What are poured acid into the water or vice versa. Improper mixing of concentrated sulfuric acid with water (as it looks like in practice)

How to mix two liquid substances? For example, any acid and water? It would seem that this task from the series "Twice two to four". What could be easier: merge two liquids together, in some suitable capacity, and all things! Or pour one liquid into the container where the other is already located. Alas, this is the most simplicity that, by the Popular expression, worse than theft. Because the case can end extremely sad!


There are two containers, one of them contains concentrated sulfuric acid, in the other - water. How to mix them correctly? Pour acid into water or, on the contrary, water in acid? The price of incorrect decision in theory can be a low assessment, and in practice - at best, strong burns.

Why? And because concentrated sulfuric acid, firstly, much more densely water, and secondly, extremely hygroscopic. In other words, it actively absorbs water. Thirdly, this absorption is accompanied by the release of a large amount of heat.

If the water is started in a container with concentrated sulfuric acid, the first portions of water "spread" along the surface of the acid (as water is much less dense), and the acid will begin to greedily absorb it, highlighting heat. And this heat will be so much that the water literally will "boil" and splashes in all directions. Naturally, not by passing the unlucky experimenter. He is not very pleasant to burn and "clean" boiling water, and if we consider that in water splashes will probably be another acid. The prospect becomes quite unbearable!

That is why many generations of chemist teachers forced their students literally to join the rule: "First, water, then - acid! Otherwise there will be a big trouble! " Concentrated sulfuric acid should be added to water, small portions, with stirring. Then the above-described unpleasant situation will not happen.

A reasonable question: with sulfuric acid clear, but what about other acids? How to mix them with water? In what order? It is necessary to know the density of acid. If it is denser of water, for example, concentrated nitrogen, its exactly, as sulfur, should be thrown into water, observing the above conditions (gradually, with stirring). Well, and if the acid density is very slightly different from the density of water, as in the case of acetic acid, there is no difference.

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How to mix two liquid substances? For example, any acid and water? It would seem that this task from the series "Twice two to four". What could be easier: merge two liquids together, in some suitable capacity, and all things! Or pour one liquid into the container where the other is already located. Alas, this is the most simplicity that, by the Popular expression, worse than theft. Because the case can end extremely sad!


There are two tanks, in one of them contained a concentrated sulfuric acid, to the other - water. How to mix them correctly? Pour acid into water or, on the contrary, water in acid? The price of incorrect decision in theory can be a low assessment, and in practice - at best, strong burns.

Why? And because concentrated sulfuric acid, firstly, much more densely water, and secondly, extremely hygroscopic. In other words, it actively absorbs water. Thirdly, this absorption is accompanied by the release of a large amount of heat.

If the water is started in a container with concentrated sulfuric acid, the first portions of water "spread" along the surface of the acid (as water is much less dense), and the acid will begin to greedily absorb it, highlighting heat. And this heat will be so much that the water literally will "boil" and splashes in all directions. Naturally, not by passing the unlucky experimenter. He is not very pleasant to burn and "clean" boiling water, and if we consider that in water splashes will probably be another acid. The prospect becomes quite unbearable!

That is why many generations of chemist teachers forced their students literally to join the rule: "First, water, then - acid! Otherwise there will be a big trouble! " Concentrated sulfuric acid should be added to water, small portions, with stirring. Then the above-described unpleasant situation will not happen.

A reasonable question: with sulfuric acid clear, but what about other acids? How to mix them with water? In what order? It is necessary to know the density of acid. If it is denser of water, for example, concentrated nitrogen, its exactly, as sulfur, should be thrown into water, observing the above conditions (gradually, with stirring). Well, if the acid density is very slightly different from the density of water, as in the case of acetic acid, there is no difference.

In the section on the question of what will happen if the acid is pouring into the water, and on the contrary if the water in the acid specified by the author Profile removed The best answer is It is necessary to pour sulfuric acid into the water then everything will be OK.
And if on the contrary ... then at least it will break the test tube, but as a maximum - it will hurt you when it starts to splash and burn you.
water is lighter than sulfuric acid. The melting point is 10.37 ° C with the heat of melting 10.5 kJ / mol. It's a lot. - If you pour water into sulfuric acid, then water will boil during the infusion process and starts splashing.

Answer from Deminov Anatoly[guru]
Begins to boil and splash ...

Answer from electric welder[guru]
reaction))) But when pouring water into acid, it is better not to stand closely and not to inhale and eyes do not be covered there .... marked with pea

Answer from Neurosis[guru]
i heard such an acid expression goes to visit ...

Answer from Spicy[guru]
a weak solution of acid or water ... \u003d))

Answer from Їertchille[guru]
The second can only be performed in the jumpsuit of the chemical protection.

Answer from Anatoly underlet[guru]
In the first case, the acid is heavier and immediately goes to the bottom it remains only to prevent and will be elegant! And in the second case, lightweight water will start sprinkling and raising his eyes if there are no glasses !!

Answer from ****** [guru]
Whether you walken - or on the contrary! Water in acid - it is impossible categorically! Emission in the form of splashes - Eyes - Face - Love burns - Loss of beauty - Disabled in dullness !!

Answer from Mikhail Barmin[guru]
Dissociation (dissolution occurs with the release of a large amount of heat. On to pour a substance with a greater density in a substance with less density, which will lead to better stirring and lower speed, otherwise the solution and eye damage is!

Answer from Ira Yushinov[newcomer]
Looking at what acid. In the case of nitric and salt, nothing terrible will happen, the acids are simply warm. Salt is heated stronger. In the case of a sulfur, the reaction will go with high heat release. In the first case, sulfuric acid drops to the bottom, so the water has a smaller density and the reaction will pass safely. In the second case, the reaction will pass on the surface with high heat release. The similar occurs when the water drop on a hot frying pan. But in the end, the acid will absorb water.

You remember that rule securitytold by school lessons Chemistry?

I thought the day, and What will happen to Germany and her "svules" When injection into this country concentrated flow of Islamists?

What do you think will work out solution or explosion?!

Perhaps you ask, and who are the German "svuly"?

Listen to the story of this girl:

According to the Germans themselves, the number SCOULA in Germany has long passed for million man!

In 2001, 14 years ago, the German government and the church refucked homosexual marriages. As a result, in Germany more than 400 thousand only officially registered same-sex marriage.

The growth of male homosexuality is directly proportional to the growth of emancipation.

This is Germany, the XXI century.

German society is imposed another myth and stereotype. Today, German society is a society of social amnesia. It is characterized by a bad adherence of orders and installations, indifference of the individual, a couple of couples with uniformism and spiritual enslavement. As well as a sharp difference in the spiritual climate (today there are still people who remember how the homosexuals were planted in KZ). And this is the submissive and thoughtless state of a man "Mass" made it easy prey to demagogue and prejudice.

Declaration of universal equality, democracy does not tolerate diversity, if we are not talking about homosexuals, transsexuals and travelers. They are allowed "Flowering multiplicity", and the rest of humanely will enjoy the pillow of political correctness. On homosexuality today in Germany, a standard neurophysiological reaction, as well as on all orders, that descend from above.

It is ordered to love - love. Seventy years ago ordered not to love - unloved.

Homosexuality in Germany became a marginal phenomenon of public life. In the atmosphere of permissiveness, it turned into a pandemic.

The institution of the family collapsed under the joint Natius of homosexuals, feminists and atheists. Morality and tradition squeezed in marginesis.

Not only in Germany, but in other countries of the world, the signs of total pain.

Mankind is increasingly moving away from the norm that Erich Fromm called "Healthy". The signs of such a lifetime are the increasing alienation between people, the strengthening of egocentrism, relativitation and destruction of traditional moral and ethical values, increasing chaoticness of life, hedonism and mercantilism. A source.

It was one side of the medalAnd this is different. It is called "Infusion of concentrated flux of Muslims to Germany":

And if newly arrived Muslims That's how it is possible to do with the German police, I can't even imagine myself, what will they have a reaction to the German "SCOULA"!

But those and others equally priges and regained Government of New Germany!

In my opinion, such "Care" About the German nation from the Chancellor of Germany Angels Merkel, this is an order of magnitude to the idea, than someone's idea to bring together the Fighters of the Airborne Forces and St. Petersburg gays in Russia!

What do you think, friends, can Muslims cure Geido and Germany from sodomy?

Anecdote in the theme from Vladimir Wolfovich:

ABOUT laptops in the morning of Stirlitz went to Muller. The mood of that was gloomy clouds.
- Mr. Grupenfür, what happened? Russians already in the suburbs of Berlin?
- Stirlitz, throw your stupid jokes! I dreamed horrible dream - Germany 2015!
- And what, everything is so bad there?
- Not that word! Imagine, in Germany, the Chancellor - Baba, the Minister of Foreign Affairs - Pederaist, on the Tammler-Benz factories work Turks, Germany pays for the debts of the Greeks and Spaniards, instead of the torch processions - Gay Parada, we pay money to the Jews and carry out the negro commands from America!

When mixing concentrated sulfuric acid and water, a lot of heat is highlighted. For a chemist, this fact is very important because both in the laboratory and in industry often have to prepare diluted solutions of sulfuric acid. To do this, it is necessary to mix concentrated sulfuric acid with water - not always, but often.

How to mix concentrated sulfuric acid and water?

In all textbooks and workshops strongly recommend pour sulfur (fine trickle and with good stirring) - and not the opposite: it is impossible to pour water into concentrated sulfuric acid!

Why? Sulfuric acid is heavier than water.

If pouring an acid with a thin flowing into the water, then the acid drops to the bottom. The heat that is highlighted during mixing, it will disseminate - it will heat the entire mass of the solution, because over the acid layer that fell to the bottom of the vessel, is located a large number of water.

Heat dispels, the solution is heated - and nothing bad will happen, especially if, in the process of adding acid to water, the liquid is well mixed.

And what will happen if you do wrong - Add water to concentrated sulfuric acid? When the first portions of water fall into sulfuric acid, they will remain on the surface (since water is lighter than concentrated sulfuric acid). Stand out lot warmth that will go to heat small number water.

Water will scribe sharply, the resulting spray of sulfuric acid will fly and a caustic aerosol is formed. The effect may be approximately such as when the water is added to the hot oil pan with oil. Surround splashes can get into the eyes, on skin and clothing. The sulfuric acid aerosol is not only very unpleasant when inhalation, but also is dangerous for the lungs.

If the glass is not heat-resistant - the vessel can crack.

In order for this rule to be easier to remember, special rhymes are invented:

"First, water, and then acid - otherwise a big trouble happens!".

Special phrases for memorization are also used - "Memes", for example:

"Tea with lemon".

Books are good, but decided to shoot, as the result of the wrong mixing of concentrated sulfuric acid and water in practice looks like.

Of course, with all precautionary measures: ranging from protective glasses, ending with small amounts of substances.

He spent several experiments - I tried to mix sulfuric acid with water (and right, and incorrectly). In both cases, only strong heating was observed. And boiling, splashing, and did not happen.

For example, we will describe one of the experiments carried out in the test tube. Concentrated sulfuric acid took 20 ml, water 5 ml. Both room temperature fluids.

Began to add water to sulfic acid. Water boiled only at the moment when the first portions of water rushes to acid. New portions of water repaired boiling. The caustic aerosol flew (I was not ready for this, I had to move for a few seconds). I tried to mix the aluminum wire (what was at hand). Effect zero. Measured the temperature to the thermometer. It turned out 80 degrees Celsius. The experiment was hardly hardly.

The new experiment spent in the flask: so that the surface of the contact of two liquids was maximum (this will provide a sharper heat release), and the thickness of the water layer over sulfuric acid is minimal. Water added not all immediately, but in small portions (so that the heat goes to boil water, and not to heat the entire mass of water).

So, about 10-15 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid poured into the conical flask. Water used about 10 ml.

While it was preparing for the experience, the acid under the scorching sun was warmed up to 36-37 degrees (which degrees are 20 higher than the initial acid temperature last experience). Water in the test tube also burned slightly, but not so much. I think it played a big role in the success of the experience.

When adding the main portion of water in sulfuric acid, splashes and caustic aerosol were shot. Fortunately, they were demolished by the wind, who blew on my part, so I did not even feel anything.

As a result, the temperature in the tube rose above 100 degrees!

What conclusions can be made? If you break the rule that it is impossible to add water to concentrated sulfuric acid The splashing is not always happening, but it is possible - especially when water and acid are warm. Especially - if you add water slowly, small portions and in wide dishes.

When working with large amounts of water and acid, the probability of sharp heating and splashing increases (I remind you: we took only a few milliliters).

Experience that demonstrates that it is impossible to add water to concentrated sulfuric acid , Described in the workshop of the authors Rippan and Chetyan.

I will give a quote:

If you pour water into concentrated sulfuric acid, then the first droplets of the water that fell into it is instantly turned into pairs and splashes of liquid fly from the vessel. This is due to the fact that water, having a small specific weight, is not immersed in acid, and the acid due to low heat capacity does not absorb the heated heat. When insulating hot water, a stronger spraying of sulfuric acid is observed.

Experience. Water mixing with concentrated H 2 SO 4. A cup with concentrated sulfuric acid put on the bottom of a large glass, covered with funnel. Warm water is poured with a pipette (Fig. 161). When the hot water is infused, the inner walls of a large glass and funnel are instantly covered with liquid splashes.

Fig. 161.

Behind the absence of a glass funnel, you can use the cardboard, inside which is injected with water pipette.

If in a glass with water to stick to a drop or thin jet concentrated sulfuric acid, then you can see how heavier sulfuric acid is lowered to the bottom of the glass.

When mixing, concentrated H 2 SO 4 with ice can be simultaneously observed two phenomena: hydration of acid, accompanied by heat release, and melting ice accompanied by heat absorption. Therefore, as a result of mixing, it is possible to observe either an increase or a decrease in temperature. So, when mixing 1 kg of ice with 4 kg of acid, the temperature rises almost up to 100 °, and with mixing of 4 kg of ice with 1 kg of acid, the temperature decreases almost to -20 °.

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