Wood grouse's nest - alexander gorodnitsky: upcoming concerts and online broadcast of concerts. Alexander Gorodnitsky, Julius Kim, Sergey Nikitin

Laureate of the State Literary Prize named after Bulat Okudzhava, Honored Scientist Russian Federation, academician Russian Academy natural sciences, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor.

Alexander Gorodnitsky began to write poetry at school (1947), and songs - in the first expeditions (1954). His first poetry publications date back to 1948.

More than one generation of our fellow citizens grew up on the songs of A. Gorodnitsky. Many songs written by him in the Far North and in the distant ocean voyages and which are still widely popular are considered anonymous and folk songs. These include songs "Snow", "Wooden Cities", "Song of Polar Pilots", "Rolls", "To the Continent", "Canada", "Pillars of Hercules", "The French Ambassador's Wife", "Chistye Prudy" and many others. Song "Atlanteans hold the sky", who won first place at the All-Union Song Contest in 1966, became a legend for tens of millions of fans of the author's song.

A. Gorodnitsky's discography includes about 50 titles of records, laser discs, audio and video cassettes with author's songs. Among them: "Russian bards. Alexander Gorodnitsky"("Imka-Press", Paris, 1977), "Atlanta" "Meeting friends"("Melody", Leningrad, 1987), "Coast"("Melody", Leningrad, 1988), "Near the square"("Russian-German Music", St. Petersburg, 1993), "For those on Earth"(CD, Petersburg Recording Studio, 1995) and many, many others.

Alexander Gorodnitsky is the author of 28 books of poetry, songs and memoir prose. Among them: "Atlanta"(Poems. M .: Sov. Writer, 1967), "New Holland"(Poems. M .: Sov. Writer, 1971), "Coast"(Poems. M .: Sov. Writer, 1984), "Midnight Sun"(Poems. M .: Sov. Writer, 1990), "Migratory Angels"(Poems and songs. Sverdlovsk: Start, 1991), "Both near and far"(Memoir prose and songs. M .: Polygraph, 1991), "Islands in the Ocean"(Songs. M .: MGTSAP, 1993), "Constellation Pisces"(Poems.SPb .: The Ninth Wave, 1993), "Footprint in the Ocean"(Doc. Narration. Prose and songs. Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1993), "Island of Israel"(Poems and songs. Jerusalem, 1995), "Seasons"(Poems. M .: Sampo, 1996), "Ice stirrup"(Poems.SPb .: Zvezda, 1997), "Atlanteans hold the sky"(Jerusalem, 1999), "Station names"(St. Petersburg: Petropol, 1999), "In pursuit of time"(Moscow: Vagant, 1999), "Selected Poems and Songs"(St. Petersburg: Limbus-press, 2000), "Works"(M .: Lokid, 2000), "When fate is at stake"(Moscow: Eksmo, 2001), "And there is still hope to live"(Moscow: Vagrius, 2001), as well as numerous periodicals in Russian and foreign literary journals, collections, almanacs.

Songs and poems of Alexander Gorodnitsky were translated into English, French, German, Bulgarian, Czech, Spanish, Polish, Hebrew and other languages.

For several decades, A. Gorodnitsky has devoted a lot of time and effort to the propaganda of the author's song. Since 1971, he has been the permanent chairman of the jury of the world's largest festival of author's and amateur songs in memory of Valery Grushin, which takes place on the banks of the Volga near Samara. As chairman and member of the jury, he has repeatedly participated in international, all-Union and all-Russian festivals of author's and amateur songs in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Tallinn, Ulyanovsk, Kursk, Chelyabinsk and other cities. Gave a course of lectures on bard song in Russia, USA and Germany. Supervised creative workshops for young authors.

Numerous articles, dissertations, reviews and scientific reports in our country and abroad are devoted to A. Gorodnitsky's work. Gorodnitsky's songs and comments to them are included in tutorials by author's song for high school... They have been repeatedly performed on radio and television in Russia and other countries, and have become the subject of numerous television films.

Gorodnitsky's poems and songs are included in the anthology of modern Russian poetry (Anthology of Russian poetry "Stanzas of the century" (1995), "Petersburg in Russian poetry" (1975), "Law of random numbers", "155 poets in the year of the 850th anniversary of Moscow" (1997 ) and etc.). In 1998 he was awarded the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum Art Prize, and in 1999 he was the first to be awarded the Bulat Okudzhava State Literary Prize.

A. M. Gorodnitsky was awarded medals "50 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War"," 60 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War "," 250th anniversary of St. Petersburg "and" 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet. "He is a member of the Writers' Union of Russia (1972) and the International Pen-Club.

Lives and works in Moscow.

On October 21, 2017, a concert entitled "The Epoch of the Present" will be held at the Golden Ring Folk Theater. The large music program consists of three sections. Famous songwriters will perform in front of the audience: Alexander Gorodnitsky, Julius Kim and Sergey Nikitin.

Fans of the author's and bard's songs will find the best hits from the masters of the genre in a soulful live performance. These will be stories filled with deep meaning and sincere feelings: so different in mood, but equally soulful and "taking the soul".

Organizational information

Those wishing to buy tickets for the Epoch of the Present concert in Moscow can choose seats in the stalls or amphitheater of the Golden Ring. The artists will begin their performance at 18.00. The musical event is designed for listeners who have reached the age of 12 years.

More about performers

Alexander Gorodnitsky is one of the creators of the author's song genre in our country. A geophysicist by profession, he is the chief researcher at the Oceanological Institute. He wrote songs on voyages and expeditions. His poems and songs have been translated into many languages ​​and include school programs... The song "Atlantes hold the sky" is considered the unofficial anthem of St. Petersburg. Gorodnitsky wrote more than fifty books of poetry, songs and memoirs.

Julius Kim is a poet, bard, teacher, screenwriter, playwright, philologist and historian. He began writing and performing songs as a student, and very quickly gained popularity. Now he composes songs and plays for performances and films. Participated in the dissident movement in the USSR; in his songs of those years, he criticized society in a light, ironic form. In the 70s, Kim withdrew from his human rights activism. The discography of this author-performer includes more than 20 titles of audio carriers with songs (discs, records, audio and video cassettes). He wrote over 500 songs, 30 plays and 10 books, translated the script and most of the songs of the famous musical Notre Dame de Paris into Russian.

Sergey Nikitin is a famous composer and songwriter. He writes songs to the poems of domestic and foreign poets (Pasternak, Voznesensky, Yevtushenko, Shakespeare and others). They will compose music for films (including the famous films "The Irony of Fate", "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears", "Old New Year"And many others), as well as performances.

On October 21, 2017, a concert entitled "The Epoch of the Present" will be held at the Golden Ring Folk Theater. The large music program consists of three sections. Famous songwriters will perform in front of the audience: Alexander Gorodnitsky, Julius Kim and Sergey Nikitin.

Fans of the author's and bard's songs will find the best hits from the masters of the genre in a soulful live performance. These will be stories filled with deep meaning and sincere feelings: so different in mood, but equally heartfelt and “grasping”.

Organizational information

Those wishing to buy tickets for the Epoch of the Present concert in Moscow can choose seats in the stalls or amphitheater of the Golden Ring. The artists will begin their performance at 18.00. The musical event is designed for listeners who have reached the age of 12 years.

More about performers

Alexander Gorodnitsky is one of the creators of the author's song genre in our country. A geophysicist by profession, he is the chief researcher at the Oceanological Institute. He wrote songs on voyages and expeditions. His poems and songs have been translated into many languages ​​and included in school curricula. The song "Atlantes hold the sky" is considered the unofficial anthem of St. Petersburg. Gorodnitsky wrote more than fifty books of poetry, songs and memoirs.

Julius Kim is a poet, bard, teacher, screenwriter, playwright, philologist and historian. He began writing and performing songs as a student, and very quickly gained popularity. Now he composes songs and plays for performances and films. Participated in the dissident movement in the USSR; in his songs of those years, he criticized society in a light, ironic form. In the 70s, Kim withdrew from his human rights activism. The discography of this author-performer includes more than 20 titles of audio carriers with songs (discs, records, audio and video cassettes). He wrote over 500 songs, 30 plays and 10 books, translated the script and most of the songs of the famous musical Notre Dame de Paris into Russian.

Sergey Nikitin is a famous composer and singer-songwriter. He writes songs to the poems of domestic and foreign poets (Pasternak, Voznesensky, Yevtushenko, Shakespeare and others). They will compose music for films (including the famous films The Irony of Fate, Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears, The Old New Year and many others), as well as for performances.

Concert “Alexander Gorodnitsky, Julius Kim, Sergey Nikitin. The big concert "The Epoch of the Present!" Was held in the Golden Ring on October 21, 2017.

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