Existing levels of education. The level of education is the definition

is a set of training programs and state standards that are in constant interaction with each other. The levels of education that implement them consist of institutions that do not depend on each other. An institution of each level has its own forms of organization and bodies of legal subordination that control it.

Education in Russia

At all times, special attention has been paid to education in our country. However, with the change of centuries and political regimes, it has also undergone significant changes. So, in Soviet times, the education system worked under a single standard. The requirements for educational institutions, the plans according to which training was carried out, and the methods used by teachers were uniform and strictly regulated at the state level. However, the reassessment of values, today, has led to the democratization, humanization and individualization in the education system. All these terms, inapplicable in the past, have become commonplace for modern participants in the educational process. There is variability in educational programs, which allows each institution, regardless of its level, to develop its own training plan, provided that it is approved by the supervisory authority.

However, despite all the innovations, the modern Russian education system remains federal and centralized. The levels of education and its types are fixed by law and are not subject to change.

Types and levels of Russian education

Today, in the Russian Federation there are such types of education as general education and vocational education. The first type includes preschool and school education, the second - all the rest.

As for the level of education, this is an indicator of the development of educational programs at various levels, both by an individual and by the population. Educational programs, in turn, are stages of education. This indicator characterizes the real and potential capabilities of society, the state as a whole, and the individual in particular.

Levels of education:

  • general education;
  • professional;
  • higher.

General education

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, every citizen has the right to receive every level of general education free of charge in all state institutions. The levels of general education are:

  • preschool;
  • school.

School education, in turn, is divided into:

  • initial;
  • main;
  • average.

Each of the steps prepares for the development of the educational program of the next level.

The very first step in our country is preschool education. It prepares future students for the development of the school curriculum, and also provides initial knowledge about hygiene, ethics and a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, according to research, children who did not attend a preschool institution, at the next stage - school, experience difficulties both in social adaptation and in the development of educational material.

All subsequent levels of education, as well as the preschool stage, pursue a single goal - to prepare for the development of the next stage of education.

At the same time, the primary task of basic education is to master the basics of various sciences and the state language, as well as the formation of inclinations for certain types of activities. At this stage of education, it is necessary to learn to independently cognize the world around.

Professional education

The levels of vocational education are as follows:

  • initial
  • average;
  • higher.

The first stage is mastered in institutions where you can get various working professions. These include vocational institutions. Today they are called vocational lyceums. You can get there, both after the 9th grade, and after graduating from the 11th.

The next step is technical schools and colleges. In institutions of the first type, one can master the basic level of the future profession, while the second type involves a more in-depth study. You can also enter there, both after the 9th grade and after the 11th. However, there are institutions that stipulate admission only after one specific stage. If you already have an initial vocational education, you will be offered an accelerated program.

And finally, higher education trains highly qualified specialists in various fields. This level of education has its sublevels.

Higher education. Levels

So, the levels of higher education are:

  • undergraduate;
  • specialty
  • magistracy.

It is noteworthy that each of these levels has its own terms of study. It should be taken into account that the bachelor's degree is the initial level, which is mandatory for obtaining the rest.

Specialists with the highest qualifications in various professions are trained in such educational institutions as universities, institutes, academies.

This level of education is also characterized by the fact that it has different forms of education. You can study:

  • in person, attending all classes and taking sessions;
  • in absentia, independently studying the course material and taking sessions;
  • part-time, when training can be conducted on weekends or in the evening (suitable for employed students, as it allows you to study on the job);
  • as an external student, here you can finish your studies when you see fit (it assumes the issuance of a state diploma, however, it will be marked that you graduated from an educational institution as an external student).


Types of education and its levels look like this. It is their totality that makes up the education system of the Russian Federation. All of them are regulated at the legislative level by normative documents of various nature and content.

It should be borne in mind that the purpose of the educational system is not only that it allows you to master various professions. In the process of learning, a personality is formed, which improves with each overcome educational level.

Education in the Russian Federation is a single process aimed at educating and educating the future generation. During 2003-2010. the domestic education system has undergone a major reform in accordance with the provisions contained in the Bologna Declaration. In addition to the specialty and postgraduate studies, such levels of RF were introduced as

In 2012, Russia adopted the law “On the Education of the Russian Federation”. Levels education, similar to European states, provide an opportunity for free movement for students and teachers between universities. Another undoubted plus is the possibility of employment in any of the countries that signed the Bologna Declaration.

purpose, functions

Education is the process and result of the transfer of knowledge and experience that has been accumulated by all previous generations. The main goal of education is to familiarize new members of society with established beliefs and value ideals.

The main functions of training are:

  • Education of worthy members of society.
  • Socialization and familiarization of the new generation to the values ​​that have developed in this society.
  • Ensuring qualified training of young professionals.
  • Transfer of knowledge related to work, with the help of modern technologies.

Criteria of education

An educated person is a person who has accumulated a certain amount of knowledge, is able to clearly determine the causes and consequences of an event, and can think logically at the same time. The main criterion of education can be called the consistency of knowledge and thinking, which is reflected in the ability of a person, reasoning logically, to restore gaps in the knowledge system.

The value of learning in human life

It is with the help of education that the culture of society is transmitted from one generation to another. Education affects all areas of society. An example of such an impact could be the improvement of the education system. New formations in the Russian Federation as a whole will lead to an improvement in the quality of the state's available labor resources, which, in turn, will have a significant impact on the development of the domestic economy. For example, becoming a lawyer will help strengthen the legal culture of the population, since every citizen must know their legal rights and obligations.

High-quality and systematic education, which covers all spheres of human life, allows you to educate a harmonious personality. Education also has a significant impact on the individual. Since in the current situation, only an educated person can climb the social ladder and achieve a high status in society. That is, self-realization is directly interconnected with receiving high-quality training at the highest level.

Education system

The education system in Russia includes a number of organizations. These include institutions:

  • Pre-school education (development centers, kindergartens).
  • General education (schools, gymnasiums, lyceums).
  • Higher educational institutions (universities, research institutes, academies, institutes).
  • Secondary special (technical schools, colleges).
  • Non-state.
  • Additional education.

Principles of the education system

  • The priority of universal human values.
  • The basis is cultural and national principles.
  • Scientific.
  • Orientation to the features and level of education in the world.
  • humanistic character.
  • Focus on environmental protection.
  • Continuity of education, consistent and continuous nature.
  • Education should be a unified system of physical and spiritual education.
  • Encouraging the manifestation of talent and personal qualities.
  • Mandatory presence of primary (basic) education.

Types of education

According to the level of independent thinking achieved, the following types of training are distinguished:

  • Preschool - in the family and in preschool institutions (the age of children is up to 7 years).
  • Primary - carried out in schools and gymnasiums, starting from the age of 6 or 7, lasts from the first to the fourth grades. The child is taught the basic skills of reading, writing and counting, much attention is paid to the development of personality and the acquisition of the necessary knowledge about the world around.
  • Secondary - includes basic (grades 4-9) and general secondary (grades 10-11). It is carried out in schools, gymnasiums and lyceums. It ends with obtaining a certificate of completion of general secondary education. Students at this stage acquire the knowledge and skills that form a full citizen.
  • Higher education is one of the stages of professional education. The main goal is to train qualified personnel in the necessary areas of activity. It is carried out at a university, academy or institute.

According to the nature and direction of education is:

  • General. Helps to acquire knowledge of the basics of sciences, in particular about nature, man, society. Gives a person basic knowledge about the world around him, helps to acquire the necessary practical skills.
  • Professional. At this stage, the knowledge and skills that are necessary for the student to perform labor and service functions are acquired.
  • Polytechnic. Teaching the basic principles of modern production. Acquisition of skills in the use of simple tools.

Levels of education

The organization of training is based on such a concept as “the level of education in the Russian Federation”. It reflects the division of the training program depending on the statistical indicator of learning by the population as a whole and by each citizen individually. The level of education in the Russian Federation is a completed educational cycle, which is characterized by certain requirements. The federal law "On Education in the Russian Federation" provides for the following levels of general education in the Russian Federation:

  • Preschool.
  • Initial.
  • Main.
  • Average.

In addition, the following levels of higher education in the Russian Federation are distinguished:

  • Undergraduate. Enrollment is made on a competitive basis after passing the exam. A student receives a bachelor's degree after he has acquired and confirmed basic knowledge in his chosen specialty. The training lasts 4 years. Upon completion of this level, the graduate can pass special exams and continue his studies as a specialist or master.
  • Specialty. This stage includes basic education, as well as training in the chosen specialty. On a full-time basis, the term of study is 5 years, and on a correspondence course - 6. After receiving a specialist diploma, you can continue your studies for a master's degree or enroll in graduate school. Traditionally, this level of education in the Russian Federation is considered prestigious and does not differ much from a master's degree. However, when finding employment abroad, it will lead to a number of problems.
  • Master's degree. This stage produces professionals with a deeper specialization. You can enroll in a master's program after completing a bachelor's and a specialist's degree.
  • Training of highly qualified personnel. Assumes postgraduate study. This is a necessary preparation for obtaining a scientific degree Full-time education lasts 3 years, part-time - 4. The degree is awarded upon completion of training, dissertation defense and final exams.

According to the new law, the levels of education in the Russian Federation contribute to the receipt by domestic students of diplomas and supplements to them, which are quoted by higher educational institutions of other states, which means that they make it possible to continue their education abroad.

Forms of education

Education in Russia can be carried out in two forms:

  • in special educational institutions. It can be carried out in full-time, part-time, part-time, external, remote forms.
  • Outside educational institutions. It implies self-education and family education. It is envisaged to pass the intermediate and final

Subsystems of education

The learning process combines two interrelated subsystems: training and education. They help to achieve the main goal of the education process - the socialization of a person.

The main difference between these two categories is that education is aimed primarily at the development of the intellectual side of a person, while education, on the contrary, is aimed at value orientations. There is a close relationship between these two processes. In addition, they complement each other.

Quality of higher education

Despite the fact that not so long ago a reform was carried out in the education system of the Russian Federation, there is no particular improvement in the quality of domestic education. Among the main reasons for the lack of progress in improving the quality of educational services are the following:

  • Outdated management system in higher education institutions.
  • A small number of foreign teachers with a high degree of qualification.
  • The low rating of domestic educational institutions in the world community, due to weak internationalization.

Problems relating to the management of the education system

  • Low wages for education workers.
  • Lack of highly qualified personnel.
  • Insufficient level of material and technical equipment of institutions and organizations.
  • Low professional level of education in the Russian Federation.
  • Low level of cultural development of the population as a whole.

Obligations to solve these problems are assigned not only to the state as a whole, but also to the levels of municipalities of the Russian Federation.

Trends in the development of education services

  • Internationalization of higher education, ensuring the mobility of teachers and students in order to exchange best international practices.
  • Strengthening the orientation of national education in the practical direction, which implies the introduction of practical disciplines, an increase in the number of practicing teachers.
  • Active introduction of multimedia technologies and other visualization systems into the educational process.
  • Promotion of distance learning.

Thus, education underlies the cultural, intellectual and moral state of modern society. This is a determining factor in the socio-economic development of the Russian state. Reforming the education system to date has not led to global results. However, there is a slight improvement. The levels of education in the Russian Federation under the new law contributed to the emergence of opportunities for the free movement of teachers and students between universities, which indicates that the process of Russian education has taken a course towards internationalization.

Andrey Fursov

Each civilization has mechanisms, the correct operation of which maintains its viability. The cultural code of civilization includes Faith, culture itself, traditions and conceptual apparatus. In the modern era, much of this was partly preserved by the education system. Of course, the presence of even the best academic education cannot compensate for the lack of spiritual qualities in a person, love for the Motherland, a sense of duty, etc. However, a person who has not received an education in the modern world does not have sufficient knowledge to avoid the fate of becoming an object of manipulation.

The experience of Soviet education was unique within the paradigm of modernity. The Soviet school gave a person academic, deep knowledge, a verified system of values ​​and beliefs, which not only made him a worthy citizen of his country, but also helped him to understand any issue thanks to the basic conceptual apparatus received. The school not only taught, it also educated, instilling the foundations of mutual assistance, camaraderie and altruism. With the collapse of the Soviet system, the school began to collapse.

What is happening now in our education is the result of the lack of correct value orientations among its curators. So, the former Minister of Education, openly stated: "The shortcoming of the Soviet education system was an attempt to form a Human Creator, and now our task is to grow a qualified consumer." A reasonable question arises: what is it - stupidity or betrayal? What positive developments in the current crisis of the education system can we talk about if the goal-setting of the reformers lies in a plane that is absolutely alien to the values ​​of Russian civilization?

It should be noted that the destruction of education is a misfortune not only for Russian people. The globalist elite, the center of which is the United States, has met with the problem of excessive education of the masses, and, consequently, their uncontrollability. The task was set to change the situation: as a result, the West began to implement a large-scale program to decompose society with objects of pseudo-culture, after which the rapid effective dismantling of the education system was launched. However, it is quite obvious that in the West, education of a high level has still been preserved - this is the education of elites.

Historian, member of the Izborsk Club Andrey Fursov explains this thesis: “The geopolitical context of educational reform” - such a formulation, at first glance, may be surprising. However, today, when geopolitical confrontations are becoming more and more pronounced informational in nature, when political destabilization is achieved with the help of network-centric wars, i.e. information and cultural impact on the consciousness and subconsciousness of groups and individuals (how this is done, we could observe during the so-called " Twitter revolutions" in Tunisia and Egypt), and the result of this impact largely depends on the level of education of the object of influence (the higher the level of education, the more difficult it is to manipulate a person), the state of education becomes the most important factor in the geopolitical struggle.

One cannot but agree with these words of the scientist. If we are to survive as a civilization, we need to take radical steps to create a normal, functioning education system. Otherwise, Russia simply will not be able to survive in the severe cataclysms of the 21st century. What should this system be like? The formation of many, but not all of its parameters should be facilitated by the restoration of the Soviet system, especially the one that operated in the era Stalin. At the same time, of course, one cannot blindly copy the Soviet system. Having borrowed the positive deep experience of Soviet teachers, for example, Anton Makarenko, we must discard Marxism and Historical Mathematics as subjects that do not correspond to the path of our civilization.

Schools should cultivate traditional values, patriotism and the consciousness of historical continuity and unity of all Russian history. The foundations of all the traditional confessions of Russia-Eurasia should be taught to everyone who wants to, because without this there will be no full understanding of our civilization. Faith will strengthen young people and set them on the right path. Otherwise, the Soviet experience is the only acceptable path in education for us. It is also necessary to return the military element of education: TRP, fees, military training. This is not only the right occupation for young people, but also a guarantee of the defense capability of our country. The school is primarily obliged to prepare a physically, spiritually and intellectually developed person who is an integral part of his homeland.

As a computer scientist with a mathematical mindset, I decided to understand this problem from the point of view of mathematical logic and philosophical reasoning, formulating the following hypothesis: “You can get a quality education if and only if the quality of human life is at a sufficiently high level” or to another: "The quality of education is equivalent to the quality of life." However, for this hypothesis to become a theorem, it must be proved based on the laws of mathematical logic, statistics, and personal experience.
For proof, it is necessary to clearly define the concepts: the level and quality of education, the level and quality of human life, indicators and factors of quality of life. The level of education is understood as a certain amount of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by a person in an educational institution. The quality of education is the ability of a person to implement a given amount of knowledge in practice. The standard of living of a person is a level of material well-being, which is characterized by the volume of income and expenses of a given person. The quality of human life is a broader concept than just material security, it provides for participation in the assessment of not only objective factors, such as living conditions, but also subjective factors, such as a person’s attitude to his life and his moral satisfaction.
Thus, the quality of life directly depends on the state of human health; his social and family status; active social life; freedom of choice (political, religious); material well-being; guarantees of work and professional self-assertion; the level of a person's education.
According to the laws of mathematical logic, in order to prove the formulated hypothesis, it is necessary to prove two statements: necessity - if education is of high quality, then life is of high quality; and sufficiency - if life is of high quality, then education is of high quality.
If education is of high quality (that is, a person can put into practice the knowledge gained in an educational institution), then the quality of life indicator “level of education” is quite high.
Consequently, the quality of life criterion “getting a job and professional self-affirmation” will be fulfilled, then the person will have “material well-being”, “health”, “social and family status”. After achieving all these indicators, the criteria "public life" and "freedom of choice" follow. Thus, the necessity has been proven.
However, do not forget that there is a statistical error, all people are individual, the conditions of their life and upbringing are different, in connection with which the so-called exception to the rule appears. For example, a person with a good education may not find a job by profession or the chosen profession does not bring sufficient income, which in turn will lead to a decrease in the quality of his life. Or, on the contrary, a person without education finds an interesting and profitable job, thereby improving the quality of his life.
If life is of high quality, then all its seven indicators are fulfilled. Each of the indicators affects the quality of the education received:
"human health" affects the productivity of learning;
the "social and family status" of the child's parents plays an important role in the process of obtaining an education;
the quality of education is also influenced by the “freedom of choice”, “active social life” of both the student and his family, and the professional self-affirmation of parents.
Of course, material well-being is one of the most important aspects in a person's life, and even more so in getting a quality education; The “level of education” of a person (knowledge obtained in an educational institution) affects the quality of his education (a person’s ability to put all this into practice). Thus, the sufficiency is proved.
Based on statistical data and the individual characteristics of people, one can find examples that refute this evidence. For example, when all the factors of quality of life are fulfilled, the child may simply not have enough abilities for learning. Or, conversely, with a sufficiently low quality of life, the student may have exceptional learning abilities. The so-called child prodigies, due to their low quality of life, cannot continue their studies at higher educational institutions, since the scholarships available at the moment cannot cover all the expenses of the student. However, there are few such examples and they can be neglected with a certain degree of error.
Thus, we can assume that the theorem has been proved. It can be rephrased as follows: "The higher the quality of education, the higher the quality of life, and vice versa." And it makes you think.

Julia TITOVA, teacher of computer science and ICT, KSU №3

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