Define the concept of articulation. Articulation

from lat. articulo - I articulate) - the joint work of the speech organs necessary for pronouncing speech sounds. A. is regulated by the speech zones of the cortex and subcortical formations of the brain. For correct pronunciation of each sound, a certain system of movements of the organs of speech is necessary, which is formed under the influence of auditory and kinesthetic (speech-motor) control over the correctness of pronunciation, carried out by the feedback mechanism. Different languages, with some elements of similarity, also have their own characteristic features, and often similar sounds are articulated differently in different languages ​​(Russian t, English and German (; Russian e, e and e in Western European languages, etc.) .

The formation of correct A. is closely related to the development of phonemic hearing. Its underdevelopment or general impairment (in the hearing impaired) makes it difficult to master the correct A. Distorted pronunciation of speech sounds can be. due to a violation of the central nervous regulation of the muscles of the speech organs that occur when the lower parts of the post-central region of the cortex of the left hemisphere are damaged (see oral apraxia in the article Apraksin), as well as due to defects in the articulatory apparatus itself. A.'s disturbances are characteristic of dysarthria.


the joint work of the speech organs, necessary for the pronunciation of speech sounds. Articulation is regulated by the speech areas of the cortex and subcortical formations of the brain. For the correct articulation of each sound, a certain system of movements of the organs of speech is necessary, which is formed under the influence of auditory and kinesthetic (speech-motor) control over the correct pronunciation, carried out by the feedback mechanism. Different languages, with some elements of similarity of articulation, also have their own characteristic features, and often similar sounds are articulated differently in different languages ​​(Russian "m", English and German "t"; Russian "e", "e" and "e" in Western European languages etc.). The formation of correct articulation is closely related to the development of phonemic hearing. Its underdevelopment or general impairment (in the hearing impaired) makes it difficult to master the correct articulation. Distortion of the pronunciation of speech sounds may be due to a violation of the central nervous regulation of the muscles of the speech organs, which occurs when the lower sections of the post-central region of the cortex of the left hemisphere are damaged, as well as due to defects in the articulatory apparatus itself.


articulation) - 1. In anatomy, a point or type of connection between two bones. See joint. 2. Joint activity of the vocal cords, tongue, lips and other organs for articulate speech.


Word formation. Comes from lat. articulo - I articulate.

Specificity. Coordination of the actions of the speech organs when pronouncing speech sounds. When pronouncing a certain sound, auditory and kinesthetic, or speech-motor, control is realized. The underdevelopment of phonemic hearing (for example, among the hearing impaired) significantly complicates the acquisition of correct articulation.

Conditioning. Articulation is carried out by the speech zones of the cortex and subcortical formations of the brain.

lat. articulatio, from articulo - dismember, pronounce articulately) - the activity of the organs of speech in the formation of sounds. The idea of ​​the articulateness of human speech formed the basis of the concept, according to which the ability to speak is a fundamental feature common to all languages. The principle of double A. was developed in the 1940s and 1950s by the French researcher, representative of structural-functional linguistics A. Martinet. According to Martinet, there are two levels of articulation in natural language. The first articulation is a way of grouping experience data that is common to all representatives of a particular linguistic community. It consists in the fact that any facticity that one wants to make known to others is divided into successive units, each of which has a sound form and meaning. That is, any fact of reality is conveyed in speech by a certain number of words. For example, to say "I'm walking" means to express the act of walking on foot. This phrase consists of two words, each of which has an independent meaning. This level of autonomously significant units is the first A. The units of the first articulation are the minimum signs - monemes, the number of which forms an "open list". It is impossible to determine exactly how many different monems are contained in a given language, since in any society new needs are constantly being discovered that give rise to new designations. However, we can split the word into smaller ones that do not have the value of a unit - phonemes; the sound itself does not mean anything - neither an object, nor a concept, nor an action: for example, the set "tкte" has the meaning "head", and the units "tк-" and "te" do not have any special meanings. These units characterize the second division and perform a semantic-distinctive function: the sound form can be divided into successive units, each of which is capable of distinguishing one word from others. Thanks to the existence of the second segmentation, languages ​​are able to limit themselves to several dozen different sound formations, the combinations of which create the sound image of the units of the first segmentation ("volume" - "house", "code" - "cat", etc.). The list of phonemes is closed, since each language has a precisely defined and, moreover, a very limited number of units of the second articulation (for example, in French their number ranges from 31 to 34). In addition to the additional economy created by the second articulation, it also has the advantage that it makes the form of the signifier independent of the meaning of the corresponding signified, due to which the linguistic form becomes more stable. Thanks to this organization, language appears to us as a rationally organized semiotic system. The number of sounds is limited, the number of monems is extremely large, and the number of statements (formed from monems) is almost infinite. That is why the tongue resembles a pyramid turned upside down. Phonemes do not mean anything, monemes (a paradigmatic community) formed on the basis of phonemes are the level of denotative meanings, and syntagms are combinations of words, statements that can create additional, connotative meanings. A distinctive feature of Martinet's linguistic concept is considered to be the principle of economy substantiated by him, which alone controls the evolution and functioning of the language. Double division facilitates the use and further development of the instrument of communication, makes it possible to transmit a very large amount of accurate information at a low cost. So, you can tell others about your painful sensations through a groan (such a message cannot be characterized as a linguistic one), but a groan is a reflection of any sensation of pain and in this sense the message can be interpreted in any way. The situation will be different if you pronounce the phrase "my head hurts" - four consecutive units that make up the phrase give an idea of ​​the nature of the pain that torments a person. It follows from this what the economy of the first division consists of: we could imagine such a system of communication in which each phenomenon or state corresponds to a special exclamation, but one need only imagine the whole variety of such situations in order to understand that the human memory is not able to assimilate appropriate number of exclamations and intonations. Several thousand signs (monems), which have wide combinational possibilities, allow us to make reports about such a huge number of phenomena, for which millions of different exclamations would not be enough to designate. Thus, the concept of double articulation plays a dual role: 1) double articulation is the criterion by which linguistic phenomena proper are revealed (for a statement is only proper linguistic because it can be subjected to double articulation). However, as it turned out, some linguistic phenomena (such as prosodic phenomena) can still be found outside the double articulation; 2) double division is such an organization of the language, which most effectively implements the principle of economy. If the similarity of all languages ​​lies in the fact that they all have a double division, then the differences between them lie in the methods used by speakers of different languages ​​when dividing the data of their experience, as well as in the ways of realizing the possibilities inherent in the organs of speech. Each language is characterized by a special articulation, and this applies both to statements and to signifiers (cf. French "Jai mal a la tete" and Italian "mi duole il capo": in the first case, the subject of the statement is the person pronouncing it, in the second - a sore head). It happens that differences in division cause a different approach to the assessment of a certain phenomenon, or, conversely, a difference in the assessment of a phenomenon entails a difference in division. Based on the principle he proposed, Martinet gives the following definition of language: any language is a tool of communication, through which human experience is divided, specific to a given community, into units endowed with semantic content and sound expression, called monemes; this sound expression, in turn, is divided into successive distinctive units - phonemes, a certain number of which characterizes each language; the nature and relationships of phonemes vary from language to language. Every language is a type of organization that fits this definition. The significance of this concept is determined not only and not so much by its influence on the development of linguistic teachings proper, but by its resonance in the field of visual studies (primarily, the semiotics of cinema in the 1960s). The concept of double division as a necessary feature of language (in contrast to any other semiotic systems) led to the formation of the idea of ​​a triple A. cinematic code in an era when the question of the specifics and essence of film language, its autonomy (in relation to verbal language), about the very possibility of qualifying the film image as a language. The failure of the attempt to apply the principle of double A. to the analysis of cinematic language ultimately gave rise to doubts about the universality of the structural-linguistic model for the analysis of cultural phenomena. A.R. Usmanov

In this article, we will consider the basic concepts related to articulation (the joint work of speech organs necessary for pronouncing speech sounds).

dorsal is called the way in which the tip of the tongue is at the base of the lower teeth. The back of the tongue is arched. The place of articulation is at the tip of the tongue and lower teeth.

Apical called a way in which the tip of the tongue is on the most convex part of the alveoli. The place of articulation is at the tip of the tongue and the convex part of the alveoli.

The place of articulation is where the bow occurs and the sound is born.

Pronunciation- the process of clear and correct sound and intonation design of the utterance.

Articulation- the position and movements of the speech organs, which, in their interaction, pronounce the sounds of the language.

Pronunciation includes concepts such as:

  • Intonation (accent, rhythm, timbre, pause, tempo)
  • Articulation (organs of speech)

Movable (tongue, lips, soft palate)

Fixed (teeth, alveoli, hard palate)

Features of the construction of the speech apparatus:

  • Power mechanism: diaphragm, lungs, trachea, larynx, oral cavity, nasal cavity
  • Vibration mechanism: vocal cords
  • Resonator: nasal cavity, oral cavity, pharynx
  • The mechanism that forms an obstacle to the passage of air: tongue (tip, front, middle, back of the tongue), lips, teeth, soft palate and uvula, hard palate and alveoli.

Rhythm- a combination of stressed and unstressed syllables and the relative speed of their pronunciation.

should be distinguished phrasal stress and logical:

Phrasal stress - in both Russian and English, a number of words lose their stress in a sentence (mostly function words, prepositions, conjunctions, pronouns).

Logical stress - unlike phrasal stress, often the main semantic load falls on one word (and even on function words). When the logical stress changes, the sentence changes its purpose, that is, it answers different questions.

The rhythm of English speech is characterized by the fact that stressed syllables follow each other at more or less regular intervals, regardless of the number of unstressed syllables between them, therefore, the more unstressed syllables between two stresses, the faster each of them is pronounced.

In English, two or more stresses are possible within a word, but in Russian only one.

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Articulation is a concept that means how correctly and clearly you pronounce sounds. Beautiful speech is important for everyone, no matter if you are an announcer or an ordinary office worker. And for its competent construction, it is imperative to master the basics of articulation.

Articulation in Russian, as in all others, consists of several stages.

  • The excursion is the beginning, the very first stage, which means the preparation of parts of the speech apparatus for pronouncing a sound.
  • Endurance is how you pronounce the sound. At the same time, it is important to take into account the position of the speech apparatus - it must meet the standards.
  • Recursion is the final step. The speech apparatus completes its work, its components go into a state of rest or prepare to pronounce the next sound.

However, such a clear sequence of events is characteristic only for the pronunciation of one sound. It would look as clear as in the diagram if a person pronounces the sounds separately.

In real, everyday speech, the stages are “overlapped” on each other, their clarity is blurred. The excerpt often merges with the recursion of the previous sound. A person does not have time to carefully prepare the organs for the pronunciation of sound, so the excursion is not expressed properly. As a result, speech becomes slurred.

This does not mean that you must clearly pronounce each sound, highlight it with intonation. It would be simply impossible, communication would be difficult. Correct pronunciation assumes that you first learn the theory, learn how to apply it, and then it will turn into an unconditioned reflex.

Consider this on the example of the pronunciation of the sound "T". There are often problems with it, because people unprepared for the correct pronunciation express the sound too slurredly. It turns out hoarse, squeezed.

Here's how to pronounce the "T" sound:

  • Watch out for the air-tongue pair. The air should not be directed to the ligaments, because in this case the hoarse variant, which was mentioned above, will just turn out.
  • Direct the stream of air clearly to the tongue.

Training in the pronunciation of this sound allows you to improve not only pronunciation, but also increase the elasticity of the tongue, and train the speech apparatus well.

You are already familiar with the theory of the pronunciation of the sound "T". At first, you will follow for a long time how it sounds in your everyday speech, but then, when you are sure that you are speaking correctly, this information will be fixed, you will no longer need to correct yourself and take care of yourself.

Articulation gymnastics

What it is? Such gymnastics is designed to warm up the muscles. These exercises do not have to be performed at any particular time of the day. It is easy to apply them from time to time because they are simple and do not require special attention.

Gymnastics for the cheeks includes the following exercises:

  • Imagine that you are a hamster. It is necessary to take in air for one cheek, then smoothly “overtake” it under the lower lip, in no case opening the lips. Then go to the other cheek, extreme. You need to repeat this cycle several times.
  • The next exercise is similar to the previous one in that you again need to use air. Take it in your mouth and puff out your cheeks. Close your lips tightly. Now you need to try to push the air out, but in no case do not open your mouth! You will feel a slight pressure, which will warm up your cheeks well.

In order to warm up the lower jaw, you can apply one simple exercise that many people do unconsciously. You can simply move the lower jaw in a circle, back and forth, thereby preparing it for the correct diction. Here you need to be careful, as you can accidentally dislocate the jaw. Do not overdo it.

Have you ever tried to yawn with your mouth closed? If not, then be sure to try it. This will help warm up the palate. Another way is to copy the mouthwash. If it’s hard to imagine, then first rinse your mouth really, and then imitate these movements yourself. Over time, you will start to succeed.

After completing these tasks, you can move on to exercises to improve articulation, which depend on the problematic sounds that you have. There are special ones, and many others that you can find on this site. For some people, the simple development of the speech apparatus is enough, because for many it is weak, therefore it needs training. The exercises above will help correct the situation.

Articulation allows you to learn how to correctly pronounce not only problematic sounds, but everything that is in the Russian language, because most people do not even suspect that they pronounce certain sounds incorrectly.

ARTICULATION(from lat. articulus-joint). In odontology, A. used to be understood as only the ratio of the upper and lower teeth with a calmly closed mouth, but "now this concept includes the nature of the movement of the lower jaw, the ratio of the teeth is called bite, or closure. In predatory animals, the lower jaw moves only up and down , rodents also forward, ruminants have movements to the sides, a person has all these movements, they are performed when chewing and with a smaller amplitude when talking. the line of closing of the lateral teeth, which is part of the arc of the circle, the center of which lies in the orbit, the shape of the articular cavity of the temporal bone (the inclination of the articular tubercle), the shape of the articular head of the lower jaw, the articular ligaments and muscles that set the jaw in motion.All these parts of the masticatory apparatus are closely related to each other - for example, the height and slope of the tubercles of the molars are related to the degree of inclination of the surface of the articular th tubercle of the temporal bone and the degree of curvature of the line of closing of the teeth. A. does not remain unchanged throughout life: it changes due to loss of teeth, abrasion of tubercles of teeth and due to violence acting on the teeth, even if with little force, but for a long time and in the same direction; the latter is especially clearly manifested in childhood: the habitual thumb-sucking, etc. of violence clearly displaces the teeth and changes the normal A. In rickets, the action of the masticatory muscles and the habits mentioned sometimes distort the arc of the closure of the teeth so that the contact of the upper teeth with the lower occurs only one or two large molars. Lit.: Baiters W., tJber die neueste Entwicklung des Artikulationsproblems, V., 1925; Lublinsky S., Die Unterkleferbewegungen u. die Herstellung natur-getreuer Articulation in der Zahnprothetik, V., 1924; Mil Peg M., Grundlagen u. Aufbau des Artikula-tibnsproblems, Lpz., 1925.

See also:

  • SPEECH ARTICULATION, a combination of movements in the sound-conducting speech apparatus during speech; The structure of the sound-conducting apparatus includes the mouth, nose, nasopharynx and larynx up to the vocal cords. For each speech sound there is a special combination ...
  • ARTHRALGIA(from Greek arthron - joint and algos - pain), a term denoting the presence of sharp pains in the joints with relatively small objective changes in them; Pain often shifts from one joint to another
  • ARTRITISM(from the Greek. arthron-joint), a term introduced into use by the French. school of pathologists and clinicians (Bouchard, Lanceraux, Comby, Bazin, etc.) to indicate the undeniable fact that there are many individuals who show a particular tendency ...
  • ARTHRITIS(from the Greek. arthron - joint), an extensive group of diseases of the joints of inflammatory and non-inflammatory origin (the latter would be more correctly called arthrosis). The phenomena of arthritis can be caused by a wide variety of bacterial, toxic, ...
  • ARTHRODESIS(from the Greek. arthron-joint and desis-binding), the name proposed in 1878 by the Viennese surgeon Albert (Albert) of the operation of fastening the articular ends in order to destroy the mobility of the joint. Indications for A. are most often dangling ...
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