At first there was nothing. Presentation on the topic: "Myths of Ancient Scandinavia

At first there was nothing: neither the earth, no sky, no sand, no cold waves. There was only one huge black abyss. To the north of her the kingdom of fogs lay, and to the south - the kingdom of fire. Quietly, light and hot was in the kingdom of fire, so it is hot that no one, except for children of this country, fiery giants, could not live there. In the kingdom of fogs, on the contrary, the eternal cold and darkness dominated. But in the kingdom of fogs scored a spring. Twelve powerful threads took their beginning from him and rapidly flowed to the south, reaching the abyss. The cruel frost of the kingdom of the fogs turned the water of these streams into the ice, but the source beat without ceasing, the ice boulders grew, and get closer and closer to the kingdom of fire. Finally, the ice came up so close to the kingdom of fire, which began to melt. Sparks that flew out of the kingdom of fire were mixed with melting ice and breathed life into it. And then the huge figure suddenly rose over the volatile ice spaces from the abyss. It was Giant Iirm, the first living creature in the world. On the same day, a boy and a girl appeared under the left hand of Imir, and at the legs of the Great Giant Magnifier.

Carelessly and happily lived people in the golden age, but it continued not long. Once from the east, three women came to Mitgard. One of them was old and straw and called Urd - the past, the other was the middle-aged and her name was Verdani - the present, the third was still very young and wore the sculid's name - the future. These three women were prophetic norms, the wizards endowed with a wonderful gift to identify the fate of the world, people and even the gods.

Torah often had to hear that in the east, in the country of giants, there is a wonderful kingdom of Utgard and that the powerful wizards live in it, who have never been able to win. No wonder that he wanted to go there to test his power. Returning back after the trip to the truth, he began to gather immediately on the road, offering the fire to him again to accompany him. Loki, who loved all the adventures no less than the very Torah, willingly agreed, and both Asa, sitting in the chariot of the thunder, went on the road.

Easy worse than theft.

At the beginning was the word,
And only then - the matter.
Boris Slutsky

Everywhere the same Lord sowing, and lie to us about the difference of nations,
All people are Jews, and just not everyone found while the courage confess.
Igor Guberman

If it is impossible to find it, it is indifferent,
where to start, because if any point is not
The beginning, it means any point and is it.
V.S.Teblin. "Final period"

In the saying, which is given in the epigrafe, refers to the other. But I looked at the moon with two eyes immediately and joined her to what was said below.

"At the beginning there was a word ..." - so begins the gospel of John. "At the beginning, the god of the sky and the Earth created" - so begins the Old Testament. We can say that John went further back and several put everything into place. He has someone unknown and very long silent said the word from which it began.

B. Slutsky for the primary word secondary put the case, so he decided to make the further transfer of the Gospel of John, and not the way Faust did:

It is written: "At first there was a word" -
And now one obstacle is ready:
I can't appreciate the word so much.
Yes, in translation, I have to change the text,
When I really suggested
I will write that the thought is the beginning.
Stand, do not rush to the first line
From the truth was not accustomed!
After all, the idea is to create and act can not!
Is it no strength - the beginning of all started?
I am writing - and again I knew it,
And again doubt my soul bothers me.
But the light flashed - and I see a breakdown,
I can write: "In the beginning it was the case"!
I.V.Goyat. Faust. Scene 3: Cabinet of Faust.
(Translation here and then N.A. Kholodkovsky)

You can argue about how to read correctly: at the beginning or first (as first)? This is a little not the same thing. The meaning is different. If first, this is a fully defined counting in our life for some continuation, moment or event. If you read both at the beginning, which is assumed probably in the Old Testament, this refers to the moment of the origin of everything. At first there was nothing, and then - once! And on you! - The very word. But here you can not argue, because both in the Old Testament, and John, is recorded at the beginning. Let us leave this on the conscience and opportunities of the translator (or translators) of the Bible.

Everything complicated consists of a variety of simple forms. Each simple form consists of a plurality of simple blocks. Each simple block consists of a plurality of simple fragments. Each simple fragment consists of a variety of simple parts ... This, naturally, can be continued to infinity. In any direction, because the set of multiple parts form a complex fragment, etc. You can be infinitely embedded in the world of the smallest particles and, in the end, never get to this end. You can endlessly into the world of galaxies and, in the end, the limit of all will never end. From the point in which you are, infinity runs out in different directions: to the macromir and in the micromyr. For infinity, it's all the same, all the same thing, which way to sail.

Let us dwell on the plurality of simple events that form a complex shape - habitat: day and night, heat and cold, sun and moon, rain, snow, hail, fire, thunderstorm, wind, storm, water, earthquake, and so on. Imagine a person who is just beginning to realize his I, on which these events, phenomena and much more in existing nature have collapsed. It was hit him that, even if they, these events and phenomena, desirable for a person. From one requires protection, from another - help. And all of them, of course, inexplicable. Yes, and collapsed on him that he himself began to realize himself with a man, began to look for his place in the whole natural manifold. Who am I standing here, under the sky? Who am I, among all this? What is it, what does it surround me?

And until recently, a person is thinking about himself. This, in particular, is one of the most important philosophical issues - what is a person in existing world? The famous scientific researcher Blaze Pascal (XVII century) asked:

"What is a person? Nothing before infinity. Everything is in front of nothing. The middle between nothing and everything ... what a chimer man! What a miracle, what a slave contradictions! Judge above all, insignificant earthen worm, treasury of truth, disadvantage of ignorance. Pride and shame of the Universe. "

Didn't one Pascal drawn about it? Constantly and many. The same Diogen Sinnsky walked through the streets Day with the candle, saying: "I am looking for a man." And right almost now. Here, for example, at the miner and poet Nikolai Erofeev:

Where is the unknown one.
In one, it seems sweetly,
What is this unit, but ...

You can expand somewhat and give small explanations about this. Such, for example. The choice, here is relatively kutsy, but, based on the question or subjective, of course, the attitude towards it, it can be expanded, at the discretion of a thinking individual.

What does man mean? - Zapvaska,
Someone - a friend, someone - a fairy tale.
It comes to the world he is departed:
Well, try, hold!

What does man mean? - child,
Barely rising from the pellery
Finding sharp edges
I knew the word "I".

What does man mean? - ignorant.
Let's good clothes on it,
We do not envy him
Kohl We accuse the mind.

What does man mean? - philosopher
In the heat of answers to questions
And in a quiet Duma about yourself,
Pages of thoughts of the told.

What does man mean? - Cattle,
To which the price is Poltina,
And then by the end of sales,
When for so almost give.

What does man mean? - Meril
Total than the earth gave
Then a creature in miracles
The same as he himself.

What does man mean? - infection.
He quietly not immediately
Ring brains will be riveted,
What do you call the day at night.

What does man mean? - In nature
He breathes, feels and walks,
Suffering, anger is endowed
Where is weak, and where is Silly,
He can hit the other
The same and not
Do not see evil behind the curtain of the eyelids ...
- And this is also a person?

What does man mean? - Toy,
Who is a mechanism, and who is a little animal,
Which is ruled by the one who jumps,
With a set of different enema and thread.

What does man mean? - Dobrynya,
Who will be confessed, as now,
Defender of the whole people
Pious and scoring.

What does man mean? - Meditation
From Novolunya to Novolunya,
From the light of the day to the darkness of the night,
The prophets of the enemy, but himself it prophesate.

What does man mean? - burden.
In the market for parliament
Ways, and then
For a bent of an old five.

What does man mean? - Crucified
Hand of the same fellow
Despicable false novels
All questions giving answers.

What does man mean? - Pocalities
Set, other skins.
But he does not see them in himself,
But always find in others.

What does man mean? - Thinker,
Resident Evil, good abode,
Mockery of close kids
Though, without a doubt, it is like that.

What does man mean? - fish,
Brains are rigged a little bit
Who lives in a quiet pool,
But by flow sails.

What does man mean? - Riddle,
How work and charging.
Do not suffer, sweating,
In vain all that is undertaking.

What does man mean? - Answer
There is no infinity for it,
But if you want to know the answer,
You are a man, there is no dispute here!

But we return to the "FAUST" Goethe ("Prologue in Heaven") and look at this expense of Mofistofel's thought:

Funny god of land, always in all centuries
Chudak is the same as he was at the beginning of the century!
He would be a little better
When he did not have the one
That reflections of divine light,
That he calls him: the property is
He could use one thing -
So that from cattle cattle to be!
Let me - Although the etiquette is strict here -
Compare Speech to decorate: it is in appearance -
Nor give neither the grasshopper is drong-legged
Which is jumping on the grass, then take off
And forever the song is an old sign.
And even if he would sat in the grass in the grass -
So there is no way, right in the dirt he climbs himself.
As in the saying: we are all people, all men. That neither a person, then I.

And in the people there are still such a figurative mystery of man:
"There are a pitchfork, on the villas of a rake, on Ruong rakes, on the Reuth of Sapun, on Sapuna Lyubun, on the look of the grove, and in the grove of pigs grow."

It seems that this is not only in Russia, other nations will also be found, and maybe not one, the riddles about a person.

And on the very actually, everything is relatively simple. It should not be especially informed and ask others. Definitions that such a person is not countless, but such a set that can be collected in a rather solid book. For example, one of them: a person, this is the one who tied a sharp stone to a stick, knowing why he does it.

After all, it can also look at the other moon and unmistakably say that man and tree are the same thing. If we decompose a simple form into the components, both with a person and with a tree will happen the same thing: the same and the same elementary particles, the same as in the whole universe. The whole world is the same, if you go into infinity, for example, towards microparticles.

But this is some care from the topic.

So it could be an ancient person to oppose fire, water, a bore and another simple component of nature? How to protect yourself? Yes, as well as from each other. We must ask. Who? Of course, his, invisible spirit, the spirit of one or another simple part. Ask to send the rain or ask to get rid of it. And then and ask the spirit of hunt to send a successful catching of the beast, thank it later, first, probably the best piece.

This is all the inexplicable and led, naturally, to fetishism, animism, totemism, to the formation of religious rites with sacrifices from the products of their work, hunting. It reached, as we know well from the history, and to human sacrifice.

This can be compared with approximately such a possible fact. For a little man, another child, Binin Newton and is just a divine embodiment. Or it may come, if it is equipped accordingly. And the Godhead will arise the square equation, as well as one of his angels - discriminant. Up to a certain, naturally, the moment.

But it is known that a person then (and in some places - and now) very easily addressed his gods:
"You, old stump, last time I didn't help me to kill." If this time it will be so, I will burn you, but instead you will cut a new one.

Then the man had somewhat smartly, had become different, began to endow his natural gods with human qualities and features. In Greece, for example, Zeus appears (the god of the sky), Poseidon (the god of the sea), Gaya (Goddess of the Earth), Uranus (also the god of the sky), Pan (the God of Nature in general), uniting the whole trifle: Nymph, Satirov, Fahnov. In the future, of course, some transformations occur. Pan, for example, declare the son of Zeus. At some time, Zeus was represented not in human relations, but an eagle, swan, bull; Hermes and Pan at all the goats were depicted. And then the memory of such performances remained. Herie, for example, was dedicated to Peacock, Owl - Athena. But this is already in those times when all the gods made Olympic. But while still all this many gods answered, as in primitive communities, for their part of nature, for their phenomena. Kekros is the god of harvest, he appeared at his certain time, and not in the stone age. Also, the goddesses of Domen and Hegemon - the goddess of growing breads, Pandroza - the goddess of rain, Gers - the goddess of dew. It is only a few. In general, God or the goddess were on everything: fertility, upbringing, healer, art, city, birth, and MN. .

The man became more and more thoughtful. To think about the fact that it all came from? And she attacked his fantasy to the existing building of the gods. So, for example, it looks like a geyode (approximately the VIII century BC).

"Hesiod (He; Siodos) is an oldest tangible personality in the history of Literature of Greece and Europe in general."

"At first there was chaos." From chaos, land (gay) arose. She gave life to everything that grows on it and what lives. Under Earth, the kingdom of Tartar is located - a dark abyss filled with darkness. Hoaces produced and love (ELOS) - mighty, reviving power. Eternal light (ether) and a joyful bright day (hemier) occurred from the chaos of the eternal darkness (ereb) and the dark night (nukty). Then the uranium appeared (sky, sea, ocean, mountains). Behind him - cyclops with a single eye in the forehead, giants with one hundred hands and fifty heads, other gods, some of whom were born straight out of the ground, and others - from the marriage of land with uranium.

The concept of chaos is found not only in the Greeks. It was both the ancient Germans, Hindus, Jews. The concept of chaos is also found in our time as representations, for example, Churleins. There are, for example, the image of some chaos from Pavel Filonova in the picture "Cosmos Formula", written by him in 1918. The first part of the work of the composer Andrei Petrova "Creation of the World" is called - "Chaos". But I, for example, like a photo of chaos,
Which made my son, Nikolai Chekalin (photo from the author's archive). He breathes chaos, moves, there are unfilled places in it, which create the impression of movement, and the powerful one. Something is so muddy, but about this something will happen to this. And at Chaurleins, he was some kind of clouded and, moreover, looks like an image of a scientific presentation of the threshold of a large explosion. But the chaos of Katerina Zharkova is also remarkable (boast of - my granddaughter): he is multiplied by his state, there is a space, close and long-range color plans in it. Merry, such, chaos. (From the archive K. Zharkova).

By the way, chaos - the concept is very and very relative. In nature, there can be no chaos at all, there is always some kind of definite order in it, and no disorder. Whether this is the order at the very beginning of the nucleation of the universe with the galaxies, the beginning of a big explosion, whether it is modern in our space the position of things observed by us. From another point of view, closing one eye, and looking at the other moon, the chaos can be called exactly the real situation. Why not? Thousands of galaxies chat in space, for some unknown tracks. The unwarked number of various forms of matter is mixed as the contents of borsch in a saucepan. Where it all moves, how it will end - it is unknown, since the existing chaos does not give a unambiguous response to it. And with a large explosion, there was some kind of, the center, from which Matter crawled into the space, at the same time forming it. The order, rather, existed exactly at the point of the Universe, to the Big Bang. It is necessary to believe, as in mathematics, in my opinion, the very large order has a point. Then goes downwardly the next order - line, then the plane, then the volumetric body. Conversely, a plane compared to the line and is the very chaos of the countless number of lines belonging to this plane. So there is no chaos, there was no and there will be no, but there will always exist a certain order of interaction, which at a certain time forms and certain specific states, such as, for example, current. Moreover, as they say, the stars of billions, galaxies - millions. Nothing like this. Billions and millions - the score of this relatively finite. The universe is infinite, therefore the stars are an infinite number, and galaxies, although smaller than stars, but also an infinite number. Infinitely endless. And these large explosions occur at the same time in the entire universe immediately, but only in its some parts. There is a big explosion, somewhere else is big. So lives, blowing up in some places in an infinite space. Simply put, the universe goes in places. And we now live within our native big explosion, our deagination, from which another big explosion will never see us. He is on such a distance from us that there is nothing to be afraid, I will not get to us. His enough. Apparently, due to the infinity of the universe and large explosions, there is also an infinite number, smaller, naturally than stars and galaxies, but the amount sufficient.

But this is a short departure again. And the conversation, as we know, goes a little about the friend.

Uncle Urana was afraid of his children, thought, as the story shows - it is not in vain that they overthrow him. Therefore, I sent my children back. (Mom, parents back!). But Mom (Earth) rustled one of his children, Kronos, tokend the Father. What was fulfilled. Erinnia, giants and nymphs appeared from the blood of uranium, and the foam, from which Aphrodite was born from fallen into the sea.

Foam appeared around Divine members, and Virgo
Left foam, guiding your way to the kifer
Beautiful ...

Kronos married, if you can say so, in reire, and they gave birth to the gesture, the goddess of a homely hearth, a demeter, the goddess of fertility, Geru, Zeus, Poseidon and Aidonea (Aida). Kronos went to dad uranium. He is also afraid for his power, began to destroy his children. He simply swallowed them, but did not digest: children are relatives, nevertheless. But rehe managed to save the Zeus in the cave. Zeus grew, traveled father, freed his untapped brothers and sisters. The struggle for power with titans, which were defeated with the help of cyclops and storuchniki. Titans have repeatedly sent to hell.

This is where the other kingdom of gods, the Olympic Gods begins. Rei's children threw the lot - who will get in the world. Zeus began to rule the sky, Poseidon - Sea, Aid - underground kingdom. More seems to have nothing left.

Zeus's wife was now done by Gera, not a gay or Diana, as it was before. Here you can list and several very well-known other gods of the time: Artemis, Apollo (Brother Artemis), Athena Pallada (previously named Aphrodite), Adonis, Ares, God of war, Dionysis, Hephaest, Hermes. Known myths about these gods, about their intersubs and skirmishes, about confusion who was with whom who was born from whom. But, let me talk about it here? After all, about another speech, it seems, began? And, it is clear, here that gradually, from simple components, was formed more or less disappointing for a person myth-tale, which a long time held the place of the leadership religion of the whole people. So, something more complicated from many simple parts. But it did not have a sharp boundary between people and gods. Hercules remember, for example. And this, of course, was not satisfied with human thought.

The man is still, once again wondered. He did not like that chaos, from which the Earth appeared, and then the gods. Herodota historian (born between 490-480. - Died about 425 BC) correctly determined that all the gods of the Greeks created two people: Homer (unknown when he lived, but to study his biography became already in the III century. Until N.E., even a little earlier) and Gesiod (VIII-VII V.Sh.D.). They are in their fabulous myth poems gave the first detailed description The emergence of land and man. By the way, nine muses - the invention is precisely the Gesiod, living and so far. Although, judging by modern hypotheses, it is chaos within our visible universe and led to the emergence of our galaxy, the sun in it with his planets, then a person, and even then God. But this is a hypothesis, and to the hypotheses of a person made some changes. Without chaos, but with God. These are the changes in mythological nature and led to the present time to form already established and now unchanged, it is necessary to think several fundamental religions, including atheism.

Without myths, it does not work. It concerns these religious views or views on socialism or communism, as one of the varieties of religion. The famous sociologist J. Zerozel expressed this in relation to socialism, but we know that socialism is the most real religion. He said that the myths give only the "intuitive" idea of \u200b\u200bsocialism (religion - as a dream, ideal, goals. But they are not necessarily understood, it is important to believe in them. I will add from myself that not only to understand how I said, J. Zero, but also to prove their believable. In short: "Yes, it was so!"

The geologist Anatoly Valentinovich Grigoriev: His attitude to the two titles called Poles.
"Religion is a primitive philosophical concept based on a thousand-year-old dream of humanity about the eternal freebie, denying or ignoring objective information.
Atheism - outdated scientific theory, denied the millennial dream of mankind about the eternal freebie, not taking into account the entire variety of modern scientific information. "

We will assume that he joked, but joked very folded and correctly given these definitions. Mentioned above V.Zh.Anens determines atheism as a scientifically based disbelief. But, it is necessary to add, - disbelief in the supernatural, because atheism is a scientifically based faith.

"At the beginning, God of the sky and the Earth created" - so he sounds, as mentioned above, the first line of the existence of the Old Testament. But not only the sky and land, because we read further: "The land was insidency and empty, and darkness over the vigorous; And the Spirit of God was rushed over the water. " The abyss was over her darkness. How to imagine it? Abyss - and something about it is nothing! And the water was, over which it is not known what time God was worn. Well, not over the water, it was not on the creation of the world and in risen, but in that very abyss. Most likely - forever. It could not be the beginning of God's Spirit. But the beginning ended with the appearance of the word. The Spirit of God called himself God. And went, went! In a word, word for the word ...

And then it went quite interesting, because "God said: Yes, there will be a firm in the midst of water, and it separates water from water. And God created the Council: and separated water, which is under the firm, from water, which is over the firm. And so. And called God the firmed sky. " It is known that if you share something or separated from the water, then this, together with water used to be ordinary mud, which, it turns out, was first created. That's later, God did from the dirt sushi, separating water from the dirt, which was under the sky. That is why the Spirit of God and rushed over the water, was dirty first. Well, the fact that the sky before was a firm, there is no need for evidence. So it was and remained until some time. Such a strange creation of land, water and solid sky cannot be called not otherwise, as in the vegetable vegetable garden, and in Kiev something else or someone else, uncle, for example, on the maternal line. By the way, in Japanese myths, the initial substance was the most ordinary mud.

Ecclesiasist or preacher teaches (7:13): "Look at the action of God: for who can straighten what he made Kriva?" Yeah, with the straightening of this very curved is still complicated. Something straightens, but it gives it very big difficulty, then, and for someone and blood.

"Geological data on the age of land, undermining dating" days of creation ", the church has already tried to neutralize the church in the Middle Ages, after the" human ", but in the" Divine "sense - as long periods, the duration of which it can be established taking into account the latest scientific data. By the way, such arguments are still eagerly used by theologians. "

It's not so difficult to check out, although the score in the Old Testament ends too quickly. Adam is still up to one hundred thirty years after the emergence of Abel born and the Abel killer - Cain. (I say, as in the Bible, that Adam gave birth to these sons, although it did it together with Eva). And already at the age of thirteet, Sif, from which the genealogy of Jesus Christ is being conducted. Then the book of Genesis describes in detail at what age someone who gave birth to. And so to the well-known Isaac, Son Abraham. If you add all the years, it will be a little less than 2050 years. Further over the years somehow did not work out, but after Isaac to Jesus Christ, I was held (according to the evangelist Luke), if I'm not mistaken, 53 knees. We assume that in each knee in fifty years a son from a pedigree Jesus appeared. This can be done so, because only in ancient times, God allowed to give birth to children in a relatively advanced one for our concepts, too for a hundred years. But there were also young fathers, Falek, for example, Ragav, Seruch and others, who were happy with the lucky age at the thirty-year age. But we will take it, after all, 50 years old. However, it is possible to take 100 years, nothing will change anything particularly. So, multiply 53 knees for 50 years, we will get 2650 years old. Yes, take into account the previous almost 2050 years before Isaac, we will get 4700 years. From the birth of Jesus to this day in general, time is known exactly, up to one to five years. So young mankind on earth, so young that neither in the fairy tale say nor, even more so, to describe the pen!

Here is just! If necessary, the day will be equal to our hundreds of thousands of years, and maybe less, and maybe in general - several of our seconds. And scientists are generally shattered, they say that one hundred and fifty million of our years ago, the creatures lived some? Dinosaurs, for example. And what would they not live if their God created, in the day established by him. And the fact that dinosaurs before the appearance of a person did not live, died, so in nature God and arranged, the laws introduced, the selection is natural and unnatural. And so that it came to a person, he got him. Yes, it is right, the dinosaur is not a cow, the milk will not share.

But then, to be with the discoveries in 1891 on the island of Java, the Dutchman Evgeny Dubia of the Human settlement (cable), whose age is 600-700 thousand years old? We believe the years here, we believe, do fingers from each other, and then there are already tossed by hundreds of thousands of years. One hundred thousand there or here - what, they say, the difference. Or in 1929 in China - with the finds of the remains of Sinantrophop, Neanderthals (1856, Germany), with Kromalonians and Grimaldians, who lived 40-50 thousand years ago, Australopiteks (1924, South Africa), the beginning of the evolution of which belongs to five million (!) years ago, as well as with the preinjanthrope (discovery in 1969 Luis Liki in Tanzania), who lived about two million (!) Surrently, and, as they believe, nothing is practically Different from a modern man, that is us with you? Maybe to forget us and the discovery of Louis Liki and his wife Mary of Fashionable drawings? Maybe to cross the full work of the archaeological expedition in Kenya and Ethiopia, which has proven that the person lived and two million years ago, enjoyed stone guns. Here, for example, in the southwestern Kenya traces of hunting for the baboons of that five hundred thousand years ago were discovered! Three tons of stone guns were found, which were transferred to thirty kilometers. The point is not even that they suffered, the elephants also wear large loads. And transferred purposefully. As the writer V. Mödryakov said about this - this is the most present organized cooperation. Yes, and even more, about 2.5 million years ago, there lived a person who was organized by collaborated. Yes, and even more. Here, for example, Richard Licks, the Son mentioned above Louis Licks and Mary, discovered bones, as they say ancient manwho lived 5 million years ago! But it's all about a person. But in the southern part of Canada in quartz sediments, traces of blue seaweed and mushrooms were discovered, which, as it turned out, lived quite long before the creation of the world. At one time, God punished Adam to give titles to all plants created by him and animals. So it turned out: "Look, Evochka, and this we will call the blue sea algae." (True, as stated in the Old Testament, Adam was given an indication to name only representatives of the animal world. But someone and the names assigned the names. We consider that I, too, Adam, it can very well, as with the tips of Eve. More then there was no one ).

But all this is very long-standing times. But let's go back to about (quite approximately) to our. We will go to Egypt to famous pyramids who built for themselves pharaohs at the turn of 2500 years BC That's right, they did not build their pharaohs, they didn't have any power or opportunities for them. They used ready-made products for their tombs, built about 10,000 years before the appearance of pharaohs. I have already talked about this a bit, about the books of G.Hencock, D.R. Bewwell, M.Kremo, A.Sklyarov, written by them on research work in relation to the pyramids (built in Egypt and in America) and the Great Sphinx. On some strange things in relation to construction, for example, on the use of high-speed tools of the Bulgarian type, on the use of powerful grinding devices, on the use of relatively high-precision geodetic equipment for the exact orientation of these enormous structures, on deep astronomical knowledge regarding land and starry sky.

And the well-known Saccarian collection does not really surprise with its strange exhibits (stone vessels and chashes, other items that are generally about 35,000 samples in general). After all, all these things could not be made by the ancient Egyptians, this is all recognized, even by the local egyptologists themselves, no matter how they did not want it. Only those they are made who built a lot of pyramids many, many years ago. So much ago, that the times of the form of the God of the Earth and the person disappear on it for their impossibility of being.

But all this, it turns out, it is necessary to do not care and forget, since all this is the temptation from God, it is his crooked crafts and practicing, which we cannot fix it. It is, from time to time, throws the necessary person to whom he gave the talent, those or other ancients, as if bones and other ancient accessories. The temptation is all, although they ask him in his own request: "Do not enter us in temptation!" He does not obey, or do not reach him these requests, or words in the bureaucratic departments of the surrounding Seraphim, Cherubimov, authorities and other archangels and dominations are lost. And all this can not be a temptation. It is simply impossible. Otherwise, after "human coordinates in the image and likeness, you will need to submit this image in the form of, well, at least, Australopitheka or someone else difficulty. Then you can submit a zindjantrophrop or Preinjantrop Moses, who drove the same ... paths of forty years old, with the result that they turned into modern ... paths. And they fed them all this time too ... a trail, but from the capital letter, because "like our" just determines. And why not, if Mary Licks found a human dwelling, who lived 1.8 million years ago, then approximately the same structures and approximately the same age found in 1970 in Ethiopia. It is known that people who have built housing, called the "man skillful" (Homo Gabitis). It is possible that these were the first settlements of the descendants of the expelled from Paradam and Eva. Or, for example, Capan children?

Someone else will think, and it will say that all this is gradually gradually and formed, for billions of years. Well, I do not! This is also unimaginable! What this nonsense is to invent, when everything that needs, in the right books on the shelves is painted and decomposed. So John: "In the beginning there was a word, and the word was God, and the word was God. It was at the beginning of God. Everything through it began to be, and without it nothing began to be that began to be. " And before the word, that is, before God, nothing was. Most likely, he in the only number was dull in the endless universe in search of herringbones. So everyone gave him. Was - and that's it. And then - created - and that's it. This is not a man. But, as we see, it turned out to be still a person, because the image is ours from it and is written off, a woman's men, but with an extensive such beard, more than that of the famous Atheist Carl Marx. Naturally, God is very similar to a person, not even that it looks like, and there is a person right, because what else should it be?

We distrace a little. John Lee said about this first? About the word? Yes, God forbid! Even 550 years before entering the people of the Gospel of John Logos (Word) deified Heraclit Efesse. It is only necessary to believe that the author of this Gospel (John Lee, who else whoever) was well-known with the philosophical works of Herclite, and maybe the philosophical works of followers of his school. In any case, Jesus Christ is hardly supervised John to record this phrase. Yes, and God hardly made it against Hercelite, who believed completely in another God, not even God, but the gods, pagan, understandable. According to the rules of John, John would have to begin so to start their gospel-gospel: "In the beginning there was a word," said the famous philosopher Heraclit Efesse about 450 years before the Nativity of Christ. And nothing reprehensible for John would not have anything. Just earlier, probably did not make links to other authors, especially the authors who are pagans. And not only did not refer to the pagans. Evangelicals themselves were written off without any references. Well, the Christian Church considered appropriate to declare the heraklite word of the Divine, but all the rest of his fabrications, such as, for example, the continuous and constant variability in nature, rejected, placing in contrast to this dogma about the repeatability of events and other things - "Everything comes back to circles "- the famous genet to Ecclesiast.

Well, God said that he would create a man in the image and likeness to our. But what a previously mentioned Jeromonah-Ufology Seraphim (Rose) mentioned earlier in the same book "Orthodoxy and Religion of the Future":
"... Every idea of \u200b\u200bGod has an idol, because the presentation is the product of our imagination, the creation of God in our image and likeness. For us, Christians, the God is insecited, incomprehensible, incosited and inventical, as Svt says. Vasily Great. "

Here you and "in the image and likeness of our". "Nothing like that" concludes in opposition to God by Jeromona Seraphim (Rose), "you are lying, God, forgive the Lord." In a word, the mistake was shattered from the words of God himself into the text of being. (I think that Hieromona Seraphim is unlikely to believe that the Bible is written by an ordinary person, without interference with God).

I think about it without end,
Suggular unwitted bastard:
If we are the semblance of the Creator,
Then God must have a stomach.
Igor Guberman

Reasonable thoughts!

And after all paint all this divine brethren. Not only the god of Savaof, but all his surroundings. For example, the infertotic Archangel Mikhail is famous and main on all heavenly forces, along with his friends Gavriil, Rafail, Uriel, Selaphil, Iezhidil, Varachille and Ieremile. No (ie), he (they) is not an infrequent (e), but the most (e) present (e) people, with their hands and legs, with heads and clothes, and with others, you can assume attributes and human members, too We must assume - male. And others - all the same disembodied and everything with the same.

No, and Plato, so, said that the image of God was different. He was on Plato Androgin, since he created in his image and likeness. Although the Plato did not know our God, he would help him. Or take humanoids. We have never seen them, so they are also very similar to us, the same clumsy creatures. Human fantasy cannot depict anything else, more perfect in shape, and in content. True, as they say, it turned out with the humanoids very simple: they killed a monkey, shaved her, painted in a greenish color and presented to the world.

For some reason, God can be considered infinitely existing, and the matter, space, time is not. But God appeared with the advent of man, there is nothing to prove anything. There would be no man, there would be no God. To whom he, Elephant, or what? Or Crash? For them, and then, and now, and in the future it does not exist, because they are not humans. They do not think so much. This all graceful nature has retained many circumstances of the place and time, which we, living, can and should only rejoice. Because life is a very short date with infinite, not for us endless, but for nature. As in the song (L. Derbenev): "There is only a mig between the past and the future, it is he called - life." Anyone sticks out in this life at all insignificant time at the junction of two infinities: past and future; Macro and micro. Here, by the way, another definition of a person (according to Gennady Alekseev):

Good to be monkey
And the parrot is good to be,
And rat,
And mosquito,
And Amebo.
Bad man:
You understand everything.

So God is too simple, it is Sancta Simplicitas, the Holy Simplicity, this is one of the many particles of our human being, which, too, in turn, is a very small particle of the existence of our galaxy, the universe, etc. And the fact that a person laid into the basis of religion purely human standards and relationships ("do not kill", "do not wish evil", etc.) - praise him, finally arrive! And God does not happen here. By the way, in the Communist Code, which deny any religion ("opium for the people"), contains all the same human values. Yes, and not only in religious or communist society it should be. Enough to ram each other than it fell. Guys let's be friends!

So God is too simple. Such an inexplicable simplicity, that, naturally, worse than theft. The easiest way to be inexplicable to call God or refer to him without explanation:
- Well, what can you do? Such is the will of God.

It is more difficult to life, not a person, of course, and infinity, unknown in many ways studied slowly, with chambers. And humanity will not have time to know infinity. Not enough to be released by the infinity of time. So, let's infinity this is called God, or what? Although it would be smarter than still worshiping fictional myths and fairy tales. Name, for example, the God's famous Trinity: Space-Material time. And then the fourth god attach - movement. And there will be no holy Trinity, but the holy fourth mark or a magnificent fourth, who likes what. And the fact that space-matter-time-movement is the most real God for us, it is unlikely to challenge, because we know very little about this fourth, although we try our best. The myths-hypothesis appear, which are disputed, are discussed, studied, something will learn, and there is no something. Until. All we have ahead. This magnificent fourthkend manages all of nature, but his life on Earth, as practice shows, we manage our mind, and not some other mind.

Right L.N. Tolstoy, saying that if the life is ruled by the mind, then no point in this life remains.

If there is no place in me, how does he fit in the universe?

I said this after Igor Guberman, copied his thought about it from his "Harrics":

With my consciousness along
The course of the planets
And if God is not in me,
Its above is not.


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... at the beginning there was nothing. Neither the earth, no sky, nor air, no water. Foreforming and unnecessary filled was all, and nothing but him was. It all started with the desire that became the first seed; From him sprouted the same thought. The desire and thought - that's what chaos changed. The change has generated the movement, the movement gave rise to force, and power - consciousness ... About the creation of things *.

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"At first there was nothing, then bright light appeared from the darkness. It was a great dragon and with his fiery breathing, he created many of different worlds, and spread light, life and heat throughout the universe. At some point, the dragon is tired and decided to lie down to relax in the place called Domino. "

Faragona. Season 1 6 series.

In this article, I will try to disassemble what happened 16 years ago more accurately make at least some kind of chronology of those events, as well as collect information about the Society of Light (Other options: Team of Light, Light Company). The series has a lot of contradictory, judging throughout the creators did Naobum. Hope you like the article.

16 years ago, under the command of Lord Darkar, three ancient witches attacked Domino to take the power of the Great Dragon and after rule the world. And to protect the parents of Bloom -marion and was assembled by the Society of Light.

"We were the most powerful magical wars of our time in the fight against the ancient witches" Hagen.

At one time, there were swords for the Society of Light. "The greatest creation of the master of brilliant steel" - the sword of the king the battleer. The sword thanks to the book magic, was inextricably linked with the owner. It is present in two films. Faced with three ancient witch and saw the Bloom parents with three ancient witch disappeared. After the disappearance of Marion and the battle, breathed every day the air to feel the smell of the sword. After the collapse of the Society of Light lives one in his castle and rarely where it comes out. In love with Faragona.

Faragona - Fairy Enchantiks, director of Alfaia.

Appearance: Season 1 2 series.

In the youth of Faraganda, there was a strong fairy and owned as a sword. "I remember how Faragona received his magic pollen, then all my best spells have ceased to act on it", my assumption: Faragona defended (sacrificed the sake of the sake of the sake of the Griffoff in one of the battles of that time and received Enchatix. Many will say that Faragona and Griffin from different planets and be such a thing can not, but remember how I received an enchantics, so that such a version may well be. Most of all I wonder how the forces possesses Faragona. For movies and seasons, we can see that she calmly puts the shields and attacks the spheres as a fairy. Fought with the valor and three ancient witch. I know a lot of things, and usually discourages the phrases of the type "then there was no time."

1 season. For the first time in the cartoon appears in the "Welcome to Magix" series. She tells a mini tour, and says that "Fay Become is not so simple, but I know that everyone has it" and advises to stay away from the cloud tower as well that the lessons start at 8:00.

Bottitis - King Domino, dad two daughters: Daphne and Bloom.

Marion Fairy Enchantics (?), Queen Domino, Mom two daughters: Daphne and Bloom.

Gripin-Witch, director of Torrentwow (Rus.version-cloud tower).

Saladin-Mag, there is a nephew Helia, director of the Red Fountain.

Different differences:

In the 3 season 7 series "Team of Light" we can see two fairies in Enchanttics. We are talking about this wings and lianas on the legs of one of them. One of them is Faragona, but who is the other?
In the Winx Club-Mystery of the Lost Kingdom "on the Khagen Castle, the Logo of the Society of Light is also depicted.
In "Winx Club-Magic Adventure" there is a book dedicated to the Society of Light. Author unknown.
On the cover are visible: in the hands of the Faragona Witch (probably); on the sides of Hagen and the cleaner; In a gold dress, judging by this, Daphne; And the side of the witch Marion.

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