Scheme of the analysis of the lesson on the GFS sample filling. Analysis of the lesson on the fgos (speech at the pedagogical council) Map of the analysis of the lesson in elementary school on the fgos

Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) for general and secondary education, implemented by Russian educational institutions, suggest new lesson plan.

Now, in order to successfully pass the certification, each teacher must provide outline plans of their lessons, but completed according to a new model.

For some, this task was easy, and for others - not so much.

How to draw up a plan-outline according to the norms and not forget anything?

Exit found! We have prepared a template for you . If you have already prepared outlines of lessons from previous years, then compiling new ones will not be difficult for you. Well, for young novice teachers, our service will be just a godsend.

Lesson analysis scheme for GEF sample filling, which we offer to teachers on our portal is simple and easy to fill out. In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, we have developed an electronic template for this document, which has all the necessary sections for compiling a full analysis of the lesson in any subject. You will only need to enter the information in the sections and fill in the time. The total time of the lesson is calculated automatically, which makes it easier to plan the duration of each of the stages of the lesson. After filling, the document is automatically generated and can be sent for printing.

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Analysis of the lesson on GEF.

1. The main objectives of the lesson: educational, developmental, educational. Are the objectives of the lesson set by the teacher being implemented?

2. Organization of the lesson: the type of lesson, the structure of the lesson, the stages and their logical sequence and dosage in time, the conformity of the construction of the lesson with its content and the goal.

3 Compliance of the lesson with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard:

3.1. Orientation to a new educational result.

3.2. The focus of activities on the formation of UUD

3.3. Use of modern technologies (design, research, ICT, etc.)

4.1. Appropriateness of the material for the age of the students.

4.2. Compliance of the content of the lesson with the requirements of the program.

4.3. The connection of theory with practice, the use of the life experience of students in order to develop their cognitive activity and independence.

4.4. The connection of the studied material with the previously covered, interdisciplinary connections.

5. The methodology of the lesson.

5.1. Actualization of knowledge and methods of activity of students. The teacher's formulation of problematic questions, the creation of problematic situations.

5.2. What methods were used by the teacher? What is the share of reproductive and search (research) activities? Compare their ratio ("read", "retell", "repeat", "remember" - reproductive character; "prove", "explain", "evaluate", "compare", "find a mistake" - search character)

5.3. Correlation between the activities of the teacher and the activities of students. Volume and nature of independent work.

5.4. Which of the following methods of cognition does the teacher use (observation, experience, search for information, comparison, reading).

5.5. Application of dialogue forms of communication.

5.6. Creation of non-standard situations when using the knowledge of students.

5.7. Implementation of feedback.

5.8. A combination of frontal, group, pair and individual work.

5.9. Implementation of differentiated learning. The presence of tasks for children of different levels of learning.

5.10. Means of education. The expediency of their use in accordance with the topic, the stage of training.

5.11. Use of visual material: as illustrations, for emotional support, for solving a learning problem. (visual material: redundant, sufficient, appropriate, insufficient)

6. Psychological foundations of the lesson.

6.1. Consideration by the teacher of the levels of actual development of students and the zone of their proximal development.

6.2. Implementation of the developing function of learning. Development of qualities: perception, attention, imagination, thinking, memory, speech.

6.3. Formation of skills of self-control and self-assessment.

6.4. The rhythm of the lesson: the alternation of material of varying degrees of difficulty, a variety of types of educational activities.

6.5. The presence of psychological pauses and discharge. emotional atmosphere of the lesson.

7. Homework: the optimal amount, the availability of instruction, differentiation, the provision of the right to choose.

8. The presence of elements of the new in the pedagogical activity of the teacher (lack of a template)

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Analysis of the lesson from the standpoint of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

1. Goal setting.

A). The goals and objectives of the lesson are not clearly formulated and do not fully meet the requirements of the standard and the program.

b). Goals and objectives are formulated clearly, specifically, in accordance with the requirements of the standard and the program. Reflect the formation of UUD.

V). Goals and objectives are formulated diagnostically in joint (or independent) activities, taking into account the subjective experience of students. Reflect the formation of UUD.

3. The logic of the organization of UD (educational and cognitive activity).

A). The stages of the lesson are traced poorly. There are no logical transitions.

b). The stages of the lesson are highlighted reasonably, have logical transitions, but some stages are delayed in time.

V). The steps are clear, logical, complete. The transition to new stages is carried out with the help of problem ligaments. The organization of educational activities is optimal.

4. Methods of organizing UD.

A). The methods of organizing UD are not adequate enough for the tasks of the lesson. The structure of the methods is poorly thought out. Individual characteristics of students are practically not taken into account. The predominance of reproductive methods is not justified.

b). The methods are adequate to the tasks. Along with reproductive methods, productive methods are reasonably used. The structure of the methods is mostly thought out and logical.

V). The methods are adequate to the tasks. The combination of methods is optimal

stimulates the cognitive activity of students, their individual characteristics are taken into account. It reflects the originality of the methodological concept of the UMK.

5. Forms of organization of UD.

A). The frontal organization of educational and cognitive activity of students prevails. Organizational forms do not fully correspond to the tasks set, do not contribute to the formation of educational activities.

b). Forms are adequate to the goals and objectives. Organizes the inclusion of students in other forms of organization of learning (either individual, or group, or collective)

V). Creative refraction of known forms of organization of educational and cognitive activity. Independence of students in the choice of forms. The manifestation of business and creative activity.

6. Organization of control and evaluation activities.

a) Control provides little feedback. The evaluation activity of the teacher prevails. Evaluation criteria are not named or are of a general nature.

b) The control organization provides feedback. Assessment is carried out on a criteria basis, but students are not included in situations of self-control and self-assessment.

c) The organization of control is rational. Criteria approach to performance evaluation. Students are involved in situations of self-control, mutual control and self-evaluation.

7. The results of the lesson.

a) The corresponding goal has not been achieved. The progress of students in the formation of UUD and knowledge can be traced very weakly.

b) Corresponds to the set goals in terms of knowledge, skills and abilities. UUD are traced worse.

c) Corresponds to the set goals and is diagnostic in terms of ZUN and UUD.

High teaching, educating and developing effect.

Quantitative indicators of lesson evaluation:

a) - 1 point; b) - 2 points; c) - 3 points;


Primary school teacher
Drezno Gymnasium
Guseva Irina Evgenievna

Each lesson should be a task for the mentor, which he should do, thinking it over in advance: in each lesson he should achieve something, take a step further and make the whole class take this step.
K.D. Ushinsky.
Analysis (self-analysis) of a lesson (system of lessons) is a detailed and comprehensive consideration of it as a whole from a certain angle of view (aspect). The choice of aspects depends both on the analytical need and on the practical need that has arisen.
Ways to attend classes
1. Selective.
2. Thematic.
3. Parallel.
4. Comprehensive study of individual classes.
5. Target visit to the lesson with the invitation of a specialist.
In an educational institution, the following forms of analysis and introspection of the lesson are used:
1. Brief (evaluative) analysis - a general assessment of the functions of the lesson, characterizing the solution of educational, educational and developmental tasks.
2. Structural (step by step) analysis - identification and evaluation of the dominant structures (elements) of the lesson, their expediency, which ensures the development of students' cognitive abilities.
The GEF lesson consists of 9 mandatory steps:
Organizational moment, self-determination to activity.
Updating knowledge and fixing difficulties in activities.
Statement of the learning task
Building a project to get out of difficulties
Implementation of the constructed project
Primary reinforcement with pronunciation in external speech
Independent work with self-test
Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition
Reflection of educational activity in the lesson, information about homework and performance.
3. Full analysis - a system of aspect analyzes, including an assessment of the implementation of the tasks of the lesson, the content and types of educational activities of students according to such characteristics as the levels of students' assimilation of knowledge and methods of mental activity, the development of students, the implementation of didactic principles and the effectiveness of the lesson.
4. Structural-temporal analysis - assessment of the use of lesson time for each of its stages.
5. Combined analysis - assessment (simultaneous) of the main didactic purpose of the lesson and structural elements.
6. Psychological analysis - the study of the fulfillment of psychological requirements for the lesson (ensuring the cognitive activity of students of the developing type).
7. Didactic analysis - analysis of the main didactic categories (implementation of the principles of didactics, selection of methods, techniques and means of teaching and teaching schoolchildren, didactic processing of the educational material of the lesson, pedagogical guidance of independent cognitive activity of students, etc.).
8. Aspect analysis - consideration, detailed and comprehensive study and evaluation from a certain point of view of any side or a separate goal / task of the lesson in conjunction with the results of students' activities.
Example aspects of the lesson:
the use of developmental methods in the classroom;
study of ways to enhance the cognitive activity of students;
ways of developing cognitive interest;
formation of schoolchildren's general educational skills and abilities;
verification and assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities of students;
ensuring the health-saving function of the lesson;
psychological climate in the classroom;
the level and nature of the use of ICT in the classroom;
organization of problem-based learning in the classroom, etc.
9. Comprehensive analysis - simultaneous analysis of the didactic, psychological and other foundations of the lesson (most often the system of lessons).
10. The most optimal and objective can only be a system analysis - a set of interrelated techniques and procedures used to study objects and processes that are complex integral systems.
Aspects of system analysis:
metaphysical (decomposition - dismemberment);
structural (relationships);
functional (providing functions);

Genetic (origin and possibility of further development).
Requirements for the preparation and attendance of the lesson
1. Examine the class journal, which gives an idea of ​​the progress of students in a given subject over a certain period.
2. Identify the topic that was studied in the previous lesson.
3. Pay attention to the regularity and timeliness of assessing students' knowledge.
4. Analyze each lesson individually with each teacher.
5. Conduct a discussion of the lesson in a principled and demanding manner, but correctly and kindly.
6. Argue comments that are unpleasant for the teacher with facts and provisions from the theory of pedagogy and psychology.
General Guidelines for Lesson Analysis
1. You can not give all teachers the same recommendations (what is suitable for one, it is inappropriate for another).
2. Any recommendations for improving the teacher's work should be based on his achievements and strengths.
3. It is necessary to encourage the creative conduct of the lesson, to encourage the teacher to independently develop its structure and methodology.
4. It should be assessed how rationally the methods and methods of teaching chosen by the teacher were used, for example, how appropriate in these conditions were certain types of conversation, independent work.
5. Comments and recommendations to the teacher should be clearly formulated and recorded in the certificate based on the analysis of the lesson.
GEF lesson analysis scheme
Teacher _______________________________________________________________
(name, category)
Author of the textbook _________________________________________________________
Theme of the lesson _____________________________________________________________
Type of lesson _______________________________________________________________
Number of students in the class _______________________________________________
Attendance at the lesson
Stages of analysis Scores
1. The main objectives of the lesson: educational, developmental, educational. Are the objectives of the lesson set by the teacher being implemented?
2. Organization of the lesson: the type of lesson, the structure of the lesson, the stages, their logical sequence and dosage in time, the correspondence of the construction of the lesson to its content and the goal.
3. How does the teacher provide motivation for studying this topic (learning material)
4. Compliance of the lesson with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard:
4.1. Orientation to new educational standards.
4.2. The focus of activities on the formation of UUD
4.3. Use of modern technologies: design, research, ICT, etc.
5. Content of the lesson:
5.1. Scientific correctness of the coverage of the material in the lesson, its compliance with age characteristics
5.2. Compliance of the content of the lesson with the requirements of the program.
5.3. The connection of theory with practice, the use of life experience of students in order to develop cognitive activity and independence.
5.4. The connection of the studied material with the previously covered material, interdisciplinary connections.
6. Lesson methodology:
6.1. Actualization of knowledge and methods of activity of students. Problem solving, problem solving.
6.2. What methods were used by the teacher. What is the share of reproductive and search (research) activities? Compare the ratio: the approximate number of tasks of a reproductive nature: (“read”, “retell”, “repeat”, “remember”) and the approximate number of tasks of a search nature (“prove”, “explain”, “evaluate”, “compare”, “ find the error)
6.3. Correlation between the activities of the teacher and the activities of students. Volume and nature of independent work.
6.4. Which of the following methods of cognition does the teacher use (observation, experience, search for information, comparison, reading, etc.)
6.5. Application of dialogue forms of communication.
6.6. Creation of non-standard situations when using the knowledge of students.
6.7. Implementation of feedback: student-teacher.
6.8 Combination of frontal, group and individual work.
6.9 Implementation of differentiated learning. The presence of tasks for children of different levels of learning.
6.10. Means of education. The expediency of their use in accordance with the topic, the stage of training.
6.11. Use of visual material: as an illustration, for emotional support, for solving learning problems. Visual material is redundant, sufficient, appropriate, insufficient.
6.12. Formation of skills of self-control and self-assessment.
7. Psychological foundations of the lesson:
7.1. Consideration by the teacher of the levels of actual development of students and the zone of their proximal development.
7.2. Implementation of the developing function of learning. Development of qualities: perception, attention, imagination, memory, thinking, speech.
7.3. The rhythm of the lesson: the alternation of material of varying degrees of difficulty, a variety of types of educational activities.
7.4. The presence of psychological pauses and discharge of the emotional sphere of the lesson.
8. Homework: the optimal volume, the availability of instruction, differentiation, the presentation of the right to choose ..
9. The presence of new elements in the pedagogical activity of the teacher (lack of a template)

Total: For each criterion, points are given from 0 to 2: 0 - the criterion is absent, 1 - it is manifested partially, 2 - in full.
The modern lesson is a synthesis of traditions and innovations. This is the process and result of the activity of a teacher who has mastered and continues to master the products of traditional and innovative methods.
In today's lesson:
1. The teacher not only recognizes the student's right to his own judgment, but is also interested in it.
2. New knowledge looks true not only because of the authority of the teacher, scientist or textbook author, but also because of the proof of its truth by a system of reasoning.
3. The material of the lesson includes a discussion of different points of view on solving educational problems, reproduces the logic of the content of the lesson, shows ways to apply the knowledge being studied in practice.
4. Communication with students is built in such a way as to lead them to independent conclusions, to make them partners in the process of preparing, searching and finding knowledge and options for its use.
5. The teacher builds questions to the input material and answers them, raises questions from students and stimulates an independent search for answers during the lesson. Ensures that the student thinks with him.
The lesson analysis scheme helps both in building a lesson and in self-analysis of an open lesson. Focusing on the requirements, you can adjust your work in such a way as to prevent violations in the structure of the modern lesson.

Visit purpose

class, teacher

Number of students in the class

attended the lesson

Lesson topic

Lesson type

Didactic task of the lesson

The objectives of the lesson (educational, educational, developmental)

Aspect analysis of the lesson.

Leading Aspects of Lesson Analysis Content of observation
Didactic task of the lesson (brief evaluation analysis)

1. Correspondence of the didactic task of the lesson to the selected content.

2. The effectiveness of the solution of the didactic task.

Lesson content Correspondence of the main content of the lesson with the content of the program and textbook
Teaching methods Correspondence of teaching methods and teaching (teaching methods) to the solution of the triune educational goal
Forms of study

1. Correspondence of the forms of education (frontal, group, individual, collective) to the solution of the main didactic task of the lesson.

2. The expediency of using the proposed tasks.

Lesson effectiveness Achieving the goal and solving the main didactic task of the lesson
Practical orientation of the lesson The practical orientation of questions, exercises and tasks proposed for students to complete
Independent work of schoolchildren as a form of organization of educational activities

1. The level of independence of schoolchildren in solving the didactic task of the lesson.

2. The nature of independent learning activities (reproductive, creative).

3. Mutual assistance

Formation of universal learning activities at each stage of the lesson Personal, cognitive, communicative, regulatory
Formation of ICT competence The use of ICT in the classroom, the level of formation of ICT competence of students
Lesson structure Correspondence of the structure of the lesson with the main didactic task
Pedagogical style Compliance with the norms of pedagogical ethics
Hygiene requirements Temperature control, classroom ventilation, alternation of activities, dynamic pauses

Aspect types of lesson analysis according to GEF.

Assume the analysis of any aspect of the activities of the teacher or students. For this purpose, observation and then analysis of the lesson in a certain aspect is carried out. Here are some recommendations for aspect analysis of the lesson.

Analysis of the lesson in the aspect of the development of the intellect of students.

Analysis of the lesson from the point of view of taking into account the patterns of development of the intellectual sphere of students involves attention to the following issues:

1) To what extent is the lesson prepared from the point of view of the development of the components of the intellectual sphere in students?

2) Do the teacher's control actions during the lesson correspond to the patterns of students' mental activity?

3) Are reflective components of mental activity formed during the lesson?

4) To what extent do students develop general methods of mental activity?

5) Do schoolchildren learn the methods of logical, semantic processing of material during the lesson?

6) Do schoolchildren learn to evaluate and analyze the work of their comrades, their mental activity?

7) What comprehension criteria does the teacher use to determine how the material is understood?

8) Is collective mental activity used in the lesson?

9) To what extent are elements of creative thinking formed?

10) Are schoolchildren's differences in the main qualities of the intellectual sphere (smartness, flexibility, independence, awareness, etc.) taken into account?

Analysis of the lesson in terms of the development of students' motivation.

Analysis of the lesson from the point of view of the possibilities for the development of the motivational sphere involves attention to the following issues:

1) What does the teacher do at the beginning of the lesson to arouse students' interest in the work ahead?

2) Was the beginning of the lesson successful from a motivational point of view?

3) Did the teacher update the students' motivational states during the lesson?

4) Did the teacher manage to switch students from one activity to another? How effective were his methods?

5) To what extent does the teacher teach students the techniques of goal setting?

6) What methods of motivation did the teacher use most often?

7) The development of what needs did the teacher pay attention to (intellectual, cognitive, the need for achievement, the need for cognitive communication)?

8) Did the teacher manage to achieve the goals of developing the motivational sphere?

9) What needs to be done for a more successful formation of motivation?

10) Was the difference of students in the main qualities of the motivational sphere taken into account?

Analysis of the lesson in the aspect of solving educational problems in the classroom.

This analysis involves consideration of the following questions:

1) What educational tasks should be solved in the lesson?

2) What educational tasks are defined by the teacher himself?

3) In what ways, pedagogical means is the solution of the tasks set provided?

4) How are the educational opportunities of the content of the material used, is the connection with the life of children and society, the practical experience of children provided?

5) Educational effectiveness of pedagogical tools used at various stages of the lesson.

6) How are the cognitive activity and creativity of students stimulated in the classroom?

7) Creation of conditions for the manifestation and development of the personality of each child, ensuring the individualization and differentiation of education.

8) Increasing the educational efficiency of assessing knowledge in the classroom, involving children in the organization of the lesson, developing their independence and responsibility.

9) Formation of relations between students in the lesson.

10) The educational influence of the situation, the design of the office, visual aids.

11) The influence of the teacher's personality on improving the educational effectiveness of the lesson. Professional speech of the teacher.

The inclusion of primary classes in the general educational paradigm, due to the reform of the system of teaching children, affected all aspects of teaching practice - from the planning and organization of classes to the system for assessing schoolchildren's achievements.

In light of this, it is especially relevant to approve the procedure for conducting analysis of primary school lessons according to GEF- implementation of an analytical process that allows:

  • systematically control the quality of the educational process, the appropriateness of using various pedagogical methods and techniques;
  • determine value orientations and attitudes, as well as factors that may impede the implementation of the principles of the system-activity approach;
  • promote the consistent professional growth of elementary school teachers.

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Lesson analysis in primary school according to the Federal State Educational Standard: basic requirements and features

Lessons, which are developed in accordance with the new requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, have a number of significant differences from traditional forms of classes. In this regard, the analytical evaluation of such a lesson will have a number of distinctive features that you need to familiarize yourself with, as well as find out what the expert’s worksheet looks like. The fundamental difference between modern classes and traditional ones is that much more attention should be paid by the teacher to the independent conclusions of children, their personal opinion and active participation in the lesson.

Analysis of an open lesson in primary school according to GEF, an example which is given below, has changed significantly since the introduction of the new requirements.

According to the newly adopted standards, the lesson is organized taking into account the following points:

  1. The topic of the lesson is formulated by the students, the teacher only leads the children to the desired conclusion.
  2. The purpose and objectives of the lesson are also voiced by schoolchildren, based on the questions of the teacher and emphasizing previously acquired educational experience.
  3. In the course of planning educational activities, the teacher, together with the children, designs a step-by-step implementation of educational actions - draws up a plan necessary to achieve the goals of the lesson.
  4. The lesson organizes individual, pair or group work, counseling students. The teacher acts as an adviser and assistant, leaving the educational initiative to the children, but at the same time directing the educational activity of the class team.
  5. During the lesson, self-control, mutual control or other regulatory actions are implemented that contribute to the awareness of children of their own level of educational achievements and current educational requirements.
  6. Pupils independently cope with the difficulties that have arisen and correct mistakes.
  7. At the final stage of lesson activity, schoolchildren discuss their progress, evaluate the result of their work and the work of classmates; reflection is carried out.
  8. The teacher assigns homework that takes into account the individual characteristics of children, involving different levels of complexity.

During the lesson, the teacher should play the role of an adviser who helps and advises children, but does not impose information on them on the basis of his authority. In connection with the updated requirements for the lesson, the sample lesson analysis in primary school according to GEF, which should now take into account the new components of the lesson.

Pedagogical analysis of the lesson in elementary school

The scheme, the development of which was carried out as sample analysis of a lesson in primary school according to GEF, has a number of characteristic features. Evaluation of the lesson in accordance with the new requirements should include the presence of goals, actions aimed at organizing the educational process, as well as the motivation of students, which is especially important for primary school students, for whom, due to the age factor, focusing and retaining attention remains a problem.

Structurally, analytical assessment of the lesson is carried out in accordance with the expert card, which should contain data about the teacher who conducted the open lesson, the name of the NEO institution, the subject, the methodological kit and didactic materials, the topic and date of the lesson. At analysis of open lessons in elementary school for teachers with experience and young professionals, different types of expert cards are used, which helps to optimize the planned monitoring of the educational process. An example of a standardized form that contains basic analysis criteria is shown below.

Sample Lesson Analysis Chart in Elementary School

Structural stages of the analysis of the GEF lesson What to pay attention to Number of points
Goals and objectives When conducting, it is primarily assessed how fully the topic and task of the lesson are formed, which, in accordance with the principles of the system-activity approach, is carried out during the motivational stage through the formulation of the educational problem and the actualization of the previously studied.
In addition, they indicate whether the goal of the lesson, formulated by teachers and presented in the planning documentation, was achieved, as well as practical tasks voiced by students.
General structure of the lesson Within the framework of this block, it is advisable to evaluate what type of lesson was chosen as the basis (a lesson in discovering new knowledge, a lesson in systematizing what was learned, a combined lesson, etc.), how the structure corresponds to the goal, and also indicate whether the methods were successfully defined and implemented and methods of pedagogical work (whether they contributed to the achievement of practical tasks).
Ways to actualize the attention of students and motivation for active learning activities In view of the fact that the independent learning activity of students becomes the basis for the successful development of knowledge in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, this aspect of the work of a primary school teacher becomes especially significant. The stage of actualization of the previously studied and the formulation of educational problems is based on the early learning experience of children, therefore, in the lower grades, this aspect may be expressed weakly or practically not taken into account, which should be taken into account when conducting the analysis.
Compliance of the lesson with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard In order to optimize the educational process, it is important to evaluate the actions of the teacher by the lesson aimed at implementing the standards of the new generation, namely, the measures taken to develop not only subject, but also meta-subject competencies of students. Additionally, the use of modern teaching methods - ICT, project method, research and experimental methods is assessed.
Lesson content Within the framework of this structural block, it is advisable to analyze the completeness and correctness of the presentation of educational material, taking into account the psychophysical characteristics of elementary school students, the compliance of the content of the lesson with the requirements of educational programs, the implementation of the practice of creating "success situations" and the nature of individual development of key skills, providing conditions under which children can apply acquired knowledge in practice, as well as ensuring the relationship between previously acquired and new learning experiences.
Lesson methodology It is assessed in stages, taking into account the following components of pedagogical activity:
  1. The main methods of organizing educational work in the classroom, the ratio of reproductive and productive forms of activity (the optimal indicator is determined taking into account the age of students, and therefore remains minimal for elementary school).
  2. Evaluate the methods of "knowledge discovery" implemented by the teacher - information search, experiments, observation, comparisons.
  3. Correlation of the dialogic form of communication with the class to monologue statements of the teacher.
  4. Is there a use of non-standard educational situations that contribute to the actualization of children's attention and increase the effectiveness of educational work?
  5. Formation of feedback with primary school students.
  6. A combination of various forms of educational work (group, pair, individual).
  7. Use of demonstration and handout materials, as well as ICT tools with mandatory evaluation of their content.
  8. Application of techniques for organizing self-control and self- and mutual evaluation of students.
Psychological analysis of the lesson In order to provide optimal conditions for the formation of educational competencies of primary school students, it is additionally required to evaluate:
  1. Does the teacher take into account the level of knowledge and individual manifestations of the personality of each child?
  2. Does the implemented learning activity contribute to the overall development and formation of super-subject competencies?
  3. Is there a consistent intensity in the level of difficulty of tasks and an increase in the pace of their implementation?
  4. Are there breaks during the lesson that contribute to the physical and emotional unloading of schoolchildren?
  5. Is the volume and level of difficulty of the homework appropriate for the age of the children? Is it possible to select a task according to abilities (differentiation of home exercises)?

Work on analysis of lessons in primary school according to GEF is carried out with the interaction of the teacher and experts. Experts who attend open classes and fill out analysis sheets may be representatives of the administration of the Ministry of Education and Science, educational psychologists and other teachers, including those from other educational institutions.

Beforehand, it is important to familiarize the teacher with the parameters of the analysis sheet in order for him to understand what exactly is required of him and by what criteria his work will be evaluated. If the teacher is guided by a system-activity approach, he will be able to work with the analysis sheet in full.

Peer review can be done right at the lesson. If the structure of the lesson fully complies with the requirements of the map, the teacher receives the maximum number of points - 2. In the event that the goals were partially realized or not achieved at all, a score of 1 or 0 points is given in the corresponding column.

Additionally, it should be noted:

  1. It is not enough for officials authorized to evaluate classes to put points in the appropriate column. It is also necessary to provide additional explanations for each moment of the lesson and give examples of the correctness of the GEF lesson.
  2. Representatives of the school administration also pay close attention to the appropriateness of UUD and their effectiveness. They are evaluated depending on which group they belong to - regulatory, cognitive, aimed at raising a child, developing his personal qualities, communication, etc., as well as how they correspond to the objectives of the lesson.

The results of the evaluation of the teacher can be acquainted after he makes a self-analysis. Often, the observation of the lesson and its analysis causes difficulties not only for young experts, but also for professionals with experience, so the work on self-regulation should be given enough attention.

When filling out the sample analysis of the GEF lesson in elementary school experts without fail take into account the variety of options for conducting classes and separately evaluate:

  • assimilation by students of new knowledge, development of new skills;
  • the use by students of universal educational activities (UUD);
  • updating previously acquired knowledge;
  • generalization of skills and abilities;
  • control of students' activities in various ways - self-control and mutual control;
  • correction of knowledge and their consolidation.

Evaluation sheets of analysis are accumulated over time and allow you to evaluate the dynamics of educational activities, the success of the implementation of the curriculum, as well as identify problematic points. Also, analysis sheets may be needed for the self-education of the teacher, the acquisition of new knowledge and skills, or when passing advanced training courses.

Download an example of expert maps for analyzing the GEF lesson
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How to analyze a lesson attended in elementary school

The main space in which the teacher's activity takes place in the school is lesson activity in all its manifestations. In turn, attending lessons with their subsequent discussion is the main duty of representatives of the administrative staff of the educational institution. The traditional system of intraschool control is well adapted to the process of planned monitoring of classes in high school. But how should analysis of the lesson according to the abstract in elementary school in conditions when the widespread introduction of new educational technologies? This issue remains the subject of widespread methodological discussion, which is important to take into account for all participants in the educational process.

The school administration, methodologists are well aware of how difficult it is psychologically to analyze a lesson, even if it was a success. If the lesson contains fundamentally many errors, then it is even more difficult to analyze it due to the occurrence of unpleasant professional situations. In view of the fact that the mechanism for analyzing a lesson in elementary school remains not fully debugged, which is associated with the complexity of correlating the age factor of students and the principles of a system-activity approach, it is advisable to mention the basic principles of conducting expert monitoring activities, which include:

  1. Unconditional respect for the personal dignity of the teacher, which has a beneficial effect on professional self-awareness, even in situations of constructive criticism.
  2. Creation of an atmosphere of trust based on mutual trust and mutual respect.
  3. The manifestation of confidence in the pedagogical potential of the teacher, who is looking for ways to comprehensively develop children through experimental educational activities.
  4. Rewarding achievements is a must.

It is important to remember that analysis of open lessons in elementary school is one of the main means of teaching the teaching staff of the Ministry of Education and Science of the system-activity approach, the implementation of which contributes to the improvement of the qualifications of specialists. This work is usually carried out by a director or deputy director. At the same time, the ability to analyze their activities will allow teachers to engage in independent education, identify problem areas and ways to eliminate them. Therefore, the principles of conducting expert monitoring of classes should be transparent and well known to both representatives of the administrative staff of the educational institution and teachers.

Conditions for constructive analysis of the lesson in elementary school:

  1. Notification of the teacher about the time and purpose of visiting the lesson is carried out in advance, in the manner prescribed by the internal local acts of the organization.
  2. The responsible administrator or methodologist should clarify whether the teacher understands the purpose of attending the lesson, if not, explain it in an accessible way in order to avoid misunderstandings.
  3. The direct analysis of the lesson is carried out not at the break, but after the end of the lesson. Such an organizational decision contributes to the creation of a trusting environment, when the inspector can cope with thoughts and constructively, without unnecessary emotions, formulate his thoughts and comments, and the teacher, in turn, will cope with the excitement and prepare for introspection.

Models and examples of lesson analysis on GEF in elementary school

Evaluation of lessons takes place according to a certain algorithm, the choice of which is determined not only by the structural elements of the lesson, but also by the understanding by the inspector of the level of qualification and pedagogical talent of the responsible teacher. When conducting analysis of the lesson in the primary grades according to the model it is expedient to choose one of two models of organization of expert monitoring, the features of which are presented below.

The traditional model of lesson analysis is used in cases where the school administration is just getting acquainted with the activities of a primary school teacher, when the pedagogical experience of a specialist is assessed, or when a frontal assessment of the activities of teachers is carried out by representatives of the methodological association. In this case, the form of analysis is not so important, the main thing is to ensure the implementation of monitoring goals, namely, to organize the reflection of the most and least successful moments of the lesson, as a result, to bring the teacher to an objective and professional self-assessment.

  1. Were the educational, educational and developmental goals of the lesson voiced, how well they were implemented.
  2. Was the structure and timing of the lesson respected?
  3. What techniques were used to motivate children to learn new material? Were the chosen teaching methods successful?
  4. To what extent did the lesson correspond to the changed requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (taking into account new education standards, the formation of UUD in children, the use of modern teaching technologies in the lesson)?
  5. Does the material of the lesson correspond to the age of the students and the requirements of the program, is it correct from a scientific point of view, is theory related to practice?
  6. How is the knowledge of children updated, problematic and non-standard situations are created, is there an emphasis on the research activities of students? How much time was devoted to independent work in the lesson, what methods of cognition were used, did you manage to get feedback from the children?
  7. What tools and visual materials were the most effective?
  8. To what extent is the ability of self-control and self-esteem developed in children?
  9. Did you manage to pay sufficient attention to psychological pauses and to defuse the emotional state of children?
  10. Has a place been allocated in the structure of the lesson for fundamentally new educational elements?

At the stage of filling out the form for analyzing a lesson in elementary school, you can ask the teacher if he was satisfied with the lesson, what he liked most of all and what he would like to do differently, how much time it took to prepare and whether work in the classroom is comfortable. Such questions contribute to reflection and increase both the effectiveness of evaluative actions and the teacher's readiness to conduct further professional search.

Download the GEF lesson analysis scheme
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Second (narrow target) model of methodical analysis of a lesson in elementary school applicable in cases where targeted individual work with the teacher is necessary in order to control the current level of pedagogical skills and its further improvement. The main tasks of the checking official include identifying techniques that help increase the level of student motivation at various stages of the lesson, as well as discussing the appropriateness and effectiveness of the methods used.

For most cases, when it is necessary to identify the level of formation of a teacher's competencies in the field of innovative teaching and upbringing methods, a questionnaire of this type can be used as an expert sheet:

  1. In your opinion, is motivation important for the success of the educational activities of younger students?
  2. By what means can the activation of the educational activity of elementary school students in the classroom be achieved (taking into account age characteristics)?
  3. Are there cases in your lessons when successful motivation influenced the course of the lesson and made it possible to achieve the set goals?
  4. By what criteria would you evaluate the impact of motivational activities on the overall course of the lesson?

It is important to note that the use of additional questionnaires that contribute to the implementation of a productive analysis of the lesson in accordance with the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard is advisable only in the framework of providing methodological support to teachers who have extensive practical experience and strive to implement innovative principles for organizing the educational process in elementary school.

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