What is solidarity definition. What is solidarity? The meaning of the word solidarity in the philosophical dictionary

Solidarity category plays an important role in both socialist political theories and Catholic social teaching.

The founding of solidarity in different societies is different. In "simple" societies, it can be based primarily at the relationship ( kinship.) and common values. In more complex societies there are a variety of theories, within which the question of which contributes to the creation of a sense of social solidarity is considered.

Solidarity is also one of the six principles of the Charter of the European Union on Human Rights, and on December 20 of each year - this is the International Day of Solidarity of People, recognized by the UN.

Emil Durkheim

  • Definition: This is social cohesion (Social CoHesion) based on the interdependence of individuals in more developed societies.

Although individuals perform different tasks, are carriers of various values \u200b\u200band interests, order in society and social solidarity are built on their mutual trust in the performance of specific tasks. The word "organic" here indicates the interdependence of the components. Thus, in more complex societies, social solidarity is maintained through the interdependence of their components (that is, farmers produce food, which feeds factory workers, which produce tractors and other techniques that allow farmers to produce food).

Peter Kropotkin

The relationship between biological and social was the central importance for the idea of \u200b\u200bsolidarity, formulated by an anarchist ideologist and former prince Peter Kropotkin (1842-1921). In his most famous book, "mutual assistance as a factor of evolution" (1902), written in part in response to Social Darwinism, Henry Huxley, Kropotkin investigated the use of cooperation as a survival mechanism both in human societies at various stages of their development and among animals. According to his views, mutual assistance, or cooperation, as part of one or another, was an important factor in the evolution of social institutions. Solidarity is vital for mutual assistance; Activities aimed at supporting other people should flow from the expectation of the award, but from the instinctive sense of solidarity.

In the introduction to the book Kropotkin wrote: "The number and importance of various institutions of mutual assistance, which developed in humanity, thanks to the creative genius of wild and semi-divided masses, during the early period of generic life, and even more subsequently - during the next period of the village community, As well as a huge influence that these early institutions have rendered on the further development of humanity, until the present time, prompted me to distribute the area of \u200b\u200bmy research and in later, historical times; especially I stopped at the most interesting period - medieval free republic cities, widespread and whose influence on modern our civilization is still not evaluated enough. Finally, I also tried to specify a brief to the enormous importance of mutual support habits, which was inherited by humanity for an extremely long period of its development, which even now, in our modern society, although about it thinks and say That it rests on principle: "Every for himself, and the state for everyone," - the principle to which human societies never followed quite, and which will never be in exercise. " Kropotkin performed for alternative economic and social systems that would be coordinated through the horizontal network of volunteer associations and within which the goods would be distributed in accordance with the physical needs of the individual, and not in accordance with the work carried out by him.

In philosophy

Solidarity is a concept at the stage of becoming a concept in modern philosophy: it is an object of study in various fields of ethics and political philosophy.

see also

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  • Jary, David (1991), Collins Dictionary of Sociology, Glasgow: Harper Collins, s. 774, ISBN 0-00-470804-0

For further reading

  • Ankerl, Guy: Toward A Social Contract on Worldwide Scale: Solidarity Contract. GENEVA, ILO, 1980, ISBN 92-9014-165-4

Solidarity excerpt

The Countess remained in the village, and the count, taking a son and Natasha with him, at the end of January went to Moscow.

Pierre after the walling of Prince Andrei and Natasha, without any obvious reason, suddenly felt the impossibility of continuing his former life. No matter how firmly he was convinced of the truths open to him by his benefactor, no matter how joyfully, it was the first time of hobbies the inner work of the self-improvement, which he looked with such a heat, after the engagement of Prince Andrei with Natasha and after the death of Joseph Alekseevich, which he received Lime almost at the same time, - all the charm of this former life suddenly disappeared for him. One custody of life remained: his house with a brilliant wife, who was now the Milosts of one important person, acquaintance with all St. Petersburg and a service with boring formalities. And this former life suddenly with an unexpected illness was introduced by Pierre. He stopped writing his diary, avoided the society of the brothers, began to go to the club again, began to drink a lot again, again it became closed with idle companies and began to lead such a life that Countess Elena Vasilyevna found it necessary to make him a strict remark. Pierre felt that she was right and not to compromise his wife, went to Moscow.
In Moscow, as soon as he drove into his huge house with dried and drying princes, with a huge courtyard, as soon as he saw - driving around the city - this Iverly chapel with countless lights in front of golden rizam, this Kremlin square with unexpressed snow, these cabesters And the lach tugs of Sivzyev, he saw the old people of Moscow, nothing wishing and anywhere who lives lives her age, saw the old women, Moscow Baryn, Moscow balls and the Moscow English club, - he felt at home, in a quiet shelter. He became late in Moscow, warm, habitual and dirty, as in the old coat.
The Moscow society is all, ranging from the old woman to children, as his long-wait guest, which the place was always ready and not occupied, - took Pierre. For Moscow light, Pierre was the most cute, kind, smart cheerful, generous eccentric, scattered and spiritual, Russian, old cut, Barine. His wallet was always empty, because it is open to all.
Benefishes, bad paintings, statues, charitable societies, Gypsies, schools, subscription lunches, couments, masons, churches, books - no one and nothing has fallen a refusal, and if he would not have two friends who have taken a lot of money from him and taking him under their custody, he would distribute everything. There was no dinner in the club, no evening without him. As soon as he fell into his place on the sofa after two bottles of Margo, he was surrounded, and the convictions, spokes, jokes were tied. Where they quarreled, he is one of her good smile and by the way said joke, Mirill. Masonic canteens lodges were boring and sluggish, if it was not.
When after idling dinner, he, with a good and sweet smile, giving rise to the requests of a funny company, rose to go with them, joyful, solemn cries between young people were heard. On the ballas he danced, if he did not take a cavaller. Young ladies and young ladies loved him for what he, not causing anyone, was equally kind, especially after dinner. "Il Est Charmant, Il N" A Pas de Sech ", [he is very nice, but does not have sex,] talked about him.
Pierre was a retired good-naturedly working out his age in Moscow, a chamber, which hundreds were.
As if he was horrified, if it were seven years ago, when he just came out of the border, someone would tell him that he had nothing to look for and inventing that his river had long been broken, was defined either, and that, as he was not Whether he will be the fact that everything was in his position. He could not believe it! Isn't he wanted all his soul, then to produce a republic in Russia, then to be Napoleon himself, then a philosopher, then tactic, the winner of Napoleon? Didn't he see the opportunity and passionately wanted to keep the vicious genus human and bring himself to the highest degree of perfection? Didn't he accomplish the schools and hospitals and released his peasants to the will?
And instead of all this, here he is, a rich husband of the wrong wife, a chamber of resignation, loving to eat, drink and unbuttoned to disinhibition easy government, member of the Moscow English club and all the favorite member of the Moscow Society. He could not reconcile with that thought that he had the most retired Moscow chamber, whose type he was so deeply despised seven years ago.
Sometimes he consoled himself with thoughts that this is just so, depression, he leads this life; But then his other thought was terrified, that so, deposit, no longer how many people were, as he, with all his teeth and hair in this life and in this club and came out from there without one tooth and Volos.
In minutes of pride, when he thought about his position, it seemed to him that he was completely different, specially from those retired chamber meters, which he despised before that those were vulgar and stupid, satisfied and calmed down with their position, "And I am now everything is unhappy , I won't want to do something for humanity, "he said himself in minutes of pride. "Or maybe all those comrades, just like me, beat, were looking for some kind of new, their road in life, and as well as I am the force of the situation, society, the breed, that spontaneous force against which not The rural man, they were given there, where I and I, "he said herself in moments of modesty, and eating several time in Moscow, he did not despise already, but began to love, respect and regret, as well as herself, his own comrades .
At Pierre did not find, as before, minutes of despair, Handers and disgust for life; But the same disease, expressed before sharp seizures, was vanned inside and did not leave him for a moment. "For what? What for? What is happening in the world? " He asked himself with bewilderment several times a day, involuntarily since the meaning of life phenomena; But the experience knowing that these were not answers to questions, he hurriedly tried to turn away from them, took the book, or hurried to the club, or to Apollo Nikolayevich talk about urban gossip.
"Elena Vasilyevna, never loved anything in except for his body and one of the most stupid women in the world," Pierre thought - it seems to be a riding mind and refinement, and in front of it. Napoleon Bonaparte was despised by everyone until he was great, and since he became a pathetic comedian - Emperor Franz seeks to offer him his daughter to illegal spouses. The Spaniards fuss of the Molves through the Catholic clergy in gratitude for the fact that they won the French on the 14th of June, and the French fighters molbs through the same Catholic clergy that they won the Spaniards on the 14th of June. Brothers My Masons swear in the fact that they are all ready to sacrifice for the near, and do not pay one ruble for the fees of the poor and intriguish the Astrey against the seekers of manna, and cotton on the present Scottish carpet and the act of which the one who does not know the one who He wrote him, and whom no one needs. All we confess the Christian lawsuit of the offense and love to the neighbor - the law, as a result of which we have erected forty-forty-forties in Moscow, and yesterday they were kept the whip of the fizzly man, and the minister of the same law of love and forgiveness, the priest, gave kissing a soldier in front of execution " . So I thought Pierre, and this whole, general, everyone recognized as a lie, as he was accustomed to her, as if something new, every time amazed him. "I understand this lie and confusion, he thought," but how I tell them everything I understand? " I tried and always found that they in the depths of the soul understand the same as I, but try only not to see her. It became so necessary! But me, where do I go? " Thought Pierre. He experienced the unfortunate ability of many, especially Russian people, - the ability to see and believe in the possibility of good and truth, and too clearly see evil and lies of life in order to be able to take serious participation in it. Every region of labor in his eyes was connected with evil and deception. What he tried to be, for which he was taken - evil and lies repelled him and blocked him all the ways of activity. Meanwhile, it was necessary to live, it was necessary to be busy. It was too scary to be under the oppression of these unsolvable issues of life, and he was given to the first hobbies to just forget them. He traveled to all sorts of societies, drank a lot, bought paintings and built, and most importantly read.



1. Active sympathy with some opinions or actions, the generality of interests, the same image of action or beliefs. May 1st - Day of international combat proletarian solidarity. "From economic strikes and strikes of solidarity, workers began to move to political strikes ... (after January 9, 1905)." History VKP (b) . "The Social Democrats of the II of International has informed the case of socialism, the case of international solidarity of the proletariat." History VKP (b) . Sense of solidarity.

2. Circuit List, Joint Responsibility (JUR.).

Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.


Watch what is "solidarity" in other dictionaries:

    Solidarity - Solidarity ♦ Solidarité An abuse of this word, too widely used for many years, led to the fact that its strict meaning is almost lost. Most often, under solidarity, there is some reasonable (for example, when donating ... Philosophical Dictionary Sponville

    Solidarity. Referring [...] to the word Solidarity (bass, 14, p. 212). According to Academic Dictionary, it does not have semantic history in the Russian literary language of the XIX XX centuries. He has unchanged meaning: active sympathy for someone or actions or ... ... the story of words

    solidarity - And, g. Solidarité f. 1. Active sympathy of whose l. Actions or opinions, generality of interests, unanimity. Bass 1. In any society there are solidarity, in our terrible, it is based on the proverb: with wolves it is necessary to swell on wolf. 7. 12. 1847. ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicalism Russian Language

    - "Solidarity" [Polish.] Polit. Mass Polish trade union association arising at the turn of the 80s of the XX century. in Gdansk as the opposition to the current regime in the country; The denying the Marxist theory of class struggle, proclaimed the defense ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    - (Solidarity) Independent trade union created in 1980 in Poland under the leadership of Lech Valenses. Solidarity used wide dissatisfaction with the communist regime. After mass strikes, he was forced to go for unprecedented concessions. ... ... Political science. Vocabulary.

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    Solidarity - (Solidarity), an independent trade union movement in Poland, which emerged in 1980 on a wave of strikes in Gdansk, organized by the free trade union of the Baltic coast. Among the requirements of the strikers was the creation of a trade union, unsounded com. ... ... The World History

    Professionage in Poland, emerged as a movement in 1980. Legalized in April 1989. It is included in the international confederation of free trade unions. The number of sv. 2 million members (1992). Governing body of the Universal Commission (VC). Until 1990, the leader ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Solidarity, and, wives. 1. See Solidarity. 2. Active sympathy of how n. Opinions or actions, community of interests, unanimity. Day of international solidarity of workers (holiday of May 1). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    The feeling of mutual excavation and practical implementation of it. Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. 2010 ... Philosophical Encyclopedia


  • Solidarity as an imaginary political and legal status. Monograph. -M.: Prospect, 2015.
  • Solidarity as an imaginary political and legal status. Monograph, Isaev Igor Andreevich. The work of the famous historian of law and political and legal exercises I. A. Isaeva is dedicated, as well as its previous work on the issues of the relations of power and law, the acutely topic of social ...

Specified people who have an extensive vocabulary very often give the color of their speech using rather non-standard wordforms.

If you turn to the translation of this word from Latin, the value of the word "solidarity" reflects the unity of opinions, readiness for mutual responsibility for a unanimous action or decision.

That is, for example, a joint person is when he agrees with another person in any life or circumstance. Solidarity can exist on the principal level, that is, based on personal conclusions.

In other words, the solidarity is unanimous, who accepts someone's opinions or action and actively sympathizer.

Synonyms of the word "solidarity"

For a clearer explanation, you can also refer to the synonyms of the word, then you will understand what is agreed:

  • consent;
  • unanimity;
  • unity;
  • unanimity;
  • community;
  • cohesion.

You can also consider the meaning of the word "solidarity" on the example of objects and their interactions.

For example, take a billiard ball. If you get into one of his point, the entire ball moves, that is, it can be said that all his other sites turned out to be solidarized with each other and came into motion at the same time.

Or consider the engine of the machine. The two components are rigidly connected (in other words, solidarity). Since, if we give one part in motion, the other starts to move.

From this we can conclude that solidarity is not a feeling, but internal connectedness, cohesion.

Solidarity: the meaning of the word in jurisprudence

In legal practice, the concept of solidarity is often found quite often, only it has a clearer definition and a number of conditions.

The term "solidarity obligation" is equality of the competences of the Parties regarding common rights and obligations to some person.

Consider this on the example: there is a group of co-owners of small businesses (A, B, B) who pursue a common goal in developing their business and receiving mutualization in the future. But at the moment they do not have enough money for development, and they are forced to contact the lender (I).

The lender gives the necessary amount by issuing documents on the conditions of a joint commitment to one of the co-owners (a). Due to this, the lender now has the right to demand the fulfillment of its conditions from two other borrowers (B, B). That is, now every co-owner of Solidarity is that it means equal in obligations - and is the same responsibility to the lender.

There are other two options:

  • When several lenders (E, YU, I) are solidarized per borrower (a). In this case, any of the lenders has the right to demand the fulfillment of its obligations from the borrower.
  • And one more option, the so-called mixed multiplicity, when there are several representatives of both parties.

Types of solidarity

Social Solidarity

When a group of people pursues the same goal, providing each other support and mutual assistance.

Labor Solidarity

It is possible to consider labor solidarity on the example of the conveyor workers. People working on one machine are performed by the functions necessary to achieve a common desired result.

Men and Women Solidarity

Among groups of men and women who are in good relations, there is some interconnection, in this case solidarity may occur. Male Solidarity is supporting one or a group of men in a particular matter. Most often, such solidarity is irony and unturious, since the manifestation of support is more coming in favor of a situation that is beneficial for a group of people in this sex.

You can consider this on a typical example of two friends. The husband can lie that he spent the evening with a friend for watching a football match, while himself spent this time with his mistress. And his friend will confirm this, although in fact it is not true.

What is solidarity: summarize

Solidarity is not a feeling and not a duty, it is something that is not amenable to explain, measurement and observation. Solidarity sometimes arises between people in the most unexpected circumstances. It can manifest in almost all spheres of life. Most often, it is aimed at good, and very rarely can damage the surrounding.

interdependence of people. In this sense, solidarity is a "natural fact" associated with life in society: for example, solidarity in the conveyor system of work. Solidarity may also be a kind of virtue, a feeling that encourages people to mutual cooperation; It is with such a "active" solidarity of some people can be happy only under the condition that they are happy and others that one person can feel free only when others are free. Then solidarity is no longer so much a social fact as moral value and actions based on unity, the generality of interests and joint responsibility. The desire for solidarity is an important element in improving the efficiency of business communication.

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Fr. Solidarite) - community of interests, a single understanding of the land. principles of worldview, joint responsibility. This concept has acquired in Rus. Philosophy Special significance in connection with the spread of socialism in Russia. It is already found at Herzen and Petrashevtsev, but one of the central categories of social philosophy it has become at the ideologues of nationality with the con. 60s. XIX century In the views of Lavrova, M. A. Bakunina, L. I. Mechnikova, Kropotkin, Mikhailovsky, and others. People's Movements of the S. is considered as the most important factor in the development of the human organization, increasing to-rygo leads to progress and universal prosperity, and loss - To the mutual struggle for the existence, poverty and operation. Bakunin, for example, understanding S. As the coordination of all the material and public interests of each with the human duties of everyone, considers it in a close connection with freedom and characterizes the last as the development and "alignment" of S. Even wider there was an understanding of S. at Lavrov, to "It saw it not only among people, but also in the organic world as a whole. Mutual support and C. Provides, he considered the survival of the type in the fight against other species and is a factor in its progressive development. Human S., arising as a continuation and development of S. in the organic world, began to collapse under the influence of individualism and the desire for profit. A personal interest was nominated for the forefront, which led to the universal struggle of everyone against everyone. Under these conditions, the teachings of socialism arose, designed to return to the beginning of S. as a means of achieving universal equality and prosperity. Public S., according to Lavrov, may be strong only when eliminating economic competition. As a moral task, he put forward the need to generate in himself and in others those "Habits C.", without to-ry, the exercise of the best social system is completely unthinkable. Mikhailovsky concept "S." Tightly tied up with the concept of "cooperation". C., he considered, may exist only between people equal to the Regulation in Oba, and such equality is possible only in conditions of simple cooperation, where there is no division of labor between individual members, the common goal is mutual understanding and as a result - S. Interests and mutual assistance. L. I. Mesnikov placed the concept of "S." To the very center of its sociological concept, considering the growth of S. in Oba as the main driving force of historical progress. Lavrov, he believed that the phenomena of C. exist already in the organic world. "Biology, he wrote," studies in the field of plant and animal world the phenomenon of the struggle for existence, sociology is also interested in manifestations of solidarity and unification of forces, t. e. Cooperation factors in nature "(Mesnikov L. I. Civilization and great historical rivers. M., 1924. P. 43). Moreover, if Bakunin closely connected S. with the freedom of man, then the swords considered the facts of" Forced S. "and "Forced with", connecting them with the level of development of cooperation. The degree of freedom, according to Mesnikov, shows the level of S., being a criterion of progress. According to Mesnikov, the same steps of S., which is the organic world as a whole. Undermineous unions, kept by outer forced force, are replaced by subordinate unions arising from the division of labor, which, in turn, must give way to free unions, uniting individuals by virtue of their "conscious desire to C". In the works of Kropotkin, the term "S. "It is less common than others. ideologues of nationality, and is usually replaced by the term" mutual assistance "expressing the same content. All this indicates that the concept of" S. "is one of the most characteristic of the people. Sociology and philosophy of history. The original interpretation of S. Dana Levitsky as part of its concept of "Organic Worldview". It is associated with the "temporary metaphysics", where C. is considered as a "development factor", which received the highest development in Christianity, which is the most pure expression of solidarity, overshadowed family, feudal, clan, national and other frameworks "(Basics of Organic worldview. Frankfurt am Main, 1948. P. 150).

In modern language there are so many different terms and concepts. But to deal with everyone, unfortunately, it is impossible, because it is simply impossible to know everything. Therefore, this article will be described what solidarity and when it is necessary and this word can be used.

Designation concept

It is worth saying that this concept, on the one hand, has no accurate, one designation, because it can be considered with social, political, legal and other points of view. If we talk in general, it is better to turn to the original source and translate this word from the Latin language, which will mean "durable". However, only for this designation it is difficult to draw conclusions. Therefore, it is worth considering this term from different points of view.

Social Solidarity

Evaliating what solidarity is, first of all, it is best to turn to the concept of "social solidarity". In this case, the term will be disclosed much easier and everything will become extremely clear. What does this mean? Briefly speaking, this is the interdependence of people. It is based on the unity of certain actions or beliefs, it is a certain kind of mutual assistance and support. Also, people can be solidarity with each other, if one goal is worth it to achieve which they strive.

Political component

Consider what solidarity is, from a political point of view. So, the designation will be very similar. What does the political term dictionary tell us in this case? This coherence of people in their actions and opinions, mutual assistance and support in the middle of one social group. Again, it is done most often to achieve the same goals.

Labor Solidarity

So, solidarity: the meaning of the word can also be considered from a working point of view. There is a concept of conveyor solidarity, when all people standing along one machine perform those functions that need to achieve results in general matter, thereby helping each other to achieve the desired end result. Solidarity, workers can be not only along one machine, but also in one working group, a firm or other labor unit.

Male solidarity

However, there are also such concepts as women's or male solidarity. The words of the word in this context will be somewhat different. It is rather a household interpretation of the word. This refers to the support of the representatives of the same sex in a matter of or another, even if by deception or any other type of dishonesty before representatives of the opposite sex. So, the husband can lie, which spent the evening with a friend, and not with his mistress. And it will confirm the same comrade, although it will not be true. This is what is called male solidarity. However, for the sake of the truth, it is worth saying that today this concept has been completed somewhat and can be perceived in the deformed, incorrect meaning.

Solidarity in Durkheim

About what solidarity, and the great philosopher and the theorist Emil Durkheim also said in their works, exploring society and the concept of division of labor. So, according to his opinion, solidarity itself is something moral, which is not amenable to explain, observation or measurement. He said that this is the highest good, a huge value that can be recognized by all members of one society. In his opinion, there are two types of solidarity - mechanical and organic. Its first appearance is found in primitive communities, where there was no special division of labor, and the members of the same group always performed approximately the same functions. At the same time, everything was regulated by religious, traditional or collective views. The second type is organic solidarity - develops already in the industrial society, when each person performs its definite functions, working for the benefit of the whole society as a whole. At the same time, according to the philosopher, the collective pressure on such a person weakens significantly.

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