The largest human skeletons. Ancient civilizations

[greek. γῆ τῆς ἐπαγγελίας], the biblical name (Heb. 11. 9) of the land (on the territory of Canaan), promised by God to the Old Testament patriarchs and their descendants - the people of Israel, which they received after the exodus from Egypt (see also art. Israel ancient). In pl. languages ​​of the world, this expression entered in a figurative meaning - as an indication of a country, a place where someone is very eager to get.

In Russian. biblical texts the word "earth" is usually translated Heb. words and. The designation "З. about. ", which correctly expresses the basic theological ideas of the biblical text, does not have exact correspondences in the OT (there is an expression" holy land "() (Zech 2. 12; 2 Mack 1. 7; compare: Ex 3. 5)). In those places in the biblical text where in Russian. the translation says that God makes a promise about the land, i.e. the expression "God said" () is usually conveyed. In addition, God swears () to bring Israel to this land () or to give () it to Israel. The attitude of Israel to this land is expressed by the names "inheritance" () (Num. 26. 52-56; Josh 11.23; 13.7-8, etc.), “possession” () (Lev 14. 34; Deut. 32. 49 ) and "resting place" () (Deut 12.9; compare: 25.19) along with the corresponding verb forms.

The boundaries of this territory are not precisely established in the OT. They are most extensive in the promise of Gen. 15. 18: "... from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates", but in most other places it is only said that this is "the land of the Canaanites" (Ex. 3. 17; Num. 34.2 ) or "Amorites" (Deut 1. 7), that is, Z. o. includes the territory east of the Jordan (cf .: Num 32.1 ff .; Deut. 2.44 ff .; Josh 13.8-33; 22; Ps 135.11-12; 136.19-22).

This land belongs to Yahweh. It is called His “inheritance, inheritance” () (1 Samuel 26.19; 2 Samuel 14.16; Jer 16.18; 50.11) and “the land of the Lord” (Is 14.2; cf. 2 Chronicles 7. 20; Josh.22.19). About the land east of Jordan, the Lord says: "Gilead you are with me ..." (Jer 22. 6). This thought is expressed with particular clarity in the words of the Lord addressed to the people: “The land should not be sold forever, for my land: you are aliens and settlers with me” (Lev 25.23). The prescriptions for the Sabbath and Jubilee years in Leo 25 are based on the notion that this land belongs to Yahweh. The Israelites' disobedience to Yahweh defiles this St. the land (Jer 2. 7: “... you entered and defiled my land, and made my heritage an abomination”; Jer 16. 18: “And I will repay them first of all for their unrighteousness and for their deep sin, because you have defiled my land , they have filled my heritage with the corpses of their vile ones and their abominations ”). People say about Israel that “they are the people of the Lord and came up out of His land” (Eze 36:20). Yahweh does not tolerate the invasion of other peoples into His land. He “speaks the word” against Edom and the nations, “who have appointed my land for their possession” (Eze 36.5). Prophet. Joel speaks of the invaders as a people who “came to the earth” of the Lord (Joel 1. 6; cf. 2. 18; 3. 2). Enemies try in vain to seize the land of the Lord, for He established “to crush Asshur in the earth Mine and trample him on My mountains ”(Isa 14. 25).

The OT emphasizes that Israel received the land not according to its own merits, but as a gift from God (Deut 1:36 and others). Because of the sins of the former inhabitants of this land, Yahweh expelled these peoples and gave the land to the Israelites (Deut 1. 8 and others). The land that belongs to Yahweh and abounds in God's gifts is described as "a good and spacious land, where milk and honey flow" (Ex 3. 8; cf .: Num 14. 7; Deut 1.25; 6. 3; 11. 9; 26.9, 15; 27.3; Jer 11.5; 32.22). Deut 8 7-10 praises the springs of water, the fertility of this land, the abundance of food and the presence of precious metals. The Lord constantly “cares” for the land: “For the land into which you go to take possession of it is not the same as the land of Egypt from which you came out, where you sowed your seed and watered [it] with your feet, as oil garden; but the land into which you are passing in order to take possession of it is a land with mountains and valleys, and it will drink water from the rain of heaven, the land for which the Lord your God cares: the eyes of the Lord your God are ceaselessly on it, from the beginning of the year and until the end of the year ”(Deut 11. 10-12). It is called "a beautiful land" (Dan 8. 9; cf. 11:16), "a longed-for land, the most beautiful heritage of many nations" (Jer 3. 19).

In the Pentateuch

The promise of the land to the Old Testament patriarchs is one of the central themes of the Pentateuch, connected with the broader concept of the covenant, which Yahweh concluded with the patriarchs and the people. The Lord gives Abraham the promise of numerous offspring and blessings on the condition that he leaves his native land in Mesopotamia "to the land that I will show you", "and I will produce from you great people, and I will bless you, and I will magnify your name, and you will be a blessing; I will bless those who bless you, and I curse those who curse you; and in you all the tribes of the earth will be blessed ”(Gen. 12. 1-3). Later it is said that the unknown land, to which Abraham believed the word of promise must go, is the Canaan land (Gen. 12. 6-7). The promise of the possession of this land is repeated more than once to Abraham and his descendants (Gen. 13.15; 15.7, 18; 17.8; 22.17; 26.3; 28.4, 13; 35.12; 48.4; 50.24; Ex. 3.8; 6. 4-8; 13. 5; 32.13; 33.1; Num. 10. 29; 14. 23; 32.11; Deut. 6. 18, 23; 8.1. ; 9.5, 28; 10.11; 11.8-9, 21; 26.3, 15; 28.11; 31.7, 20; 34.4; compare: Nav 1. 6; 5.6 ; Court 2.1). But, despite this, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob live in this land as "aliens" (Genesis 23.4; cf .: 17.8; 26.3; 28.4; 35.27; 36.7; 37. 1; Ex. 6. 4) until Jacob's family, by the Providence of God, leaves Canaan and migrates to Egypt again. Only a small piece of land - a field and a cave in Machpel, where Abraham buried Sarah, becomes their permanent possession in Canaan and thus a sign of bud. fulfillment of the promise of God (Genesis 23). In Egypt, in the fertile but foreign land of Goshen, Israel becomes a large people (Gen. 47. 5-6; Ex. 1).

At the beginning of the book. The outcome of the Israelites is already presented as a large people, to-ry oppressed by the Egyptians. Moses becomes the chosen one of God and must lead them out of Egypt to the land promised to the patriarchs (Ex. 3. 7-8; 6. 2-8). However, unfaithfulness and murmuring become the reasons that the people cannot immediately enter Canaan (Num. 14; 26. 63-65; 32. 6-15; Deut. 2. 14-15); enduring suffering, the Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years, until the entire generation of apostates died. To Z. about. a new generation of Israelis has come. Here, on the banks of the Jordan, Moses was allowed to see her only from afar (Deut 34. 1-5). The law given through him by God already contains prescriptions, which Israel must keep in the Z. about. Many of them regulate the situations when Israel will live in this land (Lev 25.23). Among them are the laws on the Sabbath (Ex 23.10-11; Lev 25.1-7) and the jubilee years (Lev 25.8-55), the firstfruits (Ex.23.16, 19; 34.22, 26 ; Lev 2.12; 23.10; 28.26; Num 18.12; Deut 18.4; 26.10).

Life in the West is the central theme of the 3 farewell speeches of Moses (Deut 1-4; 5-28; 29-30) on the plains of Moab before entering the West. The promise of the land is understood in them as a key event in the entire story of the patriarchs. The words "the land which the Lord promised with an oath to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to them and their offspring" are encountered quite often (Deut 1. 8, 35; 6. 10; 8.1; 10. 11; 11. 9 ; 19.8; 26.3; 30.20; 31.7, 23). Now the Lord intends to fulfill the oath given to the fathers, which will lead Israel to the land of Canaan, which he will possess. God will subject the former inhabitants of this land to Israel. “... The Lord your God, leads you to a good land, to a land where streams of water, springs and lakes come out of valleys and mountains, into the land, [where] wheat, barley, vines, figs and pomegranates, in a land where trees of oil and honey are, into a land in which you will eat your bread without poverty and lack nothing in anything, into a land in which stones are iron, and from whose mountains you will hew copper ”(Deut 8 7 -nine). But in the Z. o. Israel is given a new challenge: to justly rule this land according to the law of Moses (the precepts are set out in Deut 12-26).

Deuteronomy repeatedly emphasizes that Israel does not own the land because this people is godly and sinless. “When he drives them out (the former owners of this land. - Author) the Lord your God, from your presence, do not say in your heart that for my righteousness the Lord brought me to take possession of this [good] land, and that for the wickedness of these peoples The Lord drives them out from your presence; You are not going to inherit their land because of your righteousness and not because of the righteousness of your heart, but because of the wickedness [and iniquity] of these peoples, the Lord your God drives them out from your presence, and in order to fulfill the word by which the Lord swore to your fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob "(Deut 9. 4-5). The land was given by the good will of the Lord, but it can only be possessed in obedience to God. “Keep the commandments of the Lord your God, and his statutes, and the ordinances that he commanded you; and do what is just and good in the sight of the Lord [your God], so that it may be well with you, and that you may enter and possess the good land, which the Lord promised with an oath to your fathers ”(Deut. 6: 17-18). Any deviation from the instructions and ordinances given by the Lord, and especially the sin of idolatry, which was characteristic of the former owners of this land, will incur the curses provided for in the covenant on Israel, including the worst thing - the return to Egypt (Deut 28. 68) ... Moses says more than once that the people must learn the law. “Behold, I taught you the statutes and laws, as the Lord my God commanded me, that you should do so in the land into which you enter, in order to take possession of it” (Deut 4. 5, 14; cf. 5. 31; 6.1; 11.31-32). And further: "These are the decrees and laws that you must try to fulfill in the land which the Lord, the God of your fathers, gives you as a possession, all the days that you dwell on that land" (Deut 12: 1). The commandment to honor parents promises long life in the land to those who observe it.

In Deut 28, Moses pronounces blessings that will “come” to Israel if he keeps the commandments. The Lord will send “blessings in your barns and in all the work of your hands; and he will bless you in the land which the Lord your God gives you ”(Deut 28. 8); and will give "abundance in all good things, in the fruit of your womb, and in the fruit of your livestock, and in the fruit of your fields on the earth ..." (Deut 28. 11). But if the people deviate from the commandments, the curses of the Lord will befall them: "Cursed [shall be] the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your land, the fruit of your oxen and the fruit of your sheep" (Deut 28. 18). One of these curses - "you will be cast out of the earth ..." (Deut 28. 63). The complete devastation of the earth as a result of the disobedience of the people is discussed in Deut 28. 26: "And your carcasses will be food for all the birds of the air and beasts, and there will be no one who drives them away." The same is said in Lev 26. If the people act according to God's instructions, the Lord "will send peace to the land [your], you will lie down and no one will disturb you, I will drive out the fierce beasts from the land [your], and the sword will not pass through your land." (Lev 26.6); but if not, the land will not bear the intended fruits (Lev 26.20), Yahweh will devastate it (Lev 26.32), the people will be taken away into the enemy land, “and you will perish among the nations, and the land of your enemies will devour you” (Lev 26. 38).

In history books

(Joshua, Judges, Kings) the life of Israel in Z. about. assessed by the criterion of his fidelity to the Law of Moses. The book of Joshua portrays the conquest of the land as a swift and general conquest of the Canaanites in a holy war led by Yahweh, who gives this land to Israel (chapters 1-12). At His command, Joshua distributes the land among all the tribes, clans and families of his people (chapters 13-22). However, the Canaanite enclaves also remain (Josh 1. 19-35; 3. 1-6). When Israel disobeys the will of God, enemies attack the land of Israel and the very possession of the Israelites is threatened. At the will of Yahweh, the people "rebel" liberators ("judges"), to-rye lead Israel in the holy war with enemies (eg, Josh 3. 7-11). The story of Samson (chapters 13-16) shows how oppression by the Philistines intensifies when Israel departs from the law (chapters 17-21).

Departure from the law of the Lord and, as a consequence, an increase in the onslaught of enemies lead the people to a situation where it becomes necessary to introduce a monarchy. A vast empire of David and Solomon (2 Kings 2 - 3 Kings 11) arises, which was later divided into 2 kingdoms, Israel and Judah (1 Kings 12), to-rye in 722 and 587/6. BC fall under the blows of enemies - the Assyrians and Babylonians, respectively. V history books an assessment of the loyalty of the people of Israel and its kings to the law of the Lord is given, the example of which is the loyalty of King David. Beginning with Jeroboam I, Israel embarks on the path of apostasy and idolatry (2 Kings 17). The account of King Ahab's capture of Naboth's “inheritance” (1 Kings 21) shows that Canaanite notions of land ownership posed a significant threat to Yahweh's land laws. In the history of the Kingdom of Judah, periods of fidelity to the law, especially under the kings Hezekiah (4 Kings 18.1-8) and Josiah (2 Kings 22.1-23.28), are replaced by the time of the falling away, which reached its highest point under King Manasseh (4 Kings 21. 1-18; 23.26-27). Yahweh is faithful to His promises of the gift of the land to Israel, therefore, the people who broke the law were taken into captivity, as before in Egypt.

For the books of Chronicles (Chronicles), close in their understanding of the history of Israel and its assessment of the early historical books, several. a different view of the fulfillment of the promise of the gift of the land. The time of Joshua is reflected in a few genealogical lists. The conquest of Canaan is not portrayed at all; Joshua is only mentioned as living in the earth (1 Chron. 7. 27: “Non, his son, Jesus, his son”). As in the early history books, in Chronicles the actions of the kings who ruled after David and Solomon are judged according to their faithfulness to the law of Moses. At the same time, in contrast to the Book of Joshua and the books of Kings, the fidelity to the covenant of the entire people of Israel is in no way evaluated. The chronicler does not deny that the increase in sin among the people led to the loss of land, the restoration of the temple community under the Persians. King Cyrus he understands as the mercy of God to Israel, who was in captivity, "until, in fulfillment of the word of the Lord spoken by the mouth of Jeremiah, the earth celebrated its Sabbaths" (2 Chr. 36.21). However, this topic is not the main one in the books of Chronicles.

In the books of the prophets

The theme of the promise of the land and the related theme of the fulfillment of the Law of Moses by those living in Z. about. the Israelites are also central to the prophets-writers until the end of the Babylonian captivity era. Prophet. Amos accuses the owners of the land, oppressing and expelling small peasants from their paternal plots: “... gather on the mountains of Samaria and see the great outrage in it and the oppression among it. They do not know how to act justly, says the Lord: by violence and robbery they lay up treasures in their palaces ”(Amos 3. 9-10). The judgment of God will be manifested in the fact that the rich, like everyone else, will lose their land and will be taken away into captivity (Amos 4. 1-3; 5. 27; 6. 7; 7. 11; 9.4, 9, 15; Micah 1.16; 2.4; 4.10; 5.2). Because they “do not grieve over Joseph’s misfortune,” they “will now go ... into captivity at the head of the captives, and the exultation of the pampered will end” (Am. 6. 7; cf. 5. 11; 8. 4, 6). Prophet. Micah with contrition describes the state of affairs in the Z.O: “There are no merciful people on earth, there are no truthful people among people; everyone builds coats to shed blood; each one puts a net for his brother. Their hands are turned to know how to do evil; the chief demands gifts, and the judge judges for bribes, but the nobles express the evil desires of their souls and pervert the deed ”(Micah 7. 2-3). “The heads of Jacob and the princes of the house of Israel”, to-rum “must know the truth,” “eat the flesh of the people ... and flay their skin from them” (Micah 3. 1, 3). But on those “plotting iniquity,” who are taking away the fields and homes of the people, the Lord “will bring ... such a calamity that you will not throw off your neck, and you will not walk upright; for this is an evil time ”(Micah 2. 3).

Condemnation of the upper classes is the theme of the opening chapters of the Book of Prop. Isaiah. “The Lord has risen up to judge - and he stands to judge the nations. The Lord enters into judgment with the elders of His people and with their princes: you have laid waste the vineyard; loot from the poor - in your homes; why do you crush my people and oppress the poor? says the Lord, the Lord of hosts ”(Isa 3. 13-15). But those who are getting rich will not achieve their goal, and “these numerous houses will be empty, large and beautiful - without inhabitants” (Isa 5. 9). "Woe" is proclaimed to unrighteous judges who violate the rights of the "weak" (Isa. 10.2). Isaiah emphasizes the complete devastation and humiliation of the Israelite and Judaic kingdoms and all of Z. about. assyr. army (Is 1. 7-9, 24-25; 3. 18-26; 5. 26-30; 7. 20; 10. 5-6, etc.). “Your land is desolate; your cities are burnt with fire; your fields are devoured by strangers in your eyes; everything was empty, as after being destroyed by strangers ”(Isa 1. 7). "And the Lord will remove people, and great desolation will be on this earth" (Isa. 6:12). “The fury of the Lord of hosts will scorch the earth, and the people will become, as it were, food for fire; a man will not spare his brother ”(Isa 9. 19) (cf. Micah 7. 13 -“ And that land will be a wilderness for the fault of its inhabitants, for the fruits of their deeds ”).

The prophets Hosea and Jeremiah, using images typical of the tradition of depicting the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt (Hos 11.1; 13.4; Jer 2. 6; 7.22, 25; 31.32), praise the time of wandering in the wilderness (Hos 2 16-17; 9.10; 13.5; Jer 2. 2, 6-7; 31.2-3) and accuse the people of unfaithfulness to God who gave them the land (Oc 2. 3-17; 4.1- 3; Jer 3 1-2). The prophets see the expression of this unfaithfulness in the Israelites' service to the Canaanite Baals in order to influence the fertility of the earth with magical rituals (Hos 2. 7-15; 4. 14-15; 7. 16; 9. 10; 11. 2; 13. 1-2; Jer 2.4-8, 20-25; 3.1-5, 6-10; 5.7-8; 13.20-27). Like Amos and Micah, Hosea and Jeremiah also proclaim the judgment of God - the desolation of the earth, its loss and the deportation of the people (Hosea 8. 13; 9. 3, 6, 17; 10. 6; 11. 5; Jer 4. 23-28; 5.14-17; 8.10; 9.10-15; 10.18-22; 12.7-13; 13.24; 15.2, 14; 38.2, etc.). If “correct your ways and your deeds, if you will execute judgment faithfully ... you will not oppress a foreigner, orphans and widows, and shed innocent blood in this place, and you will not follow other gods to your own misfortune,” then the Lord will leave the people “ to live in this place, on this earth ”(Jer 7 5-7). Israel defiled the land with their sins (Jer 2. 7), just as they once served foreign gods in their own land, they will serve strangers “in a land not yours” (Jer 5:19). Yahweh will "throw" them out of "this land" into a land they do not know (Jer 16.13; cf. 22.26).

However, the prophets Amos, Micah, Hosea and Jeremiah also predict the return of the people to Z. about. (Am 9. 9-15; Mic. 4. 6-7; 5. 2-3; 7. 11, 14, 15-20; Hos 11.11; Jer 12.15; 16. 14-15; 23.7 -8; 29.10-14; 30.1-3, 10-11; 31; 32.15). "In those days" Yahweh will return them to the land to which he gave them to the fathers (Jer 3. 18; 24. 6; 30. 3). In the prophecies of Isaiah, the time of salvation is the time of the cleansing and exaltation of Jerusalem as the center of the Lord's reign over all the earth (Is 2. 2-4 = Micah 4. 1-3; 8. 23 - 9. 6; 10. 20-27; 11. 6-9; 12; 16.4-5; 17.12-14; 19.16-25, etc.). Isaiah 40-45 proclaims the dawn of a new age to the Jews taken into Babylonian captivity (in Western Biblical criticism, these chapters are considered to belong to another author who lived during the period of his return from captivity - the so-called Deuteronomy Isaiah (see Isaiah the prophet book)). The liberation of the people from captivity is depicted here as a new exodus, and the obvious motive of the promise of the land is combined with the idea of ​​Jerusalem as the center of the world in eschatological times (cf. Isa 2. 2-4). New Israel will be rescued from Babylon (Is 48. 2-21), God will lead him through the wilderness, which will turn into the Garden of Eden (Is 40. 3-5; 41. 17-20; 42. 14-16; 43. 14-21; 48.21; 51.3), in his land (Is 49.8-12). Jerusalem will become the center of all the earth (Is 49. 14-18; 52. 1-10) when the Lord reigns in it (Is 52. 8; Eze 43. 1-5).

For the prop. Ezekiel, whose preaching refers to the period of the end of the Babylonian captivity, the theme of his return to Z. about. and the restoration of the temple community is most important. The Prophet knows that the land is full of transgressions: “... the wickedness of the house of Israel and Judah is great, very great; and this land is full of blood, and the city is full of unrighteousness, "because, according to the people themselves," the Lord has forsaken this land, and the Lord does not see "(Ezek. 9: 9). Ezekiel sees the main reason for the loss of land and the deportation of the people in idolatry, Israel's unfaithfulness to Yahweh (Eze 6 1-7; 13 8; 14 1-11; 16 15-22). In the 20th chapter. The prophet tells the story of Israel's election and falling away: Yahweh vowed to lead the people out of Egypt "into the land that ... He provided for them" (v. 6). When the Israelites came to Z.O., They began to serve idols (v. 28), and for this reason they were taken into captivity (verses 23, 35). “The Land of Israel” is described as “the beauty of all lands” (Eze 20.6; cf .: Jer 3. 19; Dan 8. 9; 11. 16, 41, 45). However, Yahweh will not leave those who were taken away into captivity: "... although I removed them to the nations, and although I scattered them throughout the lands, I will be for them a kind of sanctuary in those lands where they went" (Ezek 11:16 ). All of them will return to Z. about. (Eze 11. 17-21; 20. 40-44; 34. 11-16; 37. 15-28), even those who have already died in captivity, for Yahweh will "revive" them (Eze 37. 1-14) ... When the time of captivity is completed, Yahweh will gather them “from the nations and from the countries” (Ezek. 20:34) and “on the high mountain of Israel,” says the Lord God, “the whole house of Israel will serve Me there, no matter how many there are on earth. ; there I will receive them with favor, and there I will demand your offerings and your firstfruits with all your holy things ”(Ezek. 20:40). Yahweh himself left His house and His city to go with the people into the Babylonian captivity (Eze 8-11), but someday He will return with them to the temple (Eze 43.1-5), to the land restored according to the project, set out in chapters 47-48. The main idea of ​​this plan is the equal distribution of land among all members of the people for "inheritance according to the tribes of Israel", including "foreigners" living among the people (Eze 47. 13-23).

In the books of the post-prison period

The loss by the Jews of independence and control over their land, according to researchers, was the reason that “in the literature of the post-prisoner period there is an obvious shift of interest from the land to humanity in general” (Davies. 1974. P. 115). This is only partially true. After all, eschatological themes do not prevent the prophecies from sometimes being associated with a specific return to Palestine. Jeremiah predicts a historical, non-eschatological restoration of the former situation in Z.O .: he claims that after 70 years of captivity (Jer 25.11-12; 29.10) “houses and fields and vineyards will be bought again in this land” (Jer.32 . 15). The decree of King Cyrus (1 Ezd 1.2-4; 6. 1-5) and the subsequent return of the Jews to Z. about. and the restoration of the temple community in Jerusalem under Ezra and Nehemiah can be seen at least as a partial fulfillment of the prophecy of the restoration of Israel and as a sign that God will rule in this land as King.

Where it is about the attitude of Israel to the nations (eg, in the Book of Prophet Jonah, if we agree with its post-captivity dating) or the possibility of the existence of a Jewish diaspora (eg, in the Book of Esther), Z. o. for the Jews is still the main criterion of their identity as a people. In the late post-captured prophecy, researchers note a smooth transition of the meaning of the concept from the word "country" to the word "land" (Hanhart. 1983. S. 131-133).

In the books of the New Testament

the land promised to the patriarchs and given to their descendants is spoken of in texts containing allusions to the OT. In Matthew 2. 20 "The Angel of the Lord" says right. To Joseph: "Rise, take the Child and His Mother, and go to the land of Israel," and Joseph does what he said (v. 21). The expression "the land of Israel", which is rare even in the OT, is found twice here. Researchers believe that in this place a parallel is deliberately drawn between the journey to Egypt of the real Messiah of Israel and the previous exodus of Israel from Egypt to the West, here called “the land of Israel” (cf. Matt 2. 15 and Hos 11 1). In the third commandment of Beatitude (see also the Sermon on the Mount), Jesus Christ says: "Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth" (Matthew 5. 5). Since all these commandments speak of those who inherit the blessings of the Kingdom of God, some interpreters believe that in the Beatitudes there is a certain spiritualization of the idea of ​​Z. about. (cf .: Mark 10.14; Luke 22.28-30) (Strecker. 1983).

The word "earth" occurs 6 times in the speech of the first ch. Stephen (Acts 7.3, 4, 6, 29, 40), in which he reminds the Jews of the time of their wanderings between Mesopotamia and Egypt, of the promise of the land to Abraham (Acts 7.3, 17) and of its conquest by Joshua (Acts 7.45). Some interpreters see in the words of Stephen a negative assessment of the claims of the Jews of the 1st century. according to R. Kh., advocating the independence of their land: Abraham did not see the fulfillment of the promise of the land (Acts 7. 5); only in the wandering through the wilderness was Israel close to God (Acts 7. 44-45); in Z. about. the people fell into the sin of idolatry. Even the construction of a temple by King Solomon in Stephen's speech appears, if not against the will of God, then as an erroneous act that limits the power of God in the universe, for “the Most High does not live in temples made with hands” (Acts 7. 47-51).

Finally, the land promised to Abraham is mentioned in Hebrews (Heb. 11.9; cf. v. 8). In the coming NT era, the Old Testament concept of the real land of Canaan, promised to the patriarchs, loses its foundation. Therefore, the Epistle emphasizes that Abraham and other patriarchs were "strangers and strangers" who only "looked for the fatherland" (Heb. 11:14) and strove "for the better, that is, for the heavenly" (Heb. 11:16).

Lit .: Brandon S. G. F. Jesus and the Zealots: A Study of the Political Factor in Primitive Christianity. Manchester, 1967; Davies W. D. The Gospel and the Land: Early Christianity and Jewish Territorial Doctrine. Berkeley, 1974; Marquardt F.-W. Die Juden und ihr Land. Hamburg, 1975; Brueggemann W. The Land: Place as Gift, Promise and Challenge in Biblical Faith. Phil. 1977; Williamson H. G. M. Israel in the Books of Chronicles. Camb. 1977; Ohler A. Israel, Volk und Land: Zur Geschichte d. wechselseitigen Beziehungen zwischen Israel u. seinem Land in alttestamentlicher Zeit. Stuttg. 1979; Hanhart R. Das Land in der spätnachexilischen Prophetie // Das Land Israel in biblischer Zeit: Jerusalem-Symp. 1981 / Hrsg. G. Strecker. Gött. 1983 S. 126-140; Strecker G. Das Land Israel in frühchristlicher Zeit // Ibid. S. 188-200.

Here's what information has recently appeared on the Internet: The Smithsonian has admitted to having destroyed thousands of giant human skeletons in the early 1900s.

The U.S. Supreme Court ordered the Smithsonian Institution to release classified documents dating from the early 1900s proving that the organization was involved in a major historical cover-up of evidence showing that tens of thousands of giant human remains were found across America and destroyed at the behest of high-ranking officials for protection of the dominant chronology of human evolution that existed at that time.

Suspicions from the American Institute for Alternative Archeology (AIAA) that the Smithsonian Institution destroyed thousands of giant human remains were met with hostility by the organization, which retaliated by suing the AIAA for libel and attempting to damage the 168-year-old institution's reputation.

According to AIAA spokesman James Charward, during judicial trial new details surfaced when a number of Smithsonian insiders acknowledged the existence of documents that supposedly prove the destruction of tens of thousands of human skeletons ranging in size from 6 to 12 feet (1.8-3.65 m;), the existence of which traditional archeology for various reasons does not wants to admit.

Let's find out more about it ...

But first, let's define ourselves on this topic: yes you are right, the photos in the post are collage and photoshop.

A turning point in the case was the demonstration of a 1.3 meter long human femur as evidence of the existence of such giant human bones. This evidence blew a hole in the defense of the institute's lawyers, as the bone was stolen from the organization by a senior curator in the mid-1930s who had kept it all his life and wrote on his deathbed a written confession of the Smithsonian's cover-up operations.

“It's awful what they do to people,” he writes in his letter. "We hide the truth about the ancestors of mankind, about the giants that inhabited the earth, which are mentioned in the Bible, as well as other ancient texts."

The US Supreme Court ordered the institute to publish classified information about everything related to the "destruction of evidence related to pre-European culture", as well as elements "associated with human skeletons of larger than usual size."

“The publication of these documents will help archaeologists and historians to reconsider modern theories about human evolution and help us better understand the pre-European culture of America and the rest of the world, ”says AIAA Director Hans Gutenberg.

The release of the documents is scheduled for 2015, and all this will be coordinated by an independent scientific organization to ensure the political neutrality of the operation.

Historical chronicles of the 19th century often report finds in different parts the globe skeletons of people of abnormally tall stature.

In 1821, in the United States in the state of Tennessee, the ruins of an ancient stone wall were found, and under it two human skeletons 215 centimeters high. In Wisconsin, during the construction of a granary in 1879, huge vertebrae and skull bones were found "of incredible thickness and size," according to a newspaper article.

In 1883, several burial mounds were discovered in Utah, in which there were burials of people very tall - 195 centimeters, which is at least 30 centimeters higher than the average height of the Aboriginal Indians. The latter did not make these burials and could not provide any information about them. In 1885, in Gasterville (Pennsylvania), a stone crypt was discovered in a large burial mound, in which there was a skeleton 215 centimeters high. Primitive images of people, birds and animals were carved on the walls of the crypt.

In 1899, miners in the Ruhr region in Germany discovered the fossilized skeletons of people ranging in height from 210 to 240 centimeters.

In 1890, in Egypt, archaeologists found a stone sarcophagus with an earthen coffin inside, which contained the mummies of a two-meter red-haired woman and a baby. The facial features and constitution of the mummy were sharply different from the ancient Egyptians. Similar mummies of a man and a woman with red hair were discovered in 1912 in Lovlock (Nevada) in a cave carved into the rock. The height of a mummified woman during her lifetime was two meters, and a man's was about three meters.

Australian finds

In 1930, near Basarst in Australia, prospectors at jasper mines often found fossil imprints of huge human feet. Anthropologists called the race of giant people, the remains of which were found in Australia, megantropuses.The height of these people ranged from 210 to 365 centimeters. Meganthropuses are similar to gigantopithecus, the remains of which were found in China Judging by the fragments of jaws and many teeth found, the height of the Chinese giants was 3 to 3.5 meters, and the weight was 400 kilograms. , chisels, knives and axes. Modern Homo sapiens would hardly be able to work with instruments weighing from 4 to 9 kilograms.

An anthropological expedition, which specifically investigated the area in 1985 for the presence of the remains of meganthropuses, carried out excavations at a depth of three meters from the surface of the earth. Australian researchers found, among other things, a fossilized molar, 67 mm high and 42 mm wide. The owner of the tooth had to be at least 7.5 meters tall and weigh 370 kilograms! Hydrocarbon analysis determined the age of the finds to be nine million years.

In 1971, in Queensland, farmer Stephen Walker, plowing his field, came across a large fragment of a jaw with teeth five centimeters high. In 1979, in Megalong Valley in the Blue Mountains, local residents found a huge rock sticking out above the surface of a stream, on which the imprint of a part of a huge foot with five toes was visible. The transverse size of the fingers was 17 centimeters. If the print had survived completely, it would have been 60 centimeters long. It follows that the imprint was left by a man six meters tall.
Near Malgoa, three huge footprints were found 60 centimeters long, 17 - wide. The giant's stride length was measured at 130 centimeters. Traces have been preserved in the petrified lava for millions of years, even before Homo sapiens appeared on the Australian continent (assuming the theory of evolution is correct). Huge footprints are also found in the limestone bed of the Upper Maclay River. The fingerprints of these footprints are 10 centimeters long and the foot is 25 centimeters wide. Obviously, the aborigines of Australia were not the first inhabitants of the continent. It is interesting that in their folklore there are legends about giant people who once lived in these territories.

Other evidence of giants

In one of the old books, entitled "History and Antiquity", now kept in the library of the University of Oxford, there is an account of the discovery of a giant skeleton, made in the Middle Ages in Cumberland. “The giant is buried four yards in the ground and is in full military dress. His sword and battle-ax rest beside him. The skeleton is 4.5 yards (4 meters) long and the big man's teeth measure 6.5 inches (17 centimeters). "

In 1877, not far from Evreki in Nevada, prospectors worked at a gold mine in a desolate, hilly area. One of the workers accidentally noticed something sticking out over the cliff ledge. People climbed the rock and were surprised to find the human bones of the foot and lower leg along with the patella. The bone was walled up in the rock, and the prospectors freed it from the rock with pickaxes. Assessing the uncommonness of the find, the workers brought it to Yevrek. The stone, into which the rest of the leg was embedded, was quartzite, and the bones themselves turned black, which betrayed their considerable age. The leg was broken above the knee and represented the knee joint and the intact bones of the leg and foot. Several doctors examined the bones and concluded that the leg was clearly human. But the most intriguing aspect of the find was the foot size - 97 centimeters from knee to foot. The owner of this limb during his lifetime was 3 meters 60 centimeters tall. Even more mysterious was the age of quartzite, in which the fossil was found - 185 million years, the era of the dinosaurs. Local newspapers vied with each other to report the sensation. One of the museums sent researchers to the find in the hope of finding the rest of the skeleton. Unfortunately, nothing else was found.

In 1936, German paleontologist and anthropologist Larson Kohl found the skeletons of giant humans on the shores of Lake Eliza in Central Africa. 12 men buried in mass grave, had a height of 350 to 375 centimeters during their lifetime. Curiously, their skulls had sloping chins and two rows of upper and lower teeth.

There is evidence that during the Second World War on the territory of Poland during the burial of the executed, a fossilized skull 55 centimeters high was found, that is, almost three times more than that of a modern adult. The giant who owned the skull had very proportional features and was at least 3.5 meters tall.

Skulls of giants

Ivan T. Sanderson, a famous zoologist and frequent guest of the popular American show "Tonight" in the 60s, once shared with the public curious story about a letter he received from a certain Alan Makshear. The author of the letter in 1950 worked as a bulldozer on the construction of a road in Alaska. He reported that workers found two huge fossilized skulls, vertebrae and leg bones in one of the burial mounds. The skulls reached 58 cm in height and 30 cm in width. The ancient giants had a double row of teeth and disproportionately flat heads.Each skull had a neat round hole at the top.It should be noted that the custom of deforming the skulls of babies in order to force the heads to take on an elongated shape as they grew, existed among some Indian tribes North America... The vertebrae, as well as the skull, were three times larger than that of modern man... The length of the shin bones ranged from 150 to 180 centimeters.

V South Africa at diamond mines in 1950, a fragment of a huge skull 45 centimeters high was discovered. Above the brow ridges were two strange protrusions that resembled small horns. Anthropologists, in whose hands the find fell, determined the age of the skull - about nine million years.

There is not entirely reliable evidence of the finds of huge skulls in South-East Asia and on the islands of Oceania.

Almost all peoples have legends about the Giants who lived in ancient times on the territory of a particular country. Armenia is no exception, but unlike other localities, the stories here cannot be easily dismissed. And, although not all anthropologists and archaeologists believe that we are talking about a whole race of giants, and not about single tall specimens, attempts to find the last resting places of our distant ancestors or traces of their economic activities do not stop.

So, during the scientific and practical expedition that took place in 2011, a number of evidences were collected, from which it followed that rather large people, 2 or more meters in height, inhabited some regions of Armenia.

Artsrun Hovsepyan, the director of the historical complex Goshavank, said that in 1996, when laying a road through the hills, bones were found so large that when they were applied to themselves, they reached the level of the throat. Komitas Aleksanyan, a resident of the village of Ava says that the locals found skulls and leg bones of very large sizes, almost the size of a person. According to him: “Once it was last autumn (2010) and 2 years ago (2009), on the territory of our village, where the grave of St. Barbara is located”.

Ruben Mnatsakanyan, an independent researcher mentioned in an interview for the City of Giants program (Kultura TV channel) that he found bones that were very large, the length of the entire skeleton was approximately 4 m 10 cm. “I carried the skull in my hands and could see in front of me no closer than 2 meters. That was its size. The lower leg was higher than my lower back, it was about 1 m 15 cm. This bone was also not easy. " In 1984, a new plant was under construction near the town of Sisian. Tractors were digging the foundation. Suddenly one of them, throwing away a layer of earth, stopped. An ancient burial was opened before observers, where the remains of a very large man lay. The burial, in which the second giant lay, was heaped from above with huge stones. Up to the middle of the ribs, the skeleton was covered with earth, along the body was a sword, with both hands he held its hilt, which was made of bone. Before that, I thought that giants lived in time immemorial. Maybe I would not have paid attention to it, but the sword was made of metal, because along the whole body there was a layer of rust left from iron.

Pavel Avetisyan- The director of the Institute of Archeology claims that on the territory of Gyumri, in the area of ​​the Black Fortress, huge skulls and even whole skeletons of the ancient period were discovered, which were shown to him. “I was just taken aback, because, probably, thumb such a person would be thicker than my hand. I myself participated in the excavations and often met the remains of people who were much taller than me. Precisely, of course, I will not name their height, but more than 2 meters. Because the tibia or hip bone that I found when I applied it to my leg was much longer. ”

Human bone found during excavations in Armenia. A still from the film "City of Giants". The height of a person, although it reached, according to the authors' assumption, 2 meters, still did not reach the "giant"

Movses Khorenatsi(a representative of the Armenian feudal historiography, lived in the 5th and early 6th centuries) wrote that the cities of giants were also located in the gorge of the Vorotan River. This is the Syunik region, located in the southeast of Armenia. Here, in the mountain village of Khot in 1968, a monument to the soldiers of the great Patriotic War... When the top of the mound was leveled, ancient tombs with unusual remains were opened. Already mentioned Vazgen Gevorgyan: “The entire population of the village of Khot speaks about the skeletons of giants found there. In particular, Razmik Arakelyan saw the graves of two giants during excavation work many years ago. The headman of the village, to whom his father showed the exact place, also spoke about this. Everyone who saw was very surprised at what huge people once lived here. There apparently was their cemetery, and this place needs to be investigated. "

In the neighboring village of Tanzatap, there are also witnesses who talked about giant bones - the tibia reached the waist of the tallest of them. This happened in 1986 when they were making terraces for fruit trees. Tractors dug up the mountainside many meters deep. Thanks to this, very ancient layers became available. The tractor bucket demolished the bottom plate, and then the burial itself was opened, from which the bone of a real giant was removed. Mikhail Hambartsumyan, at that time personally supervised the work.

Mikhail Ambartsumyan, former headman sat down: “I saw that a small hole had opened, lined with flat stones on the sides. There I found a leg bone: from the knee to the foot, about 1.20 cm long, I even called the driver, showed him, and he is a tall guy. We tried to see what else was in this pit, but it was too deep, and it was already dark, we couldn't see. So they left it. Then in the same pit I found a crucian, that is, a huge jug, but, unfortunately, when I tried to pull it out, it crashed. The carp reached a height of about 2 meters. "

Sometimes there are finds of mammoth skulls, which, due to their structure, are mistaken by many for "one-eyed skulls". Seda Hakobyan, a resident of Yeghvard mentioned that she once decided to break the concrete floor on the balcony, under the column, in order to pour concrete again and put the beam. When the concrete was broken, they found a flat stone under it, and a hole was found under the stone. “And in the pit they found a skull, one-eyed, an eye was on the forehead, a mouth, and a small hole from the nose, very small. And there were also legs, very long, both together probably about 3 meters. From the bottom to the waist, the length reached 3 m. They took it out of the pit. My husband was advised to take the find to the museum. He took the skull, I don't know whether he took the rest or not. " This suggests that the bones of mammoths or other animals may have been confused with human bones.

A scandal is also connected with the cited film "The City of Giants", as the leading researcher of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Ph.D. Maria Borisovna Mednikova addressed with an open letter to the Kultura TV channel and stated that her words were misinterpreted in the film, since she is an opponent of the existence of the “race of giants”. As a result, the program began to be broadcast without her interview. In general, M.B. Mednikova expressed very interesting thoughts, noting that the so-called "high-mountain type" of a person has always been "a cut above" his fellows. Both the Caucasus and the territory of Armenia are one of the centers of tall stature, so the appearance here of people taller than the average mountaineer of that time is quite normal.

Finds of human skeletons significantly larger than imaginable modern science does not mean that it was a whole race, it may be more correct to talk only about some of its representatives, for their growth endowed with divine properties during life, and buried in special stone burial grounds with greater honors than their compatriots, who were not touched by the hand of all genetic advantages of the "high-mountain type"?

By the way, I can explain the story of this photo, for example:

At first, the scandalous photos were circulated without any details. They appeared only in 2007 in the Indian magazine Hindu Voice.

Where the correspondent reported that the skeleton of a giant 18 meters tall was discovered in northern India during excavations organized by the National geographic society, his Indian branch and supported by the Indian army.

The publication emphasized that clay tablets with inscriptions were found along with the skeleton. And from them it followed that the giant belonged to the race of supermen, who were mentioned in the "Mahabharata" - the Indian epic of 200 BC.

The editor of the magazine, a certain P. Deivamuthu, then apologized to the National Geographic Society by sending a letter. Allegedly, he fell for the facts obtained from sources, which, as it has now become obvious, were not trustworthy.

But the thirst for knowledge was no longer subdued. Information about the "Indian find" climbed out of all the Internet cracks with renewed vigor. And, of course, along with the photo of the giant.

In short, the public suspects a conspiracy. And she's right. There really was a conspiracy. It was organized back in 2002.

There are plenty of such skeletons

As the investigation showed, the photo of the "Indian skeleton" was made by a specialist in artistic photoshop from Canada, a certain IronKite. But not for the sake of malice, but the form of participation in the annual competition called "Archaeological Anomalies 2". Where the author was awarded the third place (which works were marked with the first and second prizes, it is not possible to determine now - access to the competition website is closed). The participants were asked to fabricate some amazing archaeological find. Some of them turned out to be very talented. And it fell on fertile soil - many do not doubt that giants once lived on Earth.

IronKite reported to National Geographic News by mail that it pursued only highly artistic goals, and had nothing to do with subsequent fools. But he does not want to disclose his name. From sin.

The original photograph was also found, which served as a kind of background and archaeological surroundings for the skeleton. The picture was taken in 2000 in New York's Hyde Park (New York) at the site of a real excavation. The skeleton of a mastodon, a prehistoric relative of an elephant, was discovered here.

As for the "Indian skeleton of a giant", only one thing remained unclear: whose bones played its role?

And for the pioneer IronKite, followers seem to be reaching out. And now the internet is full of giant skeletons.

and make sure The original article is on the site InfoGlaz.rf The link to the article this copy was made from is

That's a godsend!

Why scientists in every possible way hide this information, it became known only now. Immediately it is necessary to make a reservation that scientists in every possible way by hook or by crook hide this information, since it does not at all fit into the foundations of the world that history textbooks describe to us from childhood.

For a long time, burial sites have been found on the planet, and more often the remains of dead giant people. They are dug up all over the world, both on land and under water in the seas and oceans. Another confirmation of this is the find in Yakutia. A group of independent researchers have been studying this issue for many years and have formed a true picture of what actually happened on our planet 12-20,000 years ago. But this is not so long ago!

The growth of the giants during their lifetime ranged from 4 to 12 meters, in addition to great physical strength, they had phenomenal mental abilities. Isn't this the mysterious Atlantean civilization, which some consider mythical, while others really existed and perished.

So, the researchers argue that it was this civilization of giants that built the pyramids not only in Egypt, but throughout the entire planet, the total number of pyramids erected by them totals more than 600. Moreover, the construction was carried out in a strictly specified geometry.

The pyramids were erected without using any slave of power using a simple technology that is used now, this is an ordinary formwork, that is, the blocks were not moved a long distance, but were poured with a strong concrete composition into wooden forms! And their purpose was energetic and associated with cosmic energy, the use of which is still unknown to us.

It was only later that another civilization of people, in particular, the Egyptians began to worship the supreme gods, who built pyramids and made tombs for the pharaohs out of them, this is already a religion and a separate topic. As you can imagine, the Egyptians themselves did not build pyramids!

Most interest Ask, this is why such giants could exist and why they died !?

The fact is that scientists are expressing a version of four moons, and the gravity on the planet was completely different and Atmosphere pressure another, under such physical conditions, giant people could feel great and live prohibitively long. And the death was caused by a catastrophe, the fall of three moons to the surface of the earth.

But researchers refute this theory, because imagine what will happen if at least now our moon approaches our planet, this is not the end of the world, but simply its death. So there is an opinion that in fact the gravity on the planet was different, and around the earth there was a belt of asteroids of ice, like rings around Saturn.

Therefore, the planet was extremely enriched with oxygen, which gave a strong impetus to the development of not only giant people, but also the animal world. But as a result of the change in the poles and other cosmic changes, the ice belt fell to the earth with a flurry of water, which led to the death of this civilization, and accordingly, climatic changes already close in physics to our present ones took place.

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Did a population of giant people live on Earth and where is it preserved? Where did the giant skull found in the Kremlin disappear to?

Paleoanthropologist Alexander Belov says that giants on the planet today are not uncommon. But where did they come from? Why are the amazing archaeological finds ignored: the mummies of giants in Texas, the bones of giant people in Ecuador, 2.40 - 2.45 cm tall, the burial of giants in the pyramids? Why are scientists faced with these findings already talking about the population, and not about the gigantism caused by the disruption of the pituitary gland? Did the Portuguese meet giant Indians when they conquered America? Where is the 3.5 meter stump of human bone stored? Could this bone be 10 million years old? Does another unique find, a boscopic skull weighing about 2 kg, prove the existence of a population of giant people? Where do you find huge human teeth that are believed to be dragon teeth? Could gigantopithecus reach 5 meters in height and weigh half a ton? Where did the giant skull found in the Kremlin disappear to? Why are the remains so poorly preserved in our forest-steppe territory, in contrast to the African Rift Plain? Where are the giant populations preserved on the planet today?

Belov Alexander: In Ecuador, quite recently, anthropologists have discovered the bones of giant people, there is a whole population. At least 5 skeletons are known to be quite complete, this is 2.40-2.45 somewhere. This, of course, is not God only knows what, but this is a population, that is, this is not pituitary gigantism, when a developmental anomaly, a person grows up because he has hormones of somatotropin, it causes increased growth of the bones of the face, feet, and so on. This is a population, this is very important, that is, this is a group that reproduces, their gigantism is fixed at the genetic level. In principle, they began to study this as a phenomenon, they immediately recalled the findings of 1913 in Lovelock, there, if I’m not mistaken, Texas, mummies of giant people were also found there, archaeologists did this, but since there were mummies, in general, some of these The finds were damaged and taken away by local residents, while the archaeologists got there, 4 skulls remained, in the Lovelock Museum they are in storerooms. These are such skulls, they are much larger than modern skulls, there are Americanoids, of course, but, nevertheless, they are 30 centimeters high, these skulls. And in fact, we also have a population.

There is also information about tombs, about different burials, giants are found in the pyramids, 2.40-2.50 like this. That is, that there are such documentary engravings, when the Portuguese conquered America, they just met these giant Indians of some kind, they were a meter taller than them, at least. And the engravings have survived, just of this level. It was in Patagonia, there are just such engravings at that time in the 16th century. And there are some skeletons, bones, some ribs in museums, or rather, giant ones were kept in Inca temples. That is, in America it is, in general, apparently necessary to say that there was simply a population of giant people. How it happened is also a big question, either they became giants for the second time, or initially. That people can become giants is undoubtedly a fact. Maybe they lead some kind of their own population, their kind from the giants. For example, a bone has survived, a femur found near Johannesburg, it is in the hands of anthropologists, this is Francis Thackeray, such a researcher, he is the director of the Institute of Evolutionary Morphology and the President of the South African Paleontological Society, and he actually keeps this bone in this anatomical school in Johannesburg, and he shows it. There is a fifteen-minute video, you can watch it in English, you can watch this bone, it is chopped off, somewhere like this, this bone is chopped off, he is a morphologist himself, he explains well, very clearly that it is really giant, it is big, about 3-4 times more than a similar stump of modern bone from modern humans. In fact, he was 3.5 meters, 3.6 meters, and so according to his data, he is just a morphologist. I contacted him, asked him to make a 3D reconstruction of this bone, but he sent me to other people. In general, there is also noticeable pressure on him, despite the fact that he is the director of the institute and the president of the Paleontological Society, such things are simply not forgiven. I still think how he dared to do such a thing at all. This bone was found in the sixties in the Anadian mine by geologists, and by geological age, it is a petrified bone, that is, this already speaks of a rather big age, at least more than 2 million, and by the age of geological rocks, it dates from somewhere 10 million years. And you yourself understand, the human bone of a giant is 10 million years old, and here we cannot figure out the African ones with Australopithecines, but of course they deny it all, completely deny it, which means there was some kind of population. There is also a boscopic type, the so-called boscopic giants, there are several skulls left, it is believed that they were the predecessors of the Bushmen, but this age is about thirty, ten thousand years, the boscopic skull of a boscope is kept in the Darwin Museum, but it has more than 2 kilograms. large cranium, very large, with developed frontal, parietal lobes of the brain. But the modern Bushmen who live there, they have there 2 times less of all this.

To say that there was no population of giants is, of course, a bluff, they just try not to say it. The famous Dutch paleontologist Koenigswald, he studied, he found several teeth in a Hong Kong pharmacy, bought, and these were human teeth, they were 6 times larger, that is, molars are 6 times larger than human teeth, with roots, everything, that is, human enamel. He began to study, the remains were discovered, they identified this type together with another scientist Vandenreich, he was named "Black's gigantoro anthro", that is, Black's giant man. "Black", this is the name of the sponsor of the finds, in fact, part of it was lost, in the Second World War it all disappeared, due to shipments and other things. He hid it, Koenigswald, he himself was in a Japanese concentration camp, he hid all this in a bottle and buried it somewhere in the house. After the war, they began to study this and found some fragments of skulls already in Indonesia. At first he was called "meganthrope", then his name was renamed. Meganthrope is big man , and in fact, he was also, according to modern estimates, this mega-anthrope, 3-5 meters like this, if it's the same. It's just that there are fragments, there is no complete skeleton, of course, so roughly 3-5 meters, somewhere near this. Then there were excavations already in Königswald, Vandenreich continued after the war, they were in Chinese caves, caves of gigantopithecus, the so-called. Here are the Gigantopithecus caves, they are in Berma, they are not only in China, in the region of the Sivali Hills, on the border of India, Pakistan and China, in fact, bones were found there, but mostly teeth, many teeth, teeth of giants, and jaws, lower jaws, they are of this human type, not ape, very reduced fangs. And in general, it is clear that the early gigantopithecus, they had a more human morphology, and the later more monkey, that is, they have a diastema, a gap between the teeth for insertion, that is, the canines grow, and the jaw acquires a more monkey U-shaped shape ... This suggests that there was this degradation in the line of gigantopithecus, they descend from, apparently, giant people. Moreover, the early gigantopithecus, they are more modest in size, and the later ones, they are more like that, absolutely gigantic, there are about 3, some researchers give them a height of 4 and 5 meters. Here is our Soviet researcher Yakimov, he believed that gigantopithecus, meganthropes, this population reached 5 meters and weighed half a ton, this is this individual. But then anthropologists changed their attitude, firstly, this is all so hushed up in part, and secondly, they say that the teeth are large, the jaws are large, and since nothing has been found, it may be like the parantropes. The paranthropes, massive australopithecines had big teeth, everything else is quite modest, they say, they say, they also have, but in fact they were not that big, two with a cap, and that's it. But these logical arguments, if they wanted, they would have gone and unearthed a long time ago, but since there is no excavation there, I think you can find there for sure, especially in the caves of the gigantopithecus, where the locals simply collect it all. As they believe, they have a belief that these are dragon teeth, they grind it all into powder, these dragon teeth, and add it to food, that is, this is their medicine. That is, they did not grind a single jaw, not a single skeleton in this way, so you can redeem even from them, if you had money. I even had an acquaintance, Kashnitsky, he worked at MK, a businessman offered him to look at the bones, he went, even, in my opinion, made a report about this bone, went to MK, it was 15-20 years ago ... The thigh bone is large, it is kept by him, by a businessman, but, unfortunately, I have not seen this bone, I don’t know, a fake, not a fake, maybe real. They found something in the Moscow Kremlin, a giant skull, the same Kashnitsky told me about it. A giant skull, so it is not complete, of course, but nevertheless, and they studied this case, there is also no data, where it went, where it is now, it is not clear. Kashnitsky has already died.

There were finds, too, already associated with the territory modern Russia, of course, there were, but somehow I don't remember that much, we just have poor preservation of human finds here, we do not have such a rift as in the African desert in East Africa where it all lies on the surface, the fossil, when it diverges, and all the layers are exposed, we don't have this. The forest-steppe, it does not contribute to the preservation of the remains, that is, it all rots calmly. And then, there were some, now I just don’t remember, there was some evidence that they even participated in the Turkish, in Mongol yoke, the so-called, there were just like that, they were called "devas", they participated in the army, literally there are tamerlans and others. This is typical of any earlier campaigns of the Iranian kings, here in Scyth the same thing, they had some kind of division where these giants with chains, roughly speaking, so that they would not run away, they used them as gladiators so powerful. There is a giant population in Baluchistan, in this area, there is also in the Pamirs, giants also live, they are more than two meters, and there are Pamiri, and India, there is a city there, but not far away, this is North India, and there is also a population there. giants, they are also more than two meters, they are constantly recruited into this guard of this palace in Delhi, these are just local residents. They are Caucasians, but they are all Caucasians, Hindus, they just have to a greater extent Caucasoid traits are manifested. And there is a 19th century photo there, when different Europeans were photographed with them, and even the beginning of the 20th, here they are somewhere even a shoulder, not just a shoulder, but even up to the chest, up to the waist of these giants, and they are with guns with such, with with their turbans, they guard this Delhi palace. Ubuntu Bantu, this nation, it is also considered to be quite tall, tall, there is, but in other places of the planet, that is, in general, it is not such a rarity, giants. Another thing is where and how they came from, this is a big question.

It should be noted right away that learned world does his best to keep silent about this information. After all, it does not at all fit into the foundations of the world that history textbooks describe to us from childhood. Archaeological finds and ancient legends indicate that a race of giants lived on Earth.

For a long time, burial sites have been found on the planet, and more often the remains of dead giant people. They are dug up all over the world, both on land and under water in the seas and oceans. Another confirmation of this is the find in Yakutia.

A group of independent researchers have been studying this issue for many years and have formed a clear picture of what actually happened on our planet 12-20,000 years ago. But this is not so long ago! The growth of giants during life was from 4 to 12 meters, in addition to a large physical strength they also possessed phenomenal mental abilities.

The version of the lost civilization of the Atlanteans

Isn't this the mysterious civilization of the Atlanteans, which some consider mythical, while others really existed and perished. Japanese scientists have already discovered at the bottom of the ocean the remains of a civilization similar to Atlantis ().

Researchers suggest that it was this civilization of giants that built the pyramids not only in Egypt, but throughout the entire Earth. The total number of pyramids erected by them reaches more than 600. The construction was carried out in a strictly specified geometric sequence. The pyramids could be erected using a simple technology, which is still used today - using conventional formwork. Then it turns out that the blocks were not moved on long distances, and poured a solid concrete composition into wooden molds!

The purpose of the pyramids was associated with cosmic energy, the use of which is still unknown to us. Later, another civilization of people, the Egyptians, began to use the pyramids and worship their gods. The Egyptians made of them the tombs for the pharaohs. Thus, the Egyptians themselves did not build the pyramids. In fact, the pyramids remained, as evidence that the race of giants lived on Earth in ancient times.

A lot of documentary information about the race of giants has been obtained from various sources. Here are just a few of them.

The facts confirming the existence of a race of giants

  1. 1899 year. Miners in the Ruhr region in Germany have discovered huge fossilized skeletons of people ranging in height from 210 to 240 centimeters.
  2. 1979 year. In Megalong Vzli in the Blue Mountains, locals found a huge rock protruding above the surface of the stream, on which the imprint of a part of a huge foot with five toes was visible. The transverse size of the fingers was seventeen centimeters. If the print had survived completely, it would have been 60 centimeters long. Such an imprint was left by a six-meter-tall man.
  3. The Arab traveler Ibn Fadlan, who lived a thousand years ago, saw a six-meter skeleton of a man, which was shown to him by the subjects of the Khazar king. A skeleton of the same size was seen by Russian classic writers Turgenev and Korolenko when they came to Switzerland. In the museum in the city of Lucerne, they were told that these huge bones were discovered in 1577 in a mountain cave by the physician Felix Platner.
  4. Ivan Sanderson, a renowned world-renowned zoologist, once shared a curious story from a letter he received from a certain Alan Makshear. The author of the letter in 1950 worked as a bulldozer on the construction of a road in Alaska and reported that workers found two huge fossilized skulls, vertebrae and leg bones in one of the burial mounds. The skulls reached 58 cm in height and 30 cm in width. Ancient giants had double rows of teeth and disproportionately flat heads. The vertebrae, like the skulls, were three times larger than that of modern humans. The length of the shin bones ranged from 150 to 180 centimeters.
  5. The obvious evidence that a race of giants existed are the prints of their huge feet. The most famous print was found in South Africa. It was found by a local farmer Stoffel Kötzi at the beginning of the last century. The “left footprint” is imprinted into an almost vertical wall to a depth of about 12 centimeters. Its length is 1 meter 28 centimeters. Apparently the giant came when the breed was soft. Over time, it froze, turned into granite and stood upright due to geological processes.
  6. 1950 year. A fragment of a huge skull 45 centimeters high was discovered at diamond mines in South Africa. Above the brow ridges were two strange protrusions that resembled small horns. Anthropologists, in whose hands the find fell, determined the age of the skull - about nine million years.
  7. On one of the adobe tablets of ancient Babylon, it is said that the priests of the Babylonian state received all the astronomical knowledge from the giants who lived in South Asia with a height of more than 4 meters.
  8. In South Africa, on the Okovango River, aborigines talk about giants who lived in the past in these places. One of their legends says that “the giants were endowed with incredible power. With one hand, they blocked the flow of rivers. Their voices were so loud that they could be heard from one village to another. When one of the giants coughed, the birds were blown away as if by the wind. On a hunt, they walked hundreds of kilometers in a day, and killed elephants and hippos were easily thrown onto their shoulders and carried home. Their weapons were bows made from the trunks of palm trees. Even the earth could hardly bear them. "
  9. Inca legends say that during the reign of the XII Inca Ayatarko Kuso, people of enormous stature arrived from the ocean on huge reed rafts into the country. Even the tallest Indian reached them only to the knees. The hair of the giants fell over their shoulders, and their faces were beardless. Some of them wore animal skins, others went completely naked. Moving along the coast, they devastated the country - after all, each of them ate more at a time than 50 people could eat.
  10. In the legends about the conquest of America, it is said that the Spaniards found a skeleton 20 meters high in one of the Aztec temples. The Spaniards sent it as a gift to the Pope. Confirmation of the existence of such huge giants is also in the story of a certain Whitney, who served in early XIX century chief archaeologist under the US government. He examined a skull that was found in a mine in Ohio. The diameter of the giant's skull was 2 meters.

How could such giants exist and why did they die?

Scientists have expressed different versions of the possibility that a race of giants existed on our planet. One of the hypotheses says that gravity on Earth in those days was completely different, like atmospheric pressure. In such physical conditions, giant people could live and function normally. The death of the giants could have caused a global catastrophe. As a result of a large-scale disaster, the climatic changes that we are observing in modern history humanity.

“Optimal genetic development,” says Bohm, “is when everything in the body’s DNA develops entirely due to favorable external conditions.”

In his opinion, before the Flood, the ozone layer was much thicker, and after that only one-seventh of it remained. A decrease in the ozone layer has led to a weakening of protection from solar radiation, which has affected both plants and animals, and, naturally, humans.

Why the facts of the existence of the race of giants are hushed up

With so many artifacts found, why are the giant bones of giants not exhibited in any museum in the world? The only answer some scientists find is that it was done on purpose. Unique finds confirming the existence of a race of giants on Earth are hidden from view, otherwise Darwin's theory of evolution would have completely collapsed. People would have to change their views on the entire history of mankind and its appearance on earth. For the scientific world, such a turn, apparently, is not desirable.

See 5 More Past Proofs of a Giant Race

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