How to put a sign over a letter in a Word. How to emphasize a letter in Word? We are glad that we were able to help you solve the problem

Sometimes, you just need to put stress on a word in a document. And logically, the question arises. How to stress a letter in a Word text editor?

Let's look at 3 ways to insert stress over a letter in a word:
1) by inserting a symbol,
2) by replacing the character,
3) using selection.

Emphasize a letter by inserting a symbol

In the desired word, place the cursor after the letter to be stressed.

In the tab Insert group Symbols click Symbol, in the menu that appears, select Other symbols.

A window will open Symbol... In the tab Symbols, in field Sign code, enter one of the following values:
030D- for stress without tilt.

Click the button Insert and close the window. The accent mark you selected appears above the letter.

Stress a letter using character replacement

This method is similar to the first one, but a little faster.

We put the cursor after the desired letter and type one of the values ​​we already know:
0300 - for left tilt stress,
0301 - for the right tilt of stress,
030D- for stress without tilt.

Press the keyboard shortcut Alt + X... The accent appears over the letter.

Emphasize a letter with a selection

Select the letter we need. Holding down the button Alt on the keyboard, type one of the values ​​on the additional numeric keypad:
768 - for left tilt stress,
769 - for the right tilt of stress,
781 - for stress without tilt.

The accent will appear above the letter we have selected.

Now you can easily put stress in a word, in the Word editor, in any way convenient for you.

Regular Word users rarely have situations when they need to put an emphasis on a letter in a word. Usually everyone misses this moment. If the document is made for another reader, and not for himself, then they rely on the fact that he will already understand what is at stake.

If, nevertheless, the emphasis above the letter using the keyboard in Word is necessary, but if the document is unofficial, users can simply highlight the necessary letter in the word in bold.

In a word, you can find a way out without understanding the Microsoft Word device. But we will still tell you how to make and arrange the document correctly. After all, we can be read by teachers, who, for example, prepare assignments for students, where to place emphasis in the way it is simply necessary.

There are several ways to emphasize a letter in Word.

The first way is feasible thanks to the support of macros. And so, in order to emphasize a certain letter in a word, we need to write after this letter “ 0301 ”Without quotes or spaces. After that press Alt + X. There you go, you're done. For a practical example, you can see the picture below.

Thus, in the word stress, we put it above the letter "a". After setting, you can continue to write the word.

There is one more way.

We select the letter over which we need to put the stress in the word and place the cursor after it with the mouse. Then in the upper menu of Word, select the item "Insert" - "Symbols" and click on the inscription "Other symbols". Then we select the set, which is shown in the picture below. In it you will find the accent symbol.

The Russian language is very complex and multifaceted, which is why many foreigners learn it with difficulty. One of the interesting features of our language is that the meaning of a word can depend on stress. And if there are no problems with this in oral speech, then when typing in a computer everything becomes not so simple and it becomes not so easy to distinguish a massive stone structure of the Middle Ages from a device that locks the doors. Today we will analyze in detail the question of how to stress a letter on the keyboard.

How to emphasize a letter on the keyboard - three main ways

We have already considered how, and. Today we will take a closer look at all the ways to emphasize the required letter.

In total, there are three main ways to put stress on a letter, they are radically different from each other. We will consider all of them in detail so that you can choose the most convenient one for yourself.

Method one - use macros

This method is based on the use of macros that are already embedded in many text editors. As a basis, we will take MS Word, as the most popular. In this editor, the stress macro is arranged in the following way:

  • after the letter, over which the stress should be, enter 0301;
  • After that, press the Alt + X key combination.

In practice, it looks like this:

using a standard macro

If you need the accent mark to point in the other direction, then instead of 0301 you need to enter 0300.

Method two - using unicode

Unicode is the international standard for character encoding. Any character can be found in Unicode, and the accent is no exception. However, in order to use this method, two conditions must be met:

  1. The text editor must support unicode. The vast majority of editors have this support, including Word.
  2. Your keyboard must have a separate NumPad. It is present on almost all keyboards and is located to the right of the main unit, but many laptops do not have it. In this case, this method is not available to you.

The principle of operation is simple:

  • you need to place the cursor after the letter on which the accent mark should be located;
  • hold down the Alt key;
  • dial the key combination 769 on the digital block.

It looks like this:

Unicode accent

But that's not all. In unicode, there are characters that are already accented letters. For example, if you enter Alt + 0225, you get the following: á. This method is considered the simplest and most convenient, but the mandatory presence of a digital block imposes its own limitations.

Method three - internal features of Word

In addition to all this, each text editor has its own internal capabilities, with which you can put any character. Again we will use MS Word as a basis, and this is how it looks:

  • select the insert item in the top line, then look for symbols on the left and click on other symbols;
  • in the font column, we leave "normal text", and in the set column, select "punctuation marks";
  • after which we choose an accent sign with an inclination in the required direction.

Today we took a closer look at how to emphasize a letter on the keyboard. Using one of the methods, you can easily convey your thoughts correctly using a text editor.

Sometimes you need to "do" Accent mark in Word. But finding how to put it can be difficult. There are several ways to do this.

1) By using a special character paste.
Place the cursor after the letter to be stressed.
In the top menu, select "Insert" -> "Symbol". We choose in Set"Combined diacritical marks" (2007, 2010 word) or "area of ​​personal use" (for 2003) and look for an accent mark there. Click "Insert" and close.

It should work.

If it didn't work the first time, then do it by analogy with the screenshot.
You can also manually in the field Sign code enter the number 0300 or 0301

2) Using character substitution.

As if a continuation of the first method, but the solution is slightly different.

So, we put the cursor after the desired letter, and then we type the numbers 0300 (for the left tilt of the stress) or 0301 (for the right) on the keyboard

After that, press the Alt button on the keyboard to the left of the space bar, and then, without releasing, press the X button (Alt + X key combination). It should work.

You can also use 0340 and 0341 respectively.

3) By selection.

You can select (or you can also put after) the desired letter, and then, by pressing and holding the Alt button on the number pad, dial +0769 (or just 769), release Alt. The stress should also appear.
If you use 0768 (or 768), then the stress will be placed with a different slope.

If you are not particularly bothered about spelling (oblique or underscore), then you can use any method for setting the stress. If this is more or less important to you, then you can experiment and see that in some methods Word itself underlines the word as a syntactic error (since the letter is replaced with its code designation), but in other methods everything is fine. There are also nuances when in some fonts the display of the word will be incorrect.
You can also set up macros or AutoCorrect in order to put the accent mark easier and faster.

Recently, I had a task - to print several rules for the Russian language, and when doing it, it was necessary to place stress in words. I figured out how to do this and in this article I will tell you about two ways to install deletions. The methods are universal and are suitable for Word 2003, 2007, 2010.

Insert stress using hotkeys

Perhaps the easiest way is to use keyboard shortcuts in Word. It is so convenient, because you do not have to climb into the menu and select the desired items. To emphasize using hot keys, you need to place the cursor after the letter you want to emphasize. Further, without spaces and quotes, write the numbers "0301" and press the key combination "Alt + X".

As you can see in the picture, everything worked out. Now I use this particular method, memorizing 4 numbers and a combination is not a problem, but it saves a lot of time if there is a large document in the work.

Insert stress using additional characters

Additional characters are inserted slightly differently. Let's first figure out how to do it in 2007 and older, and then let's look at the 2003 version of Word. In the 2007 version, you need to go to the "Insert" section, in the menu that appears, click on the "Symbol" section and select the "Other Symbols" item.

In the 2003 version, you must select the "Insert" item and go to the "Symbol" section.

Further, the instruction is the same for all versions, since the interface is the same. To begin with, we place the cursor after the letter that will be stressed. Next, you need to select the section "Combined diacritical marks" and there already select the accent symbol.

Please note that below the symbol code should be "0301", if you have a different one - find the correct symbol. Then click on the "Insert" button and the stress will appear above the required letter.

It's easy to insert stress, isn't it? To master the Word completely add the site to your bookmarks and visit us more often and study our lessons.

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