Mongolia is the most mysterious country with an interesting story. Mysterious country officer is the most mysterious country

On our planet, along with modern, technologically and industrially developed megalopolis, there are many places created by the ancient masters or the most nature.

Each such sight has its own legend and, of course, a lot of things are silent. Mysterious places cause a huge number of questions from scientists, confus the abnormal phenomena and unknown.

1. Devil Tower, USA

The so-called devil tower is in fact the natural rock is amazingly the right form and consists of columns with sharp corners. This is a truly mysterious place, which, according to research, has already been over 200 million, is located in the United States, on the territory of the modern Wyoming state.

According to its sizes, the devil tower is several times superior to the pyramid of Heops and resembles a man-made structure. Thanks to the unreal size and unnaturally correct configuration, the rock has become the object of attention of many scientists, and the locals argue that Satan himself built it.

2. Kargan Kachokia, USA

Kahokia or Kaokia (Cahokia) - an Indian city abandoned by residents, whose ruins are located near Illinois, USA. This place is reminded how the ancient civilizations lived, and its complex structure proves that this area has inhabited the highly developed people over 1500 years ago. The ancient city is striking by its scale, the network of terraces and 30-meter earthen mounds have been preserved on its territory, as well as huge solar calendar.

It is still unknown why almost 40,000 thousand societies left their settlement, and which Indian tribes are direct descendants of kahochets. Despite this, Kachoki Kargan - the favorite place of many tourists who come here hoping to solve the mystery of the ancient city.

3. Chavinda, Mexico

This is a mystical place, according to aboriginal beliefs, is the center of intersection of real and other worlds. That is why incredible things are happening here, which are difficult to understand the modern person.

Chavinda is interested in many treasures, because by legends this area hides unprecedented wealth. Unfortunately, no one else managed to find the treasure. His flaps of grief-treasters are often attributed to otherworldly.

4. Newgrej, Ireland

NewGrending is the oldest construction in modern Ireland, it has already been about 5 thousand years old. It is believed that this long corridor with a transverse room is a grave, but for whom, the scientists have not yet been determined.

It is still unknown how ancient people were able to build such a perfect design, which for five millennia not only was lucky enough to survive, retaining a primitive appearance, but also remain completely waterproof.

5. Pyramids Jonaguni, Japan

Mysterious underwater pyramids near the Western Japanese Island of Yonaguni cause many disputes from modern archaeologists and geodesists. The main question is whether the facilities are a natural phenomenon, or their hand created an ancient person.

During numerous studies, it was possible to establish that the age of the pyramids of Jonaguni has more than 10 thousand years. Therefore, if the Jonagun monuments created unknown to us mysterious civilizations, then the history of mankind should be rewritten.

Mysterious civilization. Underwater cities of Jonaguni

6. Geoglyphs of Naska, Peru

Geoglyphs of Nask in Peru is one of the most mysterious places on the planet. They were opened in the middle of the last century and are still actively discussed by scientists who cannot clearly say that they wanted ancient people to express these giant animal drawings and for what purpose were they used?

Unfortunately, ask the creators is no longer possible, the scientists offer 2 main versions: some, leaning towards the space theory of the origin of geoglyphs, believe that they are guidelines for alien ships, others claim that it is gigantic lunar calendars. In any case, the rocky painting of Naska is the proof of the existence on the territory of modern Peru ancient and mysterious civilization, which lived here long before the famous Incas and was distinguished by a high level of development.

7. Black bamboo hosted, China

The black bamboo or hegery is, perhaps the worst place on Earth. Locals nicknamed her valley of death, and for any money they do not even want to approach her. One memory of the hollow suggests a strong horror on them.

They say, the children and pets and pets disappear here, which is a lot of documentary evidence. No one decades are interested in scholars who managed to prove that the valley in the Chinese province of Sichuan - anomalous terrain with severe climate and sharply changing weather conditions, which, in aggregate, provokes deposits of the soil, which, according to scientists, and are the cause of people's disappearance .

8. The Giant Trail, Ireland

The giant trail, or the Giant Road in Northern Ireland, is an amazing distinguished area formed many centuries ago as a result of a volcanic eruption. It consists of about 40 thousand basalt columns, externally resembling gigantic steps.

Natural attraction belongs to the United States World Heritage Site. This place deserves admiration, so he annually visits not one thousand tourists from all over the world.

9. Gozek circle, Germany

Gozek circle - an ancient neolithic structure in the German district of Burgendland. The circle was accidentally discovered in the early 90s of the last century during a terrain review from the aircraft.

The initial type of construction was returned only after complete reconstruction. Scientists have practically no doubt that the Gozek circle was used for astronomical observations and the calendar. This proves that our ancestors also studied the cosmic bodies, their movement and followed the time.

10. Monuments of MOAI on Easter Island

Easter Island is known for the whole world thanks to the giant statues of the MOAI, located throughout its territory. Each such megalithic figure is a large monument created by the masters of an ancient civilization in the crater of the local volcano early raracca.

A total of about 1000 remains of such man-made monuments were found on the island. Most have already gone under the water.

Today, the overwhelming majority of statues are again placed on the platform face to the ocean, from where they continue to meet the guests of the island and remind of the former relics of the ancient people who inhabited these expanses.

Easter Island - Measia Message

11. Scribed Georgia, USA

Georgia was cut - 20-ton polished granite slabs with inscriptions at the eight most famous languages \u200b\u200bof the world. The inscriptions are a commandment for future generations, how to rebuild civilization after a global cataclysm. The monument was established in 1979, the customer is specified in the documents under the name Robert C. Christian.

The height of the monumental structure is slightly more than six meters, and the plates are oriented towards the four sides of the world and have holes. In one of them, you can see the polar star at any time of the year, the second is the sun during the solstice and equinox. A few years ago, the monument was subjected to an act of vandalism and was damaged by the paint, which was still not eliminated.

12. Rishat (Sugar's eyes). Mauritania

On the territory of modern Mauritania, the largest desert in the world hides the amazing natural phenomenon of the Proterozoic period, the name of which richat or the eye of the Sahara.

This object is incredibly huge sizes (up to 50 kilometers in diameter), so it can be seen even from space. The structure has several ellipsoid rings formed by sedimentary rocks and sandstones about 500 million years ago.

13. "Gate to hell" - Crater of Darwaz in Turkmenistan

In the Turkmen desert, the Karakuma is a gas crater of Darwaz, an appearance resembling the gate to hell. This fiery pit with a diameter of about 60 meters and a depth of 20 meters is the result of the excavations held here by the times of the Soviet Union.

During such geological studies, a group of scientists was discovered underground cavity with natural gas, which almost led to the death of a huge number of people. Therefore, management decided to set fire to gas so that it does not threaten to local residents. But the fire that had to burn no more than 5 days is burning and now, taking fear for everyone who approaches him.

Bold people are ready to do Selfie from the "Gate of hell"

14. Arkim, Russia

Arkim is an old settlement that resembles an ancient civilizations, which was discovered several decades in the vicinity of Chelyabinsk. It is believed that this attraction of Russia is the birthplace of the ancient Aries, which gave the beginning of European, Persian and Indian civilizations.

Arkim is not only a unique architectural monument with a thousand-year history, but also the place of the concentration of healing energy flows capable of riding a person from any diseases.

15. Stonehenge, England

English Stonehenge is a real pilgrimage site for tourists from around the world. He manits his mysteriousness, legends and mystical start. Stonehenge is a megalithic structure of up to one hundred meters in diameter, which is located in the Salisbury Plain. Territory of riddles. Stonehenge.

16. Loch Ness, Scotland

Lake Loche Ness in Scotland is one of the deepest lakes of the European continent. It hides in itself a lot of mysteries. Eyewitnesses argue that a prehistoric animal lives in the lake named Nesssey, seemingly resembling a Plesiosaur (a variety of dinosaurs, extinct about 65 million years ago).

To date, scientists failed to obtain evidence of the existence of a Loch Nevsky monster, but in the press periodically appear his photographs made by Nessy hunters.

Photomontage this or not? Specialists are engaged in clarifying such issues.

17. Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

The riddle of the Bermuda Triangle is the mystery of human lives tragically with the unexplained circumstances. It is located in the northwestern part of the Atlantic Ocean, between Miami, Bermuda Islands and Puerto Rico.

Modern story There are about a hundred mystical disappearances of people, airplanes and even ships in this abnormal zone. Here, periodically refuses the equipment, aircraft simply disappear from radars into clear calm weather, and ships are knocked down from the course. At the same time, it is not possible to find any evidence of the lathe of the latter: no debris, nor powerful parts of ships.

18. Egyptian pyramids, Giza Valley, Egypt

One of the 7 wonders of the world pyramids of Egypt, are majestic and mysterious structures with a thousand-year history. Currently, this is one of the most important attractions of the world, to see millions of tourists want. The mystery of the construction of the pyramids, as well as their history, purpose and durability - the subject of disputes of not one dozen scientists.

Around the existence of the pyramids always conducted discussions based on both real facts, and on myths with legends. One thing is clear exactly, the pyramids in Giza - the proof of the greatness and power of the Empire of Pharaoh, which existed not one hundred years and imposed a significant imprint over the entire history of mankind.

There are places in the world who attract people with many decades. They are accompanied by mysticism, crimes remain unsolvable, the disappearance of people are not explained by anything, frightening natural phenomena and terrible stories of witnesses appear constantly. Stories are transmitted from generation to generation. Sometimes learn the truth about such a mysterious place is very difficult. In the age of science, it is impossible to explain everything rationally can bring to madness. Especially when you get the answer at all it does not work. Even leading scientists regularly face riddles so complicated that they cannot deal with them. In the world, which is well studied, always unusually recognize on places hiding surprises. If you love mystics and think that you can solve the riddles of these places, get acquainted with them. You may come to the conclusion that some things are better not to know.

Overton Bridge, Scotland

Over the past fifty years, fifty dogs jumped off the bridge. Animals are dying on sharp stones in dozens of meters under the bridge. The record number was five dogs in six months. All tragic cases occurred in the same place, on the right side between the two latter parapets. Scottish animal protection society admitted a mystery to the problem. All this caused many discussions on the Internet dedicated to the reasons for which the animals commit suicide. Local try not to walk with dogs in the vicinity of the bridge. Many are confident that the bridge is inhabited by ghost after a man dropped his child from him. He believed that the newborn was the embodiment of the devil. After that, he tried to kill himself, but he did not come out, and when he was asked why he decided to do it, a man replied that he made him forced him.

Hambestone and La Noria, Chile

In 1872, these two towns in the Chilean desert were overcrowded by workers of salt mines. In the days of the Great Depression, the production collapsed and the city remained abandoned. In the sixties of the twentieth century, no one already lived here. Local residents refuse to walk through the streets of abandoned towns. There are rumors that the souls of the dead are roaming in the night. There is a legend that residents never truly left homes. You can not pay attention to rumors about ghosts, but there is something more frightening - most of the graves of excavation and visible skeletons. People are confident that the dead go at night because the rarers of the graves broke their rest. Even in the light of the day, some hear the voices and children's laugh.

Lake Andzikuni, Canada

How can a whole village with all the inhabitants just disappear without a trace? In 1930, the hunter Joe Label went to the Indian village at Lake Andzikuni. When he got to her, he saw that the place was completely deserted - people left food, weapons and clothes. All thirty inhabitants disappeared! Label reported on this police, but the Indians did not find it. The most strange part of what happened is that the dogs who lived in this village were found frozen to death, they were hungry, but there were plenty of food. To this day there is no clear explanation for what happened. If, of course, you do not believe in aliens - some believe that the Indians kidnapped them.

Lake Skeletons, India

In 1942, a frightening discovery was made in India - a lake of Roopkund was found in the mountains, in which more than two hundred skeletons were discovered. The bones were dated 850 a year of our era. Scientists could not explain their appearance. Some believe that people died during a storm, and someone says that it was suicide.

Bigelou Rancho, United States

The last owners of the house were Terry and Gwen Sherman. He encountered so much paranormal events that they simply escaped from the ranch. For example, ten cows simply disappeared without a trace, major shining spheres were seen above the house, doors appeared in the air, three dogs disappeared, and in the place where they were seen for the last time, noticed a huge spot as a fire. Surprisingly, all the dead animals found at the ranch were not shedding and drops of blood - skeletons were removed at the corpses, but there was no trace on Earth.

Island of Disney discoveries, USA

The island is closed for visitors for almost twenty years. Some are confident that the reason is in mysticism. Electricity still works on the abandoned island. Why? In addition, terrible vultures live there. The atmosphere there is truly frightening!

Monument Yonaguni, Japan

In 1986, the diver discovered mysterious underwater structures near the southern shore of Japan. Twenty-five meters under water is the largest pyramid in the world. There is a road around it, it is completely accurate that the whole structure is created by the hands of a person. Scientists have studied the structure and are confident that he is five thousand years old. But why is it there? Disputes continue further.

Hotel Del Salto, Colombia

The hotel is located thirty kilometers from the capital, once he was very popular. Now he is closed - there has been a whole chain of suicides. Locals are confident that the place is cursed.

Kapustin Yar, Russia

This place is one of the most mysterious in Russia. The space program developed here and nuclear weapons were tested. Examine this place is not possible - it is closed for outsiders.

Forest Aokigahar, Japan

At the foot of Mount Fuji, the forest of the Aokigahar is located, in which an incredible number of suicides is committed. By legend, demons and spirits live in the forest. The one who comes there is sad, falls under power evil forces And kills himself. For more than fifty corpses are found in the year!

Chateau Miranda, Belgium

The former owners of the castle left him in the times of the French revolution. Then they opened the shelter, but he soon moved. The building is abandoned, it accompanies the atmosphere of the riddles. Why do everyone leave him without regrets?

Triangle Devil, Pacific Ocean

In this part of the ocean, people mysteriously disappear. Mysterious situations are related to the fall of aircraft and magnetic anomalies. The researchers tried to explain the nature of what is happening, but never coped with the task.

Lighthouse at Cape Aniva, Russia

The lighthouse was built in the 1939th near Sakhalin. It is believed that he is radioactive, so it is forbidden to enter the building. Some are confident that the building is a government shelter, where they interrogate political criminals. Others believe that ghosts dwell on the lighthouse.

Helletown, USA

There are strange things on this plot of land in Ohio. Satantists are gathering here, it is believed that the souls of people burned alive in their homes still live here, and someone assures that a chemical catastrophe occurred here, from which some residents mutilated.

San Luis Valley, United States

Aliens have been seen many times. In the sky, disks and spheres appear, which were repeatedly fixed on the film and photographed by local residents. The mystery remains why everything happens in this valley?

Pine Gap, Australia

This is a closed land plot that is controlled by the government and is secret. It is believed that from here the researchers are trying to contact other galaxies. However, everything is classified, so finding the truth is unlikely to succeed.

Paris Mine, France

Catacombs in Paris are known to everyone, but the mines are closed to visitors. They are so classified that there is no way to get even the most passionate researchers. In September 2004, the police found a subterranean cinema in the mines, but the next day there was no trace from him!

Riddle House, USA

A lot of tragedies happened to this house. For example, one of the workers committed suicide. Residents heard strange voices and sounds. The house was abandoned. When the workers returned again, they noticed strange incidents - the windows opened themselves, and the tools were included without a reason.

Death Valley, United States

This valley is known for stones that are moving on the ground without a visible reason. Scientists could not explain why this can happen. Every stone weighs hundreds of kilograms and moves! This is a real mystery.

Door to hell, Turkmenistan

When Soviet scientists were looking for a source of natural gas here, a huge crater was turned out, from which the flame escapes - the fire does not go out for almost fifty years. It is not surprising that tourists go here. It is simply impossible to close the crater, and how many more gas in it is unknown.

Thanks ancient history And the modern progress of the trip to China with lovers to travel enjoy great popularity. Dynamic Chinese cities are famous for the large number of historical cultural monuments (the Imperial Palace) and the ultra-modern skyscrapers (Shanghai Tower, 632 m), a variety of shopping centers, restaurants and nightclubs. The capital of Beijing admires guests with a combination architectural structures Different styles - from the ancient imperial palaces to modern Olympic facilities. In Guangzhou, you can visit one of the festivals and do shopping. Located on the island of Hainan Sanya Resort is suitable for a beach holiday all year round.

Summary of the country

  • The People's Republic of China is the official name of the country.
  • It borders with Russia, DPRK, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Nepal, India, Bhutan, Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos. Washed by the waters of the western seas of the Pacific Ocean.
  • Beijing is the capital.
  • The country area is about 9.6 million square meters. km.
  • The population of China reaches more than 1.3 billion people.
  • The form of government is the one-party parliamentary republic.
  • Official language is Chinese.
  • The largest cities are Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Hong Kong.
  • Major religions - Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Islam, Christianity.
  • Official currency - Chinese yuan.
  • Time Zone UTC +8.

origin of name

The word "China" occurred on behalf of "Katay", which arose from the name of the proto-Mongolian group of nomads from Manchuria - Kidani (or China). Capturing in 907 North China, they founded the Liao dynasty. The name of the nomadic tribes has been fixed as a toponym of North China. This name in the form of "Katay" in the medieval Western Europe fell with European merchants, in particular, with Marco Polo and displaced Latin "China". Gradually, it passed into slavic languageswhere transformed into "China". Sometimes in the West, Katata is used as the poetic name "China".


A variety of written sources in combination with archaeological information make it possible to reconstruct, starting with deep antiquity, social processes and political life of China.

The Ancient Chinese historical and religious-philosophical texts, especially the presence of confusion, themselves affected the development of the Chinese civilization and the worldview of the Chinese people.

The Chinese civilization since confusion is characterized by the high socio-political activity of each person aimed at achieving well-being and happiness in the earthly life. It is believed that the fate of a person depends on their own efforts, and not from the divine predestination.

Chinese civilization It is one of the oldest in the world. According to Chinese scientists, its age is five thousand years, and existing written sources cover a period of at least 3,500 years.

Visible benefits for the Chinese state created a long-standing existence of an administrative management system, which developed and improved by replacing dynasties. The country's economy was based on a developed agriculture. The Chinese civilization was strengthened with the introduction of Confucianism as a state ideology and a single letter system.

China for thousands of years passed the recurring periods of social and political unity and decay, in some cases becoming part of foreign states. The enthusiastic was constantly exposed to invasions from the outside, but sooner or later the invaders had fallen under the Chinese and the Chinese community was likened, and the territories of these states were part of China.

Modern Chinese society and the state is the result of political and cultural interaction and interpenetration over the course of several centuries with numerous surrounding peoples of Asia, which was accompanied by assimilation and movement of human masses.

In the Civil War in 1949, the Armed Forces of the Communist Party of China won the Armed Forces. In the autumn of the same year, the People's Political Consultative Council of China began to work, which proclaimed the People's Republic of China. In 1954 adopted the Constitution.

With the help of the USSR in 1949-1956, the basic industries were formed, nationalization and collectivization were carried out, socialist construction unfolded. In 1966-1976 - "Cultural Revolution."

In 1978, the PRC capture of the CPC took the course to the socialist market economy. The end of the 1980s - the beginning of the 1990s in China was removed the problem of providing the population of food, high rates of industrial production and GDP growth are developed, the standard of living of the people is raised. The reforms of Dan Xiaopin successfully continue his successors.

Geographic characteristic

China is located in East Asiais the largest Asian country. According to the PRC area, the third in the world is inferior to Russia and Canada.

Chinese relief is diverse, there are high mountains and a plateau on site, extensive plains and deserts, depressions. Three regions are distinguished: in the south-west, Tibetan Highlands is the highest and extensive plateau on the planet with a height of more than two thousand meters above sea level; In the northern part of the country, the belt of mountains and high plains, having heights from 200 m to 2000 m; In the south, east, northeast low accumulative plains - swimming pool and pearl river delta, swimming pool and Delta of the Yangtze River, Manchurian and Great Chinese plains with a height of 200 m.

China climate It has a great variety: from the subtropical (southeast) to a sharp continental in the north-west. Misssons define the weather on the southern coast. In seasonal air movements and accompanying winds, there is a sufficient amount of moisture in the summer, in the winter season they are pretty dry.

The eastern and southern regions of China suffer over five times in a year from destroying typhoons, monsoons, floods, droughts and tsunami. Each spring north of the country is covered with yellow dust storms formed in the northern deserts and moved by the winds towards Japan and Korea.

All large river China Take the beginning in the mountains. Main transport arteries: Yangtze, Mekong, Huanghe, Salouin are provided with water due to the burner snow on the eastern outskirts of the Tibetan plateau. Along the coast is the Great Channel of China, built in 7-8 centuries and having a length of 2470 km.

China is the owner of huge mineral reserves, a large manufacturer of graphite, antimony, zinc, tungsten. Also has coal, bauxite, oil, diamond, iron ore, gold, lead, manganese, natural gas, mercury, uranium, etc. leading in the world in the reserves of tin and tolfram. It has the highest hydropower potential in the world due to mountain rivers and extensive ridges.

Flora and fauna

China is clearly divided into Western and Eastern parts by the nature of the plant and animal world.

An old and high-intensity economic use of the area has significantly affected the current vegetation cover of the eastern part of the country. Almost ascendaneous lowlands, indigenous forests are preserved in mountainous areas. but flora East China It is distinguished by a variety: among several thousand species, relics remain from the tertiary period.

Moving from north to south, several natural zones Give each other. In the Amur pool, the territory is engaged in Taiga, where Korean cedar and larch prevails; Among the conifers there are also broader breeds. Gradually, taiga when moving to the south is replaced by mixed (coniferous-wide) forests; On the slopes of the zignlin ridge, linden, oak, nut, maple are growing.

Next, subtropical forests are beginning to south, represented by numerous types of laurels, magnolia, camellia. From kunning and pines of massone, they receive "business" wood. Falls grow in mountainous areas. At the ferry soils, the extreme south is dominated by rainforests. Savannahs are located in the western regions of Yunnan.

In the western part of China, the vegetation is unitable. Vegetable cover is relative, drought-resistant perennial shrubs are dominant - xerophytes. More rich in vegetable species Western swinging. Dry steppes come to the change of cereal high-level steppes, then onion-hungry and hollow-tyrsome semi-deserts, and finally poor or deprived of the vegetation of the desert.

In Tibetan Highlands, a small number of species adapted to drought with increased solar radiation and strong winds occurs on high-mountain cold deserts. In the eastern part of the Highland with a softer and humid climate, mountain meadows appear, then down the slopes - coniferous forests.

Significant harm china fauna Debate forests and fishing of wild animals. Such mammals are found only in mining hard-to-reach areas. Predators are common in the north-east: kuni, wolves, raccoon dogs, also hares and proteins.

North-West China inhabit the animals semi-deserts and deserts: rodents (gerbils and horses), hoofs (jaran and dzery); Endemic - Przhevalsky horse. On Tibet, there are alpine animals: Kiang (like a horse), ORONO (similarity with antelope), Himalayan bear, Tibetan Baybak, red wolf.

The richest and diverse animal world in the southwestern forests of China. Such tropical animals are inhabited, like leopards, bat, Tupaya, Laurie. Endemics of these edges are a big and small panda.

Numerous lakes of nature reserves inhabit ducks, cranes, swans, gray and white herons, drofs. In the seas that wash China, there are favorable conditions for the development of a variety of marine flora and fauna.

National cuisine

Chinese cuisine consists of kitchens of regions and culinary traditions of the Chinese diaspora. Back from the novocamean century, the history of Chinese cuisine originates. For centuries in different regions, their own preferences were formed depending on the climate and to a considerable extent from the court fashion. In Chinese cuisine, foreign ingredients and customs of cooking were gradually combined. There are culinary specific features peculiar to people of different nationalities and social class.

The most common and popular Chinese cuisine dishes: fried rice, Peking duck, a centenary egg, turtle soup, Dimsam.

In Chinese diaspora, there are such kitchen species: American Chinese cuisine, Malay cuisine, Singapore cuisine. However, where the Chinese live, there are their own varieties in cooking.

Always a special meaning for the Chinese had rice - as the main food product and as a technical culture. Ten thousand years before our era originated in South China, the tradition of cultivation of rice, despite the fact that the method of the filthy fields has reached perfection only after several thousand years. Currently, in China, rice is grown almost everywhere. The share of Chinese rice in world products is 35%.

Historical and cultural monuments

the great Wall of China, or long wall (so called the Chinese) stretches through North China by 8851.8 km. Most of the wall (6260 km) consists of brick masonry, a smaller part (2232.5 km) is a natural mountain range. 360 km of walls are pivy filled with water.

The beginning of the construction of the wall - 4-3 century BC. e. During this period, scattered Chinese states needed to defend themselves from nomads from Central Asia.

When in 221 BC. e. China under the rule of the Qin dynasty united, Emperor Shi Huangdi issued an order to connect all defensive lines into a single wall. During the next Han dynasty, the construction of a long wall continued and was completed in the third century of our era. Now the western part of the Great Wall is preserved in the initial form, the eastern part after severe destruction in some places appears in the form of an earth shaft.

The base of the preserved wall is width up to nine meters, on top - up to six meters, height - up to ten meters. Approximately every two hundred meters are the wandering towers of the quadrangular shape, high teeth with holes are built on the external side.

Paved plates The plane of the wall used to serve as a wide road at which warriors were moving. Now in some sections the road is asphalted, and cars go through it. The wall is laid by mountainous places, repeats the irregularities of the relief and successfully fits into the landscape.

In the center of Beijing is located Imperial palace, or in a different way it is called a "purple forbidden city" is the largest palace complex in the world. In all his five hundred years of history, only the emperor with his family could live here, and everyone else: courtiers and officials lived beyond. Until 1925, ordinary people enter the palace forbidden.

In 1987, listed in the World Heritage Heritage of Humanity. The Palace Complex was built in 1406-1420 and was a residence of 24 Chinese emperors. Square 720 thousand square meters It is located 9999 rooms. The construction surrounds the long wall and ditch filled with water, called "Golden Water". The whole complex is divided into the external palace and the inner palace. In the main premises of the external palace (southern sector), the emperor committed actions related to the management of the state. Here are the halls of the Supreme Harmony (the largest), central (complete) harmony (to prepare for the ceremony and recreation), the preservation of harmony (for ceremony rehearsals), also the hall of military greatness, the hall of literary glory, etc.

In the inner palace (northern sector) there are residential premises, in which the emperor, empress, princes, princesses, have lived, worked, played and worshiped the gods. The center contains the main premises - this is a group of three rooms: the hall of the celestial purity, the hall of the union and the world, the hall of earthly calm.

Behind the three halls there is an imperial garden: small design, but involving skillful landscape components. Then there are gates of divine power, the hall of mental development, a palace of a serene longevity.

Mausoleum Emperor Qin Shihuandi It is less than forty kilometers to the east of the city of Xiane. Built for the first emperor of the Qin dynasty, which united China and connecting all the links of the Great Wall of China, in 221-210 to our era. For construction work, about seven hundred thousand workers was involved. The area of \u200b\u200bthe underground palace is more than 56.25 square meters. km, here is about four hundred burials.

Together with the emperor Qin Shihuandi, terracotta statues were buried. « Terracotta Army» - The main exhibit of the complex was accidentally discovered in 1974 by local peasants during drilling work. In three underground chambers, the figures of almost 7,400 soldiers and horses are stored, also ninety military chariots are almost the entire composition of the imperial army. Figures of soldiers are made in full growth of 1.8 meters high, the face of every person is unique.

Unlike other states China for the whole world always remains a mysterious country! Reconciling the curtains of these secrets help exciting trips to the Pengetic Country. A visit to the main attractions and financial centers of China, a tropical island - a successful combination for bright impressions.

For the country of Yura (Hungarians) are coastal people;
they swim in the sea without need and no goal, but only for
glorify themselves, that, they say, they reached
such and such a place ...

Marvazi, Arabic Scientist, who lived at the turn of the XI-XII centuries

The mysterious country of Scandinavian Saga Biarmia has not been reached by scientists from different countries for many years. Its searching is devoted to the works of historians, geographers and even philologists. This search for this search attracts the fact that this fabulously rich country, the inhabitants of which were preferred to fight with enemies not ordinary, but causing a storm, rain, darkness, or saturated serious diseases on them, could be located in Russia.

The main source of information about Biarmia is Scandinavian sagas. It should be said that sagas are completely unique sources: unlike the folk works of the peoples of other countries, they can be considered as historical documents (except, of course, the Saga, which is directly called "false"). The historical meaning of "unspitial" sag significantly increases two circumstances. First: most of them were recorded very early - in the XII-XIII V.V. The second: they told Scalids and compilers of Saga only about what they saw themselves or heard from the trust of eyewitness (necessarily indicating his name, public and marital status, place of residence). Here is a characteristic passage from one of the sag:

"Bhianartmar called a man who lived at the top of the Orlin Fjord. His name was the tourism, she was a daughter of calfed with a ketile braid in a dary fjord. Bhartmar was the son of Ana Red Cloak, the son of the grima shaggy cheeks, his brother Odda arrows, son of Katily Salmon, son Hallbierne halfdral . Mother Ana Red Cloa was Helga, daughter Ana Archer. "

Then still talks about the children of Bymarm, and only then - the actual action begins. Read these long names of the names is quite difficult and tedious, but nothing can be done: the author is obligatory to inform everyone that he is honest, he has nothing to hide - please check, look for mistakes, catch up in a lie.

The famous Icelander Snorry Sturlson, the author of the collection of "Royal" Circle "Circle of Earth" and "Junior Edda," wrote that no scalid that sowed the glory in the face of the ruler would not have decided to attribute him to the acts that he did not perform: it would not Praise, but a mockery.

Scandinavians generally treated the stories about real people. And Biarmia at various times visited such famous persons as the Norwegian kings of Eico bloody secreir (this is told in the "saga about the Egil of Scallagarimson" - events of about 920-930) and Harald gray skins (his son - "Saga about Olaf , Son TRGGGVI "), Swedish konung Sturlaug Ingvolsson, blood enemy of the Norwegian king Olav St. Torire Dog. And others, historically less significant characters Saga: Bosi and his twin Herraud, Halfdan, Son Austina and his twin Ulfkel, Huma gray pants and some others. I found time to visit Biarmia and extremely interesting Viking Orvar ODD (Oddr Oervar - ODD-sharp arrows), which at the age of 12 ran out of the house of the receptional father after received from the propheted Heydra prediction of death from the head of the horse faxing, which is now in Stable. Do you, by the way, do you remind anything? ORVAR ODD, will become the ruler in the south - "in the country of the Huns" (Gunns Scalda were often announced by all people who lived the south of the Scandinavian Peninsula, "Saga about Völsungha" calls Gunno even Sigurd, more famous as the hero of the German epic "Song about Nibelunga" Siegfried). Under the old age ODD will return to his homeland: walks on the empty originity, says satellites that he left the horse skull on his way to the ship ... Yes, the snake crashes from this skull and grind his foot. In anticipation of death, ORVAR ODD divided his people into two parts: 40 people were preparing a mound for his burial, the other 40s - listened (and remembered) a poem about his life and the exploits he made them in front of them. In addition to the "ORVAR-ODD Sagi" (Genre - "Saga about ancient times", was recorded in the XIII century), he is also mentioned in "Saga about Hervor" and in Icelandic genus Sagah ("Saga about Gisley", "Saga about Egil") .

All of the above allows us to conclude a reality of both Biarmia itself and travels made in this country scandinavia. Especially surprisingly the absence of any traces of Biarmia in Russian chronicles. The only exception is the "Ioamakh Chronicle", written in Novgorod not earlier than the middle of the XVII century - much later than all these travets committed in the IX-XI centuries. Moreover, its compiler clearly used the texts of some Western European sources, from which the name "Biarmaia" could get into her (in the text - "City of Biharma"). But the saga, telling in detail about the adventures of the heroes in the given country, report very little information about its location. Here is a typical example of describing the path to Biarmia:

Whether the path to Biarmia in those days had to know every self-respecting scandinav, whether the stories about these travel were recorded by scalds at a time when the road to this country was thoroughly forgotten. All sources say that there is a large river in Biarmia, which is called wine, and the forest in which the sanctuary of the goddess of the local residents of Yomala, with a mandatory hill, in which treasures are buried. Around the robbery of this sanctuary, as a rule, the events set out in sagas are unfolded. At the same time, it is emphasized that Biarmia is a country from which the heroes bring large quantities of silver, and only on the second plan - traditional skins of fur animals.

These adventures were prepared in Biarmia Viking Egil, whose people were sailed there for trading with aborigines.

He managed to find out that in the forest glade surrounded by the fence, there is a hill dedicated to the goddess yomale: Biarumes brought here on the horses of the earth and the handful of silver for each newborn and the deceased. When attempting the nightly robbery of the sanctuary, Normans were surrounded and found themselves in a narrow, surrounded from all sides by the fence of space. Part of the Biaramov long spears closed the exit, and others - standing with back side Fences, applied blows through the slots between the logs. The aliens wounded were captured, the Biarma brought the Vikings in the barn, tied them to the pillars and went into the forest stood on the edge of the forest with windows on one side. Egil managed to dig a pillar to which he was tied and snatch him out of the ground. The teeth he overwhelmed the rope on the hands of one of his comrades, which then freed the rest. In search of the exit, the Norwegians stumbled upon a heavy hatch and, opening it, in the deep pit found three people who were given. Danes were captured in captivity for about a year ago, and to the pit was thrown to attempt to escape. The eldest of them showed the storage room in which the Norwegians "found silver more than they saw in their entire life," as well as their weapons. They wanted to come back to their ships, but Egil did not agree to leave unmarried:

"We just stole it with silver," he said, "I don't want such a shame. Let's return back and do what they should do."

Bulking the door to the house log, Normans threw the head from the fire under the Berest, which was covered with a roof. Standing at the windows, they killed everyone who was trying to get out of the house.

A similar situation is described in "Saga about Olav Saint" ("Circle of Earth"): Here Biarma raised anxious after trying to remove the necklace of Yomala (God in this saga male), One of the leaders of the Viking (Carly) cut off his head (the head turned out to be metallic and the hollow - rang when falling). However, Normans still managed to sit on the ships, and sail into the sea. Happiness This necklace did not bring anyone, because to take possession of them, Torire Dog later killed Carly - man Konung Olav. And then, without agreed with the appointed vira (in the account of which he was selected and the ill-fated necklace), became the enemy of Konung. A few years later, he, together with a taper and a custodian ship master kill Konong during the battle at stiklastadir (1030).

Peter Arbo. Battle when stylastaded. Torire Dog is hit by a shovel of Savab Saint.

In this battle was injured and forced to flee in Novgorod, the famous Coupar of Olav - Harald, who later received the nickname is stern.

But where was Biarmia? There is no consent among researchers, it was placed on the Kola Peninsula, in the Norwegian Lapland, on the Karelian Isthmus, at the mouth of the Northern Dvina, in the Yaroslavl Volga region, between the rivers of Onega and Warrow, on the banks of the Gulf of Riga and even in the Perm region.

In the medieval Scandinavian maps Biarmia is the north of Rusi, which is located next to Sweden and Norway. Skiffia is "Scythia" to the south of Rusi, and Kiev.

"Norway", the manuscript of the XII century, found in the Orkney Islands and published in 1850 reports: "Norway is dismembered on countless capes ... part of it is very close to the sea, the other - the Mediterranean - Goris, the Third - Forest, inhabitants of the Finns ... in the south From her - Denmark and the Baltic Sea, and from the side of the sushi - insert, Gautonia, Angeari, Yamtonia; These parts are now inhabited by Christian tribes, in the direction towards the north, on the other side of Norway, stretched from the East, very numerous tribes, devotees, about grief ! paganism, namely: Kirlaries and KNAV, horned Finns, and those and others - Biarma. "

"Mountains are replete with forests covered with forests, and numerous flock of wild animals find themselves in the richest pastures; there are many rivers, abundant foaming waterfalls. In the far Biarmia there are inhabited peoples, the access to which it is difficult to access, and you can get there only with great danger. For life. This half of the Biarmia is mostly covered with snow, and the journey is possible here, with a terrible cold, only on rapidly carrying deer. In the one and another part of the Biarmia there is enough plains and fields, and the earth gives a harvest if it is sown; everywhere is found in A huge amount of fish, and the hunting for a wild beast is so easy that there is no special need for bread. During the war, Biarmians do not so much use weapons, how many spells, with the help of which they cause dense clouds and heavy rains in the clear sky. Biarmeys - idolaters and very skillful in magic; not only in a word, but in one glance they can be so kindly of man that he loses his will, weakens the mind and, press Lucky, dies from exhaustion. "

Similar properties gives Biarmov and Saxon Grammar:

"Then the Biarmen replaced the strength of the weapon on the art of their magic, they filled wild songs, they filled Heavenly, and a mig on a clear solar sky gathered clouds and pouring a torrential rain, giving the sad appearance of even recently radiant surroundings."

And in Russia, as you probably know, a special tendency to witchcraft was traditionally attributed to various Finnish tribes.

Flemish cartographer and Geographic Gerard Mercator on his map of Europe located Biarmia on the Kola Peninsula.

Diplomat Francesco Yes Crow in written for Emperor Maximilian "Notes on Muscovy" writes that the Swedish Province of Sreating is opposite Russian Biarmia and "is divided by a white lake, a huge and abundant fish, on it, when it freezes, battles are often performed, and when the ice melts The struggle occurs on the courts. "

English merchant and diplomat (ancestor of the genus Liverpool) Anthony Jenkinson, an English ambassador at the court of Ivan Grozny, amounted to the map of Russia, on which Biarmia borders with the Norwegian Finmark.

In the "Circle of the Ground Circle" (the Atlas of the cards of Abraham Ortelus - 1570, Antwerp) The White Sea is an inland reservoir, and Biarmenia is located in the north of the Kola Peninsula.

The last time the name "Biarmia" meets in the work of Mavro Orbini (1601), which speaks about "Russah from Biarmia (Di Biarmia), found the Filopodia Island (Filopodia), the value of superior Cyprus. It is assumed that we are talking about the new archipelago Land.

"Carta Marina" Olafus Magnus 1539

"Carta Marina" Olafus Magnus 1539 (fragment). The white sea is shown as inner reservoir.

So, where did Biarmia settle down? Let's consider the most reasonable versions of the location of this mysterious and rich country.

According to the most common of them, Biarmia was located on the southern coast of the White Sea. In favor of this version, you can bring the following data:

1. At the end of the IX century, Viking Ottah told the English king Alfred Great that he lives in Halogaland (North-West Norway - the coastline between 65 and 67 degrees S.Sh.). Once, deciding to experience whether his land stretches to the north, he went in this direction, holding the coast, until the coast turned to the east, and then - south. Here he discovered a large river that led inside the country. The language of the people he met there seemed to him look like Finnish - pay attention to this circumstance.

2. According to Saga on Olawe Holy, in the XI century, the warrior of this king Carly went from Nidaros (modern Trondheim) to Halogland, where Torire Dog joined him. Together, they headed to Finnmurk (modern Finnmark, the region of the Lopari-Saamov), and further - along the coast north. Before Biarmia, they sailed "All Summer".

That is, it turns out that in both cases the Norwegians have passed around Cape Nordkap, reinforced the Kola Peninsula and entered the White Sea in the same way that the English Captain Richard Chenswler in 1533 brought his ship "Eduard Bonaventra" to Northern Dvina. This river is identified with the wine of the Scandinavian sag. An indirect confirmation of this version can serve as a Saga on the journey of the Danish king Mountain, which from Biarmia falls into the "kingdom of death". Some researchers believe that we are talking about the polar night, which I had to survive the Danes on back path.

However, it is known that the mouth of the Northern Dvina is very wetrated and difficult for shipping, trade vessels in the XVII-XVIII centuries. I did not risk logging into it without Lotsmana from local residents. Of course, it can be assumed that the Viking ships had a smaller sediment, and their nutrition - had extensive swimming experience in such conditions. Nevertheless, the first mention of Norwegians in the White Sea in Russian sources is dated only on only 1419: 500 "Murmans on beads and screws" whipped the coast and burned 3 churches.

Thomas Lowwell. "Ride Viking on the Christian Monastery"

After a collision with a local squad, they lost 2 ships, and left the ravis. More about Norwegian pirates in these places were not heard. Probably, until that time, the cold and deserted shores of the White Sea did not attract the special attention of the Norwegians. And rebuilding received in 1419, convinced them that the "sheepbill" is not worth it, it is easier to search for mining in warmer seas.

Russian specialist in historical geography S.K. Kuznetsov before the revolution questioned the very possibility of swimming Scandinavians in the White Sea. Based on the distance, velocity of the vessels of the Vikings, coastal marine and tidal flows, he proved the impossibility of navigating Ottora (dusing 15 days) on Cape North Cape. Here Carly and Torire Dog swimming "all summer" could visit the White Sea, but, in this case, they would have to be caught on his shores. This researcher also came to the conclusion that in the past there were several biarmeni, the closest of which was located in the Varanger Fjord area, west of modern Murmansk. It is noted that it is in this area a lot of toponyms beginning with "Baryar". This is a mountainous and wooded country, cut through a multitude of fast rivers.

Archaeologists have a big doubt about archaeologists, because so far, not a single subject of Scandinavian origin was found on the White Sea coast. For the same reason, such locations of the Biarmia, like the Zavochnia, Karelian and Peninsula, Perm are dubious. The author of the "Perm" version, by the way, is the Swedish Colonel Strajnberg, who after the battle under Poltavaya fell into the Russian captivity and spent 13 years in Siberia.

Philip Johann von Stallenberg

Subsequently, he became a historian and geographer of Russia. It was Straighterberg first identified the "country of cities" ("Gardariki") of the Scandinavian sag - with Kievan ruus, and the "island city" (Holmgard) - with Novgorod. Strajneberg suggested that Biarmia was on the banks of the Kama River, calling the city of Cherdin to her capital, and the country itself is "Great Perm". It was here that, in his opinion, there were ships who came from the Caspian Sea, with the roals of Vikings. This version is not at present and has mainly historical importance.

Strajneberg, also wrote, referring to the Swedish library "(Schwedische Bibliothek) of the edition of 1728, that the leader of the Finns named Kuzo managed to subordinate to Biarmia for three years. This is an obvious contradiction with the "Perm" version expressed by him.

The European North of Russia is generally a little suitable for localizing Biarmia. After all, as we remember, the characteristic feature of this country is the abundance of silver (more precisely - silver coins), which was the main prey to visit the Vikings Biarmia. In the early Middle Ages, Europe experienced an acute deficit of this metal. Russia was no exception, until the XVII century, silver was not mined at all in our country and received only from abroad. The main suppliers of this metal at the time were Central Asia and Arab countries whose merchants exchanged it on fur and slaves. It is on the way that connected Novgorod with the Caspian Sea (in Rybinsk, Yaroslavl, Rostov of the Great, etc.) find numerous treasures of silver Arab dirhems with the ancient-German rune inscriptions on them. The number of coins found is already calculated by hundreds of thousands, and their weight is tens of kilograms. Alternative mounds were found on the same paths with the burials of Scandinavian soldiers and merchants, fully absent in the European North of Russia.

The next "attack" of the Biarmia's mystery was taken by philologists-scandinavists who found out that its name means a "coastal country", which, thus, can be anywhere. This allowed researchers to pay attention to the episodes of the Saga, where the Eastern Path speaks into Biarmia. So, the manric warriors bloody secure Bjorn and Salgard attack Biarmia "from the north of the Eastern way", and the purpose of their campaign was also the land of Surtsdala (Suzdal!). Moreover, "Saga about Khakon Khakonarson", which tells about the events of 1222, it is argued that the Scandinavians at the time were constantly lived in Biarmia, making regular trips to Suudrdalariki, or sending trade expeditions there. The hero of Sagi Egmund, for example, went from Biarmia "in the fall to the east, in shuddering with his servants and a commodity."

Viking Ulfkel from the "Country of Barym" fell into the Gulf of Finland. Sakson Grammar in "Acts Danov" reports that the path to Biarmia lies from Lake Melarien in Sweden to the north along the shores of this country, and further - to the east, and that the Danish king Regner (Ragnar Lotbrok) went hike on the Biaroma in the land. He managed to subjugate the Lionia, Finland and Biarmia. Interestingly, the Biarmia's conean did not trust in military affairs with his "skillful in witchcraft" subjects, preferring to use who perfectly shoot from the onions of Finns, with the help of which constantly worried the Ragnar army remaining for the winter in Biarmia. Finno-skiers suddenly appeared, Danes were shot from editions and rapidly disappeared, "causing simultaneously and admiration, and surprise, and anger." I subsequently became the king of Norway, the famous son-in-law Yaroslav Wise, Harald Stern, being in the service in Gardarik, "walked along the Eastern way to Kurov, Vlands" and other nations of the Southeastern Baltic, and Viking Gudleik "East Way" brought to Holmgard (Novgorod) . Moreover, Viking Sturlaug finds in Biarmia an amber temple, and Bosasaga claims that her heroes in the country of Barymov, passing the Wine Forest, found themselves in the terrain that local residents called "GLAZISVELLIR". It is worth reminding the message of Tacitis: "As for the right coast of the Sebo Sea, here they are washed by the lands on which the Estiye tribes live ... they shake the sea and on the shore and on the shales of all of all they collect amber, which they themselves are called" glezom " .

Now you should talk about the path that in all these sources is called "Eastern". In the Scandinavian source "Description of the Earth", dating around 1170-1180, says: "Through Drumarka, the sea goes eastern way. Next to Darkarka is Small Point, then Eland, then Gotland, then Helsingland, then Vermalland, then Two Quenchad and they lie north of Biarmaland. " In a later Scandinavian essay of "Griple" reported: "The sea flows easternly through Dr. The Sea flows to the east of Danmark, Norway - to the north. Finnmark north from Norway. Then the Earth turns to the north-east and east until it comes Biarmalanda (Biarmalandi), which pays tribute to the King Gardarika (Rus). That is, by summing the data of these two sources, it can be assumed that Biarmia was located south of Finland, and paid tribute, probably Novgorod.

Modern researchers are unanimous in the opinion that the "Eastern Way" began from the shores of Denmark, went between the southern coast of the Baltic Sea, where Vendi (Bodrichi) lived, and Langland Islands, Loland, Falster, Borngolm, Eland, Gotland, then he turned north to Island Arnholm, and from him - east through the Aland Strait. From Cape Hanko in Southern Finland, ships went to the caulation of Porkkalaudd and sharply turned south to the place where Lyndanisse was built (Kesoniemi - Finnish, Kolyvan, Revel, Tallinn). One of the branches of this path led to the mouth of the Neva and Ladoga Lake and further to Novgorod. If we, following the instructions of the saga about Eyric bloody secrech, let out south of the "Eastern Path", we will find yourself in the Gulf of Riga, in which Western Dvina falls - another candidate for the place of the Wine River Biarmia. Supporters of this point of view indicate that several tens of kilometers to the nearest forest are of the mouth, while on the shores of Daugava and the Riga Bay, the forest comes to the very sea, and the sanctuary of the goddess yomala is identified with them with the temple of God the Thunder Yumal in Jurmala.

It remains to say that all nations who lived on the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea, except for one - Livov, are called in sagas. It was Livov, whose language, in contrast to their neighbors, is not Indo-European languages, but is a Finnougonian (we remember that Biaramov's language to Ottopha seemed similar to Finnish), some researchers of the Biarmai Scandinavian Saga consider. Now, from this, the numerous people remained only a small group of fishermen in the Talsinsky district of Latvia.

Interestingly, in the "saga about Korole Khakon", written by Icelandian Sturl Tordason (the nephew of the famous Snorry Sturlson) around 1265, the biarmaes are the inhabitants of Eastern Baltic States: "Khakon Konung ... ordered to build a church in the north and dubbed all the arrival . A lot of Barymov came to him who fled from the east of the invasion of the Tatars, and he dubbed them, and gave them a fjord called Malangre. "

But the Russian chronicles report about these events.

The first Novgorod: "The same summer (1258) is being taken by Tatarov all the land of Lithuanian, but the being ourselves."

Nikonovskaya chronicle: "The same summer is being taken by Tatarov all the land of Lithuanian and with many Polon and the richness of Iosha in Sobiusi."

Thus, it can be assumed that the authors of the sag called Biarmia different countries. "Far Biarmia", indeed, could be located on the coast of the White Sea, but, swimming in Scandinavians there. If there were, then episodic, and no serious consequences. Middle Biaromia, traveling to which the majority of Saga describes, was located at the mouth of Western Dvina. The versions about other localizations of this country can safely recognize only historical importance.

India - Beautiful big country With a huge population, all imbued with secrets and riddles. Probably in any country in the world for thousands of years, such a number of spiritual and physical values \u200b\u200bwas focused as in this republic.

Republic of India.

India is the cradle of ancient civilizations, glorious by their wealth, the development of science and culture. She became the source of Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism. It was from here that Zoroastrianism, Christianity, Judaism and Islam came to the world. Check out the video from the Golden Globe series, about the diversity of the country and religions in it - "India - the country of many gods"

yes, really - the most beautiful, amazing and mysterious. Here is another film - about her secrets and riddles

The name of this mysterious country "presented" the Indian River, the historical name of which on the ancient Persidian sounds like "Hinda". "Indoi" (people of Indus) - the founders of the ancient Greece called the Indians.

According to the Constitution, India (the official name of which is the Republic of India) has a few more names: official - bharat and unofficial - Hindustan.

India is an amazing exotic country located in South Asia.

Map of india

Not inferior to the state in the exotic and its "neighbors": in the West -, in the northeast -, and, in the east - Myanmar and Bangladesh. In the south-west, India has a common marine face with, in the south - CO, in the south-east - with Indonesia.

The country area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 3,287.3 thousand km 2, according to its population (about 1.3 million people) is inferior to 1st place in the world only densely populated China; 29% here are residents of cities.

SAME large cities Hindoustan recognized: Mumbai (former Bombay) - about 14 million inhabitants; Bangalore - more than 5 million; Calcutta - about 5 million. In total, 37 cities with the number of people more than a million people.

In Delhi - the capital of the state, more than 12 million people live.

The ethnos of the country's indigenous people is very colorful: these are Hindus, Bengalts, Telugu, Marathi, Tamily, Gujaratsy, etc.

The state in the country is recognized 22 languages!)))))) But this is in different states. Nationwide are Hindi and English.

Flag of India from Gandhi

The State Flag of the Republic of India was approved on July 22, 1947. A very important document on its official specification requires the manufacture of state standard only from the Hadi's special, manually wounded, sari from which Mahatma Gandhi. The Indian Section Code determines and regulates the use of the flag in various rituals.

Indian flag

On the flag - three replacing each other bands: saffron-colored top strip replaces medium white, in turn, white - lower green stripe.

The dark-blue Wheel "Ashoka Chakra", divided into 24 knitting sectors, personifies the strainer. The image was copied with Lion Capitals in Sarnathe.

Three seasons - and all warm

India's climate is a tropical monsoon. The influence of monsoon causes a change in temperature at a significant part of its territory. Himalayas and the desert TAR are important factors affecting the local climate. It is characterized by three main seasons:

  • from June to October, it lasts the rainy season, hot and wet (during this period about 85% drops annual norm precipitation);
  • from October- to February, the winter season is distinguished - relatively dry and cool;
  • the transitional period lasting from March to May brings in India to Kohn and Drought.

The country's landscape is quite diverse: it is the lowland accompanying the Ganges River, and Himalayas - in the northern regions of India, plateau and plateau - in the central part, plains in the south.

India - Walking to the shrines

The sights of the state of the Hindus (the ancient ruins of structures, architectural monuments, cult shrines, exotic cities) reflect the unique variety of ancient cultures and civilizations.

Here is another video - "What ancient" know about

I am still surprised how the country could with such knowledge and potential to get under the filling, and so long to go to the present well-being.

The most visited places visited by tourists:

  1. The coast of the Arabian Sea accidental the long chain of the lagoon and the marshes of Kerala. You can admire the flora and the fauna of these places by making a boat on the boat created by the nature of the channels.
  2. There, in Kerala there is a park - the Tiger Reserve.
  3. On the boat you will be delivered to the Palace of Lake Picola, which is located in the city of Udaipur. Former Summer Royal Residence was built in the XVIII century. And in 1983, he became a place of shooting one of the films about Agent 007 - James Bond.
  4. The key shrine of Indians is the Hindu Temple of Virupakshi (Hampi) was erected in the 7th century BC. And acts to this day.
  5. Each first full moon in March is held two-day across the country.
  6. The most exotic on about. Goa is considered surrounded from two sides by capes Beach Pallemba - an ideal place for those who appreciate good hotels and rapid nightlife.
  7. The beautiful nature reserve of Asia is the Kanch National Park. Procurable gorges, bamboo bamboo and the picturesque meadows of Kanha served as a prototype for the "Jungle Book" of the Reddard Kipling.
  8. "Golden" temple Harmandir-Sahib is a beautiful cult facility of Sikhov, built by the Grand Guru himself in the XVI century. To bow to his shrines flocking pilgrims from around the world.
  9. On the deserted border with Pakistan, the fortress of Jaisalmer was spread out, which, because of the yellow color of sandstone, served by the building material, is called the Golden City.
  10. The rocky breed of the Ajanta caves retained beautiful ancient frescoes on its walls. Caves were carved in the rocks about two thousand years ago BC.
  11. At one of the shores of Ganga, the Global Sacred City of Varancy is. Tourists here may watch the most interesting tradition of the mass ablution of pilgrims in the waters of the Great Indian River.
  12. Well, of course, the most recognizable building of the country, his business cardIs Mausoleum built in memory of his beautiful wife Emperor Mughal - Shah Jahan. "Tears on the cheek of eternity" - so he called his white monumental.
  13. In the same state - (Rajasthan) dozens of castles, forts and parks.

Barracuda is not afraid?

India has numerous resorts for travelers with the most different levels income.

To stay in hotels on Goa can be in Baga Beach, Calangut, Kolva Beach. Five-star hotels await you at the resorts: "Fort Aguada", "Sidade de Goa", "Oberoi Bogmalo" and others.

Here you can stay in youth hostels, cottages for tourists and hotels of resorts, renting rooms at reasonable prices ("Majord Beach").

In the area of \u200b\u200bBombay there is a resort for more well-friendly tourists - "Juche Beach".

In the vicinity of Madrasa - Kovelong resort.

Excellent hotel service of various price categories and beautiful beaches you will find in Mahabalipuram, Pondicherry, Puri, Kerala, and on the islands of Nicobars, Andaman and Lakshavipa.

Many of the islands belonging to the state are declared reserves and only some of them became resort zones.

In the vicinity of the islands scattered in the Arabian Sea, sharks and barracuda are found. And for a closer acquaintance with the marine inhabitants, there is an opportunity to explore the depths of the boat with a transparent bottom or renting equipment for diving. Sea turtles, funny dolphins, rike-orlyas, fish-"parrots" and "Zebra" fish will be glad to welcome you in your unusual and beautiful country.

India - This is the country that it is necessary to visit at least once in life, and forever penetrate it with beauty and spirit.

And of course, who is already penetrating, I ask you to comment on this event)))))

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