lead
Discoverers of new lands
For whom hurricanes are not afraid,
Who has tasted the Malstroms and the stranded,

Whose is not the dust of lost charters, -
The chest is soaked with the salt of the sea,
Who's a needle on a torn card
Celebrates her daring path

And, ascending to the fluttering bridge,
Remembers the abandoned port
Shaking off with the blows of the cane
Pieces of foam from high jackboots,

Or, finding a riot on board
Tears a pistol from his belt
So gold is pouring from the lace,
With pinkish Brabant cuffs.

Let the sea go mad and whip
The crests of the waves rose to the skies
Not a single one trembles before a thunderstorm,
Neither will fold the sails.

Are cowards given these hands,
This sharp, confident look
What can the enemy felucca know
Suddenly abandon the frigate

Marked by a bullet, sharp iron
Overtake giant whales
And take note of the multi-star in the night
Lighthouse safety lights?


All of you paladins of the Green Temple,
Over the cloudy sea, watching the rumb,
Gonzalvo and Cook, La Perouse and de Gama,
Dreamer and king, Genoese Columbus!

Gannon the Carthaginian, prince of Senegambia,
Sinbad the Sailor and the mighty Ulysses,
Your victories are thundered in praise
Gray shafts, running up the cape!

And you royal dogs, filibusters,
Who kept gold in a dark port
Arab wanderers, faith seekers
And the first people on the first raft!

And everyone who dares, who wants, who seeks,
Who is disgusted with the country of the fathers,
Who boldly laughs, mockingly whistles,
Listening to the precepts of the gray-haired sages!

How strange, how sweet it is to enter your dreams
Your cherished whispering names,
And suddenly guess what kind of anesthesia
Once upon a time the depth gave birth to you!

And it seems - in the world, as before, there are countries,
Where no human foot has stepped,
Where giants live in sunny groves
And pearls shine in the transparent water.

Fragrant resins flow from the trees,
Patterned leaves babble: "Hurry,
Here bees are hovering in red gold,
Here roses are redder than the purple of kings! "

And dwarfs with birds argue for nests,
And the profile of the face of the girls is gentle ...
As if not all the stars are counted,
As if our world is not open to the end!


Only peers through the cliffs
Royal old fort,
Like funny sailors
Hurry to the familiar port.

There, grabbing cider in the tavern,
The talk is given by a chatty grandfather,
What to slay the sea hydra
Maybe a black crossbow.

Black ebony
And they guess, and they sing,
And the sweet smell rushes
From the dishes being prepared.

And in spattered taverns
From sunset to morning
Throwing a number of infidel decks
Curled sharper.

Well on the docks of the port
And loiter and lie
And with the soldiers from the fort
Start fights at night.

Or from noble foreign women
Boldly beg for two sous,
Sell ​​them monkeys
With a copper hoop in the nose.

And then turn pale with anger
Clamp the amulet in the floor
You are losing the dice
On the trampled floor.

But the call of the dope falls silent,
Drunken words incoherent years,
Only the captain's mouthpiece
Will call them to sail.


But there are other areas in the world
By the moon of agonizing languor.
For higher power, higher valor
They are forever unattainable.

There are waves with glitters and splashes
Incessant dance
And there it flies in sharp jumps
The Flying Dutchman's ship.

Neither reef nor stranded he will meet,
But, a sign of sadness and misfortune,
The lights of Saint Elmo are glowing
Dotting his side and tackle.

The captain himself, gliding over the abyss,
He holds the hat with his hand,
Bloody but iron
It clings to the steering wheel - in a different way.

As death, his comrades are pale,
Everyone has the same thought.
This is how corpses look at a conflagration,
Inexpressible and sullen.

And if the hour is transparent, morning
Swimmers in the seas met him,
They were always tormented by an inner voice
Blind foreshadowing of sorrow

A band of violent and warlike
There are so many stories
But the worst and the most mysterious of all
For the brave sea lovers -

That somewhere there is a suburb -
There, beyond the Tropic of Capricorn! -
Where is the captain with the face of Cain
It was a terrible road.

Nikolai Gumilyov was a romantic at heart and dreamed of distant countries. He managed to carry out his plan and visit several scientific expeditions... But a few years before his travels, he created a small cycle of poems called "Captains", in which notes of nostalgia are clearly traced. Having read books about the life of sailors, the young poet was ready to escape from the gray reality to the ends of the earth in order to only feel the taste of salt on his lips and experience a comparable feeling of freedom.

The cycle "Captains" was created in the summer of 1909, when Nikolai Gumilyov was visiting Maximilian Voloshin in Koktebel.

Maximilian Voloshin

There is a version that it was written together with a group of poets who discussed each line. However, according to the memoirs of Alexei Tolstoy, the poet locked himself in his room for several days in a row, working on "Captains", and only after that he presented his poems to the court of his friends.

The cycle consists of four pieces, which are united by a common idea of ​​romance and travel. In the first of his poems, Gumilev admires how "the sails of ships rustle between the basalt rocks and pearl rocks." The image of the "discoverers of new lands" is so dear to the poet that he mentally travels with them and in his own fantasies experiences all the trials that his heroes go through. Paving the way on the map, suppressing a ship riot, meeting pirates and a survival school during a storm - all these components of marine life inspire the author and make him dream of exploits. The courage of people who fight the sea element every day cannot leave Gumilyov indifferent. “Are cowards given these hands, this sharp, confident look?” The poet asks.

The second poem of the cycle is a hymn to discoverers and pirates who cannot imagine a quiet life on land. They are attracted by danger and the need to constantly take risks in order to achieve their own goals. “How strange, how sweet it is to enter your dreams, your cherished whispering names,” the author notes. It seems to him that "in the world, as before, there are countries where no human foot has stepped." And it is himself that Gumilyov sees as the person who will someday make a new discovery and visit the place where “roses are redder than the purple of kings”.

However, no matter how attracted the sailors to new countries, sooner or later they return to their native port, filled with new impressions. And the third poem of the “Captains” cycle is dedicated to the meeting with the homeland. The land gives them what they were deprived of in their wanderings. Women, pubs, playing cards and dice, trying to find out their fate from a fortune teller ... But when “the call of the dope dies down,” each sailor remembers his true destiny. And then for him there is nothing more important than the "mouthpiece of the captain", which again calls to sail.

The final poem of the cycle is dedicated to marine legends and mysteries, one of which is the story of the Flying Dutchman - a ghost ship. He is a symbol of death and portends it to everyone who encounters this ghost at sea. The author has no answer to the question of where this ship came from, and what goals it pursues. But one thing is obvious - the legend of the Flying Dutchman is the most terrible, and because of this it is even more attractive in the eyes of every true sailor. True, Gumilev nevertheless gives his own interpretation of such a myth, noting that a ghost ship shows everyone the way to the edge of the world. There, "where the captain with the face of Cain lay a terrible road." It leads only in one direction, but the one who dares to follow it to the end will be able to learn the secrets of the universe, although he will pay for it with his own life. And the poet is convinced that every captain in his life comes a moment when he dreams of meeting the Flying Dutchman on the vast expanses.

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