Presentation for class hour "conflicts and ways to resolve them" presentation for a lesson on the topic. Presentation "conflict and ways to resolve it" Presentation of conflict situations and ways to resolve them

The nature of conflictThe word "conflict" comes from the Latin conflictus, originally
understood as a collision.
Conflict is confrontation, it is a struggle, but manifested in the most
various forms.
Conflict is a lack of agreement between two or more parties.

Main causes of conflicts

limited resources,
unfair them
working conditions
Difference in purpose
distribution of rights and

Main causes of conflicts

differences in
values, manners
life experience
management style
personal animosity
growth prospects

Causes of conflicts

Commitment to conflict

6-7 %
Resistant to

Types of conflicts according to their consequences

helps to find more promising
alternatives, makes the process of making
group decisions are more effective,
ensures self-realization of an individual
the organization's goals are not achieved
and the needs of the individual are not met

Types of conflicts

Between personality and

Due to the fact that there are three main sources of conflict -
production, relationships, personality - they can be
divided into three types:
production and organizational - due to problems in
work, poor supplies, disruptions in the rhythm of work,
leadership deficiencies;
interpersonal – due to lack of mutual understanding,
incompatibility and psychological incompatibility
personal - due to bad habits, personal
pretensions or bad character of individuals, and
also due to dissatisfaction or personal grievance.

From what relationships are broken
or become complicated, there are two types
vertical – between managers and
subordinates in a specific
production team;
horizontal – between workers
production team.

By degree of public availability
relationship conflicts are divided into:
Hidden – conflict usually affects two people
people who try not to show it,
that they conflict.
Open – the conflict usually affects
two people who are trying to hide it, but
one of them is “losing his nerves.”

Conflict management

Ideally, it is believed that a manager should not eliminate
conflict, but to manage it and use it effectively.
At the same time, the manager’s work is carried out in such a way
studying the causes of conflict;
limiting the number of participants in the conflict;
conflict analysis;
conflict resolution.

Methods for resolving organizational conflicts

1. Clarification of requirements for
1. Competition
2. Coordination and
2. Leaving the conflict
3. Organizational
comprehensive goals
4. Device
3. Cooperation
5. Compromise
4. System structure

Methods for resolving conflicts

Go till the end.
Attracting to
conflict resolution
third party
Threat, violence
Rudeness, humiliation
A break up

Conflicts and ways to resolve them

6th grade student project

Kutukovsky branch

MBOU Isadskaya secondary school

Koshkina Anna

Head – Ustimenko T.N.

Objective of the project:

  • study of conflicts, the causes of their occurrence and ways to resolve them.

  • 1) Identify the causes of conflicts.
  • 2) Explore the conflict situation in school and family.
  • 3) Identify ways to resolve conflicts.
  • 4) Give general recommendations for preventing conflicts in a small group.
  • 5) Learn to discuss and defend work at a conference.

Working methods:

  • Studying theoretical information about the nature of conflicts, their types and methods of resolution;
  • Self-analysis of behavior in conflict situations

Practical significance:

  • Development of a number of rules and recommendations to overcome a conflict situation;
  • Development of skills of self-knowledge, self-analysis and self-education.

Participants in the conflict:

  • - opponents are parties who come into confrontation over claims to the object of the conflict;
  • - groups involved;
  • - interested groups.

Who do I get into conflict with?

Causes of conflicts

Different attitude towards people. Failure to comply with the rules of the game. Desire for leadership.


Disputes over duty. Mutual insults.

Bad marks. Remarks about bad behavior in class.

Trespassing on each other's personal belongings. Disputes over laptop use.

How the conflict develops:

  • 1) The emergence of a conflict;
  • 2) Awareness of this situation by the parties to the conflict;
  • 3) Conflict behavior;
  • 4) Outcome of the conflict

To live in a world without conflict, you need to learn

  • listen to another;
  • See yourself through the eyes of another;
  • Put yourself in the place of another;
  • It's right to argue;
  • Come to a common opinion.

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Conflicts and ways to resolve them.

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school named after. MM. Rudchenko s. Perelub" Teacher-psychologist Venera Ilyasovna Shvetsova

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“Whoever thinks that he can do without others is greatly mistaken; but he who thinks that others cannot do without him is even more mistaken.” F. La Rochefoucauld.

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Conflict - translated from Latin means “clash” - is a contradiction that arises between people in connection with the solution of certain issues of social (public) and personal life. (A.G. Kovalev).

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Conflict resolution styles:

Avoidance. Rivalry. Device. Compromise. Cooperation.

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The individual does not defend his rights, does not cooperate with anyone to develop a solution, or avoids making a decision, shifts responsibility for making a decision to another

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prefers to go his own way to resolve the conflict, uses his business and personal qualities, and is not interested in cooperation. Satisfies one's own interests first

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Joint action with another person without trying to defend one's interests. Unlike avoidance, this style involves participation in the situation and agreement to do what the other wants. This is a style of concessions, agreement and self-sacrifice.

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Both sides partially concede their interests in order to satisfy, often in the main, through bargaining and exchange of concessions. There is no search for hidden interests; only what everyone says about their desires is considered. The immediate interests of both parties are satisfied.

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Active participation in resolving the conflict, defending one’s interests, with an expressed desire to cooperate with another person, requires a long investment of time, the needs of both parties are studied and there is a gradual rapprochement of positions. The most difficult but productive method

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Conflict, if you learn to use it rationally, can and should become a source of development of the individual and the team.

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Factors that aggravate the conflict

The number of participants who take one side or another is expanding; The intensity of passions increases and manifests itself externally (anger, fear, anxiety, disappointment); Nothing is done to establish and maintain relationships

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Conflict mitigation factors

Go to neutral territory; Talk about emotions, explain, but do not demonstrate them; Reduce the feeling of threat; Use your conflict management skills; Maintain and strengthen relationships.

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Effective criticism:

a) give information, not instructions; b) when talking about the positive and negative aspects of work, start with the positive; c) speak specifically (about what you can hear, see, touch), a guess is useless information; d) use the past tense in speech.

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Safety precautions for casual conversation.

1. You need to understand what the other person wants. We become needed by people by sharing their hobbies. 2. Do not judge people by their eyes, do not collect gossip about them, do not pass on gossip. 3. Know how to listen to people without interrupting. Everything they say is very important to them, even if it seems secondary to you. Under no circumstances should you immediately reject or challenge every thought of your interlocutor. 4. Smile at people more often, especially if you sincerely appreciate them. A smile is a signal of good relations between people. 5. Make jokes in moderation. Every normal person can only tolerate a certain amount of ridicule. 6. Learn from your communication mistakes.

Ustyanova G.V.

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Character symbols

A – hard type of conflict and dispute resolution. You stand your ground until the last moment, defending your position. You want to win. This is the type of person who always

considers himself right.

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B – democratic style of behavior. You always strive to reach an agreement. During a dispute, you try to offer an alternative, looking for solutions that would satisfy both sides.

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B – compromise style. From the very beginning

You agree to compromise.

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G – soft style. You will “destroy” your opponent with kindness. You readily take the enemy’s point of view, abandoning your own.

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D – outgoing style. Your credo is “leave on time.” You try not to aggravate the situation, not to lead to an open clash.

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Symbol of stability of character. Strong opinion. Neat. Hardworking.

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Symbol of calm. Comfort. Peace. Easy to contact.

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Symbol of power. A strong desire to lead. Protracted conflicts. Very stubborn, loves praise. Always a leader.

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Symbol of a growing organism. The softest character. Not confident, not happy with himself. An alarming aspect of life. Very suspicious.

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Zigzag is a creative person, a revolutionary. No firm living standards, bright nature. Loves negative heroes. Indecisive. The most controversial symbol.

They often argue with each other – 4 and 1;

Complete harmony - 4 and 2.

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Conflict is an intractable contradiction associated with confrontation and acute emotional experiences.

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Conflict is a clash of opposing interests, views, and aspirations.

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    Classification of conflicts

    • Conflicts at school
    • Motivational conflicts
    • Organizational conflicts
    • Interaction conflicts
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    • Conflicts
    • Individual
    • Group
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    For you, teachers!

    • "STAY"
    • "LISTEN"
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    Basic principles of conflict resolution

    • Delve into the essence, and not into the situation around the conflict.
    • Rely not on the interests of the parties, but on justice.
    • Treat the essence of the problem harshly, and treat the interests of the parties gently.

  • Conflict A clash of opposing goals, interests, positions, opinions of people, a serious disagreement between the subjects of interaction, a contradiction between two or more parties, when each party makes sure that its point of view or goal is accepted, and prevents the other party from doing the same

    Two approaches to conflicts Conflicts are an undesirable phenomenon (school of scientific management. Conflicts destroy resources, primarily human ones) - dysfunctional conflicts are desirable. Allows you to identify alternatives and find the best solutions. Functional conflicts

    Positive and negative sides of the conflict Relieving tensions identifying different points of view obtaining new information about the opponent stimulating change and development team unity against an external enemy Large emotional and material costs passion for the process to the detriment of work dismissal of employees decreased discipline deterioration of the joint industrial complex decreased degree of cooperation difficult restoration of business relationships ( trail of conflict)

    Causes of conflicts Distribution of power limited resources differences in goals and their inconsistency (suppliers and financiers) interdependence of tasks poor communication psychological incompatibility (M and X hurt each other) differences in behavior and life experience differences in assessment of the situation and opinions

    Stages of conflict resolution Determining the essence of the problem Determining the main cause Analyzing previous relationships between the participants Searching for possible ways to resolve the conflict Making a joint decision to exit the conflict Implementing a jointly planned method Assessing the effectiveness of efforts made to resolve the conflict

    Conflict management This is a targeted impact on eliminating (minimizing) the causes that gave rise to the conflict, or correcting the behavior of the participants in the conflict, changing their goals Methods of conflict resolution: Administrative pedagogical structural interpersonal

    Pedagogical persuasion, mutual reconciliation of the parties admission of guilt by one of the participants normative method divide and conquer scapegoat method Choosing the lesser of two evils give the person the opportunity to speak out mediation of a third party increasing distances between participants

    Structural Clarification of work requirements, use of special coordination and integration mechanisms for conflicting parties, establishment of comprehensive goals that unite conflicting parties, use of a reward system. Do not encourage unconstructive behavior of certain groups or individuals

    Destructive conflict management strategies Rivalry (competition, opposition) - the desire to achieve the satisfaction of one’s interests to the detriment of another Adaptation - compliance based on sacrificing one’s own interests for the sake of another (this differs from cooperation)

    Options for conflict resolution Complete resolution, partial extinction of the conflict, only conflict behavior is excluded, but the causes are not eliminated - decline, transition to a chronic state (smoldering conflicts) - return to a state of readiness for conflict - imaginary way out of the conflict - distraction from the problem without overcoming it

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