Royal weddings: King Mohammed VI of Morocco and Lalla Salma Bennani. Biography Modern Sultan of Morocco Mohammed the Sixth

The current king of Morocco was born on August 21, 1963. Muhammad the Sixth became ruler on August 21, 1999 after the death of his father. He belongs to the royal Alawite dynasty, whose reign began with Muhammad the Sixth, is the 18th reigning monarch, the 22nd descendant of this dynasty and the 36th

King of Morocco: childhood

When Muhammad VI was 4 years old, he began to study at a special Koranic school located at the Sultan's court. In 1981 he received his bachelor's degree. Then Mohammed VI begins his studies at Rabbata University, where he studies economics and jurisprudence. Then the king of Morocco continues his studies - but now on the territory of Europe. In 1993 he successfully defended his thesis on cooperation between Europe and the Maghreb. In addition to the native Arabic, Muhammad VI is fluent in French, English and Spanish. In 1985, he was first appointed to a high political position - the position of the coordinator of the armed forces. In 1994, Muhammad VI was awarded the rank of general.

Many of those who are personally acquainted with the king note his modest and reserved character. The king of Morocco loves to play golf. However, despite his passion for sports, he is a heavy smoker. The Moroccan people love their king very much.

What was the king's predecessor?

Hassan II, who ruled before King Muhammad ascended the throne, was one of the richest men on earth. After his death, 20 accounts in European banks were found. Great amount Money was invested in expensive real estate abroad. The late Hassan II owned about twenty palaces. Most of them Hassan II never visited, although their decoration was maintained in such a state that the king should appear from minute to minute. For example, not far from Paris is the palace of King Hassan II of Morocco, near which a magnificent park stretches over 400 hectares. But he never came there.

State of the country at the beginning of the reign

When the new king of Morocco ascended the throne, he had to learn how to manage an impressive legacy. The population of the country was about 30 million people. More than half of them could not read and write, one fifth were unemployed. But the two hundred thousandth army worked well. However, many problems remained from the previous king. Monarch Hassan II did not complete the reform of the country, left a large external debt, and the conflict with the Sahara also remained open. Another acute problem in Morocco was the observance of human rights and freedoms.

Transformations of the new ruler

When King Mohammed VI of Morocco ascended the throne, he carried out many reforms. First of all, political prisoners (the king spent it, without even waiting for the end of the forty-day period of mourning after the death of Hassan). The sentences for forty thousand prisoners were reduced. However, even more decisive actions were expected from the new king. Therefore, his first transformation was the dismissal of Hasan II's closest aide, Dris Basri, who had served as Minister of the Interior for more than two decades. The Moroccans are sure that this act of King Mohammed II is one of the best during the first period of his reign of the country.

The peculiarity of the reign of Muhammad is that it is he who gives the main orders, in contrast to the reign of Hasan II, when the prime minister did it. According to Moroccan law, the king can dismiss the entire government at any moment. However, Mohammed VI does not do this, thereby continuing a unique experiment in which a monarch and a center-left government coexist in a state at the same time.

Lalla Selma - the king's wife

Mohammed II married a girl from a simple family named Lalla Selma. The wedding took place on July 12, 2002. Lalla is the first queen whose face is not hidden under the veil. The wife of Muhammad II has a good education- after graduating from the lyceum, she received a bachelor's degree in mathematics. And after graduating High school computer science, Lalla started working as an engineer information systems in one of the largest corporations in the country. In 2003, the royal couple had their first child - a son named Moulay Hassan. In 2007, they had a baby girl, Lalla Khadija.

Lalla Selma is the first common girl to be granted queen status. This speaks of the high trust of Muhammad II in his wife. Before her, the spouses of Moroccan monarchs were never allowed to leave the country on their own. In June 2006, Lalla took part in the UN AIDS Assembly.

Visiting Russia

In mid-March 2016, the King of Morocco visited Moscow. President Vladimir Putin held talks in the Kremlin. They were devoted to various political issues, as well as the problem of reducing the supply of fruits and vegetables. Despite the fact that the delegation did not include the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Agriculture of Morocco was present, with whom there was a good opportunity to discuss issues of food supplies.

King Mohammed VI of Morocco became the first monarch in his country's history to break a long tradition and publicly announced his desire to marry 24-year-old Lalla Salma Bennani, a computer engineer. For centuries, Moroccan kings, including the groom's father, King Hassan II, hid the fact of their marriage and often even the name of their chosen one. This information was equated to state secrets and queens have never played a prominent role in governing the country. The Moroccan monarchy has always been patriarchal, and the wife of the ruler was often called simply "the mother of royal children."

King Mohammed VI announced his engagement in October 2001. It was a significant event in the life of the country, and Al Jazeera TV reported that Mohammed VI became the first reigning monarch of Morocco to take such a step. At the same time, and also for the first time in the history of the country, the name of the royal bride was announced, and the public was able to see a photograph of a gorgeous woman with red wavy hair falling over her shoulders. The wedding itself took place in 2002.

Bennani, the daughter of a simple school teacher, came from a simple but respected family. She lived in the city of Fez, the center of the country's spiritual life. They say that it was love at first sight. The king met his bride-to-be at a party in 1999. Bennani worked for ONA Group, which did business in a wide variety of areas. international business... A significant percentage of royal assets were invested in this company. From the very beginning, Lalla Salma established certain rules and, making sure that the king was ready to accept them, agreed to his courtship. Monogamous marriage was one of the main conditions. The fact is that most Moroccan monarchs, including King Hassan II, had two wives. The Morocco Today newspaper described Bennani as a woman "who represents a new generation of Moroccans who preserve traditional values ​​while being open to other cultures."

Bennani, like Jordan's Queen Rania and Prince William's fiancée Kate Middleton, quickly became a trendsetter in her country. As soon as the engagement was announced, Moroccan women began to dye their hair red.

Among the wedding celebrations, there were two main events. First, the wedding ceremony itself, which took place in the palace in March 2002. And secondly, the national celebrations on this occasion, which took place in July. They were originally scheduled for April, but were postponed by a special royal decree due to the escalating conflict in the Middle East.

The bride's face was completely covered in accordance with Muslim traditions, but the king allowed his people to greet their educated queen and take part in a three-day celebration that followed the closed wedding ceremony.

Among Lalla Salma's many wedding vestments was a traditional Moroccan white dress with gold embroidery. The bride wore a diamond tiara on her head, and long luxurious earrings in her ears.

The July celebrations took place on an unprecedented scale. In the park in front of the royal palace, performances were held, national music was played, and dancers performed traditional Moroccan dances. Festivities attracted to Morocco a large number of dignitaries, including former US President Bill Clinton and his daughter Chelsea.

Princess Lalla Salma became a symbol of modernization for her country, which her husband, not always successfully, tried to carry out. Much to her, the female population owes the reforms of 2004, which expanded the rights of women in Morocco. The couple have two children: Crown Prince Moulay Hassan, 7, and Princess Lalla Khadija, 4.

Ekaterina Repeshko

: incorrect or missing image

Muhammad VI bin al Hasan(Arab. الملك محمد السادس للمغرب , P. August 21, Rabat) - King of Morocco since 1999, Marshal and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Kingdom of Morocco (July 30, 1999).


Muhammad is the eldest son and second child of King Hassan II and his wife Lalla Latifa Hammu from a noble Berber family. Until 1999, Muhammad was a prince, and on July 23, 1999, he was crowned on July 30, 1999.

Muhammad is the 23rd monarch (3rd king) of the Alawite dynasty, who have ruled Morocco since 1666.

Country leadership

In 2005, Mohammed VI announced a program for the development of human potential in the country, primarily in the form of poverty alleviation. Initially, the program was allocated 13 billion dirhams for 5 years (2006-2010), the program affected about 5 million Moroccans (including the creation of 40,000 new jobs). Considering successes achieved, it was decided to extend the program until 2015 with an increase in its funding.

In 2007, the king appointed former political prisoner Ahmed Herzenni as head of the Human Rights Advisory Council (HRC). He was entrusted with a large-scale program in the field of informing citizens on this topic and the rehabilitation of victims of political repression.

In 2011, on the initiative of King Mohammed VI, a constitutional reform was carried out, according to which the powers of the parliament and the prime minister of the country were expanded, the independence of the judiciary, the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens were guaranteed. Berber became an official language along with Arabic. Also, the Basic Law of the country includes provisions for expanding local government, social issues and the fight against corruption.

Contacts with the Russian leadership


Morocco awards
Country Delivery date Reward Letters
Denmark Denmark - Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Dennebrog S.K.
Portugal Portugal - Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. Benedict of Aviss GCCA
Spain Spain June 2, 1979 - Commander of the Order of the Chain of Civil Merit
United Kingdom United Kingdom October 27, 1980 Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order GCVO
Tunisia Tunisia August 1987- Chevalier of the Order of the Republic
Italy Italy April 11, 2000- Knight Grand Cross decorated with ribbon Order of Merit for the Italian Republic
March 18, 1997 - April 11, 2000 Knight Grand Cross
Jordan jordan March 2000- Chevalier of the chain of Hussein ibn Ali
Mauritania Mauritania April 2000- Chevalier of the Grand Ribbon of the National Order of Merit
Tunisia Tunisia May 2000- Chevalier of the Chain of the Order 7 November 1987
Mali Mali June 14, 2000- Chevalier of the Chain of the National Order of Mali
France France March 19, 2000- Knight Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor
Spain Spain September 16, 2000- Knight of the Order of the Order of Isabella the Catholic
Syria Syria April 9, 2001- Cavalier of the Umayyad Order 1st Class
Lebanon Lebanon June 13, 2001- Commander of the Special Degree of the Order of Merit
Bahrain Bahrain July 28, 2001- Knight Commander of the Grand Chain of the Order of Al-Khalifa
Kuwait Kuwait October 22, 2002- Chevalier of the Order of Mubarak the Great
Qatar Qatar October 25, 2002-
Egypt egypt October 28, 2002- Knight of the Chain of the Nile
Pakistan Pakistan July 19, 2003- Commander of the Order of Nishan-e-Pakistan
Cameroon Cameroon June 17, 2004- Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Valor
Gabon Gabon June 21, 2004- Knight Grand Cross Order of the Equatorial Star
July 7, 1977 - June 21, 2004 Cavalier
Nigeria Nigeria June 24, 2004- Knight Grand Cross of the National Order of the Niger
Belgium Belgium October 5, 2004- Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Leopold I
Brazil brazil November 26, 2004- Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Southern Cross
Peru Peru December 1, 2004- Congress Medal of Honor
Chile Chile December 3, 2004- Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Bernardo O'Higgins
Argentina Argentina December 7, 2004- Commander of the Order of the Liberator of San Martin
Spain Spain January 14, 2005- Cavalier of the chain Order of Carlos III
June 23, 1986 - January 14, 2005 Knight Grand Cross
Mexico mexico February 11, 2005- Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Aztec Eagle
Burkina Faso Burkina Faso March 1, 2005- Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Burkina Faso
Japan japan November 28, 2005- Cavalier of the chain Order of the Chrysanthemum
March 7, 1987 - November 28, 2005 Cavalier of the Big Ribbon
Gambia Gambia February 20, 2006- Grand Commander of the Order of the Republic of the Gambia
Republic of the Congo Republic of the Congo February 22, 2006- Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Merit
Democratic Republic of the Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo February 28, 2006- Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the National Heroes of Kabila and Lumumba
Latvia Latvia May 14, 2007- Commander of the Chain of the Order of the Three Stars
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia May 18, 2007- Knight of the chain of the Order of Abdel Aziz al-Saud
Equatorial Guinea Equatorial Guinea April 17, 2009- Chevalier of the Order of Independence

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Excerpt from Muhammad VI

“Ah, here she is,” said Ilya Andreevich, seeing Natasha come in. - Well, sit down with me. - But Natasha stopped beside her mother, looking around, as if she was looking for something.
- Mama! She said. “Give it to me, give it to me, mom, rather, rather,” and again she could hardly restrain her sobs.
She sat down at the table and listened to the conversations between the elders and Nikolai, who also came to the table. "My God, my God, the same faces, the same conversations, the same dad holds a cup and blows the same way!" thought Natasha, feeling with horror the disgust that arose in her against all her household because they were all the same.
After tea Nikolai, Sonya and Natasha went to the sofa room, to their favorite corner, where their most intimate conversations always began.

“It happens to you,” Natasha said to her brother when they sat down in the sofa room, “it happens to you that it seems to you that nothing will happen - nothing; that all that is good has been? And not that boring, but sad?
- And how! - he said. - It happened to me that everything is fine, everyone is cheerful, but it would occur to me that all this is already tired and that everyone needs to die. Once I didn’t go for a walk in the regiment, and there was music playing ... and so I suddenly became bored ...
“Oh, I know that. I know, I know, ”Natasha said. - I was still little, so it happened to me. Do you remember, since I was punished for plums and you all danced, and I sat in the classroom and sobbed, I will never forget: I was sad and sorry for everyone, and myself, and everyone felt sorry for everyone. And, most importantly, I was not to blame, "said Natasha," do you remember?
“I remember,” said Nikolai. - I remember that I came to you later and I wanted to comfort you and, you know, I was ashamed. We were awfully funny. I then had a dummy toy and I wanted to give it to you. Do you remember?
“Do you remember,” Natasha said with a wistful smile, how long, long ago, we were still quite small, uncle called us into his study, still in the old house, and it was dark - we came and suddenly it was standing there ...
- Arap, - Nikolai finished with a joyful smile, - how can you not remember? Even now I don’t know that it was an arap, or we saw it in a dream, or we were told.
- He was gray, remember, and white teeth - he stands and looks at us ...
- Do you remember, Sonya? - asked Nikolay ...
- Yes, yes, I also remember something, - Sonya answered timidly ...
“I asked my dad and my mom about this little black guy,” Natasha said. - They say that there was no arap. But you remember!
- How, how now I remember his teeth.
- How strange it is, as if it were in a dream. I like it.
- Do you remember how we rolled eggs in the hall and suddenly two old women, and began to spin on the carpet. Was it, or not? Do you remember how good it was?
- Yes. Do you remember how papa in a blue fur coat on the porch fired a gun. - They smiled with delight in recollections, not sad senile, but poetic youthful recollections, those impressions from the most distant past, where a dream merges with reality, and quietly laughed, rejoicing at something.
Sonya, as always, lagged behind them, although their memories were common.
Sonya did not remember much of what they remembered, and what she remembered did not arouse in her the poetic feeling that they experienced. She only enjoyed their joy, trying to imitate it.
She took part only when they remembered Sonya's first visit. Sonya told how she was afraid of Nikolai, because he had strings on his jacket, and the nanny told her that they would sew her into strings too.
- And I remember: I was told that you were born under a cabbage, - said Natasha, - and I remember that I did not dare not to believe then, but I knew that it was not true, and I was so embarrassed.
During this conversation, the maid's head stuck out of the back door of the sofa. “Young lady, the cock has been brought in,” the girl said in a whisper.
“Don’t, Fields, take them,” Natasha said.
In the middle of the conversation in the couch, Dimmler entered the room and walked over to the harp in the corner. He took off the cloth, and the harp made a false sound.
- Eduard Karlich, please play my beloved Nocturiene Monsieur Field, - said the voice of the old countess from the living room.
Dimmler took a chord and, turning to Natasha, Nikolai and Sonya, said: - Youth, how quietly they sit!
- Yes, we are philosophizing, - said Natasha, looking around for a minute, and continued the conversation. The conversation was now about dreams.
Dimmler started playing. Natasha quietly, on tiptoe, went up to the table, took the candle, carried it out and, returning, quietly sat down in her place. It was dark in the room, especially on the sofa on which they were sitting, but through the large windows the silver light of a full moon fell on the floor.
`` You know, I think, '' Natasha said in a whisper, moving towards Nikolai and Sonya, when Dimmler had already finished and was sitting, weakly twisting the strings, apparently indecisively to leave, or to start something new, `` that when you remember that, you remember, you remember everything , you remember so much that you remember what happened before I was in the world ...
“This is metampsikova,” said Sonya, who always studied well and remembered everything. - The Egyptians believed that our souls were in animals and will again go to animals.
“No, you know, I don’t believe it, that we were in animals,” Natasha said in the same whisper, although the music ended, “and I know for certain that we were angels somewhere and here we were, and from this we remember everything ...
- May I join you? - said Dimmler quietly approached and sat down next to them.
- If we were angels, why did we get lower? - said Nikolay. - No, it can't be!
“Not lower, who told you that lower?… Why do I know what I was before,” Natasha objected with conviction. - After all, the soul is immortal ... therefore, if I live forever, this is how I lived before, lived for an eternity.
“Yes, but it's hard for us to imagine eternity,” said Dimmler, who approached the young people with a mild contemptuous smile, but now spoke as quietly and seriously as they did.
- Why is it difficult to imagine eternity? - said Natasha. - Today will be, tomorrow will be, always will be and yesterday was and the day before was ...
- Natasha! now it's your turn. Sing me something, ”came the countess's voice. - That you sat down like conspirators.
- Mama! I don’t want to, ”Natasha said, but at the same time she got up.
All of them, even the middle-aged Dimmler, did not want to interrupt the conversation and leave the corner of the sofa, but Natasha got up and Nikolai sat down at the clavichord. As always, standing in the middle of the hall and choosing the most advantageous place for the resonance, Natasha began to sing her mother's favorite piece.
She said that she did not want to sing, but she had not sung for a long time before, and for a long time after, as she sang that evening. Count Ilya Andreich from the office where he talked with Mitinka, heard her singing, and like a student in a hurry to go to play, finishing the lesson, he got confused in words, giving orders to the manager and finally fell silent, and Mitinka, also listening, silently with a smile, stood in front of graph. Nikolai did not take his eyes off his sister, and took his breath with her. Sonia, listening, thought about what a huge difference there was between her and her friend and how impossible it was for her to be in any way as charming as her cousin. The old countess sat with a happily sad smile and tears in her eyes, occasionally shaking her head. She thought about Natasha, and about her youth, and about how something unnatural and terrible is in this upcoming marriage between Natasha and Prince Andrey.
Dimmler sat down next to the Countess and closed his eyes, listening.
“No, Countess,” he said at last, “this is a European talent, she has nothing to learn, this softness, tenderness, strength ...
- Ah! how afraid I am for her, how afraid I am, ”said the Countess, not remembering who she was talking to. Her maternal instinct told her that something was too much in Natasha, and that she would not be happy about it. Natasha had not yet finished singing when an enthusiastic fourteen-year-old Petya ran into the room with the news that the mummers had arrived.
Natasha suddenly stopped.
- Fool! - She shouted at her brother, ran to the chair, fell on him and sobbed so that for a long time then she could not stop.
“Nothing, mamma, really nothing, so: Petya frightened me,” she said, trying to smile, but her tears kept flowing and sobs squeezed her throat.
Dressed courtyards, bears, Turks, innkeepers, ladies, terrible and ridiculous, bringing with them coldness and merriment, at first shyly huddled in the hall; then, hiding one behind the other, they were forced out into the hall; and at first shyly, and then more and more merrily and more amicably songs, dances, choral and Christmas-time games began. The Countess, recognizing the faces and laughing at the dressed up, went into the living room. Count Ilya Andreich was sitting in the hall with a beaming smile, approving of the players. The youth disappeared somewhere.
Half an hour later, in the hall between the other mummers, an old lady in tansas appeared - it was Nikolai. Petya was a Turkish woman. Payas - it was Dimmler, the hussar - Natasha and the Circassian - Sonya, with a painted cork mustache and eyebrows.
After condescending surprise, unrecognition and praise from those who were not dressed up, the young people found that the costumes were so good that they had to be shown to someone else.
Nikolai, who wanted to drive everyone along an excellent road in his troika, suggested, taking with him ten dressed-up men from the courtyard, to go to his uncle.
- No, why are you upsetting him, the old man! - said the countess, - and he has nowhere to turn. Already go, so to the Melyukovs.
Melyukova was a widow with children of various ages, also with governesses and governors, who lived four miles from the Rostovs.
- Here, ma chere, cleverly, - the old count, stirring up, picked up. - Let's dress up now and go with you. I'll stir up Pasheta.
But the countess did not agree to let the count go: his leg ached all these days. They decided that Ilya Andreevich was not allowed to go, and that if Louise Ivanovna (m me Schoss) went, then the young ladies could go to Melukova's. Sonya, always timid and shy, most urgently began to beg Louisa Ivanovna not to refuse them.
Sonya's outfit was the best. Her mustache and eyebrows went extraordinarily towards her. Everyone told her that she was very good, and she was in a lively energetic mood unusual for her. Some inner voice told her that now or never her fate would be decided, and in her man's dress she seemed a completely different person. Louise Ivanovna agreed, and half an hour later four troikas with bells and bells, screeching and whistling undercuts through the frosty snow, drove up to the porch.
Natasha was the first to give the tone of Christmas fun, and this fun, reflecting from one to another, intensified more and more and came to the highest degree at the time when everyone went out into the cold, and talking, calling, laughing and shouting, sat down in the sleigh.
Two triplets were accelerating, the third was an old count's troika with an Oryol trotter at the root; Nicholas's fourth, with his short, black, shaggy root. Nicholas, in his old lady's attire, on which he put on a hussar, belted cloak, stood in the middle of his sleigh, picking up the reins.
It was so bright that he saw the plaques gleaming in the monthly light and the eyes of the horses, looking fearfully at the riders rustling under the dark canopy of the entrance.
Natasha, Sonya, m me Schoss and two girls sat in Nikolay's sleigh. In the sleigh of the old count sat Dimmler with his wife and Petya; the rest were filled with dressed-up courtyards.
- Let's go ahead, Zakhar! - Nikolay shouted to the coachman of his father, in order to have a chance to overtake him on the road.
The three of the old count, in which Dimmler and other mummers sat, screeching with runners, as if freezing to the snow, and rattling with a thick bell, moved forward. The guards huddled on the shafts and got stuck, turning hard and shiny snow like sugar.
Nikolai set off after the first three; the others rustled and screamed from behind. At first we rode at a small trot along a narrow road. As we drove past the garden, the shadows from the bare trees often lay across the road and hid the bright light of the moon, but as soon as we drove beyond the fence, a diamond-shining, with a bluish gleam, a snowy plain, all bathed in monthly radiance and motionless, opened on all sides. Once, once, he pushed a bump in the front sleigh; the next sleigh pushed in the same way, and the next, and, boldly breaking the chained silence, one after another the sleigh began to stretch out.
- Trail of a hare, many tracks! - Natasha's voice sounded in the frosty, constrained air.
- Apparently, Nicolas! - said the voice of Sonya. - Nikolay looked back at Sonya and bent down to look closer at her face. Something completely new, sweet, face, with black eyebrows and mustache, in the moonlight, near and far, peeked out of the sables.
“That was Sonya before,” thought Nikolai. He looked at her closer and smiled.
- What are you, Nicolas?
“Nothing,” he said, and turned back to the horses.
Having driven out onto the torny, high road, oiled by runners and all cut by the traces of thorns visible in the light of the month, the horses began to pull the reins of their own accord and add speed. The left attachment, bending her head, twitched its strings in leaps and bounds. Root swayed, waving his ears, as if asking: "Should I start or is it too early?" - Ahead, already far apart and ringing a receding thick bell, Zakhar's black troika was clearly visible on the white snow. From his sleigh could be heard shouting and laughter and the voices of the dressed up.
- Well, you, dear ones, - Nikolay shouted, tugging on the reins on one side and withdrawing his hand with the whip. And only by the wind, which seemed to intensify in a head-on, and by the twitching of the fasteners, which were tightening and adding all the speed, it was noticeable how quickly the troika flew. Nikolai looked back. With a shout and squeal, waving whips and making the indigenous people jump, the other troikas kept up. The root staunchly swayed under the arc, not thinking of knocking down and promising to pump more and more when needed.
Nikolai caught up with the top three. They drove down from some mountain, drove onto a wide-traveled road through a meadow near the river.
"Where are we going?" thought Nikolay. - “There should be a slanting meadow. But no, this is something new that I have never seen. This is not a slanting meadow or Demkina Mountain, but God knows what it is! This is something new and magical. Well, whatever it is! " And he, shouting to the horses, began to go around the first three.
Zakhar restrained the horses and wrapped his face, which was already frosty to the eyebrows.

The new king of Morocco, Mohammed the Sixth, ascended the throne on July 30, 1999 after the death of his father, Hassan II. According to rumors spread by a number of Western media outlets, the proclamation ceremony took place with some delay, since the young monarch supposedly had to urgently ... get married. The fact is that, according to the tradition of the court, only a married heir to the throne can become king.

The Moroccan authorities have officially denied such rumors, saying that they are "a falsification aimed at undermining the authority of the ruling dynasty and the new sovereign." Indeed, it is hard to believe that a wedding could have taken place during 40 days of mourning.


In 1999, Muhammad the Sixth turned 36 years old. At the age of four, he began his studies at the Koranic school at the royal palace. In 1981, after completing his secondary education, he received a bachelor's degree. Then he studied at the Rabbat University named after Muhammad the Fifth at the Faculty of Law, Economics

and social sciences majoring in jurisprudence. Later he continued his education in France, where in 1993 he defended his thesis on cooperation between the European Union and the Maghreb countries. In addition to his native Arabic, he is fluent in French, English and Spanish... In 1985, the future

the king was appointed to the post of bureau and services coordinator of the general staff of the Moroccan armed forces. In 1994 he was awarded military rank"divisional general". Muhammad the Sixth, in the opinion of people who know him, is a very modest and cautious person. Lover of golf and "bodybuilding". but

Despite his passion for sports, he is a heavy smoker. The new monarch belongs to the Alawite dynasty, which has ruled Morocco since 1666, being the supreme spiritual authority - an intermediary between the Most High and the faithful. The ancestors of the Alawites came from the Hejaz in 1266 and consider themselves the descendants of the Prophet

the eye of Muhammad through his daughter Fatima. They settled in one of the large oases of Tafilalet (southeast of the country beyond the Atlas Range) and for hundreds of years led a modest and secluded life, distinguished by great piety, universal respect and veneration. At the beginning of the 12th century, the Alawites entered the political struggle

bu. The founder of the dynasty was Moulay ar-Rashid in 1640. The late father of the new monarch was the 17th king of Morocco, was considered the 21st descendant of this dynasty and the 35th descendant of the Prophet Muhammad. The current king's grandmother was a Berber princess whom his grandfather, Sultan Mohammed bin Yus, married in 1926

uf. Hasan II ruled the kingdom for 38 years. In the Arab world, the king of Jordan, Hussein, who sat on the throne for almost half a century, surpassed him with political longevity (although he died six months earlier). All the levers of power were concentrated in the hands of the Moroccan monarch: the head of state, the supreme chief

commander and religious leader of the Sunni Muslims. During the years of his reign, he created a repressive system that permeated the entire society. Surveillance, prisons, torture, expulsion of dissidents - were common under Hasan. In a remote Sahara region of the country, in Tazmamart, a huge prison was built

a complex where political prisoners languished in hard labor. Realizing that he was seriously ill, Hassan has been actively preparing for the transfer of power to his eldest son Sidi Mohammed for the last two years. Having transferred power, he wanted to be sure that political stability and the system he created were ruled

I will run smoothly without it. In a word, I wanted to insure the heir to the throne. Alas, the king was not able to see how the government model works without its creator. Hasan II passed away on July 23, 1999, a few days after his 70th birthday. From a common heart attack. R

the religious leader of the Muslims, the second after the Saudi monarch, he accepted death with some kind of a sign. This happened on Friday - a particularly revered day among the faithful. And while at the hour of the sacred prayer to Allah ...


Muhammad the Sixth inherited the kingdom, inhabited

which is about 30 million people. More than half of them are completely illiterate, and a fifth are not engaged in any business. An army of 200,000 and a well-oiled police apparatus keep the country firmly on a leash measured by the late monarch. He also got a lot of unresolved samples.

lem. For example, the conflict in Western Sahara, the reform of the country's political system initiated by Hassan and, of course, the problem of observance of human rights in the kingdom. Meanwhile, Morocco is a very promising state in terms of its capabilities. The first in the world for the production of phosphates and the capture of sardines. Ide

This is a great place for tourism - you can ski there all year round. Unique in geography - overlooks the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean... Unfortunately, the people do not get even ten dollars per capita per month from all national wealth and labor expended. Possibly the late Hasa

he loved Moroccans, but in his own royal way. However, my father left not only problems and public debts (the external debt, by the way, is now $ 21 billion). Hassan II was one of the richest people on the planet, whose fortune is estimated at billions of dollars. He owned

large firms and enterprises. For example, he had a solid block of shares in the German company Siemens. After him, there were about 20 personal accounts, which are placed in the largest banks in the world. Significant funds have been invested abroad - in securities, as well as in real estate. In the possession of the deceased m

Onarch, there were more than two dozen palaces and estates scattered throughout the world. Mainly in France, Switzerland and the USA. Most of them had never been visited by the owner, but they were always kept in such a state as if they were awaiting his arrival. Let's say, not far from Paris, it was bought a long time ago from

tarin castle with an area of ​​10 thousand square meters located in a forest park spread over 400 hectares. No one from the royal family ever looked there. Maybe a new monarch will visit? And in Morocco, Hassan was a major latifundist. The size of his land holdings is still determined

nobody can. In addition, the late king left behind five officially recognized children. Two sons (the eldest is the current king and the youngest is 30-year-old Rashid, who now bears the title of crown prince) and three daughters. During his student days in France, he had a hobby, and there were two non-posters

children who are already far from young. In addition, Hasan had a very impressive harem, whose life he watched through the television cameras installed there. Children were also born from concubines. But they have no rights to be called princes or princesses, or even just children of the king.


Not long before his death, Hasan II described the heir to the throne in the following way: - He is not me. Therefore, one should not expect him to repeat me. It is enough that I managed to instill in him two qualities: to be a patriot of my homeland to complete self-sacrifice and to remain courageous when l

Any life circumstances No matter how difficult they may be. Muhammad the Sixth remembered well the words of his father that "the one who can provide more efficient use all national potential. "Therefore, the first political act of the new m

Onarch became an amnesty, which affected 8 thousand prisoners. Among them there are many who were imprisoned for belonging to Islamist organizations. Another 40 thousand prisoners will have their sentences reduced. Curiously, the young king announced an amnesty without waiting for the end of the 40-day

wow mourning when he officially came to the throne. Moreover, before that, Muhammad Sixth addressed the people with his first speech and declared his adherence to "the principles of constitutional monarchy and political pluralism." He promised to follow his father's course in matters of external and domestic policy will give

pay attention to the decision social problems... First of all - the fight against unemployment and poverty. He announced his intention to continue the course for the development of Moroccan society, and first of all - for the least well-off strata. The young king understood what the Moroccans expected from him liberal reforms... Therefore, the first

This reform was the ruthless dismissal of the unloved Minister of the Interior, 61-year-old Dris Basri. He has held this post for the past twenty years and was the right hand man of Hasan II. In Morocco, many consider Basri's resignation to be the best deed of Muhammad the Sixth in the first hundred days of his reign.

I am. The former Interior Ministry chief described himself as "a devoted servant of the state." But for ordinary Moroccans, he personified the "mahzen" - the omnipotence of the secret police, which for more than three hundred years has held the Alawite dynasty on the throne and makes decisions on everything from elections to the right to free medical care.

anion. It also hinders the development of the country's political and economic system. For example, the Ministry of Internal Affairs oversees the activities of all state and public commissions dealing with business and investment in sixteen Moroccan provinces. Those who disagree are treated differently: some are bribed, others

x - beaten, others - tortured or deported. According to experts, Basri's dismissal was a more significant event than a simple settling of scores between the old and new guards. However, for a number important issues there are still no answers. Does the changing of the guard in the Ministry of Internal Affairs mean a transition to liberal methods of de

of democratic rule or the notorious "mahzen" system received a new respectable façade? The answer is probably somewhere in between. Nevertheless, lately tirades with the word "new" continue to be heard from the royal palace. Muhammad the Sixth talks about a "new attitude to power", about a "new pu

ti to democracy ", about" a new solution to the problem of Western Sahara ", But with all the innovations, many old traditions remain. For example, journalists are still brutally mistreated and in some cases blacklisted. State bodies information is under the strictest censorship. Recently

In a televised address to his subjects, the young king demanded "to respect the responsibility of democracy," although Morocco never smelled of true democracy. Despite the fact that some dissidents were allowed to return to their homeland, the leader of the Islamic opposition, Abdesalam Yassin, representing the real

position in the kingdom, still remains under house arrest. And although Muhammad the Sixth talks a lot about the institutions of power, it is he, and not his Prime Minister Abderrahman Yusuf, who gives the orders. By the way, according to the Moroccan constitution, the new king can change the government at any time. One

As he left the post of the old prime minister, he continued the only and unique experiment in the Arab world on the coexistence of the monarchy and the center-left government. But the young monarch put his people in key positions. For example, his former classmate, 36-year-old lawyer Fuad Ali al-Himma, became

the second number in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The king also increased the influence of the army, to some extent opposing the military to the state security organs. A lawyer by training, Muhammad the Sixth has already gained considerable experience in conducting both domestic and international affairs. For several years, he actively got acquainted with the

He was a member of the European Commission under the leadership of its President Jacques Delors, trained at the UN headquarters in New York. Politicians familiar with the new Moroccan monarch assure that his leadership style will be significantly different from his father's. The strict protocol allegedly weighs on him, he clearly would like kaz

to be more democratic and accessible people. By the way, when driving through the city, he sometimes stops his car and communicates with passers-by without any protection. Liberal values ​​are much closer to him than to his father. However, excessive sympathy for Western values ​​worries his entourage. Their implementation in

the kingdom could undermine the current stability. But perhaps the main problem is different. The reign of Muhammad the Sixth (both within the kingdom and beyond) will take place against the backdrop of the unforgotten times of the reign of Hasan II. And he was - not the last monarch in the Arab world

The new king of Morocco, Mohammed the Sixth, ascended the throne on July 30, 1999 after the death of his father, Hassan II. According to rumors spread by a number of Western media, the proclamation ceremony took place with some delay, since the young monarch supposedly had to urgently ... get married.

The fact is that, according to the tradition of the court, only a married heir to the throne can become king. By the way, the late Hassan was just as urgently forced to formalize the marriage (again, according to rumors) before ascending to the throne in 1961.

The Moroccan authorities have officially denied such rumors, saying that they are "a falsification aimed at undermining the authority of the ruling dynasty and the new sovereign." Indeed, it is hard to believe that a wedding could have taken place during 40 days of mourning.


On August 21, 1999, Muhammad the Sixth turned 36 years old. At the age of four, he began his studies at the Koranic school at the royal palace. In 1981, after completing his secondary education, he received a bachelor's degree. Then he studied at the Rabbat University named after Muhammad the Fifth at the Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences, majoring in jurisprudence. Later he continued his education in France, where in 1993 he defended his thesis on cooperation between the European Union and the Maghreb countries. In addition to his native Arabic, he is fluent in French, English and Spanish.

In 1985, the future king was appointed to the post of bureau and services coordinator of the general staff of the Moroccan armed forces. In 1994 he was awarded the military rank of "divisional general".

Muhammad the Sixth, in the opinion of people who know him, is a very modest and cautious person. Lover of golf and "bodybuilding". However, despite his passion for sports, he is a heavy smoker.

The new monarch belongs to the Alawite dynasty, which has ruled Morocco since 1666, being the supreme spiritual authority - an intermediary between the Most High and the faithful. The ancestors of the Alawites came from the Hejaz in 1266 and consider themselves descendants of the Prophet Muhammad through his daughter Fatima. They settled in one of the large oases of Tafilalet (southeast of the country beyond the Atlas Range) and for hundreds of years led a modest and secluded life, distinguished by great piety, universal respect and veneration.

Best of the day

At the beginning of the 12th century, the Alawites entered into a political struggle. The founder of the dynasty was Moulay ar-Rashid in 1640. The late father of the new monarch was the 17th king of Morocco, was considered the 21st descendant of this dynasty and the 35th descendant of the Prophet Muhammad. The current king's grandmother was a Berber princess whom his grandfather, Sultan Mohammed bin Yusuf, married in 1926.

Hassan II ruled the kingdom for 38 years. In the Arab world, the king of Jordan, Hussein, who sat on the throne for almost half a century, surpassed him with political longevity (although he died six months earlier). All the levers of power were concentrated in the hands of the Moroccan monarch ... the head of state, the supreme commander in chief and the religious leader of the Sunni Muslims. During the years of his reign, he created a repressive system that permeated the entire society. Surveillance, prisons, torture, expulsion of dissidents - were common under Hasan. In a remote Sahara region of the country, in Tazmamart, a huge prison complex was built, where political prisoners languished in hard labor.

Realizing that he was seriously ill, Hassan has been actively preparing for the transfer of power to his eldest son Sidi Mohammed for the last two years. Having transferred power, he wanted to be sure that political stability and the system of government he created would work smoothly without him. In a word, I wanted to insure the heir to the throne. Alas, the king was not able to see how the government model works without its creator.

Hasan II passed away on July 23, 1999, a few days after his 70th birthday. From a common heart attack. The religious leader of the Muslims, the second after the Saudi monarch, he accepted death with some kind of a sign. This happened on Friday - a particularly revered day among the faithful. And while at the hour of the sacred prayer to Allah ..


Muhammad the Sixth inherited a kingdom with a population of about 30 million. More than half of them are completely illiterate, and a fifth are not engaged in any business. An army of 200,000 and a well-oiled police apparatus keep the country firmly on a leash measured by the late monarch. He also got a lot of unresolved problems. For example, the conflict in Western Sahara, the reform of the country's political system initiated by Hassan and, of course, the problem of observance of human rights in the kingdom.

Meanwhile, Morocco is a very promising state in terms of its capabilities. The first in the world for the production of phosphates and the capture of sardines. Ideal for tourism - you can ski there all year round. Unique in geography - it overlooks the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.

Unfortunately, the people do not get even ten dollars per capita per month from all the national wealth and labor expended. Perhaps the late Hassan loved Moroccans, but in his own royal way.

However, my father left not only problems and public debts (the external debt, by the way, is now $ 21 billion). Hassan II was one of the richest people on the planet, whose fortune is estimated in billions of dollars. He owned large firms and enterprises. For example, he had a solid block of shares in the German company Siemens.

After him, there were about 20 personal accounts, which are placed in the largest banks in the world. Significant funds have been invested abroad - in securities, as well as in real estate. In the possession of the late monarch, there were more than two dozen palaces and estates scattered around the world. Mainly in France, Switzerland and the USA.

Most of them had never been visited by the owner, but they were always kept in such a state as if they were awaiting his arrival. For example, an ancient castle with an area of ​​10 thousand square meters, located in a forest park spread over 400 hectares, was bought long ago not far from Paris. No one from the royal family ever looked there. Maybe a new monarch will visit?

And in Morocco, Hassan was a major latifundist. Until now, no one can determine the size of his land holdings.

In addition, the late king left behind five officially recognized children. Two sons (the eldest is the current king and the youngest is 30-year-old Rashid, who now bears the title of crown prince) and three daughters.

During his student days in France, he had a hobby, and there remained two undisclosed offspring, who are far from young. In addition, Hasan had a very impressive harem, whose life he watched through the television cameras installed there. Children were also born from concubines. But they have no right to be called princes or princesses, or even just children of the king.


Shortly before his death, Hasan II described the heir to the throne in this way ...

He is not me. Therefore, one should not expect him to repeat me. It is enough that I managed to instill in him two qualities ... to be a patriot of my homeland to complete self-sacrifice and remain courageous under any life circumstances, no matter how difficult they may be.

Muhammad the Sixth remembered well the words of his father that "the one who can ensure a more effective use of the entire national potential is capable of leading the country and its economy." Therefore, the first political act of the new monarch was the amnesty, which affected 8 thousand prisoners. Among them there are many who were imprisoned for belonging to Islamist organizations. Another 40 thousand prisoners will have their sentences reduced.

Curiously, the young king announced an amnesty without waiting for the end of 40 days of mourning when he officially came to the throne. Moreover, before that, Muhammad Sixth addressed the people with his first speech and declared his adherence to "the principles of constitutional monarchy and political pluralism."

He promised to follow his father's course in matters of foreign and domestic policy, to pay attention to solving social problems. First of all - the fight against unemployment and poverty. He announced his intention to continue the course for the development of Moroccan society, and first of all - for the least well-off strata.

The young king understood that the Moroccans expected liberal reforms from him. Therefore, the first such reform was the ruthless dismissal of the unloved interior minister, 61-year-old Dris Basri. He has held this post for the past twenty years and was the right hand man of Hasan II. In Morocco, Basri's resignation is considered by many to be the best deed of Muhammad the Sixth in the first hundred days of his reign.

The former Interior Ministry chief described himself as "a devoted servant of the state." But for ordinary Moroccans, he personified the "mahzen" - the omnipotence of the secret police, which for more than three hundred years has held the Alawite dynasty on the throne and makes decisions on all issues ... from elections to the right to free medical care.

It also hinders the development of the country's political and economic system. For example, the Ministry of Internal Affairs oversees the activities of all state and public commissions dealing with business and investment in sixteen Moroccan provinces. Those who disagree are treated differently ... some are bribed, others are beaten, and still others are tortured or deported.

According to experts, Basri's dismissal was a more significant event than a simple settling of scores between the old and new guards. However, there are still no answers to a number of important questions. Does the changing of the guard in the Ministry of Internal Affairs mean a transition to liberal methods of democratic government or the notorious "mahzen" system has received a new respectable facade? The answer is probably somewhere in between.

Nevertheless, lately tirades with the word "new" continue to be heard from the royal palace. Muhammad the Sixth speaks of a "new attitude to power", of a "new path to democracy", of a "new solution to the problem of Western Sahara",

But with all the innovations, many old traditions are preserved. For example, journalists are still brutally mistreated and, in some cases, blacklisted. State information agencies are under the strictest censorship.

In a recent televised address to his subjects, the young king demanded "respect for the responsibility of democracy," although Morocco never smelled of true democracy. Despite the fact that some dissidents were allowed to return home, the leader of the Islamic opposition, Abdesalam Yassin, who represents the real opposition in the kingdom, remains under house arrest.

And although Muhammad the Sixth talks a lot about the institutions of power, it is he, and not his Prime Minister Abderrahman Yusuf, who gives the orders. By the way, according to the Moroccan constitution, the new king can change the government at any time. However, he left the old prime minister in office, continuing the only and unique experiment in the Arab world on the coexistence of the monarchy and the center-left government.

But the young monarch put his people in key positions. For example, his former classmate, 36-year-old lawyer Fuad Ali al-Himma, became the second number in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The king also increased the influence of the army, to some extent opposing the military to the state security organs.

A lawyer by training, Muhammad the Sixth has already gained considerable experience in conducting both domestic and international affairs. For several years, he was actively familiar with the activities of the European Commission under the leadership of its chairman, Jacques Delors, and trained at the UN headquarters in New York.

Politicians familiar with the new Moroccan monarch assure that his leadership style will be significantly different from his father's. The strict protocol allegedly weighs on him, he clearly would like to appear more democratic and accessible to people. By the way, when driving through the city, he sometimes stops his car and communicates with passers-by without any protection. Liberal values ​​are much closer to him than to his father. However, excessive sympathy for Western values ​​worries his entourage. Their introduction into the kingdom could undermine the current stability.

But, perhaps, the main problem lies elsewhere. The reign of Muhammad the Sixth (both within the kingdom and beyond) will take place against the backdrop of the unforgotten times of the reign of Hasan II. And he was not the last monarch in the Arab world ...

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