Typological personality traits of a safe type of behavior. The personality of a safe type of behavior of the lbtp is one of the Psychological technologies for the formation of a personality of a safe type


Formation of the personality of a safe type of behavior in the lessons of life safety on the basis of use of technology for solving specific situations

I . Experience Information

1.1. Conditions for the emergence and formation of experience

Unfortunately, there is still no system in the world that can fully protect its little citizens. There is no absolute guarantee that the child will be absolutely safe: at home, on the street, at school, on the playground, in front of a TV or computer screen. There are more and more dangers that need to be addressed quickly and effectively.

The conducted diagnostics of knowledge of traffic rules showed that the rules of pedestrians are known in the 1st grade - 25% of students, in the 2nd grade - 30%, in the 3rd grade - 37%, in the 4th grade - 39%. To test knowledge, diagnostic material was used on the theoretical part of the traffic rules course (Attachment 1).

These disappointing data made us think about other questions, whether children know the rules of behavior in the house, on the street, on water bodies, in case of fire, the rules for first aid, as they relate to life safety lessons.

Diagnosis of students' attitude to the subject with the help of the test-drawing "Your attitude to the lesson of life safety".

In order to assess the level of motivation and cognitive activity of students, a diagnostic method of learning motivation and emotional attitude to learning was used, based on the questionnaire of Ch.D. Spielberg (modified by A.D. Andreeva), aimed at studying the levels of cognitive activity, which also showed a weak interest of children in studying the subject of life safety.

The question arose before me: "How to increase the motivation and cognitive activity of students in the lessons of life safety, teach them safe behavior, form a safe type of personality."


The formation of a safe type of personality is a direct social order of society.

Security is an integral criterion for the development of any state. At present, humanity is constantly faced with the threat of natural and man-made disasters, accompanied by mass loss of life. The latter circumstance is connected with the inability of the population to take the right actions in extreme situations.

Therefore, the issues of forming a safe type of personality come to the fore. There is no doubt the need to teach the younger generation safe behavior for themselves and others. This task has become a key one in life safety lessons. All subjects of the educational process are interested in its successful resolution: students, parents (legal representatives), the state, society.In the process of working on the topic of experience, the following were identifiedcontradictions :

    between a lack of interest in learning the basics of security

life activity of individual schoolchildren and the high requirements of programs in this subject;

    between the traditional approach to organizing and conducting life safety lessons and the wide possibilities of using technology for solving specific situations (situational tasks), which make it possible to increase the effectiveness of teaching the subject;

    between the careless attitude to safety issues of some students, parents and teachers and the high importance of a culture of safe behavior in life.

Rresolution of these contradictions through the use of modern educational technologies will lead not only toimproving the teaching of life safety,but also a positive change in the level of knowledge and skills necessary for the formation of a safe type of personality.

1.3. Leading pedagogical idea

The leading pedagogical idea of ​​experience is to determine the ways of forming a safe type of personality through widespread use in the educational process.technologies for solving specific situations, building action algorithms in everyday life and emergency situations.

1.4. Length of experience

Work on experience covers the period from September 2012 to January 2015,from the moment of revealing the contradictions between the existing and the desired level of formation of safe behavior among students at school, at home, on the street, etc., not only in emergency situations, but also in normal situations.

1.5. Range

1.6. Theoretical base of experience

The problem of developing safe life skills was considered in domestic pedagogical science from the standpoint of a healthy lifestyle, reducing injuries, and preparing for military service. The new challenges of the time necessitate a comprehensive solution to an important pedagogical problem - the development of conceptual foundations for the formation of a safe type of personality in the education system.

The teaching experience is based on:

    theoretical understanding of the problem of formation of a culture of personal safety and a healthy lifestyle Anastasova L.P., Anisimov V.V., Vilensky, Smirnov A.T., Khrennikov B.O. and etc.;

    the results of philosophical, psychological-pedagogical, sociological studies on the problems of personal security (I.A. Baeva, P.V. Veklenko, G.V. Gracheva, A.A. Derkach, etc.);

    technology for solving specific situations of teachers innovatorsA.M. Smolkina, A.M. Zobova, Yu.S. Arutyunova and others.

The following concepts were used to develop the theme of experience:

    a culture of personal safety;

    safe type personality;

    situation, situational tasks.

Safety culture is a set of material and technical objects, spiritual, moral, personal, informational and other phenomena created by man and having a direct or indirect relationship to man, aimed at ensuring such a state of the internal and external environment, in which normal life of a person and all mankind is possible. . The purpose of safety culture - the safety of material, technical, economic, philosophical, civil law and other aspects of human life - is achieved through the formation of a safe type of personality.

Safe type personality - this is a person who is aware of himself, the high meaning of his activity, his destiny, striving to live in harmony with himself, the surrounding nature, harmoniously combining an active creative principle with opposition to evil, with the preservation and development of life on Earth and in the Universe, ready to the most resolute actions up to self-sacrifice in the name of the high ideals of defending the Fatherland, he respects the history and traditions of his Motherland, the established system of values, laws, shows concern for the life, health, safety of people.

Practical case studies began to be used in the Business School and Harvard Law School in the 1940s and 1950s. A quarter of a century later, publications appeared in the USSR that provided information about innovative teachers using this method: A.M. Smolkin, A.M. Zobov, Yu.S. Arutyunov, A.A. Solovyov and others. They were givenexact wording of the concept of "situation".

Situation - position, situation, set of circumstances, containing conditions, contradictions in which any activity of an individual or a group develops, requiring a specific resolution, but not having an instant unambiguous solution to get out of the situation.

Distinguish between specific and basic situations. Specific situations exist in a variety of areas of activity in any institution. Their occurrence is associated, first of all, with the manifestation of problems, the ability or inability to resolve them, and the personalities of the participants.

Basic situations differ in the degree of generalization of such specific situations, which can be attributed to one type.

Situational tasks according to the learning function are classified as follows: situation-problem, situation-assessment, situation-illustration, live situation.

The theoretical analysis carried out on the research problem made it possible to identify the following levels of formation of a safe type personality:

    the first level (grades 1-4) - student safety;

    the second level (grades 5-9) - personal security;

    the third level (grades 10-11) is the safety of the life of the individual, society and the state.

For the effective formation of a culture of a safe type of personality, it is necessary to work in the following areas:

Moral and psychological safety;

Physical security;

Environmental Safety;

Safety in emergency situations;

legal security;

Information Security;

Medical safety.

All areas are closely related. Lessons, events held within the framework of a particular direction, complement and expand the knowledge of students.

1.7. Novelty

Noveltyexperience consists in creating a system for applying the technology of solving specific situations for the formation of a safe-type personality in life safety lessons.

1.8. Characteristics of the conditions under which this experience can be applied

This experience can be implemented in a general education institution at all levels of education when organizing life safety lessons as according to the programs of the course "Fundamentals of Life Safety" by the authors A.T. Smirnov, B.O. Khrennikov, M.V. Maslov, V.A. Vasnev (Programs of educational institutions. Fundamentals of life safety. Grades 1-11. / Under the general editorship of A.T. Smirnov. - M. Education, 2013), and other programs of the course "Fundamentals of life safety" (Programs of educational institutions. Fundamentals life safety, grades 5-11, edited by VN Latchuk, Moscow: Bustard, 2010).

II . work experience technology

Goals of this pedagogical experience - the formation of:

    the need to anticipate possible life extreme situations;

    skills to preserve life and health in adverse, life-threatening conditions, providing assistance to victims;

    conscious and responsible attitude to personal safety and the safety of others.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the followingtasks :

    develop the necessary skills and habits of safe behavior in everyday life in the event of various dangerous and emergency situations;

    develop in children a sense of responsibility for their behavior, respect for their own health and the health of others;

    stimulate the child's independence in decision-making and develop the skills and abilities of safe behavior in real life;

    create conditions for the formation in children of a scientifically based system of concepts of the basics of life safety.

The formation of a culture of personal safety in the educational process of the school is a multi-stage pedagogical process in which the triune goal is achieved: training, education, development.

The learning process, namely the communication of a system of knowledge, skills, plays an important role in the formation of a safe type of personality. It includes the following stages:

Stage 1: formation of the conceptual and categorical apparatus. Solving the problem of mutual understanding comes to the fore - without understanding, it will not be possible to form a culture of personal security.

Stage 2 : the stage of systematization of knowledge - the formation of a "picture of the world" and the role of each person in the picture of the world. At this stage of personality formationsafe type, the child must see that there are causal relationships, including certain consequences for the actions of a particular person. It is very important to convince the student of the fidelity of the picture of the world, those mechanisms that explain the processes, dangers and threats that surround a person.

Stage 3 : human macro practice( macro... (from the Greek makrós - large, long), part of compound words, corresponding in meaning to the words "big", "large sizes" (opposite) - an object of formation of a safe type of personality, which, using its knowledge, various data about the processes taking place in the world around, using the knowledge of a safe existence, models various situations where there is a need to apply knowledge. In the process of modeling situations, the student reproduces certain given situations and tries to solve problems from the position of safety and minimization of consequences.

Education should be organized in such a way that students are interested in the lessons, so that they themselvessoughtacquire new knowledge, and the teacher would not have toforcethem to learn the learning material.

The solution of these problems becomes possible if we apply developmental methods, including technologysolutions to specific situations.

This technology is characterized by high involvement of students in the educational process, encourages students to be active. In this lesson, studentson one's ownmake decisions(it is known that the knowledge that students acquire on their own is remembered for a longer time than the knowledge presented to them as a fact ). It provides directed activity of the mental processes of students: stimulates thinking when using problem situations, ensures the memorization of the main thing in the classroom, arouses interest in the subject being studied and develops the need for self-acquisition of knowledge.

In order to conduct a lesson using situational tasks, it is necessary to correctly set general learning goals. They can be summarized as follows:

develop the ability to analyze the situation, decipher cause-and-effect relationships, develop creative thinking, form the ability to make decisions independently.

The technology for solving specific situations for the formation of a safe-type personality, unlike business games, does not have strictly regulated rules of behavior, scenarios and criteriaevaluation. When conducting a lesson, much depends on the creative personality of the leader and the activity of the participants.

There are 3 levels of application of specific situations:

I level The teacher gives a specific situation as a fact or an example, offering to solve it. Schoolchildren actively begin to search for a solution, the teacher helps to analyze this situation and offers his own, i.e. the correct optimal solution. This is a kind of preparation for the application of this method.

II level - the teacher introduces a specific situation and also encourages individually to resolve it. Some time is given for reflection, then 2-3 students are listened to with their permissions. After that, the teacher analyzes the received data and explains which of the solutions were sufficient and/or insufficient and why. If among the school answers there was no correct solution, he gives his own - the optimal one. But an attempt to resolve the situation took place. Thus, the gradual introduction of this method begins.

Level III - the highest level in the use of specific situations, is possible only if the teacher is perfectly familiar with school opportunities and is sure that a particular student will give the best answer. Therefore, he calls the surname and at the same time says that student N will give the correct solution. After solving the specific ones, you can proceed directly to the practical lesson.

The organization of the educational process based on the application of solving situational tasks in life safety lessons in grades 2-11 is based on the use of various methods of involving students in educational and cognitive activities.

    In elementary school, students are offered the following situations:

-situation-assessment - a real situation with a ready-made proposed solution, which should be evaluated “correctly or incorrectly” and offer its own adequate solution.

-situation-illustration - the situation shown in the pictures.

Based on the results of a preliminary study of the initial state of knowledge, skills and abilities of students, the teacher concludes that it is possible to complicate situational tasks.

    In elementary and high school, the task becomes more difficult: students are offered the following situations:

-situation-problem is a real problem that needs to be solved quickly. With the help of such a situation, one can develop skills to find the optimal solution;

Fdifferent situation - the situation is taken from the life of schoolchildren, but no one knows the decision. This solution must be found, and the situation itself must be described in the sequence in which it happened in life. Here it is appropriate to use such a method as role-playing.

- classic situation - the situation can be taken from literature, practice, can be artificially constructed. The classical situation must be described according to all the canons of the situation. The volume is unlimited. Clarity of presentation is essential. There is no question mark at the end. Participants must isolate the issue from the context of the situation, about which they must decide.

Analysis by students (at any level of education) of a specific situation is a detailed study of a real or artificially constructed situation in order to identify the problems and causes that caused it, and for its optimal and prompt resolution.

The content of education in grades 2-11 is determined health care programs: L.P. Anastasova, P.V. Izhevsky, N.V. Ivanova, which is included in the concept and program for elementary grades "School of Russia" M .: Education, 2009 and A.T. Smirnov for educational institutions "Fundamentals of life safety" grades 5-11, M .: Education, 2010

In accordance with the goals and objectives of pedagogical activity, various forms, methods and means of educational work are used within the framework of the presented experience.

First of all, the formation of a safe-type personality is implemented within the framework of a traditional form lesson, which uses active forms and teaching methods, which include test tasks, game activities, problem situations, group and pair work, one way or another related to the technology of solving specific situations. .

In order to conduct a lesson using the technology for solving specific situational problems, it is necessary to correctly set general learning goals. They can be reduced to approximately the following goals: to develop the ability to analyze the situation, decipher cause-and-effect relationships, develop creative thinking, and form the ability to make decisions independently.

Specific situational tasks can be used at any stage of the lesson: when checking homework, when studying new material, when consolidating the studied material, as well as when monitoring students' knowledge, skills and abilities.

Specific situational tasks are offered:

- in the form of an oral assignment;

- in the form of a test task (with answer options):

In the form of cards with illustrations on paper and electronic media;

In the form of a game.

Yes, in classin elementary school atstudying the topic “Rules for safe behavior at home, on roads, on water bodies”, such types of situational tasks are used that help to involve the whole class in the work, teach children to choose the right solution in emergency situations, “lose” them (Appendix 2).


    You were in the back seat of a car. After stopping the car on the roadway, you need to get out of the passenger compartment. How will you do it?


    You stand at the bus stop and wait for the bus. The bus is delayed, and the number of passengers at the stop is increasing. And then the bus pulls up. What will you do in this case?

It is sometimes difficult for rural children to navigate in the city, so it is advisable to play situations related to trips to the city with their parents at the lessons of life safety. A form of work such as staging a situation is used.


    You have entered a public vehicle (bus, trolleybus, tram). Your actions to maintain personal safety in the cabin?

Situation illustration

    Find the offending pedestrian.

Task: find which of the pedestrians violated the rules for crossing the roadway. What mistakes did he make? Which pedestrian crosses the road correctly? Explainwhy.

If an illustration situation is used in the lesson, then information and communication technologies are necessarily used: showing ready-made presentations and presentations created by students, using materials from a single collection of digital educational resources and other educational sites.

When studying a topic« Firefighters know the rules without hesitation. Strictly follow the rules of the firefighters! are usedillustration situationswith tasks like: "The TV is on fire", "The clothes on the person caught fire." In a playful way, students need to call the fire department and send a message about a fire.(Appendix 3).

Thus, the ability to analyze the situation is developed, logical and creative thinking develops, the ability to make decisions independently.

In the basic school, situational tasks are used in the study of the following topics:

    emergency situations of a natural and man-made nature, their consequences and measures taken by the state to protect the population (Appendix 4);


While walking through the forest during a fire hazard period (dry weather and wind), you caught the smell of smoke and realized that you were in a forest fire zone. Your actions.

    healthy lifestyle, prevention of bad habits(Appendix 5);


You often work on the computer. List the basic rules of work that will help you stay healthy.

    practical exercises on providing first aid to victims (Appendix 6).


You are traveling on a boat and you see a drowning man who needs to be rescued with a life buoy. What are your steps to rescue a drowning man?

    live situation

While playing volleyball, your friend hit his head hard on the floor, receiving a concussion in the process. What are your first aid actions before the ambulance arrives?

In practical classes in medicine, specific situations help students to properly provide care for injuries (bandaging, hemostatic tourniquet), injuries (splinting), burns.

In such lessons, schoolchildren have to take turns acting as a leader and take responsibility not only for the correctness of their actions, but also for organizing the work of a group of students to provide emergency assistance to the victim. They must act quickly, competently and clearly. After all, their task, albeit in a playful way, is to support the life of the victim and prevent serious disorders from developing in the body until the doctor arrives.

    live situation

On the beach on a sunny day, the girl turned pale, she developed a headache, tinnitus, dizziness, weakness, and nausea. What happened to the girl?

A) food poisoning B) fainting; C) sunstroke.

Choose the correct diagnosis and provide first aid b.

In primary and secondary schools, it is advisable to use classical situations taken from life. Students independently construct a situation (for example, a fire in a house, a house falls into a declared flood zone), comment on their actions to eliminate an emergency or save life and health.

The formation of a safe-type personality is also successfully implemented in non-traditional lessons:

    lesson-excursion (for example, an excursion to the fire department of the village of Gostishchevo) (Appendix 7);

    lesson-competition "Young rescuer" (Appendix 8);

    lessons-meetings with the traffic inspector, juvenile affairs inspector, district police, medical workers;

    lesson-holiday "Come on, boys";

    game lesson (“Put out the fire before you get into trouble”) (Appendix 9);

    lesson-press conference.Such a lesson is best done as a final lesson on the topic under study. As a rule, it is held in the form of a role-playing game, because assumes the presence of certain roles: these are conversations of members of delegations or other groups with representatives of television, the press, journalists of newspapers and magazines, photojournalists. The conference participants are tasked, for example, to discuss the consequences of a particular natural or man-made disaster and measures to prevent them.

Non-traditional lessons in a rural small school can be carried out by combining, for example, grades 1-4, grades 5-7, grades 8-11.

Situational tasks become more difficult every year, as the children grow older. In grades 9-11, they are important in preparing for OBZh exams and preparing for the OBZh Olympiad.

The use of technology for solving specific situations helps to optimize the learning process, teaches the child to think, quickly navigate in a variety of information, independently and quickly find the information necessary to solve the problem, and, finally, actively, creatively use their knowledge and skills to solve life problems.

Specific situational tasks allow the student to master intellectual operations sequentially in the process of working with information: familiarization - understanding - application - analysis - synthesis - evaluation.

Through the solution of specificsituational tasksstudents independently learn to acquire new knowledge, construct their knowledge from external (information) and internal (experience, motives, values) elements, learn to practically apply what they have learned. After all, practical skills are necessary for each person for the full development of their own capabilities.

The predominant types of activities within the framework of the author's didactic system:

    search activity. Educational cognition is built as a system of tasks, the teacher organizes the educational and cognitive activity of students according to the following algorithm: 1) awareness of the problematic nature of a particular situation; 2) finding personally significant ways to resolve a particular situation; 3) analysis of a specific situation; 4) decision.

    research activities as a way of organizing the search, creative activity of students to solve a specific situation in the following stages: 1)study of a specific situation; 2) clarification of incomprehensible phenomena to be investigated; 3) putting forward hypotheses for the occurrence of a specific situation; 4) implementation of the study plan for a specific situation; 5) practical conclusions about the possible and necessary application of the acquired knowledge.

    project activity , providing independent obtaining of the result in the conditions of differentiation of the educational space specially organized by the teacher (to design a specific situation and possible ways out of it using ICT);

Means of education

The optimal choice of means of educational work in accordance with the goals set is due to the following approach: the means are closely related to the techniques and methods and are used in unity with them. In defining the means, the author of the experiment proceeds from the fact that the means include, on the one hand, various types of activities, and on the other hand, a set of objects and works of material and spiritual culture involved in pedagogical work (visual aids, historical, artistic and popular science literature, works of visual and musical art, technical devices, etc.)


    texts of multi-level control and independent works;

    test tasks of open and closed forms;

    systematized card file with cards for individual and differentiated work;

    collections Olympiad tasks on life safety;

    a collection (presentations) of creative works of students, which is constantly updated.

III . The effectiveness of the experience

To assess the effectiveness of the experience in the formation of a safe type of personality, the following indicators were used:

    motivation to study the subject "Fundamentals of life safety";

    the level of cognitive activity of high school students;

    the presence/absence of child injuries at school,

    presence/absence of traffic accidents involving schoolchildren.

When carrying out work on the topic of experience, the dynamics of positive motivation for studying the subject "Fundamentals of life safety" was achieved. Diagnosis of changes in the attitude of students to the subject was carried out using the test-drawing "Your attitude to the lesson of life safety". You can see the results in the table.

Dynamics of changes in attitudes towards the subject of life safety for three years

Primary School












71 %


Main school








12 %

9 %


36 %





48 %


68 %


secondary school












To assess the level of motivation and cognitive activity of high school students, a diagnostic method of learning motivation and emotional attitude to learning was used, based on the questionnaire of Ch.D. Spielberg (modified by A. D. Andreeva), aimed at studying the levels of cognitive activity, anxiety and anger. In each academic year, a control section was held. A comparative analysis of the level of motivation of schoolchildren in the control sections shows that students are experiencing significant shifts towards a positive attitude towards learning. The changes can be seen in the table.

Dynamics of changes in the level of cognitive activity

Main school








7th grade

8th grade

Grade 9

1st level

15,2 %



2nd level




3rd level

35,2 %



4th level

12,5 %



secondary school







Grade 10

Grade 11

1st level



2nd level



3rd level



4th level



The results testify to the sufficient effectiveness of the implemented methods and teaching methods aimed at educating a safe type of personality, ensuring successful education of schoolchildren in life safety through the use of technology for solving specific problems, creating conditions for self-realization of schoolchildren in educational activities.

Based on the analysis of the results of the work carried out, the following conclusions were made:

    The cognitive activity of students in the lessons of life safety changes by the 11th grade, which is explained by the transformation of the student from the object of the educational process into its subject through the use of technology for solving specific situations, i.e. a safe type of personality is formed.

    The use of technology for solving specific situations contributes to the achievement of high results in the development of cognitive activity in the learning process, which is also a prerequisite for the formation of a safe type of personality.

    The main criterion for the effectiveness of the experience is, first of all, the data that in recent years there have been no cases of child injuries in the school, road accidents involving schoolchildren, there are no schoolchildren registered with the ROVD of the Yakovlevsky district.


1. Dmitruk V.P. Rules of the road for schoolchildren / - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2007.

2. Latchuk V.N. Exemplary tickets and answers on the basics of life safety to prepare for the oral final certification of graduates of the 9th grade of educational institutions. – M.: Bustard, 2008.

3. Popova G.P. Fundamentals of life safety. Grades 1-4: School course in tests, crossword puzzles, poems and tasks with pictures. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2006.

4. Popova G.P. Fundamentals of life safety. Grades 5-8: School course in tests, games, crossword puzzles, tasks with pictures. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2006.

5. Suslov V.N. Fundamentals of life safety. Tests grade 4-5: teaching aid - Rostov n / D: Legeon, 2010.

6. Tetushkina L.A. Fundamentals of life safety: teaching secrets: recommendations, lesson notes, development of activities. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.

7. Titov S.V., Shabaeva G.I. Thematic games on life safety. Methodological guide for the teacher. - M .: TC Sphere, 2005.

8. Shershnev L.I. The course of life safety in the concept of national security of Russia library. // Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining of Education Workers. Orenburg State Pedagogical University URL: http://bank.orenipk.ru/Text/t42_179.htm (accessed 11/12/2008).

9. Khrennikov B.O. Fundamentals of life safety. Collection of situational tasks. 10-11 grades: basic level. – M.: Enlightenment, 2013.

SV-ROM. Traffic rules for schoolchildren. V.L. Shmundyak. The tests were developed under the guidance of the Moscow State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and the Safety Department of the Moscow Institute of Open Education and are recommended for use in secondary and secondary specialized educational institutions.

Download issue "Safety and labor protection" No. 4,2016

A.A. Cheltybashev,

Head of the Department of Special Disciplines of the Murmansk Branch of the St. Petersburg State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical SciencesE-mail:[email protected]

I.P. Karnachev,

Professor of the Department of Special Disciplines of the Murmansk Branch of the St. Petersburg State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, Leading Researcher of the Branch "Research Laboratory of the North-Western Scientific Center for Hygiene and Public Health" of Rospotrebnadzor (Kirovsk), Doctor of Technical Sciences

E.B. Suslenkova,

Director of the Murmansk branch of the St. Petersburg State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, Associate Professor of the Department of General Technical Disciplines, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

The article discusses approaches to determining the personality of safe behavior based on a comprehensive analysis of literary sources. The characteristic of a person who is a "person of a safe type of behavior" is determined.

Key words: safe behavior, personality traits, formation of a new person.

Organizational-pedagogical conditions of formation of human security type of conduct of students through study of "safety"

A.A. Cheltybashev,

associate professor, department of special disciplines of the Murmansk branch of FGBOU in jack-fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia, Ph.D

I.P. Karnachev,

leading researcher of the branch "Cola Research Laboratory SZNTC Hygience and Public Healthy" (Kirovsk), professor of the department of special disciplines of the Murmansk branch of FGBOU in jack-fire EMERCOM of Russia, Dr. Of sci. (Techn.)

E.B. Suslenkova,

chef of the Murmansk branch of FGBOU in jack-fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia, associate professor, Ph.D.

The article discusses approaches to the definition of safe behavior on the basis of the individual analysis of literary sources. Determined human characteristics are "safe man-like behavior."

Keywords: safe behavior, personality traits, the formation of the new man.

At present, we have to state the fact that human security begins with the fact that the person himself is an active participant in ensuring his own security and the security of other people. Therefore, the most important feature of the new approaches to security in the 21st century is the ability of each person to act in the security sector on behalf of other people, as well as on their own behalf.

There is a generalized concept: “personality of a safe type of behavior” - a person oriented towards goodness and capable of productive activities to preserve their spiritual and physical health, protect the people around them and nature from external threats at the level of highly developed spiritual qualities, skills and abilities. Such a person is characterized by search activity, collectivist motivation, awareness of the unity of all living things, understanding of one’s place in society, a team, family, a sense of self-confidence in solving emerging problems, harmonious communication skills, a desire to help other people, a willingness to empathize, a lack of fear before imaginary threats, suffering because of trifles and inconveniences of personal life. This is a person who is able to organize his life and activities in such a way so as not to harm himself, other people, the world around him, and at the same time is able to withstand threats, carry out specific activities to ensure security, in other words, this is a person who has mastered the basics of safety culture.

According to prof. L.A. Mikhailov, a person with a safe type of behavior should be distinguished by a level of psychological stability and psychological readiness for action in various life situations that guarantees life safety. In his opinion, the content of behavior is determined by the presence of three main components, the unity and reality of which significantly affect the acquisition of a comfortable level of interaction between habitats for a person, namely:

  1. foresight of danger from the environment and from one's own "I" -
  2. avoiding the influence of danger - to achieve which a person must know the nature of the occurrence, the nature of the development of dangerous situations; know your ability to overcome the danger; be able to correctly assess the situation and distribute their forces and capabilities for the period of avoiding the influence of dangers;
  3. Researchers in the field of life safety point to a large number of various components inherent in a "safe" person. On fig. 1 shows that part of these components, which, in our opinion, will constitute the structure of the personality of a safe type of behavior. Thus, the main components of the model of a person of a safe type of behavior are: social-collectivist motives of a citizen's behavior; respect for the environment; literacy in all areas of life safety; the presence of legal skills to protect against threats to nature, people, to oneself, coming from external sources and from oneself. In turn, safe behavior involves: anticipation of danger; avoidance of danger; overcoming danger; Giving help.

Rice. one. Components of the personality structure of a safe type of behavior

Foresight of danger both from the environment (natural, man-made, social, etc.) and from one's own "I" includes a correct assessment of the situation (type of danger, nature of the development of danger), as well as its consequences. The legal orientation of behavior includes the organization and planning of actions to prevent the impact of a particular danger, as well as the creation of a material and spiritual base to provide assistance to victims.

Based on our comprehensive analysis of literary sources, it is proposed to define a person of a safe type of behavior as a person who is safe for himself, others and the environment, ready to prevent and overcome dangerous situations, and, if necessary, to protect himself, society and nature from external threats, the main features of which are: social and collectivist motives for the behavior of a citizen, respect for the environment, literacy in all areas of life safety, the presence of skills to protect against threats coming from external sources and oneself.

To increase the number of people with a safe type of behavior, we conducted classes with students of the 1st year of study in the specialties "Forensic Expertise" and "Fire Safety" of the Murmansk branch of the St. Petersburg State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. After conducting this cycle of classes, students began to consider dangerous situations from a broader perspective, naming not only man-made emergencies, but also an emergency situation at work, violation of labor protection standards, etc. It can be stated that conducting additional classes contributes to the formation of a person of a safe type of behavior to a greater extent than traditional informing about dangerous situations. This indicates that the creation of special conditions for the formation of a person of a safe type of behavior increases not only the personal safety of people, but also contributes to the formation of a potentially safe society.

Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. In the course of the comprehensive analysis of literary sources on the research problem, the concept of “personality of a safe type of behavior” is defined and it is shown that the formation of this personality is determined by the fixation in the mind of the main components, the unity and reality of which determine the acquisition of a comfortable level of interaction between the personality and the human environment. Such components are danger foresight, danger avoidance, danger overcoming.

2. There is an obvious need to apply complex work on the formation of a person of a safe type of behavior, and first of all, through special training.


  1. Lyz N.A. Security as a personality characteristic / N.A. Lyz, A.V. Nepomniachtchi // Proceedings of the Southern Federal University. Technical science. 2002. No. 5. - S. 138-142.
  2. Maralov V.G. Psychological features of the relationship between sensitivity to threats and security needs in senior schoolchildren and students / V.G. Maralov, E.Yu. Malysheva, O.V. Nifontova, E.L. Perchenko, I.A. Tabunov // Vestnik ChGU. 2012. No. 3. V.1. - S. 145 - 150.
  3. Mikhailov L.A. Psychological and pedagogical approaches to the formation of personal qualities of a safe type / L.A. Mikhailov, U.Z. Akhmadullin, E.S. Vasiliev // Bulletin of VEGU. 2008. No. 1. - S. 103-107.
  4. Cheltybashev A.A. Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the personality of a safe type of behavior among students through the study of the discipline "Life Safety" / A.A. Cheltybashev, I.P. Karnachev, E.Yu. Aleksandrova // Life safety. 2016. No. 9. - S. 55-63.

The social side of the LBTP characterized by:

Rational and humanistic activity of a person in society;

The ability to apply safe methods of self-realization in the process of interaction with nature, the information and infrastructure of the city and the team, entering into social and legal relations;

Ability to communicate harmoniously with other people;

A constant increase in the level of their intellectual, emotional and physical development.

In particular, this finds expression in the performance of duty to protect the Motherland, in the ability to build relationships with state, administrative and law enforcement agencies, in healthy interfaith, interethnic relations, in the development of the family and the state, in strengthening the humanistic worldview, in real life practice, etc.

The following main factors contribute to the formation of such qualities of the LBTP: psychological and pedagogical conditions:

Awareness of the unity of nature, society, man in all existing spheres of life;

Understanding your capabilities in ensuring the safety of nature, society and personal safety;

Knowledge of the dangers affecting man in society and nature;

Mastering the ways of rational and humanistic interaction with nature, technology, people;

Acquisition of the ability to create for oneself the necessary resources for a secure existence;

Ability to organize a safe life activity for oneself and other people.

Safe Behavior involves four main components:

Foresight of danger;

Avoiding the influence of danger;

Overcoming danger;

Creation of security resources.

Foresight of danger suggests:

Knowledge of the dangers surrounding a person;

Knowledge of the physical properties of hazards affecting humans;

Foresight of danger from the environment (natural, man-made, social, in cases of a military situation);

Anticipation of danger from one's own "I" (oneself, the environment, other people);

Systematic training and preparation of a person for safe life.

To avoid the danger, a person must understand the nature of the occurrence, the nature of the development of dangerous situations, be aware of the real possibilities for overcoming the danger, be able to correctly assess the situation and rationally distribute their forces.

The BZ teacher is obliged to form the student's confidence that he, even if it is impossible to avoid the influence of danger, is able to overcome its impact, if it behaves adequately to the complexity of the dangerous situation (in society, on water, in the forest, in case of fire, in the mountains, etc.), know and apply methods of protection (ways of early shelter from danger, methods of protection during exposure hazards, as well as dealing with the consequences of hazards); master the skills of self-help and mutual assistance (in case of injury, in conditions of autonomous survival in nature, with burns, with electric shock, with insect bites, etc.). To do this, it is necessary to mobilize motivational attitudes, emotions, will, intellect, personal and activity orientation of students.

Educational work on the formation of safe behavior is carried out in two directions:

Providing assistance to students in the fight against external difficulties (failures in life, illness, misfortune, natural disaster, accident, etc.);

The formation of such personal qualities as nobility, honesty, kindness, generosity, etc.

General the purpose of the formation of the LBTP is the development of certain skills and abilities that allow one to build one's behavior in such a way that the level of dangers emanating from the individual decreases, as well as their prevention in the world around a person.

Sources of danger, as a rule, are of a combined nature. Therefore, in modern conditions it is necessary to ensure the functioning of an integrated mechanism of readiness for safe life activity. This mechanism includes:

Acquisition and transfer of knowledge and skills of personality development in various life situations;

Formation of ecological outlook;

Training in actions in the conditions of natural disasters;

Development of the ability to adequately respond and behave in conditions of acute social conflicts in society;

Formation of readiness to defend the interests of the Fatherland.

The main components of the personality model of a safe type of behavior are:

Social-collectivist motives of citizen's behavior;

Respect for the environment;

Literacy in all areas of life safety;

The presence of legal skills to protect against threats to nature, people, to oneself, coming from external sources and from oneself.

Safe behavior involves:

Foresight of danger;

Avoidance of danger;

Overcoming danger;

Giving help.

The main link of the LBTP model is the prediction of danger both from the environment (natural, technogenic, social, etc.) and from one's own “I” (caused to oneself, the environment, other people). It includes:

Correct assessment of the situation (type of danger, the nature of the development of the danger and its consequences, the legal orientation of behavior);

Organization and planning of actions to prevent the impact of a particular hazard;

Creation of a material and spiritual base to provide assistance to the victims.

9. Characteristics of extreme mental states:

Panic- this is a spontaneously arising state and behavior of a large population of people who are in conditions of behavioral uncertainty in increased emotional arousal from an uncontrolled feeling of fear. It is known that panic does not arise in every crowd of people; The decisive factor is the combination of many conditions, the action of various factors, the most important of which are the following:

1. The general psychological atmosphere of anxiety and uncertainty of a large group of people in cases of danger or as a result of a long period of experiencing negative emotions and feelings (for example, life under regular bombings). Such an atmosphere is pre-panic, i.e., preceding and conducive to the emergence of panic.

2. One of the decisive factors is the presence of rumors that excite and stimulate panic, for example, fueling the impending danger or the degree of its negative consequences (this was often the case in radioactively contaminated territories after the Chernobyl disaster).

3. The personal qualities of people and the presence of those predisposed to panic, the so-called alarmists, turn out to be fundamental. A very important condition for the occurrence of panic is the proportion of such people in a large group. It is known that sometimes even 1% of those who panic are enough to panic the entire large group of people.

4. Panic arises at the confluence of not only general, but also various particular and specific conditions of life of a large group in each specific period of time. Such coincidences are the most difficult to foresee because of the many characteristics of the physical and social environment.

The occurrence of panic states turned out to be associated with a number of characteristics of people, among which socio-demographic characteristics are especially important. A high level of education, awareness of cosmic phenomena hampered the development of panic states. The opposite characteristics, i.e. the low level of education and awareness, contributed to people's panic moods. Property status turned out to be another important feature: people from poorly provided families, with a low level of material well-being, panicked more often. At the same time, it was not the status itself that influenced, but the general feelings of anxiety and insecurity that make up the psychological readiness of this class of people for a panicky perception of events. Gender and age characteristics were also important: women and children experienced more intense fear and panicked much more easily. Along with socio-demographic characteristics, a significant role is played by the psychological properties of the individual, especially such as uncritical thinking, pronounced personal anxiety and increased suggestibility - qualities that predispose to the occurrence of panic states.

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Safe Behavior Personality

The starting points that determine the content of a safe-type personality are the capabilities and abilities of a person to satisfy the needs for self-realization, self-determination, self-affirmation, independence and self-esteem, which is the core of the personality. According to the qualities inherent in the personality, people are divided into those who have opportunities and abilities, and those who have them to some extent limited.

What is included in the concept of "personality of a safe type of behavior"? Its content is determined by the capabilities and abilities of a person to satisfy the needs for self-realization, self-determination, self-affirmation, independence and self-esteem, which is the core of the personality. To this formulation, we would add - a person who is safe for others.

Different people to varying degrees possess the qualities inherent in the LBTP. To a large extent, this depends on their innate abilities, but the conditions for the existence of a person in society, as well as upbringing and education, also play a role. In this chapter, LBTP is considered in two aspects - psychophysiological and social, the components of the content of such behavior and the psychological and pedagogical conditions for its formation are determined.

Man in society

Man, by virtue of his nature, enjoys the implementation of innate programs and genetically inherent abilities. The meaning of its existence is in self-realization. Therefore, the highest value of a civilized society is the freedom of the individual, not restricting the freedom of others.

The human community as a biosocial system can function stably in two modes: constructive and destructive.

A constructive regime involves achieving a stable balance of biological (innate behavioral programs) and social regulators (rules of law). It is the result of the development of consciousness and the improvement of cultural norms. A civilized society is characterized by consciously developed values ​​and norms of social behavior:

* recognition of the value of intelligence and natural talent;

* recognition of the value of professionalism and education;

* recognition of the value of the individual and her rights;

* recognition of the inviolability of private property;

* law-abiding;

* respect for other people's interests and the ability to compromise;

* honesty and commitment;

* prudence and thrift.

The destructive regime is characterized by the weakening of the influence of social regulators and the active dominance of biological ones.

Society today has reached a stage of development at which communication between people plays a decisive role in the realization of personal interests. One of the types of social danger is the so-called destructive behavior that harms a person and society as a whole. The following types of such behavior are distinguished:

* additive - this is the desire to escape from reality by changing the psychological state with the help of intoxicating substances;

* antisocial - illegal, not corresponding to the ethics and moral standards of modern society;

* suicidal - a tendency to commit suicide, which is caused by a number of factors: isolation from society, helplessness (physical, legal, intellectual), disbelief in the future, loss of one's own independence;

* conformist - adherence to official points of view, opportunism;

* narcissistic - narcissism, hypersensitivity to other people's assessments, on this basis, lack of sympathy for them, for everything around them;

* fanatical - blind adherence to any idea;

* autistic - difficulty in social, public contacts, isolation from reality;

* deviant - not corresponding to social and moral norms.

Reasons for disruptive behavior include:

* a feeling of discomfort in society (difficulties in relationships with relatives, petty quarrels, various kinds of failures, etc.);

* an increase in the number of events that are of great importance for a particular person and affect his safety;

* changes in the environmental situation, an increase in the flow of conflicting and ambiguous information;

* the need to make vital decisions at an early age (at school age).

Numerous socio-psychological studies have shown that at present, people with personality traits of a dangerous type of behavior are most common. They are characterized by a conscious or unconscious manifestation of aggression. This aggression primarily harms their health and creates dangerous situations for humans, but ultimately harms the entire society and the natural environment, disrupts the ecological balance and energy balance. The predominance of such individuals in society leads to an unprecedented increase in various kinds of threats to all mankind. This is due to the "snowball" of aggressive actions mutually generated by people. Interpersonal confrontation in society contributes to the growth of psychological tension in all spheres of life and an increase in the incidence of the population.

In addition, there are two planetary processes associated with irrational nature management and the type of population reproduction. These are ecological and demographic crises. It is now that the time has come to embody the eternal idea of ​​synthesis of universal knowledge and experience, which makes it possible to develop a qualitatively new view of what is happening by combining the inner wealth of national cultures, religions, and types of self-consciousness.

W. Ostwald (idealist philosopher, Nobel Prize winner in chemistry in 1909) considered the "energy imperative" as a criterion of social progress: "Do not waste energy, use it." The essence of this postulate is the adaptation of the process of transformation of energy existing in nature to human goals. For the harmonious development of society and man, it is fundamentally important to realize the idea of ​​F. Engels that the free development of each individual is a condition for the free development of all. This idea is one of the key ones in the human dimension of security. In this regard, it should be noted that the free development of a person is possible only if he realizes the need for spiritual and physical self-improvement, and the human community as a certain system - with the free development of each of its elements (various social groups, organizations, states).

Typological personality traits of a safe type of behavior

The typological features of the LBTP include behavioral motives, goals and methods of activity.

Motives: community-collectivist, encouraging a person-citizen to live in the traditions of mutual assistance, excluding getting self-interest from the difficulties, weaknesses of the people around and not allowing a predatory attitude towards nature.

Goals: constant production of the potential for the safety of the existence of a person (including himself), nature and society.

Methods of activity: minimization of internal threats produced (consciously or unconsciously) to oneself, and prevention (limitation) of activity that poses a danger to people and the environment.

Based on the requirements imposed on a person by the environment (nature, society, technogen), we can distinguish main features of LBTP:

* altruistic, social-collectivist motives of behavior;

* literacy in all areas of ensuring safe life;

* anticipation of dangers affecting a person;

* organizational skills in personal and collective safe life;

* the presence of legal and physical skills to protect nature, people, oneself from threats coming from external sources and from oneself personally.

There are the following conditions (criteria) for the formation of LBTP:

* awareness of the unity of nature and man in terms of energy and understanding by everyone of their role in ensuring a safe life on the planet, in the country, team, family;

* mastering the practical skills of behavior in situations of interaction with people and nature;

* the ability to use one's own resources for a safe existence in everyday life and in extreme situations.

Thus, the concept of "personality of a safe type" means the ability of a person to safe self-realization in the world around him. This ability is based on certain motivational attitudes, volitional qualities of the individual and affects its emotional and intellectual sphere. In addition, the condition for safe behavior is competence in matters of ensuring the political, legal, social, moral, physical and other security of a person.

personality behavior value society

Psychophysiological characteristics of a person of a safe type of behavior

The main psychophysiological characteristic of LBTP is adequate, safe for others, activity of the human brain. The psyche of any individual is one of the forms of reflective activity of the brain. Mental activity is the highest level of brain functioning, its specific feature is the reflection of reality in the form of images, concepts, emotional experiences and volitional urges to activity. Any cognitive and emotional activity, i.e., volitional regulation of a person's behavior, is based on a neurophysiological basis and presupposes corresponding processes in the human nervous system.

The qualities of LBTP, which characterize the state of people in crisis or extreme situations, in the process of interacting with the environment, communicating with other people, etc., are due to the corresponding neurophysiological processes and properties of the human nervous system that ensure safe life. In this regard, IP Pavlov's teaching on the physiology of higher nervous activity is of particular importance. This knowledge helps to understand the exclusivity of a person, to identify the causes of failures in a person’s activities, to predict dangers in relation to oneself, the world around and other people, to help a person understand a situation or task in time, and most importantly, not to be a source of dangerous actions.

Most often, when meeting with various kinds of dangers, difficulties, failures, a person falls into a state of passion or stress. For the first time, the term "stress" was introduced into medicine by G. Selye in 1936 to refer to the state of the body when exposed to some irritating factor. If adverse conditions are created, the body tries to restore the lost balance - an adaptation syndrome occurs. Along with classical stress, the causes of which may be trauma, burns, etc., there are emotional stress, which is a consequence of the impact on the psyche. The difference between them is rather conditional: under classical stress, the adaptation syndrome occurs at the moment of meeting with the stimulus, while adaptation to emotional (psychological) stress can occur in advance. So, for example, by influencing the human psyche with special methods and means, it is possible to control such an emotion as fear on a conscious level. The answer to the question of how to achieve this is sought by all researchers of the human psyche. What does a person need to know and be able to do in order to reduce the feeling of fear, confusion, gain confidence, and remain calm in an unfavorable situation? How to deal with anxiety, stiffness, fear, fussiness, panic - companions of fear?

The influence of fear or danger on a person is determined by the action of three psychophysiological mechanisms.

1. The unconditional reflex mechanism manifests itself in the fact that some stimuli (darkness, the appearance of a feeling of fear of another person, not knowing how to act in a situation, etc.) serve as unconditional signals to which the psyche reacts with a state of fear or panic of varying degrees . As we adapt to such influences, unconditioned reflexes weaken, emotions of fear are inhibited, and then completely disappear.

2. The conditioned reflex mechanism operates when a person has received some negative experience and he has developed a conditioned reflex to those elements of the situation that are safe in themselves, but previously accompanied the action of a real danger. If fear was previously associated with one or another element of real danger, then it can be caused by almost any factor.

3. The action of the intellectual mechanism is manifested in the fact that the feeling of fear can be the result of a mental re-creation of danger, imagination of a dangerous situation, memories of an experienced threat, etc. The suddenness of the situation, lack of information, fatigue, overwork - all these factors exacerbate unsafe behavior person.

The inability to act in a difficult situation and the emergence of fear force a person to do wrong. A person who has been taught to act correctly in situations that can cause fear is able to adapt, overcome it. He often emerges victorious from an extreme situation and at the same time is able to help others.

Faced with various circumstances in the process of life, which can be both ordinary and extreme situations (temporary, requiring a lot of willpower), an unprepared person can find himself in a difficult situation, his behavior is difficult to predict, he can commit dangerous actions in relation to himself, people, nature and society.

Thus, the distinctive features of a person with a safe type of behavior are psychological stability that guarantees life safety and psychological readiness for action in various life situations.

Psychological stability involves:

* the presence of persistent altruistic community-collectivist motives of behavior;

* knowledge of the features of the surrounding world;

* painless awareness of possible threats and dangers in relation to oneself;

* knowledge of the physical basis of the surrounding hazards;

* knowledge of the characteristics of one's psyche and somatics (from gr. soma - body);

* the ability to see the features of the psyche and somatics of another person.

In order for a person to be psychologically ready to adequately behave in emergency situations, he must, in addition to specific personal qualities (discipline, quick response, etc.), have the necessary knowledge and skills.

Social characteristics of a person of a safe type of behavior

The social side of the LBTP is characterized by:

* rational and humanistic activity of a person in society;

* the ability to apply safe methods of self-realization in the process of interaction with nature, information and infrastructure of the city and the team, entering into social and legal relations;

* the ability to communicate harmoniously with other people;

* a constant increase in the level of their intellectual, emotional and physical development.

In particular, this finds expression in the performance of duty to protect the Motherland, in the ability to build relationships with state, administrative and law enforcement agencies, in healthy interfaith, interethnic relations, in the development of the family and the state, in strengthening the humanistic worldview, in real life practice, etc.

The following basic psychological and pedagogical conditions contribute to the formation of such qualities of LBTP:

* awareness of the unity of nature, society, man in all existing spheres of life;

* understanding of their capabilities in ensuring the safety of nature, society and personal safety;

* knowledge of the dangers affecting man in society and nature;

* mastering the ways of rational and humanistic interaction with nature, technology, people;

* acquisition of the ability to create for themselves the necessary resources for a safe existence;

* the ability to organize a safe life for themselves and other people.

Safe behavior has four main components:

* anticipation of danger;

* avoiding the influence of danger;

* overcoming danger;

* Creation of security resources.

Foresight of danger involves:

* knowledge of the dangers surrounding a person;

* knowledge of the physical properties of hazards affecting humans;

* anticipation of danger from the environment (natural, technogenic, social, in cases of a military situation);

* anticipation of danger from one's own "I" (oneself, the environment, other people);

* systematic training and preparation of a person for safe life.

To avoid the influence of danger, a person must understand the nature of the occurrence, the nature of the development of dangerous situations, be aware of the real possibilities for overcoming the danger, be able to correctly assess the situation and rationally distribute their forces.

It is very important to form a person’s confidence that, even if it is impossible to avoid the influence of danger, he is able to overcome its impact if he behaves adequately to the complexity of the dangerous situation (in society, on water, in the forest, in case of fire, in the mountains, etc.). d.), know and apply methods of protection (methods of advance shelter from danger, methods of protection during exposure to danger, as well as dealing with the consequences of dangers); master the skills of self-help and mutual assistance (in case of injury, in conditions of autonomous survival in nature, with burns, with electric shock, with insect bites, etc.). To do this, it is necessary to mobilize motivational attitudes, emotions, will, intellect, personal and activity orientation of the individual.

Educational work on the formation of safe behavior is carried out in two directions:

* assisting students in the fight against external difficulties (failures in life, illness, misfortune, natural disaster, accident, etc.);

* the formation of such personal qualities as nobility, honesty, kindness, generosity, etc.

The general goal of the formation of the LBTP is the development of certain skills and abilities that allow one to build one's behavior in such a way that the level of dangers emanating from the individual decreases, as well as their prevention in the world around a person.

Sources of danger, as a rule, are of a combined nature. Therefore, in modern conditions it is necessary to ensure the functioning of a comprehensive mechanism of readiness for safe life. This mechanism includes:

* acquisition and transfer of knowledge and skills of personality development in various life situations;

* formation of ecological outlook;

* training in actions in conditions of natural disasters;

* development of the ability to adequately respond and behave in conditions of acute social conflicts in society;

* the formation of readiness to defend the interests of the Fatherland.

The main components of the personality model of a safe type of behavior are:

* social-collectivist motives of citizen's behavior;

* respect for the environment;

* literacy in all areas of life safety;

* the presence of legal skills to protect against threats to nature, people, to oneself, coming from external sources and from oneself.

Safe behavior involves:

* anticipation of danger;

* avoidance of danger;

* overcoming danger;

* Giving help.

The main link of the LBTP model is the prediction of danger both from the environment (natural, technogenic, social, etc.) and from one's own "I" (caused to oneself, the environment, other people). It includes:

* a correct assessment of the situation (type of danger, the nature of the development of the danger and its consequences, the legal orientation of behavior);

* organization and planning of actions to prevent the impact of a particular hazard;

* Creation of a material and spiritual base for rendering assistance to the victims.


1. Belov S.V. Life safety. 7th ed., ster. M.: Higher school, 2007. 616 p.

2. Neverov V. N. Formation of the personality of a safe type of behavior when teaching life safety: psychological and pedagogical aspect [Text] / V. N. Neverov, A. M. Derkach // Young scientist. 2014. No. 5.1. pp. 50-53.

3. Zhuravlev V.I. Pedagogy in the system of human sciences. M., 1990.

4. Nemov R.S. Psychology: a textbook for students of higher ped. educational institutions. M., 2005.

5. Shestakov V.A. Some aspects of the formation of a safe type personality // Scientific Bulletin of the UAGS. 2010. No. 2(11). pp. 8-13.

6. Krupnik E.P. Psychological stability of personality as a methodological category // Nauchnye trudy MPGU. M.: MPGU, 2004. S. 100-103.

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One of the types of social danger is the so-called destructive behavior that harms a person and society as a whole. The following types of such behavior are distinguished: * additive - this is the desire to escape from reality by changing the psychological state with the help of intoxicating substances; * antisocial - illegal, not corresponding to the ethics and moral standards of modern society; * suicidal - a tendency to commit suicide, which is caused by a number of factors: isolation from society, helplessness (physical, legal, intellectual), disbelief in the future, loss of one's own independence; * conformist - adherence to official points of view, opportunism; * narcissistic - narcissism, hypersensitivity to other people's assessments, on this basis, lack of sympathy for them, for everything around them; * fanatical - blind adherence to any idea; * autistic - difficulty in social, public contacts, isolation from reality; * deviant - not corresponding to social and moral standards

The reasons for destructive behavior include: * a feeling of discomfort in society (difficulties in relationships with relatives, petty quarrels, various kinds of failures, etc.); * an increase in the number of events that are of great importance for a particular person and affect his safety; * changes in the environmental situation, an increase in the flow of conflicting and ambiguous information; * the need to make vital decisions at an early age (at school age).

The typological features of the LBTP include behavioral motives, goals and methods of activity. Motives: communal-collectivist, encouraging a person-citizen to live in the traditions of mutual assistance, excluding gaining self-interest from the difficulties, weaknesses of the surrounding people and not allowing a predatory attitude towards nature. Goals: constant production of the potential for the safety of the existence of a person (including himself), nature and society. Methods of activity: minimization of internal threats produced (consciously or unconsciously) to oneself, and prevention (limitation) of activity that poses a danger to people and the environment.

Based on the requirements imposed on a person by the environment, one can single out the main features of the LBTP: * altruistic, social-collectivist motives of behavior; * respect for the environment; * literacy in all areas of ensuring safe life; * anticipation of dangers affecting a person; * organizational skills in personal and collective safe life; * the presence of legal and physical skills to protect nature, people, oneself from threats coming from external sources and from oneself personally.

The following conditions for the formation of LBTP are distinguished: * awareness of the unity of nature and man in terms of energy and understanding by everyone of their role in ensuring a safe life on the planet, in the country, team, family; * mastering the practical skills of behavior in situations of interaction with people and nature; * the ability to use one's own resources for a safe existence in everyday life and in extreme situations.

Psychophysiological characteristics of a person with a safe type of behavior

The work of the brain has a reflex character. The influence of fear or danger on a person is determined by the action of three psychophysiological mechanisms. 1. The unconditional reflex mechanism manifests itself in the fact that some stimuli (darkness, the appearance of a feeling of fear of another person, not knowing how to act in a situation, etc.) serve as unconditional signals to which the psyche reacts with a state of fear or panic of varying degrees . As we adapt to such influences, unconditioned reflexes weaken, emotions of fear are inhibited, and then completely disappear. 2. The conditioned reflex mechanism operates when a person has received some negative experience and he has developed a conditioned reflex to those elements of the situation that are safe in themselves, but previously accompanied the action of a real danger. If fear was previously associated with one or another element of real danger, then it can be caused by almost any factor. The BZ teacher should use in his practice the process of inhibition of this reflex in a student, create compensatory pedagogical conditions to exclude its influence.

3. The action of the intellectual mechanism is manifested in the fact that the feeling of fear can be the result of a mental re-creation of danger, imagination of a dangerous situation, memories of an experienced threat, etc. The suddenness of the situation, lack of information, fatigue, overwork - all these factors exacerbate unsafe behavior person. The inability to act in a difficult situation and the emergence of fear force a person to do wrong. A person who has been taught to act correctly in situations that can cause fear is able to adapt, overcome it. He often emerges victorious from an extreme situation and at the same time is able to help others.

Psychological stability implies: * the presence of persistent altruistic community-collectivist motives of behavior; * knowledge of the features of the surrounding world; * painless awareness of possible threats and dangers in relation to oneself; * knowledge of the physical basis of the surrounding hazards; * knowledge of the characteristics of one's psyche and somatics (from gr. soma - body); * the ability to see the features of the psyche and somatics of another person.

The social side of the LBTP is characterized by: * rational and humanistic activity of a person in society; * the ability to apply safe methods of self-realization in the process of interaction with nature, information and infrastructure of the city and the team, entering into social and legal relations; * the ability to communicate harmoniously with other people; * a constant increase in the level of their intellectual, emotional and physical development.

The following basic psychological and pedagogical conditions contribute to the formation of such qualities of LBTP: * awareness of the unity of nature, society, man in all existing spheres of life; * understanding of their capabilities in ensuring the safety of nature, society and personal safety; * knowledge of the dangers affecting man in society and nature; * mastering the ways of rational and humanistic interaction with nature, technology, people; * acquisition of the ability to create for themselves the necessary resources for a safe existence; * the ability to organize a safe life for themselves and other people. Safe behavior involves the presence of four main components: * anticipation of danger; * avoiding the influence of danger; * overcoming danger; * Creation of security resources.

Conclusions The main components of the model of a person of a safe type of behavior are: * social and collectivist motives of a citizen's behavior; * respect for the environment; * literacy in all areas of life safety; * the presence of legal skills to protect against threats to nature, people, to oneself, coming from external sources and from oneself. Safe behavior involves: * anticipation of danger; * avoidance of danger; * overcoming danger; * Giving help.

The main link of the LBTP model is the prediction of danger both from the environment (natural, technogenic, social, etc.) and from one's own "I" (caused to oneself, the environment, other people). It includes: * a correct assessment of the situation (type of danger, the nature of the development of the danger and its consequences, the legal orientation of behavior); * organization and planning of actions to prevent the impact of a particular hazard; * Creation of a material and spiritual base for rendering assistance to the victims.

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