Very good in Finnish. Russian-Finnish phrasebook for tourists (travelers) with pronunciation

How to start a dialogue in any language? Of course, with greetings and acquaintances. Greetings are the most simple words in any foreign speech, since they meet every day and several times, and any dialogue begins with them.

The simplest and most versatile greetings in Estonian the word "greeting" sounds tervitamine in Estonian for all occasions - Tere! This also means "hello!" and “hello”, being both a simple form and a polite one. The second variation of this word is tervist! Tervist is translated similarly to tere, but it is more suitable in addressing "you", something like the Russian "hello".

Time of day greetings

If you want to say hello and wish your interlocutor a good day / morning / evening, etc., then the greeting forms are as follows:

  • « good morning Usually it is from dawn to 12 noon."= Tere hommikust From the word hommik - "morning";
  • « good day from noon to dark"= Tere päevast From the word päev - "day";
  • « good evening starts around dusk"= Tere õhtust from the word õhtu - "evening".

You can also reply to a greeting like Tere õhtust with one word õhtust:

- Tere õhtust!
- Õhtust!

How to say goodbye in Estonian?

There are two simplest and most common end-of-conversation phrases in Estonian:
head aega ("goodbye", literally - " good hea - good time aeg - time» ),
kõike head (“all the best”, from the word kõik - “everything”).

Slightly less commonly used:

  • nägemiseni - "goodbye" (from the verb nägema - "to see");
  • nägemist - "bye" (a simpler form of nägemiseni, similar to tere / tervist, is suitable when communicating in "you");
  • kohtumiseni - "see you soon" (from the verb kohtuma - "to meet");
  • head päeva - "have a nice day";
  • head õhtut - "have a good evening";
  • head ööd - "good night", "good night" (öö - "night").

Young people in Estonia often use the word "cao" - tšau. When translated into Russian, this also means "bye". It is not used in official addresses and in official speech.

To other words goodbyes The word "Farewell" in Estonian is Hürastijätt(for a specific situation) in Estonian are the following:

  • kuulmiseni - "before the connection", "we will hear";
  • homseni - "see you tomorrow";
  • ülehomseni - "until the day after tomorrow";
  • esmaspäevani esmaspäev - Monday- "till Monday";
  • teisipäevani teisipäev - Tuesday- "until Tuesday";
  • kolmapäevani kolmapäev - Wednesday- "till Wednesday";
  • neljapäevani neljapäev - Thursday- "till Thursday";
  • reedeni reede - Friday- "till Friday";
  • laupäevani laupäev - Saturday- "until Saturday";
  • pühapäevani pühapäev - Sunday- "until Sunday";
  • nädalavahetuseni nädalavahetus - weekend- "untill weekend".

Russian-Estonian phrasebook: how to explain yourself in an unfamiliar country. Popular phrases and expressions for travelers.

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The Estonian language belongs to the Baltic-Finnish branch of the Finno-Ugric family, is official language Estonia and the European Union. The Old Estonian language was formed by the 12-13th centuries as a result of the convergence of two or three dialects, which began to separate from other Baltic-Finnish dialects. The oldest known Estonian texts date back to the 1520s. The creation of the modern literary Estonian language dates back to the 19th century.

Most of the Estonian words are of Finno-Ugric origin, but there are also borrowings from the Germanic and Baltic languages. Examples of Russianisms: aken - window, jaam (from yam) - station, railway station, kiiver (from kiver) - helmet, helmet, lusikas - spoon, niit - thread, nädal - week, pagan (from pagan) - pagan, goblin, raamat (from letter) - book, rist - cross, sirp - sickle, turg (from Old Russian turg) - market, varblane - sparrow, värav - gate, värten - spindle, coil.

Estonian language: first words

Greetings, general expressions

Good morningTere Hommikut
good dayTere päevast
good eveningTere ykhtust
GoodbyeHead aega / Negemist
How are you?Kuidas lyakheb
Thank you, OKTianan, hyasti
thanksTyanan / Aytyan
I do not speak EstonianMa hey ryaegi eesti keelt
What is your name?Kuidas he teie them?
My name is...Minu them he ...
Does anyone here speak Russian?Kas keegi siin ryaegib vene keelt?
I do not understandMa hey caa teist aru
Very niceVyaga meeldiv
Where is the toilet?Cus he siin VeCee?

Numbers and numbers

Twenty oneKakskummend yux
Twenty twoKakskummend kaks


Where is the hotel / cinema / casino nearby?Kus siin laheduses he wanted / cinema / casiino?
Could you write me an address?Kas kirutaksite mulla aadressi?
Do you accept credit cards?Kas krediytkaardiga vyyb?
What time is breakfast served?Ms. Kellast Serveeritax Hommikushook?
I would like to pay offMa soovixin arveldada
I will pay in cashMa maxan sularahas / sulas

For the good of the cause

I like youTe meeldite mulla
Let's meet again?Kohtume veel?
Can I kiss you?Kas tohib sind suudelda?
I love youMa armastan sin
Let's stay friends?Yaeme sypradex
And so that you!Ah sind
The fool himself. Just think, confusedIse loll. Mytlex Wide, Ayas Sazzi / Exis
I don't know about apple cider, but your beer is very tastyHey tea kuydas yunasiyder he, kuid ylu he tail vyaga maitsev
Estonian girls are very beautiful!Eesti tudrukud he vega kenad!
Yes, yes, honey, I'm telling you thisI'm yah armas, ma ryaegin sulle
From Tallinn to Pärnu I have never seen a better girl than youTallinn Pärnuni hey ole nyainud turdukut sellist kui sina
How about a stroll down to a nude beach?Kuydas olex kuy yaalutax nudistide rannas?
And I was not rude at all, I did not know that you were standing around the cornerMa hey olnud ebaviysakas, ma hey teadnud, et te nurga taga seisate
Suggest a nightclub in TallinnSoovitage Tallinn Yoklubi

Shops, restaurants

How much is it?Kuy palyu see maxab?
I will buy thisMa ost selle
Can you write the price?Kas will get the kirutada hinn?
Can you lower the price?Qas get the hinda alandada?
I would like to buy...Ma soovixin remains ...
Very expensiveElm callis
To wrap upYara Pakkida
Keep the changeTagashi pole waya
TipsYootraha (teepee)
Fresh squeezed juiceVyarskelt pressitude mahl
Sugar / saltSucrus / Sool
A fishKala
WaiterEttekandya / waiter
Do you have free tables?Is he tail wabu laudu?
I want to book a tableMa tahan laua broneerida
Check please (invoice)Palun arve
I would like to orderSoovix tellida
What year is the wine?Mies aastakyaigu vein?
What is your signature dish?Teie firmaroad?
Tea coffeeTee / kohv
I do not eat meat!Ma hey seoooo dashing


How much is a ticket to ...?Forge a palyu maxab pilet ...?
Two tickets to ... pleaseKaks pyletit ..., palun
How do I get ...?Kuidas ma yyaksin ...?
Please show on the mapPalun nyidake kaardil
Where can I buy a ticket?Bush ma saaksin osta pyleti?
Can I walk?Kas ma vyksin minna yalgsi?
I'm lostMa eksisin
A carAuto
Please stopPalun Patoust
What's the fare?Kuy palyu maxab out?
Am I going out soon?Ma varsti vialjun?
An airportLenuyam


Fire ServiceTuletyrye teenistus
I have...He passed ...
Emergency exitTagavaravyalyapyas
Emergency exitSluggish accidents
Doctor / PhysicianDoctor / arst

Time, days of the week

ThursdayNel "yapaev
What time is it now?Is he Mies Kell?
A weekNadal

Common phrases







I do not understand

en immyarrya

What is your name?

mikä sinun nimesi?

Mika Sinun Nimesi?

How are you?

kuynka voit?

Where is the toilet?

he missed the sun?

What is the price?

paljonko se maksaa?

palonko se maxaa?

One ticket to ...

iksi linden ...

What time is it now?

Mitya Kello is he?

No smoking

tupakointi kielletty

tupacointi kiellettu

You speak English?

puhutko englanti?

puffy englanti?

Where is?

is he missing?


I need to order a room

minun täytyy varata

minun tyaychu warata

I want to pay my bill

haluan maksaa laskun

haluan maxaa weasel

Room, room

Shop (shopping)

In cash


By card


To wrap up

No change


Very expensive

erittäin kallis

erittyne callis



ligna auto




Please make a stop






An airport


Emergency cases

help me

outtakaa minea

Fire Service






A restaurant

I want to book a table

haluan varata pöydän

Haluan Varata Peydyan

Check please (invoice)

tarkista (tili)

Language in Finland

What is the language in Finland?

Official languages ​​in Finland as many as two: according to a law passed back in 1922, Finnish and Swedish have the same status as official languages.

Today, the country is still dominated by native speakers of the Finnish language - they are the majority among the local population. Only 5.5% of Finns consider Swedish to be their native language, and about 3% of the total share of the other languages. Most Finns in large cities speaks fluent English and, with minimal knowledge of this language, you will not have any communication difficulties in Finland.

Talking about official language Finland one cannot fail to mention the Sami languages, which, although they are not official, have a special status in the country. There are three such languages ​​in total. Those who consider these languages ​​to be native are relatively few - only 6-8 thousand, and most of them live in the Sami region of the country. However, the right of local residents to preserve own languages enshrined in the country's constitution. They teach in many schools and kindergartens in the region.

Take this with you Russian-Finnish phrasebook with pronunciation... On Finnish spoken by over 7 million people. Except Finland, where Finnish phrases is heard everywhere, it is spoken in Norway, Estonia, Sweden and the USA.

Finnish phrasebook

Explore our Russian-Finnish phrasebook and Finnish phrases with typical Finnish punctuality and responsibility. 🙂 Remember that Finnish pronunciation reminds melodiousness, which is probably why it seems to us that the Finns are somewhat slow. Characteristic feature the people of Finland is reliability, reticence and gravity.

Get started Finnish language learning with the help of this Russian-Finnish phrasebook and remember that in words Finnish the stress is mainly on the first syllable.

Finnish phrases





Hei! Hello! Hey!
Näkemiin! Goodbye! Nyakemiin!
Hyvää huomenta! Good morning! Huomenta huomenta!
Hyvää päivää! Good day! Hyuva paivaa!
Hyvää iltaa! Good evening! Hyuvä iltaa!
Hyvää yötä! Goodnight! Hyuvya yyotia!
Kuinka voit? How are you? Kuynka voit?
Hyvää, kiitos. OK, thanks. Hyuvaa, Kyitos


Mikä sinun nimesi on? What is your name? Mika sinun nimesi is he?
Nimeni on ... My name is … Name it ...
Hauska tutustua. Nice to meet you. Hauska tutustua.
Mistä olet kotoisin? Where are you from? Mista Olet Kotoishin?
Olen ... I'm from … Olen ...
Venäjältä Of Russia Venayalta
Moskovasta Moscow Moskovasta

Communication and questions

Voisitteko Te auttaa minua? could you help me? Voisitteko te outtaa mina?
Kyllä. Yes. Küll.
Ei. No. Hey.
Puhutteko ...? Are you saying ...? Puhutteko?
Englantia In English Englantia
Venaja In Russian Venaya
Ymmarratteko minua? Do you understand me? Yummyarryatteke mine?
Kylla, ymmarran. Yes, I understand. Kulla Yummyarryan.
En ymmarra. No, I don’t understand. En yummyarrya.
Voisitteko puhua hitaammin? Would you speak slower, please? Voicitteko puhua hitaammin?
Toistakaa, olkaa hyva. Please repeat. Toystakaa, olkaa hyuvia.
Paljonko se maksaa? What is the price? Palonko se maxaa?
Missa on ...? Where is …? Is he missing?

Expression of gratitude

Kiitos. Thanks. Kyitos.
Pyydän. Please. Pyudyan.
Pahoillaan. Sorry. Pahoyllaan.


Hei, hei Bye Hey hey
Näkemiin! Goodbye Nyakemiin

I wish

Onneksi olkoon! Congratulations! Onexi olkon!
Kaikkea hyvaa teille! Good luck! Kaikia hiava teile!
Hyvää lomaa! Enjoy your stay! Hyuvascrap!

Pronunciation principle Finnish phrases simple enough. At pronunciation of Finnish words vowels sound like this:

  • the Finnish letter "y" is pronounced like the Russian "yu"
  • the Finnish letter "ö" is pronounced like the Russian "ё"
  • the Finnish letter "ä" is pronounced like the Russian "I"

These letters are pronounced without the characteristic short Russian "y" at the beginning when pronouncing, as if melodiously. Double vowels are read longer, like one long sound.

In words and phrases in Finnish you will not hear hissing sounds, they are absent. An interesting feature Finnish is that Finnish pronunciation in the names of some countries of the world, they are pronounced inconsistently. These words sound unexpected, for example Russia (Venäjä) is pronounced Venyaja, Estonia (Viro) - Viro, Germany (Saksa) - Saksa.

For interesting communication while traveling to other foreign countries, use the proposed foreign phrasebooks:

Ours contains the necessary for travel Finnish phrases that you can use in the northern country.

Take this with you Russian-Finnish phrasebook with pronunciation... On Finnish spoken by over 7 million people. Except Finland, where Finnish phrases is heard everywhere, it is spoken in Norway, Estonia, Sweden and the USA.

Finnish phrasebook

Explore our Russian-Finnish phrasebook and Finnish phrases with typical Finnish punctuality and responsibility. 🙂 Remember that Finnish pronunciation reminds melodiousness, which is probably why it seems to us that the Finns are somewhat slow. A characteristic feature of the Finnish people is reliability, reticence and gravity.

Get started Finnish language learning with the help of this Russian-Finnish phrasebook and remember that in words Finnish the stress is mainly on the first syllable.

Finnish phrases





Hei! Hello! Hey!
Näkemiin! Goodbye! Nyakemiin!
Hyvää huomenta! Good morning! Huomenta huomenta!
Hyvää päivää! Good day! Hyuva paivaa!
Hyvää iltaa! Good evening! Hyuvä iltaa!
Hyvää yötä! Goodnight! Hyuvya yyotia!
Kuinka voit? How are you? Kuynka voit?
Hyvää, kiitos. OK, thanks. Hyuvaa, Kyitos


Mikä sinun nimesi on? What is your name? Mika sinun nimesi is he?
Nimeni on ... My name is … Name it ...
Hauska tutustua. Nice to meet you. Hauska tutustua.
Mistä olet kotoisin? Where are you from? Mista Olet Kotoishin?
Olen ... I'm from … Olen ...
Venäjältä Of Russia Venayalta
Moskovasta Moscow Moskovasta

Communication and questions

Voisitteko Te auttaa minua? could you help me? Voisitteko te outtaa mina?
Kyllä. Yes. Küll.
Ei. No. Hey.
Puhutteko ...? Are you saying ...? Puhutteko?
Englantia In English Englantia
Venaja In Russian Venaya
Ymmarratteko minua? Do you understand me? Yummyarryatteke mine?
Kylla, ymmarran. Yes, I understand. Kulla Yummyarryan.
En ymmarra. No, I don’t understand. En yummyarrya.
Voisitteko puhua hitaammin? Would you speak slower, please? Voicitteko puhua hitaammin?
Toistakaa, olkaa hyva. Please repeat. Toystakaa, olkaa hyuvia.
Paljonko se maksaa? What is the price? Palonko se maxaa?
Missa on ...? Where is …? Is he missing?

Expression of gratitude

Kiitos. Thanks. Kyitos.
Pyydän. Please. Pyudyan.
Pahoillaan. Sorry. Pahoyllaan.


Hei, hei Bye Hey hey
Näkemiin! Goodbye Nyakemiin

I wish

Onneksi olkoon! Congratulations! Onexi olkon!
Kaikkea hyvaa teille! Good luck! Kaikia hiava teile!
Hyvää lomaa! Enjoy your stay! Hyuvascrap!

Pronunciation principle Finnish phrases simple enough. At pronunciation of Finnish words vowels sound like this:

  • the Finnish letter "y" is pronounced like the Russian "yu"
  • the Finnish letter "ö" is pronounced like the Russian "ё"
  • the Finnish letter "ä" is pronounced like the Russian "I"

These letters are pronounced without the characteristic short Russian "y" at the beginning when pronouncing, as if melodiously. Double vowels are read longer, like one long sound.

In words and phrases in Finnish you will not hear hissing sounds, they are absent. An interesting feature Finnish is that Finnish pronunciation in the names of some countries of the world, they are pronounced inconsistently. These words sound unexpected, for example Russia (Venäjä) is pronounced Venyaja, Estonia (Viro) - Viro, Germany (Saksa) - Saksa.

For interesting communication while traveling to other foreign countries, use the proposed foreign phrasebooks:

Ours contains the necessary for travel Finnish phrases that you can use in the northern country.

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