Foreign languages ​​in the modern world. Presentation "the role of foreign languages ​​in the world" presentation for a lesson on the topic Presentation on the topic the role of the English language

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school 6 with in-depth study of individual subjects in Vladivostok." The role of the English language in the modern world Vladivostok Vladivostok The work was completed by: The work was completed by: Plotnikova Anastasia 8th grade 8th grade Supervisor: Supervisor: Romanova A.N. Romanova A.N.

Object of research - English language Object of research - English language Subject of research - history of the English language Subject of research - history of the English language The theoretical basis for writing the work was the Internet materials, educational material The theoretical basis for writing the work was the Internet materials, educational material

Goal: to study the origin of the English language in the modern world Objectives: To trace certain milestones in the history of the origin of the English language, which allowed it to become a language of international communication. To trace certain milestones in the history of the origin of the English language, which allowed it to become a language of international communication. To determine the status of the English language in the modern world. To determine the status English language in the modern world Identify facts indicating the role of the English language Identify facts indicating the role of the English language

David Crystal's theory “A language becomes international for one overriding reason,” writes the famous British linguist David Crystal, “the political power of the people who speak the language, especially military power. The history of a global language can be traced to the successful expeditions of soldiers/sailors who spoke the language.” “A language becomes international for one overriding reason,” writes renowned British linguist David Crystal, “the political power of the people who speak the language, especially military power. The history of a global language can be traced back to the successful expeditions of soldiers/sailors who spoke the language."

Conclusions The status of modern English as a world language is the result of two important factors: the expansion of the colonial power of Britain, as well as the emergence of the United States. The status of modern English as a world language is the result of two important factors: the expansion of the colonial power of Britain, as well as the emergence of the United States. English has become the most nor is it the global language of business, science, education, politics, pop music and the film industry. English has become the most global language of business, science, education, politics, pop music and the film industry. By speaking English, you will be able to achieve your goals with the help of new opportunities. By speaking English, you will be able to achieve your goals with the help of new opportunities.

References 1. Crystal D. English as a global language. Per. from English s. 2. Foreign language at school with Study abroad with Circle of Life (51). - with Internet resources.

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Time to learn English!

With English you are one step ahead of your competitors

You'll always know what your favorite stars are singing about

You will have many friends from different parts of the world

On vacation, communicate in the local language

English is a peacemaker

English is the language of international communication.

Dear friends of the Earth, We live on a very beautiful planet – on the Earth. Our planet has very rich resources: the bright blue of the sky, fresh, crystal-clear mountain lake water, the rich green of the mountain slopes, wild flower, picturesque views – all these scenes of nature fill us with admiration. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with the environment and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited. But with the development of civilization man’s interference in nature began to increase.

We know that the world is getting hotter because of us! When the sun shines, everything gets hot and the dirt stops the hot air from going up to the sky. Because the hot air has nowhere to go, everything gets hotter. Our world is warmer than it was one hundred years ago. Hot countries may become drier and the people who live there won’t be able to grow enough food. Ice in cold areas is changing to water because of higher temperatures. When this happens, the sea levels become bigger. Some towns near the sea may have problems soon.

We can help if we stop making the air dirty but we must do something fast! In addition, not many people understand that they are polluting environment. They are dropping litter on the streets. In our opinion drop litter or rubbish in the dustbin isn’t hard it’s easy. We think that there must be a group of people who will follow the people who drop litter in the streets. Finally there must be more bins in the streets. And, of course, don’t cut down trees!!! Grow trees, they clean the air!

We are sure everything is in the hands of people. We call up: Protect environment, save nature! We always drop litter in bins and call up my friends to do the same. Maybe when we grow up somebody will have already invented clean and powerful energy. We must be economical to the nature. We must preserve it to our future generation! Our task is to keep and increase natural riches of the Earth.

Don’t drop litter in public places Don’t kill wild animals Don’t pick up rare types of plants Don’t use ozone sprays at all.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

lesson plan "The role of English in the modern world"

PLAN – ENGLISH LESSON SUMMARY in grade 7 on the topic “The role of the English language in the modern world” Lesson type: lesson on the integrated application of knowledge, skills, abilities. Main...

"The role of English in the world today" Project: Project. And uthor: Shamgunova Nadiy 1 1 class

“He who doesn’t know a foreign language, doesn’t know his own” J. W. Goethe

Language is the source of communication. Its the way through which we share our ideas and thoughts with others. There are uncountable languages ​​in this world, b ecause every country has their own national language, then they have different local languages ​​spoken and understood by their people in different regions.

None of the languages ​​ever invented by man, and did not become universal and world language. The United Nations, on the basis of the actual distribution of languages ​​in the world community, has selected its official or working languages ​​of the following six languages: English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic and Chinese. Notable among them is in English now.

In the last few decades, English has emerged as the pre-eminent language for international communication. It is spoken by more people around the world than any other language, and is regularly described as a truly ‘global’ language. This unit introduces you to the role that English plays in the world today, and examines the social, political and cultural factors that have influenced its development. Let's talk about English.

All sorts of summits and meetings of heads of state, signing laws and decrees, negotiations and debates - all held in English. International trade, the work of the banking system, the activity of the transport system on land, at sea and in the air shall be in English.

This language is a living instrument of communication for academics, doctors, scientists around the world. After all, international conferences, study of international experience and exchange of scientific minds are only using the English language. What can I say - the Olympic Games and all kinds of competition between the countries have chosen the official language - English.

The value of English in the world today is so great that its knowledge is not a privilege and luxury. Some years ago computers as well as mobile phones, could afford only people of a certain social class. Now such things are the essentials. The same can be said about the English. He is taught to everyone and everywhere: in schools, universities, courses. And in this age of digital technology, anyone can learn English through Skype from the comfort of home. The implication is that any educated person would have to know English because it is the key to further his self-education and self-improvement. So now there are so many companies offering to teach you English. But do not think that it is so easy to do. Learning any language is a long process that requires a certain amount, both mentally and financially.

Do you want to travel and do not feel the black sheep, and to communicate with people of different nationalities? Do you want to become a student at a foreign university? Oxford University

Do you want to work with a prestigious career development? Or maybe you want to work abroad? Tip one - Learn English. Indeed, over time you will still realize that 75% of the world correspondence is in English, 80% of the information stored on computers is also in that language, and most of the international documents, articles, literary works written instruction is in English.

And we still do not take into account the film industry and the musical Olympus. American-made films have become part of our lives, and any pop singer believes prestigious sing at least one song in English.

Knowledge of English in the world today is a window to the world. Possession of the language of international communication, you can achieve your goals with the help of new features. And you"re sure to understand that the value of English is not exaggerated. Thank you for your attention

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