Finnish Russian letters. Russian-Finnish phrasebook for tourists (travelers) with pronunciation

Take this russian-Finnish phrasebook with pronunciation. On the finnish language They say more than 7 million people. In addition to Finland, where phrases in Finnish They sound everywhere, they are spoken in Norway, Estonia, Sweden and the United States.

Finnish phrasebook

Learn our russian-Finnish phrasebook and phrases in Finnish With the characteristic of the Finns punctuality and responsibility. 🙂 Remember that finnish pronunciation It looks like singer, probably, so it seems to us that the Finns are somewhat slow. Characteristic feature The People of Finland is reliability, laxity and powerfulness.

Start studying Finnish Language with the help of this russian-Finnish Phony and remember that in words finnish language Emphasis basically falls on the first syllable.

Phrases of the Finnish language





HEI! Hello! Hay!
Näkemiin! Bye! Nykamyin!
Hyvää Huomenta! Good morning! Hubbe Homent!
Hyvää Päivää! Good day! Hyva Paiva!
Hyvää ILTAA! Good evening! Happy ITAA!
Hyvää Yötä! Goodnight! Haushy Ielya!
Kuinka Voit? How are you? Kuinka zoot?
Hyvää, Kiitos. Well thank you. Hyuva, Kiitos


Mikä Sinun Nimesi ON? What is your name? Mika Sinun Nimea he?
Nimeni ON ... My name is … Norn he ...
Hauska Tutustua. Nice to meet you. Hausk Tutustua.
Mistä Olet Kotoisin? Where are you from? Mista Aolet Cotoicin?
Olen ... I'm from … Deer ...
Venäjältä Russia Venayylta
Moskovasta. Moscow Moskomsta

Communication and questions

Voisitteko Te Auttaa Minua? could you help me? DVIITTEKO those outta mina?
Kyllä. Yes. Culla.
EI. Not. Hey.
Puhutteko ...? Do you say ...? Pukhutteteo?
Englantia. In English Englantia
Venaja. In Russian Venya
YMMARRATTEKO MINUA? Do you understand me? Yummyaryttete Mina?
Kylla, ymmarran. Yes, I understand. KĂĽll Yummyaryan.
En ymmarra. No, I do not understand. En Jammy.
Voisitteko Puhua Hitaammin? Would you speak slower, please? Voyitteteo Pukhua Hitammin?
Tistakaa, Olkaa Hyva. Be kind, repeat. Toystaka, Olka Hausch.
Paljonko SE Maksaa? How much is? Palonko CE Maxaa?
Missa ON ...? Where is …? Has he?

Expression of thanks

Kiitos. Thank you. Kiitos.
Pyydän. You are welcome. Pyudyan.
Pahoillaan. Sorry. Pohallaan.


Hei, Hei. Until Hay Haye.
Näkemiin! Bye NiKamyin

I wish

OnNeksi Olkoon! Congratulations! Onexi Olcon!
Kaikkea Hyvaa Teille! Good luck! Kaika Hiava Tayle!
Hyvää Lomaa! Pleasant rest! Hyuva scrap!

Principle of pronunciation phrase of the Finnish language quite simple. For pronunciation of Finnish words The vowels are so:

  • finnish letter "y" is pronounced Russian
  • finnish letter "Ă–" pronounced Russian "Ń‘"
  • finnish letter "Ă„" pronounced Russian "I"

These letters are pronounced without a typical brief Russian "y" at the beginning of pronunciation, as if singered. Double vowels are read longer as one long sound.

In the words I. phrases at Finnish You will not hear hissing sounds, they are missing. An interesting feature finnish language is that pronunciation of Finnish wordsin the names of some countries of the world is not pronounced. These words sound unexpectedly, for example, Russia (Venäjä) pronounced Vienia, Estonia (Viro) - Viro, Germany (Saksa) - Saksa.

For interesting communication on traveling on other countries abroad, take advantage of the proposed foreign phrasers:

Our contains the necessary for travel phrases in Finnishwhich you can use in the northern country.

Finland is a fabulous country with clean nature. A lot of fairy tales are connected with it, but you can relax with benefits or take advantage of sales and profitable discounts at any time of the year. Ignorance of the language - it is this problem that can be on the path of a comfortable stay. So that it does not happen to confusion, you need to learn several elementary phrases in advance or take the Finnish-Russian phrasebook with you (you can take care of both the paper version and online). Sometimes it is important to have a phrasebook with you and in order to show the word in words, because the tourist does not always correctly sound it.

Words for greetings when meeting and wishes a good day.

Words and how they are pronounced:

  • Good day! - Hywa Pyavaa.
  • Good morning! - Hywaa Homent.
  • Good evening! - Hywaa Iltaa.
  • Hi-hey or mine.
  • Hello (Welcome) - Terev.

Farewell to Finnish

Words and pronunciation:

  • While Hayie Hay or Hyppa, or my my, or Mooka.
  • Bye! - Auntin.
  • Goodnight! - Hywaa Yutya.
  • See you soon! - Picaisijing Nikamyin!

General phrases

Knowing these words will help to navigate in the minimum necessary information, read information on signs or explain the elementary things passers-by or ask the necessary, answer the simplest questions.

Words and their pronunciation:

  • How are you? - Enti Tile.
  • How are you? - Mitya Kuulu.
  • Thank you, everything is wonderful! - Kiitos Hurvya.
  • Welcome! - Telvetueloa.
  • My name ... - Nirmy ...
  • My surname .. - Sukifanya he ...
  • What is your name? - Mikya Tadyan Nienna he?
  • His name ... - Hanen Nimena he ...
  • What is your surname? - Mika Teydan Sukunimenne he?
  • Allow me to introduce yourself - Sahanko Esstyuyutyuya.
  • I am glad to meet - Khausk Tutustua.
  • Allow it to present - Sallitececo Easitel Taille.
  • My spouse is Mother.
  • My spouse is Waimoni.
  • What country are you from? - Mirati Maaste?
  • I am from ... - deer ...
  • Finland - Somesta.
  • Russia - Venyayyati.
  • This gentleman is Harra's tame.
  • This lady is a tremetery of Rava.
  • Take my business card - he squeezed Kyyuntikorttini.
  • On a business trip - Tyuymatkale.
  • Moscow - Moscow.
  • Tampere - Tamperell.
  • Turku - Turoussa.
  • Oulu - Olus.
  • Sorry, not in the know - Anthexi Mutta Mina Er Tedy.
  • St. Petersburg - Petarist.
  • Sorry to be late - Antexi Ettya deer Muyuchyasya.
  • Can you help me? - Vocelitko those outta mina.
  • This is a big joy - howl Mitten Hauskaa.
  • I hurry - he passed Kova Kirira.
  • I need to go - I will be reversed.
  • Fortunately - Onnexi.
  • Unfortunately - Valiettavasti.
  • Yes, I say - Culla Pukhun.
  • Yes - Culla.
  • No - hey.
  • Please - Pyudyan.
  • Thank you - Kiitos.
  • Where to find a toilet - he was Missed Sun.
  • One Billet to ... - Ixi Lipa ...
  • Include forbidden - Sexkengyti Kiellett.
  • Where to find ... - He was Missed.

At the hotel

Words will be needed for those who often go to Finland and lives in hotels or hostels. It is important to know the basic words in order to ask about the room, find out its daily price, accommodation conditions and additional conditionswhich can be ordered.

Words and pronunciation:

  • Room - Hawn.
  • Passport - Passy.
  • I need a number - Crawered Varata.
  • How much will cost (price) - Palonko CE Max.
  • I will pay the bill - Haluan Max Laskun.
  • Room with bathroom - Ruum With Bathh.
  • Tips - Wheet.
  • I booked here - Tillacin Huongesiesi.
  • Get an order - Housing Yota.
  • What hotel is worth choosing? - Mitya Hottelly Dvsitte the haute?
  • Are there any rooms cheaper? - Onko Taylla Jotakin Halwempaa.
  • Are there rooms at the hotel? - Onko Teill Vapight Huongeit?
  • Can I have your address? - Antakaa Minleel Osrattenen Olkaa Hyuva.
  • What street was settled on? - Mile Kadulla Te Asutte?
  • Fill the guest map, please! - Olkaa HĂĽvy Ya Pulling Matkustay Akortti.
  • Solarium - Sollaariot.
  • Swimming pool - Uyma Allasta.
  • 1 Local - Juhden.
  • 2 local - Cachden.
  • I would like the number - Halwaysin Hengen Huonen.
  • I would like to stay on a day - Haluaysin Viypuy Villa Yuhden Yong.
  • Give your identity card (passport) - Warzko Garden Passing.

You need to know the most common products or those purchasing whom to foresee. Pay attention to communication between the buyer and the seller in the market and in stores. Although Finnish products are characterized by quality, but asked about its freshness or the presence of instructions, it is worthwhile.

Words and pronunciation:

  • Show me, please me ... - Spenting nyuttya minle ...
  • Thanks that's all. - Hey Muut, Kiitos.
  • Is there a warranty on this? - Onko Takuuta.
  • Are there any instructions? - Onko kyutteochytta?
  • I will take it - Otan Timyan.
  • I don't have little things - I passed Hey Ola to drink Rahaa.
  • Not expensive - Halvalla.
  • Too expensive - Erttyaine Callis.
  • What price? - Palenko Se Max.
  • Cash - Kyatäesel.
  • Check - Schecca.
  • How will you pay? - Mitya Maxtower.
  • Discount - Allenus.
  • Open - avat.
  • Closed - sullett.
  • Apricot - Aprici.
  • Bananas - Banaanitis.
  • Lemon - Sitruun.
  • Grapes - Wihani-Enginelette.
  • Apples - Omnotic.
  • Garlic - Valkosipuli.
  • Onions - shoes.
  • Rice Riisi.
  • Potatoes - Perunat.
  • Chicken meat - Cannes.
  • Milk - Marto.
  • Fish - Cala.
  • Water - weight.
  • Cigarettes - Savuckeuden.
  • Fruits - Misdia.
  • Sweet - Convechti.
  • Something else? - Sakko Olla Muut.
  • How much do you expect? - Quica Painless Rahaa Tayllah he kyutyatyavisya.
  • Shop with bread - Leipamyuyulyhal.
  • Confectionery - contention.
  • Furniture - Huongenut.
  • Shoes - Yalkineset.
  • Sports goods - Urgelutartvikqqquet.
  • Souvenir products - Matthewing.
  • Fabric - CankAat.
  • Vegetables and fruits - Vikhanneksa ya Hedelmint.
  • Package - pacat.
  • Colors - Vyarsen.
  • Forms - Midoisen.
  • Quality - Laatosen.
  • I would like ... - Haluisin.
  • Coffee - Kahvia.
  • Department with meat - Lihaosost.
  • Department with fish - Calaosasto.
  • Cheese - Yuosta.

In a restaurant

Elementary knowledge will help to order a dish you like, asked about the components in it and cost, ask for a check or thank.

  • Waiter - Taroil.
  • You will be free places? - Taulukota Taulukot.
  • I want to place a table - Chalup Varata Padyan.
  • Wine - Viny.
  • Beer - Out.
  • Pepper stuffed - Pipparotes.
  • Pasta - Pasta.
  • Please bring the check - Tarkist.
  • Please accept my order - Khivyuska Cologa Tilarsen.
  • What is the excerpt of wine? - Voshi Vini?
  • What is your corporate dish? - Oman Talon Erikasus?
  • I do not use meat - En Xue Liha.
  • Fried - Piiva.
  • Wailed - Keetty.
  • Grilled - Grilyfult.
  • Salatty salad.
  • Soup - Kateto.
  • Coffee soluble - Pikakii.
  • Everything is perfectly prepared. - Kaikki Olya Hyuvin Maukast.
  • Calculate everything together - Yuchdesa Okaa Haushv.
  • We pay the score separately - Haluaysimme Max Ericseen.
  • Dessert by order, but later - Ilyalkirokaa Tilaammme Muhhemmin.

In public transport

Words that will be useful to those who will use Finnish public transport:

  • Bus - Lunya auto.
  • Machine - Auto.
  • Trolleybus - Yochdina.
  • Taxi - taxi.
  • Airport - Lentozer.
  • Airplane - Lentocon.
  • Train - Yuna.
  • Departure - Lyakhty.
  • Soon my stop - Iion Pian me.
  • What stop? - Mitya Lopet.
  • How much to pay for the passage? - Kuinka Palen Matika.
  • Stop, please - Lopetta.
  • Stop - Seism.
  • Car service - Palvel.
  • One ticket to ... - Ixi Lipa ...
  • Transfer - Waichto.
  • Camera for storage - Tavarasyeile.

Words that can also come in handy:

  • Insurance - Vacuutus.
  • Pharmacy - Pharmacies.
  • Fireman - Palakunta.
  • Fire - Tulia.
  • Police - Police.
  • Fight - Tapell.
  • Burst - Hrukhet.
  • Wamakkuus - stretching.
  • Doctor - Lakyari.
  • Spare (emergency) exit - Varahlofyintien.
  • Ambulance - Sailarankulteus.
  • Hospital - Saryala.

Finnish account from 1 to 10

For account up to ten in Finnish, pronunciations are used:

  • 0 - Zulle.
  • 1 - YUXI.
  • 2 - Katyi.
  • 3 - Cole.
  • 4 - Nheel.
  • 5 - Wise.
  • 6 - Kuupsey.
  • 7 - Saithemian.
  • 8 - Kakhdexane.
  • 9 - Yuhdexane.
  • 10 - Kyummennen

Russia in Finnish, as the Finns call Russian

Russia is Finnish, it is not so familiar as in other languages \u200b\u200bof the world. Russia Finns are called Venäjä. Russian or Russian sounds like Venäläinen. This is a normal neutral appeal.

However, today in Finland you can hear another word denoting Russians - RySSÄ (Ryssä). But this is a derogatory nickname. Currently, the word RyunShi applies to all Russian-speaking in Finland, including not from Russia. Also, Ryumps may be called children from mixed marriages.

The word "Ryople" in Finnish was distributed thanks to the influence of Sweden. In Swedish, the Russian sounds like RYSS (stylistically neutral) and it was precisely dismissive RYSSĂ„ that happened.

General phrases

You are welcome






I do not understand

en Immyrna

What is your name?

mikä Sinun Nimesi?

mika Sinun Nimes?

How are you?

kuinka zoot?

Where is the toilet here?

missed him sun?

How much is?

paljonko SE Maksaa?

palonko CE Maxaa?

One ticket to ...

ixi Lipa ...

What time is it now?

mitya Kello he?

Do not smoke

tupakointi kielletty

tupacoini Kiellettu

Do you speak English?

puhutko englanti?

pukhutko ENGLANTY?

Where is?

has he?


I need to order a room

minun Täytyy Varata.

crawd by Varata

I want to pay the bill

haluan Maksaa Laskun.

haluan Maxa Laskun

Room, room

Store (purchases)





To wrap up

No change


Very expensive

erittäin Kallis.

erttya Kallis



linya Auuto




Please make a stop






The airport


Emergency cases

help me

outtaka Mina

Fire Department






A restaurant

I want to order a table

haluan Varata Pöydän.

haluan Varat Poyidyan

Chek please (account)

tarkist (Tili)

Language in Finland

What language in Finland?

Official languages \u200b\u200bin Finlandtwo are two: according to the law, adopted in 1922, Finnish and Swedish have the same status of state languages.

Today in the country, nevertheless, the carriers of the Finnish language prevail are among their local population. Swedish is considered to be a native only 5.5% of the Finns, and the remaining languages \u200b\u200bin the amount account for about 3%. Most Finns B. major cities It speaks fluently in English and, with minimal possession of this language, you will not have communication difficulties in Finland.

Speaking pro official language Finland It is impossible not to mention the Sami languages, which, although they are not official, but have a special status in the country. Total three languages. Those who consider these languages \u200b\u200brelatively little - only 6-8 thousand, and most of them live in the Saami region. However, the right of local residents to preserve own languages Enchanted in the country's constitution. They are learning in many schools and kindergartens of the region.

Finland - a country attractive to contrasts. Here you can admire northern Siagia, White nights, thousands of lakes, idyllic rustic landscapes and views of modern cities. Fine forests with pearls of blue lakes and islets of almost puppet little farthers and villages. Helsinki is a completely modern European city with all put attributes. The Russian-Finnish phrasebook will come in handy travelers or businessmen if they are going ...

Phrasebook for travel

Finland - a country attractive to contrasts. Here you can admire the northern shine, white nights, thousands of lakes, idyllic rustic landscapes and views of modern cities. Fine forests with pearls of blue lakes and islets of almost puppet little farthers and villages. Helsinki is a completely modern European city with all put attributes. The Russian-Finnish phrasebook will come in handy travelers or businessmen if they are going to visit calm Finland. We collected the most consumed finnish words And expressions with pronunciation to make your stay in Finland as comfortable as possible.

See also "", with which you can translate to Finnish (or vice versa) any word or suggestion.

General phrases

Phrase in russian Transfer Pronunciation
Yes kyllä Culla
Not eI Hey
Thank you kiitos. Kiitos.
You are welcome pyydän. Pyudyan.
sorry pahoillaan. Pahoolean
Hello hei. Haye
Bye näkemiin. NiKamyin
Until sillä Aikaa. Silly Aikaa
Good morning hyvää Huomenta. Humble Homent
good evening hyvää ILTAA. Humble ITAA
Good night hyvää Yötä Humble Ielya
I do not understand eN YMMMĂ„RRĂ„. En Immyrna
What is your name mikä Sinun Nimesi. Mika Sinun Nimesi
Very nice iLO. Ilo
How are you kuinka Voit. Kuinka Light
Okay oK. OK
So-so niin Ja Näin. NIIN I NYAIN
Where is the toilet here missä on WC. He was Missed Sun
How much does the ticket cost? paljonko Lippu Maksaa? Palonko Lippa Maxaa?
One ticket To yksi Lippu. Ixi Lippa
Where do you live? missä ASUT? Missed asut?
What time is it now? mitä kello ON? Mitya Kello he?
Do not smoke no Smoking But tuxedo
ENTRANCE Entrance. Entrane
OUTPUT Peruuttaminen. Peruutitamine
no entry sisäänkäynti kielletty Sexkengyti cyielletu
Are you talking in English (in French, German, in Spanish)? puhutko Englanti (Ranskaksi, Saksaksi, Espanjaksi)? Pukhutko Eneglanti (Ranskaxix, Saksaka, Espanyaxi)?
Where is?.. missä ON? .. Has he? ..
One ticket to ... please yksi Lippu ... kiitos Ixi Lippa ... Kiitos
Well i buy it no, Voin Ostaa Sen But, the wars remain sen
What it is? mikä SE ON? Mika he?



Phrase in russian Transfer Pronunciation
How much is paljonko Se Maksaa. Palonko CE Maxaa
Cash käteisellä Kyatäesella
Non-cash vastiketta Kuin Rahaa. VASTIQETTE CITY RAKHAA
Chekch shekki. Shchecca
What method of payment mitä Maksutapaa. Mitya Maxutapa
Cigarettes savukkeiden. Savuckeyden
Bread leipä Leipy
Products tuotteet. Towette
To wrap up pakkaus. Pakkaus
No change no Date. But the date
Tip vihjeet. Vikhiet
Water vesi Weave
Fresh squeezed juice tuoretta Mehua. Torette Mekhua
Sugar / Sol. sOKERI / SUOLA. Sockeria / Suo.
Milk maito. Mito
A fish kala. Cala
Meat liha. Likha
Hen kana. Ditch
Mutton lampaanliha. Lampanlich
Beef naudanliha. Naudlich
Peppers / seasoning pippuria / Mauste. Pippuria / Mauthe.
Potatoes perunat Perunat
Fig riisi. RIIS
Lentil linssi. Linssy
Onion sipuli. Sipuli.
Garlic valkosipuli. Valkosipuli
Sweets konvehti. Convechti
Fruits hedelmä Mongum
Apples oMENAT. Omnaith
Grapes viinirypäleet. Viinirupylet.
Strawberry mansikka. Mansicca
Oranges appelsiinit. Appluxing
Mandarin mandariini. Mandars
Lemon sitruuna. Sitruuna
Garnet granaatti. Granateti
Bananas banaanit. Banaanitis
Peach persikat. Persikat
Apricot aprikoosi. APRICO
Mango mango. Mango
Open avata. Avata.
Closed suljettu. Sultytu
Discount alennus. Alennus
Very expensive erittäin Kallis. Erttya Kallis
Cheap halvalla Halvalla


Phrase in russian Transfer Pronunciation
Bus linja-AUTO. Linya Auuto
Trolleybus johdinauto. Yochdina
A car aUTO. AUTO
Taxi taksi. Taxi
Parking pysäköinti. Psyucherenti.
Car service palvelu Palvelu
Stop seis Seismic
Please stop lopettaa. Lopetta
What's the fare? kuinka Paljon Matka? Kuinka Faumeal Patter?
What stop? lopeta Mitä? Lopet Mitya?
I will soon go out aion Pian Mennä Iion Pian Menna
Departure lähtö. Lyakhteu
A train juna. Yuna
Plane lentokone Lentokon
The airport lentokenttä Lentozer

Emergency cases

A restaurant

Phrase in russian Transfer Pronunciation
Waiter tarjoilija. Tariosali
You have free tables olet Vapaa Taulukot. Thalukot Vapaa Taulukot
I want to order a table haluan Varata Pöydän. Haluan Varat Poyidyan
Chek please (account) tarkista (Tili) Tarkist (Tili)
Please accept my order hyväksy Minun Tilaukseni. Hyvychyaku Mound Tila Asen.
What year wine vuosi Viini. Voi Viini
Your corporate dish oman Talon Erikoisuus. Oman Talon Erikasus
Tea coffee teetä / Kahvia. Aunt / Kahvia
Instant coffee pikakahvi. Pikakii.
Soup keitto. Kateto
Olives oliivi. Olivi.
Salad salaatti. Salaatti.
Milled grillattu. Grilyfultu
Fried paisti. Paisy
Boiled keitetty. Keettyu
I do not eat meat! eN SYĂ– LIHAA! En Syu Likhaa!
Vermicelli vermiselli. Vermicelli
Pasta pasta. Paste
Stuffed pepper täytetyt Paprikat. Pipparatta
Sandwich voileipä Walip
Cheese / sour cream (sour) jUUSTO / KERMA (HAPAN) Justo / Kerma (Hanpan)
Beer olut. Out
Wine viini. Viinie

Traveling in Finland, this is the best holiday for those who believe in fairy tales. Here everything reminds the pages of favorite children's stories: Mumina-Trol, and the Snow Queen, as well as many others. Winter holidays are great here. You can visit beautiful ski resorts, stroll through wonderful cities Finland, get acquainted with the traditions and customs of this wonderful country. All you can prevent you from relaxing, or will cause discomfort, it the language barrier. To avoid confusion associated with incorrect translation Some words and phrases, we created a wonderful site, on which there are all sorts of phrases, one of which is Russian-Finnish. Such a phrasebook you can easily download, print directly from the site and, of course, watch online.

The Russian-Finnish Phrasebook will become an indispensable assistant and a personal translator for traveling. Thanks to him, any conversation in Finnish, for you will be as clear as in Russian. The biggest advantage is that this translator does not need to pay, any of the converters presented on our website, inclusive with the Russian-Finnish, are completely free.


Standard phrases

Phrase in russianTransferPronunciation
How are you?Mita Kuuluu?mitya Kululuu
How are you?Enta Teille?enti Taylle
How do you?Enta sinulle?enti Sijanul
Thank you, fineKiitos, Hyvaa.kiitos HĂĽvia
My name is…Nimeni ON ...nIMI ON.
My surname…Sukunimeni ON ...sUKUNERY ON.
What is your name?Mika Teidan Nimenne ON?mika Teydan Nimene he
What's your last name?Mika Teidan Sukunimenne ON?mika Teydan Sukunimenne he
His name is …HANEN NIMENSA ON ...hanen Nimena O.
Let me introduceSaanko Esittaytya?sahanko Esstyatyuya
Nice to meet youHauska Tutustua.hausk Tutastua
Let me introduce youSaanko Esitella Teille ...?sahanko Esitelle Taylle
Let me presentSallitteko esitella teille ...?sallitteteco Esitelle Taille
my husbandMieheni.mikey
my wifevaimoni.waimoni.
my friendystavani.justian
my friendyustavatTareni.justyattearni.
What country are you from?Mista Maasta Olette (Kotoisin)?mirati Maasta, Molety (Kotoysh)
I'm from…Olen (Saapunut) ...deer (Saipunut)
This is a lord ...Tama On Herra ...had he island
This is Mrs. ...Tama On Rouva ...time he row
This is my business cardTassa On Kayntikorttini.he is Kyyuntikorttini
I wanted to meet youHaluaisin Tutustua Teihin.haluaysin Tutu-stua Tayikhin
I cameTulin ...tULIN
as a representative of the companyfirman Edustajana.firman Edustayan.
on a business triptyomatkalletyuumatkalle
like a touristturistina.tourist Republic
What city are you from?Mista Kauupungista Olette?miratina Kaupun-Hist of the South
I'm from…Olen ...olen.
St. PetersburgPietarista.petarette
I have friends in ...MINULLA ON YSTAVIA ...he minued Justavia
Sorry, I do not knowAnteeksi, Mutta Mina En Tiedaannexi Mutta Mina Er Tedy
Sorry for lateAnteeksi, Etta Olen Myohassaannexi Ettya deer Muyhyasya
Nothing wrongEI SE MITAANhey Mityan
could you help me?Voisitteko Te Auttaa Minua?voyitteteko those outtaa mina
Of course nowHetkinen, Olkaa Hyvahatkinen Okaa Hyvi
I'm here for the first timeMINA OLEN TAALLA ENSIMMAISTA KERTAAmina Deer Tyalyl Ensimmyist Kertaa
Truth?IHANKO TOTTA?iganko Totta
Can we negotiate two?Sopiiko Kello Kaksi?sopico Kello Kaky.
Yes it suitsKylla Se Sopii.culla Ce Sopia
Unfortunately I can notValitetTavasti Se Ei Sovivalitttavasti SE Ey Owl
Yes it suitsJoo, Sovittu.joo Sovitut
I hope sotoivottavasti.toyVottavasti
What a joy!Voi Miten Hauskaa!howl Mitten Hauscaa
What a luck!Kyllapa ONNISTI!cĂĽlllight Onnishi
I am very hurryMINULLA ON KOVA KIIREhe was minued Kova Kirira
I have to goMinun Taytyy Menna.caught up with Menna
I'm not quite healthy todayEN OLE TANAAN OIKEIN TERVEen Ole Tyassayan Okain Terev
Are you Finn / Russian?Oletteko Suomalainen / Venalainen?yAOTEKO SUMALYINEN / VENAYNENEN
I am GermanOlen Saksalainen.olen Saksalash
I am not FinnEn Ole Suomalainen.en Ole Suomylenylene
Do you say ...?Puhutteko ...?pukhutteteo ...?
in Finnishsuomea.somome
in Swedishruotsia.rotxia
in Germansaksaa.saksaa
in Englishenglantia.englantia
in Russianvenaja.venya
Yes i sayKylla, Puhun.kĂĽll, Pukhun.
good enoughmelko Hyvin.melko Hyuvin
I study FinnishOpiskelen Suomea.oblase Suomea
Do you understand me?YMMARRATTEKO MINUA?yummyaryttete Mini.
Yes, I understandKylla, ymmarrankĂĽll Yummyaryan
No, I do not understandEn ymmarraen Yummyar
You say too fastPuhutte Liian Nopeasti.pukhutte Liian Nopeasti
Would you speak slower, please?Voisitteko Puhua Hitaammin?dVIITTEKO Pukhua Hitammin
Be kind, repeatTistakaa, Olkaa Hyvatoystaka, OKAA
Sorry, but I do not speak FinnishAnteeksi, Mutta Mina En Puhu Suomeaannexi Mutta Mina En Puhu Suomea
Do you speak English?Puhutteko Te Englantia?pukhutteteo those Engentia?
What, sorry?ANTEEKSI, KUINKA?annexi Cyanka?
Could you repeat?Voisitteko Tistaa?voizitteteo Toystaa?
I'm sorry but I do not understandAnteeksi, Mutta Mina En Ymmarraannexi Mutta Mina En Yummyra
You understand?Ymmarratko sina?yummyarytkё Sinya
Yes, I understandKylla, Mina YmmarrankĂĽll Mina Yummyaryan
No I do not understandEI, MINA EN YMMARRAhey Mina En Yummyar
You know?Tiedatko Sina?tedyatkoy blue
I dont knowMina en Tieda.mina En Tedy
Could you not translate ...?VOISITTEKO KAANTAA ...?dVIITTEKO KYANYANYA
this wordtaman Sanan.timan Sanan.
this is a sentencetaman Lauseen.trimyan Lausien
How to pronounce this word?Miten Tama Sana Lausutaan?mitten Tame Sana Lausutan
What does this word mean?MITA SE TARKOITTAA?mitya Se Tarkittaaa
Thank you, I understood)Kiitos, ymmarsin.kiitos Yummyransin

At the hotel

Phrase in russianTransferPronunciation
What hotel would you recommend?Mita Hotellia Voisitte Suositella?mitya Wednessed Dvositte a hateler?
Is it near the center?Onko SE Lahella Keskustaa?onko Sea Lyhyel Keskusta?
How much time cost?Paljonko Tama Huone Maksaa Vuorokaudelta?paloyenko Tarmerary Huon Maxa ViorokaaeduTel?
Is there anything cheaper?Onko TEILLA Jotakin Halvempaa?onko Tayl Yotakin Halvempaa?
Could you book a room for me?Voitteko Varata Minulle Huoneen?voitteko Varata Minleel Huleneen?
Do you have available roomsOnko Teilla Vapaita Huoneita?onko Teill Vapight Huongeit?
Sorry, but no placesAnteeksi, Mutta Hotelli on Taynnaannexi Mutta wanted he Tryunny
Is there another hotel nearby?Onko Lahella Tista Hotellia?onko Lyhyel Toysta wanted?
I would like a room with ...Haluaisin Huoneen Jossa ON ...halwaysin Huonen Joss he
I would like the numberHaluaisin ... Hengen Huoneenhaluaysin Hengen Huonen.
Is there an air conditioner in the room?Onko Huonessa ilmastointilaite?onko Huongesta Ischestylate?
Is there a hotel ...?ONKO HOTELLISSA ...?onko likely?
pooluima-allasta.uyma Allasta
cable TVkaapeli TV.caepelli te-ve
I would like to stay for another nightHaluaisin Viipya Viela Yhden Yonhalwaysin Viypuya Villa Yuhden Yong
Can your passport?VOINKO SAADA PASSINNE?warco Saad Passinne?
Fill the guest card, pleaseOlkaa Hyva Ja Tayttakaa Matkustaj Akorttiokaa HĂĽvya Ya Pulling Matkustay Akortti
Where did you stop?Minne Te Majoituitte?minna those Mayitutite?
What street do you live on?Milla Kadulla those asutte?mill Kadulla Te Asutte?
I live on the street…Asun ... kadullaasun ... Kadulla
I live on Gorky StreetASUN GORKIKADULLA.asun Gorkykadulla
Please give me your addressAntakaa Minulle Osoitteenne, Olkaa Hyvaantakaa Minill Osrattenen, Okaa Hyva
I constantly live in HelsinkiMina Asun Helsingissa VakituiseSestimina Asun Helucingissa Vakituyissti

Walk in the city


Phrase in russianTransferPronunciation
Fire Departmentpalokunta.palkunt
I have…olen ...deer ...
Spare out varahlofinteien
Emergency exit varahlofinteien
Pharmacy pipes
insurance policyvakuutus.vacuutus


Phrase in russianTransferPronunciation
0 zeronollanolla
1 oneyksi.yuksi.
2 twokaksi.caty
3 threekolmecolme
4 fourneljänelia
5 fiveviisi.wise
6 sixkuusi.kuusi.
7 seven.seitsemän.saithereyan.
8 eightkahdeksan.kahdexan
9 nineyhdeksän.yuhdeksyan
10 tenkymmenen.kyummenen
20 twentykaksikymmentälikethemy
30 thirtykolmekymmentäkolmekymmatya
40 hundredneljäkymmentäneliacumMenta
100 hundredsATA.sata.
135 one hundred thirty fivesatakolmekymmentäviisi.sata Kolmekyumman Wise
200 two hundredkaksisataa.kati Sataa
300 three hundredkolmesataa.colme Sataa
1000 thousandtuhat.tukhat.

Seasons and dates

Phrase in russianTransferPronunciation
What time is it now? pal'onko Call he?
Day paila
A week viko
Month kuukausi
Year voi
spring cEVAT.
summer cESA
fall suxury
winter talvi
today tanyayan
yesterday eilen
tomorrow khomenna
day before yesterday tOURSAPYAYAYA
day after tomorrow yulihomenna
Now chit
soon pian
now nyut
in the morning aaamulla
day pyozyllya
in the evening illarla
at night yulel
mENT hatkinen
i have no time mINOUT EI OLE AIKAA
i'm ready olen Valmis

In the shop

Phrase in russianTransferPronunciation
swap meetkirppTori.kirputeri.
sporting goodsurheilutarvikkeita.urgeilutar Vickeita
department storetavaratalo.tavaratal
fruits and vegetableshEDELMIA JA VIHANNEKSIAhelelmia ya Vikhanneksia
When is open?MILLOIN ON AVUNNA?millina he Avunna
where is …?Missa ON ...?bowned
shop diagramkauppakaava.kaouppackava
Could you help me?Voitteko Auttaa Minua?wordtote Aymmaa Mini.
I'm looking for …MINA Etsin ...mina Etshin
Could you show me ...?Voitteko Nayttaa Minulle ...?spenting nyuttya minill
How much does it cost?Paljonko SE Maksaa?palindo CE Maxaa
It's all?Onko Tama Kaikki?onko tame kaikki
Anything else?Saako Olla Muuta?sahanko Olla Muuta
Nothing more, thank youEi Muuta, Kiitoshey Muut Kiitos
I wanted something not very expensiveHaluaisin Jotakin Ei Kovin Kallistahaluaisin Jotakin Hey Covina Callista
What / which is ... Do you want?Minka ... Haluaisitte?mincia ... Halueisitte
What amount do you have?Kuinka Paljon Rahaa Teilla on Kaytettavissa?cocking Palon Rahaa Tayl he cited
Is there a warranty?ONKO TAKUUTA?onko Takuuta
Is there an instruction?Onko Kayttohjetta?onko Kyutteooletta
It's not exactly what i would likeSE EI Ole Aivan Sellainen Kuin Haluaisinxi Hey Ole Avan Sellylainen Queen Haluaisin
It is very expensiveSE ON LIIAN KALLISbes he Lian Kallis
I take thisOtan Taman.otan Tsyyan
Where can I pay?Minne Voi Maksaa?minne Howl Maxaa?
I'm crying …Maksan ...maxan ...
by credit cardluottokortilla.lottokortlla
I have no minor moneyMINULLA EI OLE PIENTA RAHAApassed hey ole drink Rahaa
Can I check?Saanko Kuitin?sahanko Quitinta
Please give rye breadSaisinko Ruisleipaa.sisshko Ruisley Piece
I would like to …Haluaisin ...haluaisin
grams of sausagegrammaa Makkaraa.grammaa McKaraa
Please…Saisinko ...sisinko
a carton of milkmaitotolkin.maitotelkin
kilogram sugarkilon Sokeria.kilon Sockeria
Where is?..Missa ON ...?bowned
meat sectionlihaosasto.likhaosost
fish Departmentkalaosasto.kalaosost
How much is a kilogram ...?Paljonko Maksaa Kilo ...?palitone Maxa Kilo

The phrasebook consists of several important topicsin which all the necessary phrases and words are collected, for communicating with the local population of Finland:

General phrases - The topic, the words of which will help you read any sign, explain who you are and from where, to ask where the institution you are interested in. And also here are simple words Type: Yes, no, please, thanks, etc.

Hotel - All phrases that will help you, settled in the hotel, explain what you need a room, find out the cost of rooms and a list of services that hotel offers.

Store (purchases) - If you decide to make purchases in the store, this topic will help you in acquiring the necessary goods. There is a list of the busiest and common goods, and other phrases that will be needed in the store and on the market.

Transport - With the help of these words you can clarify where the bus parking, car service, parking lot and much more, which is associated with motor vehicles.

Emergency cases - the vital topic, here are collected by phrases and words that will help you call an ambulance, police, fire service, and also tell passersby that you feel bad, or call the police and report a robbery, fight, etc. .

A restaurant - Thanks to this topic, you can easily order in the restaurant any dish, to suggest a waiter, find out what a dish about what it consists, ask to ask you to bring to you and so on.

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