Triumphal Column in Berlin. Column of Victory, Berlin, Germany: description, photo, where is on the map, how to get when the victory column was built

The victory column with a gold sculpture on top is one of the most famous business cards of the capital of Germany. From its sightseeing platform, a beautiful view of Berlin opens.

The victory column was erected as a symbol of triumph in unifying Prussian wars against Denmark, Austria, and then France in the second half of the XIX century. The author of the monument project was the architect Henry Strack (Heinrich Strack).

The official opening ceremony of the victory column took place in 1873, while it was accurately timed to the third anniversary of the victory in the battle of the French sedan, on September 2. At the opening ceremony, Kaiser Wilhelm I and Otto Bismarck were present personally.

The victory column was installed on a pedestal made of red granite, initially it consisted of three parts, and instead of jewelry, gold-plated trophy guns were used, crowned with gilded laurel wreaths: on the bottom - Danish, on the average - Austrian, on top - French.

Winned column of winners Gold-plated figure of Victoria, Roman goddess Victory, respectively. Victoria holds a laurel wreath in his hands and a rod with a symbol of the military valor - an iron cross, on her head - a helmet with eagle wings. The author of the sculpture - Friedrich fight. In the people, the goddess is simply called - "Golden Elsa" ("Goldelse"). Such a nickname was taken from the time of exit in the Periodic magazine Die Gartenlaube Roman E. Marlitt with the same name.

The sculpture of Victoria's goddess, licked on top of the victory column, has impressive sizes - 8.3 meters height, weight - 35 tons.

The victory column is located in the very center of the huge Berlin Park Tiergarten, once the former hunting grounds of the Kurfürst and, later, Kings of Prussia. Großer Stern's Square, which translated from German means a big star, in the center of which is a victory column, was laid in the 18th century, as the center of intersection of hunting roads.

The victory column got here at the time of the Third Reich. As part of the Hitler's restructuring of Berlin, the column was postponed here from the Royal Square in front of Reichstag. At the same time, the fourth knee was added to the victory column and its height was 66, 89 meters. The Square Großer Stern was expanded on a network of meters, in a complex with the monuments transferred here by Bismarck, Moltke and Roon, it was supposed to be the area of \u200b\u200bHonor of the Second Reich.

Four tunnels were laid to the victory column. On them today you can go the square, always complete carrying machines. At the foot of the victory column there is an entrance to the sightseeing platform. Before you enjoy a beautiful view of the city, and the Potsdam Square from a height of 50.66 meters, you will have to overcome the foot of 285 steps.

On the second floor of the pedestal, the victory column is a circular gallery with granite columns, the reverse side of which is decorated, at the request of Kaiser Wilhelm I, Mosaic Panno Anton von Werner on the topic of the victorious procession of the German Army and the union of Germany as a consequence of victory over France. Mosaic is made of Venetian glass of the workshop Antonio Salvati.

The pedestal of the victory column is decorated with four bronze reliefs, clearly representing the scene of the battles during the unifying Danish, Austrian and French wars, performed by the sculptors of Karl Caleem, Moritz Schulz, Albert Wolf and Alexander Kaladrelli.

After the end of World War II, the participants of the anti-Hitler coalition decided to destroy all monuments associated with German militarism and erected from 1914 to 1945. With respect to the victory column, opinions were divided. Formally, the monument was erected before the beginning of the First World War. But they worked on it, and completed, already under Nazi mode. In addition, the victory of the German weapon, which rushes a column, then carried a particularly negative sense. France advocated the demolition of the victory column, Russia abstained, England and America agreed to leave the victory column in place. All that the French could do is remove the bas-reliefs on the pedestal of the columns and take away in an unknown direction.

For a long time, three bas-relief was considered lost until many years later were found by representatives of the German Foreign Affairs in the courtyard of the Army Museum in Paris. After long negotiations, with the personal participation of French President Francois Mitterian to 750 anniversary in 1987, Berlin Reliefs were solemnly omilized to the previous place.

Once again, the victory column was in the center of all news in January 1991, when the terrorist organization "Revolutionary Cells" made an explosion at the base of the Statue of Victory. Fortunately, it cost without sacrifices, only the support of the sculpture suffered.

Operating mode

The victory column is located in an open public place and outside it can be seen seven days a week around the clock.

You can climb on the sightseeing site daily

from April to October:

  • monday - Friday - from 9.30. until 18.30.
  • saturday and Sunday - up to 19 hours;

from November to March:

  • monday - Friday - from 9.30. until 17.30.
  • saturday and Sunday - up to 17.30.

Ticket price

Entrance to the survey pad paid. In the lobby of the columns, you can see a small exhibition dedicated to the history of the victory column.

Ticket price:

adult - 3 euros,

at a discount, including students when presenting a student ticket of an international sample - 2.50 euros,

children under 18, upon presentation of a birth certificate - for free.

How to get to the victory column

The victory column is located in the central district of Berlin, it is convenient to get there to any form of transport.

On public transport

Before the victory column, the bus stops and the metro station are located.

  • On the subway (U-Bahn): Line U9 to Hanseplatz stop (Hanzeplac).
  • By bus: 100,187, 106, N26 before the Großer Stern stop (Geros Stern).

On foot

Before the victory column, you can comfortably walk from the city center.

From the Brandenburg Gate on June 17, after 20 minutes a pleasant walk in Tiergarten Park, you will leave Groser Stern Stern with a circular crossroads.

By car

Please note that in close proximity to the victory column there is no possibility to park the car.

Nearest parking:

Stadt Berlin is free parking for 27 seats at: crossing Klopstockstraße and Altonaer Straße, it is 18 minutes walk to the victory column.

Parking Conditions:

  • two hours of free parking every day around the clock,
  • except Friday from 8.00. until 20.00.

Lützow Center Berlin - parking in the shopping center at: Lützowufer 26, Tiergarten. It is 25 minutes walk to the victory column.

Parking Conditions:

Day rate: Mon. from 09.00. until 20.00.:

  • 30 minutes. - 0.50 euros,
  • extra hour - 2,00 euros,
  • the maximum tariff is 16.00 euros.

Night fare: Mon. - Sun. from 20.00. until 09.00.:

  • 1 hour - 1.00 euros,
  • extra hour - 0.50 euros,
  • the maximum rate is 3.00 euros.

By taxi

Before the victory column, it is convenient to get to Taxi Uber or Berlin Taxi.

Video about the victory column

By this material, we continue a series of publications about the best attractions of Berlin. The victory column is one of the places that will leave after visiting a lot of impressions and photos.

History of construction

In the 1930s of the XIX century, Tiergarten, the former royal hunting estate, was turned into a park of 200 hectares. Located in the center between the districts of Mitte and Charlottenburg, this place is great for a picnic and barbecue. In Tiergarten, there is a unique cultural structure: a column of victory.

The triumphal column was built in 1873 on the project of Johan Heinrich Stakka. She was designed to marry Prussian / German victory over Denmark, Austria and France. The victory column was originally stood on the Square of the Republic of Platz. As part of the preparation of monumental plans, rebuild Berlin to the main city of the world, in 1939 the Nazi government ordered to move the monument to its current place in the "Great Star", the intersection of the main "axes" of the city. At this very time, the height of the column was increased by 7.5 meters, and now the height of the structure is 66.89 meters. The monument survived the Second World War without much damage. The transfer of the monument, perhaps saved him from destruction, as the place where he stood originally was turned into dust as a result of American air raids in 1945. From the destruction of the French after the end of World War II, a monument to the German Military Glory saved the veto of Americans and the British.

The victory column weighs about 35 tons, its height is 69 meters. It is decorated with bas-reliefs of battles, and Mosaic Bordur Anton Von Verner depicts the foundation of the German Empire in 1871. At the top of the column there is a figure of Victoria, the goddess of Victory from Roman mythology.

From the symbol of war to a party symbol.

The victory column began to appear on millions of photographs in the 90s in the 90s of the 20th century, when lavepa was carried out near. The figure of Victoria became Simomol Lav Parade.

Another event made the column on the cover of tabloids, when in 2008, the then presidential candidate Barack Obama during his visit to Berlin made it with a public speech.

The top of the victory column has an observation deck with a beautiful view of Berlin. If you look at her east, you will see Reichstag, Brandenburg Gate and of course Berlin television tower. In 2010-2011, the column was on the restoration, and today the observation deck is reopened again for visits. From the pleasure of seeing Berlin as the palm of you separates 3 euros (such is the cost of entry) and 285 swirling stages.

From other entertaining facts: one of the German magazines intended for LGBT community. Currently, the name "Victory Column" is called.

A column of Victory in Berlin, called Golden Elsa among Germans, is one of the main attractions of the city, as well as the monument to the history of Germany, dedicated to the victories of Prussia in three wars.

The history of the creation of a victory column

The column was officially opened at the beginning of September 1873, which was created by the project manager - Architect Johann Heinrich Rostz, at the orders of Kaiser Wilhelm I. On the granite base of the column you can see images dedicated to battles in the Danish, Austro-Prussian and Franco-Prussian wars. The overall height of the column (together with the sculpture) was almost 51 meters.

The top of the column was decorated with a sculpture of Victoria's goddess, which always characterizes the victory. The height of the sculpture was almost 8.5 meters and weighed 35 tons. The sculptor created by the column is Friedrich Fight.

Initially, the column was on the Royal Square, that is, on the place, which is now called the Republic Square (right in front of the Reichstag building).

Victory Column in the 20th century

In 1939, the column was postponed to a large star to the Tiergarten area, where she is still located. During its installation in a new place, another (fourth) section was added to the column, a height of 7.5 meters. Therefore, the actual height of the column was almost 67 meters.

Victory Column after the end of World War II

After the end of the war, the victory was not destroyed, although the Allied of the USSR-France, suggested to blow up immediately after the signing of a peace treaty with Germany. But, since this idea was not supported by the rest of the Alleni countries, the column was left at the same place safe and preservation.

After during the Cold War, Germany and Berlin were divided into two states, the victory column began to belong to Western Germany-Germany.

In 1987, residents of the city and the government allocated a whole kilogram of gold in order to allow the sculpture at the peak of the column. Since then, the victory column was rightly called on the local slang "Golden Elsa".

Column of victory today

To date, after the unification of Germany, the victory column is a monument of the country and is under the protection of the state. It is located in the center of the square, and around it there is a car highway in the form of a ring.

At an altitude of almost 50 meters, the Golden Elsa has a viewing platform to which 285 stairs are conducted, located inside the columns. This, quite a long way costs at least once to do to admire the beautiful panorama of Tiergarten district having many other attractions.

Information for tourists

With a viewing platform, the victory column is the German architectural monument, which is open to public visits. In the same place, inside the column, below is the historical museum.

Opening hours:

Monday-Friday: 9: 30-18: 30

Saturday-Sunday: 9: 30-19: 00

Monday-Sunday: 10: 00-17: 30

By the way, inside the column, a souvenir shop is also working on Sunday, but, only from April to November from 12:00 to 17:00.

Ticket price:

Adult: 3 EUR

Children's: 2.50 EUR

How to get

To get to the place where the victory column is, it is necessary, being the Brandenburg gate, go through a pedestrian tunnel, the entrance and exit to which are marked with stone arbors.

Getting to the Brandenburg Gate is better on foot from Alexanderplatz on Unter Den Linden Street, where many attractions are located: Cathedral, Museum Island, Berlin Opera, Madame Tussao Museum, many cafes, restaurants, etc..

You can get to Alexanderplatz at the subway or urban train from any end of the city, you just need to choose the center of the center. But, as many hotels in the city are located in its center, then no work will be found to find the main square from which the way to keep to the victory column.

Siegessäule - Victory Column in Berlin. The last final story about this pretty interesting sight of Berlin.

It is not so far from the main station of Berlin in the town called Tiergarten. A lot of trees here are whole forests around the victory column. The Germans came up with this: the car ring, in the center of which is the triumphal column of victory, the underground transition, which in itself is already a landmark))))) and trees, trees around ... Soon you will see it yourself and only here on the site !!!

The first photo in this story is just mentioned underground transition. What is it interesting: it is pure enough in it, but of course it's not about it: -d it is interesting that:

The sensory luminous wall to which if you touch, there will be bright light outbreaks on it, but even if it's just walking along the wall, i.e. go like this couple in the photo

Bright light will flash on this wall. It's awesome !!!
On ancient legend at night, bats fly here and very much light, so they try to scream it, so that the lamp does not shine:

Underground crossings We have successfully overcome and I wish everyone from you, dear readers, to be in Berlin, so that in addition to all the many other things, it is too interesting to overcome this transition))))) Indeed, all this is so interesting, especially if I haven't seen anything like that in your own Aul.

In my first Berlin, I called the upper part of the building "Angel" ... with wings, of course. When I began to read Wikipedia and other other useful internets, it turned out that there was no angel, but the goddess - the goddess of Victory Victoria! And the Germans-Berliners were in the people nicknamed "Gold Elsa" \u003d -o

because In 1987, it was decided to miss the goddess so that she would look painful and shine beautifully. As a result, a whole kilogram of gold was allocated to this case !!!

In general, the history of the creature of the monument is very interesting: Initially, Wilhelm I ordered to establish a victory column at Königsplatz (Königsplatz) - on the Royal Square, which is near the unsolicited Reichstag (now this area is called the Republic Square and we will still be very soon!).

Golden Elsa - Goddess Victoria. Column of Victory in Berlin

The height of the victory column at the time was just over 50 meters, because There was no useful part (pay attention to the area of \u200b\u200bthe column between the lower and the upper viewing platforms - 4 cylinder parts, each of which is one more than another below), and only three parts!

But, before you build another part (length of it, this part by the way is 7.5 meters), the victory column in 1938-1939 was transferred from the Royal Square at the current place - the Square "Big Star". And then the column was completed.

Thus, the height of the victory column in Berlin became almost 67 meters! And the height of the Golden Statue of the Goddess Victoria is a little more than eight meters.

In the last story you could see me and my relatives in the photo, where we are at the bottom observation site. If you certainly saw us there: -d because We were shooting a cousin from the bottom, and the height at the bottom observation site is also not small.

This, you can say, was a transshipment point for us so that then with new forces to climb on the top viewing area !!!
At the "Transshipment Point" (bottom observation deck), victory columns can be seen throughout the circumference of a wide "pillar" here are such pictures. Beautiful very paintings, I tell you:

As I learned from Wikipedia, the pictures are depicted by the scenes of battles with Danes, Austrians, French ... Well, I hope that not with Russians certainly. Made of bronze (yellow color), and gold like they did not use. And maybe gold also added.

The cousin takes pictures of us - you can even find the photo in the previous story!

Soon we have already set down further upwards:

And the way was to stay hard ...

There is no elevator in the victory column. This is an elevator: -d and here only on foot on your two. But it is useful for health !!!
... Hooray, rose to the very top !!!

48 meters above Earth! Slightly less than on the observation platform of the aforementioned tower - there are 50 meters height.

Adopting the monumentality of the Brandenburg Gate under the international polyphony, it is impossible not to see the column with the Golden Statue - the most famous landmark of Berlin in his geographical center. This is one of the most ambiguous monuments of the history of Prussia, which carries not only the imperial heritage of the Second Reich, but also Reich Third. After the scary wars of the 20th century in Germany, it is not taken to protrude the delegate merits of the past. In this, a separate accent was made - the destroyed church with a clearly militaristic bias indicates the fallacy of the Way of War. Victory Column - Other Case.

If you look closely, you can see that the cannoned barrel of the column consists of four parts, symbolizing the victory of Prussia over Denmark, Austria and France. The victories were three, and four links would notice a careful reader. After a very successful Avshlus Austria in early 1938, Hitler considered that thereby performed the aspirations of all the Germans of the 19th century - united all German lands and thus deserved his part in the victory column. In the same year, Hitler asked his friend, one of the most famous architects of that time, to transfer the column from the Royal Square at the Reichstag Building (today is the area of \u200b\u200bthe Republic) to the Square of a Big Star, where surrounded by the statues of the Great Workers of the Second Reich (Chancellor Bismarck and Field Marshal Moltke and Rona) Column stands so far.

"Column of Victory on Royal Square, 1900" Original Image: photochrom

The goddess Victoria itself, the bronze statue of work of the masters of the fight and Gladdenbek, carries the features of Borussia - the female embodiment of Prussia. Victoria holds a laurel wreath in one hand - a symbol of royal power, and in another commander rod with an iron cross, symbolizing the military power of Prussia. Golden coating softens her militancy and turns the Victoria into a small shining sun in the center of Berlin.

Photo: Anna Flashmann

The Second World War spared this monument. Soviet troops posted a red victory banner on the column. In the post-war time, the monument was tried several times to demolish. In 1991, a terrorist attack was undertaken, however, the bomb mechanism worked incorrectly, and the column received only small damage. Gradually, the message of the monument began to forgot, the Terrible past went to the shadow of centuries, and the place turned into a center for various mass processions and festive events. If you are in a good physical form, you can climb the column viewing platform (285 steps without elevator) and enjoy the view of the city.

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