“The connection between generations will not be interrupted. Prize-winner of the Olympiad Ranhigs "Oh damn it!" Oh yeah Andrey


The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 is always alive in our memory, it did not bypass our family, which included those who fought and those who worked in the rear, bringing Victory closer with all their might. I will write about the military childhood of my great-grandfather, Khramov Dmitry Ivanovich, a war veteran, a home front worker. Born on August 8, 1929 in the village of Motorovo, Omsk region, in the family of a forester, at the age of 87 he lives and lives well in the city of Sochi. Every year, as a family, we visit our great-grandfather and celebrate his birthday, we go to the sea, to the Arboretum, the Sochi Theater. And in the evenings we listen to his memories of the sweets of military childhood. It turns out that after the war in the neighboring village there was a point where they took old rags and bones, in exchange for sweets, caramel cockerel on a stick. Dmitry alone, through the wilds of the forest, sought out the bones of animals and walked seven kilometers back and forth loaded, knowing that there would be sweets in the house and the younger sister would be delighted. This story touched me to tears and made me think about my carefree and happy life in full prosperity, and even today I look differently at sweets and pies, which are always just like that in a Sochi house, understanding how important it is to appreciate what you have there is a home, a world, a family.

Great-grandfather Dmitry was 12 years old, just like me today, when the Great Patriotic War began. All 28 houses of a remote village were orphaned within a month, fathers and older brothers were taken to the front. The times were very difficult, the children could not go to school (there were no teachers). Medicines, clothes and food could not be bought, only exchanged for valuables, but they were not. Children's games and fun were forgotten. Everyone understood that here, in the deep rear, Victory was being formed. This thought helped to survive difficulties, hunger and deprivation. Procurement of food was very important for the soldiers at the front. Like all the village guys, he helped pull thistles on the collective farm during the day, all his hands were covered in scars and abrasions. Healed for a very long time and aching at night, the disease undermined his strength. Seeing how his mother spun yarn at night under the moon, knitted socks and mittens, and in the morning she cooked, cleaned and washed, he firmly decided to protect his family, just as his father defended his homeland at the front. Dmitry did his best to take care of his mother, younger sister, household. The desire of a little boy to recover faster, grow up, go to the front, made him hardy and mature beyond his years. Responsibility for his mother and younger sister helped him survive in difficult times. Thanks to the father - forester, Ivan Dmitrievich, showed his fishing spots and taught me to hunt with a bow in the forest, set traps for a hare or a beaver. He always said that the forest is a pantry. Take as much as you need exactly today you need, do not be greedy. My sister and I knew the richest forest edges, where they gathered mushrooms and berries, medicinal herbs and nuts. In autumn, they harvested fruit and vegetables together. And in winter, herbal tea and shanezhki with berries were saved from illnesses and colds. These are the sweets of childhood. The garden and the cow, the forest were the breadwinners. Dmitry ground grain on millstones, weeded, watered, loosened, prepared water for cattle.

Everything for the front, everything for the Victory! And as soon as he was 13 years old, he was taken as an assistant to a tractor driver, on a trailer. Dmitry fixed the rope to turn off the plow. Four years with a faithful assistant - a tractor. Firewood was needed to heat the house, and their preparation fell on the shoulders of a little boy. When, on his trailer, he proudly drove them to the house, then the villagers began to respectfully call him by his first name and patronymic, Dmitry Ivanovich! Hardworking and kind, sympathetic and cheerful. He was loved, his fellow villagers consulted with him. He experienced many difficulties, need and hunger, which forced him to work like an adult from an early age.

My family brought the Victory in the Great Patriotic War closer and wrote the history of our family in the history of the country. My great-grandfather, Khramov Dmitry Ivanovich, was awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945". For me, a feat is an act that a person performs, overcoming difficulties, forgetting about himself, his well-being. The labor feat of children and adolescents during the Great Patriotic War is difficult to evaluate in words. We try to be worthy of great-grandfathers, hardworking, courageous, purposeful and not afraid of difficulties. I believe that the connection of generations is the memory of our relatives and friends. As long as memory exists, this connection will also exist. Never forget the history of your country and your roots.

Requirements for the design of an essay by a participant of the Moscow Metasubject

Olympiad "The link between generations will not be interrupted"

1. The essay is accepted as a pdf file containing printed text and

inserted images.

2. A4 sheet format, portrait sheet orientation, Times New Roman font, size 14,

spacing 1.5, left margin 20 mm; right margin - 10 mm; top margin - 10 mm; bottom margin -

3. The volume of the essay is up to 2 pages of printed text. Minor

oversized essay. Inserted images (maximum 3) can enlarge

number of work pages.

4. The file with the text of the composition and photographs is saved in .pdf format. Size

The resulting file should not exceed 5 megabytes.

Below I offer a few examples of how others made compositions. By the way, these essays are winners!

"The connection between generations will not be interrupted!"

Meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, Afghan and Chechen events, home front workers and even with those who are called "children of war" have become a good tradition in the thirty-year history of our school.

If you knew how they are received by students, teachers of the school! They prepare concert performances, souvenirs, draw posters, postcards ... The school blossoms from the admiring glances of children, “trembles” from stormy enthusiastic applause; no one hides tears of gratitude to such amazing people.

After one of these meetings, we, students of the 10th grade, approached a very modest man - a guest of the school - Motyzhenkov Vladislav Nikolaevich. Here's what we found out about this man.

Vladislav Nikolayevich was born in 1938 in the family of a builder. The mother was in charge of raising the children. The life of an ordinary family was the same as the life of most families in our country.

The fateful date - June 22, 1941, radically turned his life around. In the summer of 1941, his father was mobilized to the front, and his 70-year-old grandfather remained in charge. Little Vladik was 3 years old when the war began, but since childhood, the taste of bread with the addition of quinoa, cake, linden leaves has been preserved ... But everyone lived like that, no one complained, the main thing was the dream of victory, the dream of a peaceful life. Vladislav grew up, studied, worked on a collective farm in the summer, was drafted into the army in construction troops. Thus began another and very important milestone in the life of our hero. He forever remembered November 10, 1957 - the day of conscription and December 5 of the same year, when he took the oath and remained faithful to her to the end.

Studying at the regimental school of sergeants, long-term service in the city of Tuchkovo near Moscow tempered character, instilled a love for the army, with which Motyzhenkov V.N. tied up his fate.

Vladislav studied a lot, listened to the advice and instructions of his elders. How useful these life lessons were to him when he himself became a teacher! How many young people he helped to choose a path in life, to instill a love for the profession of a military builder.

Russia is famous for its teachers,

The disciples bring glory to her.

Among the graduates Motyzhenkov V.N. heads of large construction departments, special pride of Vladislav Nikolaevich - General of the Army N.P. Abroskin, head of the Federal Service of Spetsstroy of the Russian Federation.

The connection between generations will not be interrupted! After being transferred to the reserve, Motyzhenkov V.N. does not lose touch with the bodies of the Armed Forces, actively participates in the work of the Council of Veterans of Military Service under the Spetsstroy of the Russian Federation, assists the military registration and enlistment office during the preparation of young people for conscription into the army.

Motyzhenkov V.N. - a wonderful family man. His daughters saw how carefully the father treated his mother and mother of his wife (the fathers passed away early) and, becoming adults, keep the warmth of the family hearth, protect their parents and family traditions.

The best platoon commander of the Federal Service for Special Construction of the Russian Federation, deputy company commander for political affairs, company commander, for ten years - Glavspetsstroy, awarded by the Motherland, including the title of "excellent worker in military construction". President of the Russian Federation Putin V.V. highly appreciated the activities of the staff of Spetsstroy of Russia, noting the worthy contribution of the Federal Service for Special Construction to the strengthening of the economic and defense might of our state. Motyzhenkov V.N. - a worthy veteran of Spetsstroy Russia, who has done a lot for the successful activities of his team.

Vladislav Nikolayevich is a frequent visitor to the schools of our Solntsevsky District of the Western District of Moscow. This is a very humble person. He does not make a hero out of himself, does not brag about awards. He faithfully serves his Motherland, endlessly loves people and tactfully teaches this to the younger generation. We are glad to our new acquaintance and gladly offered to assist in organizing his archival documents, photographs, in creating a personal website. Vladislav Nikolayevich asked me to teach him how to communicate on the Odnoklassniki social network, how to use Skype. We willingly took on the role of teachers. It is pleasant to communicate with such a "student".

Heroes are the best people of their country; and not only those who accomplished a military feat, but something important, necessary for the country, its well-being and culture, for the life of every compatriot

THE CONNECTION OF GENERATIONS WILL NOT BE BREAKED - an essay on the combat path of veterans “The connection of generations will not be interrupted”

Ivanov Egor, 7 "B"

Let's not forget those years...

Though for life, but a fight to the death -

Who is stronger will win.

A. Belova

Farther away from us in time are the war years. Almost seventy years have passed since the Victory Day - the greatest day in the life of our great-grandfathers, butthe memory of those who, at the cost of their own lives, brought this day closer, conquered our peaceful present, will not fade.

I want to tell you about my great-grandfather Nikolai Fedorovich Kosov. He was born in 1906 in Kyiv in a working-class family. At the end of military service in the Red Army, great-grandfather was trained at a leather technical school and received the specialty of a technologist of leather and fur raw materials. For almost ten years before the war, he worked at the Darnitsa meat processing plant and by the beginning of the war he held the position of production manager. Peaceful profession, peaceful life... And suddenly - war!

From the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Nikolai Fedorovich was in the army. He had the rank of senior lieutenant, he knew how to manage people, knew chemistry well, as a technologist, so great-grandfather was appointed head of the chemical defense service of the 339th airfield maintenance battalion, and on August 5, 1941 - head of the group for ensuring the combat work of bomber regiments with incendiary substances at the Ostroya Mogila airfield in the Luhansk region. But today on this earth again restless!

The airfield was subjected to massive systematic bombing by the Nazis. But, despite the mortal danger, our fighters worked around the clock: they dropped tons of incendiary material on the Dnieper crossings so that the enemy would not pass through the Dnieper. In addition, my great-grandfather was ordered to take out fourteen wagons of aviation chemical bombs that were at the airfield from under the enemy’s attack. For three days, without sleep and rest, under continuous enemy fire, personnel under the leadership of Senior Lieutenant Kosov worked. How difficult it was for him and his comrades-in-arms! After all, they could die at any moment! But the mission was completed.

Our family keeps an award sheet with a summary of the great-grandfather's personal military feat, for which he was awarded the Order of the Red Star. The commander characterizes Nikolai Kosov as a courageous and courageous fighter, a responsible and experienced specialist, a competent mentor and an authoritative leader.

There was a war, the military path of my great-grandfather continued. In 1942-43 he took part in the battle for the Caucasus. Nazi Germany, Romania and Slovakia wanted to conquer the Caucasus, since it was the main source of oil for the entire territory of the USSR. However, the plans of the enemy were destroyed, thanks to the heroic efforts of the command and soldiers of the Red Army, among whom was Nikolai Kosov, who was awarded the medal "For the Defense of the Caucasus" for his courage and heroism.

Great-grandfather finished military service in 1956 with the rank of major, having two Orders of the Red Star and medals among military awards.

Unfortunately, I did not know my great-grandfather, he died long before I was born. But, studying family archives about the military and post-war path of my great-grandfather and listening to my grandfather's memories of his father, I understand that the story of his life served as an example for grandfather and determined his profession. My grandfather, Nikolai Yuryevich, is a professional military man, a retired colonel who devoted his whole life to serving the Fatherland.

I am proud of the history of my family and its heroes. Most Russian families have their own heroes who defeated fascism. All of them fulfilled their duty to the end, showed courage and bravery. And we must do everything possible to preserve the memory of them and, in honor of this memory, preserve the world.

The fifth meta-subject Olympiad "The connection between generations will not be interrupted" will begin in the capital on December 1, 2017. Pupils of metropolitan schools and college students will be able to take part in it.

As reported on the official website of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, the participants of the Olympiad must write an essay about the life of war veterans and law enforcement officers.

The Olympics will run until April 30, 2018. To participate, you must register on the website of the City Methodological Center in the section “ Contests ” and post your essay there.

18:17 21.11.2017 -

At the beginning of December, the meta-subject Olympiad "The connection between generations will not be interrupted" will start in the capital, which will last until April 30, 2018. It will be held for the fifth year in a row, the portal of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow reports.

Schoolchildren of the fifth - eleventh grades and college students will be able to take part in the intellectual competition. Participants will write an essay about important events in the lives of war veterans, home front workers, participants in local conflicts and law enforcement officers.

Pre-registration is required to participate in the Olympiad, and the results will be summed up in May 2018 at the Victory Museum. It should be noted that every year the number of participants in the meta-subject Olympiad is growing. Over 11,000 students took part last year.

17:15 20.11.2017 -

From December 1, 2017 to April 30, 2018, the fifth meta-subject Olympiad "The connection of generations will not be interrupted" will be held in Moscow. Pupils of the fifth - eleventh grades and college students will be able to take part in it.

Participants of the creative competition need to write an essay about important events in the life of war veterans, home front workers, participants in local conflicts and law enforcement officers.

To participate in the Olympiad, you must register before March 30, 2018 and place your essay (pdf file) on the website of the City Methodological Center in the section “ Contests ”. The award ceremony will take place in May 2018 at the Victory Museum.

The number of participants in the Olympiad is growing every year. If in 2015 there were 8310 of them, then in 2017 - already more than 11 thousand.

11:08 22.11.2017 -

From December 1 of this year until April 30 of the new year, the meta-subject Olympiad "The connection between generations will not be interrupted" will be held in Moscow. This is reported by the official portal of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow.

The Metasubject Olympiad will be held for the fifth time. Schoolchildren of the fifth - eleventh grades and college students can take part in it.

Participants will write an essay about important events in the lives of war veterans, home front workers, participants in local conflicts and law enforcement officers.

To participate in the Olympiad, pre-registration is required, the results will be summed up in May 2018 at the Victory Museum.

It should be noted that the number of participants in the meta-subject Olympiad is growing every year. Over 11,000 students took part last year.

Heroes are alive as long as we remember them. We remember their great deed. A memorable event took place in the Hall of Fame of the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War on Poklonnaya Gora - the meta-subject Olympiad "The connection of generations will not be interrupted." It was attended by schoolchildren from grades 5 to 11 and students from colleges subordinate to the Moscow Department of Education.

Igor PAVLOV, Deputy Head of the Moscow Department of Education:
- It is not for nothing that this meta-subject Olympiad bears the motto "The connection of generations will not be interrupted." Because it is in the continuity of the connection between generations that the guarantee of stability, success and prosperity of our Motherland. When the older generation passes on its experience to the younger generation, already living in the information world. And due to this continuity, we become a single nation, a single people. As long as we are united, we are invincible.

The event has been held by the City Methodological Center and the Center for Pedagogical Excellence for the fourth year. Each time the number of participants increases. This year, more than 14,000 children got acquainted with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, the Armed Forces, law enforcement agencies, pedagogical work and prepared an essay-reasoning about their military path, as well as about the significant events that changed their lives.

Lyubov, winner of the meta-subject Olympiad "The connection between generations-2017 will not be interrupted":
- I wrote about my great-grandfather Rostislav Nikolaevich Dubrovin, who went through the war and died already in 2000. My great-grandfather was a sapper, he cleared the roads and died as a result of a wound, when he cleared one swampy area after the war, he was deafened and therefore he often lost consciousness after the war.

Honorary guests, veterans of war and labor, attended the award ceremony. Today, all of them spoke with special trepidation and pride about how important it is to hold such events among the younger generation. And they did not stop thanking the organizers, because the most important thing for them, as for heroes, is to preserve the memory of the great victory.

Alexander LITVINTSEV, WWII veteran:
- This is a very important topic, especially for the younger generation, because we must remember who participated in this war, what he did for this war, and most importantly, remember those who did not return from this war. We are now conducting courage lessons with schoolchildren and sometimes you ask a 4th grade student - what did this war give you? And he answers - life! And this is for us the most basic response of the little man, he realized that this cruel war gave him life.

Hundreds of winners and thousands of prize-winners of the Olympiad received diplomas and memorable gifts that day. The main goal of the event - to familiarize the children with patriotism and the preservation of the country's historical heritage was achieved. According to the organizers of the holiday, as long as there is such a huge response and interest in their history among young people, the connection between generations will never be interrupted.

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