Presentation on the topic of a brave act of a person. Be bold project

Today we will talk with you about what we are afraid of, why we are afraid and how to learn how to overcome our fears.

Each of us is afraid of something in life. There are a great many fears: someone in childhood could be afraid of the dark, someone - of spiders or snakes. Some people, even in childhood, choose some person whom they are very afraid of, who seems to them scary and dangerous. Fear - internal state due to impending disaster, real or perceived. In general, fear is a feeling that accompanies a person throughout his life, there are absolutely no exceptions here. Everyone is afraid, but not all people show it. Fear is a part of our physiology, a feature of the formation of a person. But sometimes fear can develop into panic- negatively colored affect caused by real or perceived danger. When a person panics, he is not able to make informed decisions, this is her danger.

Rice. 1. Fear is a part of our life ()

What are we really afraid of, what is the true essence of fear? We are truly we are afraid of the unknown and the unknown... If I do not understand some process or some phenomenon, if I do not understand what to expect from some creature, then I am afraid.If you and I look at fear as a phenomenon from a scientific point of view, that is, we will try to move away from their phobias(this is another wonderful word that personifies fear), then we will see that we are afraid of those creatures or situations from which we do not know what to expect at any given moment. That is, fear is, in fact, an anticipation of danger. Think: if you are afraid of spiders, it is because you do not know how they will behave, you are afraid that they might bite you.

There are people who are afraid of dogs. They believe that the dog might bite them, that they might be hurt and hurt. We seem to project, anticipate some events. You may agree that this is the case. We understood what the nature of fear is, but what does it give us? We never cease to be afraid because we understand what is the cause of our fear.

Fear is very important to us, we need to be afraid. Fear- This is a special mechanism that is embedded in a person as a way of self-preservation. We have a very keen sense of fear, we anticipate dangers, and this helps us to save our lives. This is an extremely important defense mechanism. In fact, humans do not have many defense mechanisms, physiologically we are much weaker than other animals. We are not so fast, not so agile, we have not such a good sense of smell and not such good eyesight. But we had to survive, and nature laid this protective mechanism in a person: a person was afraid, and in the end he survived. In fact, fear is very useful for us from a physiological point of view, it will remain in human nature, apparently, forever.

But at the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to be a coward, because a person is also a person, that he has largely overcome his natural essence. This does not mean that you need to be on the rampage, in every possible way to show your courage and ability to overcome fears. But, nevertheless, fears need to be overcome, because then a person becomes free, frees himself from unnecessary prejudices that restrain his consciousness and his behavior, which sometimes really turn into a real phobia.

If you understand the nature of fear, then in this case you can really get rid of your phobias. Phobia- This is an obsessive psychological state in which a person experiences painful fear. Some of the most common phobias in the world are arachnophobia (fear of spiders), acrophobia (fear of heights), claustrophobia (fear of enclosed space), aerophobia (fear of airplanes), necrophobia (fear of the dead).

Let's say a person is afraid of insects in any situation, and does not want to correct this situation in any way. This is the wrong position. We need to overcome our fears, because they prevent us from living. You need to be a brave person in order to overcome any problems that you may be afraid of: often it is the fear of telling the truth, the fear of resisting rudeness from the people around you in relation to the weak. If a person cannot overcome these feelings, this is already real cowardice.

A brave person always confronts any threat, but this does not mean that you must create a threat to your own life yourself. When a person himself is on the rampage and creates dangers for himself - this is not courage, but stupidity. Now on the Internet you can find many different videos in which teenagers, in order to show their adulthood, courage, courage, perform all sorts of completely ridiculous tricks, sometimes associated with danger to life or health. Of course, if they succeed, the guys look cheerful and happy, but if something goes wrong, such childish fun can cost someone their life or loss of health. This is not a manifestation of courage, this is a manifestation of recklessness - a completely different quality of a person.

Courage is when you do not allow the weak to offend. Courage is when you yourself do not act to please the crowd. Courage Is fear resistance and fear control, not fearlessness. Sometimes it happens that in the classroom one person falls out of the social circle, becomes a black sheep or even an outcast. Something about his actions, habits, appearance or the image does not agree with the general opinion and understanding of what one should be. Then they begin to harass him in some way. And courage is if you do not behave like everyone else, but, on the contrary, try to protect such a person. Later in life, as you grow older, you will see that, in general, a person must commit many bold deeds. Taking responsibility can sometimes take tremendous courage and willpower. Therefore, our fears and our courage are not always a reaction to some kind of physical danger.

At the end of our today's conversation about how a person needs to overcome fears, how to become brave, I would like to give you a little advice. Just smile more often! If you smile, then you are not afraid of anything. If you make the scary funny, you certainly shouldn't be afraid of it.

And in the next lesson we will talk about humanism, and this will be a generalizing lesson for us. We learn what real philanthropy is and how it is manifested in practice.

Sometimes our fears cause us to do completely ridiculous and wrong things. The fact is that when we are afraid, we stop thinking rationally, we begin to act situationally. Later we may regret our actions, but it will be too late.

Exists ancient history, about how the future emperor of China, the king of the kingdom of Tyn Qin Shi Huang, defeated all his competitors. He had only one serious opponent left - the king of the Chu kingdom. When the two troops converged, on the first day they did not fight, they only settled down in battle formation. At night, the future Qin emperor ordered his soldiers to light torches and bypass the army camp of the Chu kingdom, singing their songs. When the king of the Chu kingdom heard this, he decided that part of his army had betrayed him and went over to the side of Qin. He got scared and fled the camp at night. When in the morning the troops saw that their Master had fled, they simply stopped resisting and surrendered. So, without having committed any hostilities and without losing his soldiers, Qin became the emperor of China. He eventually caught the king of the Chu kingdom and made him his advisor. But being an advisor to an emperor is not the same as being a king in your own kingdom. Fear has really big eyes. Therefore, before you get really scared and start to act somehow, think about whether the danger is really that great or is it just your imagination.

1. Vinogradova N.F., Gorodetskaya N.I., Ivanova L.F. and others / Ed. Bogolyubova L.N., Ivanova L.F. Social studies grade 6. - Education, 2004.

2. Kravchenko A.I., Pevtsova E.A., Social Studies: Textbook for grade 6 educational institutions... - 12th ed. - M .: OOO "TID" Russian word- RS ", 2009. - 184 p.

3. Drums V.V., Nasonova I.P. / Ed. Bordovsky G.A. Social studies grade 6, 2007.

4. Nikitin A.F., Nikitina T.I. Social science. 6th grade. - Bustard, 2013.

3. How to become a Courageous and Confident person ().

1. Memorize Anna Akhmatova's poem "Courage" on page 205. Textbook: Vinogradova NF, Gorodetskaya NI, Ivanova LF and others / Ed. Bogolyubova L.N., Ivanova L.F. Social studies grade 6. - Education, 2004.

2. Tell us about your fears. Are you trying to fight your fears? If so, how?

3. * Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: "Fear has big eyes."

Why be brave?) And got the best answer

Answer from N - art ™ [guru]
Why do you need to be bold?
for me, courage is the ability to remain myself,
and control mental condition, mind and feelings in
any situation.
I think that courage is required quality anybody is ok
a developed person, it is It that makes a person with a capital letter,
and to the maximum!
having as a quality, Courage unleashes its full potential
in a person.
Courage is an engine that helps a person to strive -
just go ahead and achieve your goals!)
You also need to be bold in order to be creative,
not like everyone else, set yourself the necessary tasks
and succeed!)
courage in Life is simply necessary as a counterbalance to our
fears that prevent you from taking advantage of interesting opportunities.
some people are naturally bolder, but there is nothing
impossible if a person embarked on the path of self-improvement!)
"If you've come this far, can you go further?
I do not care about your obstacles, I will not give up! "

and from what is courage born?
only from denial of fear and from liberation from it?
There is no freeing from fear, this is not all, it still needs to be understood
where it came from and discover its cause in yourself.
for me Courage is overcoming your fear, and fears for everyone
are different.
for example, someone is afraid to jump with a parachute, fly on airplanes,
take the subway, and some cannot leave the house on their own.
what is courage for?
first, what is courage? it's not something - they are not afraid of anything,
on the contrary, overcoming your fear is the awareness of the goal and Self,
Believe in yourself!)
a brave person relies on his feelings - does not seek evidence,
He knows that life itself as a result - provides evidence!
fearlessness, denial of fears does not mean their complete absence - no.
if a person in fear acts contrary to his feelings,
thinking that now is not the time and place to do this business,
does and immediately regrets it. ...
even trying to achieve the goal, not content with the result, for this-
everything is spent a lot of time and effort on this fear.
fear is expressed through word and deed and can sometimes be tracked.
to admit it to oneself, this brings one closer to courage.
what does it look like?
"the eyes are afraid, the hands are doing", I think Courage is Faith in Oneself.
Fear goes away - if a person believes in himself.
I think Courage does not need to be proven.
if thoughts and feelings do not get along with each other, they go against-
everything is accompanied with fear, sooner or later you come in
to a dead end.
The mind often gives the right idea ... you need to deal with inner convictions - and this takes time to comprehend, it needs
feel. Feelings are practice ... and mind is theory.
sometimes the transition - both in one direction and in the other direction will be fraught with
a manifestation of cowardice.
a normal-minded person always doubts - this is what manifests itself
his intelligence.
Having started any business with this attitude, it is better not to hope for success,
because in a hurry is full probability errors.
In any case, you need a mood!)
here the power of Thought and Word is important, and the correctness of the exact attitude!)
you need to focus Yourself on some kind of accomplishment psychologically!
to achieve the goal! saying to myself:
"I want to be brave, I will be brave!"

If you set yourself the task of being brave - do not be shy,
already half the battle, then there is, every chance!
no need to watch how others evaluate, even forget
how do you rate yourself!
The essence of combat is not about the fight as such, but about whether the goal has been achieved.
Paulo Coelho
continued in the comment.

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Be brave LN Shteynikova, teacher of history and social studies, Kudymkar MOBU secondary school №1

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Let's discuss together When modern high school students were asked what fear is, some of them answered: “Fear is the enemy of man. His traitor. This is a premonition of something terrible. This is the weakness of man "" Fear is a feeling that makes a person insignificant and even makes him feel not a man, but an animal - the instinct of self-preservation works. "

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What are people usually afraid of? Pains Deaths Diseases Punishments Loss of loved ones What are you afraid of?

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Journey into the past of the Ancient people, fear pursued everywhere. In ancient Greek myths, it is said that from the marriage of Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love, and Ares the treacherous god of war, the sons of Deimos (horror) and Phobos (fear) were born. Ares, like his sister Eris, the goddess of strife and strife, tried to stir up enmity, unfair and cruel won. Not a secret. that at all times of the war they caused strong and unpleasant emotions.

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Every person experiences fear, because this is an innate protective reaction of a person. You can overcome fear by understanding its cause.

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In 1927, by the will of fate, S. Erzya ended up in Buenos Aires with Lev TOLSTOY. "Fiery". Tree (quebracho). D. Erzya. Female portrait. Tree

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The boldness of the city takes Dahl says that brave is a fearless, fearless, courageous, brave and decisive person. Courage versus cowardice

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A brave person is someone who does not feel fear or has managed to defeat him? Remember what examples of courage you know?

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Courage and body are linked. A timid person can be recognized by how he looks, how he walks uncertainly, how he uses his hands (or rather, does not use) and how crooked he stands. A neurotic stoop (clamps of the collar zone) is incompatible with courage, when the head seems to be driven into the shoulders, as if hiding from the next cuff. Courage is usually triggered by the eyes that look straight ahead (rather than introverted into themselves), the broad back muscles that move the chest forward.

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Vesuvius opened its mouth - the smoke poured out in a club - the flame developed widely, like a battle banner. The earth is worried - Idols are falling from the staggering columns! The people, driven by fear, Crowds, old and young, under the inflamed ashes, Under the stone rain, flees out of the hail. What do you know about the fate of the city of Pompeii? By what signs can you determine how the feeling of fear of the inevitable that has arisen in people manifests itself? What examples of courage do you see on the canvas of the great master?

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Courage Courage - energy and self-confidence to go forward and do what you want and consider necessary, despite fear or not seeing fear. Courage does not always mean the absence of fear. Courage is the ability to be stronger than fear: fear may be - this is most often an instinctive reaction. Courage is about being stronger than fear.

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national hero Russia, the great Russian commander, who did not suffer a single defeat in his military career(more than 60 battles), one of the founders of Russian military art Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov (1729-1800) His motto is "To fight not by numbers, but by skill."

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Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov was born on November 13, 1730 in Moscow. His father, General-in-Chief Vasily Ivanovich Suvorov, godson of Peter I. His mother, Evdokia Fedoseevna Manukova, died when Alexander was not yet 15 years old. Sasha Suvorov's childhood passed in the village, and then in a Moscow house in Pokrovskaya Sloboda. The child was small in stature, frail, skinny, ill-built and ugly, but playful, agile, sharp-witted.

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The famous book for soldiers "The Science of Victory" was a kind of textbook for the Martial Arts. Suvorov owns the expression "the boldness of the city takes".

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We must remember Corporal - the rank of junior command staff. Generalissimo - Higher military rank... Hard to learn - easy to fight

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People are not born brave. Courage is nurtured. The ability to master oneself in the face of fear is the main property of a courageous person.

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Courage or Courage Courage, unlike courage, does not imply responsibility and the mandatory inclusion of the head. Therefore, courage can be impulsive, courage can also be from fear, a child can be courageous, and only a thinking, adult can be courageous. Courage, like any other manifestation of personality, is both appropriate and inappropriate.

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Proverbs of the Wolf to be afraid - and to flee from the squirrel Where there is fear, there is shame. Fear has big eyes. The devil is not so terrible as he is painted. To be afraid of wolves - do not go to the forest. A frightened crow is afraid of a bush. Fear walks on cockroach legs. Fear is the enemy's first helper.

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Psychologist's advice If you are afraid to speak in front of the public - often speak where it is scary, but not very much, where you will be supported - for example, at a training session in a training group. Gather your friends and speak to them - as long as it becomes easy for you. Then gather 30 people and speak to them. Train with such an audience until you get used to it and feel comfortable.

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It is especially important to show courage in the face of evil. It often depends on it. Is it possible to consider yourself a real person.

Somehow it happened that a man stopped overnight at an inn. He had supper late in the evening and left the next morning. A year later, he again found himself in the same inn. Seeing him, the innkeeper was shocked. - Are you alright? He asked the traveler. -Everything is fine. And what? “We were very much afraid,” said the innkeeper. - You see, last time When you were staying here, a snake fell into the pot of food that was served to you. This food was eaten by four more people, and they soon died. We couldn't imagine what happened to you because you left so early. We were so worried about you. Hearing this, the traveler said: - What? Is there a snake in my food? - and fell down dead. In a year! He died of fear.

Once, many worthy warriors gathered in order to check who of them is the most courageous and fearless. They fought with swords, fought with their fists, and walked with bare hands on a bear and a tiger. But no matter how many trials these warriors arranged for themselves, none of them helped to choose the most courageous and fearless. And then they turned to the young girl, who was watching their competitions, with a request to choose the most courageous and fearless. The girl agreed and asked only one question: "Who will tell me about his weakness, about what he fears most in his life?" None of the warriors could admit their weakness and fear to this young girl. And then she said: “The bravest one is not the one who can defeat another person. The bravest one who can conquer his fear! " Look your fear in the eye and you will see yourself in it. Well, if it's you, then it's stupid to be afraid of yourself!

“The brave will find there where the timid will lose”; "Strong is the one who knocks down, stronger is the one who rises"; "Do not be brave on the stove, and do not be afraid in the field"; “Better to fight with an eagle than live as a hare”; “The dog barks at the brave, and bites the cowardly”; "Cheek brings success"; “You cannot save enough for every misfortune of fear”; "To be afraid of death is not to live in the world."

Our lesson came to an end, and I want to say ... I succeeded most of all ... For me it was a discovery that ... Today in the lesson I learned ... I was interested .. It was difficult for me ... I realized that ... I felt that ... More I liked everything ... The lesson made me think ... (made me think) I am satisfied with my work in the lesson (not entirely, not satisfied), because ...

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Be brave

Shteynikova L.N., teacher of history and social studies, Kudymkar MOBU secondary school №1

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Have you experienced fear? What are the synonyms for fear and courage?

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Let's discuss together

When modern high school students were asked what fear is, some of them answered: “Fear is the enemy of man. His traitor. This is a premonition of something terrible. This is the weakness of man "" Fear is a feeling that makes a person insignificant and even makes him feel not a man, but an animal - the instinct of self-preservation works. "

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What are people usually afraid of?

Pains Deaths Diseases Punishments Loss of loved ones

What are you afraid of?

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Travel to the past

Ancient people were haunted by fear everywhere. In ancient Greek myths, it is said that from the marriage of Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love, and Ares the treacherous god of war, the sons of Deimos (horror) and Phobos (fear) were born. Ares, like his sister Eris, the goddess of strife and strife, tried to stir up enmity, unfair and cruel won. Not a secret. that at all times of the war they caused strong and unpleasant emotions.

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Sculpture by S. Erzya (Nefedov) (1876-1959). Horror.

Picture gallery of Saransk

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In 1927, by the will of fate, S. Erzya ended up in Buenos Aires


"Fiery". Tree (quebracho).

D. Erzya. Female portrait. Tree

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Cheek brings success

In the dictionary of V.I. Dahl says that brave is a fearless, fearless, courageous, brave and decisive person.

Courage versus cowardice

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A brave person is someone who does not feel fear or has managed to defeat him?

Remember what examples of courage you know?

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Courage and body are linked.

A timid person can be recognized by how he looks, how he walks uncertainly, how he uses his hands (or rather, does not use) and how crooked he stands. A neurotic stoop (clamps of the collar zone) is incompatible with courage, when the head seems to be driven into the shoulders, as if hiding from the next cuff. Courage is usually triggered by the eyes that look straight ahead (rather than introverted into themselves), the broad back muscles that move the chest forward.

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Vesuvius opened its mouth - the smoke poured out in a club - the flame developed widely, like a battle banner. The earth is worried - Idols are falling from the staggering columns! The people, driven by fear, Crowds, old and young, under the inflamed ashes, Under the stone rain, flees out of the hail.

What do you know about the fate of the city of Pompeii? By what signs can you determine how the feeling of fear of the inevitable that has arisen in people manifests itself? What examples of courage do you see on the canvas of the great master?

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Courage - energy and self-confidence to go forward and do what you want and consider necessary, despite fear or not seeing fear. Courage does not always mean the absence of fear. Courage is the ability to be stronger than fear: fear may be - this is most often an instinctive reaction. Courage is about being stronger than fear.

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national hero of Russia, the great Russian commander, who did not suffer a single defeat in his military career (more than 60 battles), one of the founders of the Russian military art

Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov (1729-1800)

His motto is "To fight not by numbers, but by skill."

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Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov was born on November 13, 1730 in Moscow. His father, General-in-Chief Vasily Ivanovich Suvorov, godson of Peter I. His mother, Evdokia Fedoseevna Manukova, died when Alexander was not yet 15 years old. Sasha Suvorov's childhood passed in the village, and then in a Moscow house in Pokrovskaya Sloboda. The child was small in stature, frail, skinny, ill-built and ugly, but playful, agile, sharp-witted.

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Need to remember

Corporal - the rank of junior command staff. Generalissimo is the highest military rank.

Hard to learn - easy to fight

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People are not born brave.

Courage is nurtured. The ability to master oneself in the face of fear is the main property of a courageous person.

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Courage or courage

Courage, unlike courage, does not imply responsibility and the obligatory inclusion of the head. Therefore, courage can be impulsive, courage can also be from fear, a child can be courageous, and only a thinking, adult can be courageous. Courage, like any other manifestation of personality, is both appropriate and inappropriate.

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To be afraid of a wolf - and to run from a squirrel Where there is fear, there is shame. Fear has big eyes. The devil is not so terrible as he is painted. To be afraid of wolves - do not go to the forest. A frightened crow is afraid of a bush. Fear walks on cockroach legs. Fear is the enemy's first helper.

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Psychologist's advice

If you are afraid to speak in front of an audience, often speak where it is scary, but not very much, where you will be supported - for example, at a training session in a training group. Gather your friends and speak to them - as long as it becomes easy for you. Then gather 30 people and speak to them. Train with such an audience until you get used to it and feel comfortable.

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