We study the words of exception in Russian. Spelling QI and QI

Class: 2


  • learn how to spell correctly chi-chi in words;
  • develop writing skills;
  • develop spelling vigilance;
  • develop monologue speech, attention, observation, thinking;
  • improve sanitary and hygienic skills;

Equipment: textbook, flashcards, reference cards.

During the classes

I. Organization of the class.

Check readiness for the lesson.

II. Work on the topic.

1) analysis of notebooks

- open notebooks. Look. You made me very happy.

Did the job without errors … people

1-2 mistakes made … pers.

Happy for the work...

They are trying…

I love notebooks...

Be careful. Try.

2) Work on the riddle

a) write on the blackboard: (highlighted LCD connection, color chalkboard)

Live in a difficult book lcd e
Cunning Brothers shk And.
Ten of them, but these brothers
They count everything in the world.

- Read (read independently)

- Read, prove that you read? (mystery, as the item is described but not named)

- Guess (numbers). prove.

- Reread, think:

  • How many sounds [g] are in the riddle? (1)
  • How many sounds [w] are in the riddle? (2)

What can you say about these sounds? (always solid, paired in sonority and deafness, hissing)

What letters represent these sounds? ("zhe" "sha") cards W W on the board

b) min. calligraphy

- Pay attention to the spelling of these letters.

- Show teacher.

- Write down the connections of the LCD SHK (show in words) (landing rule)

Conclusion: Well done! Written in correct calligraphy. We tried.

c) What other hissing sounds do you know? (h w w)

What letters represent the sounds? ("che" "sha" "ce")

on the board cards H C W

- What spelling spelling with these letters do you know?

(ZHI - SHI I write with the vowel I; CHA - SCHA I write with the vowel A; CHU - SHU I write with the vowel U)


- And what do we know about the spelling with C? (Nothing)

d) Reread the riddle.

- What is it? (numbers)

- Let's perform a sound-letter analysis of the word "numbers" (children perform

independently) LANDING RULE


Let's check how we did it.

- Who has it? (children signal in red; if green - why? doubted)

- What's wrong with you? ( i post. "AND"; i post. "Y")

“But I didn’t put anything. Why do you think?

I'm not sure which letter to write.

So what are we going to work on?

posting on the board

3) Work in pairs.

a) Take a green card.

- Read the task

- What's not clear? We are working.

b) Verification

What two groups did you divide the words into?

(words with orph. TSY with a letter S

words with orph. CI with a letter AND)

c) Reread the words of group I. (children read the words)


- Reread the words.

TSY is at the end of a word)

- Read the words of group II. (children read the words)

A card appears on the board. I emphasize the combination CI

- Reread the words.

- What interesting things did you notice? ( CI in the middle of a word)

RESULT: Well done! Correctly found the spelling and proved it.

CONCLUSION: When is it written TSY with the letter Y (written at the end of the word)

- when it is written CI with the letter I (written in the middle of a word)


4) Work on the text.

Take the envelopes, take out the cards.

– Read. (children read)

– What have you read? (offers)

- Let's read it. (read one sentence at a time)

- What do you think, what task will we perform?

- Make a text out of these sentences.

Freeze in winter and animals. 5
Children are happy with the snow. 2
The birds have difficulty finding food. 4
Here comes the winter. 1
What about birds and animals? 3


- Read the text you have. Prove it. (this is a text, because all sentences are connected in meaning, each next sentence continues the previous one)

- What is the text about? Theme (winter coming)

- Read the text again.

Find and write down sentences that talk about birds.


- How many sentences were written down?

– Read.

Find words with new spelling. Prove it.

(TSY I write with the letter Y, because at the end of the word)

RESULT: Well done! You did the right job.

5) I open the record on the board:

– Read. (read the words in a chain)

- What interesting things did you notice? ( TSY- in the middle of a word, but this cannot be)

- Guys, it turns out that in Russian there are words that do not fit the spelling. The spelling of these words must be memorized. These words are words of exception. EXCEPTION WORDS

- To make it easier to remember the words, there is a rhyme that will help. (I speak)

The gypsy stands on tiptoe and says "tsyts" to the chicken.

- Let's say it all together.

RESULT: Well done! Remember the spelling of these words to avoid mistakes.

6) Back to the word (scheme)


What letter will we write in this word?

- Prove it. (I write QI with the letter I, because there is no QI in the middle of a word and in exception words)

- They proved it right.

Let's make a conclusion.

- When is Qi written with the letter I? (in the middle of a word)

- When is TSY written with the letter Y? (at the end of a word)

- Who remembered all the words of the exception?

- Name them.

RESULT: Well done! Correctly proved and concluded.

7) Independent work.

- Let's work on the assignment.

- Take a card (yellow)

b) Verification.

Read ... ... the words that you wrote down.

What common? (every word has a spelling)

What is the word "extra"? (France - state, snowflake - orff. Zhi - shi)

- Read the words for the spelling "tsy write with the letter y"

  • Gypsy
  • Streets
  • chicks

What is the word "extra"?

Gypsy (word exception)

- Read the words with the spelling "qi write with the letter and"

  • France
  • Cylinder

- When is tsy written with the letter y? (at the end of a word and in exception words)

– When is qi written with beech and? (in the middle of a word)

What question are we looking for an answer to? (when TSY is written in words, and when QI)

Have we answered this question?

- When is TSY written with the letter Y, QI with the letter I?

III. Reflection:

- Continue the sentence:

  • It was interesting to me…
  • I wanted…
  • I found out that ….
  • I managed…


- Guys, I was satisfied.

You were real scientists. Found the spelling and proved it.

The editors of the site are not responsible for the content of the article in this section.

Literacy lesson

Subject: Spelling of words with combinations TSY and QI.
Goals: 1. Create conditions for the formation of the concept of the correct spelling of words with combinations of TSY and QI.
2. Consolidate knowledge of the alphabet.
3. Continue working on a poetic text, develop the ability to find a rhyme.
4. Cultivate respect for other people's opinions, develop the ability to work in a group.

Equipment: word cards, a poster with a picture of a circus, a bitmap of a circus building for children, a circus card, the text of a poem, an envelope with exception words, cards for group work.

During the classes
1. Org. moment.
T: Let's start the literacy lesson.
Say hello to each other - give your smiles. Now smile at me too.
Thank you!

2. Statement of the problem. Formulation of the topic of the lesson.
T: And let's start the lesson by repeating the alphabet.
(children repeat the alphabet from memory)
Knowing the alphabet will be useful to us in the next task.
Before you are leaflets with dots and letters. What do you think you need to do?
D: Connect the dots alphabetically.
(children connect the dots)
W: What happened?
Check your guess.
Here are the words (on the board). All of them are related to what is drawn in your picture.
D: It's a circus.
W: Of course it's a circus.
Do you love the circus? Why do you love the circus? (children's answers)
To make it clear to everyone that this is a circus building, it needs a sign.

D: A letter is missing.
Q: What letter is missing?
D: The letter I is omitted because [C] is always a hard sound. S - because we hear [S]
U: Describe the sound that the letter C stands for.
D: The sound [C] is consonant, hard, deaf, unpaired.
U: How can we write a combination of Qi or Qi correctly?
D: We have to find out in the lesson today.
W: Right. And for this you need to be very attentive and observant.

3. Finding ways to solve the problem.
T: Take a good look around our class. What did you see?
D: Words are scattered all over the class.
(Number, brush, cicada, comb, cucumbers, Indians, top hat, starlings, dial, streets, puppy, siskin.)
U: You need to find and bring words that contain the letter C.
The words are posted on the board
clock face

W: Look at the words. What words do you not understand?
(The student reads the meaning of the word "cicada" from the explanatory dictionary.)
T: What 2 groups can these words be divided into.
D: Animate and inanimate objects.
Words in the meaning of the singular and plural.
Two-syllable and three-syllable words.
Words that start with a vowel and words that start with a consonant.
Words that start with Qi and words that end with Qi.
cucumber dial

T: Look carefully at the words. What do you notice?
D: If QI is at the beginning of a word, then the vowel I is written, and if the combination is at the end of the word, then TSY is written.
T: See what else the words in the second column have in common?
D: Words that denote objects and have a plural meaning.
U: Make a conclusion when the combination TSY is written, when - QI.
D: The combination QI is written if it is at the beginning of a word, and the combination TSY is written at the end of words that have a plural value.
W: Back to the word circus. How to write this word correctly.
D: In the word circus, the combination of QI is written with the vowel I.
T: Sign your drawing.

U: This morning we received a letter from circus performers.
Haven't you seen him? Look carefully around.
(Children find a letter in the classroom)
Let's see what the artists wrote to us.
T: What can you say about these words?
D: They made mistakes, the words are spelled incorrectly, because. the combination TSY is at the beginning of the word and is written with the letter I.
T: How to make sure the words are written correctly or not?
D: You need to look in the spelling dictionary.
T: Look up the words in the dictionary.
T: What can you say about the writing of these words?
D: The words are spelled correctly.
W: Guys, how is it? It turns out that these words do not obey the rule that we derived in the lesson.
D: Probably these are some special words and they need to be remembered.
W: Right. These words are exceptions. And in order to remember them better, we need to get up.
Now each of you will be an artist. You need to "depict the words".
(Children show each word and memorize the verse.
"Gypsy on tiptoe said tsyts to a chicken")
U: Formulate a conclusion on how words are written with combinations TSY and QI.

4. Work in groups. Fixing the material.
T: Each group needs to insert the missing letters in the words, prove the spelling is correct. (Words on cards.)
I or Y

5. Working with text.
T: And now we're going to the circus. Let's not go alone. We will be accompanied. Who? You will find out by reading the text.
(text printed on leaflets)
The chicken was going to the circus,
Dressed up, dressed up
Took a ticket and took a flower
And he ran with all his might.
Herons roam the arena.
Like dancers on stage.
A learned cicada
Write the numbers next to them.
The chicken threw her a flower.
His voice was thin
He couldn't shout "Bravo"
I just tossed her a flower.
And of course the cicada
Happy with my success.
She grabbed the compass with her paws
And I drew a circle.
Everyone clapped their hands
And the chicken clapped too.

T: With whom did we go to the circus?
D: Chicken.
U: Who did we take away in the circus arena?
D: Herons and learned cicada performed.
T: Guys, what can you say about the text?
D: It's a poem because there are rhyming words in the text.
T: Find the rhyme in the poem.
(Children are looking for a rhyme)
T: What interesting things did you notice in the poem?
D: There were words for a new rule.
T: Find and underline the words with the combinations of QI and QI. Explain their spelling.

6. The result of the lesson.
T: Remember what task we set ourselves at the beginning of the lesson.
D: Find out how words are written with combinations of TSY and QI.
(formulate a conclusion)
W: Do you think we have revealed all the secrets of spelling?
D: Of course not. We still have a lot to learn in the next lessons.


  • learn how to spell correctly chi-chi in words;
  • develop writing skills;
  • develop spelling vigilance;
  • develop monologue speech, attention, observation, thinking;
  • improve sanitary and hygienic skills;
  • Equipment: textbook, flashcards, reference cards.

    I. Organization of the class.

    Check readiness for the lesson.

    II. Work on the topic.

    1) analysis of notebooks

    - open notebooks. Look. You made me very happy.

    Did the job without errors … people

    1-2 mistakes made … pers.

    Happy for the work...

    Be careful. Try.

    2) Work on the riddle

    a) write on the blackboard: (highlighted LCD connection, color chalkboard)

    Live in a difficult book lcd e
    Cunning Brothers shk And.
    Ten of them, but these brothers
    They count everything in the world.

    - Read (read independently)

    - Read, prove that you read? (mystery, as the item is described but not named)

    - Guess (numbers). prove.

  • How many sounds [g] are in the riddle? (1)
  • How many sounds [w] are in the riddle? (2)
  • What can you say about these sounds? (always solid, paired in sonority and deafness, hissing)

    What letters represent these sounds? ("zhe" "sha") cards W W on the board

    b) min. calligraphy

    - Pay attention to the spelling of these letters.

    - Write down the connections of the LCD SHK (show in words) (landing rule)

    Conclusion: Well done! Written in correct calligraphy. We tried.

    c) What other hissing sounds do you know? (h w w)

    What letters represent the sounds? ("che" "sha" "ce")

    on the board cards H C W

    - What spelling spelling with these letters do you know?

    (ZHI - SHI I write with the vowel I; CHA - SCHA I write with the vowel A; CHU - SHU I write with the vowel U)


    - And what do we know about the spelling with C? (Nothing)

    d) Reread the riddle.

    - What is it? (numbers)

    - Let's perform a sound-letter analysis of the word "numbers" (children perform

    independently) LANDING RULE


    Let's check how we did it.

    - Who has it? (children signal in red; if green - why? doubted)

    - What's wrong with you? ( i post. "AND"; i post. "Y")

    “But I didn’t put anything. Why do you think?

    I'm not sure which letter to write.

    So what are we going to work on?

    posting on the board

    3) Work in pairs.

    a) Take a green card.

    - What's not clear? We are working.

    What two groups did you divide the words into?

    (words with orph. TSY with a letter S

    words with orph. CI with a letter AND)

    c) Reread the words of group I. (children read the words)


    TSY is at the end of a word)

    - Read the words of group II. (children read the words)

    A card appears on the board. I emphasize the combination CI

    - What interesting things did you notice? ( CI in the middle of a word)

    RESULT: Well done! Correctly found the spelling and proved it.

    CONCLUSION: When is it written TSY with the letter Y (written at the end of the word)

    - when it is written CI with the letter I (written in the middle of a word)


    4) Work on the text.

    Take the envelopes, take out the cards.

    – Read. (children read)

    – What have you read? (offers)

    - Let's read it. (read one sentence at a time)

    - What do you think, what task will we perform?

    - Make a text out of these sentences.

    Freeze in winter and animals. 5
    Children are happy with the snow. 2
    The birds have difficulty finding food. 4
    Here comes the winter. 1
    What about birds and animals? 3

    - Read the text you have. Prove it. (this is a text, because all sentences are connected in meaning, each next sentence continues the previous one)

    - What is the text about? Theme (winter coming)

    - Read the text again.

    Find and write down sentences that talk about birds.


    - How many sentences were written down?

    Find words with new spelling. Prove it.

    (TSY I write with the letter Y, because at the end of the word)

    RESULT: Well done! You did the right job.

    5) I open the record on the board:

    – Read. (read the words in a chain)

    - What interesting things did you notice? ( TSY- in the middle of a word, but this cannot be)

    - Guys, it turns out that in Russian there are words that do not fit the spelling. The spelling of these words must be memorized. These words are words of exception. EXCEPTION WORDS

    - To make it easier to remember the words, there is a rhyme that will help. (I speak)

    The gypsy stands on tiptoe and says "tsyts" to the chicken.

    - Let's say it all together.

    RESULT: Well done! Remember the spelling of these words to avoid mistakes.

    6) Back to the word (scheme)

    What letter will we write in this word?

    - Prove it. (I write QI with the letter I, because there is no QI in the middle of a word and in exception words)

    Let's make a conclusion.

    - When is Qi written with the letter I? (in the middle of a word)

    - When is TSY written with the letter Y? (at the end of a word)

    - Who remembered all the words of the exception?

    RESULT: Well done! Correctly proved and concluded.

    7) Independent work.

    - Let's work on the assignment.

    - Take a card (yellow)

    Read ... ... the words that you wrote down.

    What common? (every word has a spelling)

    What is the word "extra"? (France - state, snowflake - orff. Zhi - shi)

    - Read the words for the spelling "tsy write with the letter y"

    What is the word "extra"?

    Gypsy (word exception)

    - Read the words with the spelling "qi write with the letter and"

    - When is tsy written with the letter y? (at the end of a word and in exception words)

    – When is qi written with beech and? (in the middle of a word)

    What question are we looking for an answer to? (when TSY is written in words, and when QI)

    Have we answered this question?

    - When is TSY written with the letter Y, QI with the letter I?

    III. Reflection:

    • It was interesting to me…
    • I wanted…
    • I found out that ….
    • I managed…
    • - Guys, I was satisfied.

      You were real scientists. Found the spelling and proved it.



      To main

      Spelling words into letters from A before I look at the list of letters >>>

      The most important spelling rules.

      The letters b and b.

      In other cases, the letter is used as a separator b , For example: Boer b yang, V b young, sparrow b other, chickens b yozny, fox b I, fox b e, fox b And, night b Yu, bez b yana, under b yachiy, rouge b yo, erysipelas b Yu, ser b yozny, h b yo, h b I, h b And.

      Note 1. In many borrowed words, the letter b used as a separator before a letter O , For example: battle b He, bul b He, Gil b otina, pocket b ola, company b He, medal b He, min b He, pavil b He, mailed b He, champagne b He.

      Note 2 Separation b not written in the following cases:

      a) in complex abbreviated words: Gosjurizdat;

      b) after prefixes and after the first part of compound words before A , O , at , uh : trouble-free, subdivision, insane, save, three-yard, double decker.

      Spelling hissing with vowels.

      9. After the letters and , w , h , sch letters are not written in Russian words s , I , Yu , and letters are written And , A , at .

      In some foreign words after and , And w , and also after c letters are written I And Yu : brooch Yu ra, and Yu ri, C Yu rich, Svents I us.

      Spelling TSY - QI and TSE - TSO.

      10. Letter s after c written in the endings of nouns ( cucumber tsy , No smoke tsy ), in the endings and in the suffix - un adjectives ( ku tsy th, pale tsy th, sisters tsy n).

      Besides, tsy written in words tsy gan, tsy films, tsy kidneys, tsy c, and in other words of the same root ( tsy Ghanaian, tsy P- tsy P, on tsy kidneys, tsy kat and so on.). In other cases, write qi , For example: mill qi I, qi tata, qi rk, qi fra, qi rulnik, qi mbala, qi bik, qi nga, qi novka, pan qi p, qi boule, qi hawk, qi mlyanskoye.

      11. In stressed syllables in accordance with the pronunciation after c spelled O , For example: tso kat, tso stake, whether tso , young tso m, from tso V, lane tso out, obli tso vka, worn out tso howl, tan tso R and so on.

      no accent after c instead of O spelled e , For example: paintings tse , finger tse m, Komsomol tse V, ku tse th, sieve tse out, young tse wadded, look tse twisted, tan tse rampant, tan tse vat, gar tse vat, spin tse vat.

      Note. In unstressed syllables O written only in words tso coat and some foreign words, for example: palace tso , sker tso .



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      Russian language - spelling:


      Spelling tsy - qi and tse - tso

      Letter s after c spelled in noun endings (cucumber s , No hens s ), in endings and suffix -yn adjectives ( kuts th, paleface th, sisters un ).

      In words c s gan, c s films, c s kidneys, c s c and in other words of the same roots ( c s Ghanaian, c s p-ts s p, on c s kidneys, c s kat etc.) is written tsy. Can remember: c s gan on c s kidneys c s film c s clicked c s c.
      In the rest cases is written qi, For example: station And i, c And tata, c And pk, c And fra, c And rulnik, c And mballs, c And beak, c And nga, c And novka, c And bulya, c And garka, c And mlyanskoye.

      in stressed syllables according to pronunciation c spelled O, For example: c O kat, c O kohl, persons O, well done O m, father O c, pepper O vy, oblits O vka, vytanz O howl, dance O R and so on.
      No accent after c instead of O spelled e, For example: towels e, finger e m, Komsomol member e in, kuts e go, sitz e wow, well done e wadded, glossy e wow, dance e rampant, dance e wat, garz e wat, spritz e wat.


      ABC truths

      Interactive dictation

      LITERATURE textbook: spelling

      Literacy Tutorial: Punctuation

      Names and titles. Interactive simulator

      useful links

      Summer Reading


      Language Quotes

      Tongue Twisters

      Proverbs and sayings

      Choose the correct answers. To check the completed task, click the "Check" button.

      Spelling Y and Y after Ts

      In order to accurately select the letter Y or AND after Ts, it is necessary to determine in which part of the word the dubious vowel is located.
      1. In the roots of words after C, you should write the letter AND (for example: CIRCUS, QUOTE) in all words, except for exception words: GYPSY, CHICK, CHICKEN, STICK, STICK.
      2. In endings and suffixes after C, Y is written (for example: FIGHTERS-Y, CUCUMBERS-Y, SISTERS-YN, QUEEN-YN-O). The exceptions here are the verb TO MUSIC, as well as all nouns that in the nominative case end in - TSIYA (for example: STATION, POSITION, ACTION).

      1. “I ask you to wait a bit,” said the official, placing a ts _ fru on paper with one hand and moving two points on the accounts with the fingers of his left hand. (N. Gogol)

      2. The blood of everyone who heard this wolf's cry was frozen, and insane, mortal fear, taking away their minds, drove them into cracks, into the deepest and tightest holes. (R. Krapp)

      3. - Where are you, beast, cut off your nose? she screamed in anger. - Scammer! drunkard! I myself will inform the police on you _ and. What a robber! (N. Gogol)

      4. Stepan Trofimovich, on purpose, in the most stupid way, sometimes translated Russian proverbs _ and root sayings into French, no doubt being able to both understand and translate better; but he made this out of a special kind of chic and found it witty. (F. Dostoevsky)

      5. The newspaper may lose its reputation. If anyone starts writing that his nose has run away, then. And so they already say that many inconsistencies and false rumors are printed. (N. Gogol)

      6. The private was a great encourager of all arts and manufactures, but he preferred the state banknote to everything. “This thing,” he usually said, “there is nothing better than this thing: it does not ask for food, it will take up little space, it will always fit in your pocket, if you drop it, it will not hurt you.” (N. Gogol)

      7. At this time, Ivan Yakovlevich, a ruffian, looked out the door, but as timidly as a cat that had just been flogged for stealing fat. (N. Gogol)

      8. Motor pots _ cal and silent. (V. Nabokov)

      9. ... It was a silent white-faced man, with short, stiff hair standing on end on a cubic skull and a fishy look in cold eyes, a Latinist by profession, and later a rather prominent Soviet official. (V. Nabokov)

      10. I always wanted to find a true friend, we would play music with him, he would leave me a house and a flower garden as a legacy. (V. Nabokov)

      11. Do you remember how we once had breakfast in his hotel, on the luxurious, multi-tiered border of Italy, where the asphalt is endlessly multiplied by glitz _ nii and the air smells of rubber and paradise? (V. Nabokov)

      12. All mental illnesses are explained by the subconscious memory of the misfortunes of the patient's ancestors, and if the patient suffers from, say, megalomania, then for his complete cure it is only necessary to establish which of his great-grandfathers was a power-hungry loser. (V. Nabokov)

      13. Dissertation - this I deftly and painfully pricked the then Slavophiles and at once delivered to him numerous and furious enemies among them. (F. Dostoevsky)

      14. Grinning, he took off his short jacket, took off a shaggy dark sweatshirt over his head. (V. Nabokov)

      15. But then he meant sambits and with particular haste ordered to assure himself once and for all that his career was broken for his whole life by a "whirlwind of circumstances." (F. Dostoevsky.)

      16. Thought c _ nic; but after all, the sublimity of the organization even sometimes contributes to a tendency to cynical thoughts, already on the basis of the many-sidedness of development alone. (F. Dostoevsky)

      17. It was one hallucination _ nat _ I before the illness, especially since on the same night he really fell ill for two whole weeks. (F. Dostoevsky)

      19. Abroad, Shatov radically changed some of his former socialist convictions and jumped to the opposite extreme. (F. Dostoevsky)

      20. Nationality, if you like, has never appeared in our country except in the form of a club aristocratic undertaking, and, in addition, also a Moscow one. (F. Dostoevsky)

      21. In anticipation, they gave the venerable and offended Pyotr Pavlovich a whole sheep _ yu: they hugged and kissed him; the whole city visited him. (F. Dostoevsky)

      22. Feeling he went to the left, to the kitchen door, found it, passed the senz _ and went down the stairs. (F. Dostoevsky)

      23. Still friends, still drinking, club and cards, and reputation _ I am an atheist. I don't like this reputation, Stepan Trofimovich. (F. Dostoevsky)

      24. He even went out for a walk, for the necessary exercise, only at full twilight, when it was already completely dark. (F. Dostoevsky)

      25. All of our people were officially informed from the very beginning that Stepan Trofimovich would not receive him for some time and asked to be left in complete peace. (F. Dostoevsky)

      26. - Aleksey Nilych themselves just from abroad _, after a four-year absence, - picked up Liputin, - went to improve themselves in their specialty. (F. Dostoevsky)

      27. They only collect observations, but they do not touch the essence of the issue, or, so to speak, its moral side, and even completely reject morality, but adhere to the newest principle - the path of universal destruction for good final goals. (F. Dostoevsky)

      28. Numerous metropolitan and provincial newspapers and other journals are published in Russia, and many incidents are reported in them daily. (F. Dostoevsky)

      29. By the way: there is an eunuch here in the county, a curious people. (F. Dostoevsky)

      30. Her daughter was somewhere in Turts - her husband brought her, and for twelve years there was no hearing or spirit. (F. Dostoevsky)

      31. She stood over him for about three minutes, barely catching her breath, and suddenly fear seized her; she went out on her knees, stopped at the door, hastily crossed him, and left unnoticed, with a new heavy feeling and a new melancholy. (F. Dostoevsky)

      32. At the entrance to our huge market square is the dilapidated Church of the Nativity of the Virgin _, which is a remarkable antiquity in our ancient city. (F. Dostoevsky)

      33. Waking up for tomorrow, fresh as an apple, he immediately went to the ts _ Ghansky camp, located across the river in the settlement, about which he heard yesterday at the club, and did not appear at the hotel for two days. (F. Dostoevsky)

      34. - How so, would you go to the top five if I offered you? Verkhovensky suddenly blurted out and put the scissors on the table. (F. Dostoevsky)

      35. He decided to go directly to the newspaper expedition and make a publication in advance with a detailed description of all the qualities, so that anyone who met him could immediately introduce him to him, or at least let him know about the place of stay. (N. Gogol)

      36. I will not describe in detail the picture of the fire: who in Rus' does not know it? In the alleys closest to the burning streets, the bustle and crowding were exorbitant. (F. Dostoevsky)

      37. It turned out that one landowner, Nadezhda Egorovna Svetlits _na, told her yesterday to wait for herself in Khatov and promised to take her to Spasovo, but she didn’t come. (F. Dostoevsky)

      38. Varvara Petrovna grabbed her by the hand, like a kite and a film, and swiftly dragged her to Stepan Trofimovich. (F. Dostoevsky)

      39. The main thing that tormented everyone was that from all the confusion that appeared, it was impossible to extract anything general and binding. (F. Dostoevsky)

      40. Water licked the low bank, covered with reeds, daffodil _ ssami and tense flesh of unblown irises. (J. Updike)

      41. The most noble and impeccable indignation flared up in her soul when, putting on a shawl, she caught the embarrassed and distrustful look of her pupils _. (F. Dostoevsky)

      42. There was, for example, one moment in Solzhenitsy's Cancer Ward when Russian prose, and with it the writer himself, came within two or three paragraphs of a decisive breakthrough. (I. Brodsky)

      43. Because - be patient, children, there are only seven minutes left to suffer - although potentially each cell individually is immortal, but, having voluntarily assumed a differentiated function within an organized community of cells, it falls into an unfavorable environment. (J. Updike)

      44. The carcass of a brontosaurus weighed thirty tons, and the brain - only two ounces _ and. (J. Updike)

      45. But just as on a sheet of paper shaded with a black pencil, the inscriptions and inscriptions, erased long ago painted over on the lid of the desk, appear, this picture again revived in me longing and fear for my father. (J. Updike)

      46. ​​The boy wanted to become a doctor of medicine _ us, but did not finish his studies and now he became a flayer. (J. Updike)

      47. Ducks and frogs vied with each other hoarsely and jubilantly shouted on a swampy lake, peering through thickets of cherries, lindens, acacia _ th and wild apple trees. (J. Updike)

      48. I always drank lemonade here, as if saying goodbye to c _ vilizats _ her before diving into that dark wilderness, which, by some ridiculous mistake, became our home. (J. Updike)

      School XXI century

      (c) we all learned a little

      Dictations: combinations of qi, qi

      Fun reminder! to make it easier to remember words in which at the root of the word after C spelled AND, teach the children the following saying:

      Gypsy on tsybuds approached the chick film
      and ts ycked at him: “ts ts ts!”

      After q, the letter s is written in endings and in the suffix -yn, for example: birds, sheep, cucumbers, white-faced, sisters, foxes, as well as in the words gypsies, chicken, on tiptoe, tsyts (interjection) and in other words of the same root. In other cases, after c is always written and, for example: station, mat, zinc, medicine.

      qi, qi.

      Fathers, fighters, blacksmiths, knitting needles, pages, onions, strikers, palaces, chicken, chicken-chick, tiptoe, birds, streets, sellers, cucumbers. (16 words)

      Write down the words. Emphasize combinations qi, qi.

      Hares, foxes, tits, borders, singers, fingers, station, acacia, compass, circus, zinc, figure, gypsy, circus, compass, figure, station. (17 words)

      Write the words in the plural.

      Father - fathers fighter, blacksmith, hare, cucumber, end, fox, titmouse, palace, finger, knitting needle, bulb, border, caterpillar.

    The project of this lesson was developed according to the program of D.B. Elkonin-V.V. Davydov. It will allow you to organize the work of students so that the children themselves discover a way to designate the sound Y after Ts, formulate a rule. This knowledge will be the result of the research work of students under the guidance of a teacher.



    lesson project

    Teacher: Kulikova Irina Gennadievna

    School: No. 124 Nizhny Novgorod

    Grade: 1A

    Subject: Russian

    Program: developmental training according to the program of D.B. Elkonin -


    Lesson topic: "Spelling QI-TSY"

    Lesson objective: open a way to designate the sound [S] after Ts


    Educational:in the course of research work, acquire knowledge about the spelling QI-TSY in the words of the Russian language

    Developing: in the course of research activities, the guys learn that qi is written in the middle of the word, qi is written at the end of the word, they learn that there are exception words from this method that must be remembered;

    Educational: must understand that the knowledge gained makes them literate; instill in the children the spirit of cooperation, solidarity.

    During the classes

    I stage. Motivational-indicative

    1. Making contact.

    The long-awaited call is given -
    The lesson starts.
    To be literate
    We have a lot to learn.

    2. Creating a situation of success.

    The notebooks were opened.

    Let's do a cleaning job. During the test, I wrote down the assignments in a notebook in advance.

    What did we learn at the last Russian lesson? (We learned to write words with spellings JI-SHI, CHA-SCHA, CHU-SCHU.)

    Let's check how we can apply the rules while writing. Word charts on the board. Write these words in letters, separated by commas.

    [ SCH’UKA ], [H’AS], [ [SPRING], [EARS], [ UCH’US ’], [H’ASCH’A].

    Let's do a cross check. If you find a mistake, then we don’t fix it, but put a stick in the margins so that the guys themselves find it and correct it. What will we evaluate? (Right)

    Raise your hands, who did the job? Well done!

    II. Executive.

    1. Knowledge gap situation

    Since you and I are doing the tasks so well, then you will definitely fulfill the request of Znayka. He left on business and asked us to check Dunno's essay about how he spent his day off. I printed it out for each of you to try to apply your knowledge. (The text of the essay lies on the children's desks. Children work on this piece of paper.)

    Let's check what happened.

    (During the check, a dispute should arise about the spelling of words with [TSY]. The guys already have an idea that in Russian there is a spelling of words with QI and ZY.)

    What caused our dispute? (We do not know when [TSY] is written with the letter I, and when with the letter Y)

    Who can make a model of our ignorance on the board. (The entry QI? ZY appears on the board)

    2. Statement of the learning task.

    The reason is serious. It turns out that we did not cope with the request of Znayka and did not help him. And he had such high hopes for us. What do we do? (You need to find out when [TSY] is written with the letter I, and when with the letter Y)

    And when are we going to do it? (Let's go to the lesson now.)

    Do you all agree? (Yes)

    3. Study planning.

    Is this new knowledge for us? (Yes) (If the guys say that they have already met with such words and they know the spelling of some of them, then you need to find out if this knowledge is enough.)

    How can you get new knowledge? (From a textbook, ask an adult, open it yourself)

    Which way shall we choose? (We choose the latter, although the rest are faster and easier, but this will not be our discovery, and we can quickly forget such knowledge)

    What needs to be researched in order to find a way to designate the sound [Ы].

    (I bring the children to the fact that in the Russian language lesson we work with words, and therefore we need to explore the words)

    Do we need any words? (No, only those where there is a combination [TSY])

    Where can you get them? (In books, ask an adult to write.)

    Suppose we found such words, wrote them out. What will we do next? (It is necessary to divide them into columns with Qi and Qi. Compare. Draw conclusions.)

    Have we planned our work? (Yes)

    Let's repeat the work plan again. I will write it down on the blackboard

    Find and write out words with [TSY] in 2 columns

    Qi qi


    Conclusion. (Words or diagram)

    How will we work? (In groups.)

    (Children are divided into groups)

    Since we don’t have much time, I have already picked up a few stories from books, excerpts from poetry, and I myself wrote a few words for you.

    (I offer the children to work with the material that I prepared in advance)

    1 group - a selection of poems

    (the material is printed in large print on a separate sheet and given to the group)

    Group 2 - stories printed on a piece of paper from the Primer of V.V. Repkin Part 2 “How the Chick hatched”, “Bears-wrestlers”.

    3, 4 group - a set of words with the spelling QI-TSI

    The guys start working.


    Bear wrestlers performed in the circus.

    They didn't scratch each other, didn't bite.

    They behaved sportively, honestly. Well done, bears! In the end, two bear cubs overcame the father bear. The clown treated the brave men to candies. And he gave sugar to an adult bear.


    In the end, Chip realized:

    There's something dark in here!

    And he hatched: he hit the shell with his beak and broke through the window. Then Chick stood up on his tiptoes and saw the sun.

    And under it is a yard, adult birds and an unfamiliar chick.

    Hey Chyp! said the stranger. - Come out into the street: we'll fight, we'll flop.

    Hush! said the mother hen. And suddenly I noticed:

    You look! They all look the same!

    It's okay, - answered the chicken named ZyTs. - We're twins. Right, Brother Chick?

    Right, right! Chyp rejoiced. We will never be bored.

    And they ran to the other chickens.

    Figures, daredevils, motorcycle, circus, chicken, gypsies, citrus, cucumbers, well done, chicks, compasses, wrestlers, zinc, starlings, singers.




    CONCLUSION: After C we write the letter AND ______________________________________________________


    After C we write the letter Y ____________________________________________________________



    We are nimble sisters
    Run fast masters.
    In the rain - we lie down.
    We run into the snow.
    Here is our regime.

    Fathers raise babies
    They put in a motor car,
    Driven in the front seats
    Somewhere in the circus or cinema.
    And the children are solid and important
    Looking into the tram window.

    Birds, birds, how are you?
    Birds, birds, what are you drinking?
    - Well, as long as we live,
    Drinking raindrops
    And we sing songs to you
    Mornings and evenings.

    On a walk
    two chickens,
    Three goslings
    We went out to the river for a walk.
    The girl counted them:
    One two three four five!
    And three goslings swam -
    Their goose can not catch up!
    Only two chickens left
    Sunbathe on the sand.

    Three goslings returned
    The girl began to count:
    three goslings,
    Two chickens -
    Now there are five again!

    Here is one or one,
    Very thin as a needle.

    And here is the number two.
    love what it's like

    Arches the deuce of the neck,
    Tail dragging behind her.

    And behind the deuce - look -
    The number three comes up.

    What kind of station is this?
    Dibuny or Yamskaya?
    And from the platform they say:
    - This is the city of Leningrad.
    He shouted: What a joke!
    I'm on my second day
    And I came back
    And he came to Leningrad!
    Here's how scattered
    From Basseinaya Street!

    (groups 1 and 2 are additionally given a form to fill in the results of the reasoning)








    CONCLUSION: After C we write the letter AND ________________________________


    After C we write the letter Y _______________________________




    4. Simulation method

    (Groups post their work on the board. Then the responsible person comes out and tells what conclusion they made from their observations, how they wrote it down. It turns out that there are exception words.)

    As a result, we draw a general conclusion:

    After C we write the letter Y at the end of the word.

    After C we write the letter I in the middle of the word.

    The letter Y after C is written in the middle of a word in words


    As a result of comparison, conclusions, we formulate a rule and create a model of this rule.)


    CI ………. ………..TSY

    (circus) (cucumbers)







    The guys then copy this model into their notebook of discoveries.

    III. Reflective-evaluative stage

    What important discovery did we make today? (Say the rule)

    Can we fulfill Znayka's request now? (Yes)

    Let's take Dunno's story and check it carefully again.

    What did we get? (Children read and explain)

    You and I are great. The rule was opened, the essay was checked. Did Dunno become smarter from this? (No)

    Can we help him? (Yes)

    How can I do that? (Tell him this rule and teach him how to use it)

    Let's make a deal. First, you should try to teach your relatives at home this way of designating the sound Y after Ts. Then we will teach Dunno.

    Tomorrow we'll find out what you did.

    And we need this rule only in order to teach Dunno? (To be literate ourselves)

    Were you interested today?

    What do you remember the most?

    I also enjoyed working with you. Thank you for your cooperation.

    (In the next lesson, during the research work, the model is transformed. We find out that this method works for the stressed vowel sound Y after Ts. In other cases, this is a different rule. The model is being transformed and the method is being worked out.)

    Russian language lesson in grade 3


    Lesson type : a lesson in consolidating knowledge.

    Used technologiesKeywords: technologies of activity learning, student-centered learning, pedagogy of cooperation, information and communication technologies, TRIZ, problem-dialog learning, technology for the development of critical thinking.

    Lesson Objectives : to create conditions for the active consolidation of writing combinations of QI and QI, taking into account the structure of the word and the meaning of morphemes.

    Lesson objectives:

    1. Educational:

    2. Developing:

    Development of attention;

    3. Educational:

    Creation of a favorable atmosphere of support and interest, respect and cooperation;

    Formation of UUD.

    Cognitive UUD

    Regulatory UUD


    Equipment: cards for individual work, computer, presentation, visualization for board design.

    1. Org.moment

    My friends, I am very glad to enter your friendly class. And for me, the reward is the attention of your intelligent eyes. I wish you a great mood and good success in this lesson. And what do we learn in Russian lessons? (Correctly, beautifully, correctly speak and write). To prepare our tongues to give only correct and competent answers, let's start the lesson with a tongue twister, which will also cheer us up.

    (Slide 1)

    How I like you!

    For what?

    For smiling.

    How I like you!

    For what?

    For shaking hands.

    How I like you!

    For what?

    Don't pretend at all

    Trying to understand me

    You're coming towards me!

    1. Updating of basic knowledge.

    1) A poem is given on the cards and on the slide. Let's read it.

    C.filok performed in the C.R.K.

    He played the ts.mbala,

    I rode on a motorcycle,

    And ts.fr he knew a lot.

    He got out of the central lindra

    Carrot and cucumber.

    And only one did not know

    Where do they write TSY, where is QI:

    Collection.i, Tit.n,

    Special me and Bird.

    Guys, do you understand all the words in this poem? How can we find out the meaning of words we do not understand? (Use a dictionary). Guys, how can I find the meaning of the desired word in the dictionary? This is probably a very long time, because there are a lot of words in the dictionary, until we read everything. (All words in the dictionary are in alphabetical order). Now we need to find in the dictionary the meaning of the words “cylinder” and “cymbals”, they both start with C, how to find out which word will be in the dictionary first? (Look at 2 and then at 3 letters, the word "cylinder" will come before the word "dulcimer").

    Two students read out the meanings of words from the explanatory dictionary. The sound of cymbals is turned on.

    1. Setting the goal of the lesson.

    1) What did the chicken not know from this poem? Do you know? Today I invite you to become connoisseurs of the Russian language in the lesson and play the game “What? Where? How?".

    So, what will be the theme of our game? - "Spelling of combinations TSY and TSI. Reinforcement."

    What is our goal? – “Exercise in the correct spelling of words with combinations of Qi and Qi”

    And during the lesson we will answer three questions from the name of our game.


    WHERE should I check?


    Let's answer the first question:

    What should be checked? Letters of vowels Y or And after Ts..

    Where should I check? At the root, ending or suffix.

    How to check? Apply the rule.

    1. The solution of the educational problem.
    1. Let's now recall the rule about the spelling of combinations of TSY and QI. To do this, there are signs on the board, from which you need to make a rule.

    What you need to know to correctly write the letter of the vowel after C? (in what part of the word is the spelling)

    If [TSY] is in the root, then we write QI, except for the words of exceptions: gypsies, chicks, tsyknut, chicken, tsyts.

    If [TSY] is in the ending, we write Y.

    If [TSY] is in the suffix -YN - we write Y.

    If [TSY] is in nouns ending in –tion, we write I.

    And now, who can, using the diagram on the board, tell when, after C, we write S, and when I. (Students' answers)

    1. And now, applying this rule, let's complete the task. (Two students take turns going to the board (they work with the words “circus”, “collection”, then four go out and work in pairs, one pair chooses words with the letter Y, the other pair of words with the letter I) go out and work in pairs, the rest work in pairs in the card) Check.

    Reflection. Rate yourself. If you completed this task without difficulty and errors, draw a smiley face on the top step, if you made one mistake, then on the middle step, and if it was difficult for you to complete this task, then on the bottom step.

    1. Primary fastening. Pair work.
    1. Guys, next to the words of the first column, I will put a question mark. Why do you think? I'll tell you - put the emphasis on these words. (The student at the blackboard puts the stress on the words, the rest in the notebook). What did you notice? What two groups can these words be divided into? (On words where the combination of QI is under stress, and on words with an unstressed combination of QI).
    1. Now do this task. (on cards). Insert the missing letters, select a test word, sort the words by composition. Three pairs of children work at the blackboard.

    chain, rated, digital

    So what conclusion can be drawn? Is it always possible to write in the root of a word after the letter I? (No, not always, if under stress - then we write AND or S in exception words, and if without stress - then you need to either check or look in the dictionary)

    1. Fizminutka
    1. Independent work. Test.

    Now let's check how you can apply the rule. Let's do our own work. Insert the missing letters into the words.

    Fox.n, portion.I, chick, prince, c.film, finger, c.fry, cucumber, c.rk, c.kat, c.rkul, dance..

    Examination. Reflection.

    1. Inclusion of new knowledge in the knowledge system and repetition.
    1. The well-known teacher of the Russian language and literature, Julius Anatolyevich Khalfin, wrote a poem in which he collected words for the rule we were working on today. Let's read it.

    The chickens lay on the mat all day.

    The chickens suffered terribly from scurvy.

    Gypsies tiptoe them to the hospital.

    Doctor Tsibulei ordered them to be treated there.

    Explain the meaning of the highlighted words. How did the doctor order the chickens to be treated for scurvy? This item is in my box. It comes in red, white, green, and even pearl. But the most popular is onion. What is this? (Onion)

    (There was a doctor in a dressing gown, like a beetle in a shell.

    “Tsibulya,” he said, “is not a potion, but an onion.”)

    Mat - A dense wicker product made of straw, reeds for laying on the floor, for packaging.

    Scurvy - A disease caused by a lack of vitamins in the body and manifested in loosening and bleeding of the mucous membrane of the gums, in musculo-vascular pain, weakness

    1. Onions, like other vegetables or fruits, are very beneficial for our health. Let's come up with riddles about vegetables or fruits, and we will get a kind of vitamin salad of riddles that we will hang on the board. And in order for us to get a riddle, we need to fill in such a table. In the first column write down the words that answer the question what? (onion), and in the second - what is the same. Let's practice.
    1. Now try to write a riddle about any vegetable or fruit. You can do it on your own, or in a pair or group. Children write riddles, several riddles are read out.
    1. Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

    Was today's lesson helpful for you? How?

    What tasks do you think you need?

    What tasks did you find difficult?

    What tasks did you enjoy?


    1. Write out three phraseological units from the dictionary with words with combinations of Tsy and Qi, write down the sentences.
    2. Come up with tasks for classmates on the topic “Spelling TSY and TSI”. (Vocabulary dictation, flashcards, crossword, text for cheating with missing letters, test)


    To use the preview of presentations, create a Google account (account) and sign in: https://accounts.google.com

    Slides captions:

    Russian language lesson Grade 3 Spelling TSY and TSI. Consolidation.

    How I like you! - For what? - For smiling. - How I like you! - For what? - For shaking hands. - How I like you! - For what? - You do not pretend at all, You try to understand me, You go towards me!

    C.filok performed in the ts.rk He played the ts.mbalah, He rode on a motorcycle, And he knew a lot of ts.fr. He took out Carrots and cucumbers from the lindra. And I didn’t know only one thing, Where they write TSY, where QI: Collection. I, Sinits.n, Special I and Spits.n.



    WHAT should be checked? Letters of vowels Y or AND after C. WHERE should I check? In the root, suffix, end of words. HOW should I check? Apply the rule.

    CHECK YOURSELF! foxes s n portions and chicks s princes s ts s films fingers s ts and fries cucumbers s y rk ts s roll ts and rk ts s

    The chickens lay on the mat all day. The chickens suffered terribly from scurvy. Gypsies tiptoe them to the hospital. Doctor Tsibulei ordered them to be treated there. There was a doctor in a dressing gown, like a beetle in a shell. “Tsibulya,” he said, “is not a potion, but an onion.”

    We make a riddle Fill in the table which? (bow) what (who) is the same? Round ball Bitter medicine Useful milk From him cry resentment 2 . Connecting what is written in both columns of the table with words but not, read the riddle

    Round, but not a ball. Bitter, but not a cure. Useful, but not milk. They cry from him, but not resentment.


    Self-analysis of the lesson of the primary school teacher Nosova Anna Lvovna


    Russian language


    3rd grade

    the date of the


    Lesson topic

    Spelling TSY and QI. Consolidation.

    Lesson type

    Consolidation lesson.

    Technologies used in the lesson

    • Technology of pedagogical cooperation

    Problem-Dialogue Learning Technology

    • TRCM
    • TRIZ
    • Health saving technologies
    • Person-Centered Approach

    Methods by source of knowledge

    • verbal;
    • practical;
    • visual

    Methods by the level of cognitive activity

    • reproductive (reproduction of previously acquired knowledge during the conversation);
    • partially search.

    Methods of mental activity

    • analysis;
    • synthesis;
    • observation;
    • comparison;
    • generalization.

    Learning principles

    • the principle of a differentiated approach;
    • the principle of visibility;
    • the principle of accessibility (the material is selected taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of students).

    Motivation for learning at different stages of the lesson

    • emotional methods - encouragement, creating a situation of success;
    • cognitive methods - a creative task;
    • social methods - creating a situation of mutual assistance, cooperation.

    Forms of work

    Pair and group, collective, individual

    Lesson Objectives : to create conditions for the active consolidation of writing combinations of QI and QI, taking into account the structure of the word and the meaning of morphemes.

    Lesson objectives:

    1. Educational:

    To fix the spelling algorithm for letter combinations TSY and TSI;

    Repeat morphemic analysis of words;

    Enrich students' vocabulary;

    Improve spelling knowledge and skills.

    2. Developing:

    Implementation of a system-activity approach;

    Development of critical thinking;

    Development of attention;

    Development of the ability to formulate and prove one's point of view;

    Development of skills to analyze, compare, generalize;

    Develop the ability to apply new knowledge;

    Development of creative, speech abilities of students;

    Formation of logical skills;

    Development of the ability to rely on the studied material;

    Development of group and pair work skills.

    3. Educational:

    Raising interest and respect for the native language;

    Education of a value attitude to the word;

    Creation of a favorable atmosphere of support and interest, respect and cooperation;

    Interaction of students in group and pair work: development of respect for each other.

    Formation of UUD.

    Cognitive UUD

    1. We develop the ability to extract information from diagrams, illustrations, texts.

    2. Present information in the form of a diagram.

    3. Reveal the essence, features of objects.

    4. Based on the analysis of objects, draw conclusions.

    5. Generalize and classify by signs.

    Regulatory UUD

    1. Evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task.

    3. Predict future work.

    4. To carry out cognitive and personal reflection.


    1. Formation of the ability to listen and hear.

    2. The ability to clearly and clearly express one's opinion, to build speech structures.

    3. The ability to build productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults.

    When constructing a lesson, I used the following principles: scientific, problematic, visual, active, accessible, systematic and consistent.

    To achieve the goals of the lesson, I have chosen: methods of means - problematic (language material), visual (cards for pair work, table, diagram).

    At this lesson, work was carried out on the formation of universal educational activities.

    Work done in the lesson:

    By mastering the skills and abilities of oral and written speech;

    By spelling;

    By parsing the word by composition.

    The theme, purpose, content of the lesson correspond to the level of learning of students' knowledge and the level of formation of their skills. Each stage of the lesson was a continuation of the previous one and preparation for the next one.

    The didactic task of each stage, its content, teaching methods and techniques, forms of organizing the cognitive activity of students and the real result are organically interconnected.

    I tried at the lesson to create an atmosphere of openness, goodwill, co-creation and communication, including the emotional sphere of the child.

    The use of ICT technology made it possible to increase the motivation of students, to present the studied material on the topic more clearly (it is well known that with the complex perception of information with the help of the organs of vision and hearing, the amount of information received increases to 65%), independent work made it possible to quickly track the progress of students on the topic .

    I think that the lesson corresponds to the set goals and objectives. The children coped with the proposed tasks in the lesson, which means that the goal of the lesson was achieved.

    The following teaching methods were used in the lesson: visual-illustrative, control (self-control, self-assessment), verbal, practical. For the effective systematization of knowledge, the method of drawing up a diagram was used, which children will use in the following lessons, which contributes to the development of logical actions: analysis, synthesis, generalization.

    I used learning technologies that meet the requirements of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standards: student-centered learning, cooperation pedagogy, information and communication, TRCM, TRIZ, health-saving technologies, problem-based dialogue learning.

    Student activity was at a high level. The material is learned, as the children were able to apply the acquired knowledge. In the lessons, I try to develop the independence of students, from independent goal-setting to summing up.

    The student assessment system that was presented (self-assessment sheet) is very effective because children are activated and everyone sees the result of their activities and can evaluate themselves.

    The lesson plan is complete. I think that the time in the lesson was distributed rationally.

    I try to give a positive emotional attitude at the beginning and at the end of each lesson, which creates a so-called situation of success for each student, which means that there is more desire to learn, and, therefore, to master the material well.

    The lesson had the character of benevolent cooperation both between the teacher and the students, and among the students.

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