Parallel world affordable for other. Parallel worlds - proof of existence, how many parallel worlds exist? Parallel world reflections infinitely a lot

Parallel worlds attracted thousands of researchers, it has already been proven that this is a reality that exists in parallel. Physics of space can be both similar, and the other, there are witchcraft and magic, a different time flows. People who managed to accidentally find the portal in the parallel world were absent for a long time, and in another reflection only the clock was held.

Parallel worlds - what is it?

The idea that there are a lot of worlds, the ancient philosophers of Democritus, Methoder Chios and Epicur, were put forward. Later, scientists brought the same theory by relying on the principle of isoimetas - equal to being. The laws of physics are argued that all measurements are connected by photonic tunnels, it permits to move on them, not distorting the law of energy savings. There is a version of such portals:

  1. The door to another world opens in "black holes", as these are funnels that are tightened by matter.
  2. It is possible to open the portal into a parallel world correctly designed models of different mirrors. Such surfaces from the stone found near the Tibetan pyramids, when members of the expeditions began to see themselves in other reality.

Parallel worlds - proof of existence

For many years, scientists have broken spears in disputes: Are there parallel worlds? Serious studies of the problem spent in the middle of the last century, when the scientist Hugh Everett announced the materials of his scientificgiving the formulation of photon mechanics by means of states. The physicist first noted the differences between the wave and matrix formulas, which formed the basis of the theory of Multiversum:

  1. During the process of choice, all its capabilities are implemented.
  2. Each choice is different from others, because it is introduced in another reflection.
  3. Does not play roles who makes a choice: electron or person.

The theory of many worlds derived by physicists received the name of the theory of superstrun or the theory of multi-dealers. Parapsychologists, for their part, argue, allegedly in the world there are more than 40 portals in other measurements, of which 4 are located in Australia, 7 more in the United States, and 1 - in Russia, in the Gelendzhik district, in the old mine. Certificates are preserved that a young guy who decided to go there, disappeared for a week, and it was up to the top very old, and I did not remember anything about what happened.

How many parallel worlds exist?

Physics suggest that the existence of parallel worlds confirms the theory of super tub. It indicates that all elements of the world are from the oscillating yarns and energy membranes. According to this theory, other measurements can be counted from 10 in the 100th degree up to 10 in the 500th degree of pieces. Mathematics lead their evidence. If parallel straight lines can coexist in the two-dimensional space, and parallel three-dimensional spaces are combined in four-dimensional.

What does the parallel world look like?

Describing parallel worlds scientists make it difficult, because they cannot cross the parallels, and to be difficult to reflect the sake of experience. In this question, it is possible to rely only on the words of eyewitnesses. In their vision parallel worlds it is:

  • the nature of amazing beauty inhabited by elves, dwarves and dragons;
  • the terrain similar to the volcanic crater, filled with by the crimson light;
  • rooms and streets resembling children filled with light.

The only thing in what is similar to the description is in a strong light stream, which manifests itself from the void. Similar phenomena saw scientists in Pharaoh's pyramids, the researchers brought the version that the chambers are covered with unique alloys that are glowing in the dark. When trying to make chicks on sunlightThese alloys fall apart, it is impossible to explore them, therefore there are no accurate data.

How to get into the parallel world?

Travel B is one of the popular topics and the dream of many residents of the Earth. According to theorists, the easiest way is a dream in which information is accepted and transmitted many times faster than in reality. If we talk about the conscious movement, then the situation is somewhat different. According to esoteric, it is possible to get into the other world, but it is very dangerous, since another nature of emitted waves can adversely affect the structure of the human brain. But multiple methods have been developed by trial and error, which will help to make such a journey:

  1. Conscious Son.providing for the disconnection of consciousness and immersion to another reality.
  2. Meditation. Methods are similar.
  3. Using a mirror. Since ancient times, magicians made up special rituals for this.
  4. Through Lift.. The transition is best to spend at night, alone, the numbers of the floors are pressed in a certain sequence.

Creatures from parallel worlds

What are the parallel worlds, which is found there, to say difficult. Well from another reflection of reality at all times observed people a great set. This is not only about humanoids. The most famous cases of such meetings:

  1. 93 year. In Rome, people saw a glowing, a golden ball that sailed across the sky.
  2. 235 year. In China, the warring parties saw a big scarlet ball, which threw the rays in the form of daggers, moved from the north to south.
  3. 848 year. The French noticed objects in the sky, in shape resembling glowing cigars.
  • fairi;
  • poltergeists;
  • critter.

Cinema about parallel worlds

Movies about parallel worlds numbered a lot, directories and writers unarked this genre of fantasy. There, our world is depicted part of the multiverse. Watch about parallel worlds love all categories of viewers. Most popular films:

  1. "Parallel Worlds" (2011, Canada) - Adventure, fantasy.
  2. "Chronicles of Narnia" (2005, USA) - Pure fantasy.
  3. "Sliding" (1995 - 2000, USA)- TV series, closer to science fiction.
  4. "Moving Planet" (2011, USA) - Adventure, fantasy, thriller.
  5. "Verbo" (2011, Spain) - fiction.

Books about parallel worlds

Are there parallel worlds on earth? - The answer to this question was looking for writers for a long time. The very first legends about Paradise gardens, Peklo, Olympus and Valgallo quite fall under the category of the story about parallel worlds. A specific concept about the existence of other measurements has appeared already in the 19th century, with the easy hand Herbert Wells. In modern literature there are hundreds of novels about movements in time, but the discovers are called such classics:

  1. Herbert Wells, "Door in the Wall".
  2. Herbert Dent, "Emperor of the country" If ".
  3. Veniamin Girshgorn, "Unceremonious novel".
  4. Jorge Borges, "Garden of Diverging Trail".
  5. "Multi-Russian World" - cycle of fantastic stories.
  6. "Amber Chronicles" is the most vivid reflection of other measurements in the literature.

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Astral, other measurements, alternative and parallel worlds - these concepts in last years switched from scientific fiction works in our daily life. But is there really similar worlds or is it just a beautiful fairy tale? And if they still exist, is it possible to penetrate them? (website)

... this person we can actually call Sergey Ivanov, as he is Russian, but not wishes his own name. By profession, Sergey Engineer, mentally, is absolutely healthy - so they say the psychiatrists examined it (at his own request). The physical health of the man is also higher than praise: it has a "black belt" on Karate and Ken-to (Japanese art of fencing on swords). And despite all this, once in his life, Sergey was not frightened for a joke ...

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He tells that for the first time to see the strange dreams began in fourteen years. Then it lasted for a short time, no more than two weeks, and the teenager did not have time to be frightened - only fed an interesting plot and brightness of her dreams. But ten years ago, Sergey survived a strong stress that lasted about three months. Then they went again dreams - one more interesting and more and more colorful. Unlike ordinary dreams, they differed in relationship and absolute logical completion. In addition, Sergey remembered them perfectly - how to remember yesterday. In each of the dreams, he was, as they say, "his": he knew everything about the place where it turned out, as if the age was born there and lived. And so it happened almost every night. Since Sergey was not fond of parapsychology and fiction, he decided that he had schizophrenia ...

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The doctor, to whom a man addressed, said that he was absolutely healthy. However, unusual dreams did not stop, and Sergey again and again went for help to doctors. In general, he was examined six different psychiatrists and did not reveal any pathology. Sergey admits that, probably, he would feel easier if he found some sluggish schizophrenia ...

Parallel worlds as an objective reality

If you rephrase a well-known definition, then we can say that parallel worlds have an objective reality, which is given to some people in sensations. This is the opinion of Mikhail Averintsev - a hypnotist, psychic, or, as he himself says, the conductor.

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Averintsev claims that these worlds are not invented, and whether it is possible to reveal this? There is a hypothesis (which, by the way, is quite consistent with the theory of academician V.I. Vernadsky on the noosphere), according to which everything that a person has ever been and somewhere invented, existed or exists now. Thus, it is impossible to come up with nothing, but can be considered - sometimes unconsciously - some scraps of information. It is possible that this is explained by the fact that over the past decades a lot has appeared. literary workswritten in fantasy genre. Now it does not surprise anyone that the writer predicts all sorts of scientific discoveriesBut then why do we consider the fictional logically connected and a very reliable description of another other than our world - with the existing religion there, adopted by philosophy and so on? By the way, in recent years, the number of people capable of perceiving the astral fields has increased dramatically.

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But back to our hero, whom we were conventionally corrected Sergey Ivanov. Over time, he was accustomed to his strange "nightlife", which in principle did not interfere, and a year later - and really liked. However, visits to the "parallel worlds" became more rare - two or three times a month.

Now Sergey knows exactly what, in a dream, he always turns out to be in the same three worlds. Two of his "enters" constantly, and in the third - no more than one or twice a year. At the same time, electricity, cars, helicopters are present in the first reality, although it is obvious that the technique and weapons are not ours. By climate, this world resembles southern Siberia.

In the second of the worlds visited by Sergey everything otherwise: there are no firearms, but there are bows, spears, swords, horses ... on the landscape is a hilly forest-steppe.

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As for the third world, it is difficult to describe in words, everything is so strange. Having gotten in it, Sergey began to notice different little things: the coat of arms, emblems, flags ... and it turned out that there was nothing like that on Earth and not. And the main thing is that there is another sky, other constellations! ..

Parallel world reflections infinitely a lot

"Explorer" Mikhail Averintsev believes that there is an infinite set of parallel (astral) worlds. For a person, a little more than a hundred of them are most available.

According to Averintsev, the picture of the universe is quite fully described by Roger Zelaznos in a series of fantasy novels under the general name of the "Chronicles of Ambore". Those who did not read them, explain in brief: there is an Amber, or order, and there is chaos. They are two extremes like Yin and Yan, day and night, paradise and hell. There are many worlds between Amber and Chaos, and our as well. Zelasons very accurately call these worlds reflections. But is it possible to go from one such reflection to another? Of course, Mikhail Averintsev believes. That is what happens with Sergey Ivanov, although his case is rather ambiguous (but about it is slightly lower).

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Dreams are three types: the first reflects real events The day, the second - the passion of man, that is, the work of the subconscious (according to Freud), but the third is just a trip through the parallel worlds. And you do not need to think, says Averintsev that the last type of dreams meets less than the first two, so in the worlds-reflections in dreams, each of us travels, another thing that all this happens unconsciously, and a common personAs a rule, practically little remembers these wanderings.

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It is quite another thing - the case with Sergey Ivanov. He is also experiencing every such journey as our physical world. Moreover, everything that happens in these parallel worlds, up to scratches, remains on the body and after waking up. Once in the world where he is a warrior, he was almost killed at all, because he immediately flew out of fifty people. And although Sergey has a black belt and a vast experience in such fights, he decided that it would be wisely waking up. Fortunately, it can easily leave the parallel reality at will. By the way, no matter how many days and even months, he has been in reflection, in our world only a few hours of sleep ...

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But this is what alarming, Mikhail Averintsev continues his arguments, today the conscious dreams attract many, there are even whole homegrown "schools" on conscious dreams that are not difficult to find on the Internet. However, the care of any reflection will be comparable to clinical death And returned from there, it is possible not to everyone, because conscious finding there can "link" a person tightly.

With Sergey, everything is different, and then the reason is most likely that he "comes from a different reality" is not farmer. This confirms the fact that after Sergey did not help doctors, he turned to psychics, but those flatly refused to work with him - too strong Sens - conductor, a real "stranger", whose energy is hiking by anyone, even Strong extrasensus.

That is why conscious travels in reflections should be feared, because such as Sergey Ivanov, one person is one hundred million, and the travels themselves are not a pleasant walk in the forest, while also real, like our physical. Of course, in unconscious travels on them with the help of a soul conductor there is no danger - she will save, she will also withdraw back, but when the walk is subject to imperfect mind ...

If we are so lonely in our universe, then maybe brothers in mind should be sought in other parallel dimensions? Why not assume that our world has a "double"? There may be a lot of inhabited planets whose residents may well be like us. And scientific evidence? - you ask. Indirect, but they are!

Light of other worlds

Thus, annually the area of \u200b\u200bthe Universe, available for Furnishing, increases for one light year. It is difficult to even imagine how many generations should change before we get to the inhabited worlds ... But we are talking yet about our own universe. And other universes can have other physical characteristics space and time. Therefore, even our distant descendants is unlikely to ever be able to see them.

But there is also a version of parallel worlds next to our. The idea that random quantum processes make the universe "multiply", forming many of their copies, is very attractive.

And you can simply deny physical laws, I submit them to yourself as a clean abstraction. Most recently, researchers from the European Space Agency made a truly sensational discovery. The following attention was paid in the field of attention, during the study of which, through heavy duty telescopes, anomalous sections were discovered, which differ in such a bright luminosity that this could not comply with the laws of physics. This confirms the theory that parallel universes are able to penetrate, leak into each other ...

Presumably we are talking about matter that has arisen simultaneously with the origin of the universe. And "glowing spots" - a trail of an ancient contact with a different space ... Different measurements could have different physical constants.

California scientist of the Egyptian origin of rank-frame Chari, analyzing the data, discovered "noise", which can only remain from contacting two spheres (bubbles), in which the universes are considered and originated.

Physics and mythology

Rang-frame Chari in the Max Planck Observatory managed to get photos from space, on which outbreaks are captured, which, in all likelihood, are hypothetical lines of contact of the two universes. As a result, the researcher came to the conclusion that after a large explosion, the space was a totality of "soap bubbles", which constantly burst, released energy that contributes to the infinite expansion of our universe and stimulating the formation of many other worlds.

The ancient Indian myth is involuntarily remembered about how Vishnu, which supports all the universe gives momentum creation. Every second from the pores of his body appears spherical "bubbles" - the universes ... so the discovery of astrophysics is forced to carry out parallels with ancient myths.

Moreover, the modern popular theory about the multiverse says: the universes are born at close range from each other. And on the site of their contact, bright rings arise, exactly, exactly what Fary found.

Meanwhile, each discovery is necessarily opponents. So the next astrophysical sensation immediately collided with a wave of skepticism. A number of scientists stated that bright lines on photographs are just traces of dust clouds, the truth, anomalous in their properties ... Therefore, it will have to conduct an additional independent analysis of the data obtained by Chari and its colleagues.

There is a parallel world, but we will not be empty there

At the same time, the existence of another universe has repeatedly stated in ancient sources. Even the Father of Cosmonautics K. E. Tsiolkovsky sacredly believed in its presence, though with the reservation: "We will never be empty there." What did our brilliant compatriot talk about? Indeed, assuming that the laws of physics are not working in the parallel world, then how do you get inquisitive children of humanity there?

After all, any technologies that we can create will be built on the standards of this world, and not a neighboring, we do not know anything about ...

But this does not mean that the next discovery does not have any practical benefit for us. It will at least allow us to think about how the universe is arranged. And maybe a new look at yourself ...

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