The concepts of personality, man, individual, individuality and their relationship. Individual - socialization and behavior What is meant by the term individual

Individual, Individual(lat. individual- indivisible) - a separate organism that exists independently, in particular a person, a person, a single representative of the human race.

The concept of "individual" is closely related to the concepts of "human body", "personality", "subjectivity", "individuality" and "spirituality", which are used to denote the totality of qualities, abilities of a single person, the essential levels of human development in ontogenesis

The individual appears at the upper limit of the period of stable development of the human organism as a result of the crisis of one year. Instead of the former complete symbiosis, the fusion of a child and an adult, two appear - a child and an adult. Thus, the exit from the crisis of one year is the beginning of a one-year period of individual development - smooth, long-term changes, the birth of an individual "order" from an organismic "chaos", which manifests itself in elementary manifestations of differentiation and integration of mental processes, psychophysiological self-organization at various stages of sensitivity, functional self-organization of the formation of cerebral architectonics, the creation of individual typological properties and constitutional typology in its human manifestations. Here there is a final distinction for the child of the objective and social environment, the experience of psychophysiological states in the form of desires, aspirations, and the like. The crisis of childhood (5.5-7.5 years) completes the individual stage of the child's development, and simultaneously becomes the beginning of the personal stage.


  • Chepa M.-L. BUT. The development of a person as a result of differentiation and integration of mental processes / Collection of scientific practices to the Institute of Psychology named after G. S. Kostyuk of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine “Problems of global and pedagogical psychology”. - K., 2003. V. 5. Part 2. - S. 284–297.
  • INDIVID //Pharmaceutical Encyclopedia

8. Correlation of the concepts "man", "personality", "individual", individuality. The category of personality in modern psychology.

Today, psychology interprets personality as a socio-psychological entity, which is formed due to a person's life in society. A person as a social being acquires new (personal) qualities when he enters into relationships with other people and these relationships become "formative" of his personality. At the time of birth, an individual does not yet have these acquired (personal) qualities.

Insofar as personality is most often defined as a person in the totality of his social, acquired qualities, this means that personal characteristics do not include such features of a person that are naturally conditioned and do not depend on his life in society. Personal qualities do not include the psychological qualities of a person that characterize his cognitive processes or individual style of activity, with the exception of those that are manifested in relations with people in society. The concept of "personality" usually includes such properties that are more or less stable and testify to the individuality of a person, determining his features that are significant for people and. deeds.

By definition, R.S. Nemov, personality is a person taken in the system of his psychological characteristics that are socially conditioned, manifested in social connections and relations by nature, are stable and determine the moral actions of a person that are essential for himself and those around him.

Along with the concept of "personality" the terms "man", "individual", "individuality" are used. Essentially, these concepts are intertwined. That is why the analysis of each of these concepts, their relationship with the concept of "personality" will allow us to more fully reveal the latter (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. The ratio of the volumes of the concepts "person", "individual" and "individuality"

with the concept of "personality"

Human - this is a generic concept that indicates the relation of a being to the highest stage of development of living nature - to the human race. The concept of "man" affirms the genetic predetermination of the development of actually human features and qualities.

Specific human abilities and properties (speech, consciousness, labor activity, etc.) are not transmitted to people in the order of biological heredity, but are formed during their lifetime, in the process of assimilation of the culture created by previous generations. No personal experience of a person can lead to the fact that he independently formed logical thinking and systems of concepts. By participating in labor and various forms of social activity, people develop in themselves those specific human abilities that have already been formed in humanity. As a living being, a person obeys the basic biological and physiological laws, as a social being - the laws of the development of society.

Individual - this is a single representative of the species "homo sapiens". As individuals, people differ from each other not only in morphological features (such as height, bodily constitution and eye color), but also in psychological properties (abilities, temperament, emotionality).

Individuality - it is the unity of the unique personal properties of a particular person. This is the originality of his psychophysiological structure (type of temperament, physical and mental characteristics, intellect, worldview, life experience).

With all the versatility of the concept of "individuality", it primarily denotes the spiritual qualities of a person. The essential definition of individuality is associated not so much with the concepts of "feature", "uniqueness", but with the concepts of "integrity", "unity", "originality", "authorship", "one's own way of life". The essence of individuality is connected with the originality of the individual, his ability to be himself, to be independent and independent.

The ratio of individuality and personality is determined by the fact that these are two ways of being a person, two of his different definitions. The discrepancy between these concepts is manifested, in particular, in the fact that there are two different processes of the formation of personality and individuality.

The formation of personality is the process of socialization of a person, which consists in the development of his generic, social essence. This development is always carried out in the concrete historical circumstances of a person's life. The formation of personality is connected with the acceptance by the individual of social functions and roles developed in society, social norms and rules of behavior, with the formation of skills to build relationships with other people. A formed personality is a subject of free, independent and responsible behavior in society.

The formation of individuality is the process of individualization of an object. Individualization is the process of self-determination and isolation of the individual, its isolation from the community, the design of its separateness, uniqueness and originality. A person who has become an individual is an original, actively and creatively manifesting himself in life.

In the concepts of "personality" and "individuality" various aspects, different dimensions of the spiritual essence of a person are fixed. The essence of this difference is well expressed in the language. With the word "personality" they usually use such epithets as "strong", "energetic", "independent", thereby emphasizing its active representation in the eyes of others. We often say about individuality: "bright", "unique", "creative", referring to the qualities of an independent entity.

The concept of personality has three different meanings.: widest, the average And narrow understanding. personality in the wide understanding - this is what internally distinguishes one person from another, a list of all its psychological properties, this is individuality. Personality in intermediate, average understanding is a social subject, a social individual, a set of social and personal roles. personality in the narrow sense is a cultural subject, a self. This is a person who builds and controls his own life, a person as a responsible subject of will. Basic psychological theories of personality Personality - First of all, a contemporary of a certain era, and this determines many of its socio-psychological properties. In one epoch or another, the individual occupies a certain position in the class structure of society. The belonging of a person to a certain class constitutes another basic definition of it, with which the position of the person in society is directly connected.

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Question 27. Various interpretations of the concept of personality in psychology. Correlation of concepts: individual, personality, individuality.

In psychology, the variety of coexisting approaches to personality problems can be divided into two classes. Within the framework of one, the concept is considered practically as a synonym for the subject of mental activity in general, i.e. is declared "the final and most complex object of psychology". Within the framework of another, the concept of personality is considered in its specific content. Here the task is to delimit the concept of personality from others comparable to it in scope and content, in particular, to delimit from the concepts of "temperament" and "character".

    Approaches to personality in domestic psychology.

A. Myasishchev, Smirnov, Malyshev and others. Personality is a system of relationships, relationships are components of a structure. For example, Myasishchev argued that personality as a social product is determined primarily by the social meaning of orientation (ie, "the dominant property that subjugates others and determines a person's life path"). The level of a person is expressed by the degree of his consciousness, ideological wealth, etc., etc.

If the dominant attitude covers all aspects of the personality, then it is characterized by integrity. The disadvantage of this kind of understanding of personality is fuzziness, ambiguity.

B. Ananiev, Platonov, Merlin... Personality is not the whole person, but only his social qualities, it is not just a subject of activity. The main components of the personality structure are "some abstract spiritual formations". Ananiev believed that any individual becomes a personality to the extent that he begins to be consciously determined. Personality is characterized by a set of social relations and their position in society. S.L. Rubinstein. Personality is a set of internal conditions through which external influences are refracted. Many researchers adhere to this definition, but it is too general.

    Approaches to personality in foreign psychology.

Psychoanalysis. Z. Freud: the personality includes 3 structural components: Id (the instinctive core of the personality, obeys the pleasure principle), Ego (the rational part of the personality, the reality principle), Super-Ego (the latter is formed, this is the moral side of the personality). Personal development corresponds to the psychosexual development of a person. Stages: oral, anal, phallic, (complexes: Oedipus, Electra), latent, genital. A mature person is able and willing to work to create something useful and valuable, able to love another person "for his own sake."

Individual psychology. A. Adler: people try to compensate for the feeling of their own inferiority that they experienced in childhood. Hence the struggle for supremacy (or the desire for power). Such impulses are present in every person. In order to achieve his fictitious goals, a person develops his own unique lifestyle (most clearly manifested in solving three problems: work, friendship and love). Birth order influences the formation of personality. The last construct of personality is social interest (the internal tendency of a person to participate in the creation of an ideal society). The degree of its severity is an indicator of psychological health.

Analytical psychology. C. G. Jung: personality consists of 3 interacting structures: Ego (everything that a person is aware of), personal unconscious (all suppressed and complexes), collective unconscious (consists of archetypes, which contain the entire experience of mankind). Personality can achieve balance only as a result of a long process of psychological maturation (individuation), when a person can recognize all the hidden and ignored sides of his own personality, both on the unconscious and on the conscious levels.

Neo-Freudianism. E. Erickson, E. Fromm, K. Horney. Emphasis is placed on the ego and its functions. Erickson: The ego is an autonomous structure that goes through 8 universal stages in its development. E.Fromm: social and cultural factors especially influence the personality.

dispositional psychology. G. Allport, R. Cattell, G. Eysenck. People have certain stable internal qualities that persist over time in various situations. Allport (the first to put forward the theory of personality traits): a personality is a dynamic organization of those internal mental processes that determine its characteristic behavior and thinking.

Behaviorism. B. Skinner: personality is the result of the interaction of the individual (with his life experience) and the environment. Behavior is deterministic, predictable, and controlled by the environment. The idea of ​​internal autonomous factors as the causes of human actions is rejected, as well as the physiological and genetic explanation of behavior.

Social-cognitive direction. A. Bandura, J. Rotter. Personality is the result of the interaction of behavior and environmental factors; cognitive components play a central role. Rotter considered personality through the prism of locus of control.

Cognitive psychology. J. Kelly - the theory of personal constructs (models of the world), the system of which forms a personality. No special concepts are needed to explain motivation, the main thing is how a person explains any event.

Humanistic psychology. A. Maslow: personality is defined through a hierarchy of needs.

Phenomenological approach. C. Rogers: Behavior can be understood in terms of subjective experiences. The only reality is the personal world of human experiences, this is the personality. The self-concept is central.

    Interpretations of the concept of personality as a ratio of types of subjects.

    1. Subject types

FROM the subject is a generic concept, a basic psychological category that covers all the named concepts. Activity is the interaction of external and internal conditions. External - the world around us, social relations, internal conditions - the subject. SUBJECT(from Lat. subjectus - underlying, underlying), the carrier of subject-practical activity and cognition (an individual or social group), a source of activity directed at an object. It is part of various subject areas. There are 3 such main areas: nature, society, culture.

A) The natural subject is the subject of active and flexible adaptation to environmental changes based on the experience gained in biological evolution.

B) Social subject - the subject of appropriation and correct application of conscious collective ideas, modes of behavior available in a given society.

C) Cultural subject - the subject of independent and responsible solution of their own problems on the basis of universal (universal) norms.

    The scope of the concept of personality according to the types of subjects included in it.

In modern psychology, the word "personality" is used in different ways. The scope of the concept has at least three variants.

1st option. Personality is understood broadly, all three subjects together. Personality is a synonym for the concept of a subject (according to S.L. Rubinshnein).

2nd option. The concept of "personality" includes a set of subjects B and C. This option in Russian psychology belongs to A.N. Leontiev. Personality is primarily a social concept, and the one who is a natural subject is called an individual. In world psychology, the 2nd version of the concept of personality is clearly represented in the concept of A. Adler.

3rd option. Personality in the exact, narrow sense is only the subject of culture (B). A person is only a subject who solves his own problems and is responsible for their solutions. The social subject here is a social individual, the natural one is a natural organism. In world psychology, this option goes back to the archetype of Jung's self, which is central among the others. When considering a personality in a narrow sense, critical moments of a person's life path are covered, requiring an independent solution of their own problems, a responsible choice, which results in the formation, awareness and transformation of the motivational sphere. Then a person should be distinguished from an individual, meaning not only a natural individual, but also a representative of a particular society - a social individual: in its cultural development, a person may not coincide with the bearer of specific established social institutions.

    The relationship between the concepts of individual, personality and individuality.

Psychological science uses different concepts to reflect certain aspects of the subject: individual, personality, personality.

When we speak of a separate subject, as members of a species, we call it an individual. concept individual expresses the indivisibility, integrity and characteristics of a particular subject. An individual as an integrity (the systemic nature of the connections between diverse functions and mechanisms that implement life relationships) is a product of biological evolution, a genotypic formation. When highlighting the concept of an individual, they answer the question - in what way is this person similar to all other people, i.e. what unites him with other people. But the formation of the individual also occurs in ontogeny, in vivo. Therefore, the characteristics of the individual include alloys of congenital and acquired reactions. Representing a product of phylogenetic and ontogenetic development in certain external conditions, a product of the development of life, interaction with the environment.

Individual properties of a person

Morphological and physiological features of the human body and closely related psychological features:

Body constitution, sexual dimorphism, age characteristics, properties of the central nervous system, asymmetry of brain PD, etc.

    Temperament - a set of properties that determine the formal-dynamic features of activity;

    Character - a set of stable properties of an individual, which expresses the ways of his behavior and ways of emotional response

    Makings - anatomical and physiological prerequisites for abilities

    Abilities are the individual psychological characteristics of a person, which express his readiness to master certain types of activities and to successfully implement them.

Personality = individual : this is a special quality that is acquired by an individual in society in the totality of relations, social in nature, in which the individual is involved. The individual does not generate a personality, is not its basis and determinant, but is a prerequisite for the emergence of the Self and a necessary condition for its existence.

Individuality - a person characterized by his socially significant differences from others (a specific person). Individuality is manifested in each of these subjects: natural individuality - physical health, beauty, natural strength, physique, etc.; social individuality - the degree of individual mastery of accepted norms, ways of behaving in society, the depth of professional knowledge, etc.; cultural identity. The traits of a person as an individual can be manifested in the characteristics of temperament, character, interests, needs, abilities. The individuality of a person is emphasized by the special qualities inherent in a person, expressing a high level of his development.

Spheres of personality: need-motivational, volitional and cognitive.

Define the terms individual individuality and personality how they are treated?

Georgy Firsov

Individual (from lat. individuum - indivisible):
an individual, a separately existing living organism (plant or animal), including a single person as a representative of the human race;
An individual person, the bearer of the prerequisites for human development;
in literature it is possible to use the words "individual", or "individual" in an ironic sense.

Individuality (from lat. individuum - indivisible, individual) - a set of characteristic features and properties that distinguish one individual from another; the originality of the psyche and personality of the individual, its originality, uniqueness. Individuality is manifested in the traits of temperament, character, in the specifics of interests, qualities of perceptual processes.

Personality is a concept developed to reflect the social nature of a person, considering him as a subject of sociocultural life, defining him as a carrier of an individual principle, self-revealing in the contexts of social relations, communication and objective activity. By “personality” is meant: 1) a human individual as a subject of relations and conscious activity (“person” - in the broad sense of the word) or 2) a stable system of socially significant features that characterize an individual as a member of a particular society or community. Although these two concepts - the person as the integrity of a person (Latin persona) and the personality as his social and psychological appearance (Latin parsonalitas) - are terminologically quite distinguishable, they are sometimes used as synonyms.

An individual is a separate person who differs from others only in his inherent qualities (innate and acquired) and features. The term is loosely used in psychology and sociology.

Detailed study

The concept of "individual" came out of biology, where this term denotes an individual different from other representatives of the same genus. Of course, you can't call a person that.

A person is an “individual” that exists in society according to its certain laws and is capable of socialization. This is what distinguishes representatives of Homo sapience from other highly developed organisms. Individuals can be called any member of society, regardless of his age, gender or social status.

Individuality is called the totality of the qualities and characteristics of a person, the uniqueness of his inner world and the originality of mental processes. The development of individuality is influenced not only by a certain set of qualities, but by the strength and characteristics of their interaction with each other. A very important role in the formation of all features is played by the social environment in which the personality is formed, the relationship between parents, the traditions and habits of the family. In psychology, the concept of "individual" is inseparable from the concept of "personality".

However, the individual and the person are far from identical concepts. A personality can be called an individual who has an inner “core” and chooses the path himself.


In psychology, the individual is studied in the very first place, not only as a separate person, but also as part of a particular social group. It is characterized in three ways:

  1. Integrity and commonality of all psychophysiological traits;
  2. A certain resistance to the influence of society and the environment;
  3. Presence of own position and activity.

Thanks to a high social organization, the individual is able to consciously overcome the inherent biological limitations, control and change the model of his behavior and manage all higher psychological processes.

The connections of the individual with the outside world are systemic in nature and reflect his life position. It is the features of interaction that distinguish one individual from another. Sustainability can be interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, it is necessary to note the ability to engage in a certain type of activity (temporary or permanent) in the presence of a huge number of stimuli and distractions. Also, one should not forget about a certain variability, “plasticity” of a person who changes under the influence of society and adapts to it.

The individual is active. He is able to change at will, depending on the situation and to overcome obstacles.

There are three beginnings of any individual. Firstly, each person is unique and does not look like one similar to himself. Secondly, each of us is somewhat similar to everyone else. And thirdly, each individual has common features with a group of people. And it is in the combination of all these principles that the secret of the originality and uniqueness of each of us lies.

In society

Man, unlike animals, has poorly developed adaptive mechanisms. This is one of the reasons why we crave the company of our own kind so much. Only with constant communication does an individual have a chance to become a person, to choose a way of thinking and behavior for himself. In the formation of a healthy personality, his attitude within the family, the completeness of communication with parents is important.

Individual and society are directly dependent on each other. Society will not exist without individuals, who in turn are formed in it. Socialization can take various forms, but most often an integrated approach is used.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the formation of personality:

  • Hereditary factor and features of physiology. From this depend on the features of appearance, some features of behavior. Basic physiological reactions are common to all people. For example, reaction to a stimulus, principles of adaptation. However, the expression and interaction of these mechanisms is unique;
  • Environmental factors or socialization. The influence of society on the formation of individuality and personality cannot be overestimated. This factor includes culture and traditions not only within the family, but also within a religion or nationality;
  • Character features. Temperament, for example, is a genetically determined trait. Thus, we can say that the individual "builds" himself.

Based on the combination and influence of these factors, human behavior is formed. Behavior is a stable reaction of the subject to a change in external or internal factors. Conscious or unconscious actions directly depend on the characteristics of character traits.

Depending on the development of the individual, his goals are formed. It also depends on the choice of method to achieve them. The loftiness or lowness of goals and desires is the main motivating factor of a person. None of the actions of an individual can be considered separately. You can only analyze the overall picture, taking into account the characteristics of the character and individuality of a person.


An individual is a separate individual that combines a unique complex of innate qualities and acquired properties. From the standpoint of sociology, an individual is a characteristic of a person as a separate representative of the biological species of people. An individual is a single individual of representatives of Homo sapiens. That is, this is a separate human being, which combines the social and biological and is determined by a unique set of genetically programmed qualities and an individual socially acquired complex of traits, characteristics, and properties.

The concept of an individual

An individual is a carrier of a biological component in a person. People as individuals are a complex of natural genetically dependent qualities, the formation of which is realized during the period of ontogenesis, the result of which is the biological maturity of people. It follows that the concept of an individual expresses the species belonging of a person. Thus, each person is born as an individual. However, after birth, the child acquires a new social parameter - he becomes a personality.

In psychology, the first concept with which the study of personality begins is the individual. Literally, this concept can be understood as an indivisible particle of a single whole. Man as an individual is studied not only from the point of view of a single representative of the human race, but also as a member of a particular social group. Such a characteristic of a person is the simplest and most abstract, saying only that he is separated from others. This remoteness is not its essential characteristic, since all living beings in the Universe are fenced off from each other and in this understanding “individuals”.

So, the individual is a single representative of the human race, a specific bearer of all social characteristics and psychophysical features of humanity. The general characteristics of an individual are as follows:

- in the integrity of the psychophysical organization of the body;

- in stability relative to the surrounding reality;

- in activity.

In another way, this concept can be defined by the phrase “a specific person”. Man as an individual exists from his birth until his death. An individual is the initial (initial) state of a person in his ontogenetic development and phylogenetic formation.

The individual as a product of phylogenetic formation and ontogenetic development under specific external circumstances, however, is by no means a simple copy of such circumstances. It is precisely the product of the formation of life, interaction with the surrounding conditions, and not the conditions taken by themselves.

In psychology, such a concept as "individual" is used in a rather broad sense, which leads to a distinction between the characteristics of a person as an individual and his traits as a person. It is precisely their clear distinction, therefore, that lies at the basis of the delimitation of such concepts as the individual and the personality, and is a necessary prerequisite for the psychological analysis of the personality.

social individual

Unlike young animals, the individual is practically devoid of innate adaptive instincts. Therefore, for survival and further development, he needs to communicate with his own kind. After all, only in society can a child realize his innate potential, become a person. Regardless of the society in which the individual is born, he cannot do without the guardianship of adults and learning on their part. For full development, a child needs a long time so that he can absorb all the elements, details that he will need in an independent life as an adult member of society. Therefore, from the very first days of life, a child needs to be able to communicate with adults.

The individual and society are inseparable. Without society, an individual will never become a person; without individuals, society simply will not exist. In the initial period of life, interaction with society consists in primary facial reactions, body language, with the help of which the baby informs adults about his needs and shows his satisfaction or dissatisfaction. The responses of adult members of the social group also become clear to him from facial expressions, various gestures and intonations.

As the child grows up and learns to speak, the language of gestures and facial expressions gradually fades into the background, but never completely loses its significance throughout the adult life of the individual, transforming into the most important tool of non-verbal communications, which sometimes expresses feelings no less, and sometimes and more than usual words. This is due to the fact that gestures, facial expressions and postures are less controlled by consciousness than speech, and therefore they are, in some cases, even more informative, telling the society what the individual wanted to hide.

So, we can say with confidence that social qualities (for example, communication) should be formed only in the process of interaction with society in general and communication with other people in particular. Any communication, verbal or non-verbal, is a necessary component for a person to become socialized. The social qualities of an individual are his abilities for social activity and the process of socialization. The earlier the process of socialization begins, the easier it will be.

There are various forms of learning through which the socialization of the individual occurs, but they should always be used in combination. One of the methods that adults consciously use to accustom a child to socially correct and approved behavior is reinforcement learning. Consolidation is implemented through the directed use of the method of rewards and punishments in order to demonstrate to the child what kind of behavior will be desired and approved, and which is disapproving. In this way, the child is taught to observe the elementary requirements of hygiene, etiquette, etc.

Some elements of the individual's everyday behavior can become quite habitual, which leads to the formation of strong associative links - the so-called conditioned reflexes. One of the channels of socialization is the formation of conditioned reflexes. Such a reflex, for example, may be washing hands before eating. The next method of socialization is learning through observation.

The individual learns how to behave in society by observing the behavior of adults and trying to imitate them. Many children's games are based on imitating the behavior of adults. Role social interaction of individuals is also learning. An adherent of this concept, J. Mead, believes that the mastery of social norms and rules of behavior occurs in the course of interactions with other people and with the help of various games, especially role-playing ones (for example, playing mother-daughter). Those. learning occurs through interaction. By participating in role-playing games, the child brings to life the results of his own observations and his initial experience of social interaction (visiting a doctor, etc.).

The socialization of the individual occurs through the influence of various agents of socialization. The most important and the first such agent in the process of social development of the individual is the family. After all, it is the first and closest "social environment" of the individual. The functions of the family in relation to the child include taking care of his health, protection. The family also satisfies all the essential needs of the individual. It is the family that initially introduces the individual to the rules of behavior in society, teaches communication with other people. In the family, he first gets acquainted with the stereotypes of sex roles and goes through gender identification. It is the family that develops the primary values ​​of the individual. However, at the same time, the family is an institution that can bring the greatest harm to the process of socialization of the individual. So, for example, the low social status of parents, their alcoholism, conflicts in the family, social exclusion or incompleteness of the family, various deviations in the behavior of adults - all this can lead to irreparable consequences, leave an indelible imprint on the worldview of the child, his character and social behavior.

The school is the next agent of socialization after the family. It is an emotionally neutral environment, which fundamentally differs from the family. At school, the kid is treated as one of many and in accordance with his real characteristics. In schools, children learn practically what success or failure is. They learn to overcome difficulties or get used to giving up in front of them. It is the school that forms the individual's self-esteem, which, most often, remains with him for the rest of his adult life.

Another important agent of socialization is the environment of peers. In adolescence, the influence of parents and teachers on children weakens, along with this, the influence of peers grows. All failures in studies, lack of attention from parents compensates for the respect of peers. It is in the environment of their peers that the child learns to resolve conflict issues, to communicate on an equal footing. And in school and family, all communication is built on a hierarchy. Relationships in a peer group allow an individual to better understand himself, his strengths and weaknesses.

The needs of the individual are also better understood through group interaction. The social environment of peers makes its own adjustments to the value ideas instilled in the family. Also, interaction with peers allows the child to identify with others and, at the same time, stand out among them.

Since groups of different affiliation interact in the social environment: family, school, peers, the individual faces some contradictions. So, for example, the individual's family appreciates mutual assistance, and the spirit of competition dominates in the school. Therefore, the individual has to feel the influence of different people. He tries to fit into different environments. As the individual matures and develops intellectually, he learns to see such contradictions and analyze them. As a result, the child creates his own set of values. The formed values ​​of the individual allow you to more accurately define your own personality, designate a life plan and become an initiative member of society. The process of formation of such values ​​can be a source of significant social changes.

Also, among the agents of socialization, it is necessary to single out the mass media. In the process of its development, the individual and society continuously interact, which leads to the successful socialization of the individual.

Individual Behavior

Behavior is a special form of activity of the human body, which masters the environment. In this aspect, behavior was considered by I. Pavlov. It was he who coined the term. With the help of this term, it became possible to display the sphere of the relationship of an individual interacting individual with the environment in which he exists and interacts.

The behavior of an individual is the reaction of an individual to any changes in external or internal conditions. It is conscious and unconscious. Human behavior develops and is realized in society. It is associated with speech regulation. The behavior of an individual always reflects the process of his integration into society (socialization).

Every behavior has its reasons. It is determined by the events that precede it and cause a certain form of manifestation. Behavior is always purposeful.

An individual's goals are based on his unmet needs. Those. any behavior is characterized by a goal that it seeks to achieve. Goals perform motivating, controlling and organizational functions and are the most important management mechanism. To achieve them, a number of specific actions are taken. Behavior is also always motivated. Whatever the behavior, defiant or detached, there is always a motive in it, which determines precisely the momentary form of its manifestation.

In the process of technological progress in modern science, another term has appeared - virtual behavior. This type of behavior combines theatricality and naturalness. Theatricality is due to the illusion of natural behavior.

The behavior of an individual has the following characteristics:

- level of activity (initiativity and vigor);

- emotional expressiveness (and the intensity of the manifested affects);

- pace or dynamism;

- stability, which consists in the constancy of manifestations in different situations and at different times;

- awareness based on understanding one's behavior;

- arbitrariness (self-control);

- flexibility, i.e. change in behavioral responses in response to environmental transformations.

individual personality individuality

An individual is a living being that belongs to the human species. Personality is a social being that is included in social interactions, participating in social development and performing a specific social role. The term individuality is intended to emphasize the unique image of a person. This is what makes a person different from others. However, with all the versatility of the concept of individuality, it nevertheless, to a greater extent, denotes the spiritual qualities of a person.

Individual and personality are not identical concepts, in turn, personality and individuality form integrity, but not identity. The concepts of "individuality" and "personality" contain different dimensions of the spiritual nature of man. The personality is more often described as strong, independent, thereby emphasizing its activity essence in the eyes of others. And individuality, as - bright, creative.

The term "personality" is distinguished from the terms "individual" and "individuality". This is due to the fact that personality develops under the influence of social relationships, culture, environment. Its formation is also due to biological factors. Personality as a socio-psychological phenomenon presupposes a specific hierarchical structure.

The personality is the object and product of social relationships, feels social influences, and refracts them, transforming them. It acts as a set of internal conditions through which the external influences of society are modified. Such internal conditions are a combination of hereditary biological qualities and socially determined factors. Therefore, a person is a product and object of social interaction, and an active subject of activity, communications, self-knowledge and consciousness. Personality formation is dependent on activity, on the degree of its activity. Therefore, it manifests itself in activity.

The role of biological factors in the formation of personality is quite large, but the influence of social factors cannot be neglected. There are certain personality traits that are particularly influenced by social factors. After all, a person cannot be born, a person can only become.

Individual and group

A group is a relatively isolated collection of individuals who are in fairly stable interaction, and also carry out joint actions over a long period of time. A group is also a collection of individuals who share certain social characteristics. Joint interaction in a group is based on a certain common interest or is associated with the achievement of a specific common goal. It is characterized by group potential, which allows it to interact with the environment and adapt to the transformations that occur in the environment.

The characteristic features of the group are the identification of each of its members themselves, as well as their actions with the team as a whole. Therefore, in external circumstances, everyone speaks on behalf of the group. Another feature is the interaction within the group, which has the character of direct contacts, observation of each other's actions, etc. In any group, along with a formal division of roles, an informal division of roles will necessarily develop, which is usually recognized by the group.

There are two types of groups: informal and formal. Regardless of the type of group, it will have a significant impact on all members.

The interaction of the individual and the group will always be of a dual nature. On the one hand, the individual by his actions helps to solve group problems. On the other hand, the group has a huge impact on the individual, helping him to satisfy his specific needs, for example, the need for security, respect, etc.

Psychologists have noticed that in teams with a positive climate and an active intra-group life, individuals have good health and moral values, they are better protected from external influences, work more actively and efficiently than individuals who are in an isolated state, or in groups with a negative climates that are plagued by intractable conflict situations and instability. The group serves to protect, support, teach and solve problems, and the required norms of behavior in the group.

Development of the individual

Development is personal, biological and mental. Biological development is the formation of anatomical and physiological structures. Psychic - regular transformations of the processes of the psyche. Mental development is expressed in qualitative and quantitative rearrangements. Personal - education of the individual in the processes of socialization and education.

The development of the individual leads to modifications of personality traits, to the emergence of new qualities, which psychologists call neoplasms. Personality transformations from one age to another proceed in the following directions: mental, physiological and social development. Physiological development consists in the formation of skeletal muscle mass and other body systems. Mental development consists in the formation of cognitive processes, such as thinking, perception. Social development consists in the formation of morality, moral values, the assimilation of social roles, etc.

Development takes place in the integrity of the social and biological in man. Also through the transition of quantitative transformations into qualitative transformations of the mental, physical and spiritual qualities of the individual. Development is characterized by unevenness - each organ and organ system develops at its own pace. It occurs more intensely in childhood and puberty, and slows down in adulthood.

Development is driven by internal and external factors. The influence of the environment and family education are external factors of development. Inclinations and drives, a set of feelings, anxieties of the individual, arising under the influence of external conditions - these are internal factors. The development and formation of an individual is considered the result of the interaction of external and internal factors.

Man, as a biosocial being, is multifaceted: he can interact with other people and perform different roles. In social science, there are several concepts related to a person. Let's learn briefly about a person, an individual, a person.

Man, on the one hand, is a biological species that has the characteristics of an animal. On the other hand, he is a social being and develops only in society.

Mowgli, the hero of the work of R. Kipling, lived among wolves. Such cases also happened in life, but children who lived among animals had difficulty returning to human society, had a developmental delay, did not know how to talk, it was no longer possible to teach them what their peers could do.

Let's understand the concepts and identify the correlation of concepts - a person, an individual, a personality, an individuality.

  • Individual - a single individual. This concept denotes a person as a living being of a given species, without highlighting his social qualities;
  • Personality - a person who has the qualities acquired by him in the process of life, who knows how to interact with other people;
  • Individuality - a person with special qualities of character, unique, distinguishing him from other people.


The first and most important quality inherent in a person is consciousness, that is, an understanding of one's activities, the ability to set goals, dream, and reflect one's attitude to the world around.

Personality traits:

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  • awareness of oneself in society, one's "I";
  • the ability to engage in various activities (depending on age - play, learning, work);
  • the ability to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for successful activity.

All people are individuals, but there are those who do not meet the requirements of society: a criminal personality, an undeveloped personality, and so on.

Respect for the individual. Society approves or condemns the individual.
Your attitude depends on:

  • from human labor;
  • from the attitude to the surrounding world;
  • from their evaluation of themselves.


Each person is an individual. It is unique in nature and different from other people :

  • appearance: physique, eye and hair color, facial features;
  • character traits: someone is active, talks a lot, needs communication and friends, and someone loves loneliness;
  • abilities for a particular activity: singing or music, drawing, sports.

Strong personality

Often in society there are people who are called strong personalities. They are characterized by the ability to give up personal interests in favor of other people, their homeland, to overcome serious difficulties.

Ludwig van Beethoven, a world-famous composer, lost his hearing early and then his eyesight, but despite this, he continued to compose music and share it with others. Now his works do not lose popularity, but few people know that their author wrote, literally feeling the music.

What have we learned?

The concepts of man, individual, personality, individuality are united by the fact that they all characterize people as biological and social beings with natural properties and qualities acquired in the process of life and interaction with other members of society. Such a system of concepts helps to streamline the properties of a person and consider him from different angles. An individual is a biological being, one of all people. Personality - possessing a number of social qualities. Individuality is a set of properties and features that is unique in nature. Each person is an individual, personality and individuality.

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individuum - indivisible) - a separate organism that exists independently, in particular a person, a person, a single representative of the human race.

The concept of "individual" is closely related to the concepts of "human body", "personality", "subjectivity", "individuality" and "spirituality", which are used to denote the totality of qualities, abilities of a single person, the essential levels of human development in ontogenesis

The individual appears at the upper limit of the period of stable development of the human organism as a result of the crisis of one year. Instead of the former complete symbiosis, the fusion of a child and an adult, two appear - a child and an adult. Thus, the exit from the crisis of one year is the beginning of a one-year period of individual development - smooth, long-term changes, the birth of an individual "order" from an organismic "chaos", which manifests itself in elementary manifestations of differentiation and integration of mental processes, psychophysiological self-organization at various stages of sensitivity, functional self-organization of the formation of cerebral architectonics, the creation of individual typological properties and constitutional typology in its human manifestations. Here there is a final distinction for the child of the objective and social environment, the experience of psychophysiological states in the form of desires, aspirations, and the like. The crisis of childhood (5.5-7.5 years) completes the individual stage of the child's development, and simultaneously becomes the beginning of the personal stage.

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    ✪ Man, individual, personality. Video lesson on social studies Grade 10

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